Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "Corazon" written by Katarina Wittich and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments :)


  1. How exciting! I get to go first again!

    But I have nothing to say this early in the AM - other than I will be racing home from yoga to rewind the 2-3 mins I will miss of the new CM!

    I can hardly wait to watech Reid and see some long-awaited angst - I have misseed that so-o-o-o much!

    Talk later!

  2. Can you tell I have not had my coffee yet? Try to overlook the typos!

  3. I see I am going to have to get up pretty early to beat you in commenting gubegirl :) Looking forward to tonight, to finally finding out what is Reid's secret :) hopefully some great team interaction. And hopefully not a lot of time spent on Seaver, although, like I just commented on the other thread (the one with the picture of Reid which I love by the way, love his shades) I would like to see what Hotch's reaction will be to Seaver being there because I can't imagine that it will be anything that is keeping in line with the Hotch character.

  4. Didn't Hotch approve Ashley being there in the last episode? Emily said he okay'd it via email.

    I liked how annoyed he got with all them and their "guess which city we're going to" game in the sneak peek.

  5. Hi sf81387, cutting and pasting what I wrote about that issue (Hotch/Seaver) here for further refernce :)

    "Lashawna- you are absolutely right! There is no reason Hotch would put up with that type of behavior from an unproven agent, let alone a cadet. Even with Jordan Todd who came in with 7 yrs of experience, he practically sent her packing- the only reason he allowed her to stay is because he was in a bind with JJ out on maternity leave, and because once again Emily stepped in on someone's behalf. But the difference with Todd is that she came in with 7 years of experience, not straight from some academy obstacle course, and Hotch let it be known that he was eyeing her- he chewed her out pretty good. The people he has given chances to that you pointed out are people who have proven their worth as team members to him. And like you said, even Rossi wasn't all that hot about her returning. Emily had to come and basically speak for her to complete her remedial training at the BAU- which once again shows how weak this character is. I remember Emily's first episode where she basically waited for Hotch in his office at the end of the episode and pleaded her own case, not had someone come in and do it for her.

    This is exactly the type of dancing around I feared they would have the characters start doing in order to get Seaver on the team. Again, like you said, Hotch is too professional to deal with these type of antics from a cadet. And if this is all about Emily mentoring her, I'll be screaming right along with you because Emily deserves way better than that. Especially, if they go the "Oh, she had a rough childhood angle, we feel sorry for her" to get into the team- ooh, they had better not do that because that would be unfair to not just Emily, but to all of the team members. Getting a spot on the BAU is not about feeling sorry for someone, letting them give the team a chance to see if they like it, if they fit. It is about professional and experienced people getting together to pool their collective experience and skills together. Once again, it is not a training camp."

  6. *squees* I have been looking forward to this episode for weeks now. A new Criminal Minds episode AND it is Reid-centric. I'm very happy. I just hope the episode meets my expectations. :)

  7. Looking forward to tonight's episode! Really hoping that it will be great!

  8. LaShawna- looking forward to your in depth review of tonight's episode. I love all the comments/feedback that you give :)

  9. Hi Cindy, I have no idea what they are planning on doing with the Ashley Seaver character, but I'm willing to sit back and watch and learn and see how it all unfolds.

    As for Hotch, I think he would probably be more forgiving of an unproven agent then he would of one who had years of experience. He would expect a green cadet to make mistakes and while he would be stern with her as he was, he'd most likely be willing to give her another chance, especially since all he's done is approve her request to finish her remedial training with the unit. Who knows what he'll want or expect from her once she's completed that.

  10. On a completely unrelated topic, does anyone know what AJ cook is holding up in her hand in the picture that was posted of her on the set, of I'm guessing, the movie she was shooting? I have been trying to figure it out, but can't. It is kind of driving me nutty, :)

  11. To the Anonymous poster on the prev blog who addressed Maribel's comments about the CORE FAN BASE:

    Would you please explain to me your statement that Reid could NEVER EVER be an FBI agent? This was in response to all of our comments about Seaver not fitting in as a rookie with our experienced & elite BAU team.

    I know he was having difficulty with his shooting skills, which he ultimately overcame when he was compelled to use a gun to save Hotch's life early on (I think season 2?) This took place when he and Hotch were interrogating an inmate in his cell and the inmate gained the upperhand and could have killed Hotch. Hotch pretended to kick Reid around, to the inmate's amusement, and Reid was able to follow Hotch's cues and get his hands on the gun Hotch keeps in his leg holster.

    Sorry, I am digressing as I am recalling - but what a great moment that was! Love that Reid!

    Anyway, you have me very curious so pls LMK just what FBI criteria is required that Reid does not have.


    On another note, I am disappointed to see Seaver in the promo only because it indicates that TPTB thought this was a good representation of the upcoming show.

    It's OK that she sets at the round table, listening in and asking ?s but I hope that she is left to mind the coffee pot when they leave for the field because that's not the best training ground.

    Wouldn't you think? Too dangerous for a newbie yet. Just sayin'...

  12. I don't think she can really learn anything of value from the coffee pot. I think she should spend the majority of her time attached to someone's hip at the local police station and only allowed out into the field if she is securely attached to someone's hip and only if it is to look at a crime scene, not to actually take part in taking down a criminal. She can't learn if she isn't allowed to at least observe.

  13. When I saw the 30 second clip of "Corazon" that was shown on "The Talk' when Shemar was on the other day, and I was completely blown away.

    I mean the guy (The UnSub? A suspect? Someone they were going to interview from within the cult?) paid NO ATTENTION to Morgan when he was talking; he had his entire focus on Reid. He looked only at Reid, and spoked only to Reid. Even his body language seemed to show that he was more confortable with Reid than with Morgan.

    Now, I can understand that Morgan can be an intimidationg fellow, but you'd that that the suspect would want to speak to someone he can relate to, be it experience-wise, or ethicnity-wise, since he's being questioned in a police station...

    Do you think this guy could be obsessed with Reid? Or is it something else?

    I'm SOOOOOOOO looking forward to tonight!!!! :D

  14. Can't remember who said it in the previous thread, but talking about someone on the team who should just be sitting, observing, be monitored, etc. I just don't get how this is advancing the show. I want to see/experience qualified people at the table, not someone who has to be handled with kid gloves because they are a cadet. I think that is regressing and in my opinion doesn't add any substantive value to the show. Someone coming in ready to saddle up.

  15. Continued..

    I think that is what adds to the show. Other than that, I an looking forward to tonight's episode. Like most, hoping it will be good.

  16. @gubegirl I remember that one, it was Season 1, Episode 6 LDSK.

    As for Seaver... I really have no problems with her as a character, except for one thing: When they first introduced her, it seemed all that she talked about was the fact that her father was a serial killer. And I know that it was how they caught the guy in the end, but after the third or fourth time she said it, I was like "Yes, honey, we know." Most everyone on the team had paternal issues growing up; Morgan's dad died when he was ten, Hotch's abused him and his brother, Reid's walked out on him and his schizophrenic mother... But they didn't milk it every chance they got; I think she mentioned it more in one episode than the others did combined throughout the whole series. Other than that, and the very Mary-Sue-ish air that hangs around her, I really like her, and thought she may not become one of my top five favorites, I may grow to like her more as the series continues.

  17. FRC- everything you mentioned is exactly what turned me off to her and which doesn't enable me to respect and accept the fact that she should/deserves a spot on the team. Everyone has their drama, but it wasn't that drama that got them on the team. It was their experience, or in the case of Reid the fact that he is a genius. She is just not qualified to have deserved a spot on the team, if she were I would not have a problem with her.

  18. I feel like I'm finally going to be given some water after being stuck in this "no new CM" desert for what seems like weeks! So excited to see the good Dr. and find out what his issues are. I just hope the writing is superior or I'm going to have to go thru at least 200 responses to see what you all think!:) We certainly aren't shy about our love for CM. Until later tonight ladies...

  19. gubegirl -- u r confusing 2 episodes....the one where Hotch kicked him until Reid got the gun took place in an ER room with hostages...Reid shot him the head but he tells Hotch he was aiming for his leg...Hotch didn't care

    The other episode was Hotch and Reid interviewing a killer and the guy timed his "kill" attempt during shift change. Hotch was gonna fight him, but Reid stopped him with a line something along the lines of "I know why you kill" and he bs'd his way until the guards finally showed up.

  20. When was it revealed that Hotch was abused? Was that an earlier season? I don't recall that. Granted, I haven't watched all of the season 6 episodes because, well, they haven't been very good, so not sure if this comes from one of the S6 episodes.

    Nancy and Wanda, have to agree. The last two ep's with Seaver, not good and it is because I just don't get her necessity/use. Don't want the show to devote too much time on the whole training camp thing. I want see some gold ole fashion profiling done by the pro's. Also, can't really gel with the idea that her childhood is something that should warm us up to her or convince people that she should be on the team. The experience of team members and Reid's genius is what garnered their validity to me fo them to be on the team.

  21. It was implied that Hotch grew up in an abusive home in Season 1, in the episode "Natural Born Killers".

    I love the episodes that revolve around religions and rituals and the extremes that some individuals go to. I don't get to see the episode until Friday, but that's okay, I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night. : )

  22. I am so excited. I want secrets revealed. Though I am worried they are waste my time with the Seaver mess, but will see. I could not care less about her. I want to know the teams secrets. Can't wait to see more about Reid. Counting down to 9pm eastern time. About 5 hours and 30 minutes to go.

  23. Finally the last Seaver episode (sorry Rachel, not ur fault), tthayt alone is good news. Now we just need plenty of Hotch and Reid backstory and CM can be back on track in no time ( please dom't dissapoint yet again) !

  24. Hate to break it to you Anonymous, but we will only get a two episode Seaver breather, then the character returns for episode 15. With any luck, the character will not return for season 7. Nothing against Nichols, the character is just not good, slows the pace and feels too much like babysitting a person for a team that is way beyond that. A cadet in the BAU, no thanks. Let's stick with the team as is, or get someone with experience on the team to add to their knowledge pool.

  25. Leslie: Thanks for straightening me out re: the Reid defense of Hotch: they were both great epis,
    as most old ones were, and Reid was "stellar" not to mention cute:), in both.

    Gladys & sf81387:
    I remember Hotch talking about his dad secretly attending Drs and atty appts "putting his affairs in order" while Hotch and his bro thought all along he was having an affair. He was likening a character's behavior (who was also dying of a cancer) to his dad's actions when he learned he was dying of something like leukemia, after which he died at a fairly young age.

