Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "Valhalla" starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments :)

*** Thomas Gibson donated two Valhalla scripts for our ACS auctions: http://shop.ebay.com/bigcmfan1/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=


  1. I am so looking forward to this episode because it's getting us that much closer to the end of this silly Prentiss super sekret spy drama and the show getting back to spending 42 minutes profiling the psycho of the week. This episode should focus solely on Prentiss's super sekret killer though so at least the episode probably won't feel rushed and choppy like the last few have.

  2. I believe that Emily's friend dies in this episode and I wonder where is Sean?

  3. 2nd!!!!

    I'm soo sad that Paget is leaving (hope that she returns next season), but this last episodes are AMAZING, the show is great this season. And even though I don't knoe if I'll continue to watch after she leaves, this has been an awesome journey for both the fans and hopefully Paget.

  4. ohh...I guess I was 3rd XD

  5. I believe we have this one and then "Lauren" and then that's pretty much for Prentiss for now, yes?

    I have a feeling this one will end with Prentiss disappearing (though I feel it will be her choice as opposed to a kidnapping) in order to protect her team while getting Doyle at the same time.

    That being said, I imagine this one will be pretty intense in that one of team members may have a close call, which they imply will happen to Morgan in the promo but I hold those with a grain of salt. Either way, I saw at least one of them will have a close call which will prompt Emily to leave.

    That would leave the episode "Lauren" with trying to solve the case as well as find Emily.

    So, for me, who is pretty tired of this storyline, I get two more episodes that will heavily focus on it and then who knows? I'm holding judgement on these next two though because I think one of the major reasons I hate this storyline is because it's been interjecting into the past several episodes, stealing focus. With these two, there should be none of it; it'll pretty much all be this storyline which may make it better.

    We shall see.

  6. I'm really, really excited to see Emily's storyline continue.
    So I'll say, I can't wait for this episode.
    Even though I'm kind of dreading what it's about to come.
    And I can't even think about not having Paget around anymore, so I'm focusing in each new episode.

    PS: Could you all stop with this: "I'm first", "I'm 2nd" thing. It's not cute or funny.

  7. I'm really excited to see this episode. I'm nervous about what may happen to Prentiss. I really hope she stays with the show, but will support her either way. Also, I will watch the show either way. JJ leaving was very sad and if Prentiss leaves, that will be sad, too, but we gotta support the show either way, right?
    So yeah...If you're looking for a funny Criminal Minds video to brighten the mood, this one may make your day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaH9yXtI0nE
    K. Peace out cub scouts(;

  8. im anxious for this episode. I'm interested to see what the team finds out, we saw in the commercial tat Prentiss snapped at Morgan when he brought up the issue.

    GOD ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY! Everyone is so tight lipped about what's gonna happen!! Even so called 'spoilers' that insiders give aren't giving anything away!

    I have a feeling she isn't going to die, contrary to what some pictures posted on twitter during the filming of "Lauren" were indicating.

    Did i mention this is driving me crazy?!?!?!

  9. I don't want Emily to die, not only because I like the character and don't want her dead (obviously lol)

    A main character dying would totally mess with the shows dynamic. I mean come on, Reid and Garcia aren't quite as 'hardened' by the job as the others yet. This would screw them both up!

    I think this will be a HUGE episode because Paget was only on set for "Lauren" for a few of the days and I think most of them were with guest actors, not the cast (judging by what CM insiders were posting on twitter that week). So i agree that this episode will probably end with her skipping town and then "Lauren" will be the team out searching for her.

  10. I highly highly doubt this storyline will lead to her death. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the cliffhanger was about whether or not she decides to come back (or if she is allowed back) as opposed to a will she die or not.

    Either way, because the last we've heard Paget may or may not return, she will not die in Lauren. Again, she'll either have the choice to come back or not (or Hotch will have to decide which would be believable seeing as how on a team like theirs, their can't be major secrets like hers) or she'll be critically injured.

    Again, I'm hoping for the former as I think it would make for a better story as well as a better relationship with the fans as her remaining alive could mean future guest appearances.

  11. That being said, this show has never killed one of its leads though it has gotten rid of three so far... so, who knows? I still don't think they'll kill her off though.

  12. Lil' Ren, if Hotch can be written as letting some cadet, rookie wannbe profiler all up in the BAU with no qualifications whatsoever, then you had best believe that my girl Prentiss better be allowed to come on through. Of course, that depends on whether Paget wants to return. I'm fully supporting her in these epiosdes and in whatever she decides to do.

  13. Never mind Prentiss -- Garcia gets to travel with the team again!!!!

    Okay, I'm a big dork, but I love seeing her on the plane. (Wonder if they'll remember the Cristal this time?) Can't wait to see this ep just for that.

  14. Ha Ha Lin from Ohio, your a trip, LOL.. But you got to give my girl Prentiss a little love :)

  15. Unlike many of you have commented, I am not tired of the Prentiss storyline. Now, that may be because I am apprehensive about the outcome - I don't want to lose Emilyand for PB to leave the show, but I find some of it suspenseful. I had difficulty last week with her mtg Doyle alone, not shooting him when she had the chance and why is she not sharing with the team? Esp after Morgan's quieries... But some of the scenes have been exciting and different and I have enjoyed them like those in a movie. It's just that there have been bits and pieces for several weeks now and we're trying to put it together.

    Anyway, sounds like she will be forced to divulge the situation to her co-workers and hopefully, they can work fast enough to figure the best way to protect her and poss the remainder of her former colleagues, Sean and Tsia.

    But most of all, I hope that when this Prentiss arc if over, if PB has been made a decent offer by CBS and TPTB, she decides to stick it out (if she is happy with the way her story plays out?) and stay as a regular on CM.

    I also hold out hope that none of our team is harmed but it would appear from the promo with blood splatters, someone does, but I'd like to think that would be the good guys getting the bad guys...does that sound like wishful thinking?

    Anyway, looking forward to a new epi and learning abit more about Prentiss' fate.

  16. Emily is not going to be killed off this season, or if she is she is "killed off" in an ambiguous way that would allow her to return next season if she wants to. If these episodes definitively killed off Emily, no two ways about it, CBS would not be offering her a full season contract for season 7.

    I'm curious about these next two episodes, and hope they feel credible, and not like they were ripped off from some spy movie. I wasn't too pleased with how Emily's story was executed last episode, because it started to feel like it was bordering on ridiculous. Hopefully these next two will bring it back into the realm of some sort of reality.

    I'm sad to see Paget leave the show, and hope she wants to return next season. I fear the final six episodes without her presence, and hope it doesn't feel like the show went completely off the rails. I wonder just what sort of stories the writers would have come up with this season if they were not forced to write Emily off the show 3/4 of the way through the season.

  17. Does anyone know if they are going to be testing Lauren out to see if they should ask AJ Cook back as well? If the ratings go up or whatever? How do they address fan concerns anyway?

    I know Paget has the option to come back next season and i really want her too come back and I want AJ to come back. I dont see them coming back without each other in tow though. ANd I hope that Seaver is taken care of soon. By taken care of I mean gone by the end of the season, dont care how.She's getting worse by the episode.

  18. I agree with you Kato2416 I am going to be sad to see Prentiss leave, but still going to support the show no matter what. I will only stop watching the show when it goes off air, and even then i will not really stop watching because i will get the show on dvd. Looking foward to this episode tonight, hope no one gets hurt unless it is the bad guys.

  19. Yesenia, I'm giving Prentiss some love :)

    LaShawna, yes, I too hope that Prentiss' arc doesn't become some excuse to rip off a spy movie. This season seems to have been largely one bad movie rip-off after another, including the latest character addition. I am praying that these episodes will be worthy of what Paget has contributed to the show throughout the years. Like you LaShawna, I too am worried about what the show will look like once the Prentiss character is off the show. Your use of "completely off the rails" I think hits it on the head. And while I love the original cast, if the show decends into a big pile of goo, I simply will no longer be able to watch it. The line- up after Prentiss leaves, with the exception of the men and Garcia, do not inspire a lot of confidence for me that the show will not continue to lose credibility and continue to write characters completely out of sort to cater to the latest addition.

    Optika, I hope there is a chance for both Paget and AJ to come back for season 7, that would be beyond fabulous!!!! If there is anything as fans that we can attempt to make that happen, sign me up a million times over!

    We shall see what awaits us for season 7. For me, I hope and pray that it wil be Hotch, Garcia, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss.

  20. I'm looking so forward to this episode. I'm with *Gubegirl* but am also wishing that this storyline was longer. In the old days of tv drama,a great story like Emily's would last almost all season and here I feel that her past is "wham bam thank you Paget now get the hell out". I want Paget to stay. She completes the team. Sorry, but as much as I love Garcia, for me she's comic relief. Now who's to be the strong expert agent? Seaver? I'm saying a crazy "Hell No!" to that theory. If PB doesn't come back after her cliffhanger,(which I believe there will be one) then CM will just get another actress to join the team. Cheaper of course as Tassler still has to pay for Charlie's debacle. Hiatus is coming up, quicker than you think and I'm curious to see what CBS,Bernero, and the others have planned. Just a question to you all...do you think these next two episodes will show Hotch losing his cool over the Emily/Lauren secret? I'd like to see him get really pissed off and angry that he was kept in the dark. I want to see Rossi get *Old School* and just come down on these *friends* of Emily's, and I especially want to see the good Dr.Reid using his God given mental talents to secretly get back at those hurting Emily. His mother is hospitalized, JJ has left the BAU, and now Emily is going to do a runner? I'd like to just see him snap at losing all the women in his life and take the initiative to do something. Anything. The man's an effing genius for god's sake. Use it!

  21. On a side note, if any of you have watched the spin-off, I'm wondering what you thought of it and it's effect on our orig CM.

    A fan writes into this wk's TV Guide, stating that she wonders if she will ever sleep again now that TWO BAU shows are running. She goes on to say that she would watch a CM show/spin-off every nite of the week altho' she would probably "go crazy with insomnia.".

    I decided to boycott the spin-off to demonstrate support for the mother-ship, but I am wondering what the thought is now: could it possibly HELP if the two are playing back -to back and the spin-off is attracting a following? I know that it has been difficult to ascertain an accurate number of those watching over the past several weeks due to Americal Idol.

    I am finding it hard to know what to do to be of help other than maybe we all go to LA and demonstrate at the CBS offices, esp Nina Tassler's!
    Maybe we would run into Paget, we could kidnap her, take her out to lunch and cajole her into staying:) And then PB could work on AJ after we have hog-tied Tassler and made her offer our team, inc. AJ, offers they cannot refuse:) Sigh...

    I know this is not about tonite's epi but I already did that and am not here to jump on the get-rid-of Seaver bandwagon, I am only wondering what any of you are thinking/feeling about Suspect Behavior and its impact thusfar.

    Any ideas?

