Monday, June 21, 2010


Criminal Minds: Lets remind CBS of why A.J. Cook is so important to the success of Criminal Minds. Comment about your favorite JJ scene/line and every night I will email your comments to Nina Tassler at CBS.


  1. My favourite moment is when in the plane, she tells Morgan and Reid "be good boys or I'll ground you both"

  2. After JJ had her baby and everyone left her alone to ask Reid to be Godfather, I thought that was such a special moment.

  3. Same as the above - on the plane - "boys behave or I will ground you both" - LOVE IT!!

  4. When she talks to Hotch on the plane, @ the end of 'Risky Business' - a special moment

  5. My favourite moments of AJ/JJ is when we see her vulnerablity, because of the cases. It shows normality and the reality of it all.

  6. When JJ shot the guy who tried to kill Garcia - great shot!

  7. one of my favorite moments of JJ is when JJ comes back in the office of the BAU with her baby and Morgan takes the baby in his arms to give him the milk. I found this scene too cute =)

  8. Without JJ - none of the Agents will have a real family @ home (with the exception of Hotch - although he's no longer married) - it shows the difficulty for Agents of balancing home/family/work, and yet it obviously does happen for real FBI Agents - without JJ, having a team of Agents, none of whom have partners at home would just be unrealistic.

  9. I love when she goes into labour but doesn't want to leave because Reid needs them.

  10. one of my favourites moments with JJ is when she finaly admits she has a relationship with that guy (forgot his name...sorry)..and the team sees them kissing...i loved that..

  11. When she was with Garcia and Emily in the BAU, watching the "magic rocket" Reid was building! That was such a sweet and funny scene, shows how well they get along.

  12. One, and I mean, ONE of my favourite momennts, (because there are so many) is when JJ went into labor, but even through this, she was more interested helping Reid then herself.

  13. I love JJ! My favorite moment is when JJ shot and killed that guy that attacked Garcia! My other favorite moments are all of the jokes that they make about her superior dart throwing skills!!!!

  14. After the first few seasons of seeing how the Hotchner family fell apart because of the job, it was great to see that JJ's family was working! Seeing JJ struggle during 'Amplification' was such a real portrayal of what a mother would go through. The character of JJ is a big role model for girls saying, "See you can have this intense job and still have the family you want also."

  15. When JJ reflects on her own personal experience after a case and she tells Hotch that he'll be able to remember and it won't hurt and he'll be happy.

  16. I agree with the posters above, one of my favorite lines is when she tells Morgan and Reid to behave or I will ground you both. without even looking up from her folder!

    Also the time where she told Reid and Morgan why she was 'scared of the woods' priceless.

  17. My favorite JJ moment was in 'The Boogieman' when she made up that story of why she's scared of the woods... such a great character moment but AJ's acting skills made it perfect!! JJ IS NEEDED!!! I love her!! My favorite character ]= (Along with Reid...AND PRENTISS!!!)

  18. i loved the big game, reveltions, jones, penelope, lo-fi, mayhem, mosley lane,risky buisness and rite of passage but she was great in every episode.

  19. When they are all in the Chinese restaurant in New York, and she fixes Reid's chopsticks with rubberbands so he can forage for his food with a pair of number 2 pencils.

  20. Or, probably the best line from JJ is right after she shoots the unsub in "Penelope" and she tells Garcia that you don't even blink, you do what you have to protect family. Sets the tone for the next three seasons!

  21. JJ ist the lovely sole of the team. She is emotional connection in this male dominated team. I always hoped of a romance between Reid and her - unfortunately not yet. There were many special moments in which she influenced the development of CM. The best one for me was, when she gave her baby to Reid. This was so emotional and shows, that we need "everybody's sweetheart" in this great series!!!!

  22. I love JJ!
    In Risky Business when she's telling Hotch it'll get better.
    When she's strugiling with the case in Amplification because of Henry.
    When she admited she was seeing Will (even though the team knew) because I've loved tehm together since Jones, LOL
    In Secrets and Lies her and Garcia in the office was hillarious!
    North Mammon!!
    When she tells the team she's pregnant.
    In the hospital with Reid! Aww!!
    In the conference room with the team and Henry.
    When she told Morgan and Reid she was scared off the woods... I almost died I was laughing that much!!
    They're some of the reasons that JJ NEEDS to stay!!

  23. in the last hour i'd say every ten minutes garcia jj why didn't you tell any one ... because i am not due for annother 3 weeks Garcia newsflash your in labor uhuh because reid needs us right now .....

  24. i ABSOLUTLY adore JJ. when she tells Morgan and Reed about why she's scared of the woods, and freiks out reed, and morgan and they believe her, but she's lying.

    and i love when she goes into labor but she doesn't wanna go to teh hospital b/c reed needs her

    and my most FAV EVER is when jj and reed get separated. and later after the TEAM arrives, PRENTISS is the only one who can snap JJ out of her trans.

    JJ and PRENTISS are INTRIGALL to the Team, the show, and the way woman identify with the show.

  25. garcia said your were on your way back so .. i thought you could see a purprise .. i just realized that with all that we do and say in this room we never smiled ...... (prentis and garcia GAS!! ) JJ to hotch youre smiling. hotch to JJ- WE MISS YOU

  26. JJ is a strong, confident woman and
    she's pretty much everything I want to be when I'm older. She shows the audience that even though she's got this intense job and it's obvious how much it takes out of them, that you can still have a working relationship and be happy. It also gives me hope that a woman can be in such a position where she's helping to catch the bad guys, and assures me that I can do anything that I put my mind to.

  27. "North Mammon" was really the episode that showed me that JJ had chops. She was sympathetic and strong all at the same time. The plane ride when she was talking with Hotch was great.

    In all the other episodes over the past five seasons I have admired her strength and the way she deals with the families and also reins in the agents and local detectives when they want to do something with the press that she thinks will be bad. She knows how to stand toe to toe with both men and women. She is strong but tender at the same time and that kind of character is hard to find on tv these days.

  28. Hands down, when JJ shot JCB. When I first saw that I cheered soooo loud, not just because the creep was dead, but he was dead because JJ's a closet badass. I also loved the end when she was talking to Garcia about why she did it and she said "You do whatever it takes to protect your family." JJ rocks completely.

    Other great JJ moments are when she tells Morgan and Reid why she's "really" scared of the woods, the bar scene with Will when they're going over the case and a woman buys him a drink, and getting to know a BIT of her back story in North Mammon.

    I'm also a sucker for anytime JJ gets to work with Garcia, like in Lessons Learned and No Way Out.

    Keep JJ on the team!!! She's absolutely irreplaceable!

  29. As portrayed in the show, the Unit Liaison is one of the most difficult roles to play inside the Criminal Minds' BAU. Whoever has the job must be conniving, sly, angelical, forceful, strong, good liar, emphatic, level-headed, cold, quick-on-their-feet, compassionate... and most of the time they must use several of those traits at the same moment.
    Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, the character, has proved to have all of those skills because A.J. Cook, the actress, has the interpretative power to translate all of that to the viewers, even the occasional ones; she has made believable that JJ can fool the press, the Unsubs and even her own teammates.
    Whoever may think that any other actress could be able to replace AJ is a fool, plain and simple, as not many people have the physical and psychological qualities needed to pull it off and make it believable. And whoever may think that the Criminal Minds' BAU doesn't need somebody doing that specific job is a double fool, because without that job done it would be unbelievable that the team could accomplish nothing in the time frame they have available. And if somebody is of the mind that this job could be done by a flirty, empty-headed chick,... no, the English language, nor anyone else, has the necessary adjectives to classify such way of thinking.
    As a conclusion, to lose AJ Cook means to lose the base of all of the Criminal Minds' BAU structure, which in turn means to lose the team and with them, the show. To lose AJ Cook means too to lose a strong, independent, familiar female role model in network TV, one of the very few there are now; as in real life those kind of women are plenty, and more every year, it would mean that CBS has got stuck in the fifties and is unable to keep up with the 21st Century so nobody could act surprised if they started to lose viewer and credibility aplenty.
    CBS, don't be a fool or worse.

