Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "The Internet is Forever" written by Breen Frazier and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments. **


  1. Very excited for this episode...considering how much social bloggin site there are...


  2. If they don't mention anything about the similarities between this case and Tobias Henkel's use of in-house computer cameras, I will be highly surprised! But probably still pleased!

    Aaaand! Reid's new hair! Oh, I've been dying for his hair short like this. It looks SO good!!

    So excited about tonight :)

  3. Can't wait for tonights episode! And I agree completely Loren. The cases are similar and Matthew's new hair cut looks really cute :)

  4. I'm very excited about this episode too.

    And I hope that they will mention Tobias Hankle.
    I would love it we saw the team think about that case.
    (I have missed Reid a lot this season !!!).

    Anyway, no matter what, I will probably love this episode if only because it's a Criminal Minds episode.
    Bring it on !

  5. I love your spoilers! Given I'm attending college during the original airtime, I have to wait until the following day to see it on DVR. Thanks for the sneak peeks! You do great work! :)

  6. wish a nice cm evening....can´t wait to watch this new episode!!

  7. cannot wait!!! I absolutely love Reid's new look. And i totally agree. They should make this a Reid epi, because of the cameras in the house. This season has been so dry on the Reid. He is such a good character on the show. And the season is almost done!!! UUUUHHHHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!

    oh well, i shall cherish the last two episodes. And can anyone tell me when Season Six comes on????

  8. WOW! LOVING Reid's new haircut! *Wipes Drool from keyboard, may have to get a bucket!* :P
    This episode should be freaky!

  9. Can't wait to see it! Looks great!

    And Caitlin: you are right and I would loan you my bib but I'm afraid I will be needing it myself...:)

  10. I like Reid's hair! :P

    Um, I'm starting to look around my apartment and wonder where hidden cameras might be.

  11. Oh my!!!! I want to hug the entire team after what they all just saw happen!

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair!!!!! HATE that his tie matches his shirt... he's looking a little too polished!

  13. So what did the old man do? Did he go during the day and hang out in the freezer or what? Sicko!

  14. Great episode. Spooky.

  15. I'm giving my computer and I-phone dirty looks right now. Lots of great stuff tonight. Great job by the cast. Really good case.

  16. What exactly was the connection to the old man besides the freezer. How did he get his jollies?

  17. Lady Garcia is having a hard time these past two episodes. The old guy getting off on what was going on with the freezer was just plain sicko. I am sleeping with the lights on tonight. Another great episode of CM.

  18. My husband and I are confused at exactly what the old man did, besides watch the killings. What is the connection? Other than that, I liked the episode very much.

  19. The part with the old guy is a bit confusing. I realize he supplied the freezer but was he also doing crap on the internet? Either way, I loved the episode. The BAU was totally on it and the promo for the finale looks great.

  20. what was the quote from tonite's episode?

  21. Great episode. Loved Reid's new hair. I know it was like this in Exit Wounds as well, but i really like JJ's hair curly it looks really good. Season Finale looks really good

  22. This episode makes me want to go delete my facebook and myspace accounts. Seriously. I love Gube's new hairdo. Poor Garcia. I just want to give her a hug. We loved the episode tonight. The promo for the finale has me worried.......Morgan!

  23. Wow, does that have you thinking about your online presence or what?

    Excellent episode tonight. I loved that we got to see Garcia really doing her thing to help solve the case. But I could really identify with her turning her eyes away during the murder.

    Ok, I can't wait any longer...I LOVE MGG'S NEW HAIRCUT! It's hard to improve on perfection...but that did it. :)

    It's hard to believe next week is the season finale...and it looks like another great episode to wrap the season.

    Thanks so much to everyone involved in bringing us tonight's show - it was great!

  24. Wonderful episode. Can't wait to watch it again.

  25. I agree about Garcia. She has never liked being in the thick of the bloodiness and I wasn't surprised that she couldn't watch when the murder was going on. If Morgan is really in trouble next week I think Garcia is going to go nuts. Tonight's episode rocked.

  26. Anon, I think he got his "jollies" by watching.

    A+++++ episode!

  27. Stalking peeps you find while social networking is really relevant given that we all use so many different forms of social networks these days. I really appreciate this episode. It was fresh, relevant and totally awesome to watch.

  28. I was confused about the old guy too. I re-watched that part like five times and tried to figure it out... and how Rossi-- or WHAT Rossi-- figured out.

    I was a little puzzled by Hotch telling Garcia to go after the chatters instead of the UnSub. From a plot perspective I get it-- it opened up new avenues and we got Morgan with the guy with the kiddie porn, and we got the old guy with the freezer-- but why would Hotch give that order?

    And, as far as confusing... why was the UnSub doing what he was doing in the first place? They could have stuck with hacking the UnSub and given us a little more to go on his motives... It's not like we knew the victims well enough to be attached to them...

