Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "The Stranger" starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler, Kirsten Vangsness and Rachel Nichol.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments :)


  1. Can't wait for this episode!

    Although I miss Prentiss/PB, these recent episodes have been improving in quality (in comparison to most eps this season).

    (also, thank you to those of you who helped me define profiling last week. Sorry I waited so long to say thanks)

  2. Ugh. I WANT information about the season finale...any one know or have ideas? Are we gonna wrap up Reid's migraine story line or what?

  3. happyme111, here is a link to a spoiler regarding the season finale. It doesn't mention anything about Reid's headaches, but I sincerely hope that they will either wrap up that story in one of the remaining episodes left in the season, if not the season finale. I just feel this has been dragging on for too long now and there needs to be some sort of resolution to it prior to entering into a new season.

  4. Looking fwd. to new epi - oh, yeah.

    Keep the music ideas coming, this could be a fundraiser, ya know...:)

  5. Just reading the blurp about the rebroadcast from 12/8/10:
    Intro of PASS.

    OMG, I did not realize it had been that long. With all the holidays and reruns in between, I lost track. Oh, how we have suffered.

    Please, CBS, go back to the old team and the old writers and we would be so happy!

    Anonymous 44

  6. [Just incredibly grateful at last to see Hotch in pix/clips. I don't want any more epis without the unit chief.]

    Looking forward to seeing whether we see a three-dimensional Erin Strauss or she's still locked into playing the behind-the-scenes Big Bad.

    How about some more team-centric epis, CBS? If I wanted UnSub-centric I would go watch USA Network.

  7. Yeah, this waiting will kill me one day i swear. Caffeine overdose and Hotch withdrawal- either way i'm going to hell. At least i see his ickle face in one pic, so he's there. Whether it's going to be S6 Hotch (barely there) or a little more i don't know, but at least it's not going to be another 25 to life, TG (Thank God ;0))

  8. I am just looking forward to seeing another new episode. I never get tired of seeing Hotch and the team.

  9. For Strauss I think micromanagaing helps her feel in control as does being a stickler for the rules. It is a way for her to feel in control and to lord control over others.

    The point of her assigning a probationary agent to the team is way out of character for someone like Strauss, way out of character. Strauss is a bureaucrat to the core and would not do this, she simply would not, unless there were not some nefarious reason behind it. I would hate to see Strauss also being written out of character because of the Seaver character so I am hoping that there is a nefarious reason that is in line with Strauss character, a reason that will be resolved by the end of the season so as to make room for the experienced profiler Hotch said the team needed and that he seemed determined to fill.

    I hope Hotch makes it clear to Strauss, as he did to Rossi, that Seaver does not cut it experience wise for the team and as such they need to find someone who can fill that spot. Hotch made it more than clear that they need an experienced profiler on the team and I don't want another out of character moment like the 25 to life episode where Hotch magically accepted that the cadet, after the disastrous first case, complete her remedial training at the BAU, via e-mail of course.

    Whether that profiler be JJ or not, an experienced profiler needs to step in. I'm hoping that it will be JJ. If Prentiss and JJ were to return, fantastic! I love Garcia, but she just simply must stop presenting the cases, not that she can't do it, just that it doesn't come across well, at least not to me. JJ needs to come back as a profiler or Media Liaison, doesn't matter, she just needs to come back ASAP!

  10. I kind of felt like Reid's headache story was tied up (for now) in "With Friends Like These" when they showed the shot of him sleeping peacefully on the plane.

    The President is supposed to make a speech on Wednesday. Anyone know what time or what's going to get pre-empted to make room for him?

  11. Eva - about Strauss, I wonder if she's going to try to use Seaver as her spy on the team. She tried it with Prentiss when she first started, remember? Strauss is very ambitious and scared to death that Hotchner stands in the way of her ambitions (to be head of the FBI). Prentiss was strong and honorable enough to resign rather than be her stooge, but I doubt Seaver will have the same backbone. OTOH, Hotch will totally see this coming.

    That's my hope for a resolution, anyhow.

  12. Gubegirl,

    my song ideas are for future songs that should be showcased on CM and fit the cast and characters and tone of the show. I will let you know if it was actually in an episode.

    Looking forward to this ep. I like when Strauss is in the eps. Hate the character but love the contrast and love Hotch's scenes with her. Jayne Atkinson is a great, amazing actress. SHe was wicked in 24 as well.

    Stuass is a great example, btw, of someone who can play a well written but despised character by a great actress who gives it her all and fits the rolse perfectly. Just an fyi and to highlight some important parallels between disliked and loved and well written characters. Sublte reference to PASS just in case anyone doesnt get where I'm going with this.

  13. Anonymous,

    Anonymous 44 never, to my knowldge said that he or she was "suffering" from watching the show. And since when did wishing things were back to the way that they were and should have been left some indication of no longer wanting to see the show, or suffering as you call it????

    Anonymous 44 is dissatisfied with the turn of events just are other people. Unless Anonymous 44 stated that he or she was suffering, please don't jump to that conclusion.

    I too am dissatisified with the course of events at CBS and CM. I think it was a poor decision to make the changes that they have, changes that are in my opinion not worth a damn and haven't enhanced one single thing. I'll continue to watch the show until I feel I can no longer watch it and would appreciate it if people wouldn't try and dictate when I should stop watching a show. I have a voice and I am using to say that I think CBS and CM made boneheaded choices that there is still time to fix and I pray that they do socoming into season 7. Also, stop jerking TG and SM around and give them what they deserve contract wise!

  14. Here's my quibble with the whole "we need an experienced profiler" thing:

    What is an experienced profiler? Well, Rossi, Hotch, Reid, and Morgan are currently "experienced profilers." But how did that come about? Well, they joined the team first, and then they gained experience. With the exception of Rossi, nobody joined the team already an "experienced profiler." And not only were they not experienced, they also were not profilers. As far as we know, their backgrounds had nothing to do with profiling. (And I am talking about the science of profiling, not "being an FBI agent" - two very different things). All of that came after joining the BAU. So who exactly are they looking for unless they want to hire another Rossi?

  15. I don't think Strauss will try to use Seaver to spy. They already did that. However, in the clip they showed Seaver kind of lingering behind the group looking at Strauss with curiosity, so I'm wondering if there will be some kind of encounter.

  16. Eva Hotch also said seaver has potential. I agree with him. She is still in development

  17. Wrong Atticus.. they all came in with experience and qualifications from their respectiive fields that lend to the crafting of profiles. See seasons 1- through 5.

    With the exception of Reid, who is an uber genius and that is why he was exempted into the team, they ALL came in with the necessary experience, background and qualifications to join this specialized team.

    There is a reason there are qualifications and experience put in place that must be met PRIOR to joining such a team. Just as with any specialization, there is a certain amount of knowledge, qualifications, and experience that is expected of one to bring to the table. Again, Reid's brilliance and resume speaks for itself. he is an extraordinary person that would be exempted anywhere he goes because of his one in a billion genius.

  18. An experience profiler would have years of experience in the field in another unit, such as counterterrorism, organized crime, or anything else solving cases and tracking serial killers. Cases that the BAU does not or are unable to handle, any rookie cases, years on the desk even, the profiler classes, all those would give experience before joining the BAU.
    People like Reid are understandable geniuses who are exceptions to not just the BAU but the FBI as well. Even someone who was actaully a victim or went through something traumatic. PASS is a pass becuase she has none of these.
    NO, she was NOT an victim becuase her father was a sk. He treated her well for the most part and she had a happy childhood until that particular revelation came about.
    PASS does not belong in any way, shape or form and there are no logical reasons that she should be there and no validity for the other characters acting out of character becuase the writers have to make room for PASS.

    Other songs that should be showcased, anything by RED, in particular : Break me Down, Already Over,Out from Under and Take it all Away. These are great for any of the characters, especially Reid and Hotch as they have been through the most!

  19. Hotchie, I could have potential to become a supervisor at my job, doesn't mean that I SHOULD become a supervisor, just means that I may show promise to ONE DAY become a supervisor. I still have a ways to go to become a supervisor.

  20. Maribel,
    Profiling is a science. It's not something you innately know. You have to study it. That's why the real BSU requires an advanced degree in psychology or a related field. None of them have that. Like I said, I wasn't talking about being an experienced FBI agent, I was talking about being an experienced profiler. Not the same. Also, qualifications from their "respective fields" such as law does not qualify one for a specialized science like profiling.

  21. Optika,
    I was not talking about Seaver? I was talking about the rest of the team, and the potential future team member.

  22. Hotchie,

    that line was OUT OF CHARACTER FOR HOTCH. Remember when Emily first joined the team, even when Rossi came back Hotch tore Rossi a new one explaining the signinfcant changes in the BAU. Seaver should have had enough persoanlity in her first 3 eps which were technically designed for her little "arc". PASS is a no go!

  23. some of these has nothing to do with the episode
    we should talk abot it

  24. so you have said millions of times optika we get it

  25. Sorry Atticus,

    actually, to be a profiler you can have a degree in anything, they just prefer a social science but experience and FBI classes take care of the rest. There is a featurette in the first season dvds that explains it by Jim Clemente. To be a profiler though, you have to have a certain spark.

  26. Ok whatever anonymous, please pick a name. And since i'm on, I'm providing feedback like many other people do and if I'm restating my opinions doing so, then fine.

    I have metioned what I want to see in this episode in my first post though. Hopefully it will have plenty of Hotch and Reid. Hoepfully it is a well written episode. It looks a bit like the Scream movies in a way.


  28. All I'm really saying is, Rossi is probably the only one who could be called an "experienced profiler" when he [re]joined the team. I can hardly see them trying to do that story again.

    I wonder if one of the two female agents in the finale spoilers might be potential new members.

  29. Attics, they all have a diverse set of qualifications from other fields, such as Morgan who was a police officer. That helps greatly in profiling because they are similiar in nature. Yes, profiling is a science, an art, that has to be learned but the show has NEVER indicated that they haven't studied these things prior to joining the BAU. Hotch mentioned to JJ if she wanted to take the profiling classes, so he'd mention that to her, but to everyone else they didn't have to take such classes or at the minimun have a degree that is comparable to that field, including the years of experience and qualifications????

    Seaver CLEARLY hasn't done any of this, not one thing. She is as green as they come; that has been made more than clear. She is no genius like Reid that merits a pass to be on the team. They are dozens, if not hundreds, of people that are probably waiting to get on that team (as they have indicated before on the show) who DO have the background, experience and qualifications to be on the team. They should be there, not a probationary rookie agent who should be in the field gaining the necessary experience as well as taking the classes. There is a standard to be a part of that team, a standrad that she doesn't meet and in no way warrants a pass to bypass.