  30. 1) Shooting the unsub between the eyes through a plate glass window - and telling Garcia she'd do anything for family

    2) Pulling Evil Erin to the side at the crime scene and breaking it down into bite sized pieces on how to handle local LEOs

    3) Walking the new deputy (?) through how to make family notifications and what to expect

    4) Reassuring Hotch that while the hurt never really goes away, there is a time when you can live again (Risky Business)

    sorry.... can't stop at 1

  31. MrsAaronHotchnerSaturday, June 19, 2010

    JJ has been overlooked my many, myself included, at times and as the show progressed through the seasons, she's become my favourite of the girls... I especially love her moments with Hotch, particularly her talking to him about her sister's suicide and offering words of comfort

  32. Let's see: favorite JJ scenes...

    I love it when she calmly and professionally shoots Penelope's attacker in the head and states that she did what she had to do to protect her family.

    When she is telling Reid and Morgan why she is scared of the woods. I'll admit...she even had me going for a while. :)
    When she finally gives into to her feelings and overcomes her fear to acknowledge her feelings for Will and starts passionately kissing him in front of everyone. Will and JJ make a very adorable muppet couple.

    I love it when JJ has Reid feel her baby kick and watching her facial expression as Reid is all freaked out.

    The tender scene in the hospital between JJ and Reid when she tells him he is Henry's godfather.

    All the scenes when it is JJ who manages to calm the victims, particularly parents, and keeps them together. JJ shows an amazing empathy for the victims that makes this show more than just about profiling criminals.

    When JJ manages to overcome being bashed in the head to fight back and knock out that crazy manager. JJ can be very tough in field situations! :)

  33. I love how she does her job as the liaison. She shows she is very good at it. I can see and feel the difference when she went on maternity leave and Agent Todd took over. Those were my least fave episodes. CM will definitely never be the same w/o JJ.T_T

  34. JJ and Reid have always had a special relationship. Do you remember when he took her to the football game? When she had Henry and asked Spencer to be the godfather it was wonderful because I really think the sincerity came through both of them. JJ represents the working mother and she is a great role model for today's ladies. Family, Loyalty,& Honor. PLEASE DO NOT CUT JJ!

  35. JJ favorite scene .. lets see ........ the begining of like just about every single episode!!

  36. My favorite JJ moment is when the team is out in the field without Gideon, Hotch, or Prentiss and the evil Strauss is making the team look bad so JJ pulls her aside and tells her that they are here to help not belittle the local police.

    I also like when JJ tells the guys on the plane that she is scared of the woods because when she was a camp councelor she discovered her boss had been murdered in his cabin. Then when the guys are hooked on the story she tells them that it was a fake story and that she doesn't know why she's scared of the woods she just is...CLASSIC! KEEP AJ Cook on Criminal Minds FULL TIME!

  37. My favorite Jennifer Jerau moment was in season 3 episode 9. When JJ shoots Garcias assaulter. In this episode JJ shows that besides form having great people skills and a grip on the media, she also has all the same talents as the other agents have. The scene was amazingly touching and JJ proves that she’s a part of the team.

    We can’t give up on JJ, as she says herself in this episode: “You do whatever it takes to protect your family.” We’ll do whatever it takes AJ!

  38. When she finally decides to go public about her relationship and as they are making out Prentiss, Reid and Morgan come up behide them and say...

    I didn't think she was ever going to tell us.
    What has been like a year already?

    An she thought that she was keeping this big secret from them the whole time!
    You can never underestimate a profiler!
    Keep JJ on CM!!!!!

  39. mosley lane ... whete JJ and prentis pretty much solve the case on their on while their sitting there talking ... and then morgan just questions them !!! love morgan but don't like him in that ep.!!

  40. -When she shot the guy in "Penelope" because according to JJ "You do what you have to do in order to protect your family".

    -The pistol whippin' thing in "The Performer".

    -The plane scene between Hotch & JJ in "North Mammon" & "Risky Business".

    -The "Brad the real FBI agent" scene in "Open Season".

    -When she tells that tale story to Morgan & Reid in "The Boogeyman".

    -The barn scene & later the bathroom scene with Emily in "The Big Game" & "Revelations".

    -The scene w/ Hotch & later with Garcia, when she doesn't know if she should call home or not in "Amplification".

    -The "If you stop caring, you're jaded. If you care to much, it will ruin you" dialog with Hotch in "Birthright."

    -The scene in the prison in "Riding the Lightning".

    and I could go on and on.
    There isn't ONE favorite JJ moments. There's tons of them.

  41. The first episode I ever saw of Criminal Minds was 1x02 "Compulsion," which just so happened to be the first episode with JJ in it - and if I didn't recognize A.J. Cook when I was flipping through the channels and saw "JJ's intro to Elle, I would have never kept watching the show ( and fall in love with it).

    I also enjoyed the scene in Season One's "Riding the Lightning" when she tells the prisoner that her friends call her JJ - then proceeds to tell him she's not his friend (and he can call her Jennifer!)

    Season Two's "North Mammon" was a great JJ moment in itself, because it gave us a decent chunk of her backstory (although we still don't know much about it!) While I don't really like the episode as a whole, I can't deny that it's a great JJ moment.

    "Open Season" in the bar was priceless, especially when she said "kicking criminal ass..tough job.."

    And I can't forget all of the other "little JJ moments" scattered throughout the entire series (so far), such as when she fixed Reid's chopsticks, and when she told Morgan & Reid that she would ground them.

  42. When she shoots the guy in Penelope through the glass, also when she, Emily and Garcia are at that bar and bull their badges on "Brad the real FBI Agent" that was a great moment

  43. my all-time favorite JJ-scene was when she asked Reid to be Henry's godfather. <3
    my latest favourite, though, is definitely the scene where JJ tells Hotch about her sister.

    + a JJ+Emily+Garcia moment: "Brad, the REAL FBI agent" xD

  44. The moment in Risky Business, when she tells Hotch about her sister. And just the line "It does get better, Hotch." It sticks with me and it's just a sweet, caring and loving moment!

  45. Ahh I used to be a camp counselor, in the woods up in Vermont I had the night shift, tuck the girls in turn off the lights you know the typical drill everything seemed fine all the kids were asleep you know nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until I noticed that there was some blood, on the hallway floor so I followed the blood trail out to the camp directors cabin and walked up to his bed and he was just lying there underneath his covers dead someone stabbed him. I ran out of there so fast out the door down the hall I just I remember it being really dark .. Once I got out the door there was another counselor there I guess she heard me scream .. They got the caretaker on the way to town .. Guess he still had the knife on him … I don’t know I guess that’s when that’s when I decided that I didn’t like the woods

  46. um no i prefer to stand!!

  47. JJ getting splattered with blood!!

  48. to reid ... no matter what happens this time we dont split up!

  49. One of my favorite moments is in the first JJ centric episode, North Mammon. At the end, when she says confidently that she does not want to be a profiler and likes her role on the team. It's the first time I remember a character on tv who didn't have the high level job as their other coworkers and wasn't envious of them. She wasn't a liaison because no one ever said she was good enough to be a profiler. She wasn't a liaison as a stepping stone to being a profiler. She was a liaison because she wanted to be one and saw that job as having value in itself. That's the moment I started liking her. It was refreshing to see.

    A more recent one is in Mosley Lane. That she took the time to listen to Sarah Hillridge, even though they were in the middle of a case and even before she knew there was a reason to listen. Mosley Lane in general shows JJ at her best.

  50. Spence stop alright we had no way of knowing that she was going to be dangerous =, she was just a friend of a victim… granted a schizophrenic friend with a sociopathic partner … (prentis .. And a shovel)

  51. I just want her to stay with the team and see her kick someones ass ... and that will be amy fav scene ever!!

  52. boys behave or i will ground you both!

