Friday, June 25, 2010


Criminal Minds: A.J. Cook twitters about the end of her participation on Criminal Minds.


  1. You'll be missed!

  2. So sorry they did this to you and all of us. JJ will always be one of my favorite characters.Good luck.

  3. Best wishes for a great future with wonderful new projects. I am really looking forward to seeing your new projects.

  4. Just terribly sad. I really didn't think it would come to this and you WILL be missed.

  5. I wish you were staying, and you will be missed on the show. Good luck in your future endeavors. I hope they send JJ off in a classy way.

  6. Can't believe this really happening!!! Look forward to seeing your next project. Keep us posted and best of luck!!! THIS REALLY SUCKS!!!

  7. how sad..i really can't belive it :(
    we really did all we could and i was hopeful. I can't believe they decided to ruin an incredible show :(

    we love you AJ <3

  8. Insanely disappointed to hear the news AJ. You will be missed. Looking forward to hearing about your new projects though. I am sure you will totally shine in whatever you do.

  9. AJ is agreat actress, she will be missed on CM a lot! but, I which her the best!! ever! I will always follow her where ever project she works on in the future!! Good luck Aj!! JJ will Always be in our hearts! XOXO

  10. I'm just heartbroken. CM is my favorite show by far and I just don't think that I'm gonna be able to watch with no JJ and less Prentiss. Best wishes to AJ, I'll be watching for you.

  11. This is so so sad! I am so sorry that this happened. You are incredible. We will miss you on CM. I know you will be awesome in everything you do and I look forward to seeing new projects from you.

  12. AJ's got a lot going for her...She's got a beautiful family, amazing friends, and endless talent...Feel lucky to have gotten to go along on this Criminal Minds ride with her in these last 5 years and look forward to what is to come!!!

    Still waiting on news about Paget. She's been pretty quiet the last week.

  13. What a disappointment! CM will not be the same without her. I hope there will be better news concerning Paget. I wish A.J. Cook the best of luck on her future projects and I hope to see her on the small and/or big screen soon.


  14. Gutted!!JJ is my fave,not even sure I ever wanna see the show again now.

  15. AJ,
    I'm so sorry CBS did this to you. You deserve to be treated so much better than that and I hope that you will be in whatever you do next. You are a wonderful actress and person and you will be very sorely missed.
    Good luck AJ! You were way too good for CBS anyway.. xoxo

  16. Sweetheart
    you have made such an impression on the cast and fans... you will always be in our hearts , our thoughts and prayers.

    Things just won't be the same and you will be horribly missed.

    Please stay on Twitter, let us know what you're doing next and do keep us up to date.

    Jan (AKA SSA_Prentiss)

  17. AJ, I don't know where to start, and even if I did I don't think I could put into words what I am feeling at the moment.

    Since I saw your tweet I haven't been able to stop crying - even though I know the future is unbelievably bright for you, what you have gone through at the hands of CBS is just down right disgusting.

    But, as much as it pains me to see you go, I know that the future is bright for you. I know that Criminal Minds was just a stepping stone in the grand scheme of life.

    We will support you every step of the way. We love you, AJ, and that will never, ever, change.

    Michaela x

  18. AJ! You are awesome and will have no trouble getting work(you probaly never had)! You'll have them lining up at your agents door! :) Sad to you go but I'll follow you always! Good luck girl and we love you tons!! <3

  19. Really sad news. All I can say is, Karma's a bitch and it will come back when they least expect it to bite them in the ass! =) You WILL be greatly missed by all of us AJ! Good luck with your future endeavors and we will look forward to your future projects. Thank you for playing such a wonderful, down-to-earth, beautiful character on Criminal Minds that all women can strive to emulate.

    \m/ o(*_*)o \m/ YOU ROCK!!

  20. LittlemisshugsFriday, June 25, 2010

    You will be missed AJ & I'm sad they will never rise to the challenge of giving more JJ centric episodes. I am impressed with how much punch you managed to pack into your performances which is why I consider JJ the little firecracker of the team. Keep us posted about all of your new adventures please. I know I'm not the only one who would like to continue to support you.

  21. AJ, I will miss you so much next season. You brought such grace and grit to JJ and made us all love her.

    You have such inner beauty and strength, a loving husband and an adorable baby! I can't wait to see what adventure you embark on next.

  22. AJ: I cannot be sorrier about this entire mess; I think CBS is making a HUGE mistake and I so wished they would have listened to all of your fans: we tried REALLY hard, GF, and we will miss you so very much. You are a wonderful actress and must not take this personally and continue to be the professional, kind, grounded and classy lady that you have always been. We will be on the lookout for you in future projects and I can't wait until you land on another great ensemble show where you can fit in to another "family" for a network that has more smarts than CBS.