  30. Sorry Crimnal Minds Fan was typing my reply as you were probably putting your message up.

  31. In my previous life (BC:), I worked in Human Resources and have hired a number of people, from entry level to upper mgmnt. There are always a certain number of qualifications that go into a job description, and for anything other than entry level positions, we would outline the educational requirements and prev job experience necessary to fill the job opening. There might be possibility of having different degrees, but they would be sim: i.e., EE, CS, math, for, say, a spot in engineering, and then the number of years of experience doing the job, which would be PERTINENT, meaning skills that were prev. learned that could be applied at our company. Only certain jobs, i.e. on special equipment, would be insisted upon, if the applicant filled the job req otherwise. References were also a huge factor to determine a good fit.

    Book learning and degrees can only go so far. It can be very hard to take what a person has learned and apply it on the job and get practical experience - that first REAL job can be tough.

    As I have stated before, I think that JJ has enough hands-on exp already working with the team on a daily basis to handle being a profiler. Her prev. education and training got her in the door at the BAU, the rest is on-the-job exp. that would include her interpersonal, people and communication skills, all of which JJ has in abundance.

    I don't pretend to know the reqs to be a BAU profiler and we all know that they have bent the rules before and will certainly do so again, but in general, I am telling you that the hiring decision-makers are doing their hiring based on the way I just described. Also, as I said before, sometimes a great attitude and disposition and "fit" for the "climate" of the organization can preclude the number years of req. experience if the hiring manager is so inclined to take on someone he/she feels is worthwhile and will work well with his other employees.

    Sorry Criminal Minds Fan, to digress so but if this helps to better explain and end this argument about the poss of JJ's return, well, we can only hope.

    I hope that we get to learn more about Reid and his headaches and I LOVE seeing Strauss! I love to hate that woman - isn't that weird? She is a great actress; I think she wants to do a good job and that she cannot resist micro-managing. But there is something about her that I actually distrust and I think it goes back to the hiring of Emily/mole thing. Why Rossi can deal with her as well as he does could be because he is such an old-timer and doesn't care what she thinks - he is over looking to be promoted, you know?

    Must go get some work done! Later.

  32. I'm really looking forward to this episode, as the case seems especially creepy from the promos. I always love the episodes that remind me of horror movies.

    I am curious just what Strauss is up to in this episode, and I'm very interested to see if she watches the team during the case and what her assessment of everything is. I really hope they also address why Strauss somehow feels that Ashley is the solution to the BAU's problem like Hotch stated last episode. That is so OOC for her, so the only plausible option is that she has some agenda and Ashley is part of it. I highly doubt she would ask Ashley to spy for her, because the show already did that storyline.

    Though I want the Ashley issue addressed, I hope her screen time is limited. Every time she says something on screen, I just want to yell "shut up" and that is not a good reaction to have when watching my favorite show. I feel (yes, I'm using an "I" statement, so I don't generalize to other viewers) that the writers give her lines that are supposed to indicate some innate knowledge of profiling even though she's barely studied anything, or she says the most useless thing that just makes me feel the writers are giving her lines, because they can't just have her sit in the corner and play with a ball of yarn. What's funny is she's usually wrong. Yeah, she's a newbie, but I would rather have my screen time filled up with intelligent profiling rather than inane questions or statements that don't really contribute anything to the overall case. So I'm hoping Ashley doesn't play a central role in this episode, so I can just tune her out and enjoy what I think will be a really good episode (this episode was written by two really great writers, so my hopes are high). :)

  33. Gubegirl,

    My personal feelings about Rossi and Strauss is at minimum they have a long history together. It wouldn't surprise me if he was her boss at one point, so he trained her, and knows all about her. He's not afraid of her, because she has no power over him or his career. Of course in the back of my mind, I picture them have a brief but torrid, angry love affair (there's just too much heat in their eyes when they are sparring). He's one of the original profilers and a superstar, so he's pretty safe to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't screw up royally on the job and embarrass the FBI.

  34. @ gubegirl, thanks for the HR information! JJ not only had the required experience and qualifications necessary to initially be considered for the team (Very Important), throughout the years, she has built upon the experience and qualifications that she initially had that would more than aid in her stepping into be a profiler should they decide to write her in as one.

    @ LaShawna, for me, you can change that "I" to "We" with regard to everything that you said; I agree 100%.

    I'm not sure who the writers of this episode are, haven't looked that up. Whoever they are, I hope they did a good job on the script!

    I also think there is some sort of torrid past between Rossi and Strauss. I can't shake the feeling that there was such a past between them and that maybe contributes to the way he is able to speak with her. Nobody speaks to Strauss the way Rossi does; I love it :) My question is would this past, if one exists, have intersected between one or both of their marriages. I think Strauss has been married to the same man for what seems like a long time and has 3 children, right? Rossi has been married 3 times, so I'm thinking the past that I feel existed between them intermingled with their marriages and maybe because of one or both of their marriages ended badly. Whatever their connection, I would like to find out what is the underlying relationship between Rossi and Strauss.

  35. I definetley agree that JJ can come back as a profiler becuase of all the experience she has had and everything she learned. In the episode In name and Blood from season 3, she was the one who suggested that maybe they should look at the child in order to find the unsub becuase the trauma would manifest more in him, and she was right. She didnt soud sure either, she asked it as more than just suggesting it. IT was a sweet but definitve and sublte momnet for our JJ. PASS always sounds so sure and always turns out to be so wrong.

    Btw, for all the THe Inside fans, there was an ep in the show, I believe it was the final episde where Rebecca talks about how cutting gives a release and makes things feel more controllable.
    Even RN should have known that whoever wrote those lines for PASS in Today I do was WRONG. Just pointing it out.

    I have changed my mond about RN as an actress for the most part, based on her other work, but I have not changed my mind about PASS.

    And even though JJ said in North Mammon that she liked her role as the liason, she can change her mind.

  36. FOr me, I will continue to watch the show for Hotch, but if he goes, then as much as I love Reid, I probably will to.
    To make myself feel better though, I just come up with theories about what may be happening off screen. Specifically with Hotch.
    ALso, thankfully, there have been no more romantic indications of a Ried and Seaver hookup since Corazon. PASS really shouldnt have told Reid off in such a borderline hostile way.

  37. Anna, I can only answer for myself and the answer is I don't know. It is too early for me to say what I will or won't do. There are too many variables in the air. Moreover, I don't think that is a question that you, or actually anyone, should be throwing out here. The decision to watch or not watch is a personal one that if people want to share here, okay, if not, okay, but people shouldn't be put on the spot by any other poster.

    I will be terribly upset if TPTB continue with what I belive is a poor character decision. They have made one poor decision after another and it is entirely in their power to correct these decisions, at least insofar as the writers and AJ (AJ has, I believe made it clear that she would be willing to come back to the show at least to MGG). Paget is another story as it is up to her whether she wants to return or not.

  38. I have already stopped watching because of Seaver and one of my friends got 15 minutes into the episode before last (2 weeks ago) before she had to switch to watching Bones online instead. Seaver is like nails on a chalkboard.

  39. Mods, please delete Anna's post. It clearly has nothing to do with this week's episode.

  40. "Moreover, I don't think that is a question that you, or actually anyone, should be throwing out here. The decision to watch or not watch is a personal one that if people want to share here, okay, if not, okay, but people shouldn't be put on the spot by any other poster."

    I'm not putting anyone on the spot here, I'm asking a question, you answer if you want to. If you don't want to answer, feel free to ignore my post and move on to the next one.

  41. Sorry for the typos.

  42. LaShawna and Cindy: that could be a great storyline: Rossi & Strauss - the OTHER Erin! Hah! I have always thought that was funny: Aaron Hotchner and Erin Strauss! We have longed to know about any/all of Rossi's wives/marriages for a LONG time so why not now? I have to wonder if any poss one of his divorces was a result of his having an affair...and also if his leaving the bureau the first time could have been caused by this? Anyone 'member if a reason was ever given for his termination? I can almost picture Rossi acting cocky/snide when he re-met Strauss upon his return - do you guys?

    I, personally, would love to see something along this line. Rossi is such a cool guy, I think he would be great fun to be around,
    just leave those temples slightly gray: the stark dramatic look of total black does not suit him!

    A quickie re: PASS: In the recent epi when Hotch or someone read that the unsub wore gloves and she blurted out (more like declared) "He's organized!" I so wanted to smack her. Sometimes you just to reach thru that screen and make things right, ya know?!

    Back to tomorrow's show: I have wondered about Strauss and any method to her madness re: PASS also. Maybe that would explain her under-qualification: she is a plant. Emily didn't work out for her purposes and now she's gone anyway, so let's stick a young underling in there, one that is very non-threatening and see what I can dig up? kind of reasoning. What do you think?

    We've about picked the Reid and his H.A. story to death, but in today's paper there's an article about the 3 most common types of headaches: tension and cluster neither one fit. The migraine one might, is often genetic (did mom have H.A.'s too?) altho' more women than men suffer from them
    (4-1), 15% sufferers can exp "neuro symptoms: bright flashes, broken or kaleidoscope vision, garbled speech, muscle weakness, balance probs and numbness." Harder to diagnose, and exacerbated by stress (our boy has a little:)

    Blimey Limey: today's news also filled with the horrors going on in Mexico; drug wars causing incredible violence, prolific and widespread are "all up and down the border." Best you touch down in Canada this yr, my dear, take my word for it: it is beautiful and you won't be disappointed:)

  43. Sorry, I know this is off topic, but has anyone heard any news about TG and SM's contracts. Joe tweeted that they will begin shooting the series finale tomorrow and I find it disconcerting that there is no definitive news regarding their contracts. This is insane!!!

  44. Hmm...I hope this isn't like 100. That was a super good was really sad, though. Hopefully Strauss won't be too big a, (pardon my french) bitch about it. Hopefully she won't question Hotch or anyone on the team.

    Wondering if this will be Morgan centric because he was there with Prentiss as she begged him to let her go.

  45. Looking forward to this one. I agree with whoever it was (sorry, I've lost myself between the two open threads and can't find you again) whoever it was who said Strauss is a good woman who shows her caring in over-officious ways. I like her lots. She'd drive me mad in a minute, but there's definitely a heart in there. And I love the actress. She's so individual in her dealings with every member of the team. Love the frisson between her and Rossi.

    Agree with the consensus here too: about the 'something in the past' between her and Rossi, whether played out or unresolved. They enjoy sparring too much. The power relationship between the two makes me wonder just how tied down by the regulations Rossi would be, or how much influence he might have without any actual power granted by position.