    Abuse has been hinted before on this blog by others but I don't remember another epi where the abuse was made clear. Exactly what did he say that you believe it? Any details?

    Anyhoo, can hardly wait til tonite and I wish I had seen or heard the interview with Shemar about it! Any links for that?

  26. Hi Gubegirl, are you talking about the interview with Shemar on "The Talk?" If so, here is the link:

    It is 1/17/11 show. He doesn't talk about the show which I kind of guessed he wouldn't being that one of the hosts, her husband is a big wig at CBS (Shemar mentions that her husband is his boss). I doubt that CBS wants to rehash all of the controversey with the whole AJ firing, and Paget situation.

  27. WHAT????, She returns for episode 15? I thought it was only going to be 3 episodes this season. Here is an idea, if they want to kill someone off so desperatley, why not Seaver instead of Prentiss ????

  28. I can't wait for tonight't eppisode! A Reid eppisode the night before a test!(Course that's also bad timing as I really need to study!) The preview I saw looks very creepy though. Hope it doesn't creep me out to bad!


  29. Yeah Anonymous, well, the whole thing is another CBS hustle (the latest hustle being the Tassler news that the spinoff did effect the cast shake-up's on the show after they swore up and down that the spin-off had nothing to do with the cast shake-up's). Basically, they tried to sell the idea that Nichols was only supposed to be there for 3 episodes (actually they swore up and down that she was only supposed to be there for 3 episodes). People were suspicious at first because CBS did say that they were going to hire another female cast member, but since the whole AJ and Paget thing was still raw, CBS said that they had no intention on hiring Nichols herself. So, I think a day or two before the first Seaver first episode or maybe not even 10 minutes after it finished airing, the news broke out that Nichols was being signed as a regular. At first people were stumped because they were like "Oh could she be signed when hee arc didn't completely air" typically networks wait to see what the reaction of the viewers to an arc character is before signing them, but then people remembered that CBS said that they were going to hire a female, they just lied about the fact that it wasn't going to be Nichols.

    Like everything CBS does, if they are going to do something, just own up to it and say that they are going to do it instead of talking out the both sides of their mouth. Just like they did when the stories kept changing as to why AJ was being let go and Paget's appearances were being cut. Like I said, they can do what they think they should, but just be upfront about it.

    Yeah, don't know why they had to mess with Paget- her character is a strong experienced female that works well with the show, now to be most likely replaced by a cadet. Another great CBS move- they really know how to mess with shows, sometimes to their utter destruction.

  30. @ Gubegirl It was never confirmed that Hotch was abused, just hinted at once in the Natural Born Killer episode. Hotch always talked nicely about his father. Morgan however was sexual abused by his football coach as was revealed in the Profiler Profiled episode.

  31. I cannot wait for this episode. Finally we get a Reid centric episode, it's been way, waaayy too long since we last had some Reid focus. I am SO excited at the thought of all the Reid angst ahead. And I'm hoping that whatever is wrong with him gives us some nice 'family' interactions between the team, especially between Reid and Morgan and Reid and Hotch. I've been missing the 'family' aspect of the show so very much.

  32. Yeah, gubegirl, I remember in LDSK when Reid's shooting was an issue. I think he's fired his weapon three times, once at Dowd, once at Tobias Henkal and once at the unsub in Nameless Faceless. He's never missed his mark. I think that pretty much puts that to rest.

    I can't wait for a reidcentric episode at last. Too bad that Seaver has to be a part of it.

  33. i am all in for gubegirl's comment about how seaver should mind the coffee pot. she totally should for when our awesome profilers get back.

    but that's only if she doesn't have too many questions about how to look about the coffee pot that is ;P

    anywwayyyyss SOOOOOO EXCITED TO SEE A REIDCENTRIC EPISODE. So far he's just been in the background doing geographical profile stuff.

  34. Seaver speaking regarding the coffee pot, "So, this could all be about coffee?" Lol, couldn't resist- thinly veiled reference to the promo clip :)

  35. Another crappy Reid episode is upon the horizon. I think I'm gonna barf.

  36. Can I please *itch and moan for a moment? Why is Seaver still there? Honestly what does she contribute to the team? *Sighs...HEAVILY*

  37. Pari, didn't you know that Seaver is a prodigy profiler in the making. It is a wonder the BAU has carried on without her.

  38. OH GOD and can she please have one line that isn't a dumb question???

  39. Oh but on a much happier note, Shemar Moore is so freaking F-I-N-E!!!! YUM!!!

  40. Are they trying to go the Reid is possessed route?? What is going on in this episode??? This is kind of weird. Oh, and I love how Cadet Seaver is jumping in there.. Olivia, you are right, how did the BAU get along without her.

  41. It has been said that this season will expose a 'secret' about the team members, I think this one is about Reid's, and I also think it will hint to his Mental health, since his mother's illness is hereditary.

  42. Okay, for everyone who said that Seaver is not profiling......

  43. Lord they're giving Seaver cue cards to read so she doesn't feel left out of the group...aww how sweet and so very stupid. Seaver doesn't contribute anything she just asks obvious questions, but then help in giving the profile...SERIOUSLY??

  44. This is ridiculous... Seaver is up there breaking down a profile to the local authorities.. Wow!!!

  45. What???? This is just bad.... and the episode is half over.

  46. Okay, so far, Reid having headaches, super cadet Ashley Seaver has asked a couple of dumb questions, but has come out swinging profiling and breaking down a profile to the local authorities (she is a cadet, right???), Morgan acting angry, and some rambling voodoo man... yikes!

  47. CM what is going on with this writing.....

  48. WTH?
    Seaver is giving profiles to the authorities, Reid is, what? possessed? psychic?
    Garcia (whom I love completely) is acting ridiculous while presenting a case where people are murdered and mutilated?

    Yeah, loving this "fresh new show"

  49. Oh and my apologies to the Reid fans who thought this would be a feature on our bright young genius.

    and boo to the directing, spending half the episode with the flashing scenes? boo

  50. Oh god.. now the man is performing a ritual in at the police station.. maybe Seaver will get possessed.. wait, she already is..

  51. To me, Seaver looks a lot like JJ in this episode

  52. I really would love to hear all of the people that said in the past thread that Seaver wasn't/wouldn't be profiling to please say that now.. Sorry, but this episode is really bad.

  53. This episode confirms my decision to hold on only to see Prentiss' exit, then I am out. CM, don't know what happened to you, but it is a shame.

  54. Seaver's lines.. brilliant.. great decision to create this character... WTH, this episode is so weak :(

  55. I had sworn off the rest of the season when I heard Seaver would be a regular, but I had to come home early and flipped on the TV in time to see Seaver participating in the profile. REALLY???
    It isn't JJ sour grapes either. If this was someone who had experience (like the lady from P911 or one of the CIA folks) then I could swallow it. But I refuse to choke down this slop.

    I thought this was the Reid episode? Is he going to do anything besides hold his head and rub his eyes? I guess he is psychic, having hallucinations about the gate and that is where we end up.

    What drivel.

    sigh it is a sad day for CM Fanatics

  56. Uhm...why would Reid remove his was hurting his eyes...And he sneaks out to go confront a killer, doesn't tell the others? Oh this is getting painful for my eyes.

  57. This is soooo bad.. oh man, so sad

  58. Ok So Reid's crazy...great.

  59. so the only way they can get people to tune in next week is to have Reid fans freaking out that he is schizophrenic? Pathetic CM

    I know why Reid is having headaches because that episode gave me a headache as well.

  60. This episode get 2 thumbs and two big toes, and 4 kitty paws (Yes even my Siamese cat hated this) down.

  61. WTH.. Seaver was giving part of the profile.. and what was with the rest of this episode.. HORRIBLE!! Cue the sharks, somebody is about to jump.

  62. the only bright spot about this episode is it is followed by Blue Bloods... my new favorite show

  63. Holy crap! I thought that Reid was seriously going to get hurt! That was an interesting episode, the first half was a bit slow but the second half picked up pretty good. I have been waiting for the Reid/mental illness storyline to come and now that it has been introduced, I really want to see what happens! I think he may have misunderstood the doctor because of his fear of becoming like his mom. I think the job might be getting to him, not schizophrenia.

  64. Okay, I am seriously sad because this episode was mega-bad. I just don't even know what to say. What a let down.

  65. I liked the episode, it was very good. Hope Reid confides in soemone. Seaver, why is she there, to sprout out three or four lines and episode and look worried? I was hoping I'd come to like her, however I am seeing that it's not going to happen.

  66. I'm freaking out. They better not write Reid out of the show. I swear to god... they would lose so many fans including me. Hopefully it's just something he can overcome.

  67. I get it.. keep the Reid may be possibly schizo to keep people tuning in to watch crappy episodes like the one tonight.

  68. so this isn't a Reid centric episode? I'm on the west coast so I may not tune in. Did they address the headaches? Any indication this is a storyline to continue? (like a preview to the next episode?) or are they just not going to address it ever again? The press release for plot synopsis doesn't give any indication that they will be continuing this.
    This is sad, I miss the old criminal minds. The green screens, Hotch leading, Morgan following, JJ and Prentiss being strong female presence, and the team caring about one another. When Prentiss leaves we will only be left with Seaver as our female role model, Way to make girls think that all women in the FBI are this stupid.

  69. Bizarre, strange, unbelievable. Would have made a good Halloween episode and as such I would have been ok with it.
    My guess is that Clemente wasn't involved in this episode, not as writer or consultant ...
    Don't like seeing Seaver as part of the team. Doesn't make sense. No rookie agents belong in the BAU or have ever been part of it. So I just don't get it. Also, she looks like a "cheaper" version of JJ what I don't like. Not fair to an otherwise good actress. Her character is out of place and wow, no she even gets to participate in the profile. Takes away from the rest of the team. If this job is so easy that even rookies can do it why make a big deal about it? Why not bring a more mature character on the team. Someone like Catherine or Sarah from the CSI show. CSI isn't afraid to feature "older" women why is CM? Don't like the bias.

    Liked Reid & Morgan in this episode. Hotch needs to be injected with some "life." Still my favorite but he's a bit bland nowadays. Really, really liked the actor who played the "priest." Hope to see him again.

    Hope that next week will be better.
    Of all seasons so far, this has been the weakest :(

  70. I am so very sad after watching this episode...I thought the episode was really bad, actually it was bad and at points just laughable! This season is not improving and that is why I am so sad and dissapointed...I guess I must start looking for a new favorite show because with a lot of pain I must say this one is getting worse by the episode!
    Please please writters do SOMETHING about it!!!