  53. WOW intresting coffe??

  54. I love the quotes she says. Even though they all say quote people, JJ's quotes are amazing and worth thinking about.

    I also like when she hugs the victims and tries to comfort them.

    My last one is season 5 episode 9 (100) when JJ and Will are in a pharmacy with Henry and Will says that he won't drink his milk and JJ comes over and Henry drinks the milk when she asks. Mekhai is a big bundle of cutness!!

  55. I loved when J.J and Reid were sitting across from each after catching the comic book artist who was in the psychotic break, and Reid was going on and on about Pinnochio. Instead of letting him keep talking for the rest of the flight, J.J. just got up and said something like, "Really? That's so interesting." Then she offered to get him coffee.

  56. JJ gets attacked my nasty dogs and kills them all !!

  57. Every episode from Season 2 on that she is in is a favorite. JJ is the glue of the team, not just a liason but she decides where they go and they are gut wrenching decions for her. She shot that dude through a plate glass window. She can tell a really good story and everyone believes her. We found out on Memorial Day that AJ went beyond actress; her husband claims she can sing, too! I watch for all 7 but will go to cable if AJ is not back.

  58. Her bringing Henry to the team was really sweet, and the scene on the plane where she say,"boys behave or I will ground you both."
    You MUST keep her on the show because she is like the "mother" of the team.

  59. I absolutely loved her telling Hotch about her dead sister and saying "It does get better " in Risky business. NO Criminal Minds without JJ !

  60. JJ has had so many great moments. I love her with Henry and Reid. I also loved her singing, Kevin and Garcia up in a tree....k-i-s-s-i-n-g... (Although I hate Garcia/Lynch) Also moments of JJ and Garcia's friendship...after JJ kills Battle.

  61. I still remember AJ's first episode. I always liked her and thought she had a great potential. I'm happy when she has scenes. Like I said in the favorite Emily moment, my heart is beaten faster when I see one of the character in pain or physically hurt. I perceive JJ as sensitive. I loved when it was evoked in an episode (North Mammon) her past as a soccer player and she was a student and how much it was important for people. I think she has lots of compassion too, like when she was disturbed because of all those horrible files she has to deal with in her little desk. Recently (season 5) she was so adorable towards this woman whose child was kidnapped for several years but never given up to find his son alive (Mosley Lane), and another one when she takes the tea with the daughter of one of the victim (Public Enemy). She's not there for them, she's there with them. I really want JJ to stay on the show like AJ of course. I think she's a good liaison agent between the victims and the BAU.
    After Hotch's loss, I'm happy another character has a great family life.

    Please CBS, reconsider your decisions, listen to the fans and keep AJ and Paget !

  62. I really like JJ in every episode and missed her when she was on maternity leave. She is just so sweet and cares about everyone. My favorites would be in Revelations when she felt she was responsible for Reid disappearing and when she was reunited with him at the end. When she worried so much about the team finding out about Will and then just giving him a big kiss in the end. Of course having the baby was sweet and having Reid be the godfather was very compasionate of her. The way she handled Garcia being shot and her worries for her.

  63. JJ has so many great moments...I love how she is the moral compass and rock of the team. While the rest are profilers, with the exception of Garcia...JJ is the one link back to all the good for the others who everyday get into the heads of serial killers and maniacs. She is the balance. AJ plays it perfectly and wonderfully and yes it is nice to see her get in on the action at times too. But my favorite moment, can't pick one, b/c there are SOO many. This season the character flourished. Can't pick one so I will pick the three I feel best fit the desctiption I gave above...Risky Business; her conversation with Hotch at the end as well as her non text book knowledge of suicide. Sometimes the profilers are all about the facts...JJ brought to the realism to that plight b/c she knew for herself what suicidal people do...The other Public Enemy...her comapssion for the victims and their families as well her take charge attitude with the media. And if I had to pick one more for you Tassler....Mosley Lane. Everything I described about JJ fits in that one epsiode. The fact that JJ was there each time and cared when no one else did about the woman spent about 8 years looking for her son defines her character to tee. JJ is head strong, willing to learn but not compromise...she is what the writers created her to be; real. human. nurturing. To take that away from a show as dark as this lose the balance that IS Criminal Minds. Oh and for good measure...the end of the episode Normal..nough said!

  64. I love every scene with AJ/JJ (its why I watch the show) My favorite scene was the ones where she was with Garcia and the one where she Shot Garcia's "boyfriend" dead on!

    I love everything about JJ. If she goes I will miss her terrible and not watch Criminal minds anymore

  65. The best AJ moment is in Penleope when she shoots the unsub through the plate gass window in the head. Another great episode for JJ is In Heat when the relationshpis between her and Will is discovered. Episodes The Big Game and Revelations in Season 2 when Reid is kidnapped. The bar scene with all three girls and the guy pretending to be a fake FBI agent is another great scene. Another great scene is in Season 5 Episode 21 with all three girls shopping.

  66. Some of my favorite moments with JJ is when: she asks Reid to be the godfather, she tells Reid about Twilight but he doesn't know what she's talking about, she shoots the guy that shot Garcia, when she lies to Morgan and Reid about why she's afraid of the woods, North Mammon episode, she flirts with Will in Jones, she tells Hotch about her sister, she, Garcia, and Emily mess with the fake FBI guy, she shows her baby to everyone, and I'm sure there's more.

  67. Picking a favorite moment is tough when you have SO many to choose from. I will go with the whole episode of North Mammon.. That is when she started to find her place on the team and from there on she has been the voice of compassion for the team...

  68. I Love AJ Cook, and I absolutely won't be watching without her and Paget. The show just won't have the same dynamic.

    Why I Love AJ:

    1. The whole episodes "The Big Game" and "Revelations." Especially "Revelations." AJ was great just portraying JJ's shock and fear; and just the way she says "Welcome to our nightmare" when Garcia arrives; or when she goes to Garcia and asks her to show her the video of the crime scene and she says something like "If I can't watch this, then I don't belong in the field" -- just the way AJ says it with such determination. I can go on and on about that episode.

    2. Just watch her in "Jones." The way JJ was professional the whole episode even with Will hitting on her, and she even threatened to go over his head when he was reluctant to do something. God, JJ can be bad ass when the writers let her. And the interrogation with Prentiss of that guy was GREAT!!

    3. "In Name and Blood" when she pulled Strauss aside and tried to explain that they shouldn't alienate the local cops, AJ played that scene perfect!!

    4. "Amplification" AJ was great in that episode. She really showed how JJ was struggling between her responsibilities to her job and her family. It was a quiet anguish! Just Great!

    5. Just watch Season 5's "The Eyes Have It;" or AJ's performance in "100" Or watch "The Internet is Forever" and see the shock on her face when the victim is being killed and they all watch it over the video feed. Or "Cradle to Grave" when JJ and Emily do a synchronized sweep of the house -- I just loved that scene, two professional women just doing their jobs.

    6. "Children of the Dark" would not have been such a great episode without AJ's JJ. JJ really tried to protect that girl (Carrie I think her name was) from any more mental anguish than she already had. Any actress can say the lines, but there are only a rare few who make you believe what they are saying.

    7. Is it me or do AJ and Paget and Kirsten) handle most of the comedy duties -- at least they handle it best!! If you need examples of why you need the women (especially these women) in such a dark show just watch the opening scenes of "Open Season" -- "Ladies, meet Brad, a real live FBI agent"; or "Profiler Profiled" with JJ, Garcia and Emily while Reid demonstrates physics magic; or the opening scene of "Exit Wounds"; or the scene in Lo-Fi when Garcia, JJ and Emily are commenting on Kate looking like Haley.

    These episodes work -- these moments work because of these incredible actresses and their chemistry with each other and their castmates. Without them it's just a very dark show -- and I just wouldn't watch it.