  22. My best senario would be if Paget returns next year. JJ returns as a full fledge profiler after completing all the profiling courses and Seaver is hired as the new communications liaison. Then everyone would be happy!

  23. I agree with Gubegirl. i am not tired of the Emily storyline either. Infact, I think that it is one of the best storylines and totally fits Emily's mysterious but well travelled past and Paget's acting abilty. I am so glad that AJ/JJ is coming back for paget's last episode. I love them both.
    Any word yet on what's going on with Paget coming back or not? I still doubt that she will come back if AJ doesnt. I heard they were best friends in real life.

  24. On a side note, if any of you have watched the spin-off, I'm wondering what you thought of it and it's effect on our orig CM.

    I broke my usual rule about spinoffs and watched the first couple of episodes. I don't like it and don't plan on watching any more of it. The characters are mind numbingly boring and they don't seem as intelligent and specialized as the original group. I don't know if it's having any kind of impact on the original because the original seems to be holding steady like it always does. The way the ratings plunged for the spinoff last week might have had a negative effect on the original if the original aired after the spin-off instead of the other way around.

  25. Raven,

    The problem with that is that I think that in the "North Mammon" epsiode Hotch asked JJ if she wanted to take the profiling classes to become a profiler and she said no, that she loved her role as Media Liaison, working with the police departments, the families, teh media, etc.

    *Note JJ was an agent for several years at that point as well as a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) when Hotch asked her if she wanted to become a profiler which is something totally in line with his character, not like with Seaver which totally takes him out of character.

    It is not an uncommon thing for shows to try out new characters that end up not working with the dynamics of the show. CSI Miami has had 2, I believe, and I think CSI had one (Riley, i think). At the end of the day, what is best for the show has to come first.

  26. Raven,
    if that happens thenthat would be...reluctantly acceptable. That is the only way to...attempt to fix Seaver's character as she has contributed nothing as of yet and it makes complete sense for JJ to become a profiler. She seemed to have a knack for it. But I still like her as the Liason. That was her thing. In the end, if that turns out to be the best case scenario, I think it would be second best becuase the best case would be to get rid of Seaver or throw her on the spinoff. But that is JJ's role, to be the mother den, the communications director. Why should it be taken away from her and given to a lesser character? If that were to happen.
    If Seaver were to stay but AJ and Paget came back then I would just ignore Seaver. Or try to anyway, as long as she doesnt make any false statements about cutting or snap at Reid or ask if the autistic kid is the unsub or deliver profiles, then I'd be happy. Ok if she turned into the liason then i guess it would be inevitable for her to deliver profiles but right now, Seaver is broken and I hope that she leaves.

  27. gubegirl, I did watch the premiere of CMSB and thought it was plodding along. Like so many others when given an opportunity, I changed the channel and then came back to see the last few minutes. I'm sure at some point I'll see another episode but even though it's on after *OUR* CM I just change the channel. I am not a big spinoff liker. I don't watch the CSI spinoffs and have only enjoyed the L&O spinoffs. I actually liked L&O Criminal Intent better than the original; especially after so many cast changes. Regardless of Garcia, I'd only say that the CMSB is average. Could get better, could stay the same.

  28. Sorry another post,

    Anyone ever watch Buffy and Angel? Remember how annoying Wesley was on Buffy? He was actually supposed to be killed off but then isntead he was thrown onto ANgel and he became a likeable, cool character.
    Seaver doesnt work on Cm but she may work on the spinoff. Not that I am a fan of the spinoff but hey...as long as she's off CM and JJ and Emily are back on.

    Maribel, i was thinking of exactly what you said about JJ.

  29. sf81837, agreed. I haven't wtached the spin-off, but the fact that it lost 3 million viewers after the second week has to be a byproduct of the show itself, nothing to do with the original. If, as sf81837 stated, CM was running behind the spin-off, then yes, that would probably effect CM.

    Me personally, the spin-off will never be aired in my home, NEVER! Because of the spin-off, we lost great wrietrs, AJ, maybe losing Paget, and inherited Seaver. No way am I watching what led to that. Now is the time for CBS to restore what it robbed from to focus on something that is sub par by all accounts. They definitely can make an offer for AJ to come back, and I believe AJ would come back. The show needs a Media Liaison, hoping it will be AJ, but if not, then someone else because Garcia and Hotch taking up those duties as others have pointed out is just crazy! Also, I think they can smooth things over with Paget, and I think showing that they offered something to AJ may convince her to give them another chance. No offense to Nichols, but the Seaver character is not cutting it and won't cut it. That is just the God's honest truth and like I said earlier it is not uncommon for shows to experiment with characters, but at the end of the day they have to analyze what the cost is of that experiment and sometimes that means going back to the original recipe. The original recipe also including some new and maybe old writers.

  30. Can't wait for the eppisode tonight! The promos for it look so good!

  31. Optika, yes, the spin-off may be a good option for the Seaver character. They can perhaps "creatively refresh" that show with that character instead of CM. The spin-off is supposed to be a group of rogue agents so her type of character there, being that she doesn't at all have the requiste qualifications for the BAU, would fit in there better, I believe.

  32. Optika, yes, the spin-off may be a good option for the Seaver character. They can perhaps "creatively refresh" that show with that character instead of CM.

    The only way to "creatively refresh" the spinoff IMO would be to insert someone creative in there to run the show and write the characters because it's bad, really bad. It's so bad I can't believe that anyone associated with the original actually had a hand in it.

    I'm one of the few people on this board that doesn't have a problem with the spinoff's existence and who doesn't take the actions of CBS personally so I went into watching it with an open mind and hoping it would be good so I'd have two hours of psychos to watch every week so my opinion of the show has nothing to do with wanting it fail or caring whether or not if succeeds. It's just not entertaining. Not to me. Maybe it'll get better, but they've already lost me so I'll never know if it does.

  33. sf81387,

    I watched the first half hour of the series premiere and I just couldnt get into the spinoff. It is horible. But so is Seaver and thus- the two seem to be made for one another.As long as Seaver is off CM and JJ and Emily are back permanently...

  34. Everyone that I know whose watched the spin-off has said that it is bad, really bad.

    It makes me mad that CM was gutted for the sake of that little production and I hope to God that CBS and CM has learned its lesson. The lesson being to value and appreciate the winner that they have always had in CM. They can start doing that by inserting back what they have taken out. Namely, good writers, AJ, Paget, and also removing what they so poorly inserted, the Seaver character.

    I have never watched the spin-off to know whether or not the Seaver character would work there, but I know that it definitely does not work on CM and it is not right or fair that CM continue to be degraded and hurt by bad writing (with the exception of a couple of episodes this season) and even poorer character additions.

    Show CM and us that you care about the show CBS and CM and correct these things as soon as possible.

    I hope that tonight will prove to be good, Paget Brewster and the character she's played all these years deserve it.

  35. gubegirl, to answer your question, no, I don't believe that the spin-off is having any effect on CM. I believe sf81837 and Maribel are correcting in stating that if CM were to air after the spin-off, then, yes, that would probably hurt CM.

    coadygirl, I think there is great potential that Hotch will lose his cool over Emily's secret past. How badly he will lose his cool remains to be seen. Also, seeing some Rossi furor wouldn't be so bad as well as some Reid genius coming to the forefront to deal with those leading to Emily's disappearance.

  36. my prediction: Doyle will be killed, Emily will "die" but actually be sent into witness protection. We know Doyle isn't working alone, which is why Prentiss didn't kill him when they were 'alone' in last week's episode. Remember he said something along the lines of her being killed if she were to shoot him. My guess is that there were snipers watching their every move.

    THEN the season 6 finale cliffhanger will be the team hunting down Doyle's entourage, that way they can catch the guys if PB comes back, or they will not catch them and Emily remains in WP.

    just my goofy mind's idea!

  37. Ingrid, that is what I'm talking about :)

    BAU1919, nah, I don't think that is doofy. I think it is a good way to leave things open for either Paget to return, or for her not to return without killing her off. Doyle definitely got some people working with him who maybe like him have some beef with Prentiss.

  38. BAU1919, I like your goofy minds ideas!! That sounds very interesting!

  39. First of all...I don't believe Emily is going to be killed off because they want Paget back.

    But we know about Lauren Reynolds' fake death. So my question is: will they fake another death to deceive Doyle and his henchmen again?

    Maybe Emily is going to "die" and the team won't know that she's still alive until...someday. Hopefully.

  40. I don't wanna post any spoilers, but there were a couple of pictures posted during 618 filming on one of the crew member's (anna something??) twitter account that made me nervous. Followed by some attempted damage control by her for covering up some serious possible spoilers.

    driving. me. crazy.

    Official word from CBS is that PB is wanted back, but if she has a pilot picked up in the fall, she can pursue that instead. BUT didn't KV announce that Paget was officially leaving?

  41. I have both scripts for tonight's episode and for LAUREN so that I can auction them for the ACS. Both episodes are going to be great.

  42. luvthejem said... *G* I'm just too lazy to fight with the log in right now. Anyway. I stopped watching the show when news came that AJ and Paget had been fired. I've not watched a single episode of this season and the only way I'll come back is if Paget Brewster does. Though, with the way CBS treated her, it's longer than a long shot. If CBS really wants to fix this show, don't add new things. Bring back the old. Get AJ and Paget back. Get the old writers back. Fire whoever decided to get rid of them. I liked it a lot better when CBS didn't seem to know Criminal Minds existed. They may not have supported it, but at least they never tried to actively ruin it, either. What kind of moron takes a sucessful show and changes it to be more in line with the spin-off you're creating from it? Shouldn't that work the other way around?
    As for Hotch possibly getting angry over Emily lying about her past, he'd better not. Her work was apparently classified, so it's not like she could talk about it but chose otherwise. It's not even in listed in her file. *sigh* What a ridiculous storyline anyway. A well known Ambassador like Elizabeth Prentiss would have paraded Emily in front of the press all over the world, yet Emily was anonymous enough to do undercover work? Pfft. Okay, sure. It's not like bad guys routinely check out the people they consider working with. This storyline sounds embarrassingly implausable, which would sadly be in line with the writing since the old writers were fired. At least they're finally giving Paget something to do other than drive everyone else's storylines along. Too bad it took her leaving to get a storyline of her own.

  43. The thing with pilots is that just because one is ordered doesn't necessarily mean that it will be ordered to series.

    I haven't heard any news about Paget taking one of the three comedy pilot offers that Fox put on the table for her. Fox is still in the midst of casting their pilots, including the comedies.

    Not sure what KV said, but I think that until Paget comes out and says something definitively one way or the other, I am thinking she is still weighing her pilot offers and maybe other projects we are not aware of, and hopefully, she is considering returning to CM too.

  44. luvthejem, yes, yes, yes on all counts!!! I am hoping that this storyline doesn't turn out to be some weak attempt at a spy movie. The points you listed already make the whole thing implausible, but, I am sure they are going to creatively massage things to work with what they have in mind. I just hope they work in a way that allows Paget to shine because she has what it takes to shine, they just barely if ever used it.