  71. sorry I can't log in the above anon post was me, Minuet888

  72. ugh! the ano post that says so this isn't a ZReid centric episode? not the one after

  73. I really enjoyed this episode. I looked forward to it and I was not disappointed. You could feel Reid's pain and his fear. The crime had nothing to do with the supernatural and was ultimately committed by an unsub who used religion to cover his feelings of abandonment. This is one I will watch again.

  74. Seaver? Two thumbs down. What a joke.

  75. The Criminal Minds spin-off commercial was the nail in the coffin for me. The quality of this show has been degenerating for quite some time. How does CBS expect to successfully pioneer this new angle when they can't even salvage the original?


    My tv channel (not the tv) cut out FOUR times while watching CM tonight!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( The first was at the very very start, the second during the opening sequence (ok that was to bad of a point) the third was when they went to talk to Garcia on the web chat and she wasnt in her chair and the last was when Reid started hallucenating again and started taking off his vest. I just want to cry. (Though I did yell at my TV a few times) I get the out west stations and am recording it again. I am praying that it doesn't do that anymore!


  77. Well, this along with the two Seaver episodes, oh heck, S6 thus far, will go in my never to watch again, burn from my memory file.

    And I can't depart without saying something about the Seaver giving part of the profile scene.. you know what, it is just so ridiculous that I am going to leave it right there.

  78. I kept thinking this episode was part of the Fringe show ... So weird.
    CM was known for its accuracy and attention to detail. I don't know what's going on. The new writers don't seem to care about the show nor the team. Seaver shouldn't be on the show. I agree, an older actress should have been hired. Someone with credentials, someone who gives the show some credibility. Seaver doesn't do that at all. Feels like she's on board to give the show some sex appeal. Just that she isn't that hot. Really ... Bad, bad move to get her on board.

  79. Seriously, that was about an hour of my life that I will never get back. And next week's episode just looks like one big random act of violence after another. Think I am just about done with CM- it is ION and the DVD's of past season's for me.

  80. Won't watch it again either. To anyone who missed it, you didn't miss much. (unfortunately)

    Seaver? Oh please ... Can we send her back to the academy and see her again in a few, let's say, 10 years? That would make so much more sense. All that Seaver does is make me miss JJ even more! I want AJ back as JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaa.

  81. Wow... what a disappointing episode. I was really looking forward to tonight and I'm ticked off I wasted an hour on this.

    CM... it was nice knowing you!

  82. Really, really hope Bernero and who else has something to say on the CM show will read the posts.

    Not good, confusing, weak, unrealistic, Seaver ... Geez, what's wrong with you people!

    Suggestion: Watch the first seasons and bring back the quality that got as hooked in the first place.

  83. What the eff was that!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm trying to figure this episode out - what was the point? It was deplorable, and really just plain upsetting. I hated it, and I have never hated a CM episode before. What was with the supernatural stuff? This show is based on science, not the supernatural - they have a scientific explanation for everything - so we are supposed to believe that someone or something was communicating with Reid telepathically - seriously?

    And do they honestly expect us to think that they are going to make Reid a schizophrenic - seriously? That means that he would no longer work with the FBI - he wouldn't be permitted to.

    Oh, and lastly, how the hell did he get from the community center to the house across the street with no one seeing them. I'm reminded of Fonzi and a group of sharks!

    It's not too late, though. They still have time to salvage the show. All they need to do is rehire AJ Cook and then get some of the writers they let go back!

  84. I wanted so much to love this episode. And actually I didnt hate it but it didnt wow me. Here are some of my opinions - I decided I would give Seavers a real chance and she was fine until the plane...I would have sworn it was JJ. That gave me the creeps but still wanted to give her a chance. When she started profiling in the police station just did me in. You just cant bring in a cadet and have her act like a veteran profiler. It failed in every way! It really did ruin the episode for me because now it went into head first into unbelievable and that was what i really loved about CM. If we remove Seavers parts altogether and concentrate on the rest it still fell a little short. I used to be on the edge of my seat waiting for commercials to be over with and they could have had one of those moments with reid interogating that guy but it just fizzled. Reid should have grabbed his head and flashbacks could have occured -- there was no wow moment and there really could have been. I thought the premise was a good one and the writers could have really wowed the heck out of us. For those of you who watched the Reid/Tobias episodes and then compare this one to see what I am saying. It wasnt horrible but I so expected more...

  85. Remember the shark that was discussed in the previous thread, CM just jumped it. Are you kidding me? Seaver giving part of the profile, she is in remedial training and she is giving a profile and offering a lot of information that someone in her position, a cadet in remedial training SHOULD NOT HAVE. To top it off, no team interactions, no, well, nothing.

    What a waste of the Reid character. This could have been so much better, but it flat-lined pretty much from the beginning.

  86. Reid isn't the problem. Actually liked him a lot tonight. Hope he'll be ok (his character). Certainly can understand his headaches. He has dealt with a lot of stuff. This is a job that gives you nightmares & headaches.

    Perhaps getting some writers on board who care about the show? Some who do some research? Understand the profession? The crime? Just a hint ...

  87. There is no comparing this dreck to the Reid/Tobias storyline.

  88. Hey, got an idea: Bring Andrew Wilder back! He did quality writing and knows about the job. No surprise that Clemente has teamed up with him in the past.
    Wilder, Wilder, Wilder!!! Please bring the man back! He's awesome and cares about CM!.

  89. So when Prentiss will leave (or get's kicked out) will we get another bimbo rookie? Oh goodie, looking forward to it. Nice to know the producers have such a low opinion of the viewers.

  90. I can't really understand the hate for this episode. I have a feeling that people are going to find fault with every episode in this season. IMO this might not have been the best episode ,I don't think it's the worst.

    The only problem I had with this episode is that Seaver was giving profiles and she looked to much like JJ. It was a strange episode but I found the subject matter fascinating. They really had the creepiest crime scene photos. The interrogation was really creepy. I had the unsub pegged when I saw him.

    I felt badly for Reid sitting by himself in the waiting room. Maybe it's only stress causing his migraines or the doctors could be wrong. I guess I would have liked to see Reid confiding in his teammates about his fears. As long as Reid is on this I will watch.

  91. The episode was better than the last new one.

  92. a bit disappointed.Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    After watching the latest episode and reading some of the comments, I particularly agreed with:
    "When Prentiss leaves we will only be left with Seaver as our female role model, Way to make girls think that all women in the FBI are this stupid."
    "Seaver doesn't do that at all. Feels like she's on board to give the show some sex appeal. Just that she isn't that hot. Really ... Bad, bad move to get her on board."

    I felt it was awkward that she asks so many questions but then aids in the profile. yeah, no.

    also as some have mentioned, this reid storyline is kinda lame in comparison with the Tobias episode.

    probably the only "refreshing" part of this episode was the fact that morgan and prentiss were no longer attached at the hip; he was partnered up with Reid and Prentiss was actually in the same room as Hotch. *gasp*

  93. Nina Tassler has you right where she wants you. The original CM is degraded and now about equal in quality to the terrible spinoff. Now you will watch the spinoff too

  94. I am not sure why Reid didn't talk to his team members. You would have thought he would have talked it over with Garcia.

    The episode was okay. I wasn't fond of the commercial for the spin-off.

  95. Why did they do the whole song and dance about Seaver being a cadet if they have her giving part of the profile to local authorities? Lord Almighty, this defies even fiction! Cue the X-files theme music now....

    Don't even get me started on the voodoo man at the police station flinging around voodoo water, or whatever that was. Reid, all he was basically doing was squinting and rubbing his eyes the whole episode. I remember the Reid/Tobias- drug addiction storyline, this doesn't even touch that storyline. This was just a joke, and nice, have people coming back to see if Reid goes nuts.

    Everyone else on the team, well, was just there.

  96. Kasey, good points. Ritualism was an interesting topic. Didn't like the supernatural though. Just not the right show for it. Had some good characters. Agree with you on Seaver. Season 6 has given us some good episode but there's something missing or off. Watch the first seasons again and you'll probably agree.
    No reason to give up on CM. I am confident that the season will end strong. Other shows have had their ups and downs and are still around and worth watching.

    To the anonymous Reid hater: Please stop posting here. We get that you don't like Reid but the majority of us do so just let it go and move on.

  97. I loved this episode. I was on the edge of my seat the whole episode. I thought Matthew Gray Gubler's acting was amazing. There was good profiling, good team interaction and it's making me want to watch more to see what happens with Reid. I like what they are showing with Reid's character (as long as it doesn't mean he is leaving). He is very smart and usually that kind of intellect doesn't come with some sort of mental issues. With everything they see and do, I thought it was a realistic approach to see how it can affect a person's mental health. I want to wait and see if he will find a way to overcome this or if it mind end up being a physical illness that was not detectable earlier.

    Some good focus on Reid after a long time. Again, I think some amazing acting of MGG's part.

  98. Why all the hate for this episode some have asked? All you need to do is watch any of the older episodes (my personal favorites were from season 3-4), compare to this episode, and the answer will become clear, crystal clear.

    Sorry, did not like this episode at all- could have had potential, but it missed by a mile.

  99. honestly, I just feel really bad for the actors. (re: the quality of the writing). they work so hard to bring truth to their work, and when the writing is all over the place, inaccurate, shallow, well, it's a unfair to them and unfair to us loyal viewers. *sigh* I hate to think we're watching a car wreck happen right before our eyes.

  100. This episode was really anti-climactic. They probably could've gotten a wow moment out of the witch doctor. Reid probably could've had his moment too. But everything just kind of sparked and died.

  101. Someone give Hotch a good tickle, please.

  102. Wow, I think I'm actually done with criminal minds!

    I love Reid, his acting was great tonight but the script was just bad.

    And what specifically annoys me about Seaver jumping in while the team is talking to the locals, is that it's always been touted as "The team is a family. So close, that they finish each other's sentences" so now the new girl is already one of them and able to finish their sentences? Total BS and disrespectful to the fans!

    I actually felt my blood pressure go up every time she opened her mouth.

    And to say it again, I love Reid (and the rest of the "gang") so it's sad that the episode was ruined

    No fun at all. Bad story line, good idea but poorly executed and the awful new blonde.

    I'll skip next week- haven't got the slightest bit of interest in watching it....

  103. I'm watching CM on ION now and I am actually really sad. What happened to CM? I can't believe it has dipped this low.

  104. Wow does anyone else think they truly are trying to make Seaver just like JJ? I mean if you look at some of the pics for the ep, if you look quick enough she really does resemble stupid; just like her damn character. What a waste. A rookie giving a profile; seriously? This show didn't need to get rid of or bring in new characters, what it needs is some new want to refresh a show? more often then not you need to start with the writers. The actors merely do their best with the material they are given.