  69. There are so many great JJ moments. I love her relationship with Reid, like at the end of Memorium.
    When she shoots Garcia's attacker to protect her family. Her relationship with Will. Her issues after Reid's kidnapping. Any of the moments with JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss hanging out together.

  70. JJ told Penelope that she never blinked and "that's what we do for family." Please keep AJ Cook as part of the Criminal Minds family. Without her it's like a missing puzzle piece; a puzzle is incomplete without all the pieces.

  71. I would have more moments if the writer wrote more JJ story lines.

  72. A Great moment would be the Anthrax episode.

  73. My favorite moment was during the time where JJ shot the deputy Unsub in the head. I think that was the "Penelope" episode.

    But the softer side was great also. And she looked good in the episode before last.

  74. My favorite moment was during the time where JJ shot the deputy Unsub in the head. I think that was the "Penelope" episode.

    But the softer side was great also. And she looked good in the episode before last.

  75. * In Zoe's Reprise, when Rossi is blowing steam about his books 'doing more harm than good', she tells him that his speaking at the campus bookstore her senior year was what inspired her to apply to the FBI academy.

    * In A Thousand Words, on the plane back, she asks Hotch and Rossi about the baby's chances.

    * In Public Enemy, her exchanges with Sophie (the little girl). It's so tear-jerkingly heartwarming to see an FBI agent having 'tea' with the daughter of a victim.

    And of course the headshot and then telling Garcia that she didn't think twice because you do whatever it takes to protect your family.

  76. when she told the reporter to rethink his tie when pressed for more info.
    Plenty of spunk when mixing it up with the big boys.

  77. My favorite episode with JJ was The Big Game/Revelation. The part where she is alone in the barn and finds the bloody bed. When Prentis and Morgan find her she is panicked. Her acting in that episode was superb. You could feel her anxiety over having been alone and scared to death out there and also feeling responsible and guilty over Reid's abduction.

    I think that the part of JJ is very important to the dynamic of the show. She is the one that chooses the cases that need to be taken, gives the initial briefing of the situation, comforts family, handles the media, as well as working the cases in the field. Her part is necessary for the show and it would greatly decrease the entertainment of the show to eliminate the part or her..because she plays it perfectly.

  78. my favourite moment is in the episode 2x7 - north mammon.the final conversation of Hotch and JJ in the plane

  79. The beginning of every case when JJ presents the crime scene photos and the local law enforcement's invitation / request for help.

    JJ in "Riding the Lightning" playing cards (FAVE!)

    Dressing down Strauss

    Nurturing and comforting her "family" the team

    Hiding her relationship with Will, then owning up to it

    In the pharmacy with Will and Henry (both giving Henry his bottle and then figuring out about tracking Foyets prescriptions)

    totally defeating the unsub in "Penelope" and the wild dogs in "Revelations"

    being one of TWO FEMALES that female victims / families can talk to and be comforted

  80. When she tells the story of why she was afraid of the woods, and come to find out she was just messin with Reid and Morgan. god I love her!

  81. Any moment when JJ takes charge with the media or facilitating with the local cops. I love the profilers but there are things they just don't do well and being tactful is sometimes one of those things. JJ rocks at her job and I love seeing when she takes charge.

  82. My favorite JJ moment is when she tell Hotch about her sister committing suicide after they find out young kids are playing this game of choking. They were on the jet and it was after 100 when Hotch's wife died. It was so simple and sweet. She was great in that scene. It was then that I wonder why we never get more episodes that focus on her. Clearly JJ has an interesting past. I'd like to see that instead CBS bringing in some new girl. Let us get to know JJ better! The character has proven she is worth it!

  83. are you kidding me?? trying to pick a favorite JJ moment is like trying to pick your favorite child!! it's impossible, but everyone above did a wonderful job so far.

    i would AJ/JJ her terribly, she's an integral part of this family, it's like firing your sister or your best friend. it makes me sick to think that someone gives their all for a purpose and then is just dropped - i mean seriously.

    i always laugh at TV anyway - if this were an episode of CM, everyone would go out of their way to see that the person in question (or their job) was 'saved', even if it meant going against the rules. it just shows how real life SUCKS and in reality, nobody really cares about ANYBODY that much. think of all the HURT this is gonna cause people - the cast especially. people who spend that much time together become a family, they love each other, and to break one or two people off from that, it's like divorce. you suddenly don't have your 'people' anymore, your whole life is changed. and it's not just THEIR 'family' breaking up - it's ours too - we've been through five years with these people, together! maybe that doesn't mean anything to those in charge, but then what does?
    anyway, just some thoughts. putting my soap box away...for now.

  84. While Paget/Emily can be the female bad-ass of the team, then she is complemented and completed by the AJ/JJ character. AJ exudes the female/motherly/sisterly/soft-hearted and empathetic attitude that definitely has its place in the midst of such angst and trauma that goes on in every episode. She does an exemplary job every time she calls a press conference and I am always taken with the hugeness of her job in deciding which cases to accept and work when there must be so many.

    AJ is a natural at this and I do not care to see anyone else in this role, taking her place or being added in even a different role: hers is too critical to the show and you watch, if CBS starts screwing with "losing" some of these members of our stellar and well-rounded cast, then another actor is going to leave. Wait and see, but messing up the wonderful chemistry of "family/team" we have will cost far more than just whatever move CBS thinks they want to make now will result in.

    What if TG or MGG decide to leave? And they just might, if CBS blows this the way they seem to be doing. Then the show will fail completely - maybe not even make it to Season 7. I would hate to see that happen, wouldn't you?

  85. We need AJ on the Show!
    She plays JJ so well! JJ is the mother of the BAU, and a mother shouldn't be cut from a family.
    Love her scenes with Henry but also the ones with the other Girls!

  86. Fave JJ moments
    1.Anything with Emily cos they belong together!!
    2.Brad the not FBI dude
    3.Xana don't too funny
    4.When she shoots the guy who tries to kill Garcia
    5.The whole ep where Reid gets contaminated by anthrax
    6.The big game/Revelations just love those eps
    7.Every scene she's ever been in because she's my fave character and the show would be rubbish without her

  87. My favorite moment is when she shots Battle in the head through the glass doors

  88. I love all of JJ's scenes, from the humorous to the serious. But a couple of my favorites were

    1. In Birthright when she and Hotch have the talk about caring too much vs becoming jaded and not caring at all. Her empathy for the victims is always paramount and one of the reasons why her character is so vital. She can afford to be the one that gets close to the victims and their families, while the rest of the team needs to stay sort've detached.

    2. Her conversation, once again, with Hotch, on the plane in Risky Business. I've always loved the friendship that she and Hotch have forged. We see her show her respect for her boss and friend as she offer words of comfort in his dark time. That's what friends and family do for one another and anytime anyone on this team has needed her, JJ has been there instantly to provide whatever support was needed.

  89. Since "Henry" was born I have enjoyed seeing JJ struggle with keeping info confidential and at the same time keeping her son safe and the basic juggling of being away from home while working.

    It is very realistic since most working women struggle with the same things on a daily basis.

  90. When JJ played Morgan and Reid by telling a lie about why she's afraid of the woods and they bought it - LOL!

  91. I actually think that the fifth season has been her best.

    The problem with JJ is that they have been lax in developing her character. When they do give her some grist she shines.

    Great examples would be 100 and Risky Business.

  92. One of my favorite moments is the end scene from "Risky Business" between JJ & Hotch. It was pretty amazing and emotional.

  93. I love it when she does the press conferences. No one does them better than our JJ.

  94. The JJ & Emily scene in "Cradle to Grave". JJ + Emily + Guns + Kevlar Vest = Awesomeness.

  95. Sooo many to choose from. I really like the scene where she tell Morgana nd Reid the story about the woods and totally fools them.

    Don't let AJ Cook go! She's a jem!

