Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "What Happens At Home" written by Ed Bernero and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments :)


  1. I've told everyone not to call me and the store & staff need to be self suffient tonight because I will NOT miss this episode. This will be the start of a new evolution for Criminal Minds and this is a *no miss*. I certainly hope it and Rachael live up to our expectations. I'm sure it will :)

  2. After 3 weeks of reruns, and getting a supplement of ION reruns to boot, I am SO ready for a new episode. And I am receptive to liking Rachael, too, even tho' I will always miss JJ.

    I am going to try and see her as an addition and not a replacement (because she's NOT) and I am thrilled that TPTB have approached Paget to stay on and be a FT perm cast member - she is such an asset and I have come to love her in her role as Emily. She rounds out the cast so well and I appreciate her so much more than I ever did LG in her role as Elle. Never got the warm fuzzies for her.

    Enuf! Later!

  3. I'm going to try to see this new girl as an addition too and not as a replacement, even if that's not going to be easy.

    I just don't want the writers to develop a romance between her and one of the main characters.
    Please, please, don't go down that road...

  4. Rachel Nichols NOT WELCOME to Criminal Minds! I want her OUT OF THE SHOW as soon as possible! GO HOME, and let the real CM girls stay!. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!!!

  5. old are you?

  6. No one is happy with what happened to AJ Cook and P. Brewster's, but we shouldn't take it out on Rachel Nichols. She's not at fault.
    I'm certainly less than thrilled by the idea of her character possibly becoming a regular one, but I'll try to enjoy this episode as much as possible (if only because it's written by Ed. Bernero).

    And I have to say that I completely agree with Agathon : please, don't turn her into a love interest for someone on the team.
    IMHO that would be a really, really bad move.

  7. yeah! new eppy tonight! cant wait!

  8. Well, I'm excited about tonight's episode since it has been three weeks since 'Into The Woods' (which I loved).
    I might not be a fan of the new character, but as long as the writers don't throw romance into the mix I'll try to adapt.
    But if they want to hook her up with one of the main characters I'm afraid it will be the last straw for me.

  9. Just saw a preview that showed the new girl. Her father was a serial killer!!!?????

  10. Yes I agree, no romance between Ashley and Reid or between Ashley and someone else on the team !

    And I'm not saying that to put down the new character, I just think there are more interesting things to do with the characters than involving any one of them in a romance with a cadet/newbie.

    I can't wait to learn about Reid's secret and I hope it has nothing to do with Ashley Seaver.

  11. all right, this is it, the moment of judgment--Will Ashley Seaver rise above her naysayers and turn out to be a good distinct, well-drawn out character in her own right (despite the physical similarities) or a Scrappy Mary Sue copycat replacement? In tonight's episode, you'll be the judge.

  12. I agree with Agathon too. Please do not make Ashley Seaver hook up with Reid or any other character. I mean, even Garcia and Morgan; and Hotch and Prentiss haven't hooked up yet, so if this new girl suddenly gets a love interest... well, let's not go there.

    Overall, still looking forward to this episode. :)

  13. I'm still at work and if I'm not out at 8pm to get home in time, I just may make the 11pm news! There were alot who didn't like Paget when she first joined up. Let's just give Rachel a chance.It sounds like a great storyline. I love Emily P. and want her to stay so much but if Paget wants to look at other projects then we really can't complain. I'm curious to see the others reactions to our newbie after learning her family history. Reid has a tendency to show his emotions on his face without censure. It should be an interesting introduction.:)

  14. Finally a new episode, and not just any kind of episode but one written by Edward Bernero.
    I'm excited to see our team back.

    Yes, this episode is special, it's bringing in a new agent and in all probability she'll stay.
    A big part of me wants to say that I hope this girl won't stick around. A big part of me wants to say that I hope she leaves after her three episodes arc.
    But we need to be fair (and realistic) : lets at least wait to see how it'll play out on the show.

    But there is one thing I can say with certainty : even if the character reveals to be an interesting one, I don't want a romantic storyline involving her and a member of the BAU.
    That's definitely one of the last thing I want to see.

    I don't know if the writers will read that message, but I hope they do.

  15. Count me in with those who don't want to see a romance between Reid and the new girl.
    I'm really hoping that the writers won't go there for the sake of the show.

  16. I say let the show go and not blame Rachael for the changes. It was in the books and we as fans don't have a say really. Just enjoy it. It is still a good show.

  17. Yes this show is good. Even if we miss AJ and even if Paget leaves we should try to enjoy the storylines and the characters still left. And I did enjoy season six so far.

    That said I must admit I,too, would have a difficult time enjoying the show if Reid and the new girl hooked up.
    It would not only be cliché and stereotypical, but it could quickly turn the show into a soap opera.
    I want a Reid storyline that doesn't involve romance.
    It's my firm belief that in Criminal Minds romance is better left to fanfictions.
    So I would hate it if the writers used Reid's screen time in order to show a romance. His screen time would be better used to show him using that exceptional mind of his and bonding with the team (and maybe to deal with his secret...).

  18. I'm really excited for this new episode.
    I wish Rachel Nichols all the luck and I hope her character becomes a great addition to the show.

    And I wouldn't mind some romance, either.

    Honestly, today I chose to be positive. I love this show and I just want to enjoy it.

  19. To Amy,

    That's great, I choose to be positive too.
    But for me, and a lot of other fans, a romance between Reid and that new character wouldn't be welcomed in the slightest.

    So, I'm trying to stay positive and hope that nothing will happen between those two.

  20. Finally, a new episode! I'm excited.
    Concerning the debate about Reid and Seaver I'm interested to see a friendship developing between them, but NOT a romance. Just a friendship born out of understanding.
    Having said that, I would still prefer to see Reid and Hotch bonding, because it has been a really long time since we saw that.

  21. If Seaver doesn't roll her eyes every time Reid talks about something other than work? I'm sold. And if Reid gets to develop a mentoring-type relationship with her? Even better.
    Please, no romance.

  22. to Aile,

    Morgan and Emily didn't happen, Hotch and Emily didn't either. I don't think Criminal Minds it's about that.

    What I'm saying is that I wouldn't mind some happy moments with the team and maybe even to see them in actual relationships, it's part of life and growing up. Morgan was supposed to have a lady (twice), so did Reid (actually, I like Reid with Dr. Kimura), and taking for Hotch's first episodes where he was a happy married man, those can be really nice moments to watch.

    But I'm okay if it doesn't happen, I just don't get why it has to be such a bad thing.

    Honetsly, I'm just happy my show is still standing after all it has been through.

  23. Ok, five minutes in and I'm already unimpressed. I've said it before and I'll say it again, she can leave when her three episode story arc is done. I'm not going to like this character. That said...

    Personally I loved Paget's Emily the first time I saw her. Never liked Elle, not sure if it was Lola or just the character I didn't like.

  24. Hotch smiled! A small one but it was a smile!

  25. I didn't think I would like her but I do! Damn it! She's major tough chick. I like her. I REALLY didn't want to.

  26. Not that impressed with the new girl right now, but the show has only started.
    I was glad for the Reid moments, but don't hook him up with Ashley please !

  27. Okay, as long as Ashley doesn't turn into a Mary Sue and doesn't become a romantic interest for anyone in the team, I'll try to give her a chance.

  28. Whatever some say about this girl's not being her fault the wrongs done to Paget and AJ, I cannot but notice one thing_ it took an entire season to Kirsten Vangsness to be credited as a regular. What the f** has this woman done to be promoted just after THREE episodes? Strange, to say the least.

  29. Okay, I'm extremely down about the whole Ashley/Reid thing.
    I hate it, I really hate it.

  30. So far, Im really into this episode.
    Morgan and Garcia cuteness is right up my alley tonight.
    Im a shameless shipper :)
    Reid has a crush! He certainly likes his blondes.
    Most of my fave epis are written by EB so, I want to give this my full attention!

  31. I'm with Anonymous. I really like the Reid crush. And I don't mind a little Reid relationship on the show. Throw the boy a bone! Plus it means more Reid and I'm okay with that!

  32. Ok so this chick is supposed to be so insightful because her dad was a serial killer and yet she doesn't know anything that she wasn't told. So , How the f$*# is she going to be of any help?

    It would behoove the powers that be to wait and see if the FANS of the show like the character before making her a regular. Another BAD decision by TPTB could kill the show.

  33. Jenny G, that's 3 of us then.

  34. I was more than willing to give her a fair chance, but now I just hope that she'll quickly be gone (and it's not just because of how AJ Cook was treated).
    I really can't get into this new character, and the Reid/Ashley subtext is really a big, big let down.

  35. I think its a matter of none of us like change. Plus the whole AJ and Paget thing was handled soooo poorly. Especially if this girl is a regular (I didn't know she officially was) it will be a slap in the face because we all love AJ. But I do like this girl and she's different then JJ. Young for sure. I wouldn't mind a little young blood in the show. I mean Reid and Garcia are the 'youngest'. I'm happy to give her a chance.

  36. The implied possible relationship between Ashley and Reid doesn't sit well with me either and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one.
    They lost me in the first minutes of the episode when Ashley was 'super awesome' and 'super smart'.

  37. Ashley is not a character I'm enjoying so far.
    Hotch should be pissed with what she did.
    And the writers gave her more backstory in one episode than JJ got in five plus years.
    And please, the Reid/Ashley thing is stupid, it doesn't do justice to Reid's character and it's not helping !

  38. I think I'd be more receptive to Ashley if she didn't look so much like makes it obvious that she's a replacement. I don't know that I'm wild about her back story either - it seems like a conflict of interest - unbelievable...I don't know, I guess I just miss JJ. :-(

  39. what was the song that was on the end of tonight's show?

  40. Tonight is the debut of the controversial Ashley Seaver! Is she a hit or miss? Find out tonight on Criminal Minds!

    Just trying to lighten things up, depending on how well or poorly she is received.

  41. the song is 'Far From Home' by Five Finger Death Punch.

  42. found it.. Its five finger death punch called Far from Home

  43. Song and quote info is posted on the blog in a separate post.

  44. I didn't watch tonight. Probably won't watch anymore. It is enough of an insult to the cast and fans to dump AJ so abruptly and without cause - but to bring in a "younger" look alike? and to cram her down our throats? To make her a love interest for Reid?

    Season 6 has had pretty much zero profiling, zero credibility in scenarios and now it is venturing into a primetime soap opera's territory. Thanks but no thanks - I prefer to watch the intelligent episodes from Seasons 1-4

  45. Well, as a 'victim' Seaver was believable and I actually enjoyed her unique circumstances, and the element it brought to this case. But as a 'Profiler' I just don't see FBI cadet Agent Ashley Seaver in that role. She was just too soft and crybaby-ish. Nevermind the fact that I'm sure one has to have a whole lot more training to be a behavioral analyst. So far not impress with her with regards to the dynamics of the team. She just doesn't bring anything to the table, but I guess I'll have to wait, since they've hired her full-time we'll be seeing more of her.

  46. I really liked the episode

  47. Was Rossi's secret supposed to be tonight? The only thing that left me a bit confused, and I will have to rewatch to clarify, was at the end when Rossi is telling her how to deal with not hating her father for being a killer, does he say it worked for me? (as in Rossi)?
    I could be totally wrong, will rewatch later.

  48. She's a strong woman and a cadet but she doesn't attempt to defend herself. Ugh. I can't stand it when women are written like this. It's ridiculous.

    I loved the Hotch smile.

  49. Tonight's episode...
    You know I don't want to sound like a "bad fan" because I tried, I tried really hard to appreciate this new character.
    But I just can't, not when she was written the way she was.

    I can only hope that they won't ever bring back the Reid/Ashley thing simply because I want Reid to have a much better storyline than that.

    And an SSA dating a cadet, don't you think that would be controversial ? You're certainly not doing Reid any favor here.

    Anyway, I hope I'll still be able to enjoy this show because it has always been my favorite for years...but right now I'm just feeling crushed.

  50. If I ever want to be able to watch this show again I'm afraid I'm going to have to pretend Ashley Seaver doesn't exist.

    I wasn't prejudiced to her character, I know the actress is not to fault. But I really couldn't get into her story, I couldn't immerse myself in this episode and in the storyline.
    The Reid/Ashley possible relationship was what I was fearing.
    And I agree with those who said Reid deserves a better storyline, one that doesn't focus not on relationship.

    If the girl's role had been more low-key and if she had been written differently maybe I would have appreciated the episode better.
    Right now I hope against all hope she won't stay.

  51. I liked this episode! I don't dislike the character Ashley. In fact, for this particular episode it was an interesting twist. Kudos! I just can't see what she would be able to bring to the team. She is a cadet! She can't profile. She was only helpful in this situation because of the lack of social stratification within the gated community. This show isn't about bringing in the quirkiest characters. I understand this is a tv show, but let's keep some semblance of reality. Plus, the Reid crushin' on Ashley scene was just painful to watch. For the sake of the shows longevity, the writers will have to play this carefully.

  52. Folks, folks - Garcia makes one comment and you've got the two of them engaged???? HELLO?????

    I thought it was great epi and I especially loved Hotch/Rossi humor.

    Great job Ed!!!

  53. I am so sick of stupid, careless continuity errors. It is insulting to the viewers.

    For Emily to say that she had never thought about the Unsubs being fathers before - ummm WTF was Solitary Man all about? In Name and Blood? Birthright? Bloodline?

    Seriously? Seriously?

    The people who write the show could at least watch it a few times.

  54. I may be optimistic, but I'm hoping that Garcia was just teasing her junior G-man because she knows it rattles him, and I'm hoping his swallowing a smile at Seaver after that conversation was just him being paranoid the team would mistakenly read into something that isn't there. That's what I'm telling myself. That being said, with all the eye-rolling that's been directed at Reid lately, it would be nice to see someone be... nice to him on a personal (not just professional) level.

    And I don't hate Seaver. Drop the "my dad was a serial killer" anvil, and her fresh perspective could be really interesting. If nothing else it was worth the Hotch/Rossi "doesn't it make you feel old"/"no" moment.

  55. "Its just a little crush....ooooooh, crush."
    I will always love CM and this family.
    This new character didnt impress me but she certainly added to what I felt was a great story tonight. I understood her reasons for not fighting. She's skilled in hand to hand combat. She could have had the Unsub flat on his back in a matter of seconds but she chose to handle the situation differently. This character makes me feel like the Jordan Todd character made me feel.
    What happened to the Lila and Austin characters? I thought they were great choices for the Boy Genius.

  56. anyone else think that convo between Em and Ashley in the car would have been a great opportunity to at least... mention...or reference Prentiss's has nothing ever come up about him yet

  57. Did not care for this episode at all.

    Not because of the new character per se, but because the new girl character was so dumb and helpless (not like the other girls of Criminal Minds). Personally I was hoping she was gonna get killed off at the end of this episode. I miss JJ... :(
    Also a romance with anyone would definitely ruin the what makes the show so good in the first place.

    If this is a precursor to the future episodes then I don't think I'll be interested in watching them... Have to wait and see.

  58. I thought that this episode was pretty good. I think that I'm just afraid of where the show is headed. I didn't mind that they concentrated on Ashley's character in this episode but I hope it's not a recurring trend. I'm also okay with a little Reid and Ashley bonding and flirting. I don't think that they will develop a serious relationship. I also hope that this won't be Reid's only storyline. Weren't we promised a big Reid secret that was supposed to come out this season? I'm still waiting.....
    I really think we need to see more Reid and for him to be given more of a storyline. I hope it's not all going to be about the new girl. As long as they do not give the new girl too much screen time, I'm okay with her.

  59. ATTENTION ALL REID FANATICS: Just because Reid was checking out a beautiful girl DOES NOT MEAN THEY WILL DATE. I have no idea where someone would get that from. The two talked and shared a smile. They're playing on his senses. Its all just a tease and some people are clearly falling for it. That is actually ridiculous.

  60. I don't know why people are being so hostile toward the new character. Life goes on and the show can't remain a shrine to JJ or whatever it is people want it to be.