    I do like Nichols but most definitely NOT in this role! This show has gone downhill very fast. But that is what happens when you mess with an extremely well gelled cast.

    And I have to agree with the poster who said that Tassler and CBS have us right where they want us; by the original faltering quality wise people will be looking to and watching the spin off for something fresh and new. Forget the fact that spin off sucks regardless and the mere idea of it is rediculous but then again all CBS loves to do is spin their shows off once they pretty much suck the life and ejoyment out of the original.

    As for Reid's storyline...boring, predictable and circular...enough already with the mental illness crap with him. How about the writers actually try something new with his character; now that is an original idea!

  105. A big thank you and a hug to the admin of this blog who keeps deleting those retarded anti-Reid posts. There always some idiots.


  107. I don't mean to sound argumentative but why are some posts getting deleted? Even one of my posts got deleted and I didn't say anything bad. (I'm not the anti-Reid poster) I'm only looking for an explanation is all, I come in peace.

  108. Because we are not going to allow people to reply to a troll person leaving comments we are having to delete. It just makes it worse.

    Stick to talking about the episode.

  109. When you have to keep some cliffhanger up in the air to lure people into coming back to see if a beloved character is going to bite the dust, well, it is all she wrote (pretty lame and generic gimmick). As someone else said, it is sad that an actor like MGG gets a character centric episode like this; it was just a fail.

    Ah, then there is Seaver. I knew, I just knew that they were going to have her in there profiling- is it completely over the top, insulting to viewers intelligence and just all around pathetic to have a character they pegged as a rookie cadet doing this, yes, it is, but they have done it anyway.

    What happened to Hotch, Prentiss, Morgan, Rossi, heck, even Garcia (who it is beyond frustrating that they still have presenting cases)? These characters are unrecognizable.

  110. Well... this episode was better than the last but only because Thomas was back, although in not nearly enough quantity even with it being Reid-centric. If people are still messing with pushing Morgan to lead, CUT IT OUT! Hotch is our Unit Chief, thank you very much!

    I liked the premise for the case, and liked the build up until Reid seemed to forget that Tobias had ever lived and went off on his own. Headache or not, he just wouldn't repeat that mistake; so the continued OOC writing continues. (*sigh*)

    At least Prentiss got to make a valuable contribution for a change, although the idea of her being outrun by Rossi is ludicrous.

    Yet again, I am left hoping for a return to the good ol' CM days... maybe next week..???

  111. is there a preview for next week's show indicating they are continuing with the Reid headache storyline? I'm a west coaster and I am assuming they didn't bring that part of the storyline to a conclusion tonight so is it being dropped?

  112. No, the preview next week didn't show anything about Reid; it just showed the two unsubs for next week.

  113. The whole time I felt like the episode played in New Orleans. I would like to know whether those ritualistic practices are real or fictitious. Especially the animal sacrifices are problematic.

    Regarding violence: I don't think this season has been all that much more violent. Some of the older episodes had tough stuff to stomach in it as well. Just felt like the quality of profiling in the previous episodes was better and more the center of the show. Now the focus is more on violence & torture.

  114. Mary case you hadn't noticed; this show has been unrecogonizeable since the 3rd episode of the season! This is not Criminal Minds anymore, this is some drunken alternate universe version of what was.

    As for Seaver; who didn't see that coming? I mean if they were gonna do this then they should have just brough her character on as a full fledge profiler (and replacement b/c that is exactly what she is; calling a spade a spade) instead of touting her as a fresh faced cadet who apparently knows more than the veteran profilers on the show. WTH?

    And I agree that the whole Garcia doing JJ's job has got to stop...ya know forget about how it all went down with AJ Cook, the removal of the JJ character on the smallest level really has affected the flow and quality of this show!! like you said, they are all shells of their former selves. But don't worry, cadet Seaver will save the day. *roll eyes* Just frickin bring JJ back and put the show (which had nothing wrong with it to being with) back the way it was.

    And the whole Reid wacko scenario is just the most obvious depseration ploy to get people to is pathetic. I truly hope no other network puts a show on at the 9pm hour that can compete with this show b/c I have no doubt that if they did, this show would lose viewers. As it is many are only sticking around til Paget leaves and there is absolutely nothing on against it!

    So very very sad. And I hope the writers and powers that be for this show read some of these comments and realize just how badly they have ruined this show!

  115. Things I liked about tonight’s episode:

    Morgan and Reid pairing: haven’t had that in a long time; it was good to see.

    Hotch and Prentiss pairing and profiling a scene together; haven’t had that in a long time; it was good to see.

    Paget looked radiant in the scene with Hotch. Her colors were vibrant; and I finally liked the way her hair framed her face. It looked more like a bouffant in the last episode.

    General observations:

    Reid looked bad, but I guess he was supposed to because of the painful headaches; but his constant rubbing of his eyes was more irritating for me than it was for him.

    Garcia was awfully chipper for someone displaying heinous photos of murder victims.

    I knew the professor was the unsub the minute I saw him because he too was awfully satisfied with himself and seem to be more chipper than concerned while looking at the photos of the victims.

    I’ve decided to simply try to tune out the Seaver character, not because her lines are innocuous, but because the writers and producers have decided they’re not going to handle the character realistically, so why should we. I’m indifferent to her. It’s like the person in the room whose lips are moving, but no one’s paying attention to what she’s saying. Indifference is worse that an emotional response because now I no longer care. I hope I don’t start feeling that way about my beloved series; but the writers are making it awfully hard.

    I don’t think anything drastic will happen to Reid. I think the writers may be trying to buy Matthew some time so that he can give his full attention to directing his episode. It appeared to me that Reid’s creating some distance or resistance as an excuse to be missing. Directing is time-consuming, especially when you want to do it right.

    I found this episode a little silly and unnecessary; but I wasn’t bored. Most of Season 6’s episodes have left me wanting and cold. I’m watching Children of the Dark on ION as I’m writing this. Great Hotch/Prentiss moments and great storytelling, which is what CM is missing, the current writers know how to put together a script, but they can’t seem to tell a good story. And there is no longer any relationship to the characters. They’re all written superficially, with no history context, or continuity, not as rich characters that have existed in our lives for the past six years. We know everything about them, something the writers obviously either don’t know or don’t care to find out.

  116. oh- and totally medically inaccurate. most people presenting with headaches have a normal MRI

    there are tons of headache syndromes out there without a structural lesion. total BS writing

    No doctor/neurologist would have had that conversation based on the normal MRI

    and when screening someone for an MRI- you don't ask them if they have hallucinations


  117. I still have hopes that they may just bring AJ as JJ back or at least introduce a more believable character than Seaver. I feel bad for Nichols as I don't think there's anything she can do to save the character. Seaver is just out of place. A rookie can't play profiler and shouldn't. As a guest character who does some supportive tasks here and there she'd be fine but part of the team? Just doesn't work.

  118. said it all perfectly! I just "ditto" your post because I agree with everything you said.

  119. ^ Thanks for the medical insights on headache/MRIs. Too bad the writers forgot to consult some doctors/nurses on that. This kind of oversight shouldn't happen.

  120. I have to say, I'm surprised by the overwhelming hate for this episode. I agree that Seaver helping deliver the profile bothered me, and Reid should know better than to wander off on his own - DUMB. But otherwise I rather liked it. I'm making peace with Seaver since she's apparently going to stay, and I like that she was quietly bothered by the crime scenes - it fit the newbie thing they seem to be going with. There were lots of moments that felt right to me. Morgan didn't tell Reid to shut up (he even asked for a Reidrant!), Garcia's role was fine (and she didn't make a big deal about the horrifying nature of the crime scenes), Rossi had a great bit of snark when they found Reid's vest, Hotch and Rossi don't believe for a hot second that Reid's headache was fake, Hotch noticed Reid having an issue on the tip to Miami, Reid graciously accepted the protective charm the not-unsub offered... Reid not wanting to address an emotional/mental cause of his headaches is totally in character; we've seen that he is scared of ending up like his mother.
    Although I picked out the professor for the unsub as soon as I saw him, I liked that it wasn't just a religious fanatic. The thing with his father felt rushed, like an afterthought, but the level of complexity was more in line with previous seasons' unsubs. The execution of the story was iffy, but I liked the concept.

    This was leaps and bounds above "25 to Life." This was the writer's first episode, and it felt like a CM episode. Some other new writers this season (and even some experienced ones) have not been as successful.

  121. As someone pointed out above, don't count Reid out yet but do question his medical care. First, he shouldn't have to declare his mother's illness at that time as something significant like that should be discussed in family history before any test including MRI. Second, except for hallucinations this sounds a lot like migraines - give the man a triptan and a nap and see what happens! Third, kind of unfortunate that potential mental illness was being so closely associated with talk of "soul-eating" and whatnot in my medically-educated opinion. That being said, good to see Reid getting some more screen time and congrats to MGG on directing another episode.

  122. sdwally:

    "I’ve decided to simply try to tune out the Seaver character, not because her lines are innocuous, but because the writers and producers have decided they’re not going to handle the character realistically, so why should we. I’m indifferent to her. It’s like the person in the room whose lips are moving, but no one’s paying attention to what she’s saying. Indifference is worse that an emotional response because now I no longer care. I hope I don’t start feeling that way about my beloved series; but the writers are making it awfully hard."

    Enough said.....

  123. unfortunately nothing is going to change with the cast or the writing unless fans stop watching. what does CBS care about quality? zero, zilch...all CBS cares about is ratings and as long as the show keeps winning in the ratings they could give two you know whats less about the quality of the show.

    like many I keep waiting each week for something "wowing" and every week i am left going "heh" or am left completely disspointed. nothing is as it was not will it ever be again...I am done giving the show all these chances. It is obvious the greatness is gone. It left the moment CBS felt the need (in order to push a spin off through) to mess with the cast.

  124. Nice comment on the setting, Bina... ITA that New Orleans seems the more appropriate setting.

    The misery of S6 continues. I feel so badly for the cast. Please give them some meaty material soon. And more Hotch, please! He, along with Reid, has been severely lacking this year and deserves better. Getting rid of Seaver should free up some time. (hint, hint)


  125. The hate for this episode was that it was just bad, bad, bad. There were a few times I contemplated channel surfing, but then on some slim hope that the episode would get better, I didn't. However, it didn't get better. Agreed, the topic of this episode had potential, but it flopped with its over the top antics. Everything just seemed to be jumbled together, like most of the episodes lately. I'm not going to even discuss Seaver profiling because as Diana said, it is just to ridiculous that I too am going to leave it right there. And sorry, saying that this episode was better than "25 to life" isn't saying much.