    Oh God, and you are so right, who the hell takes a successful show and hacks it to death to align it with a spin-off????? It definitely should have worked the other way around. It was better when CBS didn't know that Criminal Minds existed because that is when we got wonderful writing and all of the characters fit. Now we have fired writers, a fired actress, another actress that was basically pushed off the CM lot, and an addition, replacement, whatever you want to call this character that is completely off to the one millionth power.

    They need to get AJ and Paget back, call up some of the old writers and beg them to come back, and get rid of the lousy new addition. After doing all of that, it would be nice if CBS remained out of the "creative" side of the show and just stick to signing the checks.

  45. I love the Prentiss arc and could watch it through many more episodes as long as it's well-written, logical and a natural progression of events. In addition, I love the fact that Prentiss/Paget is finally being given an opportunity to shine.

    I hope there will be more scenes of Prentiss and Hotch; and I don't expect Hotch to be angry about her past, but more disappointed that she kept him in the dark.

    However, I don't want to get my hopes up too high for this episode, because I've been so disappointed with the writing in so many episodes this season; and the letdown is a bit much. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

  46. Hotch had better not get severely angry at Emily for not telling him or the team, especially after they write him as accepting Seaver to be part of the team after she nearly got herself and everyone in the home in the "What Happens at Home" episode killed. She flatly disobeyed a direct order and that should have been the end of her, right there.

    First of all, the fact that they even wrote Hotch as accepting Seaver into the team is ridiculous, Hotch wouldn't do that, but since they want to write Hotch out of character for Seaver, well, then do it again with Emily. Although, they shouldn't be writing anyone out of character, as long as Seaver is there that is what will happen, time and time again.

    Except, in regards to Emily, Hotch knows how good Emily is a profiler, how experienced she is, what an assest she is to the team, so while he may get angry and a bit disappointed, I think he may end up putting it into perspective out of his respect for Emily as an SSA, and out of being the leader of the team, looking out for the safety of his team.

  47. I was about to write a lengthy comment but then I read all the ones above, especially Tia's:

    "Hotch had better not get severely angry at Emily for not telling him or the team, especially after they write him as accepting Seaver ... First of all, the fact that they even wrote Hotch as accepting Seaver into the team is ridiculous,is there that is what will happen, time and time again.
    Except, in regards to Emily, Hotch knows how good Emily is a profiler, how experienced she is, what an assest she is to the team, so while he may get angry and a bit disappointed, I think he may end up putting it into perspective out of his respect for Emily as an SSA, and out of being the leader of the team, looking out for the safety of his team."

    Her words mirrored my thoughts exactly.

    But just to add on, I am extremely nervous yet excited for Valhalla. Prentiss' storyline is drawing a close, and while my heart will break to see her leave, I am curious as to how her story will be left as a cliffhanger.

  48. I don't think Hotch will get "mad" at Prentiss, just like I don't think she's really all that "mad" at Morgan when she snapped at him in the previews for this week. More so just being scared and worried about each other.

    I love the 'family' aspect that seems to be coming in the next few episodes. Doyle said something about taking away all that is important to Emily meaning the team. I just am interested to see what will happen after Emily's departure and surely that all depends on HOW she departs.

  49. I think that if the episode starts with Emily notifying the team about Ian, then I'm ok with Hotch just listening to her justifications and start going through the case, but, if even after what Ian said to her about the team in the last episode, she still won't let them know they are in danger, than Hotch should get mad at her, yes.

    Not only Ian Doyle knows about the whole team, he knows what they do after work and even inside Quantico.

    Hotch has a 4 (5?) year-old who already lost his mother, he doesn't need to lose his father too because of procedure.

    I understand procedure exists, but they are in danger, she knows it, she has to alert them. If she does, then no wasting of time being mad at her, if she doesn't, then I'll be mad at her.

    30 min

  50. I can't say I'm a fan of this Prentiss/spy storyline.
    It's not uninteresting but it's over the top in my opinion.

    But, I'm still interested to see how it'll affect the whole team.
    Ian Doyle mentioned all the team members in 'Coda', so I wonder what will happen.

    I'm sad to see Prentiss go, that goes without saying.

    I wonder what will become of Reid's headaches in the future episodes and what direction the writers will take with that storyline. I hope they won't resolve it with a quick 'it was just stress'.

  51. Trust me, the Reid headache story is not over; they are keeping that on ice to lure people who may otherwise be inclined to stop watching after Paget leaves. The timing is no coincidence.

  52. Not really on topic, but the episode hasn't started yet so I am going to pop in with this. Did you notice with Doyle that he called each team member by their first name: Penelope, Derek, Aaron (even Hotch), Dave, and Ashley but he still called Spencer Dr. Reid. I wonder if they are going to go the entire series with no member of the team ever calling Reid by his first name. (The only time his first name has ever been used by a team member is in Gideon's letter.) Just struck me as interesting last week.
    Looking forward to tonight.

    I am in a state of anxiety and excitement.
    Can't wait to see what happens to Spencer.
    And i agree with Anon. CBS prob scared that they gonna lose viewers so they keep reid's headaches under wraps.

  54. I think I'm not prepared to watch this episode...

    Oh, God! My Emily!!

  55. So far:

    I don't like when they kill kids. I know it's more believable, but I still do not like it at all.

    The acting on the train was not my favorite. Maybe I'm just crazy.

    Yay! Team time.

  56. Loren (formally Lil' Ren)Wednesday, March 02, 2011

    Ah see? They're making Emily so... unlikable... ugh. I know her it's justified due to what's she's going through, but I just wish her potential exit storyline didn't make her look bad...

  57. Whoo wee.. Prentiss is unraveling.... Keep it together Prentiss, keep it together...

  58. Am i the only thats completely NOT interested in this preintess storyline?

  59. True Loren, that is BS.. What happened to Lil Ren? LOL

  60. Maribel,

    Lil' Ren joined Charlie Sheen in shamesville, so she's on hiatus.

    Woohoo... I see Seaver....

  61. Oh dang, I was looking forward to the track with J. Biebds, LOL

  62. God, CBS, I hate you for tearing this family apart... JJ, Prentiss, Reid, Rossi, Garcia, Hotch and Morgan!!!!

  63. Oooooh, am I sensing Emily leaving to Italy?

    And OMG OMG OMG OMG LOOOOOOVED the Emily/Reid moment. Holy crap greaaaat moment for both of them!!!I officially love this episode like this. If nothing else, I'm feeling great charater moments.

  64. At last..dialog. beautiful! Umm, JJ always called our Dr. Reid Spencer or Spence. This episode is written by Mirren and Messer, should be good.:)

  65. Loren, that Reid/Emily moment made me rant on CBS like that..

  66. Cassandra,

    I'm... confused. Unless you mean Reid also hiding his secret... honestly I understand his reason and I think it was cute and sad... besides, while those two aren't open right now with everyone else, their growing bond is extremely nice and helps counteract the lack of overall openess at the moment.

  67. I'm trying to decide if Reid's hair looks like he didn't brush it this morning (like it always does) or if he stuck his finger in a light socket! :P I'm glad he finally opened to someone about what was going on with his headaches, and that they brought it up again.

    I missed what Prentiss was looking at in the drawer. Did anyone catch exactly what it was?

    This is some intense eppisode so far!!!!!

  68. Anonymous about a dozen posts back: JJ used to call Reid "Spence" from early on and did again when she asked him to be Henry's godfather.

    Reid told Gideon that no one is his life had ever called him "Spence" before. This was back when he was crushing on her and asked her to go to the football game with him (Gideon gave him the tix for his b'day) and we never heard anything about this "date."

    Haven't thought about that epi in a LONG time...thanks for reminding me...it was a good one.

  69. I thought that moment was beautiful Loren, and that's why I was ranting because CBS ruined it so we won't have anymore monents like that with Reid and Emily. I loved that scene!

  70. Cassandra!

    Ohhhh!! Haha I get it now. And I'm still holding out hope Paget will be back. Call me naive but I hope until I know for sure :)

  71. Oh dang, Seaver's lucky Hotch didn't see that face she put when he told her to hang up, LOL LOL

  72. Paget.. I love you ma!!!!!!!!!!

  73. Okay... Prentiss is redeeming herself...

    Turning out to be one of my favorite episodes, surprisingly enough.

  74. Loren, that is my girl!!!!

  75. I loved the Prentiss and Reid friendship too.

    About JJ, I don't think Reid had a real crush on her. I think he was just pleased and touched by the way she was treating him and by her niceness.

  76. So, IRA ? I think it's a bit cliché, we saw this one coming miles away.

  77. Where is reid?!

  78. Wait, wait, wait, so Hotch knew Emily was in Interpol??? Since when???

  79. Why is Reid looking for pictures??? Send the profiler wannbe to do that..

  80. Emily's female interpol friend can't catch a break. She died in the show Jericho too... poor thing.

  81. Yesenia,

    I think there's a good chance Reid may find pictures of Emily, and she knows that. In that case, Reid should be the one that sees them, not Seaver.

  82. Was the guy that was killed in the apartment the other Interpol guy?

  83. Oh ok, thanks Loren. I just didn't want them to short change Reid for the profiler wannbe.

  84. Hotch "learned" about Prentiss working at Interpol along with the writers, (when they decided about that storyline - rolleyes)

  85. LOL, lol.. Anonymous, looks that way.

  86. I'm sorry, but that chick Seaver is weird, acts weird...

  87. I'm glad there is the IRA storyline. It's viable for the timeframe. Emily is trying to keep it together, Garcia is being her nosy self and the Team is ready to crack Prentiss'act. Too good!

  88. JJ is coming back next episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  89. How interesting that Prentiss looked at each of her team family except Seaver. It was as if showing that Seaver was not a part of the family. Love her wanting to protect and keep her 'family' safe but sometimes silence doesn't do that. I look forward to next week as this week was excellent.

  90. christyzachman- they did show Seaver. She was the first one.

    On the preview for next week, did they say "Prentiss' last episode?"

  91. Yeah, they showed her looking at the wannabe profiler first, I knew they were going to do that. But the true fam is coming next week.. JJ, yes!!!!!!!

  92. Call me a hater then Anonymous.. The wannbe profiler has got to go, she has no charisma with the team, nothing, the chick is wooden!!

  93. I'm a hater too because she has zero presence, zero. Whatever.. they didn't show her much in this episode anyway, but as soon as Prentiss leaves.......

  94. Anonymous, I don't think they said Prentiss' last episode.

  95. Well, I liked it. I really didn't think I would, but like I said earlier, the fact that this oe focused on only ONE storyline made it much easier follow and most importantly, allowed for AMAZING character moments.