    Frankly, the show needs a new rookie character. The team has seen it all and have grown weary and cynical. A fresh perspective on the work they do will be good for them and for the show.

    I also do not get the absolute rage over the idea of the new character having a romantic interest in Reid. The level of vitriol in these comments is off the charts.

    Flirtation between two characters didn't hurt Bones for five seasons and it isn't hurting Castle now either. Granted, those are more character driven shows than CM, but Law and Order - the most procedural of all procedurals - managed to deliver a believable romance between DAs Jack McCoy and Claire...whatever her last name was, that did not interfere with telling the weekly story of the show.

    Now I do have issues with this episode, but the existence of Ashley and the fact that she looked at Reid are not among them. Chill out people!

  61. ...yeah, this whole episode was painful.

    I can't stand Seaver. I tried; I can't. She's almost like a bad fanfic character.... "my daddy was a serial killer!" really? that's the best they could do for her background? Have the writers never been on these great internets before?

    And I agree that Reid deserves better than just a relationship fodder storyline. If that happens, it'll be both ridiculous and insulting.

    Honestly, Seaver wouldn't be a bad one-off character. Keep her three-episode story arc and then erase her from the fabric of space-time. But a regular? lord. if that happens, I'll stop watching. And that thought distresses me because for so long, Criminal Minds has been one of the only intelligent, well-written shows on TV.

    (and Prentiss not considering that unsubs could have families-- whoever wrote that must've never seen the show, ever.)

    oh JJ, how i miss you.

  62. I'd be totally insulted if I were Rachel Nichols b/c it is obvious the only reason she is around is to 1) create controversy with the fans therefore creating media buzz for the show b/c the moment it was announced she would be on for 3 eps fans got all up in a tizzy and the show was all over the web. Then to make her a series regular before one of her eps even airs, again just creates more controversy and attention for the show. See this all as it is; media buzz. And 2)she makes the show "younger" which will help draw in that totally coveted 18-49demographic this show never wins.

    Because after tonight's ep I honestly can't see or think of one good damn reason why the character is even on the show! It was lame and the character is way too nice, smart and perfect (other than her defying Hotch) for this show. I for one am not simply going to lay down and accept the character and move on. I think I have simply accepted just a little too much lately with regards to this show. Damn it just bring back JJ!!!!

  63. Thanks to twoBQ and Anonymous after twoBQ for bringing back the sanity. I agree with you both.

  64. @twoBQ
    There is an interview where Rachel Nichols talks about the potential for her character to develop a bond with Reid. Not that it really tells us anything concrete, but it is still a scary prospect...

  65. Did anyone watch a show called "The Inside?" It stared Rachel Nichols as an FBI agent doing similar work to the BAU. Only then she had been kidnapped and held by a pedophile for a long period of time as a child.

    Same actress. Same character. One tweak to the back story. Please tell me Tim Minear at least got a credit for this.

    Add to the fact that she resembles AJ Cook, and they've got Reid crushing on her and the whole thing is just creepy.

  66. I now know why it was so important to announce that Rachel Nichols was negotiating to be a regular. It was more than evident that her first episode was more than just the introduction of a short-lived character. Nichols had more dialogue and screen time than AJ or Prentiss has had in any one episode. It had to be written as her star turn; and with that kind of build up, how do you exit after two additional episodes.

    There wasn’t even any dialogue that would lead you to believe this visit was temporary. After the case was over, Hotch scolded her for going off by herself; but no one even alluded to the fact that she would be returning to the academy. It would have been more realistic if Hotch had maybe suggested that he would take her not following orders up with her supervisor. That would have made it appear as if she wasn’t already installed as a regular. The entire episode was designed to showcase Ashley Seaver; but there was nothing extraordinary about her character. If she was supposed to have some intrinsic radar as the child of a serial killer, her radar failed her miserably. She waltzed into the house of the killer without a clue that he was in any way connected to the murders.

    So since she had no experience as a profiler, her radar of off-kilter, I thought maybe she’s got moves like Ziva Davide from NCIS; and she was going to flip this guy before he knew what hit him. But all she did was cry and empathize, which was unoriginal and kind of a letdown. I know this CM and not NCIS; but if you bring in an actress who looks strikingly like the one you just let go, I expected she would do something that the former character could not do, like drop kicks, right-crosses to the jar, or knees to the gut to singlehandedly disable the unsub. I guess I was expecting too much.

    Now Nichols did a good job with the material she was given. I’m not criticizing her performance. But it simply struck me as an inconsistent and unnecessary casting. However, I’m sure we’ll get to see the diversity of her character over the next two episodes and beyond, since CM chose not hire a diverse actor for the role.

    It is now time for the writers to give that kind of screen time to Prentiss, who continues to toil as Morgan’s amiable sidekick. It’s becoming a Yogi and BooBoo thing to me now—annoying and comical at the same time. I still would like to see Hotch and Prentiss paired; but I know the same old thing is easier. Routine doesn’t take much thought: cue Garcia’s come-on to Morgan, cue Morgan and Prentiss at the crime scene—simply cut and paste.

    I don’t understand why the writers have the two most seasoned profilers (Hotch & Rossi) riding together anyway. It seems to me that as the senior profilers, they would be partnering more with other team members and not each other. And I would expect Reid/Ashley to naturally be friends or be attracted. Reid was attracted to JJ at one point. These people aren’t supposed to be asexual. Well, then again, maybe they are.

    On a lighter note, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Hotch looked magnificently handsome and controlled in this episode. It’s time that he had an episode that is worthy of his talents as well.

  67. Content-wise, this was a good episode. It was well-written and intense. Ashley Seaver definitely has a unique character. I'm not 100% sure about her still, mainly because she shows too much emotion and she is over compassionate. I cannot imagine what she has been through, but she will have to be able to hide her emotions first and foremost. I think she was brought in as a character a little too soon, mainly because from the JJ situation, it will make it a lot harder for fans to accept her. Just that little thing I noticed. Other than that, a very well-done episode and Ashley Seaver was written in very well addressing the issue right away, showing a massive difference from JJ. I would think it would be a good idea to see more teasing about Reid thinking Ashley is "pretty", but I think it's too early for them to really start anything.

  68. I *never* thought I'd say this, but I just fell a little out of love with CM. The episode was so uncharacteristically poorly written, i.e. not as subtle and smart as CM usually is, so on par with other average network shows. The writing for Ashley Seaver was so forced and unfortunately, though Rachel Nichols is good actress, you need to be very very very good or great to be able to pull off the lines she was given with any subtlety or panache. I was really disappointed. :( And so sad to have to say that too. Love the cast, love the actors, but please find someone else to add to the cast. Someone who is a stronger actress and who is more unique. No offense to Rachel Nichols. I don't think she was given a character nor lines that would match with her acting strengths. Also, her being perpetually in tears was a bit annoying and overdone. Why would the director do this? It made everything really implausible. You'd think if she was accepted into the FBI she would have had to pass psych screening. Tearing up at the mere mention of your past. The whole time I was thinking "implausible, implausible, implausible'. The integrity of the show (Esp. after the back door pilot ep.) is slipping. Please... please writers. Take it back to smart and subtle!

    p.s. MGG and Rachel Nichols do have chemistry, but whether it's a smart move.. well... my humble fan's opinion is.. their characters as written wouldn't have natural inclination to one another. But this is network tv. Reid needs a storyline, some head honcho probably thinks he needs a love interest, so... let it be. (I hope not. Let's have someone more unique for Reid. Yes, her father was a serial killer, but right now that makes her character fragile not quite unique and quirky. Thanks for letting me vent! ;)

  69. Ok, so I was really excited about this new episode, but also a bit apprehensive about the new girl.
    The good news is, I don't hate her.

    Ashley's character is very interesting in that specific episode, and I really liked the scene in the church when she tries to identify the unsub.
    However, what good is she gonna be for the team in the future ? She's no profiler !!

    I honestly don't know where the show is going. I don't mind a bit of bonding and friendship, this is how the team interacts as a family, but please, no romance !!!

    I am now impatiently waiting for big storylines for our beloved regular characters.
    Can't wait to see what's gonna happen with them, especially Reid !

    See you next week then !

  70. I'm of two minds when it comes to Ashley.

    On the one hand, I think she's an interesting character with a fresh perspective who could add a great deal of wealth to Criminal Minds if the writers and TPTB play their cards right. I'm thinking of her as an addition and not a replacement, seeing as JJ will always hold a special part of my heart.

    On the other hand, though I like the Reid/Ashley interactions, I have to go with the crowd and say that a pairing is a bad idea; none of the other inter-team pairings have gotten together, so to start now would most likely ruin the whole family element of the team. Besides, I see Reid and Ashley as more of a crush-turned-friendship, like with Reid and JJ before.

    I loved the song at the end; I found it on youtube before the episode aired, and thought it was very pretty, and after seeing the episode, I found it very fitting for the outcome of the case.

    And, while I don't approve of Ashley's actions at the end, I feel that she did the right thing by confronting the UnSub, even though she put herself in danger, coming up on the business end of a murder weapon, like many of the team members before her (We may have a contender for "Biggest Danger Magnet").

    Overall, I like her, and have a feeling that she will be a wonderful addition. She rounds out the team really well! :D

  71. finally got to the end of the ep. was that supposed to make us fall in love with Ashley Seaver? Are we supposed to feel for her? The only thing I feel is that she needs to get out of the FBI, and go be a teacher or preschool owner or something and care for the kids. There is no way she could be an FBI agent much less join the BAU with no experience and not even out of academy.

    Wow, please Ed,... please check the CHEESE Meter... Criminal Minds Rocks! just not this episode (why so cheesy?!). What HAPPENED?

  72. I really liked this episode, at least the unsub storyline. I was a bit scared after reading all your comments, I thought I wouldn't be able to watch this episode because of Ashley but she wasn't that bad. I think Rachel is a great actress and she played her part very well so I don't have anything against her at all, in fact I think she's a great addition to the show.

    What really concerns me actually is Nichol's character. I didn't like the way she was introduced with all that drama around her, I really hope this was a special occasion like Demonology for Prentiss or Profiler Profiled for Morgan. If they're going to keep her around I know I won't be able to stand her talking about herself and what she went through all the time. I watch CM because it's a show about cimes, not a soap opera, and I like it that way. But I'm going to stay open minded about this and give her another chance, Rachel deserves it.

    And I don't mind the Ashley/Reid pairing, I think that could work but I really hope it doesn't happen because then my favorite ship Morgan/Prentiss would never come true (1 pairing=drama, 2 pairings=lame teen show, and I don't like the sound of that). But it made me smile to see Matthew & Rachel trying not to laugh, I think they're getting along really well. =)

  73. I thought the case was a good script idea, but I wasn't convinced that after all that they've been through, that the team actually needed Ashley's help (although I did think that Rachel Nichols did a good job as Ashley).

    All in all, I thought this episode was okay as a stand-alone episode, but I'm not sure how it will pan out for me as a three part story arc leading to Ashley's permanent hiring as a BAU team member; especially since she was yelled at by Hotch her very first time in the field. It's going to take a lot of convincing to make me believe he is going to let her continue. Remember "Elephant's Memory", where Reid blocked the team from shooting the kid, and Hotch told Reid that he knowingly put his life and the lives of others in danger and that he should fire him? And now this girl did the same thing on her first case and Hotch will hire her? And I don't buy the "it's because she's a new recruit" reason. If I committed the worst possible offense on my first day at work, there's no way they would have let me continue to work. (Yeah, I know, the other BAU team members did, too, but not their first day at work.)

    I know TV is supposed to be escapism, but I watch CM because it makes me think, and it bothers me when that thinking leads me to unrealistic situations.

    I will have to watch the episode again to see if that helps any of these issues.

    Also, many people have talked about upcoming possible romances. *Please* no romances, regardless of who they're between-this has made too many shows into soap operas.

  74. I agree with Elle: I cringe at the thought of the writing tricks they will use to justify bringing her back to the BAU for two more episodes after what she did, going out on her own, taking on the unsub herself, trying to reach out to him to make amends for her past. It's all kind of cliche, isn't it?

    And Reid finding her 'pretty' is healthy and normal, so that's to be expected. It would only be more welcome if they wrote her as a more fascinating match to Reid. Right now, I can barely believe her as a full out FBI agent. Yes she's smart, yes she's physically able, but all agents should be.

  75. Alright, I was rooting for this Ashley character. I thought to myself, "Paget and Rossi were new at some point, and look how awesome they are!". In the beginning of the episode she looked promising: Newbie= fresh perspective, hand to hand combat specialist= strong female,serial killer dad=interesting story/different perspective.
    However, I felt the actress laid it on kinda thick. I suspect she's just adjusting to a new set... but still, it seemed like she was crying/ near tears every moment of the show. Also, I hated how she took that ladies computer back (how unproffesional). I'll give her another chance, but frankly I could care less for her at the moment.

    I don't mind a little romance between Reid and the newbie, but i'm not loving it.

    I, too, am tired of all of these continuity errors! I'm hoping that the moment between Paget and Newbie (referring to the whole "dads can be serial killers?OMG!" moment)was Emily's use of profiling her and saying that just to get some answers out of her.

    What is the connection between Ashley and Rossi? He was so fatherly to her, I hate to nit-pick but it kinda turned me off.

    Otherwise it was a decent ep. I want the secrets to be revealed! It's killing me (no pun intended). And please forgive me for sounding like a Reid fangirl, but, Dang he was smokin' hot today :)

  76. I now know why it was so important to announce that Rachel Nichols was negotiating to be a regular. It was more than evident that her first episode was more than just the introduction of a short-lived character. Nichols had more dialogue and screen time than AJ or Prentiss has had in any one episode. It had to be written as her star turn; and with that kind of build up, how do you exit after two additional episodes.

    There wasn’t even any dialogue that would lead you to believe this visit was temporary. After the case was over, Hotch scolded her for going off by herself; but no one even alluded to the fact that she would be returning to the academy. It would have been more realistic if Hotch had maybe suggested that he would take her going against his order up with her supervisor. That would have made it appear as if she wasn’t already installed as a regular.

    The entire episode was designed to showcase Ashley Seaver; but there was nothing extraordinary about her character. If she was supposed to have some intrinsic radar as the child or a serial killer; her radar failed her miserably. She waltzed into the house of the killer without a clue that he was in any way connected to the murders.

    So since she had no experience as a profiler, her radar was off-kilter, I thought maybe she’s got moves like Ziva Davide from NCIS; and she was going to flip this guy before he knew what hit him. But all she did was cry and empathize, which was unoriginal and kind of a letdown. I know this CM and not NCIS; but if you bring in an actress who looks strikingly like the one you just let go, I expected they would do something that the former character could not do, like drop kicks, right-crosses to the jar, or knees to the gut to singlehandedly disable the unsub. I guess I was expecting too much.

    Now Nichols did a good job with the material she was given. I’m not criticizing her performance. But it simply struck me as an uninspired and unnecessary casting. However, I’m sure we’ll get to see the diversity of her character over the next two episodes and beyond, since CM chose not hire a diverse actor for the role.

    It is now time to give that kind of screen time to Prentiss, who continues to toil as Morgan’s amiable sidekick. It’s becoming a Yogi and BooBoo thing to me now—annoying and comical at the same time. I still would like to see Hotch and Prentiss paired; but I know the same old thing is easier. Routine doesn’t take much thought: cue Garcia’s come-on to Morgan, cue Morgan and Prentiss at the crime scene—simply cut and paste.

    I don’t understand why the writers have the two most seasoned profilers (Hotch & Rossi) riding together anyway. Even though I like them paired together, it seems to me that as the senior profilers, they would be partnering more with other team members and not each other. And I would expect Reid/Ashley to naturally be friends or be attracted. Reid was attracted to JJ at one point. These people aren’t supposed to be asexual. Well, maybe they are.

    On a lighter not, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Hotch looked magnificently handsome and controlled in this episode. It’s time that he had an episode that is worthy of his talents as well.