  96. the problem with choosing a favorite scene is that, I can't. Why? Because every moment with JJ is special and important. She is an important and integral to the team. I am not someone who hated Jordan Todd, because I realized that not just anyone can do JJ's job. I mean, JJ handpicked Todd for the job and she still couldn't handle it. It's not a knock against Todd it's just that the job takes a very special type of person. And Todd even said to Hotch to not take JJ for granted, maybe she should tell this to CBS too. JJ is not disposable, we learned this while she was on maternity leave.
    And JJ's being a mother is not a weakness, but a strength. She brings a different perspective of humanity to the show and takes things hard, but still keeps it together to do her job.

  97. I have many but here are the the top 5 of my fave JJ/AJ moments:

    1. When she goes into labour.
    2. At the end of 'Risky Bussiness' when she tells Hotch about her sister.
    3. When she and Will are flirting in the episode 'Jones'.
    4. In 'Amplification' when she's worried about Will and Henry and she wants to tell them what's going on. Her motherly side came to the suffarce.
    5. When she and Will kiss and the team sees them and they say "Finally".

  98. One of my favorite moments from JJ is when she tells Morgan and Reid why she is scared of the woods.

  99. JJ is necessary to the team, and we all learnt how much they need her when she was on the maternity leave. Also, she is a rare example of a TV-woman who manages to balance very difficult and time-consuming job and family. She is a role model! Don't take that away!

  100. My favourite JJ moment is when in the plane, she tells Morgan and Reid "be good boys or I'll ground you both"

  101. When JJ tells Emily she thinks Emily having kids is a good idea while they fly back on the jet.

  102. the sweet moments between JJ and Ried

  103. A few fav moments from JJ:

    - when she shot Battle in the middle of the BAU. Way to go girl, no one mess with the family!

    - Her conversation with Hotch about lost and how with time it gets better ' Risky Business'

    - Her talking with Hotch on the jet and she tells him why she don't want to be a profiler and why she does her job. I like that JJ is really us, the outsider.

    Those are a few of the many moments that I love from JJ.

    Please CBS reconsider your decision and hire back AJ Cook, CM will bet better with her then without her!


  104. My absolute favourite JJ moment is when she brings baby Henry to visit the BAU at the end of . She says that in that room they never smile, and they need a good memory to hold on to. That whole scene is just what CM is all about...FAMILY!

  105. When she fools Derek and Reid with the story of why she's 'afraid of the woods', "be good boys or I'll ground you both", all of AMPLIFICATION, all of NORTH MAMMON, every single line she's said, every episode she's been in. JJ is perhaps the most important member on the team, because she's the one who picks where they will go, and what cases they will solve. She is the one who is the shoulder for the families to cry on, and to confide in.

    CBS is making a mistake if they do remove her from the show. Criminal Minds will go way downhill.

  106. I liked it when she put that bullet through the brain of that killer cop dude that was out to get Garcia. I like it when she's badass like that.

  107. -"Garcia and Kevin sittin' in a tree..."
    -The CM ladies: "I'm Brad, a real FBI agent..."
    -"Be good boys, or I'll ground you both."
    -The tea session with Sophie!
    -"I'm not due for another 3 weeks... nuh uh because Reid needs us right now!"
    -JJ's fake "scared of the woods" story!
    -"I've got an inside scoop for you... you need to rethink that tie."
    -North Mammon - taking over the questioning from Hotch,emphatizing with the victim and showing her she understood and cared.
    -Fighting for the team to take the stalker case.
    -JJ and Garcia during the CIA case, whispering behind the guy logging into the CIA mainframe - "I think that's EXACTLY the kind of thing that got you on the list."
    -EVERY time she speaks to family of the victims.
    -And of course, who can forget her JCB headshot?!

    JJ's second to none- surely you learned something when she had to go on maternity leave?!

  108. When she killed the Unsub that shot Garcia! Awesome! (3x09)

    When she explained to Reid the meaning of "Cullen" and "BFF". LOL!

    When they found Reid...very emotional scene when they hug. (2x15)

    The whole Brad scene! Cracks m up when she looks at Emily and says "No way" LOL! (2x21)

    "North Mammon" and "Riding The Lighting" have great momments as well.

  109. There are many--but "Amplification" especially hit a note with me--my son is roughly the same as J.J.'s Henry, and I've had jobs that could have put me in a similar position--it was such a realistic portrayal of the complex emotions and a mother's need to protect her child.

    I also dearly love that it was JJ who kept her career while Will put his on hold, rather than the usual hogwash about things being "too dangerous" or "too hard" for a mother working in such a job. Some of us have families that work that way, too, and it was great to see that depicted on one of my favorite shows.

  110. -I love North Mammon: She convinces the team to go; she totally tells off the parents on why they are being stupid; then she goes straight to comforting the totally out of it girl; then the convo on the plain with Hotch

    -Shooting Battle in Penelope; talking with Garcia after shooting him too

    -The look she gives Morgan after hugging Reid in Revelations that just says "see, I love him too"

    -The girls in the bar in Open Season

    -Mosley Lane when she goes back and forth from working the case to talking with the distraught mother

    -Risky Business

    -Pistol whipping the jerk in The Performer

    I'll probably think of more later

  111. Oh man, there's just so many that I don't even think I can pick my favorites... So I'll just go with the ones that pop into my head right away:

    1. 3x17 In Heat: The discussion between JJ and Will outside the police department. The way she defends herself at his questions but then hesitates when he asks her if she wants to break up with him. That scene was full of perfect timing and awesome acting.

    2. 3x04 Children of the dark when JJ tells Emily that she could definitely see her as a mother.

    3. When Reid starts telling the story about Pinnochio on the plane and she just says "Wow, interesting! Coffee?"

    4. The scenes between her and Garcia and the CIA agents in 1x21 Secrets and Lies.

    5. Her and Garcia when Garcia storms into her office wanting to tell her about her shower with Kevin Lynch and she stops working at that confession and asks her to sit. And then when she says "There comes a time when a girl's just gotta wash her hair alone, you know?"

    6. When she says to Rossi "All that woman has left right now is hope. Why would you take that from her?"

    7. JJ giving a press conference early on in season one. You could clearly hear that AJ Cook was sick while shooting that scene and still it was right on and perfectly done!

    8. All the compassionate words she has for the victims, their families and the rest of the team.

    9. The scene between Hotch and her on the plane at the end of North Mammon when he says "I thought everybody wanted to be a profiler." and she smirks and says "Sorry..." And then when he says that he thought that the profilers picked their next cases and she says "Sure you do..."

    I could go on forever and more... The reason for that is that JJ has had so many awesome moments both by herself and with the team that it's impossible to chose from them. She is one of the glue sticks that holds the team together as it is and has always done an amazing job at this.

    I admire both JJ's and AJ Cook's work so much that I have decided to focus my college major on communications. Both of them are extremely inspiring with what they do and how they do it.

    That said, cutting AJ Cook and therewith taking JJ away from the team along with Prentiss would be a network murdering one of there most loved shows.

    Please reconsider, CBS. Thank you!

    I'm off to talking about my favorite Prentiss moments now...

  112. First of all we have to say that JJ is the soul of the team and she's the most human character. JJ put those question which the viewers would ask, about a case, when the others are talking on their "criminal-language". As she said a lot of times (North Mammon, About Face...) she connects the BAU and the world. 'Cause JJ is my favorite character I've got a lot of favorite moments with her, but lets see those which confirm my words!
    In Penelope she's so great all along, but at the end when she tells Garcia "you do what it takes to protect your family" and she's almost crying and there comes the big hug from the sexiest hacker, it's my favorite!
    CBS!!! You need a mother on the show! You already have one, so keep her!
    I loved the episodes when (A)JJ was pregnant: when embryo-Henry(Mekhai) was listening Beethoven, every second of Memoriam... In the Catching Out Hotch asks JJ what they'll do without her, while she'll be with Henry. So I'm asking CBS, what will they do without JJ?
    I like the "Twilight-scene" in
    The Performer with Reid, it's so funny. JJ's the first about who I can imagine that she read the Twilight!
    When I was crying in The Slave of Duty it was so good to see JJ crying too, I felt that we're connected being humans.
    The Risky Business was awesome, 'cause it was JJ-centric too and it was so emotional!
    I should write every episode, she has done a great job always.
    CBS, please, your show needs JJ's character and you already found the perfect actress to play her role, so keep (A)JJ for the CM team and for us, the fans! We want HER!!! Blanche

  113. When she shot the unsub in Penelope right between the eyes! Nice shot and of course her line afterwards "you do whatever you have to protect your family." When she was on maternity leave the show just wasn't the same. It felt off and the team dynamic felt off. AJ is a huge part of this show and cast...belongs here.