    Reid and Garcia - Emily opened up the most to them, which I think was amazing and understandable. They are both the innocent ones of the group and not at all imposing. They are kind and each have their little things: Garcia is the comic relief, the most innocent and as Emily said in her little nightmare, Garcia does the best she can to always be happy, no matter what. Reid is young and cares greatly for everyone, but at the same time he will not intrude and like Emily said, he's just him. So, the moments with them two were awesome.

    Morgan - he's much more imposing than the other two and has gotten the most resistance from Emily for that reason. Regardless, this episode still had that nice moment in the car that while he was still pushing, they both came the the agreement that there was something wrong with Emily, but she likely wasn't going to talk about it. Very rewarding for the last couple of episodes where Prentiss mostly just bit back.

    Hotch and Rossi- very little, unfortunately. A few looks here and there and they played their role as keeping the case itself moving while the others had their character moments. I'm guessing they'll have some pretty good stuff next episode.

    Emily- fanatastic moments. While I'm not a huge Emily fan (I love her, but I'm a Reid girl), I really think this episode was fanatastic for her. Thinking back as far as Revalations, Emily was known to compartmentalize... here, we saw an emotional, scared, but strong woman and I think it really added depth. It was a payoff for having her show little emotion the entire time she's been on the show. Really nice stuff.

    Seaver - .....

    So, bottom line, while I haven't been too happy with the last couple, I think this one was great. And that's coming from someone who hasn not been loving her storyline. It was a great mixture of the team working on the case, her storyline, and team moments.

    A truly lovely little episode and while it's sad to have such a great, CM-like episode as a result of a lead possibly leaving, I think her sendoff, if it ends up being that, will be very nicely done.

    Haha now I need to continue my fanfic with Reid and Emily (not relationship) because them two are great together and this episode motivates me!

  96. I am sorry I didn't see her when they showed the 'family'. I guess I was reading a twitter by Tom at that second. But I still don't see her as a true part of the family yet. But I don't have a problem with her and don't hate her. She is like the pesky little sister that your mom makes you play with when you don't want to.

  97. Well at least now we know that Hotch does know about her former work at Interpol, although not the details obviously. I think her refusal to tell them is putting them in danger and she should have warned them before she just left like that.

    Reid, at least mentioned the headaches so they're not forgotten.

  98. LOL, christyzachman, well, you'll get a chance to play with her a lot once Prentiss is gone, LOL

  99. I love and hate this. Emily is leaving and it is crushing me. She is my favorite character and to see her go, especially since I'm betting it will be violent, will devastate me. I also dislike the fact that she is distancing herself, even though I love the fact that in this episode she did reach out to Reid and Garcia, and that she could joke with Rossi and Morgan a little. I love that those moments are now visible.
    I'm getting the vibe that Prentiss and Doyle had a relationship,(based on the ring) and that she wronged him, so she must confess. I'm assuming a female is involved (based on the praying scene with Doyle). I think that it might be a child (based on Prentiss' dream/story told to Garcia). So I'm assuming it was a female child of importance to Doyle, possbily a child? He apparently had a secret non documented life.
    I just wish that Emily could've opened up and told them, especially since they are a family. I feel that a tragic ending will happen. ='(

  100. I thought it was interesting when Spencer said that he didn't want to tell the others about his headaches because they would treat like a baby. He is so cute.

  101. I really liked this episode.

    I can't wait two weeks for the next one! I pray that it's not Prentiss's last episode - like the promo said - but I really thought that this was going to wait until the Season Finale...

    Oh well... excited!

  102. Next week's preview definitely said Prentiss' last episode.

  103. Ah, see I don't see that violent of an ending. Well, she will be injured, but I don't see death or possible death as how she will go. Based on the Italy comment, I more so see her leaving to Italy, potentially indeffinitely.

    I think it would be a VERY bad idea on the writers' parts to kill her seeing as how controversial this has all been. If they don't kill her, then it opens up the possibility for her return which makes her exit more bareable.

  104. Oh wow, I missed that in the promo. Thanks for clearing that up everyone.

  105. Promos are misleading.

    It's her last episode for this season... we know that for sure. We don't know if it's her last episode forever. Again, until it's definite, have a little hope.

  106. I am not happy about Prentiss leaving. I don't know if I will watch anymore :(

    I love M.G. Gubler, so if I do watch it's mainly for him.

    Did I say I am not happy about Prentiss leaving?

  107. I also loved this. It felt tighter and the team moments were good. I don't care that Prentiss looked at Seaver; she was looking at people she wanted to protect, and that includes Seaver.

    Morgan talking to Emily about trust made me laugh.

    Emily and Reid broke my heart.

    This is a big departure from typical CM fair, but I still enjoyed it. I think part of me is so irritated that CBS has created this situation (PB's departure) in the first place that I'm willing to suspend my disbelief and overlook plot holes so that I can enjoy what little Emily time is left.

  108. I want them to bring back JJ, Prentiss season 7.....

    Hotch, Garcia, JJ, Reid, Prentiss, Morgan and Rossi.. this team chemistry is awesome, beautiful. Can't wait to see it next episode!

    Never should have messed with the original flavor.

  109. Ok I don't know what was harder to watch, Emily saying her silent goodbyes, or the guy getting the shot between his toes! Ouch!

    I understand where she is coming from with not telling her team. She feels responsible for too many friend's deaths already and she doesn't want to put her team in danger.

    I'm hoping against hope that this is why she is walking away. I am sad at the thought of her being killed off. I have a love/hate thing with these emotional episodes. I a ma blubbering idiot crying for days after them, but WOW what great story telling! I will be heartbroken if they kill Emily off the show. But I would NEVER say I won't watch again if it does happen. Life is too short to miss out on great TV.

    So keep the great stories coming CM and I will keep showing up to blubber over them! Just try to make me laugh a little too, ok?

  110. Anonymous, I didn't care that she was looking at her, I just said that I knew they were going to have her be the first one. I don't care at all about that character so it makes no difference to me either way. That is what I meant.

  111. I'm confused. Will next weeks episode be Emily's last or not because someone said that it won't be but someone said that it will. No matter what I will not be happy with Prentis leaving because she is my favorite character and she was cut for no stupid reason.

  112. Help, please - was Emily being in Interpol just a cover for her being contracted by CWS? I didn't understand how that all fit together. Thanks...

  113. I'll reserve whether or not I will continue watching the show once the Prentiss character is no longer on it. I'm not really thrilled with the Seaver character and her acting does seems a bit stiff to me, and I also just cannot get over that she is on the team with no qualifications to be there. Sorry, but I just can't get over that one. We'll see what happens once Prentiss is gone.

    I do desperately hope Paget will return next season.

  114. PagetFan

    As far as we know, it will be her last for this season for sure. As for next season... we don't know. It's Paget's choice whether she comes back or not because CBS has offered her her spot back. So again, it's all up to Pagt.

  115. Yeah, but CBS basically threw her under the bus and are now saying that it is okay for her to come out from under it.

    I'll support her no matter what she decides.

  116. Yesenia,

    Oh, I totally agree. If she decides to go I will definitely not hold it against her. But the fact is, it's now her choice.

  117. I'm nervous about what will happen to Prentiss. I've read that they are leaving it open for her to come back, but I have a feeling that she won't. And I am dreading what the show will be like when she is not there as she was a credible and strong female character and the show will be left lacking that.

  118. Yes, I too am worried about the lack of a strong, credible female character on the show. It is cool now because Prentiss can over shadow Seaver, but once she is gone there will be none of that.

    Yes, Loren the choice is hers to make now, but CBS sure made it easy for her to decide not to come back. They have really ruined this show in a way I have never quite seen in my life before.

  119. My understanding is that Iit wil a Will be left open ended in case Paget wants to come back .
    So, at worst Emily might be presumed dead.

  120. I'm sorry, I know this is an episode thread but as I sit here after watching this episode I cannot contain my anger over what CBS, and to a certain extent, Criminal Minds executive producer(s) have done to this show. While it is wonderful that AJ will be back for one episode, she never should have been fired and she certainly should not be coming back as a guest star, she should be a series regular. Paget Brewster was raked over the coals by CBS and what viewers as a replacement is a substandard consoloation prize in the new character, something that will become more clear as the season without Prentiss rolls forward.

    I am sorry, I don't mean to be negative especially since this is the first time I am writing here, but I am so terribly upset and angered by this whole situation. A

  121. Ok great episode except for Seaver. More on that after.

    Emily and Reid's momnets were beautiful. Loved them and how Emily is the only one that Reid truly confided in about his headaches. They have come along way since Ried's displaced hostility in season 2. I love Reid and Spencer.
    Words cannot describe how great Paget's acting was in this episode. The way she tried so hard not to cry and to stay together for her team. I loved How Morgan told her she can trust him no matter what and that he understands why she doesnt trust anyone. I have to admit that I am somewhat glad that Prentiss snapped on Garcia at the beignning becuase it was refreshing and becuase Garcia deserved it just a little. Also it was an innapropriate time to make the comment. But then Emily made up to Garcia in the bathroom and it was so great. I loved the whole undercover vibe of the episode. Now that is creative refreshing which leads me to constructive criticism of Seaver for this episode.
    SHe does not get out of this episode either. This episode had multiple little things but they added up. Seaver is lazy as evidenced by her constant leaning and sitting and bending, in other epsidoes as well. Also, she always askes questions which is understandable to anextent but can she at least try to come up with an answer? Instead of jumping from one question to another? ALso, when Seaver does not look ready to crack and cry, she always seems frantic, and not in a hyper viginlant way. She was given nothing to do this episode basically. She just took up screen time and said lines that couldve easily been transferred to another character. Garcia was actually the calm one this episdoe, loving the joining of all the task forces, which I loved too.

    Cannto wait for the next episode. Loved the promo though it got cut of. I loved how it seemed so mysterious and gripping with the whole "one agent dissapears...one agent returns" and show JJ's feet then cutting to her face, all professional and glowing "Lets get to work". But i dread it at the same time. please bring back JJ and Emily back full time! Get rid of Seaver.

    Also, prime time for Strauss to go on vacation.

  122. Loved this ep! The intrigue, the suspense....

    I wanted to cry for poor Emily, great emotion from Paget! Can't wait to see her triumph, because I refuse to believe they let her go down easy.

    Paget is amazing...selfishly hope she stays for season 7, hate to see her leave, but honestly I will watch her on anything :)

  123. I think that reid's headaches may be some sort of poisoning by Doyle. he knows how protective Prentiss is of Reid and messing with him will cause her to better believe that they are all in danger.

  124. Okay, I am seriously depressed right now and angry, very angry. I am excited about the Lauren episode, excited to see JJ again, but mad that there is even Lauren episode in the first place. I felt bad about feeling this way because I love Prentiss and wanted to keep focused on her, but I am very angry at what CBS has unnecessarily done to CM. I did like this episode, but throughout it, I caught glimpses of what the show will be with the cast that will be left and it will definitely be lacking. The men and Garcia are wonderful, the other, no. Seaver didn't play a great role in this episode, so I was not necessarily bothered by anything she said as what she said was nothing significant. It is just a poor choice in character that is now all that CM viewers are left with in terms of a female field agent, one who absolutely should not be on the team for obvious reasons. But that does not matter now because this is what CM viewers will be left with once Prentiss is gone. And all because of this because of CBS and Ed Bernero.