  77. "What is the connection between Ashley and Rossi? He was so fatherly to her, I hate to nit-pick but it kinda turned me off."

    Rossi and Hotch worked her dad's case, and it appears Rossi has kept in contact as she grew up. He probably took care of her when her dad was arrested just as he took care of tonight's unsub's daughter.

  78. (to the above poster anon)^
    Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining that. Woah, that one flew over my head. Thank you :)

  79. I am confused about Reid's actions tonite. After he finished a couple of his Reid-ramblings of criminal facts, he acted like a normal guy, around Ashley and more mature and less geeky, like he has been recently. But then I saw the scene just after the half-hour commercial break; it had me pausing and rewinding to see if that was our Reid, being unprofessional and smirking during a info-sharing session. He came in and stood at the end of the table and announced how many of the 70 something men/residents were missing from the meeting and almost choked, sucking in the smile he could not wipe from his face and he was facing Ashley, who upon another rewind and playback was smiling largely back at him!

    My first reaction was "WTH," this should have edited out but maybe it was deliberately left in to show the two young ones goofing abit,enjoying each other? Like a couple of school kids? I'm sorry, it just doesn't work for me. CM has always come across far more professional than that. Always serious - during the chase of a killer.

    I'm not too worried about any romance. You can see the writers are "flirting" with the idea of these two flirting, but she is hardly Reid's type. I can still see him with some older, more academic type and Ashley just doesn't fill the bill, altho' Reid might enjoy teaching her some BAU/profiling stuff if she sticks around.

    But how can she? She doesn't seem very qualified to me to jump from cadet to the BAU. Maybe she has a couple Phd's we didn't hear about, but I highly doubt it.

    She is a decent actress but there was abit too much drama in the 2nd half - more like that of a vic than about one of the team, and it was not fitting. Didn't seem appropriate. But she is WAY too inexperienced and I just do not see where she would fit in. Not even as a coordinator as JJ originally was before she began to do some profiling of her own, after quite some time on the job.

    Not a bad epi but certainly not my fave - may not even re-watch after my session of rewinding to catch the Reid-Ashley school kid antics.

  80. Oh boy, where do i begin? Let me preface this by saying that Rachel nichols is probably a lovely person and a good actress. but please!!!Ashley Seaver is such a dopey unrealistic character.

    This episode remimded me of two things. Ashley appeared to be what they call a Mary sue in fan fiction. She never stopped talking about herself. I learned more about her backstory in 30 minutes than I have about the other three women on the show combined. Her incessant babbling about herself reminded me of the scene in the movie airplane where the lead character drones on and on about his life and people around him are killing themselves just to get away from him.

    Are we to believe this cadet is going to become part of the BAU?.

    Dont understand the direction the show is taking.

  81. I dvrd the episode tonight and just started watching. Did anyone else notice just how much this new girl looks like AJ Cook? Makes me wanta ask, why change a character I liked with a new character that physically resembles the one I liked so much? Doesn't make sense when they say they wanted new faces. I'm just saying.

    Also I don't mind seeing a few personal moments with characters but it seems once romance starts on a show thats all it becomes. Not such a good idea to me. I guess only time will tell.

  82. For what it's worth, Rachel Nichols replied to a tweet tonight about Seaver and Reid saying, "haha - I don't think they're heading in that direction..."
    And just because it made me laugh:
    The person then replied back, "God help you if they do. CM fans are crazy but screaming Gube fangirls are seriously frightening. You should see 'em go. :P"
    And RN said, "I think MGG fans might hunt me down and abduct me! He's such a charmer."

    Take it for what you will.

  83. Well, after three weeks abesence, this episode was a bit slow for me. I liked that they didn't show the unsub right away and have the finger point to more than one. I started thinking that it might be the husband about the time he was talking to Prentiss...
    Real quick, I don't think Emily meant she never had serial killers who were fathers, I think she meant, that she knows they have kids like Solitary man, but she never thought about them as fathers or their own interaction with their kids.... she only saw them as serial killers. Only seeing and talking to an actual kid of a serial killer made her realize that even though he was a serial killer, he was a father in the sense of a father, protective, provider, etc. I know I don't think of serial killers as fathers, brothers, only monsters.

    The story was okay, it gave the insight from a serial killer's family pov. Now Ashley laid it on a bit thick with being so emotional. If she teared up on her real first assignment, she's going to see worse and stories that might mimik her life.... she needs to toughen up! A Cadet means agent in training, I think she is close to graduation, then she's a junior agent that is assigned to a section.... in this case it might be the BAU...
    It doesn't mean she just started being a Cadet, she might be in her last semester/training and then she'll be joining the real world. Kinda like boot camp for marines... she want be an SSA... so the sotry line isn't so unviable.

    I didn't like the crying part too much! I hope it doesn't happen.

    People get over JJ. she's a character and this is a different character. I am a woman, but to be honest some of the comments that are made here annoy me espcially they are made by women and they are acting like a husband cheated on his wife with a younger model,,, by switching JJ with Ashley.

    Give me a break!! It is a show... JJ's character was alright,,, but she's wasn't a profiler either, she was an agent and she fit well with the team. I am not a big fan of this Ashley girl, less emotions please... however, her story line is viable. I know a real life law enforcement poeple who were either victims of violent crimes or related to killers and they were more dedicated to the law than others... so it is not a strike she's the daughter of serial killer. The son of a bank robber can be a banker.
    She is a cadet in her last training sessions and then she needs a full assignment as a junior FBI agent, so that makes sense.
    As far as her and Reid, they might try to create the dynamic between Garcia and Morgan. that will be boring and I don't think it'll happen.

    Hotch looked Hot tonight and I think we had a glimpse of Rossi's secret.

    Ladies, cool it and stop with the JJ thing already.

    the episode was a C for me.


  84. Overall I think that it was a good episode tonight. I think that it is interesting to have an FBI agent that has a serial killer as a father but I'm not sure it was executed properly. The first half was okay but the ending had a little too much of RN. It was too much of her talking about her past. The conversation on plane between her and Rossi definitely could have been shorter.

    That's the only problem with it. I liked the team interaction - GArcia and Reid's convo, Garcia talking about Morgan, Prentiss's glance to Morgan in reaction to learning about Ashley's past.

    I'm also okay with some Reid/Ashley flirting. I don't think the show is going to make into a full-blown romance. It will probably be similar to Morgan and agent Todd.

    I'm okay with RN being in upcoming episodes as long as they aren't all about her and she isn't crying all the time like she did in this episode. I'm also curious about what value a cadet can add to the BAU. I can understand why they utilized her for this case but I'm not sure what they will need her for in the future.

    Also, maybe I missed something but I'm hoping someone has an answer for me. I know that the actress is signed on for atleast 3 episodes but in today's episode, didn't Hotch say that they are using her for just this case because of her past? I don't remember him saying that she will be working with them on an ongoing basis. I was confused in the end when she said something like "It won't happen again" to Hotch in the plane. I felt like it was implied that she will be working with them in the future but I don't recall anyone actually saying this. Was it mentioned and I missed it?

  85. I just posted the comment above. Thanks Nana for the explanation of how a cadet could join the BAU.

  86. Anonymous said...

    ""For what it's worth, Rachel Nichols replied to a tweet tonight about Seaver and Reid saying, "haha - I don't think they're heading in that direction..."
    And just because it made me laugh:
    The person then replied back, "God help you if they do. CM fans are crazy but screaming Gube fangirls are seriously frightening. You should see 'em go. :P"""

    Now that's very funny indeed !! :-)))

  87. I am really sorry and nothing against the actress, but that was absolutley awful and as Hotch said " Not good enough". There is way too much emphasis on her character and particularly her background, she is of no use ( most serial kilelrs blend in)and what was with the cheesy slow motion rock song at the end? This is really turning into a soap. If she becomes a regular character than I ll have to find a new show to watch cause this season is just ruining a perfectly good tv drama. Brin JJ back or at least don't replace her with someone that takes alll the focus because of some melodramatic background.

  88. Wow guys, I may be the only one, but I actually quite enjoyed both the episode and the Seaver character. I was expecting to dislike her but I thought she was fairly interesting. She could cry less, that would be nice, but at least she had an interesting angle.

    As for the Ashley/Reid (Rashley? *ducks fruit being thrown*) I didn't mind so much. Look, I am firmly in the camp of not letting romance take over the show. But that doesn't mean there can't be a little something something thrown in on the side. A line there a look there. Just a teeny bit. What's wrong with that? Besides, Reid seriously needs some lovin.

    So ya, sorry you all didn't like it but I actually did, go figure. Looking forward to the next one!

    P.S. I also want to point out that Prentiss and Rossi received similar reactions after their first episodes, and now we all love them, so let's give it one more go, eh?

  89. Lol@her twitter response. I'm sure she's a swell person, however I don't care much at all for her character.

    I feel like our team are proffesionals that occassionally let their emotions get in the way (more in an angry way rather than a sobbing, "woe is me" manner), and I like that (sometimes). They kinda have to, how do I say this? Put away some of their empathetic emotions when it comes to certain cases. Hence the use of their terminology to distance themselves. It's how they work effectively without getting completely caught up in the horror. They can also have a great sense of humor, and the overall vibe they omit is comfortable and loving. But, this Ashley... ever since her first word she looked depressed. When I see our team I hear the Criminal Minds themesong in my head... and then Ashley steps in and I hear dramatic music or violins. She's a walking melodrama.

  90. I thought the story in itself was great but I didn't appreciate how they introduced Ashley.
    And yes, Ashley staying with the BAU when she was only supposed to help for one episode is not extremely credible.

    I'm with the very large majority here and I hope they don't start a romance between Ashley and Reid. That's definitely not what I want to see on this show.
    And I agree with Gubegirl, I didn't like how they wrote Reid and Ashley as two school kids.

    My personal canon is that Reid simply appreciates and empathize with Ashley but doesn't really crush on her.
    Because introducing a new, young, female character and having one of the main character immediately crushing on her is not exactly a wise move and it's really 'Mary Sueish' so to speak.
    I just hope this thing between the two will turn out to be a mutual respect and friendship, nothing more.
    NO romance, please !!!
    And yes, let's give Reid a better storyline than that.

  91. Wow, I may be one of five, but I liked her.
    Look, I loved JJ, loved! But she is gone and she is not coming back and it’s definitely not Rachel Nichol’s fault, so let’s not take it out on her, ok? And how about give the girl TWO episodes? Remember Rossi and Emily’s first episodes?
    And she is not JJ’s clone just because she is blond. If we are going to think that way, then hiring Paget after Lola was a REAL insult.
    • By the way, I miss Elle and her sassy ways.
    And let’s try and give the writers a break because this situation was forced on them. And they are doing the best they can.
    I actually like that she has a pertinent background, wants to learn, and even though she made a huge mistake, she still held her ground, alerted the team and stalled.
    And if this is a character that can bring the father figure in Rossi, the old mentor in Reid and the funny Garcia/Reid moments, the understanding and supporting in Emily and the Boss Man in Hotch, how can you say no to that?
    Hope she stays, this show needs someone new.


  92. I'm going to have to watch this episode again tonight to really catch the nuances you miss the first time.Right now just two comments; One,let Reid have a crush for God's sake! he's adorable and I want to enjoy Reid getting goofy for awhile. Secondly, on the flip side, I nearly fell off my chair hearing Garcia talk about *her Morgan* in front of her two superiors. Am I wrong in thinking that *this* was very unprofessional? I think not. Resemblance to JJ is strong but it is what it is.

  93. This ep is very lame. Every single time Seaver open up her mouth, its always about her past. I know this ep is an intro to her character, but its just lame, too melodramatic. Certainly not one of my fav ep.

  94. This episode was rather good plot wise.
    Still, I don't know if I'll be able to like this Ashley, my first impression wasn't exactly positive (and I was extremely open minded about her).

    The story was interesting but I do think there was too much emphasis on Ashley's past. The introduction of the new character was too 'heavy' if that makes sense.

    About Reid "goofing", I can't say I liked that part, quite the opposite (by comparison, I love how Ed. Bernero wrote Reid in 'Masterpiece').
    But I also think that they made a mistake. I believe it's MGG who couldn't keep his face straight in the scene after the town meeting in the church, so I'll let that one slide.

    I think that Reid and Ashley could be friends, but I want it to stay that way. I don't want to see Reid crushing on her, that would be a waste of screen time.

  95. Seaver's character is overly dramatic, and just not credible. I was willing to give her a chance, but how many times can you play the 'my daddy was a serial killer' card? PULLEASE!!!

  96. Interesting character. Great acting.

  97. Another good episode and I like the new character. She's young and fresh and naive and it will be interesting watching her learn the ropes and find her nitch within the team. It'll be like the old days of watching Reid struggle to fit in as an FBI agent when he clearly wasn’t qualified to be an FBI agent. She's not coming in as an experienced agent or someone who is qualified to be a profiler. She'll inject some life and enthusiasm into a team that has at times become stale and predictable. She also appears to be a decent actress. Looking forward to seeing where they go with her over the next two episodes.

  98. I liked the episode but I think the B story was...please don't hate the new character. I think fans were already preconceived not to like her. We don't seem to handle change very well as a fandom.

    The case was interesting. The unsub a bit cocky. I don't think the episode was going to be anyone favorite of all time but it was a solid start for a new character.

  99. To Aile,
    I agree with you 100%. It would be difficult to watch the show Reid hooks up with Seaver. Maybe because my favorite Agent is Reid, but still it would cause it to be more of a drama then crime show. So Ima hope they don't hook up (:

  100. I thought the episode was lame and boring. Too much focus on Seaver and almost no focus on the case. There was no insight into the unsub`s reason for killing. Hardly any profiling .They only figured him out as the unsub through Garcia`s background checks (unless I missed something important).

    Seaver's character background is too dramatic for my taste. They are trying hard to make sure we like the character and feel sorry for her. But I felt nothing . She left me somehow cold and I didn`t feel sorry for her. The plane scene between her and Rossi was far too long and the music overly sappy. I liked Rossi in the ep though. But I hope they don`t limit Rossi`s screen time to playing father figure for Seaver. I wonder what reason they will give us for Seaver being in the next episode.

    It looks like there is something not right with Prentiss. Maybe they are already building up to her leaving eps.

  101. coadygirl said and I agree.
    One: yes, let Reid have a crush, doesn't mean anything will happen. Can't he find a very attractive girl attractive? Is he supposed to be blind? Or asexual? Except, where was all this flirting everyone is complaining about? All I saw was he talking to someone who didn't shut him up, neither roled her eyes at him (sick of that to be honest) and saw her asking him a question because she wanted to know more about her serial killer father, and perhaps a second when MGG lost focus and laugh during the shoot, and that moment should'vr been cut, but wasn't.

    And about Garcia, well, if Hotch doens't tell her to cut it out, he will be hearing things like "I give good phone" or worse forever.

  102. Wow. My household must be in the minority because we all really liked last night's episode. We thought it was interesting and intense. I have seen every episode since the original air dates and have liked them all, some more so than others of course. Even my least favorite CM episodes are better than anything else on TV in my opinion.

    I really liked JJ and miss her character, but there is not much we can do. I think CBS made a very bad decision. Now I just hope we don't lose Prentiss too.

    Anyway, I love the show and am enjoying season six. I am always happy when Wednesday rolls around and we have new episodes to watch.

  103. I just wanted to add my voice to the large majority that do not want this new girl to hook up with Reid. I absolutely hate relationship storylines in any telly show and wouldn't want to watch any relationship storyline be it between Reid and this new girl or Morgan and Garcia or Hotch and Prentiss or Rossi and the cleaning lady. The fact that there's none of this soap opera-y relationship melodrama twaddle in CM is precisely the reason I love the show so much. Or rather loved it so much. I've been struggling with Show since S4 and Reid's disappearing act and although I am still hanging in there (just about) because I live in hope that Reid might actually get a storyline ths year if Reid's storyline turns out to be some lame relationship storyline then that will be the last straw for me. The character deserves a much more interesting, meatier storyline than that, as does MGG.