    A-nd here I step away from the consensus. Astonished that in this short wee tiny cliplet people are finding issue with Seaver. How?! Ashley reminds me of the students when they're not yet sure what they think themselves so they tell you what they guess you want to know. No. Say what you really think/feel -- that's the right answer and it's why I was pleased with that scene that no one else liked between Rossi and Ashley in the Lauren episode. The one where he shakes it out of her.

    In the clip she seems anxious and a bit predictable -- the way she looks round after every statement to see if she got it right. It doesn't play to me like she's suddenly the powerful profiler, but rather that she's finding her footing (both with the technical stuff and with her sense of belonging) and the team is being beyond good in allowing her the time to get herself started. She'll come good with that kind of tutelage, I betcha.

    Atticus -- I got interested in your post about who has come to the BAU ready-trained and who comes as lawyer/cop/journalist/spy/tinker/tailor/soldier etc. They come from everywhere and find out on the job -- is that it? You have to do it in order to do it. That sheer-edged quality of the experience makes me really keen to know how profiling came into being first of all within the FBI. Where did it exist before, in what guise and to serve what purpose before these exact skills were put in harness to catch serial killers? What are the natural roots of the science?

    In my dream Rossi episode (of course, my dream episode is a Rossi-sode), this is what I'd love to see explored, perhaps with Gideon's guest star return too.

    But back to this episode -- is it just me or do they always seem to hide the main star of an episode in the clips? Hotch was first and foremost in the Kelli wotsit episode but not so you could guess from the promos, and this one is supposed to be a Morgan episode and lo and behold he's not even featured in the sneak-view. Piglets.

    UK viewer

  46. Great, she can get that tutelage as everyone else does on the field as a field agent, or in another respective field. There is something to be said about having the footing before you get into a specialized unit, not while your in it. You gain this through other experience and studies that collectively, over time, allow you to come in fully READY to be able to step up to the plate and contribute with the best of the best.

    When I go to a specialist of any sort, they had better be prepared to provide the type of specializtaion that I am looking for. Yes, that is a combination of books and experience, but the books and/or experience comes prior to being able to claim specialization. And forgive me, but in that clip she did not seem to be looking around looking for approval or whatever for her "contributions", but rather spouting out facts as if she were the experienced profiler that she is not and can't be. I don't watch this show as someone else said in another thread to watch the makings of a profiler, no, I come to see profilers. I am not interested in seeing ridiculous scenes where someone (Rossi) literally has to shake someone into gear. This is not the team for that kind of stuff, it simply isn't. If CBS wants to create a "Making of A Profiler" show, have at it, but CM, the BAU is not it.

    I hope there is minimal of that stuff going on in this week's episode, I really do.

  47. I would love to find out what the scandal is between Rossi and Strauss! maybe she was one of his three ex-wives? lol I know that isnt true but it sure would be a riot if it were. I agree with whoever siad that Rossi was probably Strauss' boss at one point. I think they defineityl had a romantic falling out of some sort. Jayne Atkinson is such a great actress and Strauss is a realistic character who from a tv stand point, is fun to dislike and when you think you hate her, she shows that she's not a stone cold biatch after all.

  48. Actually, 'Making a Profiler' would be a great show. Does anyone watch the CM spin off? Haven't watched it myself but if they had taken Roshini's idea instead, I just might have. Kind of fits to the discussion Atticus was starting us off on about how profiling is learned. Absolute experience is always intriguing.

    UK viewer

  49. Frankly, I was surprised at the response to my post because I wasn't trying to be controversial. I didn't even mention Seaver yet somehow people made it about that.

    I wasn't really referring to qualifications to join the BAU, but rather the specific phrase Hotch used: "experienced profiler." To me, I'm just not sure that exists outside of those already on the team.

  50. I agree with the Anonymous who is concerned with TG and SM's contracts. Who gives a crap if Seaver is in Season 7? Sure, I'd rather have her gone. Please oh please get rid of her. But for sure *I'll* be gone from CM's viewership if they don't renew Thomas Gibson. What the heck CBS!!! Stop the insanity!

  51. Yeah, what Roshini said. I'm here to watch Criminal Minds - NOT "The Seaver Show: Making of a Profiler". Gag.

  52. They should put everything that's been said about Seaver's qualifications in bullet points at the top of every thread. Then when someone gets the urge to post about how Seaver isn't qualified, they can look at the top of the thread, judge whether their post introduces anything different, and if not, refrain from posting. I think it would save us about 400 comments per thread.

  53. Optika, she's great isn't she!? I loved Strauss first of all back in the way, when she stood on that dead woman's hair and her reaction was one of natural horror. It was such a moment cos we were going from 'who does she think she is pushing herself into the field like this?' straight to pure connection with her. Every week there's a body (or two or three...) but that week you couldn't help but really know it because of Strauss's human reaction.

    The cold stone bitch stepped aside and the real woman showed through. Agree that Jayne Atkinson is terrific -- she always adds in energy despite the fact that her role could be seen as formulaic on the show. It never feels like a formula when she's there. I sit there and enjoy watching the sparks fly.


    UK viewer

    PS to Atticus, me, I'm constantly surprised by the intensity of feeling round here. And if I could wave a magic wand, I'd pazzazz all that intensity into positive liking for Reid, Hotch, Rossi, Strauss etc, or even Ashley if people are so moved. All this PASS stuff is subtly hurtful. Them's me feelings

  54. UK Viewer,

    I agree about the PASS stuff. A name means more than a lot of people think. To me, PASS is rather elementary name-calling, and more venomous than when people were wishing the sniper had shot her.

  55. I'm not at work this week (bliss...) so am going to have to rely on my back-up source (online) this week, which can be slow to appear. Never fear, I will get my fix.

    Oooooh, Strauss. I just hope they don't tone her down, she needs to be firing on all cylinders if you get my drift.

    @ Gubegirl. Haha! I'd also wondered if there's "history" between Rossi & Strauss, there's that oh-so fine line between love and hate. He has this ability to wind her up without getting wound up himself. Hmmmm, perhaps that's Rossi's secret??! I also agree about the hair, my Dad has the same colouring (he's got some Italian blood) and the greying at the temples really suits him, more so than old pictures where he's got all jet black hair.

    Also - Thanks for the heads-up on Mexico, I might have to think about taking my Pesos back to the bank! I'm touching down in Las Vegas this summer for my SW road trip, but hope to see part of Canada next summer as part of the (being planned) NW road trip. ;-)))))

    I hope the episode is a whodunnit, rather than the all too frequent unsub-heavy episodes we've been getting this season. However, if it's well-written and there's plenty of profiling & team interaction I'll be happy. Still hoping for a guest appearance from Sergio too!

    I also hope they'll tie up the loose ends of Reid's headache storyline, or at least show that a diagnosis or resolution is imminent. Any other secrets being revealed will be a bonus.

    Roll on Thursday afternoon/evening (my viewing time in this Third World nation)...

  56. I love Hotch said....

    I agree with the Anonymous who is concerned with TG and SM's contracts. Who gives a crap if Seaver is in Season 7? Sure, I'd rather have her gone. Please oh please get rid of her. But for sure *I'll* be gone from CM's viewership if they don't renew Thomas Gibson. What the heck CBS!!! Stop the insanity!

    Agree and would add SM too. CBS, get it together!!!!!!!

  57. Anonymous said..

    "UK Viewer,

    I agree about the PASS stuff. A name means more than a lot of people think. To me, PASS is rather elementary name-calling, and more venomous than when people were wishing the sniper had shot her."

    Sort of like "haters," no? Should be stopped on both ends. If you highlight one, you must highlight the other.

  58. (To be fair, the name PASS itself was very witty when Pat came up with it -- made me smile just cos she was so quick -- but it feels different when it goes round like this and becomes a sign of In or Out.

    UK viewer)

  59. Anonymous who agreed about Strauss,

    Atkinson is a wonderful actress. I was very upset when she didnt return to 24 for whatever reason, really loved Bill Buchanan on that show as well. Maybe he will guest star as Strauss' husband?

    As for PASS, its about the character, not the actress, and if viewers, myself included feel that taling about how unnecessary and unrealistic she is, hopefully the writers will take a hint and the producers. I try to pass on PASS topics but I cant help it if someone else mentions something that I feel the need to respond to and I try to be respectful and openminded. I did change my mind about RN as an actress...

    Anyway, I would be interested to see why Strauss is so controlling when it comes to Hotch as well.

  60. "UK Viewer,

    I agree about the PASS stuff. A name means more than a lot of people think. To me, PASS is rather elementary name-calling, and more venomous than when people were wishing the sniper had shot her."

    Really bad taste, sometimes I can't believe the things I've been reading here lately.

    This used to be a place where CM fans would get together to discuss the show, to support the show, the actors and the crew, now they get together to argue with each other and complain about the show and the new character.

    JJ has been gone for 18 episodes, Paget has a pilot and Seaver has been here for 10 episodes.

    That's the reality of the show, this is the show now.

    We all liked the show the way it was, but it's changed now.

    You don't like it anymore? That's fine. But stop making unbearable for us who still enjoy the show very much to say anything good about it.

    400 comments and you are lucky if you can find one in every 20 comments related to the episode.

    And I gotta say, I feel really sorry for anybody working on this show who may read this.

  61. Anyway, I would be interested to see why Strauss is so controlling when it comes to Hotch as well.

    It's been made pretty clear as to why Strauss has it in for Hotch. She has her eye on top leadership with the FBI and he stands in her way, or at least she fears that the brass would choose him over her.

    I don't think Rossi and Strauss have a sorted past. I think that Rossi doesn't have to be there and uses that to his advantage to not put up with her political B.S. She could threaten to fire him, but he wouldn't care and she knows that. Also, if she's not careful she might just end up in one of his books and not in a flattering way. ; )

    I'd be surprised if we see much more of her than we saw in the sneek peak. Perhaps something at the end maybe where we'll see her pushing the issue for further evaluations of the team.

  62. Renata, so only people who like every aspect of the show should comment here? Just want clarity on that because whether people like the show or not since the changes have been made, you will rarely get a consensus from a group of people on anything.

    I agree that there has been way to much emphasis on one particular aspect of the show now (Seaver character), but that I think goes to the overall frustration that some people are having not just with that character, but with other aspects of the show too that cannot be buried, and really, would not be honest to bury.