    I really wanted to love this episode, I truly did, but I just couldn't. I couldn't even like it. Sorry.

  126. Anonymous, you were so right in writing this; so true!

    "unfortunately nothing is going to change with the cast or the writing unless fans stop watching. what does CBS care about quality? zero, zilch...all CBS cares about is ratings and as long as the show keeps winning in the ratings they could give two you know whats less about the quality of the show.

    like many I keep waiting each week for something "wowing" and every week i am left going "heh" or am left completely disspointed. nothing is as it was not will it ever be again...I am done giving the show all these chances. It is obvious the greatness is gone. It left the moment CBS felt the need (in order to push a spin off through) to mess with the cast."

  127. Joining Jill in congratulating MGG in directing this episode. Great job! May also explain Reid's nagging headache. Couldn't have been easy to keep TG from taking pictures of everyone's shows (including victims' & suspects). ;) ;) ;)

  128. ^ sorry, meant shoes (not shows)
    *getting late here*

  129. Whoever pegged the term here "Prodigy Profiler," got that right, LOL.. What a joke! We got the Prodigy Profiler Cadet Seaver, a Voodoo Man, and writing that defies description.

    The sharks are closing in....

  130. I am one of the people that wants Paget to stay on the show, but not if the show is going to continue on like this.. Run Paget, run!

  131. MGG didn't direct this ep. His is filming the first week of February. Looking forward to it, though!

  132. All around, this show is just a shell of what it once was, of what it should be, and what it could have been. Very disappointed.

  133. Wow, I'm really surprised at the complaints on this episode. This episode had what so many of S6 has been missing so far:

    Morgan/Reid scenes and Morgan seemed friendly with Reid not annoyed.

    Hotch's concern for Reid

    Mystery of who the unsub was

    Actual profiling - at the end Reid telling him why he was doing this, not just and how they figured out who it was

    Although the episode had a ritualistic killings, the episode was not supernatural. It was interesting because it seemed like it at the beginning but ended up not being like that at all. In the end, it was a professor killing and making the killings look ritualistic. Reid also told the other guy (who he saved in the end) that he came because he saw the picture not because he heard him calling for him.

    I liked that this episode was addressing Reid's worst fear. He may have overreacted to the doctor because of this reason. Perhaps he just stressed, or all the subject matter is getting to him. Whatever it is, I am excited to find out what it is. I really think it is interesting to see what goes through Reid's mind.

    I thought this was the best season so far. I could even overlook Seaver.

  134. Loved the show from the beginning but as time goes on it is becoming a mess. Change of characters is bad for any series, except I have to agree the Greenaway character didn't fit in from the beginning.

    Losing JJ and now having Seaver come along that is a dead ringer for JJ is a slap in the face. Best wishes to JJ, loved her appearance in Law & Order.

    Slow down on the cast change, and stop casting look alikes. Fans can tell a difference!

  135. Quite frankly, I am surprised that anyone was able to make it threw this episode, including me. The only bright spot was the ending scene with Reid talking with the doctor, but it shouldn't take nearly the full course of the episode to get to one nugget.

  136. Whether or not you thought this show jumped the shark before (and it may have) it has really gone and officilally jumped not one, not two, not even three has gone jumped an entire flotilla of sharks that is just how rediculous and sad this show has become! Too many cast changes and of course the one that broke the camels back and horrid writing have created this sinking ship! S6 has gone from bad to worse and it is only half way done!
    God only knows what tptb will do with the rest of it!!!

    Like someone else said, "Run Paget, run!" Don't go down with this sinking ship.

  137. Bout time this episode aired! But I didn't really feel the team in this one .... poor Reid was suffering throughout the episode and not one of them came to him and none of them seemed fully concerned at all to say anything until he took off his vest and went after a killer by himself. Just the family bond wasn't there. The unsub and the rituals and the creepiness was all really well done, though. The visions and everything were good. I just didn't feel that bond that the team has. I think that CM should be an extra half hour or extra hour ... or there should be less commercials because I think the writers are thinking of great stories that are really complex and thought out. The only issue with all of the ideas and putting it together is the time slot given for the show.

  138. Loved this episode! Matthew Gray Gubler's acting was amazing.

    They've always been hinting at him being afraid of his own mind so it was nice to see an episode dedicated to that.

    Great Morgan and Reid interaction that has been missing for so long.

    Good profiling to figure out who it was. I like how the killings weren't ritualistic in the end.

    I liked Hotch's concern for Reid.

    The episode was interesting from beginning to end. I was afraid that the show was dying but it seems that it had come back.

    The only thing I didn't like was Seaver but I'm learning to just block her out.

    Strongest episode this season. I loved it!

  139. Another one I had to cut and paste.. so sad CM, so sad:

    "Whether or not you thought this show jumped the shark before (and it may have) it has really gone and officilally jumped not one, not two, not even three has gone jumped an entire flotilla of sharks that is just how rediculous and sad this show has become! Too many cast changes and of course the one that broke the camels back and horrid writing have created this sinking ship! S6 has gone from bad to worse and it is only half way done!
    God only knows what tptb will do with the rest of it!!!

    Like someone else said, "Run Paget, run!" Don't go down with this sinking ship."

    Enough said this time around.

  140. Wow, interesting episode! I felt so bad for Reid. I'm really curious to find out what's going on with him. I think it will be one of those things that's going to be in the background for a while and will come out later. This was by far the best episode this season!

  141. Okay, I am starting to wonder if some of the people saw the same episode I did because what I saw was severely lacking. The interaction between Morgan/Reid, I can sum it up for you here, "You alright kid." Hotch/Reid, "You all right Reid." Rossi/Reid- Rossi giving Reid a concerned look Reid... Unless I blocked something out, I didn't see much interaction???? The whole Reid going off on his own.. doesn't make sense at all especially considering the whole Reid/Tobias storyline. But I guess the days of consistency at CM are over.

    Seaver, two words, train wreck. CM seriously, do you think we have forgotten that this character is a rookie cadet? I know it has been a bit since her last episode aired, but I distinctly recall that she was in remedial training. Boy, must be one heck of a remedial training course when by the next episode she is up with the rest of the profilers giving a part of the profile.

  142. Continued:

    Also, I agree with Amberly that the one good part of the episode was the last scene when Reid was talking to the doctor, but like she said, why does the whole episode have to go by before getting to a good part.

  143. Let me clarify, when I say interaction, I mean meaty dialogue between the characters. CM had a way of developing an interaction, dialogue between characters that was not only engaging, but had you gain an appreciation, and in many instances, fall in love with the characters.

  144. I liked this episode and tbh I'm not sure what people are looking for. I like how we didn't get a clear answer of why Reid is having headaches. It would be unrealistic for that to be summed up in one episode.

    I also think that Reid going off on his own wasn't the best idea but that was the point. Ans Reid does stuff like this in previous episodes. Sometimes he does irrational things. That is what makes him such a complex and intersting character. We never truly know what is going on inside his mind. Perhaps his actions are suppose to make us the viewers and Reid analyze the situation. Has all the subject matter gotten to Reid, is he still able to do his job, also the thing that he has feared most and they've hinted to viewers, is he mentally unstable. I think this is finally being addressed and I love it. I just hope it ends happily.

    I would really put this up there as one of my favorites!

  145. Anonymous- I don't think it was that people were necessarily looking for Reid's situation to be summed up in one episode. I think it is good that it is out there to be explored. It is just that the episode as a whole, in my opinion anyway, was poorly written and executed.

    I am not directing this at you, but I think that maybe the fact that this was a Reid episode makes some people hesistant to say anything negative about it. Again, not saying that this is the case with you, or anyone else who has written thus far so please don't take it that way; Reid is my favorite character and that is why I think this episode was not a good fit, in my opinion, for his character.

  146. They're back! Enjoyed the more intricate and credible plot (not so much all the gore) and loved seeing Reid and Morgan paired again. Hoping this marks a return toward the quality of the first 5 seasons and some of the earliest 6th season eps. Thank you! Keep up the great work!

  147. I have only one thing to add, I love this original show and the amazing cast and if they are in contract negotiations right now, I hope they are asking for new writers, or better still the old ones back, before this show ends up on the cutting room floor........because IMO that is where it is heading, despite the best efforts of these amazing actors........Seaver excluded, I don't count her as part of the team....if and when Prenitss goes I predict it will only get worse...........the Celt

  148. I thought this was a very interesting episode. I thought it was actually well written and directed. I loved how it addressed Reid's worst fear. I've been waiting for them to do this for so long. I think it is interesting to see what goes on in the minds of the profilers, especially one as brilliant as Reid who seems to have always feared his own mind. I thought that MGG's performance was amazing. The only thing that this episode could have used was more team interaction and less Seaver. I enjoyed this episode and look forward to how Reid's storyline unfolds.

  149. Fedra, I am there with you. I am a HUGE Reid fan and was cringing at the fact that this is what CM laid out for him. I don't mind that his health/emotional issue is still out there, that's fine. It is something they can potentially build on, but this episode as a whole left me, I don't know empty. I guess I don't know how to express it well, but I don't have the same feeling that I used to get when CM was on; the way I do when I watch old episodes on ION (thank God for ION) or off of the DVD's of the season's I have at home (still don't have season 1 or 2 though, need to get them). The feeling I had was of excitement and thrill to see how the characters were going to interact the way you described, how the case was going to unfold, how their study of the unsub was going to lead them to the unsub him/herself.

    Again, probably not expressing myself well. I hope I made a little sense though.

  150. episode in which Reid actually applies his intellectual gifts again...hurray! Thought that plot line had been completely dropped. Great episode; huge improvement over the last two, which were awful. Been missing the Reid-Morgan bromance too.

    Still missing JJ and just don't get the addition of Seaver...seems pointless and not very credible. Overall back on track though and hope it stays that way. Well done!

  151. Always love the Reid eps. Great job, Matthew! Would have been easy to overplay the pain and angst, along with the anger at the end, but you nailed it.

  152. Just finished watching this online and have to say the show is going from bad to worse. Once Paget's gone, I'm gone. CM is but a shadow of its former glory.

  153. Matthew Gray Gubler is an amazing actor and the character of Reid is wonderful, but this episode shortchanged the actor/character. I loved the scene at the end, but like a couple of people said, why do we have to wait to see this at the end. The thing about the scene in the end, the way CM was written before, the same tempo of the last scene is something that would have flowed through the whole episode, and not only with Reid, but with the other characters.