    One thing I did like about the new girl is that she wasn't rolling her eyes everytime Reid talked unlike the rest of the team (with the exception of Hotch) who do it constantly when ever he talks about something other than work. Reid could do with a friend on the team who treats him as a human being and not as a stereotype.

    But I'm sorry the character was just too lame, too emotional and there was way too much time spent on her backstory. Plus we've had the 'BAU newbie learning the ropes' storyline with Reid, plus with Agent Todd and, to some degree, Elle. To have Show going along the same path once again is just boring.

  104. Question because I had audio difficulties in the end of the episode:
    Did Ashley's dad kill the puppy in the bathroom? I heard when she said he looked like he was enjoying and Rossi explaining that cruelty to animals is part of being a psycopath. But not what she said before that.

    Also: About the new girl:
    Loooooved her!

  105. I liked the episode. I even liked the new girl. Actually, I wouldn't mind it if a relationship between her and Reid developed... I think it would be really interesting to see that side of Reid evolve. His character is portrayed as having very little social skills, and I personally think it would be neat to see how reacts to a long term relationship (rather than the weird short flings he's had in the past).

  106. To the Anonymous user above me:
    I don't think they actually say that her dad killed the puppy, but it's phrased in a way that strongly suggests he did.
    And then Rossi goes on to say how cruelty to animals is a common characteristic of psychopaths, so it's pretty much implied that he killed it.
    Poor little puppy :(

  107. Beware, Mary Sue is coming!

  108. I have mixed feelings about this episode.
    I think it was a good story and I liked the 'gated community' part of the episode.

    I think there was too much focus on the new character and I'm not sure I completely bought the whole 'a team of experienced profilers needs her to solve this case' (even if they tried to not go overboard on that subject).

    But I'm curious about one thing, in what capacity is Ashley going to help the team in the future ?
    Unless I missed something she didn't express any interest in becoming a profiler (you can correct me if I'm wrong).
    So, we are supposed to believe she's simply going to find herself interested in that career path by next week and ask Hotch to tag along ? It seems too simple in my opinion (remember that Hotch was very wary of Prentiss joining the team at first and she was experienced).

    I'm going to try to not worry too much about the possibility of a romance between Ashley and Reid for now.
    Except for Garcia saying 'you find her pretty' there was nothing else really.
    And she said that from Reid's tone of voice over the phone (his normal tone of voice might I add)...
    No, I don't think Reid is really crushing on her, I think Garcia was just teasing him and I hope it doesn't go any further.
    I don't want to see a romance between those two either (or a romance between Ashley and any team member for that matter).
    I don't like relationship storylines.
    And from Rachel Nichol's tweets they are not heading in that direction, it's reassuring.

    About the scene at the church, I agree with those who said it was Gubler who was grinning and couldn't control himself. You can clearly see him trying to refrain himself from laughing/grinning (and that wasn't even when he looked at Ashley/R.N.).

    So, all in all, not a bad episode plotwise. I don't know if I'll like Ashley, right now I'm not enthusiastic about her character.

  109. If JJ were still in the show I think people's reactions would be so different to this new character, lol! I'm still gutted that JJ left :( and the way that AJ Cook was treated still rankles, but she isn't coming back, and I am def willing to give Rachel Nichols and Ashley Seaver a chance ..... and from what I've seen so far, I liked her. It's actually kind of refreshing that she is portrayed as someone who is a little over-emotional and vulnerable - they haven't really had that with any of the other female characters (well I guess with Garcia, but I always looks at her differently cos she isn't a profiler).

  110. Happy for a new episode and thought Rachel's acting was great. However I'm not understanding how they will bring the character of Ashley Seaver back given how she messed up going out on her own after being told to only stay paired up. I hope the perm role doesn't turn into a unrealisticly stupid role considering that mess up and her cadet status. If they keep her back in the office doing research that would be more believable.

    I was hoping they might do more with that creepy security guard or the inept cop. I found it a bit of a let down that I figured out who the unsub was so quickly. And it was never explained why he killed his own wife, I assume to take the heat off himself. The unsub plot was a let down for me.

    Like others who've posted, I wouldn't like Reid and Seaver to hook up. Friends would be fine but anything more would cheapen the show.

    I like CM because it is a quality package. The stories are intellegent and thought provoking. The characters are appealing and personal. The actors are superb. And the production of the show is flawless.

  111. After reading all the comments, i thought i'd throw in mine. By the end of the epi, i felt like crying seeing the new character sitting in the jet, i started having flashbacks of JJ in her place and it was terrible. I miss JJ!

    MGG girls! give him a break, he can have a little crush can't he?! and don't worry, it won't lead anywhere!

    I LOOOOVED Garcia talking of Morgan at the beginning and when she flirted with him, it was awesome :D

    I also think it was tricky to have that new character cry so much, i can't say i'm sure but i strongly believe their aim was to have people like her and by doing so (since most of the audiance disliked her already) they hoped they'd make the fans at least pity her or feel sympathy or something. I did feel sympathy but i don't like her at all, i don't hate her either.

    I just want this 3 episode arc to be over! Hopefully she won't become a regular cuz that would suck, we don't do change. I guess eventually we'll accept her but it'll be very bitter for quite a long time.

  112. I really didn't like the new girl. It's not because I miss JJ (which I do) because I dealt with that and it's not because I have my own crush on Reid and think he could do SO much better (also, which I do). I felt she did nothing for the storyline, or really the show in general. As a young woman in the same age bracket I thought she could be someone I sympathize with, even though her circumstances are a little more dramatic than most. I feel if she were a real person, she wouldn't be someone I could befriend, there was nothing likable about her to me. In a cast that has been packed with strong, likable female characters, she's a zero.

  113. Just to clarify: my comments about Reid smirking at the end of the table: I believe also that it was MGG cracking up during the take (for whatever reason) and trying to cover it up and Rachel grinning at this. My question was: why did they leave this in? It looked like they needed to edit this out or do a re-take because CM never shows such blatant levity during the hunt for a killer. And there was no attempt in his lines to be making a humorous remark. It just didn't fit. It was a mistake that I believe did not belong.

    And I totally agree with Nana, Hailey, coadygirl, agathon, Laura and sev. others: Let poor Reid flirt and act like a normal guy for abit - esp with someone who is attractive and doesn't look at him as if he is a total dweeb. He needs this boost for his ego and his social maturity. I think it's a great thing and I enjoy it.

    It doesn't mean it is going to turn into a romance and I doubt it is, even without RN's tweets, I just don't think it will be anything but a flirty friendship at best and I am totally OK with it. Looking forward to seeing Reid in a more well-rounded guy role and stretching his persona abit, not always limiting him to demonstrating his intellect/geekness or his awesome angst. It kinda goes with his new haircut, ya know, he's becoming a "man." :)

    I think the blonde image of Rachel resembles JJ but they are VERY different personalities so am not thinking of her as any shoddy replacement. She is just the new girl on the block, a healthy thing for the show to have some new blood and looks like a good actress to me, altho' I could do with fewer tears and she will need to, if she is going to be an effective G-woman.

    Just my take, for what it's worth.

  114. I saw the episode and I wanted to put in my two cents concerning Ashley and Reid.
    I don't think Reid is crushing on her. We just had Garcia who said Reid thought she was pretty but Reid didn't show any sign of infatuation (and Gubler trying and failing to hide a grin doesn't count - it should have been cut but maybe they didn't have the time to film the whole scene too many times).

    And I agree with all the posters who said that they didn't want to see Reid crushing on her and/or flirting.
    Give him a real storyline instead, please.

  115. TO Gubegirl,

    what I meant was that I did NOT want to see Reid crushing on that girl but that I wasn't too worried.
    I didn't see Reid crushing on her and I don't think the writers will write something like that.
    If they have a mutual understanding fine, but I want it to stay that way and not develop into something else.

    I'm not interested into seeing Reid having a crush on a girl. I want to see something with more meat (no pun intended) for a Reid story.

    Ah, the infamous debate about Reid's hair :)
    I can't say I like his hairstyle, I would be lying(I can't stand the slice back look). But I'm just adjusting and not making a fuss about it.

  116. I thought the episode was ok. I liked the character of Ashley Seaver and I thought Rachel Nichols did a very good job portraying her. While I'm sorry that A.J is no longer on the show I think RN is a welcome addition to the cast. I guess I'm one of the few who sees no physical resemblance between A.J. and RN, other than being women in their early 30's and having dyed blond hair. I for one would not be opposed to a little romance between Reid and Seaver as long as it's done discreetly and is not a major story line.

    I was so happy to see that Garcia was not presenting the case this episode. I really do not like it when she does that. I don't mind if she's giving pertinent info about the victim or the area where the crime took place but not about the crime itself. I find it unbelievable for her character and her position.
    I was also happy that we were not shown who the unsub was until near the end of the episode. There have been too many episodes in season 5 and so far in season 6 where we know who the unsub is right before or right after the opening credits. It's not very suspenseful to know who it is show after show and I like to try to figure it out as the team is trying to figure it out.

    I know that RN is in negotiations to become a full time cast member for next season, if it is not in fact already a done deal, but for the time being she is still a guess star on the show and I've found that there have been too many episodes post season 4 that have focused too much on the guest actors and not enough on the main cast. One of the reasons I love this show is the chemistry of the regular cast and I miss the team interaction.


  117. I hope,pray and plead that this girl doesn't stay. If she has a romance with someone on the team *cough* Reid *cough* I will have a fit. Hopefully she will have her three episodes, kicks rocks and gets the hell outta there. Urghhh. I wish we could go back to season 5 :'( I miss those episodes so much.

  118. I feel like the new girl and Reid probably have a lot in common... both young and inexperienced, both scared of their genetics (her because of the whole serial-killer thing, him because of the fear of developing schizophrenia)... if a relationship did develop on the show, I understand why it would be between the 2 of them.
    BUT, I still don't think it's the right way for the show to be headed. I agree that romance does not belong between the main cast of CM (lol, even between Morgan and Garcia).

  119. Season 6 isn't showing yet in Asia & I haven't viewed Episode 10 online yet, so I've no idea whether Rachel Nichols' character plays well as part of the BAU. I was wondering though whether I was the only one experiencing a sense of unfairness because of the decision (by CBS? by the producers?) to get a new actress/character in as a regular, when there ALREADY used to be an actress/character playing an integral, regular part of the cast who got forced out. Instead of getting somebody new, was there simply no possibility of offering A.J. Cook her old job back? Giving her the "right of first refusal" or something like that? That would've at least been a step toward rectifying her ejection from the show.

    Also, from what I've read online, it seems something IS being cooked up between Reid & the new character. That would be a pity if so, because one thing I like about CM is how the team members all care about & work well with each other without necessarily having a teammate as a romantic interest, which is rather uncommon on TV shows.


  120. Bringing AJ back defeats the purpose of attempting to freshen up the show. The new girl is not a media liason, she's barely an agent and she is in my opinion, a welcome addition.

    The only thing cooking up between Reid and Ashley is whatever is being cooked up in the minds of the Gubler fanatics. At most they're going to share a bond over childhood issues and he'll have someone his own age he can connect with as a friend. There's been so much melodramatic over-reaction to this nice, simple episode that I can do nothing but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

  121. This if the first episode since the Fight that really didn’t sit right with me, I neither loved nor hated it, actually it didn’t do anything for me and one I’m not going to watch over again as I do many of the earlier seasons.

    I was completely opened minded about the introduction of the Ashley character, but it just didn’t work for me, they portrayed her in the beginning as this tough cadet & all we saw was her in tears the entire episode. Granted that maybe this is the first time she has visually had to confront similar crimes to that of her father’s crimes & the impact these crimes have on the families & her dealing with the unsub the way she did under the circumstances was reasonable, more so because she knew after speaking to Hotch that they would come to her rescue. Overall the character didn’t work for me though & screams conflict of interest. She would be better counselling victims than being a member of the BAU imo. Besides I can’t see this rookie agent somehow having the smarts/insights to be part of this elite unit, and her background doesn’t qualify her either. I reflect back to Hotch not wanting Prentiss transferring into the unit when she did and what did he say “profiling is a speciality we can’t just let anyone who wants to give it a whirl” and after defying Hotch the very first time she was in the field I’m not sure how and where she would fit in.

    Overall the case was okay but certainly not the intelligent CM that I know and love. I must admit I initially thought the unsub was the security guy, although I cringed when both Emily and Ashley went off on their own, & with highly suspicious individuals, the way the unsub shut the door, you knew without a doubt that Ashley was not going to simply walk out of there.

    What I did like .. Hotch presenting the case, & Garcia back as her techie self & flirty with Morgan. The Hotch / Rossi exchange – makes you feel old / “no” was most definitely worth it and we even got a half Hotch smile, which made me smile. The quotes were great as was the song used at the end.

    I’m thinking that Emily’s comment on the ‘job’ is most definitely leading to something more sinister and may likely have something to do with her secret possibly even her exit, although I live in hope that she reconsiders & CBS will keep her on, I guess time will tell. I picked up on the continuity errors too, Emily not seeing fathers as unsubs, it’s hard but I’m trying to ignore these, there have been so many recently.

    Reid smitten! a complete shift from the ‘old’ Reid, I don’t think it will come to pass but I certainly wouldn’t want to see a BAU romance, doesn’t work for CM or this team. The team dynamic works just perfectly as they are granted all the recent changes haven’t helped the dynamic much and gone are the days where they were truly a ‘family’ this all seems to be a little fractured at the moment.

    But I love the show, maybe I should say I’ve loved the show, so I’m sticking with it for the moment, I don’t like the change and would have much preferred that AJ was still with the team as was Paget & they explored the team & it’s dynamic with all that happened in season 5. But I guess we can’t turn the clock back and have to move ahead, I just hope we don’t loose the show in the process.

  122. Oh and a bit more ...
    What drew me to CM from the first episode was the stories & the intelligence of the show, the attention to detail & facts, the smart and subtle as someone else pointed out it always made me think and the amazing cast/character dynamic especially in seasons 1 – 4 was most effective in grabbing you and keeping you there, this seems to be slipping more and more with the recent episodes, I’m not sure if it’s that the show is trying to target a different age demographic but I do hope we don’t lose CM for what it truly is in the process.

    Season 5 held it’s own with the Reaper arc, although I still lament that we never saw this explored and I hope that some of the ‘secrets’ will go there.

    What has changed for me in season six is that I’m not watching episodes over and over as I do with the earlier seasons, I think this has to do with the whole feel of the show and the lack of the team dynamic, that for me anyway is lacking this season so far, but I’ll hang in there for the moment anyway.

  123. Agree with HollyM on a few things: one, I think it's fair to say that i 'loved' the show, past tense, if the latter of season five and now season six are any indicators. Second, I first started watching the show specifically for the intelligent way things were written, plotted, resolved and so on. Another huge positive was that there were no soap operatic love stories or relationship drama or any of that uselessness. (honestly, why do so many people feel that romance HAS to be a part of everything, even where it just doesn't fit?)

    And as much as I don't want Paget to leave because I adore her, I can certainly understand why she would. After what happened with AJ, I wouldn't want to work for them either. Though if she does leave, that'll be it for me. Particularly if the same thing's done for her absence that was done for AJ's: a rushed replacement character with a fanficcy background.

    (i watched this episode again this morning. i really do not like seaver. tried again. can't do it. she's too much like a bad mary sue. if she'd been bloody written better, i don't think seaver would be near as annoying, simpery and out of place as she is now.)

  124. I liked this episode (Ed Bernero is always the king of screenwriter!!) and i can stand the new character but please please please don't turn her into a love interest for someone, speccially Reid.