  114. "boys behave or I will ground you both!" and when she makes up the story about why she's scared of the woods

  115. there are so many favorite JJ moments I have, because she is my favorite character and IF they ever took her off the show that would be a mistake because she is irreplaceable. She has been there since day one as the "den-mother" type and i don't see any other female taking that role over. She makes the show what it is and to cut a hard working AJ Cook would be a big mistake! She also does a great job at showing emotion, actually the best at it.

    One of my favorite moments is when she tells reid and morgan why she is afraid of the woods and makes up this big story saying she used to be a camp councelour and saw a dead man and ran away and reid and morgan are like "Your Serious?" and shes like "No...." so funny!
    then morgan goes "Pay backs a bitch"
    and she says "I'm shakin"

  116. In "The Boogeyman" when she tells that camp counselor story.XD She totally pulls it off I believed every word till she said no. She has such a close relationship with all the characters and so does Emily they really tie the team together. They're the uber awesome glue!8D But not icky glue pretty, kick-ass glue. XD

  117. uff just one moment impossible the have listed great moments like when she tells Morgan and Reid to behave, or the story of why she's scare of the woods, or when the girls are in the bar and make fun of a guy who claims to be in the FBI. but what i really like the most is that she brings this vulnerability and sensitive to the cases, humanize the rest of the team, it's like she's represents us, the fans the audience

  118. I love when she tells Reid he is the godfather! Or when she is such a trooper after getting hit over the head with a shovel. I don't know how they expect to replace someone whose whole job is to unite the team and send them to the appropriate place!

  119. With JJ being my favorite character there are so many. I love when she beats the boys at darts, on the plane when Reid and Morgan are fighting.

    Any scene with Prentiss and Garcia are awesome. The three girls together interacting remind us of sisters and why the BAU is like a family.

  120. "Garcia and Kevin sittin' in a tree..."

  121. There are so many favorite moments so I'll have to pick my top ones:
    -I believe the episode is Road Warrior when they all come back from the case to find JJ and baby Henry in the conference room waiting for them. It was sweet convo with her and Hotch at the end where he tells her they miss her
    -When she went into labor and didn't want to leave because Reid needed them

    -Her heartfelt conversation with Hotch at the end of Risky Business where she tells him about her sister and that the pain will get better.

    -All the moments where she doesn't even have to say a line but her eyes say it all
    -When she took Jack from Hotch during episode 100

    There are so many, I think these are my favorites for now

  122. One of the things I love is her relationship with Hotch. I like all their scenes together, but my top Hotch/JJ moment was this season in Risky Business when she told him about her sister's suicide. It was such an emotional moment and you could feel the connection there. Lovely to see that they're friends not just coworkers.

  123. there are a lot but I think my favourite moments of her where in North Mammon we got to see her shine and be the expert. Also more recently it was in Public Enemy where she spent her time with the mother and and daughter who had just lost there husband father repsctivley.

  124. oh oh and of course that scene in Risky Buisness with Hotch when she tells him about her sister

  125. I love having her introduce the cases. She's got a perfect blend of emotion and professionalism, and she sets a great tone for introducing us into the facts of each case.

    When she shoots Garcia's attacker through the glass door and says you do anything to protect your family.

    When she gets hit in the head and still manages to take down that rock star's crazy manager.

    When she tells that fake story about why she's afraid of the woods...priceless!

    I love watching JJ work the press. The staged press conference she gives that brings in the unsub in that one episode where there's two unsubs - one killing women in the woods and the other shooting prostitutes...sorry I don't remember the title. And I also love when she calls out the reporter for asking an inappropriate question of the family whose daughter had been abducted.

    After she shoots all the dogs in Revelations (I think that's the one where Reid has been kidnapped) and she's all shell-shocked but trying to keep it together - I always like JJ's attempts to balance her emotions with not wanting to look vulnerable.

    When she talks to Hotch about her sister and gives him comfort about overcoming grief.

    And I love her and LaMontaigne.

    Basically I just think JJ is fabulous. :)

  126. Hurmmm, it's difficult to select one particular scene. I like it when she gets to put her kevlar on. That scene with Her and Prentiss in that episode with the babies was just great. I like it how they are together. They make a great team.

  127. It really sucked to have Todd on to replace her. I don't want that to happen again. The JJ scene that I enjoyed the most was when she gave birth to her son and asked Reid to be the godfather.

    Another one that rocked hard was when she shot the deputy that shot Garcia and then told her that's what you do for family. That was really touching.


  128. Love JJ didn't feel the same with that annoying 'agent Todd' loved it when she told the story about being 'afraid' of the woods and love her and Will so sweet!!! In Lo-fi when Will shows up in New York and she finally tells the team she's pregnant... And omg Will gives up his shield for her soooo sweet! Show wouldn't be the same!!!!

  129. When she comes to the BAU with her baby and notices Hotch smiling...this moment is so sweet but I can leave out when she talks to Hotch on the plane about her sister...guess it is a tie!!!!

  130. if she leaves it will be a part of humanity that left Criminal Minds.

  131. She is the aspect of the show that all working mothers in law enforcement can relate to! She can put on a bullet proff vest and take on the media at work and still be a loving, caring and doting mother. WTG and take that away CBS!

  132. I like the plane moment and that JJ asked Reid to be the Godfather to her baby also. The character has a sweetness about her that helps the team. If the show wins an EMMY look at the entire cast.

  133. My favourite is from Riding the Lightning:

    JJ: My friends call me JJ.
    Creepy Serial Killer: Well hello JJ.
    JJ: You're not my friend, you can call me Jennifer.

  134. It's a tie between when she was with Garcia in Secrets and Lies and in Public Enemy when she was with the victim 's family.

  135. Brazil says: we want AJ and Paget as before

  136. "North Mammon"
    Hotchner: What's all of that?
    JJ: New cases. I got to figure out where we're going to next.
    Hotchner: Hey, wait a minute. We're the profilers. I thought we made those decisions.
    JJ: Sure you do.

  137. Her friendship with Reid. Episodes like The Big Game/Revelations.

  138. I'm not sure I have one favorite AJ moment, but her character is an integral part of the show. She brings a warmth and heart to the cases, and often reflects the most sympathy with the victims and survivors. Her character also brings a unique perspective as a mother. Yes, Hotch has a son too, but a mother's view on situations is different than a father's. She provides a role that many women viewers can relate to. Paget also brings a unique quality, in a very different character. Emily is tougher, stronger. She fits well in a man's world while still remaining very female. She and AJ satisfy two sides of the female dynamic, and we need them both to be present in a show so dominated by men. Without the female cast, I believe the show will suffer, as you will be taking away the characters that a good portion of your audience can relate to.

  139. i love the scene in boogyman when she tells morgan and reid her story:)

    love in "empty planet" when her and reid play gin and she wins but he justs keep saying i let u win (if u listen really close at the end he calls her borderline retared)

    love when she brings henry to the bau
    love when her garcia and prentiss are in the bar and out shopping

    just love all JJ scenes :D

  140. There's so many awesome moments, but here are my favorites:

    JJ and Will kiss at the end of "In Heat" lol and the "you should go for him" from Prentiss

    Prentiss: Mick Rawson is an arrogant, oversexed, egotistical..
    JJ: ... hot british dude with a sexy accent, badge and gun. Just your type.