    I'm not trying to be combative by stating this, but like others, I am not a "put my hands up and accept whatever dross TPTB feel fit to throw my way whether or not my saying something about it will change things." Yes, JJ has been gone, Paget is working on a pilot that may or may not get picked up, and the Seaver character is here, but that in no way means that people should just resign themsleves to that without stating how they feel about that as those things effect episodes, they most certainly effect epiosdes. Whether anything will be done about it is something entirely different, but they do effect episodes and thus should be shared. I think it is vital that they get a 360 perspective regarding the changes that they have implemented and how some, like me, find those changes to be unacceptable and troublesome. Will what I think is dreck be the same as others, no, for some will disagree with me and that is fine, as long as we agree to disagree and it is done respectfully, that is fine. But to have people think, whether that be at the network or CM, or other viewers for that matter, that every one is peachy king with the changes is not being honest. Again, not all will agree, some think things are fine, and that is okay.

  63. "Renata, so only people who like every aspect of the show should comment here?"

    Lately, I feel like it's the exact opposite. If anyone here dares to defend the new character, the show or how things are right now, you get overwhelmed by the response you get.

    So if I say I don't mind Seaver, I have to put up with 5 straight messages with "but Seaver is a cadet, she shouldn't be in this elite team of profilers, every time I hear her say something I want to yell shut up" PASS this, PASS that.

    The thing is, we know all of that, and some of us choose to let it go so we can still enjoy the show.

    But we can't talk about it. Not here. Not anymore.

    People used to list stuff they loved about the episode here. You don't see that anymore.

    The show has change. And it will never be the same again.
    It's been a whole season.
    What if it lasts another 2? Then what do we get, 48 more episodes of these kind of comments?

    Maybe I'm kidding myself, but this used to be a fun message board and I wish it could go back to being that.

    But I'm aware I'm outnumbered.
    And people who still love the show for what it is today, not for what it was, have to leave so we can feel free to express ourselves.

  64. So far, my DVR is not showing that anything scheduled for tomorrow nite (Pres. speech?) that would preempt the new CM epi. I will keep watching to see if that changes.

    I am bummed, tho', that, according to the TV Guide, both April 20th and 27th are reruns - look like from last season. Which means we won't get #22 til May 4th, (if this wk is #21.) I think they usu end around May 20-something so they could squeeze in yet another rerun in May and still finish, with the #24, finale, on 5/25th instead of 5/18. Just speculating about that - So, the finale is at least 5 if not 6 weeks off. Sigh...

    Let's pass on the PASS subject til at least after The Stranger airs, ok, guys. What do you think?

  65. I think support means being honest, however that honesty may be for you or me. If your honesty is that you love everything about the show, great, but if you have serious issues with some aspects of the show, the supportive thing to do is share that in a respectful way. Just because I don't agree with everything that has been done with the show lately does not mean that I don't support the show. If it didn't, I wouldn't be here, but I have to be honest about what I think is going on. I think people are more appreciative of individuals who are honest in a respectful way than people who may have issues but in the name of "support" are not being forthcoming with those issues, no matter how many times they have to tell them the same thing.

    Hate to bring up another show, but can't think of a better example. It is like the first week of American Idol when you see those god awful singers who have people all around them who are "supporting" them by telling them that they sing just like Mariah Carey. Then what happens, they get in front of the judges and the judges have to tell them the truth. The reactions that these people have to that news comes, in part, because people all around them have refused to tell them what they know to be the truth; these people don't have the talent to sing and should pursue something else. Not saying this is an exact example, but I hope what I am saying is making sense. Not everybody feels that way, but for some they do.

  66. Atticus:

    I'm sure experienced profilers do exist outside the BAU. In NUMB3RS Megan had taken the classes to become a profiler and she was often asked by the others in their team, "What does the profile say?" So even though she wasn't in the BAU, she was still getting experience as a profiler and would have qualified for a position in the BAU. Duckie on NCIS has taken the classes as a profiler and Jethro has asked for his input more than once.

    I hope this is going to be a good episode where we don't know the unsub before the credits roll.

    I've always thought Rossi has something on Strauss and that's why she lets him get away with things. She is a perfect example to those who call those of us who are unhappy with PASS, haters. I totally dislike Strauss, but her character and Jayne Atkinson are wonderful and a great addition to the show. She's the woman we love to hate.

  67. Renata, I have seen people talk about their love for the episodes here, I haven't seen that change. But to be honest, when people say what their issues are with the Seaver character, the same 5 responses you say you get if you say you are fine with it are about the same that people get when they say what their issues are, so the knife cuts both ways. How things get out of control and distorted is when language like "haters" or phrases like "Pass" get used and it turns into a mess. It should be a situation where people, whether they agree with the new character or not, state their business respectfully. It gets disrespectful really quickly and it shouldn't be that way. People have to accept what other people's opinions are, it is that simple.

    But I think that it is important to understand that when you say that you support a character and another person disagrees, no matter the amount who disagree, that is just what they think and what you think. Also, to be clear, when things are said like a cadet and/or rookie can be on a team like the BAU, well, people are going to respond to that by providing whatever evidence or opinion they have to the contrary to say that is not correct. Even people who have expressed a liking for the character acknowledge that her placement on the team is not correct, but they still like her and that is okay. For others, that is not the case and that is also okay. That is not something that should put anyone off, it is just the nature of posting something and expecting an honest and hopefully respectful reply to what was said; this is where agreeing to disagree comes into play.

  68. Pat, it is interesting that you think that Rossi may have something on Strauss versus the love affiar angle. Is that right? I wonder if that could be true and what that could be. Strauss plays it close to the vest so to get something on her is impressive and must be huge! There is definitely something between Rossi and Strauss, definitely something.

  69. Gubegirl said...

    "I am bummed, tho', that, according to the TV Guide, both April 20th and 27th are reruns - look like from last season. Which means we won't get #22 til May 4th, (if this wk is #21.) I think they usu end around May 20-something so they could squeeze in yet another rerun in May and still finish, with the #24, finale, on 5/25th instead of 5/18. Just speculating about that - So, the finale is at least 5 if not 6 weeks off. Sigh..."

    Wow, that far off. I didn't think it would be thar far off.

  70. I'm really excited about this episode, if only because Strauss is going to be in it.
    Strauss is the character that brings conflict and she makes the team dynamic even more interesting to watch.

    I really wonder how it'll play out and what she'll say about the team assessment following the grieving counseling.

    In the sneak peek she also said that the team would be observed on the field. That's something who could be exceedingly interesting to see.

    I really can't wait for this episode.

  71. I like Seaver i really don't care what anybody says :-(

  72. lol @ Optika "trying to pass" on Seaver topics. It is rare that I see an Optika post that doesn't comment on Seaver/RN.

  73. Yeah Optika is kind of the bad seed when it comes to this subject. And its killing this blog :-(

  74. Seriously, come on, Oy, nobody is going to say anythng if you like Seaver Camilla; the issues have been with the fitness, or lack thereof in my and other people's opinion, of the characters presence on the show. Have you read anything here or on the other threads? Oy.

  75. Sort of like Michael, but on the other side....

  76. No, Camilla / Ben / Mikey. YOU are what's killing this blog :(

  77. I am changing my reason for wishing Seaver would leave to: so that Ben Mikey can leave with her.

  78. I agree with Renata. Part of the problem is that someone can just say something totally innocuous like "I liked Seaver's shirt in this episode" and it will get 10 replies that say "BUT SHE'S NOT QUALIFIED!!!" Or Atticus' post, for example that was talking about the future team member and not at all about Seaver, and it got turned into this whole Seaver qualifications issue. At some point it just gets tiresome and ridiculous. I'm not saying that you can only post positive things on this forum, because I agree that it's a place to be honest, but please just be cognizant when you post something that has literally been said 10,000 times.

  79. but please just be cognizant when you post something that has literally been said 10,000 times.

    But the same is true for posts that say "give her more time" etc. Because that's been said 10,000 times too. You can't have a double standard.

  80. Anonymous, but you also have to say that to the people who jump on your bones if you say something like you didn't like something about Seaver in the episode or you think the Seaver character is a crap character. Forgive me, but that comes on stronger from the other side when you say something like that; that is something that is fairly evident to see. No need for me to point it out as it is here and on other threads on this blog.

  81. *stands up and claps for Peggy*

  82. But the same is true for posts that say "give her more time" etc. Because that's been said 10,000 times too. You can't have a double standard.

    I never said it doesn't go both ways. But we'd be lying to ourselves if we said the anti-Seaver posts didn't account for the vast majority of repetitive material on here.

  83. anonymouss I have no clue what you are talking about

  84. Again, I don't have to say anything. It is all here on the blog to see and is easy to prove. I'll just refer to the different threads, it is all documented for anyone to see.

  85. i mean the ben-mikye

  86. high five to Peggy!

  87. Peggy, I don't see it.

  88. I looove Hotch!!!!!!!!!!!Tuesday, April 12, 2011


    you seriously need to own up to a name even if its seaver lover or i hate Optika or RN fanclub or jailbait.
    So what, Optika is not the only one, there are several others who probably try to pass on the Seaver subject but you dont always know if you are respnindg to someone who has been on this blog for a while or is new, especially considering all the anonymouses whose opinions are going to be pretty much passed up if they have no name.
    Anyway, Optika and Gubegirl and LaShawna, etc all have valid and reasonable opinions and they aint wrong. I'm not enjoying Seaver either, dont care for Nichols but its the internet. Get over it.

    That said, I cant wait to see my Hotch tomorow night and Strauss as I like her/hate her and looking forward to some banter between her and Rossi.
    As for the CM soundtrack, how about Umbrella by Rihanna which was featured in 3rd life? and Best of You by Foo Fighters which is a song for future eps.

  89. Uh oh. New article. This forum's about to get crazy.

  90. Peggy I'm really looking forward to Strauss in this episode!

  91. Ok everyone needs a timeout or do you want this blog to be disabled again before we can actually discuss the ep?
    Not trying to be a pot calling the kettle black but I still talk about eps and if you have a problem with that, be a bit more diplomatic about it please. I'll say whatever I want but I'll be as nice as I can be about it.
    So just chill out and stop jumping down each others throats. Please!

  92. Lauren J., I knew that was coming, not a bit shock there, just didn't know when. It is going to be "Super Seaver" to the rescue.

  93. Meant to say "big," not "bit.

  94. Dont like SeaverTuesday, April 12, 2011

    And this kills my heart because I really wanted it to be a Hotch episode!
    Whatever, Seaver will still never make sense because her writing is so off the wall, anything she does will be cancelled out in the next second epsidoe or the one before it or hey, every episode until now!

  95. Seaver is finally stepping up to the plate

    "Seaver will take as many Clarice Starling moments as she can!" Nichols says with a laugh. "You'll see a few here — the emotional side and the ass-kicker side. Now, she's graduated and they've lost a team member, so she knows it's time for her to step it up and she does. And I can't wait for everyone to see it."