  23. I'm sorry that this happened to you the way it has. It is really, really sad. You will be missed. I can't believe they are choosing to ruin the dynamics of such a wonderful show. Best of luck on all your future endeavors. You are very talented and I have no doubt that something terrific is just around the corner.

  24. So unhappy about CBS's decision. I'm going to have to seriously rethink if I want to continue to watch the show this Fall. I feel bad for whatever actress they cast to replace her because AJ cannot be replaced! And to be replaced so disrespectfully by CBS will also make it difficult to accept any new actress. Best of luck AJ! You will be sorely missed.

  25. What a really sad day for Criminal Minds! A.J. you are such a CLASSY Lady! You have handled this whole thing with absolute dignity and grace!

    I really can't see the show having the same family feel to it without J.J. -- yes, you will very definitely be missed.

    Thanks for keeping us posted on Twitter and please let us know about your upcoming projects.

    You deserve the best and I know your talent will be rewarded with even bigger and better projects!

    Thanks for J.J. - she's been a great role model for all of us women!

    Much love to you and your family and continued success!

  26. You're a very talented actress and you will have me as a fan always.

  27. The petition was a valiant effort. I'm sorry it didn't carry more weight with TPTB at CBS. Best to you, girl.

  28. So sorry to hear it, AJ, but I'm sure you have a fabulous future ahead of you. Please keep us in the loop!

  29. Good luck AJ Cook on all your future projects! I am so glad you are going out gracefully, it truely shows your lovely character!

    Best wishes xoxo

  30. AJ,I am so broken hearted by this and so sorry you were treated so unfairly. I will miss you as JJ more than I can say. But you are a wonderful actress and will hit the ground running. Maybe this will turn out to be the best for you, at least it showed the networks that you have a loyal fan base that will support you to the end.
    Good Luck and Thank You for the past 5 yrs of joy you brought to me.
    Where ever you end up, whatever you do, this is one fan who will be there, front and center- cheering you on!
    Love you AJ and Long Live JJ and Emily!(in reruns at least)

  31. I really can't express how I feel right now. It is so incredibly sad. Count me in on all your new projects. You are so special and you will be missed. You are one of a kind.

  32. Criminal Minds will be completely different without their media liasion.

    I'm sure we shall see you in something real good soon! You've got alot of support and love! :)

  33. Cant believe what the world has come to! Aj for two Ep?? Get REAL! You will always be admired... no matter whatyou do X

  34. Cant believe what the world has come to! Aj for two Ep?? Get REAL! You will always be admired... no matter whatyou do X

  35. This is insanely sad! You will and JJ will truly be missed. CBS has gone and dismantled an amazing cast and show...this never should have happened to you! I look forward to whatever you do next and hope you keep us posted about it. whatever you are in, you can be sure I will tune in and watch you!. Good luck!

  36. AJ,

    So unfair. We will miss you and your character so much. You have been so generous to the CM fans with your time. Please keep us up to date with what is happening and where we can 'see' you next!

    Also, my 10 year old son wants to tell you that he thinks you're the best actress on the show and he is outraged that there will be no more JJ!


  37. I'm so sad about this. I’ve loved JJ since her first scene and the part she played in this team.
    I'm so sorry to see you go, AJ. And I'll definetely follow you wherever you end up going from here.
    And I guess all we can do now is hope that JJ gets the send off she DESERVES as a loved and respected member of the team.

    Thank your for those great 5 years,

    Sincerely, Alana

  38. this sucks for you... sucks for the fans... sucks for the rest of the CM cast.... BUT, know this... we love you and you have our undying love and support. I wish you ONLY the BEST. BIG supportive hug!!!

  39. U will be truly missed. Keep us posted on your next endeavors, we will want to keep following your career as such an amazing actress. So sorry u were done this way. Your fans support u in all u do. Love u!

  40. AJ,

    This is such a sad day for all CM fans. Thank you for the great job you've done over the past five seasons. I've really enjoyed JJ and I will miss her. You've done a terrific job.

    Let us know about your future projects and be well!

  41. Best wishes for the future.


  42. AJ,
    I love & admire you. I will miss you tons on CM. I'm very sad about the news. Don't know what to say. It just doesn't make sense.
    Wishing you all the best and know that we your fans will never forget you.

  43. Well, Spoiler TV indicated, via Deadline that Paget has signed a deal and according to Deadline she'll be in 10 out of 13 episodes thus her cutback isn't a big deal.

    I commented that I thought Criminal Minds usually got 24 episodes, so 10 out of 24 is a very big deal.