    I'm never watching the spin-off, not sure if I will continue to watch CM once Prentiss leaves, probably not, and I will never watch another show on CBS again.

  125. The other irksome thing about Seaver is that why of all the cadets or of all the children of serial killers there is, does she get to stay on the team? What constitutes that exactly? Of all the cadets at least becuase that isnt fair to anyone who is still in training. And since she is still on remedial training which they basically approved off screen, my bet is that once she gets her actual credentials and a gun, they'll somehow explain why she gets to stay after her remedial training is over off screen as well. Its not fair, not right and inconsistent, poor writing. She contributes nothing.
    We want JJ and Emily back! We want AJ and Paget back!

  126. I wont give up home on AJ and paget's permanent reurn and Seaver leaving until Lauren airs beucase I am really hoping that it will have some effect on CBS and until the end of the season. There is still time for the show to be fixed. All can be forgiven if JJ and Emily come back fulltime, Seaver leaves and Hotch goes back to being the leader he is. This can be forgiven as a shortsighted season of experimentation.
    There is still hope people.

  127. I highly suggest filling out the CBS feedback form to let them know of the changes that the fans want. i dont know if it will make a difference but since CBS is responsible, maybe someone will read the feedback for sure so go to cbs site and fill out the feedback form and let them know that we want AJ'JJ and Paget/Emily back and the true CM season 5 cast! Not the farce it is becoming.
    Love the Emily storyline though and really want Hotch to act like the unit chief again and get more screen time. Detest Seaver.

    Go on CBS and fill out the feed back form. I have.

  128. I loved this episode. Fastest 42 minutes I can remember. I am really looking forward to "Lauren" Two weeks is too long. Quote from Paget"s twitter -"Gubler is a dam genius" She also says she can't tweet for awhile so I truly believe she is still in negotiations. Hope springs eternal.

  129. The one that should be getting fired is Nina Tassler!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn you and your creatively refreshing the show!!!!!!! I am so pissed off at the fact that we are losing another character, an important character just like the last one Tassler, because of freaking stupid BS decisions that have taken the CM ladies and shot them in the back. And don't give me this new character crap either!!!! I don't want this to diminsh the fact that I loved this episode, but I am PISSED OFF!!!!!

  130. great build up. Shame we have to wait an extra week now but at least JJ will be back, which is high time as Seaver is annoying the living daylights out of me

  131. The words I feared the most :

    This episode was amazing and emotional. The fact that Prentiss didn't tell her BAU family may seem selfish at first, but she was trying to protect them.She had such sweet scenes with Garcia, Morgan, Rossi, and REID. Now, I'm just waiting to see her "farewell" scene with Hotch.

    CBS I hope you see what you lost. Paget deserves an emmy for the performance; brought me to tears and still haven't stopped, 3 hours later when i think about next next week potentially being her last episode, my heart just breaks. And no actress, or character has made me feel this way ever.

  132. CBS...you morons better beg to AJ Cook and Paget Brewster to get back!

    And 2 more weeks and I'm done with this show because as soon as Paget goes, so goes my nation.

    Can't believe Emily didn't tell the team anything. That girl is a fierce!

    Love the episode! I was afraid and nervous and I hate CBS and the fact that we'll have to wait 2 weeks!

    Darn, CBS!

  133. I LOVE this storyline and thought tonight's ep was fantastic. I watched it while I was on the elliptical at the gym. That was the fastest hour I've ever spent exercising! Paget is a great actress. It's really going to bother me that she won't be in the rest of the episodes after "Lauren". I'm SO hoping that she decides to return next season. And if A.J. Cook were offered another contract to come back, I would be so psyched!!!
    We still have to find out the story behind Reid's headaches, and I don't think they've revealed Hotch's "secret" yet. (If they did, what was it?) They haven't revealed a secret about Morgan or Rossi, either, have they?
    As for the character of Seaver, there must be some reason that there is almost no development of her character. Both Rossi and Prentiss's characters were much more developed after 3 episodes. It's not Rachel Nichol's fault that she's not being given any good lines. Maybe CBS isn't planning to keep the character since there has been such an uproar from the fans. We can hope!

  134. One of the best episodes from this season, it was amazing!!
    Actually could be a great "season finale"...
    The way Garcia was worried about her and she thanked her for making her smile, how Reid trusted Prentiss to tell her about his headaches, Morgan saying that she could trust him... Really, i cried when she looked at everyone from her team and was almost in tears.
    I'll really miss her on the show =/

  135. I really enjoyed this episode, hate the thought of losing Emily. I’ve always thought that Paget was an AWESOME addition to this cast. (I too hope that Paget will return for S7, I’d love to see our team/family ALL back together.)

    A couple of things, when Emily opened her drawer after speaking with Reid, I noticed the container of TUMS and she shook her head a bit. Also, in the preview for Lauren; Hotch says “…I will ruin you.” he is talking to Clyde. I got the sense that Emily realized that the real danger was coming from him.

  136. Anyone know what the jewelry Emily took from her safe and flushed down the toilet represented? Missed a abit here and there and fel that the whole reason she told Morgan she needed to return to her apt to change was really to rid herself of this gold piece.



  137. GREAT episode!!! Thanks to Messer and Mirren, who really brought it this time! One of the top 2-3 episodes of this generally lackluster season. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
    Wonderful team dynamic, including super sweet exchange between Reid and Prentiss, and between Prentiss and Garcia. Also enjoyed the tension between Morgan and Prentiss, ultimately relieved by humor. Glad once again to see the deeper side of Morgan, who looked great in his suit (SO sick of seeing him in his jeans and combat boots.) Kudos to Paget, who really shined in this episode. Cannot wait for Lauren!!!

  138. I'm on the west coast, so I always look forward to the earlier post (to prepare myself for our 9:00 hour). I've never posted before and enjoy reading many of your post religiously...Wow! Wow! I have a room full of people, on our weekly CM night, at my house and no one has said a word throughout..just absorbing it all...some tears...and I am not really surprised at the emotional reaction this episode is having. I agree with the person who said it was the fastest 42 minutes ever! I've loved this show since season 1 and have really felt out of sorts with it this season. It has lost it's dynamic - accept for tonight and I imagine in two weeks). I think the two highest rated shows this season will be "JJ"and "Lauren." That should say a lot to CBS..but who's listening? Love PB, love "Prentiss." Not sure what it will look like after...now my house has turned into cursing CBS....time to rewind and watch again.

  139. Eh. There were some elements that worked, but I can't say I loved the episode since I got pulled out so much with WTF moments. Since I don't really care to dissect the Doyle/Emily arc WTFness, I'll just go with the defacto:

    1. Oddly, Seaver did not annoy me as per usual, but I spent the entire time going "where on Earth is she getting all this information???" and of course the irony of JJ 2.0 doing JJ 1.0's job.

    2. Where was Reid? For one, why wasn't he in the SCIF meeting? No wonder our favorite woobie thinks the team treats him like a baby.

    3. As endearing as Garcia is, her scenes trying to get Prentiss to open up just fell flat for me. The Morgan/Prentiss confab was much better IMO.

    Anyhoo, the usual love: Love Reid, loved Reid/Prentiss, surprised Hotch knew Prentiss worked at Interpol, yada yada.

  140. I enjoyed this episode; it’s been a while since we’ve had one this good. The scenes between Prentiss and Morgan were excellent. I agree with others that its not realistic Rossi and Hotch haven’t picked up on Prentiss’ stress level yet. Granted she works more closely with the other team members but these two have too much experience not to notice something’s not right. Its sad Prentiss did not confide in the team and allow them to help her, although I understand her reasons. No matter what lines they give her, Seaver still feels like such an intrusion to me. I’m trying to ignore her but I’m not having any luck! In my circle she’d be called a groove killer. Every time she speaks she throws things out of sync or off tempo! Perhaps it’s not that extreme to others but something certainly feels odd every time she shows up!

    This show is going to be very awkward once Paget leaves. Seaver isn’t going to fill the void and I expect she’s only going to make it worse. What I find interesting is that after watching tonight it’s obvious that the existing writing/producing talent is capable of creating outstanding episodes …so where have they been and who’s been holding them back this season? How sad that such a talented group of actors has been wasted on such mediocre material more times than not this season. I’m not sure if I should be looking forward to next week’s episode with enthusiasm or sadness.

    How can someone think you can remove two characters of this strength from a show and it wouldn’t have a significant impact? What an asinine decision!

  141. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the preview for "Lauren" (yet!) but I'm already excited... and sad.
    And something that I noticed but nobody on any forum I've looked at has mentioned is that Rachel Nichols was credited as a cast member instead of a guest member (she was in the opening title credits instead of the bottom of the screen names like she has been), so I'm guessing (and wishing it was just a mistake) that she's staying. And for all the possible angry words I may have just unleashed from all the unhappies out there, let's just hope that CBS and TPTB see the error of their ways... and soon.

  142. Paget Brewster is such a brilliant actress. My heart was literally breaking for in this episode. Letting her go is going to be CBS' biggest mistake. It's also kind of sad that they under utilized her so much for 5 and half seasons. She has so much potential. Gosh I'm going to miss her like crazy.
    Onto the episodes, it was very different. Some parts were fabulously done, others not so much. I think the only reason I'll rewatch this episode is because of Paget's awesome performance. And the her scenes with Reid, Rossi, Morgan, and Garcia. I literally teared up when she was describing her nightmare and in that car scene with Morgan. I'm disappointed that she didn't get a solo scene with Hotch. That was unfair, and I didn't want Tsia to die :( I was already crying by the end of this episode...I don't know what I'm going to do when "Lauren" comes around. Good to know that Reid's headaches will be dealt with later in the season, I'm scared though, he went to several doctors, and none could give him a proper diagnosis? What are they going to do to him?
    Oh yeah..and I still find Seaver annoying, looks like she and Garcia will be sharing the media liaison responsibilities from now on. Hope it continues so that we can get Hotch back into the field and have some increased screen time for him.

  143. Sorry for the typos in my previous post. I typed that out really fast!

  144. Great episode overall and why do everyone here have to voice an opinion on Seaver on how bad she is. She isn't even that bad at all.I like seaver and this overblown hate for her is just ridiculous at best

  145. Kimberely because she is an horrific, character!!!!!!! She is a scene downer, no nothing, just nothing, but what is worst are the individuals who thought that this pathetic excuse for a character could in anyway hold a candle, or even stand apart from, JJ and/or Prentiss. Newsflash, SHE CAN'T!!!!