  125. The plotline was extremely weak since it seemed to have taken a backseat to introducing the new character. It was too weird that the police dept. didn't include the husbands of the dead wives in the suspect pool to be cleared and that the elite BAU didn't count the files and nobody noticed that some files were missing on the community. It makes it look like they were sloppy and unprofessional.
    With so much more we can do with character development of our original team members, I am disenheartened by the convoluted attempt to bring in a new member just because CBS says we need a blonde cutie of the week for the ratings. The Seaver character was OK for one episode about families of serial killers but she has no other talents to make her an exceptional fit for an elite team like the BAU.
    I'll just wait and see how the rest of the season pans out but at this point, I'm not even looking forward to buying the season 6 DVDs. The stories have been weak and now we have to put up with all kinds of machinations that's quite contrived.

  126. I now know why it was so important to announce that Rachel Nichols was negotiating to be a regular. It was more than evident that her first episode was more than just the introduction of a short-lived character. Nichols had more dialogue and screen time than AJ or Prentiss has had in any one episode. It had to be written as her star turn; and with that kind of build up, how do you exit after two additional episodes.

    There wasn’t even any dialogue that would lead you to believe this visit was temporary. After the case was over, Hotch scolded her for going off by herself; but no one even alluded to the fact that she would be returning to the academy. It would have been more realistic if Hotch had maybe suggested that he would take her going against his order up with her supervisor. That would have made it appear as if she wasn’t already installed as a regular. The entire episode was designed to showcase Ashley Seaver; but there was nothing extraordinary about her character. If she was supposed to have some intrinsic radar as the child or a serial killer; her radar failed her miserably. She waltzed into the house of the killer without a clue that he was in any way connected to the murders.

    So since she had no experience as a profiler, her radar was off-kilter, I thought maybe she’s got moves like Ziva Davide from NCIS; and she was going to flip this guy before he knew what hit him. But all she did was cry and empathize, which was unoriginal and kind of a letdown. I know this CM and not NCIS; but if you bring in an actress who looks strikingly like the one you just let go, I expected they would do something that the former character could not do, like drop kicks, right-crosses to the jar, or knees to the gut to singlehandedly disable the unsub. I guess I was expecting too much.
    Now Nichols did a good job with the material she was given. I’m not criticizing her performance. But it simply struck me as an uninspired and unnecessary casting. However, I’m sure we’ll get to see the diversity of her character over the next two episodes and beyond, since CM chose not hire a diverse actor for the role.

  127. cont...

    It is now time to give that kind of screen time to Prentiss, who continues to toil as Morgan’s amiable sidekick. It’s becoming a Yogi and BooBoo thing to me now—annoying and comical at the same time. I still would like to see Hotch and Prentiss paired; but I know the same old thing is easier. Routine doesn’t take much thought: cue Garcia’s come-on to Morgan, cue Morgan and Prentiss at the crime scene—simply cut and paste. I don’t understand why the writers have the two most seasoned profilers (Hotch & Rossi) riding together anyway. It seems to me that as the senior profilers, they would be partnering more with other team members and not each other. And I would expect Reid/Ashley to naturally be friends or be attracted. Reid was attracted to JJ at one point. These people aren’t supposed to be asexual. Well, maybe they are.

    On a lighter not, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Hotch looked magnificently handsome and controlled in this episode. It’s time that he had an episode that is worthy of his talents as well.

  128. Everybody has been commenting on the apparent continuity error of Prentiss's statement "To be honest, I've never thought of [unsubs] as being fathers at all" I don't think it's a continuity error at all, but rather the admittance of a character flaw of Prentiss. Her mental compartmentalizing helps her deal with the job, but sometimes it can oversimplify into a subconscious demonizing of the unsubs, filtering out. No matter how much sophisticated training you get for studying human behavior, you can't deny your own baser nature.

    I think Prentiss sometimes forgets instinctively that not all the unsubs they catch are complete monsters (like Frank and the Reaper) and that if they are, some of them can hide in plain sight. In this particular scene from last night's episode I think what Prentiss is telling Ashley is that "sometimes in a job like this, you catch so many people doing horrendous things that you only remember their evil deeds and you filter everything else out (like parenting) that makes them human." Sometimes it is justified, like for the Reaper and Frank (and would probably explain Prentiss's outburst at the unsub from "Slave to Duty"), but more often, it's just human nature to remember bad things more than good, and that's what sticks more frequently in Prentiss's brain.

  129. My question is, why would she stay?
    It took Emily 10 years to make it in the BAU, how can she just become part while she is still in training?
    First Garcia as a liaison, now this?
    I'm going to need a good explanation.
    Unless she is a serial killer pretending to be one of them.
    Maybe she kills Emily.
    Kidding. Kidding.

    Anyway, really liked the episode and the new girl and the team around her.
    I’m actually really excited for next week.

  130. My 2 cents is that the introduction of this character (Ashley) was too contrived. Do they really expect me to believe that after all these years, and after all the unsubs they have caught, that Hotch and Rossi would feel the need to call on a CADET to help them catch the unsub? I understand the reasoning they gave, it just seemed out of character for the team. And for goodness sakes, if you're going to call someone in like that, then at least let them actually make a contribution to the team! I agree with others who say her character is too "weak". I would rather have seen some cocky crackerjack cadet who came in and helped and then they had to deal with that.
    Which leads me to the second point...if you were a CBS exec and you decide to replace the character of JJ (a pretty blonde, blue-eyed, sensitive, intuitive character), then why would you replace her with a blonde, blue/green(?) eyed, sensitive, intuitive character? What is the point? It is a bit "in your face" is it not?
    Lastly- well whether you count Prentiss' statement as continuity error or not...the show certainly has numerous other continuity errors. It's one of the things that drives me absolutely nuts! So I guess I agree with anonymous blogger on that one.

  131. sdwally is right, it's time to give Emily a lot of air time and send her off (still can't believe it, CBS) how she really deserves.
    But honestly, we can't actually blame this on Ashley. Almost half the season is gone and NO Emily.
    What are you waiting for, writers, her last episode?

  132. You know, I find all this worry about Reid's secret being a girl or Reid and Ashley hooking up rather funny because usually this type of stuff is thrown at female characters. It's kind of amusing to see a male character in a "female" situation.

    In my opinion, I think that if Ashley Seaver stays around longer than her arc, I think she and Reid might develop a relationship, not a romantic one, but rather a friendship or even brother-sister. Any mention of crushes are more likely to be the results of teasing. I wouldn't mind a PARODY of this cliche, like Ashley and Reid going undercover and pretending to be a couple, or just plain old-fashioned teasing of Reid. Making fun of a cliche would show that "Yes, we know that this is a common cliche and you're afraid that our show will be afflicted with it. Well, that's not case here, and we're making fun of it to shoot it down and get your worries out of the way."

  133. I agree with HollyM & Eli. This season's episodes can't compare with the first 41/2 seasons. It is clear that the writing is slipping, especially with respect to the factual and realism aspects that the writers worked so hard in previous seasons to maintain. This episode is particularly implausible.

    I was attracted to this series initially because of its intelligent writing, but the episodes this season have been sloppy from that standpoint, not well developed and full of holes. This particular episode had an interesting premise, bringing in the daughter of a serial killer to consult on the case, but there was too much emphasis on the Ashley character's backstory, not enough team profiling,and so many aspects of the case left unexplained, such as the motivations of the unsub. Definitely too many loose ends. Why did he kill his wife? Why would he suddenly change his signature/MO for no reason? Those of us who are longtime viewers of the show know that is not how serial killers act. It would also be too great of a risk killing an FBI agent unless there was a compelling reason for him to do so. He had no indication he was under suspicion. After all, Ashley was just returning evidence to him. Do the writers want us to actually believe an unsub would risk getting caught by murdering her in his own house without any provocation?

    Also, since when does the team go storming over to an unsub's house with sirens blaring, when they know one of their agents or a hostage is in mortal danger? Usually, they use a silent approach to avoid startling the unsub, which would create panic and possibly lead to his rash decision to immediately kill the hostage and escape. This was all too unrealistic.

    As far as the Ashley character, I agree she is too immature and too much of a crybaby. Realistically, I don't think she would become a permanent member of the BAU so quickly given her background. There was no indication she had any profiling experience and there would be doubts as to whether she could psychologically handle that type of work on an ongoing basis. In the end, the Ashley character didn't really contribute much of anything to solving the case. All she ended up doing was getting herself nearly killed by disobeying orders and forcing the team to go put their own lives in danger attempting to rescue her.

    For those of you who don't want to see a Reid/Ashley relationship, I agree. That is not what the show is supposed to be about and I personally wouldn't want that for him or any other member of the team.

    But, then again, I am not happy with the Reid persona at all this season. His new look completely undermines his empathetic, genius personality which proved to be such an asset to the team in previous seasons and the writers have done next to nothing with his character this season that is the least bit compelling. So far, I have been so dissatisfied with this season that I haven't even bothered to tape the episodes since I don't think they are worth a 2nd viewing. I much prefer to watch reruns of earlier seasons.

  134. I didn't really enjoy this episode. Too much time was spent on Ashley and too little on the case and the team. It seemed unusual that after all the unsubs the team has caught in a variety of situations that they would require a trainee's help for this one. It would have been better if Ashley had actually been a help, but she added nothing to the case except stumbling upon the unsub by accident. If in delivering the computer she had seen something in the unsub that had reminded her of her father I might have believed it, or if the pet angle had actually produced something, then her presence would have been useful, but as it was it was less than stellar.

    I don't really see them going the romance route with Reid and Ashley, I was thinking maybe they'd just become good friends since they're more of the same age group. I was thinking she might approach Reid again because she wants to know exactly what her father did.

    The smirking at the church was likely one of those things like you see on outtakes where the actor says the line ten times and can't help from laughing. Maybe they didn't have time to do the take one more time so they cut MGG off mid smirk before he burst into laughter again.

    As far as Ashley being an addition/replacement for JJ, I didn't think she excelled at either and I can't see them needing her for more cases when she didn't really do anything that helped them in this one.

  135. So in general consensus, Ashley Seaver has been received a mixed reaction from the fans, leaning slightly toward the negative. Does this mean the deal to make her a regular is off, or will the next two episodes of the arc improve her character? I don't know, but it will have to depend on the ratings.

    Ratings for this episode are generally the same as the previous episode, though slightly lower. Will the ratings remain high, or will it decrease over the course of the season, Ashley Seaver or no Ashley Seaver? If ratings are lower during the episodes with Seaver, is she to blame? I don't know, but if the ratings drop below 10 million toward the end of the season, is it the end of Criminal Minds? I don't know.

  136. Ashley...I like you but keep your hands off Spencer Reid!!

    I wonder when the writers and producers are going to give Emily more screentime. Are you waiting for Paget's last episode?

    Why are Prentiss and Morgan together all the time? Are they conjoined twins??

    I'm getting tired of this...

  137. I liked her! I'm so thrilled that she made newbie mistakes and didn't come waltzing in with the profile. And Kudos for the way her backstory was handled. About five minutes of build-up is all that kind of thing can take without being over the top.

    Actually, that's something I have to say in general-- Criminal Minds handles new characters much better than any other show I've ever been hooked on.

    I think having a cadet is a fresh batch of story lines. I love love love love love Rossi in that mentoring role.

    I think a crush is cute, and Criminal Minds has a good track record of not going there. And it's pretty in character for Reid to have a crush on someone he works with. I don't think anything will come of it (I HOPE nothing does).

    I'm sad to see AJ gone, and I hope Paget does stay (even if I understand if she doesn't) but I'm not at all against this new character.

  138. Yes I agree, no romance between Ashley and Reid or between Ashley and someone else on the team ! ( 2 votes)

    Sorry, but if they want us to respect a new caracter that's not the best way to do it.

    Come on! The only reason for AJ demission is to create a "romantic" situation ??? It's sad.

    And I'm not being rude with the actress, it's not her fault. CBS made a huge mistake with all the polemic with AJ and Paget. It's their fault - they create a horrible situation with fans and now they need to discover a better way to deal with it.

    Hope they will find it, or...better not think about it.

  139. Actually, I really enjoyed this episode. I liked the story and I basically like the new character, though I do think she is just too much of a JJ lookalike and that’s distracting from her story and devaluing the character. It also makes the little crush Reid seems to have on her a bit creepy and ridiculous seeing he once had a crush on JJ, too.

    I’ve always said that Reid deserves a little romance but I’ve also always said that I don’t want any inner-team relationships on the show. I stick to both - I’d be fine if they hook up Reid with the nerdy girl from the library but not with a new co-worker and I’m not too fond of the prospect of them angsting together over how broken they both are, either.

    There’s also a bit too much going on between Morgan and Garcia for my taste lately. I’ve always enjoyed their banter but I wonder what happened to Kevin?

    But other than these little complaints I think this week’s episode was one of the stronger ones from this season.

    On a totally shallow side note, can we have one (young) short-haired female character, please?

    PS: Was Rossi’s dad a hitman for the Mafia?

  140. Rachel Nichols NOT WELCOME to Criminal Minds! I want her OUT OF THE SHOW as soon as possible! GO HOME, and let the real CM girls stay!. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!!!

    and i hope she never gets close to reid!!!!

  141. I don't get why everyone is worried about Reid and Ashley, for a romance to take place, they would actually have to give Reid some screentime, and they haven't done that in a REALLY long time.
    And I'll take that as an opportunity to ask, why not writers?

  142. Oh, and at Rosely Zenker... WOW!

  143. People, people, people.

    I am 100% with those of you who have nothing against Rachel Nichols, willing to give the poor thing a chance and for God's sake, let poor Reid develop a bond with the newbie - I seriously doubt there will be any romance here (no history of that on CM_why would they start now?) It would def give him more screen time that many of us are longing for, prob'ly MGG included. I'd like to see her acceptance and respect for him w/o any eye-rolling (we are SO tired of that) and we may see a more fun & happy Reid because of it- it could do his poor self- image a world of good.

    We cannot blame the new girl and I maintain, the show at this stage needs a shot in the arm, something new to maintain interest, and let's prepare ourselves for ending up liking her just the way we have all come to love Emily and Rossi.

    Think positive and stop being so judgmental and let's give the show in its entirety our support. We wouldn't be writing here if we didn't care, so let's do a wait and see, K?

    And we can all plan on watching our beloved AJ Cook shine on next year's epi of Law&Order SUV opposite Jermy Iron and we will all be happy. She's doing great!

  144. I liked the new girl and this episode a lot. One of the best this season, in my opinion.
    I wonder why they would have her stay, but either way, it's good to have another woman in the field besides Prentiss (who did just become Morgan's shadow) and Garcia is not qualified.

    The way I see it, the show needed some changes. It was time. It’s also time to let Hotch heal and maybe lighten up a bit, time to let Rossi shine, time to let Morgan grow and become more of a responsible agent, time to let Reid grow up. Progress and changes are good. They happen in life. This show is 6 years old. Gotta keep up.
    And someone new is good in the way that we may actually get to know more about our old favorites because the new character wants to know too.
    And Rachel did such a great job.
    And I really want to know more about Ashely and see her with the team.

    Also, I hope Paget stays, because even though the network really tried to ruin things, Prentiss is really loved by the fans, just as much as Paget herself. Stay Paget, please.


  145. I'm still undecided about the new girl. One episode is certainly not enough for me to make up mind about her character and to decide (for myself) if she'll be a good fit.

    But it's also true that I loved Prentiss and Rossi from the very beginning (as much as I missed Gideon and Elle).

    So I'm waiting to see the next episodes, I'll know better what I can expect from her as a character and where she stands.

    Right now, I can only say that I do not dislike her and that I don't have a problem with her character.

    I don't think Reid was smitten with her in anyway.
    Except for Garcia making that very one sided comment there was nothing.

    I don't want to see a romance between them either, or even Reid crushing on her. What would be the point ?
    I want to see Reid the genius at work (I seriously miss that in some episodes) and Reid sharing intimate moments with the team, but not 'crushing'.

    I think Ashley is interested by what Reid knows about her father. And in all likehood she'll probably approach him again on that subject.
    All of that is fine with me, as long as it doesn't involve crushing and/or romance.
    There's absolutely no point in seeing Reid staring at A. Seaver with doe eyes. That would just be lame and this is not why I'm watching this show.

    Friendship and/or connecting ? Yes.
    Crushing and/or romance ? No !