  154. Wow, mixed reaction over this one from everyone. I actually enjoyed this episode. I was at the edge of seat the whole time. I loved Reid throughout this whole episode. I especially loved the end scene with the doctor. Matthew's acting was great in that. The reaction totally made sense. It seemed like Reid wanted something to be physically wrong with him. He didn't want anything hinting at a mental illness. I like how they left it off at the end. It really wasn't what I expected. I thought he would have some physical issue. I'm glad it wasn't as that was predictable. Now it's just got me wondering what it could be. I really can't wait to see where this is going.

    I also liked the case. I liked how it started off totally voodooish and then in the end it was just a guy setting this whole thing up. It's great to see how the team figures it out.

    I'm really not sure what there wasn't to like about this episode. I also didn't find it unrealistic. There are people who believe in these rituals. I think it is obvious that no one on the team does. It was good episode in my opinion. It was different but in the end consistent with CM. It certainly held me interest.

  155. I think anyone who has any hopes that CM will return to the stellar way it was written before had just better pack it up. I'm afraid those days are gone.

  156. Great episode, the show seems to have come back. This episode was so interesting. Strongest episode this season!

  157. Ok, just watched and here are my thoughts:

    1) better than last two episodes (which I never watched more than once they were awful). Wasn't as bad as I expected but that's not great considering the past episodes. But definitely the profiling storyline is much better.

    2) it really bother me that they're just letting the whole Seaver incongruity (why is she THERE?) just go unspoken, unaddressed. I surmise they will just leave it at that. How they will justify bringing her on full time will be pretty awful to tolerate as a long time fan.

    3) I know we're not seeing the whole picture, but the medical exam and medical presentation overall was not well done. Every exam begins with blood tests and other battery of tests, and a real doctor would have said that more tests needed to be done. too obvious of a cliff

    lol. j/k. figure we need a bit more humor in here!

    4) at the end, when Hotch asked Reid what 'that' was (referring to his headache). I"m confused. (will have to watch again.) But how could Hotch even know what went on in the room, they weren't outside the door, they weren't even there to witness or overhear what Reid did. If that's the case, pretty sloppy writer's ploy to bring up concern of the other BAU members. *sigh*

    I want the SMART-EST CM writers back please! We love CM cause it's understated, intelligent, etc.

    *small voice* pretty please?

  158. Wow, what a performance by Matthew Gray Gubler. It's a shame they put him in the background in S5 and S6. I was really blown away by his performance - he was just so convincing! They really need to start focussing on him more!

  159. oh yes, thanks Sophia I said! Also want to def. say kudos to MGG! He is truly a very very strong actor. some of the stuff he does is much harder than it seems. I hope he continues to get parts that show his range and ability after CM...

  160. Fedra, I am going to have to steal your thought about wondering if some people were watching the same show as you/me. I am just really confused; I thought this episode was horrible, and believe it pains me because I love Matthew and his portrayl of Reid. 100% in agreement with the thought that the last scene was the best, but frustrated that I had to sit through the whole episode to get to that one part.

    The beginning scene at the BAU- Garcia presenting the case- can we stop that now, please. Reid and Morgan going out together, agreed, nice to see them together again, but there wasn't much interaction there (I am comparing this to the interactions that these guys had in the past which were fantastic!). The whole voodoo thing, eh, not crazy about it, but it could have been worked into something good, but in the end failed because of the corn ball writing and execution of those scenes (there were many instances when I was bored and lost interest in what was going on). Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss and Garcia were given some lines meaning they were on the scene at least.

    Good grief, do I even need to go into Seaver. That whole situation of her participating in giving the profile at the police station was beyond insane. Oh, and what's up with Rossi nowadays. More and more I am seeing that he is second guessing himself, or like he is not sure of what he is saying and either stays silent or just defers to what others are saying. Before Rossi seemed more confident and took the lead many times when it came to profiling. Not so much now.

  161. cont..

    For what he had to work with, Matthew did a good job (he is a good actor). Just wish he had better stuff to work with.

  162. I really enjoyed this episode. I thought the quality of the writing was good and MGGs acting was excellent.

    It was great to see Morgan and Reid paired up again and Garcia back in her lair for awhile.

    To me everyone seemed in character. Reid has been known to go off by himself a lot and spew BS to distract an unsub.

    I also liked the ambiguity of what was wrong with Reid. It seemed much more realistic than wrapping it all up in one episode.

    This has been my favorite episode of the season

  163. I dont think Reid had a psychic
    Connection with the unsub
    It just looked the way because of how they edited it \
    They didnt say he was schizophrenic .
    Reid just jumped to conclusions .
    I am just going to wait for the story to play itself.

  164. I want to preface by saying that I love Matthew as an actor, and I simply love the Reid character; this episode not so much. Oh Criminal Minds, Criminal Minds where art thou? I am so bummed that I can't even begin to type all of my angst over this episode. I wanted to love it so bad, and after all, how could I not when it was touted to feature Reid. But it was not good. Matthew definitely did the best he could with what he had, but sorry, the episode as a whole was not good. I would say that I am hoping that future episodes where they go into what is ailing Reid will be good, but I think my hope meter is about empty with Criminal Minds. I have given the show numerous times to turn itself around from whatever is going on over there, but now it is painfully obvious to me that it will not change.

    Think I will watch an old Reid-centric episode to cheer me up.

  165. I dont belive Reid had a psychic connection with the Unsub.
    It just looked that way because of how they edited it.
    Everything just seemed heigtened To reid because of his headaches.
    The doctor said the cause might be psychomatic ,
    Reid jumped to conclusions about it being scizophrenia..
    I am just going to let the story play itself out.

  166. Love Matthew, but the writing on the show has gone from bad to horrific every week. Even though Reid is my favorite character, I do not envision myself viewing this show after Prentiss (Paget) leaves.

  167. I honestly thought this was one of the best episodes. I think that after 5 seasons, it's time to get creative and this episode did just that. I think that I haven't been impressed with other episodes in season 6 because they seemed to have been done before and did not contain enough profiling. This episode had great profiling which is what the show is all about while the story unfolded in an original way.

    I agree with Gary that Reid did not have a psychic connection with the guy wearing white (don't remember his name). The guy believed they did but Reid did not. Reid said at the end that he found him because of the photograph not because he felt him calling. Even the visions Reid had seemed more like hallucinations and wierd dreams. Aspects of the case taking over his mind. Reid seemed more concerned about his health and didn't seem to buy into the whole voodoo/supernatural aspect.

    I also agree with Gary that Reid just jumped to conclusions with the doctor. I think that he overreacted and was very defensive. It's like he was concerned that he would confirm his worst fears which I don't think is what the doctor was doing. I think he was just trying to explore all the causes for the headaches.

    I also agree with everyone that Matthew's performance was absolutely stellar.

    I am excited to see what happens next with Reid. I really thought this episode was done so well. I think that the people who had a problem with it do so because it is different. Although it was, I believe it was true to CM. I saw some great profiling after a long time, I also some much needed Morgan/Reid moments and some insight into the mind of a profiler. I think that was pretty impressive to fit into one episode.

    I loved the end scene with the doctor. Reid's reaction was precious. Matthew nailed that scene. He really is quite a brilliant actor.

  168. I just have to say... I thought this was an AWESOME episode. A lot more attention-grabbing than some of the other stuff this season. So why is it that some people aren't happy with it? I have to agree that there are things in this ep tonight that have been seriously lacking this season:

    Reid/Morgan Little Bro/Big Bro interaction.
    Everyone being concerned for Reid (Morgan and Hotch asking "Are you alright?"
    Rossi looking concerned
    The mystery behind the identity of the UnSub...

    I am going to say that this was the strongest episode this season. It had all that, plus some creepy elements that I'd never expected, like the dead animals. YIKES!

    While I will admit there was something fishy about what that professor knew, I was still surprised to find out HE was the UnSub... And how Reid figured it all out, and kept the guy distracted enough to not try anything until the team arrived...And the bracelt that the guy gave Reid, that he said was for protection, I thought that was an interesting touch; I think it'll come in handy, that bracelet, and that it will protect him.

    I have to agree with the above posters; Matthew Gray Gubler did an AMAZING job tonight! A wonderful and brilliant hour of total and epic WIN!!!!! I was on the edge of my seat, begging for the commercials to finish up so I could continue watching that mind-blowing performance! That was some super sweet acting done by MGG! And if any of the cast sees this, way to go, Matthew!!!

    And if what I'm hearing is correct, I'm eagerly looking forward to behind the scenes pictures from the SECOND MGG-directed episode in the upcoming weeks! Yahooooo!!! :D

    I can't wait for the next episode next week! :D

  169. Absolutely loved this episode. Definitely my favourite of the seasson so far. It was so good to get a Reid -centric episode at last and MGG was awesome.

  170. As far as I'm concerned, CM is back with a bang! Corazon is definitely my favourite season 6 episode. After waiting for so long, this episode was totally worth the wait.
    MGG-oh my god...what an actor! I love him. Corazon had all the suspense, intrigue, drama that the last 2 episodes lacked. There was also profiling involved which was missing in the previous 2 eppys. Plus it had heavy doses of Reid...and I never really complain when we get lots of Reid.
    This episode kept me at the edge of my seat, it was amazing, and I never suspected the Professor would turn out to be the unsub! In that respect, it reminded me of the old CM episodes when we had to wait till the end to find out the identity of the unsub.
    I do admit that I laughed uncontrollably when Reid and Morgan were in the interrogation room with that guy and he started screaming chants, it was really funny for some reason :P
    And Reid..his headaches and hallucinations...I'm glad they didn't wrap it up in this one episode because now he'll finally get a good story arc which I have been crying out for..although I don't think he has schizophrenia. And his hallucinations were not like hallucinations but more like visions...because that house he saw while hallucinating was real. I don't know what to make of it.
    About Seaver, she was tolerable in this episode, and didn't annoy me half as much as she did in the previous two..but I still don't understand why she is required. Whatever questions she asked, inferences she made could have easily been made by anyone else so I don't think she's needed at all. Can't wait for "Sense Memory" and the big Emily storyline coming up! I hope we get some closure on Reid's situation too.
    And finally, how can Reid be sick and still manage to look so freakin hot??! My favourite scene was when he was trying to talk down the unsub, and then smack! It was awesome! He was awesome! I<3him!

  171. In total agreement here about MGG's acting. I knew he was good but didn't know he was this good. That was an awesome performance. My favorite was the end scene with the doctor.