    There is no doubt, NO DOUBT, CBS that you have effectively ruined this show with your irresponsible management of what made this show so special, Hotch, Prentiss, Reid, Morgan, Garcia, JJ, and Rossi, and now another part of those special pieces is leaving us and all for what, FOR WHAT!!!! The scenes between these individuals in the show which is something I expect to continue next episode is something that is unique, entertaining, inspiring, and joyous. But you weren't content with that and what you have left in its wake is a freak replica of what used to be so authentic, and again, I ask, for what, FOR WHAT!!!!!!

    There are no words strong enough to reflect my disgust at CBS.

  146. Great episode. Loved the pace of it and they got a great balance between the intimate moments and the tension. It played out much much better than I'd been thinking. Prentiss has always been in my eyes OK rather than great but her exit is one of the best things CM has done. Nicely edited. Nicely directed. And then, there was that great scene with the outpouring of bullets. Nowt subtle about that but can't imagine how it could have been improved.

    Paget Brewster, you did a fantastic job. Told the story.

    UK viewer

  147. Really enjoyed this eppisode last night! I just wish we didn't have to wait two weeks for the next part of it! I liked the end when she was looking at everyone as if saying goodbye. My thoughts were two-fold on that. First her saying good-bye to her teammates and leaving and saying good-bye as an actress to those that she has worked with for the last few years.

    One thing though, why didn't Prentiss step up and say anything? There was several times I thought she was going to say something. Especially when they said they were going to look for surveyance pictures of his villa, and they she knew they would see her in them.

    That room they went to was some interesting. I loved that scene. I fully understand why Seaver didn't go with them there, but why didn't Reid go with them?? Why did they leave Reid behind?

  148. Paget Brewster is just the definition of wonderful as are Matthew Gray Gubler, Joe Mantenga, Shemar Moore, Thomas Gibson, and Kirsten Vangsness. I would add AJ Cook, but you discarded her a long time ago, didn't you. It is incredible to me that such an intact show could be so callously dismantled by a group of individuals who sought nothing but their ambition at the expense of a cast that was as solid as a rock. And now, Paget Brewster will leave us, and what will we have left. What we will have left is a foundation left with a crack in it that they must now struggle to support. Agreed, Hotch, Morgan, Garcia, Rossi and Reid are splendid characters with great chemistry among one another, but what you left behind door number two is not prepared, equipped, and can ever come close to what you had before. A void cannot fill a void.

    I will await the Lauren episode with an excitement to see AJ Cook, but know this CBS, I will also be seething with anger, as I am now, anger at what you destroyed, because once all of the Prentiss arc excitement ends the reality of your foolery will fully reveal itself.

  149. I can't believe the Lauren episode will be Paget's final episode. When you cruelly fired AJ Cook, I was willing to stick around to see what you were going to offer the viewers in terms of a female character. What you gave us is garbage!!!!!!!!!

    I would say that what you need to do is get AJ back, beg Paget to stay, dump the garbage, and get some solid writing going, but apparently you refuse to hear any of that, so, when Prentiss is no longer on screen, neither will CM be on my screen. I love the other characters but I will simply not be able to watch what you have left in terms of a female character that the other characters will have to dance around.

    You are the lowest of the low CBS! Oh, and by the way, my home is a Nielsen home you JERKS!

  150. Valhalla was intense, riveting and frustratingly touching as we watched Prentiss maneuver through each scene trying to maintain her secret from her BAU colleagues as she uncovered clue after clue; and as bodies piled up connecting her to the actions of the madman from her past who was now threatening her and her team. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire episode and was incredibly annoyed that Prentiss, for some reason, refused to inform her team; even when it was obvious that their lives were now threatened. I know it added to the intrigue; but it kept the lump in my throat that didn’t need to be there, because Prentiss’ actions seemed unnecessary. Hotch obviously knew about Prentiss’ Interpol past and understood she’d have past connections that could aid in the investigation; so why was it necessary for Prentiss to maintain the secrecy.

    Paget‘s performance was extraordinary as every painful disclosure played out on her face and in her eyes. Knowing this maybe one the last time we’d see her interacting with her team members made each scene that much more painful, compelling and significant. And Prentiss was allowed to have a moment with everyone of them, except Hotch, which drove me completely mad. Her touching scenes with Reid illustrated how much he trusts her to share his innermost secrets and pain; and he knew she would hold his confidence.

    Reid’s character also underscores why there really is no place for the Seaver character. Reid already does the innocent with aplomb; and because we know the intellect of his character, he has the ability to move us with the nuances of his innocence, while captivating us with his exceptional intellect. Reid is everybody’s baby brother. So Ashley’s doe-eyed naiveté pales in comparison. Add to that, she has no purpose or functionality. Seaver has essentially taken the role that Anderson used to play. Remember Anderson, the agent who drove Elle home in the Fisher King, and the one who told JJ, “I’m not just a pretty face” in 100. The Ashley character basically is doing Anderson, because it’s obvious the writers have no real way of engaging the character week after week. She doesn’t have the knowledge and experience of the rest of team, or the genius of Reid. She is essentially a glorified gopher.
    Prentiss’ scenes with Morgan and Garcia were touching. She tried to play the hard-ass but had to bend to their compassion and concern. And even Rossi began to sense something was up with her and tried to encourage her to take a vacation. But the writers allowed no parting scene with Hotch, even though he asked her if she was okay after she was late once again. I know I’m a big-time Hotch/Prentiss shipper, but even if I weren’t, I’d feel cheated if I were Hotch. And as a viewer, I felt cheated. For Prentiss to slip out the door without any interaction between the two, not even recognition on Hotch’s part that something was seriously wrong with her, made me grit my teeth.

    I think I understand that Mirren and Messer are building angst and intrigue by having Prentiss not trusting her team and going-it-alone; but why would she trust Interpol agents she hasn’t seen in many years. And why would she believe her confronting Doyle on her own would ensure the safety of her team. He could still go after them. And her leaving without giving them any insight about Doyle or what was happening, could lead to them unknowingly walking into a dangerous situation.


  151. cont...

    I know all of this is played for effect; and it worked. I was thoroughly engaged in every minute of the episode. I applaud Mirren and Messer for annoying the hell out of me with Prentiss’ actions while keeping me on the edge of my seat as each scene played out. I was thoroughly engrossed. Now we have to wait two weeks to for the heartbreaking outcome. I’m dreading the fact that this possibly will be Paget’s final episode of CM. Please, please, please do everything to get her to return. Prentiss is such a unique and strong character; and I can’t think of another character on TV who has the beauty, strength or sardonic quality of Emily Prentiss. And Paget’s dark, regal, statuesque beauty accentuates the temperament of Prentiss. She plays her with attitude while keeping her emotions closeted. And like Thomas Gibson’s portrayal of Hotch; she says a lot with her eyes without uttering a word.

    Even with my aggravation with Prentiss’ actions, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Messer and Mirren gave us a breathtaking episode in the CM tradition.

  152. gubegirl said...
    Anyone know what the jewelry Emily took from her safe and flushed down the toilet represented?

    It was a claggagh ring on a chain. From Wiki: Claddagh rings may be used as friendship, relationship, eternity, engagement, or wedding rings depending on the intention of wearer and, in the case of a gift, of the giver.

    Part cultural, part religious, definitely very Irish. Given the context, probably a gift from the bad guy. So feel free to speculate about why she still had it after all this time, carefully stored away. (And also why she didn't just flush the ring and keep the nice gold chain...)

  153. Awesome episode full of suspense and a shoot out to die for. And Seaver was actually quite good in this episode. I can definetely begin to see character development for her. Well thats me.
    She is really beginning to see how it is in the field and she is not quite ready for it yet. I think in the next season she will be more at home with the field.

    Hey guys do you think the ratings went down again for CM SB?

  154. SO looking forward to the return of our beloved JJ! Exquisite torture waiting two weeks for Lauren! Hard to picture life in the BAU without JJ and now w/o Prentiss. Wasn't wild about Prentiss at first but she's grown on me and I will miss her. Fingers crossed we get her (and probably too much to hope for) also get JJ back. The guys and Garcia are going to have to go into overdrive to fill the gap meanwhile.

  155. Absolutely loved this episode and I can't wait until next week. I just hope Prentiss comes back. Paget, we need you!

    The new JJ is kinda growing on me. I mean, if I squint my eyes, turn around 3 times and stand on my head, I would swear it's JJ!

    As for Reids headaches, I hope it's just migraines (not that migraines are a walk in the park - they're not) and can be solved with a change of diet, relaxation exercises, meditation and green tea. That boy is loaded with caffeine! We already saw him drinking tea and taking up a new hobby (piano). Now he just needs to get laid. Total stress release!

  156. Quite an intense episode, liked it a lot. Great acting by PB and KV. Their scene together was pure gold. Liked the story and am eager to see how it unfolds. Happy that we will be seeing AJ again. I miss her and want PB to stay. Plus moré Hotch never hurts!!!!

  157. I loved Pagets performance! She is enormously talented and is is so much fun to watch her. Good thing for her and the viewers that in her last eps get's some material that's worth her talent.
    I like the Doyle story line and I'm intrigued to see, how it will play out.
    I loved the moment between her and Reid and the bathroom scene between her and Garcia. I'm really gone miss Prentiss.

    sdwally said...
    I’d feel cheated if I were Hotch. And as a viewer, I felt cheated. For Prentiss to slip out the door without any interaction between the two, not even recognition on Hotch’s part that something was seriously wrong with her, made me grit my teeth.

    My thoughts exactly. I always enjoyed the Hotch/Prentiss friendship and seeing none of it in season six was bad enough, but to not get an end moment between Hotch and Prentiss, it's just like sdwally saif: I feel cheated. The thing I liked about their relationship is, how it changed over the seasons and how they learned to trust each other and in the end became good friends. But now Prentiss gets great moments with Garcia, Reid, Morgan and even Rossi, but not Hotch. I only hope it was because there will be a great scene between them in “Lauren”.


    Can't believe that I am actually saying that because of how horrible this season has been but damn, great performance all around and the Family is baaaack!

    In that final scene I just wanted to give Emily a hug :( Great acting by Paget Brewster

  159. I am glad that Reid was able to open up to Prentiss about his intense headaches. There has been some follow-up too. He has seen more than one doctor too, which makes sense. I want to know what's wrong with him. I hope this storyline continues.
    As to Prentiss. I just heard Lauren is going to be the last episode. Is she leaving the show??? I hope not. And how long is Seaver going to stay??? I just don't get why the BAU admitted her to begin with. She doesn't add ANYTHING to the show.

  160. I am glad that Reid was able to open up to Prentiss about his intense headaches. There has been some follow-up too. He has seen more than one doctor too, which makes sense. I want to know what's wrong with him. I hope this storyline continues.
    As to Prentiss. I just heard Lauren is going to be the last episode. Is she leaving the show??? I hope not. And how long is Seaver going to stay??? I just don't get why the BAU admitted her to begin with. She doesn't add ANYTHING to the show.