  146. Gubegirl, I sure am glad you write on this blog!!! I agree with you 100%, especially your last post. Can we all just relax a little bit? Give her a chance? It's gonna take more than one episode.

    Also, I get that our beloved JJ was blonde and Ashley is blonde, but that is all they have in common. They look nothing alike!!

  147. For whatever it is worth, here are my two cents :) Not sure if it was on this site or another site, someone made the point that this specific Criminal Minds episode focused way too much on the new character rather than on what the show is premised on, profiling. Now, I get that the show has been on the air for quite a while, and as such, wouldn't hurt from a mini-face lift if you will. However, sprucing things up to the point where the crux of the show gets lost is not okay. There didn't seem to be the level/type of profiling in this episode that there has been in other episodes. It all seemed forced and jumbled to me. And as others have commented, it seems that this episode was all about getting the new character out there, which I think could have been more successful if her character were at the skill level of the rest of the team.

    What has attracted me to the show is the cleverness behind figuring out the identity of the serial killer. Sure, here and there, the audience has seen glimpses of the private lives of the characters, but that has never been the focus of the show. The focus of the show has been the elite nature of the BAU and how well they work together to solve crimes. Moreover, even though this is a fictional show, I believe another aspect that has attracted me (and perhaps other viewers to the show) is how close to the vest they have portrayed the nature of how the FBI works; ranks, protocol, etc. The fact that Hotch and Rossi sought to enlist the help of an FBI cadet to help with this specific case, well, that is a stretch to say the least. Being that it is a fictional show, they can get away with this for one, maybe two episodes. Making this character a regular, I'm sorry, but I think that is pushing the creative envelope with respect to this show, again, a show that focuses on the elite nature and traiining of its team members. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems like there will be a lot of hand holding when it comes to this new character. Yes, there are growing pains each new team member has to go through, but every other team member has had field experience, or in the case of Reid, an exceptional mind that lends itself to the type of work the BAU performs (which I believe is evidenced through his breath of knowledge, ability to map out crime scenes, statistical data, etc.) The new character is just way too green in every respect for this specific unit, so much so that I don't know how it will not become distracting after awhile.

  148. Continued from previous comment.... With respect to the Reid/Ashley possible romance landmine (LOL), I think it would be a mistake to even take the characters down this path. I hate to say it, but I think the show would have a soap opera type of feel if this happened. That is not to say that I believe the show should never explore Reid having a relationship, that is fine. But I think that if this is done it should be with someone other than a teammate, someone who Reid can relate to other than in age and tragic family history.

    Lastly (yes, I know this has been long, LOL), I think the sour taste of what happened to AJ Cook and Paget Brewster by the network is something that is going to negatively affect virtually any new character. Actors come and go, this is true, but I believe that the manner in which they exit a show matters. This is not to say that the show cannot go on, of course it can. However, if the show is to go on, then it should do so with in the strongest possible way. I'm sorry, but I don't see that in this new character. In an earlier season, the character of Hotch told Prentiss that not just anybody can walk off the streets and join the BAU. Prentiss, having years of experience and knowledge in the behavorial sciences proved that she was no walk on. The new character has neither the experience or the knowledge to be able to do that, and the fact that they are trying to paint this as her training field (I've read that this is how she will be able to stay at the BAU, as a trainee), well, again, how is that not going to be distracting. What makes this team tick is their ability to work together swiftly and with expertise to solve crimes, not train people.

    I hope that I am wrong.

  149. I am actually open to a new team member... just not this one. I kind of prefer one with experience, credibility and something to add. Rachel Nichols is a fine actress - it is completely unfair to her and to the fans to bring on a JJ look-alike when there are still so many longing for AJ. Ms Nichols was given a totally useless character, absolutely pointless lines and idiotic scenes (ie "I'll stay with the team except for when I go to take a computer back because I feel guilty and I need to cry more").

    Give us a mature, strong woman who can blend with the team and create a bond with the fans.

    Ooooh wait... give us AJ Cook.

  150. not realistic at all, the fbi is not going to hire a family member of a serial killer. if cbs wants a blonde hire blue eye character just swallow their pride and get jj back. enough is enough.

  151. the bar is set high for who ever comes to Criminal Minds. and the character ashley isn't it. the fbi is not going to hire someone with her back ground. and it is obvious that jj is missing and it's not like it use to be. hotch is becoming less hotch, garcia is less garcia, reid is more arrogant then brillant. what does cbs need to change their minds?

  152. @coadygirl and @Laura: Amen to that! I completely agree! The producers won't do anything with it anyways!

    On a different note, I have nothing against the actress, and I'm sure it must be incredibly difficult to act knowing you are going to have to take a lot for replacing, but the producers kind of shoved Ashley Seaver down our throats. Maybe gradually they could have introduced her? Its all too much. And why was she crying so much? Too much drama!

    Hey also, if anyone knows where I can find that interview, that'd make me pretty happy. Thanks!


  153. well, that was 1 hour of my time I ll never get back. Where was the case??? What was the killers stressor, why did he start killing, why did he kill his wife??? I would rather have had background on the case and the unsub than the constantly wailing and useless new character,who was jsut plain annoying. Another episode thsi bad and I ll stop watching. BRING JJ BACK and teh show back to its formner quality!

  154. I didn't buy into the whole speech at the end that the new character gave the unsub about serial killers wanting to be just like us. I mean psycho and sociopaths don't feel emotions the way we do. Of what I've read and heard most seem to embrace themselves for what they are, not struggle with it daily. That type of thinking would imply they have a conscious.

    Also the comment Prentiss makes about not be able to believe they had children. I would hope the character meant "before I joined the BAU and worked all these cases." Otherwise it makes the character sound not too well informed in her field or doesn't make sense period. I mean there have been a lot of cases these characters have worked on that involved serial killers and their children. The Fox, The two inmates on death row, The Solitary man, The dude who cut ladies hearts out, The one that went crazy and was shooting passersby on the freeway. I think to hear her say that just kinda threw people who have watched the show for so long.

    I think the new character's background was a little overdone. She didn't seem to help in any way and I found it hard to believe she was BAU material. I just found the charatcer too emotional and inexperineced. The story line for me wasn't consistant with the past views of the characters. It took Hotch forever to trust Prentiss. And for all who would say that I probably felt this way when Rossi or Prentiss joined that is wrong b/c I honestly liked both those characters from the start.

    I think when AJ Cook left people were upset and had high expectations for who would replace her b/c she was such a beloved character. Does this new charcter meet those expectations? For me it will definitley take more than one episode to decide. The character just didn't show me much this time around. I do hope they don't start soap opering the series by bogging it down with too much personal or romantic matters. I like this show for the storyline and characters and b/c it makes me think. I do not watch it every week to see who is gonna hook up with who.

    On a plus note I am glad the show is back after the reruns. Next week's episode looked really good. Also I saw where AJ Cook will be on Law and Order SVU, another great show, and I can't wait to see her on there.

  155. In my opinion Ashley is just perfect for spin-off. I don't want to watch her in oryginal CM.

  156. @ Anonymous "In my opinion Ashley is just perfect for spin-off. I don't want to watch her in oryginal CM." Yes, depending on what the spin-off is going to be like, I think that might be a good idea. The new character really didn't do anything that affirmatively helped solved the case, and what's worse is that I don't see how this character is going to be able to contribute anything on the level of the other characters. Her character is just way too green (the character of Reid was green in terms of field experience, but he more than made up for that with what he contributed in terms of his intelligence, an intelligence that has proved to be a great asset to the team from the beginning).

    The BAU is supposed to be an elite team with the sharpest minds, not a training ground for cadets. If a cadet can come in and be at the level, or even close to the level of the other seasoned characters in the span of a regular season or even two seasons, well, then how elite is it really. Plus, how are they going to stretch this "trainee" angle out for a regular season without it seeming forced or distracting? The team fights against the clock. In those situations, there is no time to hold anybody's hand, or give training lessons. I will continue watching to see how this pans out, but honestly,I just don't get how this character is going to overcome these obstacles in a way that will stay true to the foundation of the show.

  157. gubegirl, it's not that I'm not willing to give this girl a chance. I've was more than willing to give Paget and Joe a chance because Lola and Mandy CHOSE to leave and put the show in a position that they had no choice than to replace them.

    In her first case, Emily proved her usefullness because she understood the language nuances they would have missed if she hadn't been with Gideon and Reid.

    In his first episode, David Rossi was very instrumental in capturing the unsub.

    This girl did nothing to add to the profile so they could catch the unsub. I have nothing against Rachael Nichols, personally, it's the character she plays that I see as useless. She's too much of a cry baby for a team that has to deal with such grizzly crimes as the BAU.

    PB and JM were a good fit from the get go, I thought. RN did nothing for me.

  158. Excited that CM is back with new episodes, 3 weeks without Shemar Moore is just too long!!

    This episode was interesting story wise, but I felt umm.. what's her name? the new girl? Oh right Ashley, she was like a little lost puppy, and didn't know what to do....Hopefully she will be done after 3 episodes.

    -the Garcia/ Morgan interaction, I always do:)
    -Hotch's Smile! So handsome!

  159. Actually, in her first episode, Emily just showed up at Hotch’s door with her box of things and was told by him it had been a mistake and that she was not going to be joining the team, because neither he nor Gideon had approved anything. And she was left just standing there while the team went on a case. And even though she showed Hotch in the end that she could actually be good at her job, she did show out of nowhere. Which we latter learn was Strauss’ doing.

    In Rossi’s first episode, he didn’t bother to share information, went over Hotch’s head and forced the team to deal with the after effects of what he did to the unsub in that phone call. Had to be called on it by Hotch.

    None of them started it off great, except Elle, but we all know how she ended up.

    BUT, I do agree with you all, I want to know how they are going to explain Ashley staying. She is a cadet, she has absolutely no reason to be joying this team, she is not a genius like Reid and has not experience like Emily and Morgan, or history, like Rossi.
    It better be a good explanation.

    But, there was something about Ashley I just LIKED. And I do want to see more of her.

  160. @Anna, it is not about starting great, it is about starting on plausible ground. Yes, Emily showed up out of seemingly nowhere one day, leaving (rightly) suspicious that it was a set up by Strauss. However, if you recall, Emily already knew a lot about the makeup and function of the team. This was a position she not only had wanted for a while, but a position she was qualified yo handle. And yes, Rossi went over the team's head in his first episode, but that had to do with the fact that he was not used to the team dynamics, which took a bit, but eventually happened. However, I don't think there is any argument that he was more than qualified to be part of the BAU.

    Ashley, sorry, but she doesn't even come close to the level where Emily and certainly not Rossi started. Not to sound mean, but all of the crying and melodrama surronding her during the episode were way too much for me. Yes, I get that her past came flashing back and that she was being held at knife point and that she probably hadn't fully processed her childhood and etc. etc. You see what I a saying, too much focus on this characters backstory, little to no profiling at the level we know CM is capable of.

    I'm hoping that this was a one time episode thing with regard to such a heavy emphasis on Ashley because, sorry, beyond the "my dad is a serial killer" thing and all of the psychological baggage that leaves, her character is just way too inexperienced to be a part of such an elite and experienced team. She would need yrs to develop that, not a season's worth of episodes.

    I'm hoping

  161. Sorry, forgot to take out the "I'm hoping" in my comment above.

  162. I've cut and paste a comment that a Criminal Minds fan wrote elsewhere that I think hits to the heart of the issue, at least for some, with regard to the Ashley character:

    "I couldn`t agree with you more. The BAU is an elite team . There is no way a cadet would be accepted to the unit. To become a member of the BAU an agent needs a special ecducation, preferentially a degree in psychology or sociology or any other field that deals with human behavior. Or they need at least long-time experience in a law enforcement agency. If they accept a cadet with little to no job experience into the unit they are diluting the importance of the BAU (which they already do with the spin-off characters). And if they are unrealistically speeding up Seaver`s ability to be a profiler, then they are downgrading the rest of the team."

  163. "In my opinion Ashley is just perfect for spin-off. I don't want to watch her in oryginal CM." That would be totally perfect *__*

  164. Ashley isn't a bad character in my opinion, but I'm wondering about something : how is she going to concretely help the team in the other episodes ?
    And no, I'm not taking a jab at the character, this is a honest question.

    I mean no offense but she's no profiler (growing up with a father who was a serial killer doesn't make you instantly a profiler).
    Did she study psychology ? I don't think it was mentioned.

    Apparently, from the spoilers, she's going to stay in the BAU to finish her training and gain experience.
    So, what is she concretely going to do in the next episodes ? Just tag along and listen to the others so she can learn ?
    The BAU is certainly not a school for cadets, but even if we let that one slide the problem remains, her character would be more window dressing than anything else.
    Unless she's able to help with the profiles or take on part of JJ's work...but they would have to explain how she can do that.

    So, I'm actually curious to see what she'll do in her screen time.

    On another subject, I don't understand why some people think Reid is smitten with her.
    He acted normally around her, Garcia teased Reid, but that was just that, teasing. There was nothing from Reid's side.
    And I hope it doesn't change.
    Like the large majority here I don't want to see Reid infatuated with Ashley...I could never consider that 'character development' it would be more like 'big waste of time'.
    Use Reid more in the cases instead, please !

    Final note, to the poster who said 'Reid is more arrogant than brilliant' (the anonymous poster of course, what a surprise ...) :
    Reid has never been arrogant, he has never been condescending (contrary to certain posters/'fans' who take their frustration and anger out on Reid and his fans...just saying), he doesn't think 'oh my god, I'm so much better than anyone else' and he has never put someone down because he felt superior.
    Sure, Reid doesn't always get to show his genius mind at work. But that's more because the writers don't always give him the necessary material for that. Don't blame the character.

  165. All in all, I think I wouldn't have a problem with the Ashley character if she were a one episode (maybe 2, 3 episodes is kind of stretching it for me)guest, but the fact that she has been signed as a regular, yikes. I'm sorry, but I just don't get that. To Elisabeth R's point, along with many of the other commenters here, there is just no credence to her being part of the BAU. No where in the episode was it mentioned that she studied psychology, but even assuming that she did, that is still not enough to jump in and join this team. Unless you are a genius like Reid, who, well, is a genius and thus can compliment the team with an A+ mind, the fact that your father is a serial killer does not give you any special insight that would trump the years of experience and knowledge of the other characters. Also, as previously mentioned, the BAU is not a school for cadets and/or junior agents (I have read in several sites that this is how they are going to keep her on, as a trainee). It is a specialized unit and I don't know how them training her is not going to distract and put too much emphasis on developing her character.

    What made Emily and Rossi's arrival to the show successful was the fact that they were not only able to hold their own weight, but they were able to contribute and collaborate with the team in an effective manner. I like what one of the commenters quoted here from another person, "If they accept a cadet with little to no job experience into the unit they are diluting the importance of the BAU (which they already do with the spin-off characters). And if they are unrealistically speeding up Seaver`s ability to be a profiler, then they are downgrading the rest of the team." I can't speak to the spin-off because I know nothing about it, but I do think that added her to the team, being as inexperienced as she is, does dilute the specialized edge and expertise of the BAU, aspects that had to be in place before its inception.