    Hotch and JJ talk on the plane at the end of "Risky Business"

    "North Mammon" when she explains how she relates deeply to the girls.

    in "Penelope" when she states she would do anything to protect her family

    "Normal" with Henry :)

    JJ and Reid when Reid becomes a Godfather in "Memoriam"

  141. i love when she lets reid feel the baby kick :D

    when she is showing morgan and garcia pictures of henry

    when she explains twilight and BFF to reid

    her and hotchs conversation at the end of north mammon

    her will and henry in 100

    risky busines and mosley lane

    every scene with JJ is awesome

  142. I don't want to repeat all the moments everyone else has said, though they're all truly wonderful. Fortunately there are so many moments that I don't have to, so here's three more:

    * bringing the team into the case with the woman being stalked, even though no-one had died yet. This is just one of the cases JJ fights for the team to take - and she knows how to fight in her quiet, sometimes machiavellian way, and she's always right. If JJ goes, people are going to die! :-)

    * in... oh, I think this was actually a deleted scene from Minimal Loss, where the media are putting the team in danger and JJ threatens them until they agree to behave. From a writing standpoint I can understand why it was removed, because it distracted from the focus of the episode, but as a fan I'm very glad it was filmed and included as an extra on the DVD!

    * when she's stressed about the apparent suicide case and makes a mistake by saying "if they killed themselves". It was just a tiny mistake, one "if", but it meant the world. It made it clear how important it is for her to say exactly the right thing all the time, and how perfectly she does that every other day. And the acting, as she sat in shock at what she just said and tried desperately to recover from it; and the way it weighed on her mind afterwards - it was just the perfect example of how the writing and acting on CM come together in paying attention to the little things.

  143. I'm terrible at limiting my favorites of anything to one... So I'll just go with a whole ep (and won't launch into a long list just because of the topic): "Children of the Dark", JJ was absolutely great in it. Each one of her scenes in that episode is a proof why she should stay: she's the only character on the team right now from whom the viewers can expect that natural, warm, human response.

    Oh, and just because I can't miss that: the episode where Reid got kidnapped, Revelations. When she's steeling herself to watch the video just to prove to herself that she can do this job - awesome.

  144. God there are so many moments. Um best comedy moment is definitly when she told the story about her being afraid of the woods Good Times. Saddest moment was when she was talking about her sisters suicide. JJ is my favourite character. She's like a mother to the BAU and she's the one that keeps them all grounded and together.

  145. When she shot the guy through the door who had shot Garcia.

    One time when her and Reid were going in together and she said they weren't going to seperate.

  146. My favorite moments are when JJ talks the team into taking a case that some of them don't think deserve to be BAU case.

  147. sad moment ... when haley died .. and she had to pick up jack and take him outside ..

  148. when her and will first met .. and i loved her reactions to his cheasy lines that worked !

  149. Funniest moment I remember right now is when she tricks Morgan and Reid with her story about the camp. That's so funny to see, how they take the bait. I also like how she teases Reis about Lila. she's very funny and affectionate. Brings a lot of warmth to the team.

  150. One of my favorite JJ moments was in Season 5 Episode 7 called "The Performer." It was toward the end when JJ went to talk to Gina and the guy knocked her out with a shovel but then she got up and knocked him out with her gun! And then she kept Gina there until the rest of the team could show up! I loved it because it showed us just how tough JJ really is, and it showed that she can carry her own with the rest of the team!!

  151. Shes like the mom in the team ... booo for even thinking of getting rid of her ... sooo dissapointed ... and .. she should get more action on the show!!.. the girl is fit. and in shape and they don't show that ... how many mothers look like her right after having a baby?? I love moregan but i'm sick of the fact that he's the only one who gets action scenes .. i think even shemar more himself is sick of it .. i know he's all muscular and stuff but no one is invincible .. and girls can kick ass to .. .. i'd be really disapointed if they do replace her and then give the hoe who replaces her some ass kicking scenes .. that would be effed up!!

  152. JJ moments: shooting JCB through the window, explaining to Hotch how she liked her job as a liason between the team and the world, the fake story she told Morgan and Reid about her time in the woods,

    AJ COOK: I've enjoyed watching her character go from basically an organizer to actually going out in the field...her depiction of the struggle to grow a thicker skin in order to block out the empathy she feels for the victims...the realistic and sympathetic way she deals with the families affected by the tragedy....and the tough way she handles the press...

    It will NOT work without her.

  153. I love any episode where JJ picks a case that would not typically be something that the BAU would handle (like North Mammon, Risky Business, and Legacy just to name a few). In almost all of these episodes the team (usually Morgan) do not see a need for BAU involvement but JJ convinces them to go and she is always right! It shows that JJ contributes a lot more to the team than just being the liasion; She fights for the victims and for what she believes in!!

  154. wow i really hate that there doing this .. its bull ... they say there doing it because of creative reasons or w/e .. but the only thing this says about them is that they have no sence of creativity. I'm praying that they change their minds !!..

  155. The entire Risky Business episode was amazing!! I love the episodes that focus on JJ!!

  156. I love the season 2 episode North Mammon! One of my favorite parts of that episode is when JJ is able to get Polly to talk to her and tell them who the unsub is!!

  157. I love any time JJ gets in on the action and gets to go on raids and stuff like that! I really liked Cradle to the Grave as it showed JJ (and Prentiss!) going in to the Unsubs' house because the children would respond better to a FEMALE presence!! That episode also highlighted how caring and compassionate JJ is with the victims' families!

  158. I love that shes the only one that calls reid spence..

  159. when she fixes Reid's chopsticks with rubberbands so he can forage for his food with a pair of number 2 pencils

  160. that episode whe her and reid seperate and she pretty much gets attacked by dogs and kills them all .. woot woot!!

  161. When the team finds out shes pregnant .. and them she leaves with will but comes back when she found out someone might have been hurt !!... what a trooper she loves her team .. !! .. cbs sucks!!

  162. when she gets blood spattered all over her .. lol .. i don't understand why the network choose het .. i think they should just fire charlie sheen ... who the eff likes him anyways .. pluss he gets paid to much!

  163. One of my favorite moments is when Strauss, JJ, Morgan and some LEO are in a conference room and Strauss calls Garcia on speakerphone. Garcia thinks it's the team/Morgan and answers "talk dirty to me". JJ doesn't say a single word in this scene, but her facial expressions are priceless.

  164. One of my favourite JJ scenes is when she is in the bar with Will in "Jones".

    "Well, that was bold!" Lol.

  165. Do not get rid of AJ Cook and JJ!!! She doesn't get nearly enough screen time. I and other fans want to learn more about this character, have her more involved in story lines. Please do not make this huge mistake. The fans do NOT want a different communications coordinator!!!!!!!!!!!!

  166. I love any one-on-one interaction between JJ and Hotch! I feel like they have a deep connection that I really enjoy watching!!

  167. One of my favorite JJ moments is in No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank when she tells Reid, "Whatever happens, we don't split up."

  168. When JJ accompanies a local LEO to inform a victim's parents that their child is dead. The LEO has never done this before and JJ tells him that this will be the worst day of the parents' lives.

  169. I loved the funny scenes with JJ and Garcia in "Secrets and Lies", especially when JJ finds out that Garcia wants to use the CIA database to find Prince William's phone number, and JJ points out that maybe this sort of thing is what got Garcia put on the CIA's "list".

  170. I have a lot, she's awesome! But my all time favourite is when she talks to Hotch on the plane in Risky Business. And the one when she shoot the man who wanted to kill Garcia, and she says something like: "you do everything to protect your family." Oh, and when she takes Henry to the BAU room just to make the team remembering something good too, not just bad things when they are in that room. She's an angel!!