  161. Yes, Seaver is starting to grow on me too, sort of like a cancerous cell grows in ones body. The commenter sdwally said it best about that character, but I will say it on my own terms; she is USELESS!!! I cannot believe that someone who claims to have even half a brain over at CBS and Criminal Minds believed that this useless excuse for a character was worth tossing out two of the strongest female characters in the show. Why the tirade you may ask? Well, because I am freaking pissed off that some morons decided that it was best to yank out two vital female team members to put in one that is patently not supposed to be on the team and that I am sick to death of watching on my teelvision screen!! This character is not profiler ready, not field ready, has no experience and offers nothing that none of the expereienced pro's wouldn't or haven't, so why in the HELL is she on the show instead of Prentiss and JJ???? Who in the FREAKING HELL made that stupid decision, I mean, seriously, if you had a business where millions of dollars were at stake (for the BAU it is lives) would you hire someone who has no way of cutting it? What in the damn hell is wrong with you CBS and Criminal Minds!!!!!!!

    Despite the useless ramblings of the sullen excuse of a character that you foisted onto the scene, I loved this episode. I loved the interactions between Prentiss and Reid, Prentiss and Rossi, Prentiss and Garcia and Prentiss and Morgan. This is what you should have been working on all damn season, not wasting time and space with that freaking character and OOC writing.

    I'm looking forward to Lauren because JJ will be back, but after that, I seriously, and I mean seriously, doubt that I will continue to watch the farce that you have so swiftly turned CM into. Whoever is responsible for this should be FIRED!!!!!!!!

  162. does anyone know what prentiss was looking at in the desk drawer after talking to reid?

    i even looked up the scene on youtube and paused, but saw nothing siginificant in the drawer.

  163. I loved the episode.. I hope emily doesn't die I mean they already killed of jj ! another one is just to much..

    I think the dream emily described isn't real, I just felt like she was telling garcia how special she was, like a goodbye. how she makes people laugh with her sparkly personality and that she is the "shining light"in the team... ( if that makes any sense to anyone) But that is just my thinking

    And i am also beginning to like Seaver. She seems like a real person we viewers can relate to. Maybe thats why she is here, to see the BAU train a rookie. And i am liking it.

    And is it just me or does reid get hotter with age? And that hair!!! Love IT

  164. I just want to say that everyone who likes Seaver, please expplain why instead of just saying that the seaver hate is out of proportion becuase its not.
    Fans are explaining why she does not belong one the show but no one is giving concrete answers as to why Seaver belongs on the show. She may be a fresh face but she has no chemistry with the team, it feels too forced and Seaver has CONTRIBUTED NOTHING!
    She may be a cadet/rookie who needs to ask questions but she should try to come up with answers instead of just being a parasite.
    If I were to write a character that was the daughter of a serial killer, all grown up and now an FBI cadet, I sure as hell would not write her like Seaver.
    Seaver is a total Mary Se of Ed Bernero and she needs to go!
    I know that UK viewer had a crack at it in the last post to attempt to explain why Seaver belongs but none of the reasoning made sense. Seaver still hasn't contributed anything and I really dont see how she will. Asode from her annoying characterization and useless screen presence, all one really needs to understand is that she is a cadet turning rookie FBI agent who has neither the experience, the training nor the "unique insight" to be on the ELITE BAU team. There are many more reasons as to why she does not belong but that one reason sums it up.
    Spencer is a genius and one exception is more than enough.

  165. Dyanda, the BAU is not a training ground! It is for the best of the best in the FBI, but CBS and CM eliminated 2 of the best of the best and put in their place something that is far from the best.

    The thought of seeing the Lauren episode practically has me in tears not only because Prentiss is leaving, but because it is the final nail in the CM coffin in terms of what it has created the BAU to be. The BAU is no longer the BAU it is daycare center for a cadet who doesn't have a clue and can't have a clue because she does not have the credentials or the genius like Reid.

    CBS, please do all of us a favor and scratch the decription on your website that states:

    "CRIMINAL MINDS revolves around an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves b­efore they strike again.... Each member brings his or her own area of expertise to the table as they pinpoint predators' motivations and identify their emotional triggers in the attempt to stop them."

  166. I've checked out other forums on imdb and episode reviews becuase I honestly dont know very many about Criminal Minds. But the feelings are the same as they are here for the most part about Emily leaving and JJ coming back and the wanting of Hotch to be on the show more like he used to be. The majority dislikes SEaver though some have mentioned that she is growing on them.

    I dont understand why she is growing on a fan unless Seaver is like a zit that keeps getting bigger and you're trying in vain to hide it, cover it or just hoping that it'll go away and not scar you permanently. But I dont like this at all. Emily and JJ are practically gone and Hotch is barley on anyomre. If Thomas Gibson doesnt have his contract renewed then I am not going to watch CM anyomre.

    I've also asked around various colleages and coworkers who watch CM but dont go on forums or anything and they all said that they miss JJ and dont understand why there is a second rate actress from GI or Star Trek on the show in her place becuase the character is utter nonsense, more or less.
    And some have been shocked to learn that paget and AJ were fired.
    This show is steadily beocming a mess.

  167. Finally, an episode that had me on the edge of my seat and hoping for more. Good story, great performances, much more like the old CM. I wondered, do you think "Ian" was lighting a candle for "Lauren" in the church scene? He must have loved whoever it was and thought she was dead -- perhaps to find out in prison that it was all a lie. Would explain the ring Emily flushed.

    Also, is "Lauren" the last episode for the season? It seems so early.

  168. Also, is "Lauren" the last episode for the season? It seems so early.

    No, there are six more episodes after "Lauren".

  169. Outstanding episode. Suspenseful with good team interaction. Looking forward to "Lauren."

  170. As I am rewatching the episode Valhalla, I noticed a couple things I forgot to metnion in my earlier post like what was up with Ian lighting the candle? Was it for Emily or for Lauren's fake bday? Also, I was thrilled about Hotch saying "Seaver, Hang Up". That was funny a little. I must note that if it were JJ then she would have already been talking to a reporter about releasing the photo of the victim instead of Seaver who seemed to be scrambling and didnt even have anyone on the phone yet.

  171. why do we who like seaver have to have a reason why we like her. For me i just like her and think she can become a very interesting character down the line

    Also she haven't matured as a character yet. And saying that she is a 2nd rate actress is again a lie. in fact the actress that plays her have had more roles in cinema then the whole CM cast. Just speaking the truth here

  172. except Mantegna of course

  173. Charlie, I think My Two Cents, please correct me if I am wrong My Two Cents, said have a reason is because you and others automatically say that people that don't like the Seaver character are "haters," which by the way is very childish, despite giving volumes of reasons why we believe the character is ill-conceived, ill-fitting, and basically a hack.

    At the end of the day, that is your right to like the character without giving a reason why, but it is not okay for you or other to disparge those who don't. Plus, that would become a full-time job for you as here, the main website, and all of the other forums basically fall under the hope that the character doesn't return for season 7. Don't believe, check out virtually any CM related website.

  174. to my to cents.

    To give a reason like she doesn't have chemistry with the team is really ridiculous.
    Because of course she has no chemistry yet neither would you if you were new to a job or work colleagues. Later on of course she will have chemistry with them

  175. Having no chemistry is not a silly observation for it is one of the core aspects of this show.

    I just took snippets of the little that I've read thus far concerning this character from just one different forum, I haven't gone to the other ones yet.

    "Yikes, what time and space is wasted on this empty, useless character which could be so much better served by more dialogue/interaction among the real team."

    "This show used to be one of my favorites...but this season has really stunk! JJ getting thrown off the series and then the BIGGEST pathetic move....putting the "new" blonde on the team. I can't imagine what the writers are thinking unles they think all the viewers are idiots and will put up with this junk.
    I'll tape next week, but probably won't be watching this show anymore. Sigh!"

    "I tried to ignore Seaver, but god that woman can't act. And apparantly she is doing JJ's job now by releasing the photo to the press (which Hotch retracted!). Nice CBS, so subtle. So what is it going to be next episode?"

    " In the last few episodes Agent Seaver has been fairly easy to ignore; I even had somewhat moderate feelings for her, wanting to give her a chance to grow into her -unfortunately her- place. But in this episode I seriously wanted to slap her mouth and tell her to behave. Seriously? Seriously profiling with the team as though she's just as much qualified as the others? Last week she was portrayed as a trainee who asks her training agent questions, who admits she can't follow (i.e. Morgan explaining the cork). This week, she's suddenly confident enough to straightly join the profiling?"

    Again, these are only a few.

  176. Charlie,

    chemistry is not something that happens down the line. It is something that is there or something that isnt. With Seaver, there is no chemistry, no natural compatibilty with the team. They tried to pair her with Prenstiss, it backfired, then they seem to be using pity ploys trying to get the audience to like her.

    Fedra was right. I was pretty clear in my wording. Please read my comments carefully. Also, chemistry is not the only reason that Seaver is not a good fit for the team. Seaver is a cadet/rookie = no experience, advanced training which means she literally by the actual and the show's BAU standards does not belong on a team that is supposed to be made of ELITE agents, all who have specialties. Seaver was unhelpful in her first episode. ALl she mentioned was not being allowed a pet which is really crim 101 and it didnt lead anywhere. Seaver purposely disobeyed direct orders from Hotch, the man who reluctanly gave her a chance to help on site, and almost got herself killed as well as putting the FBi and the BAU on the line. Remember Doubt, 3rd season opener? Somewhat similar circumstances.
    Seaver has no profiler training and should not be delivering profiles. Also, Seaver misinformed the team about why someone would cut themselves in Today I do. Cutting is about regaining control, not about not having control. And then of course, she snapped on Ried in Coda and asked if the autistic child was the unsub.
    i have provided more than 3 reasons as to why Seaver has no business on the team and has contributed nothing. Seaver always looks ready to cry or she looks nervous. She jumps to conclusions and is too emotional. Seaver is an inconsitent character. Its many big things and many little things that are adding up.
    I have given many reasons as to why and many others do not like her. It is not out of the blue and all I am saying is that if you are going to call people who are offering their more than constructive criticism of why Seaver does not work on CM, and call us haters, then well... just read my first post again carefully. But no one really seems to like Seaver for anything beyond her looks and the fact that she's a fresh face.
    Yes, a serial killer father backstory is interesting but the way it has played out on CM was completely butchered beyond salvation and really there is no room for Seaver.

  177. The fact that Rachel Nichols has been in more movies than the rest of the CM cast is unfair.
    Firstly, they have all been in several high profile movies and tv shows and several low profile movies and tv shows. They all get steady work and they are all talented and have exhibited range.
    Rachel Nichols, i have seen in The Inside ( check out The Inside/ Criminal Minds vid on youtube about her two characters. Eerily similar much?), Alias, Gi Joe, P2 and a few others. Rachel Nichols just has a bit more fame and coverage than any of the other CM cast members so... not a fair point to make and also has nothing to do with why Seaver should stay on CM.