    I'm not even going to delve into the hint of Reid and Ashley hooking up except to say that it would be such a poor use of Reid's character development. An inter-team romance is such a cliche. C'mon CM, if you are going to infuse some new blood into the show, please make it be someone who has experience and knowledge who could really rev up the profiling the show is based on (that is what CM is based on, right?), not a trainee :(

  166. It was all right, though the team did very little actual profiling. They took what the detective put together and didn't alter it until the fourth murder. By then it was too late for the team to do anything but rescue Ashley. I do find it odd that the detective eliminated the husbands, since close family members are usually the first suspects, and he suspected Mr. Jacobs. It would have been better to have less damsel in distress and more psychological profiling. I get that sometimes you don't know WHY an unsub does what he does, but since this is all fiction, and the show IS about criminal profilers, it would be nice to have some sort of explanation. Plus is it some sort of rule on the show these days that most of the unsubs are going to engage in a suicide by cop scenario when cornered? It was funny when Reid detailed that he remediated out of anything at the Academy that wasn't book learning. Reid has a very specific skillset that’s extremely valuable to the BAU, but he wouldn't be a good standard FBI agent. I also didn't see anything that pointed to Reid having a crush on Ashley. He raised his eyebrows when he met her, denied he found her pretty and that was about it. If Ashley does stick around, a friendship between the two of them would be nice, but no more. I liked Penelope doing what she does best: wrangling information and saving the case. I liked Emily's interaction with Ashley in the car, because since JJ left, there hasn't been much if any female bonding on the show, and I like to see women bonding professionally. I was very surprised that Emily went off with creepy security guy alone. It still felt like an unnecessary risk to me, and Emily usually doesn't take unnecessary risks. Plus she left Ashley all alone, when she was supposed to be paired up with an agent at all times. I love Hotch holding firm and not bending to Ashley's weepy sad eyes. He sets the rules and expects ALL of his team members to adhere to them.

    I was a bit apprehensive about Ashley, but willing to give her a shot. I feel Rachel Nichols did an excellent job with the character she was given. Ashley was empathetic and personable. I expected her to spend most of the episode in tears, but when she did cry, I could understand why. She had a knife to her throat and she watched the unsub get shot in front of her. I imagine it was a very harrowing experience, and she doesn't have any experience dealing with the strong emotions that come from directly confronting such heinous crimes. My issue with Ashley comes with the fact that she is probably going to be a full fledged member of the BAU. In that respect, I feel this episode failed in its task as a good character introduction. It was so focused on getting the audience to like and sympathize with Ashley, that it forgot that this is a show about professionals. When I watch a show BECAUSE of the profession portrayed, I want to see the characters acting as such. Nothing about Ashley's performance with the team suggested she was ready/able to make a positive contribution to the BAU. The BAU is an elite team of skilled investigators and you must be the best of the best to get in. So I am VERY curious how Ashley gets to come back to the BAU. I am reserving judgment on her potential until her three episode arc is complete. I know many have complained about her youth and inexperience as disqualifying factors to the BAU. I could overlook that if in the next two episodes, Ashley shows some valuable skills or potential for greatness. Emily proved her worth her first case out with the BAU, and I hope Ashley gets to do the same. Empathy is nice and all, but that was JJ's job. Ashley will need to develop a tougher skin to survive this job. I’ll accept her character whole-heartedly if she is a true professional who deserves to be there.

  167. Hi LaShawana,

    Emily was able to prove her value to the team the first case out because she had the experience and knowledge to do so, things that were developed years before showing up to the BAU. And to someone else's point here, she proved that she was no walk in when Hotch told her that not anyone can just transfer into the team. If she had the background to join the team that would be one thing, but again, I just don't see how that is going to be done in a plausible way that will stick to the base of the show and that will not seemed rushed or forced (getting her up to speed as soon as possible to give her cred, never minding that the other characters with the exception of Reid because he is a genius had to develop years of expertise and knowledge).

  168. Cindy,

    I agree that based on this episode, Ashley really doesn't add anything of value to the team. If I am going to accept Ashley as a full member of the BAU, she will have to show in the next two episodes that she can competently do the job. I want to leave it open for Ashley to surprise me, but I do have my doubts. But we'll see...:)

  169. To comment on the input of LaShawna and Cindy of recent and a few earlier posts, I too, am doubtful that Ashley brings much to the table in joining our beloved BAU. There was a total lack of character development to explain her specific qualifications to us in this episode, as mentioned, and the very words "cadet" and "trainee" have caused us to wonder how can this be? Certainly the BAU has never served as any training ground that we have seen before.
    I can only imagine that the original (2nd plan?) 3 epi-arc for her will have more for us to come to know her and her background in the next two epis but the most recent info alluding to the possibility that she will be a perm member with more epis this season -in what capacity, I ask?

    I can only see her going in as a non-profiler, maybe doing JJ's original liaison job as performed in early seasons by AJ. But I have to say, that she does not appear to have those communication skills and the selective study skills that JJ excelled at, to determine cases worthy of the BAU's attention, etc.

    And because JJ became so much more than just an admin coordinator in latter episodes (Hotch even asked her if she didn't want to become a profiler and expressed his feeling that she could easily move into this mode) I think we are all reeling that this new "cadet" could step into this role, either, in any way, shape or form.

    I can only hope that more will come to pass in the next two weeks that explain better her qualifications and allow us die-hard fans to better understand and accept her. I can't imagine that she is here for window-dressing, a romance for Reid or even tear-jerking. She's got to bring more to the table than that, or this is not the Criminal Minds we have come to know and love.

    But I still say, let's do a wait & see; it is too late to change anything now as these epis have long since been filmed but hopefully our team of writers, inc. EB will take our concerns into account just in case they were even thinking of going soft on us.

    No Way! No How! We love the hard, tough show the way it has always been, with interjections of humor and occas insight/backstory that endear our beloved team members to us and that's what we want to coninue. More of, actually.

    In the meanwhile, let's not let our imaginations run away with us. I love talking to you guys this way, tho' and appreciate feedback and input because this is OUR show and we love it and it deserves some of our time and I enjoy sharing thoughts with those of you who love the show as much I as do.


  170. Hi gubegirl,

    Thanks for your comments. Yes, we should wait and see what is in store in the next two episodes, but if past CBS history (or for that matter network TV history) I think there may be cause for concern. I say this because neywork execs have a way of taking a beloved show with a solid cast and tinkering with it to the point of obliteration. Exhibit 1 the dreaded AJ firing, exhibit 2, the scaling back of Paget's character. Then enter implausible story lines and cast shake- up's, with a dash of inter-team/cast member hook ups to mask all of the aforementioned bad and baffling decisions. This formula has ruined one too many shows on TV.

    Although it sucks, I have accepted the idea that AJ is not coming back and was willing to be open to a new cast member, but the fact that CBS didn't cast the opening to a character with profiling experience, an undoubtedlyvolder cast member, unless it was going to be another genius Reid type character who excelled at a young age thus being a young agent, I'm kind of worried that all of the ingredients are being stirred in the pot. I think that the Seaver character is not necessarily window dressing, more like saving face post AJ and Paget. I hope I am wrong, but this character showing us what she has to offer in 2 episodes being that she has zero profiling experience, yeah,I don't know about that. Way too quick for that type of specialized unit. Yet, like you said, let's see. Wed is another epi, hoping there isn't too much time focused on her trying to get info about her dad from Reid, her crying, etc. Sorry, but I'm not interested in watching another Ashley centric epi or training exercise.

  171. Sorry for all of my typos; I am typing on my iPod Touch and am not used to the touchscreen keyboard. Also, hope I wasn't being to negative. I love Criminal Minds and would hate to see the quality of the show diminish because they are trying to fit an apple into an orange sized hole. Moreover, I am not insinuating that there will be an inter-team hook-up, but at this point in the game would not be surprised :( I want CM to flourish like I know that it can. The show doesn't need implausible story lines to make it good, its strength lies in the premise of the shoe, the expertise, knowledge, and suspence. A little back story had been good because the strength of the characters expertise compliments it. On another note, I am hoping Paget will stay, but totally get her decision to keep her options open. It is sad that she hasn't been given much script to work with lately.

  172. I was also curious as to why the BAU would require such an inexperienced agent. At the beginning of the episode, they said that Ashley was above average at all the tests during training. I guess she wasn't prepared for the field right away. I'm kind of glad that she wasn't amazing because it made it more realistic. I think that if she is joining the BAU, it will not be as a profiler. They are one agent down and maybe they require another agent but not necessarily another profiler. She might be working kind of in an internship role. I'm guessing she will be hired because she exelled in her training. It will take time before she can apply this to the field. I don't think that it would be too unrealistic if they took this approach because Hotch said that he will not be replacing JJ. I do think that perhaps he realizes that they can use some extra help. I do agree though that we had enough of her story and don't need to hear about it in every episode.

    I'm looking forward to episode 12 and I am curious to find out what's going on with Reid. I think that this will definitely bring the team closer together.

  173. Addicted to eggnog latteSunday, December 12, 2010

    Now I've finally seen the episode (a work colleague downloaded for me as the website I usually watch it on doesn't seem to be in a rush to add it) I can add my two penn’orth:

    The episode as a whole:
    Better than recent weeks, but still too little profiling, what makes the unsub tick, etc. When CM started showing in the UK in 2006 the main thing which made me sit up and quickly get addicted was the way the show focussed on the psychological aspect of the crimes. There were fewer of the obvious cop show themes and more close team interaction which I really liked. A lot of the crime scene and police investigation was left to our (in my case, warped) imaginations. I've been watching season 4 repeats on one of our TV channels and the difference is obvious - CM seems to be devolving into a run of the mill police procedural. I still love the show, but it's like something is missing these days (starting sometime last season).

    Ashley Seaver:
    Yes, we all miss JJ but that's not Rachel Nichols' fault (I'd not heard of her before CM, btw). I'm prepared to give the character a chance, she's only as realistic as the writers allow her to be. I'm not familiar with the exact protocol for being admitted to the FBI, but even I know it's pretty strict! Would her background discount her immediately? I'm assuming she would have had to go through stringent psychological evaluations, etc? I read this thread before watching the episode and she was far less weepy than I'd expected. I'm wondering if the writers were trying to portray her as a rookie who was so keen to impress the BAU she tried too hard and made some glaring errors, such as going against Hotch's orders, etc.

    Give the woman some decent screen time, lines , etc. PB is a superb actress and playing second fiddle to Morgan every episode is getting tedious.

    He seems to be regressing in that last season he appeared to have had some fashion tips and was less socially awkward. Now it's like he's been back in time and stolen my grandfather's 1930s Oxford University geek chic wardrobe (I've seen my grandmother's photos from that time!) and has been hanging out with the characters from The Big Bang Theory if the sudden return of the nerd-fest monologues are anything to go by. I didn't pick up on him supposedly fancying Ashley, and Garcia's banter was just like we do at work when we tease the younger people. If they do give him a bit of romance at any point I agree with the person who suggested a nerdy girl from the library, or similar, rather than a team member.

    Was the implication from Rossi at the end on the jet that his father was some sort of "bad guy"? I've joked in the past his dad was a Mafia hitman but if they went with that angle it would be a bit of an obvious stereotype - before anyone pulls me up on it I'm part Italian so can safely make the Mafia gags!
    Also, I read the release for Corazon. My best guess is that Reid is suffering from migraines which can cause bad headaches (obviously!) and visual and/or auditory disturbances/hallucinations. He's worried he's developing schizophrenia though. Migraines often run in families, if this was the case with Reid perhaps it would be on his father's side as I doubt he'd know much about that side of the family. My mum gets migraines if she eats dark chocolate, her mum used to get them for no obvious reason and every few weeks I get a left-sided headache which lingers for a day or so - but there's only been about three occasions where I've considered sawing off my head and I've never bothered mentioning it to the doctor. Hmmmm.

    Right, after all that I think I'm done! Over and out.....

  174. Addicted to eggnog latteSunday, December 12, 2010

    PART 1

    Now I've finally seen the episode (a work colleague downloaded for me as the website I usually watch it on doesn't seem to be in a rush to add it) I can add my two penn’orth:

    The episode as a whole:
    Better than recent weeks, but still too little profiling, what makes the unsub tick, etc. When CM started showing in the UK in 2006 the main thing which made me sit up and quickly get addicted was the way the show focussed on the psychological aspect of the crimes. There were fewer of the obvious cop show themes and more close team interaction which I really liked. A lot of the crime scene and police investigation was left to our (in my case, warped) imaginations. I've been watching season 4 repeats on one of our TV channels and the difference is obvious - CM seems to be devolving into a run of the mill police procedural. I still love the show, but it's like something is missing these days (starting sometime last season).

    Ashley Seaver:
    Yes, we all miss JJ but that's not Rachel Nichols' fault (I'd not heard of her before CM, btw). I'm prepared to give the character a chance, she's only as realistic as the writers allow her to be. I'm not familiar with the exact protocol for being admitted to the FBI, but even I know it's pretty strict! Would her background discount her immediately? I'm assuming she would have had to go through stringent psychological evaluations, etc? I read this thread before watching the episode and she was far less weepy than I'd expected. I'm wondering if the writers were trying to portray her as a rookie who was so keen to impress the BAU she tried too hard and made some glaring errors, such as going against Hotch's orders, etc.

    Give the woman some decent screen time, lines , etc. PB is a superb actress and playing second fiddle to Morgan every episode is getting tedious.

  175. Addicted to eggnog latteSunday, December 12, 2010

    PART 2

    He seems to be regressing in that last season he appeared to have had some fashion tips and was less socially awkward. Now it's like he's been back in time and stolen my grandfather's 1930s Oxford University geek chic wardrobe (I've seen my grandmother's photos from that time!) and has been hanging out with the characters from The Big Bang Theory if the sudden return of the nerd-fest monologues are anything to go by. I didn't pick up on him supposedly fancying Ashley, and Garcia's banter was just like we do at work when we tease the younger people. If they do give him a bit of romance at any point I agree with the person who suggested a nerdy girl from the library, or similar, rather than a team member.

    Was the implication from Rossi at the end on the jet that his father was some sort of "bad guy"? I've joked in the past his dad was a Mafia hitman but if they went with that angle it would be a bit of an obvious stereotype - before anyone pulls me up on it I'm part Italian so can safely make the Mafia gags!
    Also, I read the release for Corazon. My best guess is that Reid is suffering from migraines which can cause bad headaches (obviously!) and visual and/or auditory disturbances/hallucinations. He's worried he's developing schizophrenia though. Migraines often run in families, if this was the case with Reid perhaps it would be on his father's side as I doubt he'd know much about that side of the family. My mum gets migraines if she eats dark chocolate, her mum used to get them for no obvious reason and every few weeks I get a left-sided headache which lingers for a day or so - but there's only been about three occasions where I've considered sawing off my head and I've never bothered mentioning it to the doctor. Hmmmm.

    Right, after ALL that I think I'm done! Over and out.....

  176. Addicted to eggnog latteSunday, December 12, 2010

    Sorry about the split duplicate post - when I tried to post the original as a whole it flashed up it was too long so I split the Word document before copying and pasting!

    I'm now wondering if the site admin can remove the two copies and this apology??

    I apologise once more.....

  177. Re: Addicted to eggnog latte - "CM seems to be devolving into a run of the mill police procedural."

    Interesting. I've noticed when I channel surf other procedurals, they're becoming more like CM.

    I wonder how long CM could last without repeating itself if it didn't insert fresh points of view on similar crimes and unsubs.

  178. With regards to having a cadet on the team-- I think it adds an interesting dynamic if handled well. I'm not interested in seeing an uberkind, but having a rookie around really gives the audience a new access point to the team and the process. From a technical standpoint, the writers lost a huge edge with JJ. A lot of the exposition revolved around her briefing the team. Since she wasn't a profiler, she usually asked the questions that the audience needed to know the answers to for the show to function. Her role as a character was to bring the audience up to speed.

    In general, crime dramas benefit from having rookies around that the veterans can explain things to. If you have an excuse to explain what's going on, you can write a more complicated story. CM isn't quite as limited here since the team is usually dealing with local officials who need explanations, but there's still a lot to be said for getting the exposition out of the way before the team gets off the plane. It means the next thirty minutes can be dedicated to action instead of exposition.

    So, functionally, I think a rookie is great for the show. I hope she gets to stay a rookie for a while. I hope she gets to learn so that the audience gets to learn along with her. And I hope that she spends most of her time in the relative safety of a police station, and I hope that Hotch rips her a new one if she tries to do anything dumb.