    Can't wait!

  96. Welcome to The Seaver Show!

  97. I'm excited!!

    But prob gonna avoid this blog because of the total meltdown that is surely impending after a Seaver-centric episode.

  98. Tia, I knew this was coming too. I thought that it would be the series finale, but they have advanced that time line. This is the grand "Yes, the rookie is indispensable" moment.

    Experienced profiler, come on, who needs that when "Super Seaver" is on the case. LOL CBS and CM.

  99. Nice to see everyone keeping an open mind.

  100. Oh not just here Lauren J., LOL.. I am sure it is going to get set off everywhere.

    CBS and CM, oh boy.... when will you guys learn...

    My opinion before I get sidelined.

  101. Anonymous, sorry, but it is such an OBVIOUS ploy, yet another one to make this character defy all logic. It is just crazy, so yes, I am reacting to what sounds like yet another ploy. I'm tired of the ploys with this character. Hopefully it will not be as pronounced as RN makes it seem in the article.

  102. Seems like if she stays in the background, she's "useless," but if she does something useful it's an "obvious ploy."

  103. I'm not even going to comment on the qualification thing. It's been done to death. I love this show and the people on it. I adore Reid, can't get enough of him. I tune in each week to see this team and this person, for me at least, does not fit at all and she's taking away some of my enjoyment of the show. When she speaks it's like fingernails on a blackboard to me. I enjoy my second viewing much more when, if she's not in a crucial scene, I can flip right by her, but that's truly sad because I love this show or I wouldn't be on a blog like this.

  104. Anonymous, it all goes to the nature of this character. It is just not a character for this team because no matter which way she turns it is going to be a problem, again, because of the character itself.

  105. Michael:

    Happy for you, now that they've chosen to forget there are five other members of the team and made this THE SEAVER SHOW.

    Perhaps they're stalling on the contracts because they've decided TG and SM won't be needed any longer now that they've got Super Seaver.

  106. The last Anonymous, I get what you are syaing, but like Sarah said, if this wasn't such an obvious ploy as what it seems like in the article then it would be like whatever. First, they have Hotch say something like they need an experienced profiler on the team, that a probabtionary rookie agent for all the potential she may have is just not cutting it, to then turn around and now make some episode where she apparently saves the day is frustrating and obvious. Obvious because it looks like they are setting up Hotch for another out of character moment, except this time it looks like it will be up close and not through e-mail. Frustrating because at least for me I've grown weary of all of the attempts to make this "square" character fit into a "round" hole. So again, I get what you are saying, but I am just tired of all of these hijinks and gymnastics with this character. JMO.

  107. No matter what she does, it does not sit right, with the people who don't like.
    Really ridiculous of them, to act like that, if they havent even seen what she means.

  108. Pat,
    What are you even talking about? They all get character-centric episodes. Last week was Hotch, the week before was Reid, next week is Morgan, etc. To say this is now the Seaver Show because she gets a bit more time in tomorrow's episode? A bit hyperbolic don't you think?

  109. I think everyone should stop speculating about tomorrow until we've seen the episode.

    Then, all hell can break loose, and I will not be here for that unpleasantness.

  110. Fred C., I based my comment on what RN said in the article, and if you noticed in my comment I said I hope it doesn't pan out to be that way. We have to say how it will all pan out tomorrow, but if RN's description is correct, then yes, as of now I have a problme because like I said to me it will be just another OBVIOUS ploy.

    I think I know why Pat said "The Seaver Show," but I may be wrong and don't want to speak for her. If it is what I think, then I agree.

  111. lauren j, lol, so then why did you post the article.. firestarter, LOL.. Just kidding, you can post what you want :)

    Your right, have to wait until tomorrow. I am not a big fan of the wool trying to being pulled over my eyes which I think has been the theme in my opinion with this character, so I hope it doesn't turn out to be something like that. We'll see.

  112. this IS an Ashley-centric episode. Well..I'll see how it comes out. Yeah, the writers had to do SOMETHING, since the character is not well-received for the most part.

  113. Damn...I was weak and went and looked at the link. Now I am definitely going for the glass of wine and a soak... Someone is DEF reading all our complaints and that person is RN who obviously FED the interviewer, Joyce, info re: her "qualifications", etc. and even made the point of saying she is not a pro (yet) but neither was anyone else on the team when they started...a-a-g-g-h-h-h... it gets worse. She actually says "I don't get to kill anyone yet..."

    Yeah, and that's just what the job of a profiler is, RN, to kill people. I am trying hard not to gag. I hope someone puts a muzzle on her before she makes anymore stupid remarks. We are not impressed, nor would any serious CM fanatic be. Add to that the Clarice Starling comparison....
    I can't take it anymore.

    OK, people. Let's get serious. We have said enuf and I refuse to let it spoil me watching my favorite show. It's letting all the people responsible for this "ill conceived character" win and I refuse to give in or give up yet.

    I want to go on strike and not say another word on the PASS subject. Because it does not warrant my attention, let alone for me to get my BP up over it. I want to participate on this blog...I just don't want it to continue like this nor do I want to feel bad about it - this is a place for FUN. Right now, I am not hving fun. It is feeling so juvenile. I actually thought not using her name would calm things down, but some of you may be right, it seems to have made things worse.

    Please, people, we all know each others' feelings and so do TPTB, so let's stop and IGNORE her/it, the Bens, the Mikeys, Kenneth, Carlos and even Michael if that's all they want to talk about.

    OK? Let's just stop.

  114. Well, that is the nature of the game when you post up stuff that other people may read. They may twist it on you and shake it up so that you can get all caught up in the what they are trying so hard to sell you. Haven't fallen for it then, sure in hell's not falling for it now. Write her up taking down unsubs, saving cats and puppies, don't care it is all the same to me okay CBS and CM, you got that.

    gubegirl, you got your wine, I'm sticking to my Patron.

  115. Thanks for posting the article lauren j. Will NOT be watching the episode tomorrow. Gubegirl hit on the "low lights" of the article don't care to watch it come to life on screen. CBS and CM, I'm sick of trying to be sold a lump of coal.

    Let me beat the "usual suspects" to the punch by saying that I have given this character all the chances I can stomach giving it, don't want to see another WTH or several WTH moments tomorrow, and more out of character writing for the characters that I tune into the show to see. I think the character is crap and that is all there is for it to me. No amount of super hero tactics are going to change that for me, it turns me off even more. Call that hate, dislike, whatever you want "usual suspects."

    CBS and CM, I have words for you but I am afraid they would all get deleted from this blog.

  116. I'd drink with you gubegirl but don't have any liquor in the house.

    The one good thing about it is that I know beforehand. I used to have so much anticipation for a new CM eppie but, like I said, so much of my enjoyment has been taken out of it with this character. At least I won't be expecting anything so I can't be disappointed.

  117. Wine, Patron, nope, it is 151 for what appears to be another let down according to what the article stated.

    Sick of the tactics CBS and CM. I can only take put so much and you are pushing me off the cliff with this nonsense. I'm going to watch tomorrow and pray to the heavens above that it is nothing like I am envisioning.

    You know what, just slap a cape on this character and call it a day already.

  118. Re: Finding out this will be a Seaver-centric episode. See, this is why I love spoilers. Now I know I don't have to waste my time this week, since I've been forewarned this is an episode for me to skip. Gives me time to do something I'd actually enjoy, keeps me self-deluded that this show is still worth watching, and makes sure my blood pressure doesn't make my veins explode.

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with Renata. Part of the problem is that someone can just say something totally innocuous like "I liked Seaver's shirt in this episode" and it will get 10 replies that say "BUT SHE'S NOT QUALIFIED!!!"

    It's called scrolling by and ignoring. I'm pretty sure how to skim material was a skill taught back in school.

    This is a forum board, not a telephone call. You don't have to engage with people who aren't responding the way you like. You want to talk about how much you love Seaver? Then respond to the people who post they like Seaver. That is how you start a conversation you want to be a part of.

    As a reminder, if you post something that other people agree with, then *those* people will respond back to you. You want more people to talk more about the shows, or post their Seaver love? Then you're just gonna have to wait until those people appear. And so far, no one cares to do so.

  119. No Michael, Pat is being honest in saying that what looks like will take place in the episode sucks to her like it sucks to me, so why would she be looking forward to something that seems like it is going to suck to her based on what the article said. Just like when people see that there will be minimal Hotch or Reid or Morgan. So please, you are saying that because it is Seaver as I have never seen you say that about any other character. If you have, please direct me to where you said it.

    I hope that it will be nothing like described in the article but like Pat I will watch it and hope that it is not like what I am thinking.

  120. Well I WAS excited for a new episode but now WON'T be watching it since that article says it's a "Seaver-Centric" episode. BARF.

    I'd probably end up swearing at the TV and getting pissed off again like the 3 ep story arc.

    I loved this show, but I do not love it in it's current state. I hope producers and directors read these posts and make changes accordingly lest they loose the rest of their viewership. I don't think it will last much longer at this declining pace though.
    Majority rules.


  122. OK, people, I challenge you to follow Blue's advice: don't engage if you don't like what you hear/read. It will be hard, but just scroll. We can do this. Scroll.

    Went upstairs without my wine. Let the bubbles go wild and overflow from the tub which scared Sergio...I mean Bella, the cat.

    See what happens when you let s--- get you riled up? The line used to be s--- happens;now it is S-----happens. Damn. I mean, hecky darn.

    Having my wine now and will go enjoy the DVR'd 2nd epi of Killer.
    Will not discuss it here as it is not appropriate but last week was mesmerizing.

    I'm good with being spoiler'd: no surprises and I will FF (fast forward) if need be. That, or do like Pat, and watch it all thru once then FF thru the insig parts the 2nd. Sounds like a plan. Then there's always music...always good for the spirit..your BP...whatever ails ya. Listen.

    I suggest you all lay in some Patron for tomorrow nite, my friends, because my Shiraz just ain't gonna cut it. Manana...

  123. @seriously
    you didn't listen to the blog owner. be respectful!

  124. Sorry if this has already been mentioned but maybe Strauss wants Seaver on the team to limit Hotch's resources. I think she wants him to fail as a leader since she is threatened by him. She looking at a way of getting rid of him. It would make his job harder with a rookie on the team.

    I think that Seaver being the daughter of a serial killer could have had some potential but so far she has not proven to be an asset.