  178. Great ratings for CM. They did over 14 million up against American Idol which pulls in 24 million. Spinoff was up a little to just over 10 million but that was because they were only up against a rerun of Law and Order SVU that did just over 5 million

  179. Anonymous, you beat me to it! I was just looking at the ratings:

    "CBS’s entire line up caught an updraft, as Survivor rose 6% vs. last week to a 3.3 adults 18-49 rating, and Criminal Minds 3.6 rating was 13% higher than last week, while Criminal Minds: Subject Behavior rose 8% (perhaps it was that Law & Order:SVU had a repeat) to a 2.6 rating."

  180. I have been watching Criminal Minds since its premiere and have all the dvds whcih I have viewed multiple times. I actually still watch reruns as well despite having dvds. CM is my all time favorite show.

    The way I see it, the first three seasons establish the show's overall feeling, themes, characters and general directions. If the show makes it past its first three seasons successfully. That is what I call vintage episodes. The first 3 seasons are vintage episdoes to me.
    With the addition of David Rossi to the cast, the CM family was complete and required no touching of any kind. Here is a character breakdown of everyone.

    Aaron Hotchner is the BAU Unit Chief, cool, calm, collected, quiet, experienced and reasonable. He is the lead of the show and the show cannot work without him. More backstory and screentime would be nice.

    Jason Gideon, great and tragic profile, eaten by demons, looking for peace. Hopefully he found it. When he was on the show, CM revolved around him in a way. He was great will be missed, never forgotton but CM works better with Hotch as the lead and as a more of an ensemble show. Between the departure of Gideon and ROssi joining, the show proved that they dont need a Gideon or Rossi and can do well with just Hotch. But it is nice to have a Gideon or Rossi and both are loved.

    David Rossi is dramatic, balls out, opposite of Gideon but still a mentor for the team and a great profiler, one of the founders in fact (on the show.) More backstory on him would be nice alsthough his presence does not make or break the show.

    Derek Morgon is strong, buff, handsome, adds a street wise flavour to the team and is a relateable good guy. Underestimated but proves he can be team leader yet thankfully gave Hotch back his position. Great character but wont hold the show together but is still a vital one. More backstory would be nice.

    Elle Greenaway was a tomboyish but sultry spanish speaking profiler determined to make it in the so called BAU boys club. I liked her but I dont miss her and she didnt quite have the right chemistry with the team. The actress who played her left the show by choice. A guest star would be nice but I doubt anyone is holding their breath for one by her or Gideon.

  181. Dr. Spencer Reid. Genius, ultra cool nerd with deep scar tissue and parental issues. Statistics expert and is will know virtually everything printed by his deathbed. Great to relate to especially if one has been subject to high school torutre of any kind or just has been bullied. Love his rants. One of the most loved characters on the show.

    Jennifer "JJ" Jareau is the communications director/team liason. Strong female, badass chick, great shot. Mother den. Only one to Call Reid by his beloved nickname "Spence". Very relateable. Tomboyish, responsible, hardworker, loved her being Hotch's sidekick. Like how she is not a profiler but can totally see her being one. She was the heart of the show like Spencer is the soul. The show is not functioning well without her and JJ is still needed, missed and loved. Very nurturing and did such a greatt job in North Mammon and Risky Business. Still has a lot of backstory that needs explaining.

    Emily Prentiss is a kickass, badass linguist who is a natural profiler who had to go out of her way to prove that she belonged on the team. Well travelled, poiesed, perceptive, curious and will still be needed after Lauren. She is like everyone's sister and the one who believes in you but she is not a fool. Still want to know more about her life after the Ian Doyle saga unfolds.

    Garcia is a tech genius, loves games of all sorts and is the comic relief and a great, healthy does of all things good but in small doses. Hired nerd. Not too much of her but more backstory would be nice as well.

    Now as for Seaver... all reasons have been explained by many people including myself but here we go again in a nutshell just to be fair.

    Seaver is the daughter of a serial killer, led a relatively average but charmed life until Hotch and Rossi and whoever else caught her father. It was implied in Today I do that she has had an eating disorder and may have cut herself but she explained these things, particularly,the cutting wrong and so she does not really seems to know what she is talking about. She seems to nervous, too emotional and needs to stop stating the obvious. She just needs to go.

    There you go. I have explained the functions of each and every member of the team and why everyone is/was important and why they still are, except for Seaver. Hope this helps and refreshes memories and all.

  182. CM was only up against a half hour of Idol last night. I suspect that helped bump them up from last week. : )

  183. "there are six more episodes after "Lauren"

    So potentially six Prentiss-less epidodes? My, that is sad.

  184. why does she needs to go. if the show is still good the episode yesterday was amazing, and Seaver did NOT bring it down.
    So why does she need to go. It is still very good with her there.

    She is not bringing the show down it is pure selfish to want to force out an actress just because you don't like the character. how would you feel if someone at work wanted to force you out of your job?

  185. Charlie, the show yesterday, by almost all accounts, was good because of the original cast; they are what made the memorable moments, they are the people that individuals were curious to see interact.

    And as for taking someone's job.... are you kidding me? She is an actress, jobs come and go in Hollywood. Also, we are not the ones in a position to make that call; that will be up to CBS and I suppose CM executive producers. At the end of the day, they have to do what is right for the show not just today or tomorrow, but moving done the line.

  186. Are you concerned about Eddie Cibrian who got tossed from CSI Miami after only one season? I'm not a fan of his or CSI Miami, but I bring him up because in that instance CBS and the show's producers decided that he was not a fit for the show, and again, they have to do what is right for the show, not 1 actor.

  187. I am just so upset about Prentis leaving , I don't understand CBS. They got rid of JJ and Prentiss , Why??? They ruined CSI NY by making it the Sela Ward show? Do they love making fans upset with them getting rid of beloved characters?

  188. negativity is always heard more then positivity. We have seen here that people also like her why alienate those people. She can perfectly fit with the team. She is new and just needs to develop as a character and i am sure it will happen in seasn 7.

    I hate to another show that is being controled by the viewers it makes me sick. Let the writers write the stories not the viewers who is ALWAYS devided.

  189. Noooo, don't let Paget leave CBS, you're all insane if you do! I'm loving that we're finally geting a bit of her past here. But I'll be livid if it's only to get rid of her. Don't die Prentiss, don't die!
    And please, please make Seaver go away. She's a crappy replacement for anyone. Besides, Reid is already the teams honorary damsel-in-dsitress. We don't need another one!
    Also, the spin-off sucks. Cancle it and send those funds to the original and get my cast back! Minus Simpering Seaver!

  190. Also Charlie,

    since Rachel Nichols has been in more moives and tv then the entire CM cast, she really shouldnt have a hard time finding a job now should she. Oh wait...she has GI Joe 2 lined up... sorry but my sympathy is reserved for AJ and Paget who are more talented, pretty and lovingly underrated. Plus, they seem to be more selective of thier roles in the past few years.

    I dont feel sorry for RN. She should never have been on the show in the first place. And most people have a problem with the character so why should the majority of the fans have to settle for the benefit of one person. It isnt like RN is a newbie in hollywood and will never get a job again.

  191. Umm, no...... the show is made for the viewers, not for the writers. If the writers write only things that appeal to them, they will lose viewers, hence the show will be lost. It is good for writers to experiment here and there, but if they do that to the detriment of the audience, then they will be left with nothing to write for. The show is a creative product that the writers, network, is trying to sell to viewers.

  192. props to Ashley.

    Sorry Charlie but you still havent stated any reasons as to why she fits and there must be one on your mind.
    Come on...three reasons that she belongs on the show that have to do with her character, not the actress being out of a job Three contributions she has made becuase most people cant fathom why she got to stay after her arc. And its been established in other posts by several people that in tv land, three episodes is enough time to see what a character has to offer and Seaver was coming up blank.

  193. kudos to Fedra as well. The show is made for the viewers. If pilots dont test well with a sample audience, they dont get made into shows and if shows dont work, they get cancelled.
    CM is still doing well because its in its 6th season, got around through word of mouth, almost no promo was done for unlike the spinoff which is all I hear about now in terms of new shows now.
    Also, people still continue to watch becuase of Prentiss, Hotch, Ried, Morgon and etc. If seaver were to go, and I really hope she's not back for next season, then we would all get over it faster than a speeding bullet because she is not true CM material. No one would actually miss her.
    RN's fans would continue to follow her and hope for the best for her and the best thing for RN is to quit the show and move on to her movie career.
    We do still miss JJ and still want her and Prentiss back so...

  194. She is new. We will see in season 7. I am sure she will be a way more developed character. People here are really afraid of new things happening to this show.

  195. My Two Cents your right.. look at all of the people here who are beyond upset that Paget may not be coming back; that AJ is gone, and that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore seem to be having contract issues.

    If they were to say tomorrow that the Seaver character was returning for season 7, I doubt anybody would really bat an eyelash, and certainly no one would say they would stop watching the show to the point that they have said about the other characters.

  196. It has also been mentition by some toher commentators that Reid is our resident damsel in distress/baby of the family. So Seaver is running out of excuses fast as to why she should stay on the show.

  197. Afraid of new things happening.. where in the world do you get that from? Have you read any of the hundreds of posts here? What we are afraid of is crappy things happening, and Seaver fits that bill to a tee. We love the show and do not want it to be dumbed down and degraded because of a character that should have never been introduced to the show in the first place.

  198. Charlie,

    We are not afraid of change. We dislike bad writing though. Seaver is a badly written character and why should the viewers be subject to that when every other character on the show is strong but is now being diminsihed and they still have alot of backstory to be discovered.
    Also, it is tv land, Seaver should have some development going on by now like the other characters have. And she doesnt.
    JJ started out as a backgorund character too but she still showed her worth and function and strong character in her first three spisodes, hell in her first scene ever.
    You're defending a lost cause. Its not just the fans either. Professional reviewers are saying that Seaver is a terrible character, not that it matters much but hey...
    And the Emily and Rossi character changes were great. Adding a cool recurring character who is well written would have been acceptable but damaging the original cast is not and neither is the inconsisten poor writing.

  199. The ratings is as high as ever. Even against idol CM gets incredible ratings. I really don't see any viewers leaving. They didn't leave when the main character left Gideon. Why should they now,
    And of course Gibson is staying with all the promoting he did for the show last week. and Moore is also staying. Seaver has been in 5 episodes she is new. All new characters need to first fit in and i know she will soon. The writers have written her in for a purpose and she will shine soon enough it happened to Emily and Rossi. It will happen for Seaver also. Just need to give it time

  200. My two cents.

    You can't compare characters that was there to begin with. With characters that are being written in the show in its 6th season