  171. When JJ is pregnant and puts headphones on her belly so that the baby won't hear any of the bad things that the team has to deal with. This felt like such a "real" moment to me, that is, I can imagine a real mom-to-be doing something like this to protect her baby.

  172. My favorite JJ moment was when she told Hotch about her sister's death & comforted him about Haley. I've always loved the relationship between Hotch & JJ, how he depends on her & those rare moments he takes to remind how important she is to the team.

    I loved the interrogation scene in "Ride the Lightning," when she went outside the realm of her usual duties & proved every bit as capable as any of the profilers.

    I loved her interaction with the mother in "The Instincts," which is a perfect example of the function she serves on the team. It highlights that while she may not be out in the field catching bad guys with the rest of the team, it's just as important that someone be there for the families too.

    I really loved all her interaction with Garcia in "Penelope," which showed that she's there to take care of her co-workers as much as she is for overworked detectives & grieving families.

  173. Just one? I can easily name 20 of my favorite JJ moments but I'll limit it to my Top 5:

    "Birthright" - JJ struggles with the job she is so devoted to. Despite her struggle, she does her job beautifully. I love the interaction between JJ and Hotch in this episode.

    "Open Season" - JJ goes with the new sheriff to notify the father of the dead man. JJ explains to the new sheriff how to break such horrible news to a victim's loved one.

    "The Instincts" - JJ sitting on the bed with the missing boy's mother is such a wonderful scene. And we learn that JJ is carrying a baby boy.

    "Penelope" - Who knew JJ was such a great shot? Fabulous that JJ was the one that took out the guy that tried to kill one of her closest friends.

    "Risky Business" - The last scene of this episode is simply beautiful. Proving yet again that JJ and Hotch have a great relationship. It is one based on mutual respect and trust.

    I could go on. The scene where she goes into labor, her pain in Amplification, the scene with Garcia in Damaged...God I really could go one.

    JJ is essential to the team and must remain part of the show. She will be sorely missed if she is not back. The episodes while JJ was on maternity are lacking a certain heart and I find hard to watch. Keep JJ.

  174. when she came back from maternity leave. me, and all the other fans were so happy to finally see her again! greatest moments are also when she killed the dogs that attacked her in season 2 and the whole risky business episode

  175. I loved the scene where she tells Reid and Morgan about why she hates the woods. Classic. Also, any scene with just the girls (when they are in the bar getting hit on by that guy, when Prentiss and JJ enter that house with the kids by themselves in season 5). For some reason, I also love the episode where Garcia says over speaker phone 'Talk dirty to me' thinking she is just talking to Morgan when Strass is there too. JJ has the best look ever on her face. DON'T GET RID OF HER! SHE IS THE GLUE THAT HOLDS EVERYTHING TOGETHER!

  176. It's hard to pick just one favourite moment. The closest to it may be in Revelations, when she's in the bathroom and almost shoots Emily. Then the abreviated conversation they try to have about how Emily isn't bothered by the job. That was the first real moment of vulnerability I recall seeing from JJ. The first time they really used the character as more than Operation Human Shield, to keep the bad media vultures away from the profilers.

  177. When JJ delivered the fatal shot to Jason Clark Battle in season 3- the hero angel of death guy who attacked Garcia.

    she is a very strong, maternal character who brings the team down to earth & deals with the press, the families. JJ brings the cases to the team and we see her struggling so hard to make the right choices. To cut her off is a disgusting choice on CBS's part and a complete betrayal to loyal fans who love JJ- AJ Cook. in these circumstances I will NOT support a new actress.

    we love you AJ Cook

  178. When she threatens Morgan and Reid with grounding them in the plane xDDD. That was just awesome!!!

  179. one of my favourite JJ moments was in No Way Out when she walks in on Garcia sleeping and she can't find her glasses. JJ picks them up for Garcia in a friendly/frustrated kind of gesture.

  180. In "Normal", when she comes with her baby to cheer her teammates up. That's what JJ is about: she brings a little light in the show.

  181. So many!

    The one where she is kicking butt at darts in season 2!
    Her moment with Garcia, Emily and 'Brad, the real FBI agent'. That is such a classic moment between all of the girls!
    The one with her in Garcia's office during the CIA investigation in season one. There are so many comic facial expressions and exchanges there.
    When Garcia tells her about Rossi turning up at her door when Kevin was there. AJ pulled off that sudden pause and realisation amazingly. (Season 3)
    When she asked Reid to Henry's Godfather in season 4.
    The touching moment between her and Hotch on the jet at the end of 'Risky Business'.

  182. This show has been successful for 5 seasons now, in part, because the viewers believe the team is the family they are portrayed to be. When Agent Gideon left it was hard to stay committed to the family. Agents Jureau and Prentiss are integral parts of the show and this family that we have come to watch and believe in. Changing the dynamic could be disasterous. I did not like Elle because she was too cold and unpersonable and JJ's maternity replacement never grew on me either.

    JJ and Prentiss are strong, independent women who work in a male dominated field. I think to give them up, after we have come to trust them, is asking a lot of your viewers.

  183. after she has the baby and she ask read to be the god farther of her son

  184. when she ask reid to be the god farther to her son

  185. When she have her baby and Reid become henry's godfather.

  186. And her nost badass moments when she shoots Gracis attacker

  187. From Monica:

    In Amplification when she is so torn and worried between her son and her job. You really felt the pain she was going through.

    Keep JJ on the show. She brings such heart and light to a show that is often so dark.

  188. My favorite line? "You do ANYTHING to protect family."

  189. I like how at the end of the episode "RoadKill" she tells the man that he did not kill the person he thought he did. Why? Cause she did her own fact-checking in order to help he man not blame himself. JJ is such a compassionate person. PLEASE KEEP HER!!!

  190. I like how JJ while she has a tragic past, she did not let her consume her, rather she did decided to do something good with her life and help people. That's why I liked her moments in Risky Business. I want more moments like these, cause we get to know JJ more a little bit better, and if she stays, we know MORE MORE MORE!

  191. my favourite moments are 1)in the boogyman when she tells the story to Reid and Morgan
    2)all the girl moments with Emily and Garcia(in the bar, shopping with them, in Garcias office)
    3)Finall moment with Hotch on the plane, when she tells him about her sister
    4)Moments with Will(the First kiss) and moments with Henry
    5)when she is action (shoots throug galss and kills the shooter of Garcia, with Emily 5x05 when the go in the house first and finds the boy
    6)Amplification when she difficult time not to call henry

  192. my favourite moments are 1)in the boogyman when she tells the story to Reid and Morgan
    2)all the girl moments with Emily and Garcia(in the bar, shopping with them, in Garcias office)
    3)Finall moment with Hotch on the plane, when she tells him about her sister
    4)Moments with Will(the First kiss) and moments with Henry
    5)when she is action (shoots throug galss and kills the shooter of Garcia, with Emily 5x05 when the go in the house first and finds the boy
    6)Amplification when she difficult time not to call henry

  193. JJ really is the heart and soul of the team - the glue without which there would be no team. She is strong and vulnerable and smart. She brings so much humanity to the show. There are many moments, but the one that comes to mind at this moment is when she is talking to the cop about how to inform family their loved one is dead. She was so right on and everything the cop thought he knew was so wrong. Family is really important to her - blood and non-blood family. She shoots Garcia's attempted murderer. When she asks Garcia if she would break the rules if it meant keeping her family safe and Garcia says ABSOLUTELY.

  194. Favourite JJ moment!

    1) is when she jokes with Morgan/ Reid... explaining why she's afraid of the woods... LOVE THAT ONE

    2) when she shot the psycho trying to kill Garcia

  195. Two of my favorites of the many great JJ moments are...

    1. When she shoots JCB in "Penelope".

    2. When she tells Hotch about her sister in "Risky Business".

  196. This comment has been removed by the author.

  197. Oooh! I like the one with Hotch where he asks her if she wants to be a profiler. Then he says he thought they chose the cases and she replies sure you do! That was cool :D