    Let's see where they go with this because Hotch has acknowledged that she is not experienced enough. Him and Rossi have established that she is not prentiss' replacement. We know she's here to stay for this season atleast because she is signed as a regular but let's see where they go with this character. I'm hoping they find a brilliant way to incorporate her (like Strauss pushing just to throw another challenge to Hotch).

    As flat as I think Nichols is on portraying this character, I really don't want her replaced by another actress. That would be too many changes. I would only want her to leave if JJ or Prentiss were coming back.

  125. Anonymous.. how many chances are people supposed to give? LaShawana asked the question in a previous thread and no one replied. Basically, I hope I am phrasing it correctly LaShawana, what do the "chance" people say to individuals who have said that 7 or 8 episodes is enough. Everyone has their threshold and for some they have reached it with this character.

    I am an adult and I know what I like and don't like and I don't like this character, don't think the character fits within the framework of this show and that's all she wrote. Some people don't feel like they can watch the episode because the spoiler has turned them off, they are being honest about that and feel that it is best that they don't watch it.

  126. I'm going to see how I feel about her after this episode. I'm not a fan either but it's better that she is useful than saying meaningless lines. I don't mind her getting some screen time if she plays the role well. She just better not take over my Reid's screen time.

  127. Michael said...

    Blue. You never gave her a chance to begin with

    Wrong. I have watched every episode she's been in, which at this point has been about 10 - nearly 1/2 of the season. If she hasn't been able change my mind in that time, she's not *worth* my time.

    I stick to things that engage me, not things I have to suffer through until they get better. That's the nature of TV shows, and characters on them. Like I said, I'm a customer not a slave. If a show hasn't managed to engage an audience LONG before 10 episodes, it gets canceled.

  128. Blue Sunflower you hit the nail on the head! I agree with you completely.

    "@Blue Sunflower said...
    "Re: Finding out this will be a Seaver-centric episode. See, this is why I love spoilers. Now I know I don't have to waste my time this week, since I've been forewarned this is an episode for me to skip. Gives me time to do something I'd actually enjoy, keeps me self-deluded that this show is still worth watching, and makes sure my blood pressure doesn't make my veins explode."
    "And here's my point, CBS, and what you should be paying attention to:

    I'm a customer to your network, not a slave. I'm also a fan of Bret Harrison, as I used to adore him on Reaper. I haven't watched his new show though, since it's on against Criminal Minds. So tomorrow you have given me the opportunity to watch your competitor, FOX, and give them my patronage instead. I will not be watching your commercials, which means financially I will not be supporting *your* show. FOX will get my viewership during tomorrow's 9pm hour instead.

    So get rid of the Seaver character please. Otherwise all you're doing is starting the inevitable tuning out of once addicted fans."

    Well said and amen girl! I won't be watching either for the same reasons. I would rather do something more productive than have my blood boil for an hour.
    And this "You're not a true fan" stuff - well I've been watching these new episodes, "given chances" each new show and I have reached my personal BS threshold. I cannot subject myself to it any longer. What once used to be fun to watch is infuriating and painful to watch.

    If it stays like this they lost me as a CM viewer (they are already losing me). If it changes, I will return. Judging form the declining ratings (CM no longer in the top 10) and tone on this blog, many other viewers feel the same.
    Take heed, CBS. Take heed.

  129. LMMZ said,

    "And this "You're not a true fan" stuff - well I've been watching these new episodes, "given chances" each new show and I have reached my personal BS threshold. I cannot subject myself to it any longer. What once used to be fun to watch is infuriating and painful to watch.

    If it stays like this they lost me as a CM viewer (they are already losing me)."

    Me too :(

  130. Add me to the list of those not watching tomorrow. Like others have said, I used to eagerly anticipate each episode. Every Thursday was just the beginning of the countdown until the next episode. Now here it is Tuesday night and I have absolutely no desire to tune in tomorrow. :(

  131. I actually feel the opposite of most people. I want to see this episode and see what it has to offer. I still enjoy the show and will be watching tomorrow. I agree with others though, if they are not enjoying it then they should not watch. However, unless anyone here is part of the sample Neilson group than us watching or not watching will have no impact on ratings. It really depends on that group.

    I hope the ratings stay strong because it will mean that CM will be renewed and perhaps a chance of getting AJ or Paget back.

    I do understand those who do not wish to watch. It is entertainment afterall and if it's not entertaining you then why watch? I still find the show entertaining so I will continue to watch. I too will stop watching if I stop enjoying the show. I have not reached this point yet and really love CM.

  132. will also watch sounds like a good episode all together

  133. Not watching sorry

  134. Anonymous, there is an interesting article that was recently published that talks about what goes into renewing or canceling a show. Ratings are on top of the list, but there were many other fators including continued viewer satisfaction. Continued viewer satisfaction is important because aside from the ratings this goes the networks into either putting more resources to keep a show going or not.

    For instance, a show like Hawaii 5-0 has a good chance of being picked up despite its not so strong ratings because it has appeal in other markets.

    CM is not getting canceled, it will be picked up for season 7, but if a growing dissatisfaction with the show continues, that is not a good thing. This is not to say that everyone is dissatisfied, just you don't want to give people an opening to switch to another channel, another show.

  135. With regard to the possible CM soundtrack, how about "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. I think that song has a certain flare to it.

  136. I am looking forward very much to the episode. And since I don`t want another lecture :)about what the BAU is, I copied and pasted what I wrote in the last thread.

    I am aware that the BAU is an elite unit and that a rookie should not be there. I know that they are special and unique and that an agent needs years of experience to be accepted to the BAU. And as I said before, I agree that a rookie should not be a member of an elite unit like the BAU. I was as opposed as everybody else to the idea of a "Clarice Sterling" typ character joining the team. And I voiced my unhappiness with the character not only on here, but on several other boards. But I made my peace with the situation and the Seaver character. Others haven`t and I`m fine with that. I also started to like Seaver. She seems to have a sweet personality and she did not do anything yet that made her unlikeable to me. Unless that changes I`m going to enjoy her and the show.

  137. Sharks jumped, me turning channel.

  138. What kind of answer is that BlueSunFlower.
    Yeah you watched those 10 episodes, but in those episodes, you never really gave her a chance to begin with.
    Because if you did, you wouldn't have started complaining about her right away, like you did.
    You would have started later, if you gave her a fair chance. So yes you never really gave her a chance.

  139. I'm looking forward to this ep :)

    Something I've learnt is that it is easy to just skim over comments that I don't agree with, I don't need to get riled up about it any more. I have absolutely no problem with people having a different opinion to me and as long as it's all civil that's fine by me.

  140. Michael, please stop "answering" for people. Now you are claiming to know that people haven't given a character a chance. Watching episodes is how one makes an opinion about characters, Blue has watched them all and has formed an opinion, an opinion which other people share based on a number of reasons i.e. character is too green for BAU, etc.

    If people say something, you jump and say she hasn't been spotlighted enough, she's still developing, the Prentiss arc, etc. etc. Sorry, she has been in enough episodes and she has been given enough lines for people to form an opinion. Not to mention that her rank does not at all make sense given the nature of the team.

    You have stated something to the effect that you think the character is great, right? How did you come to that opinion if, as you claim, she hasn't been on long enough, she hasn't been developed, hasn't said anything enough, etc? Your reactions don't make sense given the backdrop you try and paint her in when other people have a problem with the character. Your reaction, nor your opinion that you so vehemently fight people to accept, don't make one bit of sense for a character you claim has been but a blip on the CM screen. It would only make sense if, unlike you state, the character has had enough for people to form a judgment on apart from the nature of the character itself (rookie on elite team). Again, otherwise, your strong reaction would not make sense for someone who you claim has been in the background as there would be nothing to get so riled up about.

    Please stick to answering for yourself as you are the only one that can truly answer for yourself, not for other people.

  141. Yep, that's the 'beauty' of this character.... She's suppose to be LEARNING so you can't have her as knowledgable and capable as the rest of the team. But neither can you have a dummy in the team as she'll be a hindrance and a waste of space and time.... good luck to the writers, they sure have the work cut out for them!

    This remind me of another RN interview for the previous episode where she said something to the effect of the team being *psychoanalysed* (her exact word) over Prentiss 'death'! I'll admit I freak out a little there.

    Hmmmm, I wonder if this will be the episode where she impresses both Hotch and Strauss.... and Hotch says to Rossi "I'm wrong, we don't need an experience profiler. We've Agent Seaver!" LOL! I must say reading about this character's definitely way more interesting than watching her on screen!

  142. So we learned from this interview that TPTB have heard the howls of outrage and dismay about Seaver loud and clear and ... they don't care. Nice.

    Wonder what time the Indians are playing tonight.

    I passionately hope that TG's contract includes something like "creative input/control" or maybe an executive producer title.

  143. Lin from Ohio said....

    "So we learned from this interview that TPTB have heard the howls of outrage and dismay about Seaver loud and clear and ... they don't care. Nice.

    Wonder what time the Indians are playing tonight.

    I passionately hope that TG's contract includes something like "creative input/control" or maybe an executive producer title."

    Good idea Lin, I'll be doing the same, checking out the Indians game.

  144. Is this actress seriously comparing the garbage that is the Seaver character to "Clarice Starling?" What an insult to Jodie Foster and all who were involved in the production of the "Silence of The Lambs" movie.

    No way in hell am I watching tonight's episode. TPTB don't care about what we think, okay, right back at you CBS, tonight I'll be sampling a show or two from a competing network.

  145. Will definitely watch this. Wanna see what this new character has in store for us

  146. I agree Natalia. I too am tired of voicing my opinion when obviously CBS doesn't give a crap. They want to keep Super Seaver, fine. I'm gone. I also agree with whoever it was that said viewer satisfaction is just as important as ratings. The fans aren't just dissatisfied, they're downright disgruntled. As a viewer I am exercising my choice not to watch anymore until this ridiculous character is off my favorite show before she ruins it.

  147. What I get from the interview is that the actor is very aware of the unpleasantness surrounding her character. Can't we stop now? Can't we be welcoming or at least polite about Seaver and Nichols?

    She comes across well in interview. I'm pleased she seems robust and I'm looking forward to seeing how Ashley copes with this situation where she has to step up. Notice: she's not doing anything other than t'others do. She's not suddenly Super Seaver or whatever you guys call her. Rachel acknowledges that the rest of the team have done what she's doing a million times before. I'm glad that the writers are using her relative naivete to open up the emotional reaction to the horrible things they see. And I'm pleased that now the Prentiss exit arc is over, they're finding time to make Seaver more distinctive and there.

    I'll be watching, Thursday, just as soon as I find the free place on the internet that lets me watch this week. Damned if I'll pay!!!