    I think the "vision" he had could also be thought of as a hallucination. That's how took it. We saw what Reid saw so perhaps he was under the illusion that he has seen the house before. I think it's all up to interpretation. That's what I love about this episode.

    It was honestly well-written and brilliantly executed.

    I think CM is back!

  172. I am just going to put it out there because Fedra kind of touched on it, but being that this is a Reid-centric episode, backed away. If you take out the fact that the main focus was Reid, and you place any other character in the lead, would you be saying the same thing about this episode?

    So we have the to be continued plot sevice, but the problem is, that a guy who he can barely keep his eyes open..... How is he going to function in the field? Can't possibly expect him to go out and shoot anyone in that condition (I am not being cheeky here, I am really asking this as a quesstion). In order for him to function in the field, this plot device is going to either have to dropped for a few episodes, to be visited here and there, or have him be able to somewhat function with a gun, with the blinding light, "hallunications" which weren't hallunications so much as they were a peek into how Reid's mind works. I think others have touched on the other parts of the episode that also troubled me i.e. Garcia presenting cases, Seaver's seeming transformation into a profiler overnight, etc. Believe me, I don't have an issue with his condition being left open, I just can't imagine how the ball is not eventtually going to be dropped concerning it.

    Again, like Fedra, I really didn't see any significant team interaction in this episode, or at least certainly like some are painting. Like Fedra, I saw scenes where Morgan and Hotch eeked out a couple of lines of "Are you alright Reid," then, well, that was it. Everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, there wasn't that concerned family vibe that you had seen previously among these characters.

    Again, I really have to wonder if this all has to do with MGG. Like I said, if you were to take MGG out of the lead, inserting a different character with this same type of script.. I for one wonder if there would for such adoration. Of course, I could be wrong about this, but it is the feeling that I am getting. This coming from a big Matthew Gray Gubler fan who loves his acting (he truly is a gifted actor). However, I do not feel that this script/episode was a good reflection of that fact.

  173. Hey Katia, I think that you may be jumping the gun here. You're saying that a guy in his condition will not be able to work in the field but we don't know what his problem is yet. I feel like you didn't enjoy this episode because of what it means for the future. I think that's part of the beauty of it - the uncertainty. Let's wait to see how it unfolds. Maybe it does mean that he temporarily is unable to be on the field or maybe it means that learns to deal with whatever problem he has. Bottom line, it's a dark job and there are consequences. I think that Reid having a mentally unstable mom, a father who left him and a lack of social life makes him more vulnerable than the others to a mental or emotional breakdown. Plus he has an eidetic memory and much of what he deals with is dark and probably stays in his mind. You are right that most of us enjoyed this for Reid (not MGG, although his amazing performance did help) because this storyline only works with his character. It wouldn't have worked as well with any other character. It was a fitting storyline for Reid.

  174. Please don't throw rocks at me... but I am really going to have to agree here with Fedra and Katia. I think a comment I just read explains my reasons why perfectly (sorry for the cut and paste, but when I read it I was blown away by how this person got what I was thinking and feeling):

    "After watching Corazon, I had an idea as to what might be happening with this show. Sometimes, when a writer's hit by inspiration, he creates the characters and the plot and launch into the storyline, and for a while, everything goes just great. There's a direction to the storyline, the characters are alive, and there's the great response from the audience which fuels the writer's enthusiasm. For a while, everyone's more than happy with the project. But there comes a point when he forgets what he's writing for. The essence of the characters and the integrity of the storyline falls back when the audience begins ruling the process instead of the story itself. (In this case, the audience, OBVIOUSLY, is not the old fans like us who are continuously ignored, but the 'bigger audience' which somehow sends the ratings up the roof.) The problem, in the end, is that the writing becomes forced, and when it's forced, it SHOWS. The storyline becomes jambled, characters become confused and it can get so bad -and for me, this is as bad as it gets- that Mary Sues and Gary Stus can make an appearance and everything, by that point, is so rotten already that even the Mary Sue doesn't stand out.
    I know that there are multiple writers included in the writing of CM episodes, but still, I think this is what's happening. Somewhere around halfway through Season 5, the team behind CM lost sight of what they're doing. And everything began going downhill. Such projects end in two possible ways: one; the are dropped dead. In this case, I'd guess it would mean forcing it through the end of Season 6 and not renewing the show, and leaving all the jambled storylines hanging. Two, it would mean forcing it through the end of Season 6, but it goes so bad that even if they manage to tie things together, no one is interested in it anymore, and the show is not renewed."

    I do think that the show will be picked up for another season, so that is not really an issue. The big picture is what this commenter pointed out and that is the lost focus of the show and its appealing to a general bigger audience. Carlos was right, if you are looking for what made CM, CM before, I am afraid that is indeed gone for good.

  175. Wow great episode. I really enjoyed it. I'm in totally agreement that Matthew Gray Gubler's performance was awesome!

  176. Hi divya, no, that is not it. I pointed out the gun in the field situation because like so many times before, CM will put something like this situation out there, and them boom.. walk away from it. Can it be handled? Yes, it can, but with these writers I don't have the confidence that it will. About the storyline, I guess I should have said something a long the lines of if this storyline were somewhat tweaked to fit another character, but yet had virtually everything else in line, would the sentiments be the same. I remember the Prentiss episode "Demonology" that I didn't particulary care for- season 5 I believe. I remember a lot of people being vocal against that episode, but if it were MGG in the lead, I don't think we would see the same type of opposition as MGG's/Reid's fans adore him (not that Prentiss fans don't feel the same, but I think there are differences between the two sets and one is usually more forgiving than the other). Again, this is coming from a big MGG/Reid fan. I really do adore him.

    Tammy's comment, or I guess what she cut and paste from what someone else says I believe gets closer to what I was, overall, attempting to say in my comments. Thanks Tammy for putting this comment here.

  177. I’ve been reading on here how people don’t like the new girl Seaver. Last night she was harldly on it! Grant it my channel did cut out on me four times, and I might have missed a major scene she had, but given how she wasn’t on it that much last night, how can you judge her? Yes she made a mistake the first time we saw her, but she’s still learning! She’s is still a cadet! When we met everyone, that were already season FBI agents. Yes, we saw some come to the BAU for the first time, but they had several years experience before we saw them for the first time. How do we know what happened the first time when Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, Reid, Garcia, JJ, Elle, and Gideon all did the first time they came out of the Academy? How do we know they didn’t make any major mistakes? We don’t. We don’t know what there first days in the FBI were like. Yes for a few we know what there first days in the BAU were like, but they transferred there from other areas in the FBI. Give the girl a chance! She’s still learning! She’s still growing! I like her. I think that considering she is a cadet, we need to give her a chance. She will grow. She will learn. Just like we didn’t like other changes with cast characters, we grew to like them. I am sure we will grow to like her.

    (I think this is the first time I ranted on here like this, but I felt like I needed to)

  178. Anonymous, perhaps your TV cut out when she was giving part of the profile to the locak authorities at the police station. For someone still growing and learning, she sure did advance quickly to the point where she was able to give part of the profile.

  179. I thought that this episode was fantastic. It was atmospheric, suspenseful and had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Plus it was full of Reid and Reid angst which is always my favourite flavour of CM. My heart broke for Reid right at the start when he was having his scan and nervously clutching at his hospital gown. Poor guy, going through that all alone. And the end scene with the doctor when he was distraught and so overcome with his fears of becoming mentally ill was a fabulous scene. MGG was absolutely terrific there, as he was throughout. He's such a talented actor, hopefully there'll be more Reid eps this year so this talent can be showcased even further. I loved that Reid's problems weren't neatly tied up in this one episode as I've been desperately hoping for a Reid arc this year. Here's hoping we get to see more about his story soon.
    I loved that the team showed some concern for him. Loved Hotch and Morgan asking if he was okay. Hotch clearly didn't believe a word of it when Reid was trying to pretend he was faking the headache so here's hoping for more interactions between Reid and Hotch further on down the line. And I adored that at long last Reid and Morgan were teamed up together!! I love Reid working with Rossi but the relationship between Reid and Morgan is what got me addicted to this show in S1(along with Reid himself) and we've been deprived of the Reid-Morgan interactions for so long now. I just about hugged my telly when I heard Morgan say 'that's the kid I know'.:-) I don't think we've heard Morgan call Reid 'kid' since S4. Whoever the writer of this episode was, thank you!!!!
    Fabulous episode.

  180. Whatever rocks you may be tempted t throw at Fedra, Katia or Tammy, please don't throw them at me too. Tammy, I am tempted to say your comment, but it isn't because you said you cut and paste it. Well, whose ever it is, wherever it is from, hit it on the head for at least me anyway on all points.

    CM has shifted, it is never going to be what it was before and that, for me, was an excellent show. If this type of storyline were presented with the type of writing/writers from before, I would actually be jazzed and fairly confident that it would be handled properly, but not with these writers- sorry CM. For the sake of the many Reid fans (I among them), as well as the general fans of the show, I really do hope this storyline is handled properly, but I would be lying if I said that I am confident that it would be. Also, a season, or the rest of a season, can't hinge on the storyline of one character (at least not in an ensemble situation like CM). All of the characters have to be at play, and that isn't happening at least not from what I experienced last night.

  181. Katie, I respect ur opinion if this can be carried out properly. I'm just judging by this episode alone on the hopes that this storyline will be carried out appropriately. I do understand ur concerns however based on how the majority of season 6 has been. I'm just hoping that the rest of season 6 will be great. I really liked this episode but I guess we can agree to disagree. I actually like Demonology as well. I guess this had a similar feel. I guess those who did not enjoy Demonology will not have enjoyed Corazon as well. I just see it as there are people who practice these rituals whether others believe in it or not. At the end, the unsub was just a serial killer and was caught because the team actually used good old profiling.

    I still think that this episode was fitting for Reid but agree that it has to be carried out with caution. My guess is that going forward his headaches won't be as intense and he will be able to do his job and this problem will be in the background. I think this is plausable as we don't know what is causing the headaches. I think his issue will be that he won't know when he may get a really intense headache since he doesn't know the cause and won't know how to stop it once he has one. That uncertainty alone makes him a risk in the field but since he isn't telling anyone, there is no one to stop him. I think he is going to avoid the problem since he fears it is a mental health issue.

    I think there is great potential here and again hope the writers take advantage of it.