    I do not intend to watch Criminal Minds anymore. My apologies to all the remaining cast but I cannot support a network that treats people with such callous disregard.

    The firing of AJ and the reduction of Paget reeks of sexism and the fact that there is no apparent effort to reduce all the cast by two or three episodes a season, as Numbers did its last couple of seasons, and that outside of AJ and Paget the rest of the cast found out from the fandom via the internet or twitter is unprofessional to put it nicely.

    It won't do anything to change what's occurred but at least I won't have to wonder who is going to be cut next, I won't be watching.

  44. Dear AJ

    My sincere best wishes on your future projects. Count me in as a fan for life. You're a gifted actress and I will be a fan for life.

  45. You will be missed and there will forever be a gap on CM. No other actress could or will fill your place. You are irreplacable.

  46. As I sit here reading this I am watching CM reruns and I know it will never be the same. To AJ you are a wonderful actress who has handled this situation with more poise and grace than CBS deserves. I will follow where ever your road may lead you.

  47. You'll be missed, AJ Cook. You are a good actress. Best wishes on your future projects.

  48. You've got a follower for life kid. :D I know you'll hit the ground running and your continued success will be the ultimate revenge @ sure @ I know CM will fail w/o you.

    There are no words in any language to describe how badly you've been treated. This wasn't just sexist and it sure @ hell wasn't financial. IT WAS WILLFUL WRONG AND COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.

    You're truly irreplaceable; CBS is not. I love you and Paget and the crew but w/o one of you there should be none of you.

    There's no other reason to watch CBS now. They really have cut their nose despite their face.

  49. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you are gonna have great projects in the future because you are an amazing actress. But JJ was always one of my favorites on the show and you did a fantastic job playing her. You will be missed.
    Wishing you the best of luck and looking forward to seeing your new projects!!

  50. I wish CBS had listened to reason :/ There's no doubt that it's a bad decision on all levels. But at the very least they could've handled this like grown ups and not in the immature and sneaky way they did. Unacceptable, really.

    As it is, all I can say is that I wish AJ all the best with her future projects.

    You're very talented, you've got a lot of loyal fans and you can definitely do better than CBS. And all of your fans will be there for you, no matter what.

    As for CM - it goes from 'must watch' to 'which 2 eps I have to wacth'.

  51. Seriously AJ, you're awesome and we will always follow your career.
    I really don't know why they thought it would be a good idea to get rid of your character..I'll watch two more episodes and then I'm done. I'll live on S1-S5.

    We all love you so much.

  52. I can't believe they are actually doing it!!! We'll miss you so much!!! This sucks!!!

  53. I really think that with AJ leaving the show will suffer and with Paget's limited appearances, it will suffer more. My feeling is that this is the last season. AJ and Paget should do a cable show. Wherever AJ goes, I will follow.

  54. We'll miss you greatly!!!!

    Good luck in everything you do in the future. Can't wait to see what you're in next.

  55. AJ, this is just so unjust and I am extremely sorry to see you go. Thank you so much for 5 wonderful seasons and I hope that you go on to bigger & better things. Know that the fans are behind you and will follow you to your next adventure.
    Take care, you will be missed.

  56. i'm very sad :(
    We'll miss you.

    Good luck in the future <3

    Johannie from France.

  57. Well, they just lost another viewer. :( JJ was one of my favorite parts of the show, and apparently this is going to be Paget's last year on CM as well.

    Won't be watching this season, or any other season. Or any other CBS show. I know it won't change anything but it'll make me feel better.

  58. yeah i am done with this show¨now will not support a network where they treat their own actors like dirt

    this just in Paget is leaving to after this season

  59. So sad to see such a great character and actress go so unjustly!Will certainly be 'coming along' for what I'm sure will be a bright future!

  60. I am very sorry to hear this.
    I hope you get a GREAT job real soon!
    and I will be watching and supporting you in anyway I can.
    Good Luck AJ.

  61. I am angry at CBS and they will never get me back. They develop a character that we become attached to and then rip her away from us. CBS, you made a mistake by developing AJ's character. You should have kept her shallow. You don't want the fans to get attached to the women seeing that they are expendable unlike the men.

  62. AJ has been most gracious and dignified in how she's handled herself.

    I am distressed for both AJ and Paget, happy Paget was able to 'ink' a new deal but sad that it comes with the understanding that it is her last.

    I don't think this has anything to do with the spin off but I wasn't impressed enough with the characters for the spin off to want to watch it. Now that it's announced that Ms. Garofalo (likely misspelled) is joining the cast of the spin off I certainly will not be watching for that is someone I cannot stand to listen to or watch. She may be talented, I just do not appreciate it.

    Good my Criminal Minds, original and spin off, I will not be returning.