    UK viewer

  148. I wanted to voice my opinion on a specific part of the interview about tonight's episode.

    It's about Seaver doing her first "one on one interview".

    I really have a big problem with this.
    Reid did his first solo interview in 'The Fox'. It means he had graduated and joined the BAU for about two years before doing so.
    I remember Gideon telling him that he was 'ready' for that in the beginning of the episode and Reid being nervous.

    So, Reid waits two years before being able to do his first solo interview, and Seaver can do it just after graduating the Academy (and barely a few months with the team as a Cadet) ?

    I tried to be patient with Seaver.
    I didn't like her, but I tried to overlook a lot of things in order to accommodate.
    And I might be biased because I'm a big Reid fan...but this just takes the cake.

    I was looking forward to this episode, but now...
    Well, I'm still looking forward to the scenes with Strauss.

  149. PS I don't mean damned if I'll pay cos it's Seaver. Far from it. I mean ever. Tight-fisted and Poor.


    UK viewer

  150. Smashing Uk viewer you can watch the episode and report on it here because no way am I watching "Fresh Eyes" part 2.

    That interview was pure Public Relations 101 (I used to be in the PR business until a few months ago so I know a spin when I see it). That interview was carefully crafted and worded. I've done the same with many clients and I can see it from a mile away.

    No thanks!

  151. All you people complaining about Seaver need to put your money where your mouth is. If a (temporary) ratings drop is what it's going to take for CBS to get rid of Seaver then I am going to start a boycott campaign.

  152. what can you see a mile away?

  153. Hi Valencia, this is apropos of nothing. I learned yesterday that 'smashing' derives from the Gaelic for 'this is good' ('is math sin' is the Gaelic). Interested me.

    Sure, I'll write a review if you like. It'll be late of course but I'm happy to provide a service for the abstainers. Especially if it puts you in good humour and / or persuades you to enjoy this great show again.


    UK viewer

  154. i will watch this new episode have enjoyed CM from day one

  155. So, Reid waits two years before being able to do his first solo interview, and Seaver can do it just after graduating the Academy (and barely a few months with the team as a Cadet) ?

    I would imagine Reid having to wait for so long had less to do with his professional abilities and more do with the fact that he's socially retarded. Interrogation tactics are easily learned, but people skills are a different beast all together and while Reid is brilliant he struggles mightily when it comes to human interaction.

  156. haha, I love your turn of phrase sf81etc (and your independence of mind)

    UK viewer

  157. Jenna said...

    " As a viewer I am exercising my choice not to watch anymore until this ridiculous character is off my favorite show before she ruins it."

    Same here. I will not be watching CM this week and, sadly, I'm pretty sure I won't be watching any more of S6 or a S7 too. I'm going to miss seeing Reid/MGG on my telly each week like crazy but the changes this year have spoilt the show for me. I've tried to like Seaver but I dislike her more and more, and so get more and more frustrated with Show, each week now. Sadly, it's just not enjoyable for me anymore. :-(

  158. @ sf81387
    I know and I understand why solo interviews might not have been the easiest thing for Reid to accomplish at first.
    But I still think it's way too soon for Seaver to do her first solo interview, she just graduated and has been with the team for a few months only (and she was working with the team as a Cadet, up until now).

    That's what worried me the most with Seaver since the beginning.
    I never had a problem when she was asking questions or seemed clueless.
    But I was worried the writers would try to turn her into a profiler way too quickly (and way too soon).
    During her first couple of episodes, when she was already participating in the profiles, I remember thinking "just wait, soon, she's going to do her first solo interview" (and I really didn't want to be right about that....too bad).

  159. My humble opinion follows:

    I like Seaver and since there are 4 experience profilers already, I'm open for a newbie who's still learning.
    And since I adore Rachel Nichols, ever since The Inside (anyone ever watched? It's like our show, they even said Unsub there too), its just easy to accept.

    And I gotta say, the writing and the cases are much better than from the beginning of the season.

    I guess I was turned off by super spy Prentiss storyline, which I found silly, over the top and unfitting for the show. And it kind of ruined the character for me. How can she fit now? I would like to see them try, though.

    But now it's calmer, it's back to profiling with little hints of personal issues.
    So, I've been enjoying more and more each new episode. And I can't believe its almost over.

    So I'll be watching tonight.

    And I think it's a shame so many people don't feel like watching anymore, if it's because of the writing, new character or old ones being axed. It's really a shame because I can feel you really, really loved the show just the way it was.
    Why change, right?

  160. I won't be watching anymore either and I've watched from day one. I saw about five mins last week and couldn't change it fast enough.

    The train-wreck that is Ashley Seaver is just too pronounced to make it easy to 'skip' scenes.

    I can't believe with losing the girls that they would not focus more on Rossi, Reid, Hotch, Morgan, Garcia and instead we get Super Seaver. What a joke - and not a funny one, either. They have sacrificed the work the others have put into this series.

    I understand change, but this is beyond ridiculous. Now, with tonight's episode, they're going to have her 'kick-ass'....this chick can't emote to save her life and she's going to start being a badass....REALLY?

    With the other actors on this show, they have strong personalities -both personally (as seen on interviews, etc.) and professionally. This show requires a strong personality to pull off the intensity that the drama requires. Rachel Nichols is not capable of this. She is meek and mild in her performance as well as her interview style. She's not qualified personally or professionally to be on this show and it's a serious detriment.

    I know I'm droning on and on, please forgive me - I know it's been rehashed a trillion times but it's just so aggravating for the viewers who have invested six years in this show to have to put up with this drivel that is a new character.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I guess if I'm not going to be watching anymore, I really won't need to view this forum again. Sorry - it's been fun!

    Oh and one more thing - I have written my frustration to CBS on the Feedback button of another board. I truly hope they start listening to the masses....

  161. I have two tests coming up tomorrow and I need a lot of time for studying. I was kind of debating whether to watch CM tonight or not, but I think I have my answer--I'm gonna be studying tonight and watch it later.

    Boy, from that news, I knew this was going to happen, the Wesley--inevitable because she is the only female on the field, and it's going to be a major turn-off tonight, and I bet the ratings are going to drop drastically.

  162. Nanci, I'll miss you. I know I'm newish to this forum and don't know everyone yet, but I enjoyed our Rossi convo. I'm crossing my fingers that the episode is better than you fear and you find your way back.

    UK viewer

  163. Thanks for the heads up by posting that article lauren j. I definitely won't be watching "The Stranger." For the sake of my mental health, I think this is something I have to do. I will miss seeing Reid though, but even my love for him won't be enough for me to watch a Seaver centric episode. I can barely stand her when she is featured minimally in an episode, almost an entire hour of her? Phew..too painful. I just can't. I'll just probably re-watch "Revelations", "Memoriam", "Amplification", and "Mosley Lane" and revel in the brilliance that CM ONCE USED to be.

  164. UK viewer - thank you! It has been fun going back and forth with our Rossi love....keep up the good work.

    If the show makes 'other changes' and we all know the one in particular we want - I will be back to watching my favorite team.

  165. Nanci, you are not droning on. I'm going to leave a lengthy reply to CBS to express how beyond disgusted I am at the lengths that I believe they have drug this show down to.

    I have watched this show since it first aired and have stuck by it through the changing of characters but this character, drivel, I have other words to call this character besides drivel. Drivel would actually fall on the nice spectrum. Device after device has been used to try and lure people to accept a character that is beyond comprehension to me and I am just damn tired of it. Funny, how none of the previews even hinted at the fact that it would be this type of episode. Why do you think that is? Well, CBS, I'm sure is not blind to the reaction this character is evoking and knew that it would not be wise to cater a preview around this character. What do they do instead? They use Strauss a character who is hated but that people want to tune into see as a lure besides the original cast, especially now since it ties into Emily's departure. They also throw an NFL player in there to try and seal the deal for some viewers. These are not a couple of people putting on a basic cable TV show, this is CBS and they retain people who edit, provide taking points, set up interviews, etc., to spotlight the "product" they are trying to sell.

    I was resigning myself to the fact that I would not be buying the season 6 DVD's, but it looks like I will not be tuning in for season 7 either. Needless to say, I am skipping this episode tonight. The show will remain with its consistent ratings, I'm sure, but my DVR will not be counted for this episode and that is what I care about.

  166. Olivia, appreciate your comments. And you're right - the crap that CBS has given us this season is beyond reproach. If they are looking to kill the series, they're off to a good start.

    I can say that if I did my job half as badly as RN has, my boss would be telling me not to let the door hit me you-know-where. They sure as heck wouldn't be giving me MORE responsibility and expecting my co-workers to put up with me. No employer with any sense would do that.

    It's just ridiculous. I'll just watch my favorite man, Rossi, on previous eps on ION and A&E and buy the DVDs but I will not be watching anymore regular episodes and definitely not the rest of this season or next if things don't change - for the better.

  167. Nanci, if your favourite man is terrific, I'll type NANCI! NANCI! large like this so you can see it if you scan the forum. Maybe even I'll stretch to the times in the programme so you can find just those bits. No one with the wisdom to know the goodness of Rossi should have to do without him.

    And all will be well.

    UK Viewer

  168. Olivia - in regard to them leaving out Seaver's participation in the promos (and I use the term lightly) in tonight's episode and focus on a Strauss-related epi - I think you hit on something.

    To others who have posted about tonight's epi - I don't mean to leave you out. I think also that the PTB know how much this character has a negative impact on fans and if they think that by 'reeling us in' with a Strauss promo, and putting Seaver front and center to show us what she's really made of - they're only kidding themselves. People might tune in to see Strauss because she is a much-loved much-hated (in a good way) character but as soon as the plot is exposed - THAT'S what's going to turn people off.

    I don't believe that viewers, these days, are as gullible and willing to settle for mediocre entertainment as maybe in times past. There is too much out there to choose from to settle.

  169. How is Seaver RN fault?

    And by the way, not all hate her. It is just the closed minded, that hate her.
    How ridiculous to stop watching a show, you have watched from the beginning, just because you don't a single character on an ensemble show.

  170. UK viewer - you're so funny! I'll be watching for you - or you could just scream (in type of course) ROSSI - ROSSI and you know I'll be there!

    Enjoy the episode - I'll be turning in tomorrow to see the back-lash, I mean reviews....LOL!

  171. Anonyus - if you haven't gotten it by now, you either don't want to or can't - so just leave it alone.

    If you expect us to leave Seaver alone, (give her a chance, watch her develop, etc.) then you need to do the same with those of us who can't stand her and feel she's overstayed her welcome.

    There - let the quarrel begin.