    As far as how 'realistic' it is for a cadet to be part of the BAU-- it's not realistic for any of these characters to be. They're all too young. If you read the requirements for the real BAU, there are experience requirements that mean no twenty-something could make it, and with the exceptions of Elle and Prentiss (hmm... do I detect a pattern?) every member of the core cast has been unrealistically young for their characters. (Including ROSSI! If they'd let him be 2 instead of 52, it would be so much easier to buy him as one of the originals)

    I won't hold that against Ashley any more than I do the others.

    I absolutely agree that there are eighteen million ways that Ashley's character could be mishandled, but I'm willing to have a little faith in the writers. They've yet to give us a useless character and that's saying something after six years and two major new characters.

  179. With regards to having a cadet on the team-- I think it adds an interesting dynamic if handled well. I'm not interested in seeing an uberkind, but having a rookie around really gives the audience a new access point to the team and the process. From a technical standpoint, the writers lost a huge edge with JJ. A lot of the exposition revolved around her briefing the team. Since she wasn't a profiler, she usually asked the questions that the audience needed to know the answers to for the show to function. Her role as a character was to bring the audience up to speed.

    In general, crime dramas benefit from having rookies around that the veterans can explain things to. If you have an excuse to explain what's going on, you can write a more complicated story. CM isn't quite as limited here since the team is usually dealing with local officials who need explanations, but there's still a lot to be said for getting the exposition out of the way before the team gets off the plane. It means the next thirty minutes can be dedicated to action instead of exposition.

    So, functionally, I think a rookie is great for the show. I hope she gets to stay a rookie for a while. I hope she gets to learn so that the audience gets to learn along with her. And I hope that she spends most of her time in the relative safety of a police station, and I hope that Hotch rips her a new one if she tries to do anything dumb.

    I absolutely agree that there are eighteen million ways that Ashley's character could be mishandled, but I'm willing to have a little faith in the writers. They've yet to give us a useless character and that's saying something after six years and two major new characters.

  180. I finally watched the ep and I have to say that I didn’t really enjoy it. The story could have been very interesting, but somehow we never saw the team do any investigating or anything that could have helped them solve the case other than Garcia going through the files and the team observing who was a no-show at the town meeting. What happened to talking to people and profiling them during the interviews? Surey they wouldn’t rely on the tapes some cop or security officer made without them being present.

    That the team needs a cadet’s help to solve this case seems unrealistic to me. Shouldn’t they have interviewed serial killers’ families before? Why did Ashley have to tell them about it? Sure, the idea of seeing “the other side” could have been interesting…but not like this.

    How can someone whose father was a serial killer be allowed into the FBI? I know almost nothing about law enforcement, but her notorious crying, depressed looks and lack of professionalism don’t speak of a healthy state of mind to me. I’m sure Rachel Nichols is a great actress, but I’m not sure she’s doing herself a favor with this character.

    I didn’t like that the main focus was on the new character. I think a more subtle approach would have worked better. I for one am tired of being hit over the head with the “news” that we have lost yet another character that has to be replaced. What happened to not replacing J.J.,/A.J. by the way? Ashley looks a lot like J.J. to me, but she acted more like Elle toward the end of her career with the BAU, wallowing in self-pity.

    Anyway, I can’t see Ashley having a future in the BAU after having defied Hotch, endangering herself and the team on her first day in the field, and not being able to talk about anything but herself and her father.

    Loved the Hotch smile! For me, this was the highlight of the episode because the scene with Rossi showed some real CM spirit and witty writing.

    What is Rossi’s big secret supposed to be? I’m sure the close-up of his ring had a purpose.

    Loved Garcia’s comment to Reid. He’s so lovely when he doesn’t know how to react to his friend’s teasing.

    All in all, it could have been a great episode because of its interesting premise, but it wasn’t well executed, in my opinion.

    Maybe the next episode will be better again.

  181. I finally watched the ep and I have to say that I didn’t really enjoy it. The story could have been very interesting, but somehow we never saw the team do any investigating or anything that could have helped them solve the case other than Garcia going through the files and the team observing who was a no-show at the town meeting. What happened to talking to people and profiling them during the interviews? Surey they wouldn’t rely on the tapes some cop or security officer made without them being present.

    That the team needs a cadet’s help to solve this case seems unrealistic to me. Shouldn’t they have interviewed serial killers’ families before? Why did Ashley have to tell them about it? Sure, the idea of seeing “the other side” could have been interesting…but not like this.

    How can someone whose father was a serial killer be allowed into the FBI? I know almost nothing about law enforcement, but her notorious crying, depressed looks and lack of professionalism don’t speak of a healthy state of mind to me. I’m sure Rachel Nichols is a great actress, but I’m not sure she’s doing herself a favor with this character.

    I didn’t like that the main focus was on the new character. I think a more subtle approach would have worked better. I for one am tired of being hit over the head with the “news” that we have lost yet another character that has to be replaced. What happened to not replacing J.J.,/A.J. by the way? Ashley looks a lot like J.J. to me, but she acted more like Elle toward the end of her career with the BAU, wallowing in self-pity.


  182. …continued…

    Anyway, I can’t see Ashley having a future in the BAU after having defied Hotch, endangering herself and the team on her first day in the field, and not being able to talk about anything but herself and her father.

    Loved the Hotch smile! For me, this was the highlight of the episode because the scene with Rossi showed some real CM spirit and witty writing.

    What is Rossi’s big secret supposed to be? I’m sure the close-up of his ring had a purpose.

    Loved Garcia’s comment to Reid. He’s so lovely when he doesn’t know how to react to his friend’s teasing.

    All in all, it could have been a great episode because of its interesting premise, but it wasn’t well executed, in my opinion.

    Maybe the next episode will be better again.

  183. I haven't read all 182 comments, but it looks like I'm one of the few who likes the Seaver character so far. After AJ left I was ready to give up on CM, since I found it had mostly become a weekly mini version of "Hostel" or "Saw." I don't much care for the horror genre, and it seemed like CM over the past season or two has been trying to capitalize on the success of gore and shock value rather than focusing on the psychological aspect of crime.

    However, I think Seaver will add an interesting arc, and I'll watch a while longer to see where it goes. The whole rookie/trainee thing is interesting to me, and as Jen said it will provide for some much needed expository material now that JJ is gone. I think they're still in the process of testing the chemistry between the actors, so I wouldn't be surprised if the writers dismissed the possibility of Reid/Ashley after deciding it won't work out. I did, however, enjoy the interactions between Seaver and Rossi and Prentiss, and I'm looking forward to seeing if a newbie will shake up the team a bit this season.

  184. For Jen: Very nice explanation summarizing what role JJ played and the necessity of this "exposition" as you put it, in getting the entire episode off the ground with the viewers. And you are right, without a JJ replacement (which we never wanted but still can't figure out how our team can operate as well without JJ!) the veterans briefing the rookie could serve the same purpose as far as bringing the audience up to speed.

    Anyway, good job, Jen, and I think this might help others understand what role Ashley might play, where she might fit in, what purpose her character serves; basically, give her some breathing space in the next couple weeks to show us her stuff.

    Then we can debate whether or not we care to continue to have her around!

    The smile Hotch exhibited while with Rossi was stellar and so rare - I loved it. And I must go back to watch the Rossi scenes again and scrutinize for nuances about his father, backstory, close-ups of his ring which I may have missed, etc.

    What, a third viewing before Wed. new one? I so need a life...

  185. How can they keep Ashley on the team?
    I've been thinking about this and the only way i see happening is if Rossi takes her under his wing like Gideon did to Reid (and yes, I see the discrepancies), but that is the only way I see it, really.
    And even though it may be contrived, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see a scene between he and Strauss about that.

  186. And in response to how Seaver could be in the BAU after being reprimanded by Hotch: Remember Jordan Todd.

  187. @ Kat887 If I am remembering correctly (and please correct me if I am wrong), Jordan Todd came to the team as a temporary replacement for JJ while JJ was on maternity leave; it was never the intention for Jordan to become a permanent member of the team. Unlike the new character, by what everything seems to indicate, will be joining the team even though she is not experienced in profiling.

  188. Because I have never posted anywhere other than on this blog, I have to say it here:

    This week's TV Guide (12/20-1/02) summarizes the years highs and lows states in their "Cheers & Jeers - 2010":

    "Jeers to Criminal Minds for cutting one of its most likeable costars, A.J. Cook (pictured-right)aka JJ Jareau."

    They go on to say, "You'd think a show that's frequently criticized for victimizing attactive young women wouldn't commit such a casting crime."

    Well said, TV Guide, you have echoed our sentiments to a "T." Glad that someone else besides us Fanatics have noticed.

    FYI, also, Wed. 12/15 and 12/22 will both be re-runs, with the
    15th being the pilot of the spin-off, "Suspect Behavior."

    We can watch and pick it apart again:) and see if it's a better stage for RN as several of you have suggested...Or if Prentiss should be going for the cute British dude...Or if we are more receptive than before to watch it come January or whenever it debuts...

  189. @Gubegirl

    originally posted by gubegirl:
    "FYI, also, Wed. 12/15 and 12/22 will both be re-runs, with the
    15th being the pilot of the spin-off, "Suspect Behavior."

    12/15 which is today, is NO re-run . It is the NEW episode "25 to life"!

  190. Sorry, guys, in my haste, I was a week off. I totally know tat tonite is new but time/C'mas and holidays are getting away from me after 10 days of a nasty sinus infection!

    The 22nd and the 29th are the repeats with the 22nd being the pilot re-run.

    Not unusual because of the holidays to not waste new epis during this busy time. (But I still wish there were new...:)

  191. I saw the first 2 episodes with the new character. I don't believe it's working. The new agent does not fit in with the story line (which seems to be turning into a soap opera), or with the cast. I see no chemistry and body language suggests less than happiness with the addition. And the BAU must be laughing a lot. No way would this agent (nothing against Rachel) be in the FBI. She is a whiny, out of control agent with adolescent behavioral issues and lacks the requisite 10 years in the FBI. Also, having Rossi mothering her is ludicrous. After seriously screwing up he takes her back because she "made a mistake and is sorry". I don't think so. Let's bring back AJ Cook. It worked with her. The chemistry was magical. And, I loved the show for its exquisite intelligence, which is swiftly fading. The current show insults my intelligence. --- Joy Banks, Ph.D.

  192. Does anyone have contact info for CBS execs or writers? When folks were petitioning for Paget and AJ, this info was posted online. Since then they have been disabled. I would love to write directly to CBS. Then again, perhaps they read this blog. Thanks, Joy Banks

  193. @ Joy Banks.. I completely agree with all of your comments. It is so sad what how much this show has crumbled.

    I think that if you post your comments/questions on the lastest thread (25 to Life) you may get a reply as it seems like that is getting the most traffic now. I too would like to write CBS.

  194. Okay this is what I have to say about the new girl Agent Seaver I REALLY HATE HER... SHE COMPLETLY RUINS THE SHOW FOR ME!!!! If they keep her as a regular I will not watch the show and definetley don't have any love scenes with her or Reid, Morgan, or anyone. GET HER OFF THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!

  195. Happy New Year everyone! I have been on vacation and thus haven't been able to see the new CM episodes. Normally, I would say that is a bad thing, but in the case of the past two episodes, I'd say it was a good thing. Let me tackle this episode first. Is it me, or was this episode completely devoid of any profiling? Last time I checked, CM was about profiling, right??? Instead of profiling, we, the audience, got a character who managed to do nothing but cry through the almost the whole episode, provided useless information, and kept on going on about her serial killer dad. Where was the team interaction, the profiling, the, well, just about anything but the melodrama that this episode subjected us to. This episode was a complete waste of time! Now to learn that they (CBS) is adding this character to the show. What the hell.. does CBS want to bury this show down into the ground? After watching this episode and the 25 to life episode, I can confidently say (and from what I have been reading, it seems that others can confidently say) that this character has no place on the show and does nothing but take screen time from the characters that make this show worth watching.

    Now, can CM add new characters, sure, but not one like this. This is a complete waste of a character. Unlike some of the other commenters, I don't want this character to serve as some type of profiling 101 guide. All that will do is slow the pace of the show and take away the edge that has always made this show stand apart. Why is the show regressing? I don't get it. Not only is this character unqualified to be on a team this show has always said is elite, the only reason that she was introduced is because her dad is a serial killer. That is pathetic! I don't care how many women her father has killed, that does not make her qualified to be a part of the team. Oh, and what happened to the jazz talk about her being just a 3 arc episode character. Bologna, I say. First, this was a one episode character at best, and two, how can CBS get into talks about casting this actress when the first episode barely finished airing. Whoever believes she wasn't intended to become a regular on the show, I got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

  196. Continued....

    CM is still up there in the ratings, but there is no doubt that it has taken some hits lately. First, the genius move to fire the show's best writers, then getting rid of AJ Cook, and reducing Paget's screen time. Now to complete the brillant line of thinking, they are adding the Seaver character to the show. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the ratings started tanking after Ashley Seaver starts appearing regularly on the show, and definitely will not be surprised when Paget leaves because all that will be left is Hotch, Reid, Garcia, Morgan, Rossi, and Seaver.. yeah, good luck with that. The veterans are strong, but the problem is going to be that this Seaver character is going to have to be given screen time, especially when Paget leaves, and well, then, that's all she wrote folks. I don't know what, if anything has been set in stone, but they (CBS and Criminal Minds) had better tread lightly when it comes to how they plan to proceed. I consider myself to be an intelligent audience membe and do not take kindly to having CBS and Criminal Minds try and sell me a character that has no qualifications to be on the show and expect me to accept the character as a suitable replacment for Prentiss (I say Prentiss and not JJ because from what I have seen thus far they are having Seaver get in there profiling which is really unbelievable and stupid). If I wanted unbelievable storylines CBS and Criminal Minds, I'd watch reruns of the X-Files at least there the unbelievable works with the show's plot. Get someone on there that is worth and qualified to be on the team.

  197. Don't know why my previous comment didn't post?? Anyway, read this on the CBS Community Board for Criminal Mindsa nd thought it summed up a lot of what I was trying to say in my previous posts:

    "Bottom line, she has no business being there and what I don't like, actually hate, is when shows try to spin a huge yarn to insert characters into shows that have no justification being there in order to either placate fans or create a universe around their latest "masterpiece." The way I see it, there are only two roads, possibly three, for this character. Either she will be the glorified intern, mostly in the background asking questions and taking notes, which will slow the pace of the show(I doubt that they will go this route- 25 to life showed that they are most likely going to have her in there profiling as unbelievable as that is- she has zero experience in anything but an obstacle course at the academy). Two, she is going to be a junior profiler.. yeah, wonderful idea there is no such thing- no junior anything in the world of trying to hunt down dangerous criminals, or she is going to be someone's love interest, although, Bernero has vehemently asserted this will not be the case for Seaver or any of the characters, relationships with one another. Any of these routes stink to me."


  198. I know this late, but I didn't feel like commenting about these episode at the time because I would have been negative about it from beginning to end. What a blatant attempt for the audience to like this character, a character I know that had pegged as a regular, not a 3 arc episode character like they had everyone try to believe (we're not stupid CBS/ABC/CM). Basically, I agree with many who have pointed out the one dimensional side of this character, how laughable it is that after 5 years, the all so ever elite BAU had to reach out to a cadet to solve a case- guess they are not so elite after alll. The fact that somehow this cadet gets to join the tem, yeah, it is not like that is totally ridiculous and beyond the point of credibility or believability- no, not at all :( Again, we're not dumb CBS/ABC/CM.

    Anyway, saw this post on the CBS community board and had to share it here. It is the reason I decided to post something about this episode. It is on the sarcastic side, but nonetheless gets the point across about Seaver.

    "Will be interesting to find out how the Magnificent, super sleuth Seaver is written back into the fold. Perhaps it will be another scenario where they need her unique experience, you know, the whole my dad is a serial killer thing. Never mind that this never materialized into anything but worthless information about not having pets as a child. But who knows, maybe in her time away she would have profiled and solved cases with the likes of John Douglass and maybe will have figured out where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.

    Ay yes, who needs experience and knowledge to join an elite team like the BAU when your a cadet who has a serial killing dad and has mastered an obstacle course at the academy."