  182. How many rocks are left.. I guess I am ready to get hit because I agree wholeheartedly with what Tammy wrote and the last lines of Estele's comment:

    "For the sake of the many Reid fans (I among them), as well as the general fans of the show, I really do hope this storyline is handled properly, but I would be lying if I said that I am confident that it would be. Also, a season, or the rest of a season, can't hinge on the storyline of one character (at least not in an ensemble situation like CM). All of the characters have to be at play, and that isn't happening at least not from what I experienced last night."

    What Estele wrote here is key for me. A rest of the season, and looking beyond, can't hinge on one character. And at this point I think I should say that I am a big Matthew Gray Gubler fan lest one of the rocks gets thrown my way at this time. It has to be written for an ensemble, the strength has to come in that. Could there be episodes where one character is focused on more heavily? Yes, of course, and CM has done this before, but before it had stronger writers and strongly written characters.... I'll be in the corner ducking now.

  183. To the Anonymous posted that responded to me:

    It didn't I saw the part of them giving the profile just fine. I saw nothing wrong with what she added. There's nothing wrong with her giving part of the profile. That's her JOB. That's what she's been trained to, and is learning to do. They would have all worked on that profile together. Together they came up with what they would present, and together they present it.

    Posted by: cmwinner

  184. cmwinner.. She just barely got on the scene and is giving a profile. Come on... That whole episode she acted no different than any of the other profilers. Forget the she is in training bit, she is a profiler. I just don't get why they went down the cadet path if they were just going to then unrealistically get her up to speed like that. And yes, I know this is a fictional show, but even for a fictional show, that was ridiculous.

    Look, we are obviously not going to agree on this point, but again, to me, they were pushing her out there like she was a profiler which many here rightly predicted they would do and which, again, is ridiculous being that she is supposedly still in remedial training.

  185. Why are some afraid to come out and say that they believed this episode stank? I love Matthew Gray Gubler, think he is a great actor and love his work outside of CM as well (if you have never seen "How to be a Serial killer" you must! It is a dark comedy, Matthew does a great job in it).

    If you think an episode stank, don't be afraid to say so. This episode for me stank. I, like another person, lost interest at certain points (I was fading in and out). Loved Matthew's acting given what he was handed to act out, but this episode as a whole did not do it for me. Estele, you make a killer point about a season not being able to rest on the storyline of one character being that this is an ensemble situation. Having that expectation will disappoint because, I suspect, not every week this storyline will be touched upon. Well, that was my opinion anyway.

  186. Not really an elite team if you can come hot from the obstacle course and start profiling....

  187. Before anything, I want to say that this is my opinion, not trying to lump anybody here into any specific group.

    With that said, Carlos, you hit it on the head. If you are expecting the caliber and type of writing that CM produced before, forget it, that era is done and over with. Now, as Tammy's commenter pointed out, the show is being written from a different angle, to catch a different audience and those who are lamenting here are almost certainly not the ones the show is writing for anymore (myself included). The essence of the characters and the storyline has indeed fallen back and if you are coming week after week to see the level of writing that was there when Wilder and Mundy were writing and producing, my friends, forget it, that is gone. I think the sooner you (me) come to that realization the better.

  188. So it was better than I expected, but not as good as I'd hoped. Though it seemed like maybe the whole Reid headache thing is going to continue...?

    It also seemed like maybe they cut back on Seaver a bit.

    Like the two episodes before, the profiling seemed to be overshadowed by regular detective work - which would be fine if this weren't a show about profiling!

    Still, it was the best episode since Seaver has shown up. It will be interesting to see if the writing evens out again in the upcoming episodes without her. And since I've ragged on the character so much I feel the need to put in this disclaimer that I have nothing against the actress who plays Seaver. I just can't stand the character of Seaver.

    To end on a positive note - MGG's acting was fan-freakin'-tastic!!!

  189. I don't think this is all going to be about Reid. The next few episodes are about Prentiss. There hasn't been any Reid episodes for so long so I don't see a problem in focussing on him for a while. Like I said, it seems like they will focus on Emily for the next few episodes.

    I really enjoyed this episode. I think that MGG's performance really made the episode stand out much like Thomas Gibson's performance in 100. I'm curious to see where this storyline takes us. I also see why people are skeptical. It seems most people have a problem seeing this story being carried out brilliantly because the writing has been lacking lately. I did think the writing for this episode was done well so I'm hoping they will handle the rest of the storyline well.

    Who else agrees that MGG's performance at the end with the doctor was amazing?

  190. Veronica, my heart broke at what you wrote, but sadly I must agree with what you stated.

  191. That was one of the single most painful episodes.
    I don't know what was worse - the directing, the writing or Seaver being a full-fledged profiler her 3rd episode.

    Ok yeah it was Seaver being the profiler

    I am not a Reid fanatic... like him fine but you know ;) ... anyway, I feel sorry for those who were looking for a spotlight on boy genius. Yes, he was featured, but instead of a genius he is now a psychic.

    Too bad Hotch is so asleep at the wheel he didn't care about Reid's issues or the potential danger to the team.

  192. I don't think he's a psychic. I think they were hallucinations. I think he just felt like he had seen certain things before. Usually geniuses have a different mentality. It was nice to see what goes on in his mind.

    They've been hinting at him being afraid of his own mind from season 1 so it was nice that they finally addressed it.

    Whether people enjoyed this episode or not, I think we can all agree that Matthe Gray Gubler is one hell of an actor. He really blew me away with his performance.

  193. I enjoyed the episode for what it was, but I felt like I was watching an episode from some other show, not an episode of CM, which used to be an intelligent show about profiling.

    On the positive side, MGG finally gets more than 2 lines in an this episode this season and he does a wonderful job.

    On the negative side, why is Seaver, the cadet/trainee, giving parts of the profile to police? I have nothing against the actress, but the Seaver character adds nothing to the show. In fact, her presence makes me want to turn the channel almost every time she opens her mouth. As much as I love Reid, Hotch, Rossi and Garcia, after Paget leaves, I doubt that I'll be watching any more.

  194. You know what is interesting, the Morgan centric episode, 25 to life was basically torn to shreds, but at least that episode was easier to stomach than this one. Now, I know that most of the fury with the 25 to life episode was that Hotch was not there which I agree was pathetic, but that episode was at least a little bit better written than this one (and no I am not saying that because of the voodoo spin, I don't have a problem with that). Also, I am not syaing this as some sort of Morgan fanatic, quite the opposite, I am a Reid fanatic and for that I make no apology.

    My initial reaction to this episode was bad, I tried watching it again, but just couldn't (I did fast forward to the last scene featuring Reid at the doctor's office, that was awesome). Even though I adore Reid, I don't come to CM just for him. Yes, I love it when he is on the screen as much as possible, but I like the other characters to and the way they used to be written, the way they just all clicked and bounced off one another. That wasn't there last night, nor was any semblance of good, coherent writing- this has been missing for a while.

    It literally shattered my heart into a million pieces when I read what Veronica wrote above, but she is correct and there is just no denying that for me anymore.

  195. Regina, Anonymous and Veronica, I have to agree with what you all wrote. Regina, like you, I am a Reid fanatic, and for that as well I make no apology. Matthew Gray Gubler is a fantastic actor! That aside, however, the snippets of great acting that we saw from Matthe Gray Gubler in last night's episode was not enough to carry this whole episode. Anonymous, it did feel like this episode had a different vibe to it, and it wasn't necessarily about the voodoo angle. Ultimately, I think it boils down to what Veronica wrote:

    "Carlos, you hit it on the head. If you are expecting the caliber and type of writing that CM produced before, forget it, that era is done and over with. Now, as Tammy's commenter pointed out, the show is being written from a different angle, to catch a different audience and those who are lamenting here are almost certainly not the ones the show is writing for anymore (myself included). The essence of the characters and the storyline has indeed fallen back and if you are coming week after week to see the level of writing that was there when Wilder and Mundy were writing and producing, my friends, forget it, that is gone. I think the sooner you (me) come to that realization the better."

    This comment goes back to what Carlos wrote, and also to what Tammy contributed which I think were excellent points, and they are points that I am going to have to come to terms with in regard to CM.

  196. Well I was a boob and fell asleep last night just as CM was coming on. So, I missed it. However I have to say regardless of how lame most of you think it was the lack of faith in CM is just depressing. No, the writing isn't as stellar as past years; yes, I'm on the fence w/ Seaver too. The season is not over so let's just wait and see what comes our way. I plan on watching CM until they take it off the air.

  197. It seems like people either hated the episode or loved it. I thought it was good. It held my interest, kept me guessing, had some good profiling, some Reid/Morgan interaction, concern for Reid from Hotch and mystery of who the unsub was. I also liked the guy (the one they interogated) - his acting was pretty good. I think that as long as this storyline is carried out well, it can be a really good one. I have to agree with everyone that Gubler's acting was really good. His best performance ever. It seems like the people who didn't like the episode also agree on this point. I'm looking forward to the next few episodes where we learn more about Pretiss. I'm also looking forward to seeing how Reid's storyline plays out.

    I'm guessing most people had a problem with the Voodoo aspect of the case and what seemed like Reid having Psychic abiliites. I really don't think that this has anything to do with his problem. I think it was unique to the case and the actor (interrogation guy) believed that Reid did because that is the sort of thing this guy believed in. I think they showed everything this way to show that Reid is having some sort of Mental or emotional breakdown.

    I also loved the end scene with Reid and the doctor. His reaction to the doctor totally made that scene amazing. Again superb acting!

    I'm basically not even addressing Seaver because I've blocked her out. She adds nothing to the show. Nothing against the actress - you can only work with what they give you.

  198. No, the writing isn't as stellar as past years; yes, I'm on the fence w/ Seaver too. The season is not over so let's just wait and see what comes our way. I plan on watching CM until they take it off the air.

    I have to agree with this completely. People are way too critical here. This show is meant to entertain and it is. I think that everyone appreciated the writing before because it was original and new. All those storylines have already been done and we don't want to see that again. The only thing I wasn't fond of this season is the end season in 25 to life (I like the rest of the episode) and the lack of team interaction. I felt like they were back on track with the team interaction this episode. I think things were more light-hearted in past years because the team had not been through as much. They've all been through a lot lately and have become a little more intense. I think that is a realistic way of showing things. Part of the appeal of this show is how this job affects the members of the BAU. I think that this episode clearly showed that in Reid. We've already seen how Hotch has changed as well as Morgan (he became supervisor for a while that made him more intense). I think as long as they keep portraying the members as family and have good cases with strong profiling, I will be happy. I thought this episode delivered on both.

  199. coadygirl, I think the writers have, unfortunately as of late , earned that lack of faith and skeptism. This is a repeated pattern that cannot be ignored.