  172. Are TPTB at CM actually TRYING to drive viewers away. For six years I've watched this show and loved this team in whatever form because everyone fit and it felt like family. Getting rid of two of the female members of the team was bad enough; inserting the horribly fitting and ill conceived character of Seaver was even worse, but now to make her the centerpiece of the show is totally insulting to us who have given so much time to this show over the last six seasons.

  173. the show is not known for its great character development, so I doubt we'll be seeing any more truly Seaver-centric episodes than we do of everyone else even though she has a pretty (on paper at least) interesting backstory. The last good arc they had was The Reaper and even now we barely hear about Hotch being a single dad, how Jack's doing, etc. Reid has his headaches now, but I'm not even sure if they know where that's leading. Plus, if they want to tie them in with his mom, it would be best if they could get Jane Lynch back, but from MGG's comments the past year makes it sound like it's not likely. Morgan's "flirting" or whatever with that chick last season was dropped quickly. Rossi's basically there to provide the old-timey quip every now and then, and Garcia... well, I forgot about Kevin until she mentioned him two weeks ago.

    I honestly feel bad for Rachel. She joined the show at a tough time through no fault of her own and I think she's been dealing with it all well. I can't imagine what it's like to have hundreds of people who don't even know you tell you they hate you (and worse) every day. I want AJ and Paget back as much as the next CM fan, but it's not fair for Rachel to be subjected to this much vitriol.

  174. So true Ashley so true

  175. This is the reason for my ambivalence for the high ratings last week--I was glad that the show would still have a chance of survival, but I was also afraid that it would imply acceptance and even though it was filmed way before the ratings came in, I was right.

    Because I'm gonna be busy tonight, I'm not going to read this spoiler thread until I've seen the episode--on a later date online.

  176. Anonymous, um, well, if some people believe that a character is being highlighted to the detriment and downgrading of the show, yeah, chances are that will turn people off. If you want to watch tonight's episode great, but please don't say stuff like not watching tonight's episode is ridiculous because no one has said to those that are watching tonight that it is ridiculous for them to do so. Okay.

    I don't think it is RN's fault, it is CBS and CM's fault and I am going to make sure to tell them that.

    I personally find this character to be so insulting that I simply cannot fathom watching any episode that highlights more than the usual junk that I believe this characters spits out. I will not be watching tonight.

  177. Pat - well said and totally agree. I can't imagine what the others on the show think/feel but I can't believe that the vibe is a good one. Maybe not - I'm just guessing. But it is an insult to the others who have put in their time and talents and haven't gotten as much air-time as this air-head.

    The thing is - Rossi and Prentiss didn't have to be shoved down our throats when they appeared. They had/have talent and experience to be where they were. That just proves that this kid can't cut it and the PTB know it or they wouldn't be trying so hard to justify having her there.

  178. But I still think it's way too soon for Seaver to do her first solo interview, she just graduated and has been with the team for a few months only (and she was working with the team as a Cadet, up

    Perhaps it will be a situation like the one with Garcia last season when Hotch sent her into talk with the goth teenager because he thought she might be able to relate to him better than any of them could and might be able to get him to open up.

  179. I feel sorry for the rest of the cast. I hope they like being in the back seat. Because, left unchecked, The Seaver Show is here to stay. Mark my words.

  180. Ashley, you are speaking as if the people here are saying things to RN herself. If so, could you please show me where that is the case since you are posting that here. I have no doubt that people are saying hurtful things to RN because undfortunately some people can't make the distinction bewteen a fictional character and the actress that plays that character. But to try and imply, and forgive me if that is not what you are doing, that people who have an issue with the Seaver characetr hate the actress is completely off base.

    I will not be watching the show tonight not because I hate the actress, but because this character is the worst character that I could have ever imagined CM would try and place on its show. I do not care to be bombarded with what was described in the article. I will tune in for the next new episode but if things continue on like this I will permanently delete CM from my schedule and stick to the DVD's of past seasons.

  181. All I would say (quietly) is that everyone on the team gets their go in the limelight eventually (such as this limelight is, taking on board what the poster Ashley says). It's Seavers' turn to headline this week, and Morgan's too (by all accounts). But it doesn't mean CM is 'her' show for ever more... It's just one episode.

    Her first episode probably counts as a dedicated Seaver episode too, but for a new character two episodes out of eleven is both subtle and slow. When the fabulous Rossi came onto the show, he was much more prominent and had loads to do (back in the good old days). You couldn't miss the guy. Ashley's start has been much more low key.

    UK viewer

  182. I disagree. I think Seaver's start has been far from low key.

  183. "The Seaver Show"? The rest of the cast is taking a back seat? Melodramatic much?

    I think it'll be good to see her allowed to come into her own a bit as a character. It'll help the show runners decide if they want to keep her beyond Season 6. The previews for the episode look wonderfully creepy. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode! : )

  184. Low key???? WTH was the "What happened at Home" episode about then?

    Call me melodramatic too sf81837, lol, because I won't be watching tonight's episode either.

  185. Call me melodramatic too sf81837, lol, because I won't be watching tonight's episode either.

    Good. Hopefully that means that all of you who won't be watching won't be commenting either. I mean, if you haven't watched, you really have no reason to be commenting in an episode thread. Right?

    I'm not a Seaver detractor or defender, I just like the show and like many have grown weary of the lynch mob mentality that has taken over this blog.

    I hope she gets a chance to shine tonight even though those that have already made up their minds won't be swayed.

  186. You can count on the fact that I won't be commenting, there would be nothing for me to comment on as I will not be watching the episode. What I will be doing instead is writing some Feedback to CBS.

  187. To sf81387 -

    "I'm not a Seaver detractor or defender, I just like the show and like many have grown weary of the lynch mob mentality that has taken over this blog"

    This is a message board/forum for people to speak their minds (to a certain degree). If you're not happy then skim to the ones you agree with and disregard the rest. Or...just don't blog. No one forces you to come to this forum. There are many others to choose from -

  188. Cheers Nanci! This is a forum to speak ones mind. Whether that be going on about the same subject or not.

    There are many things I have grown weary of but I simply chose to skim through it and get to what I want to get to. If I come to a point where I find that impossible to do, then it is close browser for me, and come back on another day. End of story.

  189. Tamara - thanks and totally agree. If you don't like what we're talking about then move on and come back later. It's always interesting!!

  190. This is a message board/forum for people to speak their minds (to a certain degree). If you're not happy then skim to the ones you agree with and disregard the rest. Or...just don't blog. No one forces you to come to this forum. There are many others to choose from -

    I thought you were leaving Nanci. Isn't that what you said about 10 comments ago? I like this forum. I used to be fun. Why should fans of the show have to continue to wade through the same gripes over and over just to find something worth commenting on? Why can't you unhappy people just follow up on your threats and go? If you're no longer watching then why are you commenting in an episode thread?

  191. Oh, and before the famous "but this is a thread to discuss only the episodes comes up" the blog admiinistrator has been gracious enough to allow people to veer off topic. When she's felt that enough is enough, she's put a stop to it. Until then, people talk about different things here including a CM soundtrack.

  192. I have no problem with this being a Seaver-centric episode as long as others are in it and have a role as well. I wait all week to see Reid and I really don't want his scenes cut short. We still haven't had closure on his headaches and I'm still hopeful that we will learn the reason why.

    I have feeling that Seaver may go under cover as she the one that "fits the victomology" most. Maybe she puts her life at risk or is used as to pull the unsub out. I prefer this idea to her becoming a profiling expert. This is something that she can realistically be capable of. I just hope it's not all about her like the first episode. I do agree that if they are going to keep her that they need to show that she is an asset in a realistic way. Showing that she as good of a profiler as the rest is not realistic so maybe they will show us some other strength of hers. I just pray that she plays her part well and isn't just a cry baby like her introductory episode.

    Other than that, this episode looks really good. I'm kind of excited about despite it being Seaver-centric. I'm all for her getting her time as well, just don't take too much of it.

  193. This is a fan site, not every fan is happy thus you are going to encounter both happy and unhappy people. Even the blog administrator has encouraged people to share what they feel, but has stressed that it must be done so in a respectful way. Heck even Ed B. has encouraged people to be honest... is he even still around, just checking?

  194. Okay, I have to try and make myself laugh or I know I'll cry over what they're now doing to my show.

    (formerly Criminal Minds)

    An attractive probationary kick/bad ass FBI agent with an up close and personal take on the worst serial killers. She fashions herself after Clarice Starling and never met an obstacle course she didn't like.

    Starring Rahael Nichols

    Sponsered by Gravol, Extra Strength Excedrin, Pepto Bismal, Capes R Us and Smirnoff.

    Possible Cameo Appearances by:

    Thomas Gibson
    Shemar Moore
    Matthew Gray Gublar
    Joe Mantegna
    Kirsten Vangsness

    I've never dreaded an episode until now.

  195. sf81387, call it melodrama if you will but it's scary to think this is the way this, once great, show's going.

    Okay, I have to try and make myself laugh or I know I'll cry over what they're now doing to my show.

    (formerly Criminal Minds)

    An attractive probationary kick/bad ass FBI agent with an up close and personal take on the worst serial killers. She fashions herself after Clarice Starling and never met an obstacle course she didn't like.

    Starring Rahael Nichols

    Sponsered by Gravol, Extra Strength Excedrin, Pepto Bismal, Capes R Us and Alcohol of your choice.

    Possible Cameo Appearances by:

    Thomas Gibson
    Shemar Moore
    Matthew Gray Gublar
    Joe Mantegna
    Kirsten Vangsness

    I've never dreaded an episode until now.

  196. I have no problem with this being a Seaver-centric episode as long as others are in it and have a role as well. I wait all week to see Reid and I really don't want his scenes cut short. We still haven't had closure on his headaches and I'm still hopeful that we will learn the reason why.

    I agree and I'm guessing the others will play into the episode as much as they normally do except since they seem to like to tie Seaver and Rossi together, we might get more Rossi than we are usually treated to which is fine with me.

  197. sf81387 said...
    "Good. Hopefully that means that all of you who won't be watching won't be commenting either."

    We should hope so, so we can have an episode thread actually focused on the episode for a change.

  198. Anonymous don't kid yourself because if (highlighting "if") the moment comes where someone says anything critical about the Seaver character within the context of the episode it will cease from being a discussion about the episode.

  199. Anonymous said:

    We should hope so, so we can have an episode thread actually focused on the episode for a change.

    Well, if you're talking about Seaver and since she's the whole centerpiece of the episode then we likely will be talking about her and can't be accused of not discussing the episode.

  200. Criminal Minds Fan can you step in. It is getting quite unpleasant here