    And what was with the cable? I mean, he got everything but the cable? I think it would have been easier to buy that he missed a camera. He had to disconnect from the cable. If I'm making a getaway, I jerk the cable out of the wall and leave it attached to the device, not the other way around.

    And can you seriously track ethernet cable to a provider? That was a little too convenient. They could have lost the whole chatter-voyeur line and fleshed out the UnSub, victims and/or plot a little more imho.

    All in all, got some Tough!Rossi interviewing, and snark from Hotch, and PissedOff!Garcia... And some emotional scenes and some action and a horrific concept for an internet junkie... and I liked the symmetry of victims and an UnSub wanting an audience...

    but my overall impression was one of 'huh?'

  29. It is done right scary to think that someone could put cameras in your home without you knowing it and watch you like that.

  30. Good episode, but WERE WAS REID!!!!!! Other than the team noticing his new haircut (which I might add is really really hot!!!!) and the "Facial Symmetry", he was no where to be found.

    This would have been the perfect Reid episode though. But rumor has it that the Season Five Finale may be Reid centric.THANK GOD!!! But it is only a rumor, but I really really really hope it is true. And they are having soo many "Special Guets Stars" for "Our Darkest Hour".

    Also, did anyone else run into the mix up of headings for "Criminal Minds" and "CSI New York"??? Because my TV Guide said "Criminal Minds" and it starts playing "CSI New York"!!! i was thinking "What??"

    This episode was good though, but I agree, the old man was confusing. But I think his part in the crime was just the freezer. But one thing that I am taking from this episode is that I am watching what I put on the internet.

    A+ but where was Reid????

  31. I find it interesting so many people are raving over this episode.... it was centered around stupid people (ie friending strangers, letting a stranger in the house....)
    I am in the financial world, not techy so speak English to me. LOVE Garcia, have no idea what some of that stuff was about.

    I don't look for Reid to be front and center for the finale... he has had his 2 parter, someone else gets a turn.

  32. I found it funny at the beginning of the episode, on the jet, when Rossi comments on how he doesn't get the appeal of status updates. I follow Joe Mantegna on twitter and he tweets all the time! Just a bit of irony there.

  33. just to add... not a huge Reid fan - love him but no more or less than the rest of the team - but his hair was definitely a good move!! NICE

  34. I enjoyed this episode. i also enjoyed Reid's hair and the joke Hotch made.

    Part of this episode reminded me of the 'Big Game' from season 2.

    I have only one complaint, not enough Reid. I am hoping the last episode will be more Reid centric but it doesn't look like it by the looks of the promo. That being said, I am still excited and looking forward to the finale next week. Then it's CM withdrawal, alas!

  35. I will get to watch tomorrow... but I have to say I am dreading another season finale (or more accurately - the long wait for new episodes that will follow). I really really hope this is like Fisher King and one that we can work on to solve before the new season.

  36. great epi.2night!!! i loved when hotchner tells reid if the joined a boy band hahaha that was funny..
    well, i did liked the episode very interesting, and it does makes you think and be careful with the social networks, and the use of the internet. atte.di.

  37. Both my husband and I felt a scene must have been left out of the editing. What was the old guy's relationship to the story? Was it his freezer? Why did Rossi show him the newspaper? This missing scene thing happened a few weeks ago on an episode-- something important was left unexplained. And it leaves the viewer feeling very disaatisfied.

  38. The mind boggles. Reid as a musician (playing all the DC hotspots) on the weekends...way too hot..... That's practically perfect and almost better than a girlfriend. What a turn of events that would be- way unexpected. He sure does look the part!! Imagine!!.....uhm......what?.. ....oh, yeah...... A bit odd that he has no e-mail address. He would if he were still publishing or speaking academically: universities and colleges are all over the internet . I've had several "on-line" via You-tube lectures this semester and there are plenty of lectures and symposium on-line. Nice return to the inherent visual nature of "eidetic" memory too. The proportions (reminiscent of "Masterpiece" ) would be noticable to someone like Reid. I like that they're developing Garcia more. Even if you don't agree with where they're going with her, it seems realistic and true to her character. Not everyone is cut out for being the strong gore-impermeable type. I liked all the team stuff here. It's cool that they let Rossi be the saavy "I know he's hiding something-I'm just not sure what" guy. Interest piqued in the idea of Morgan being theguy who needs to be rescued. He's never been there before so it should bea real opportuity for him to learn a bit of trust. Hopefully his unwillingly placed trust will be rewarded!!

  39. Hotch teasing read about his boy band´s look!!!!Good one.
    The episode was ok, not one of my favorites. Half way I lost some interest. Liked the Rossi scenes in this one.

    I am a 100% Hotch fan but I am so happy Reid finally cut his hair, he looks much nicer (and cleaner) with this look.

  40. loved last week's episode. This week's episode was sooo!! awesome. I love Morgan and Garcia scenes. I live for those moments. The story was great and I loved the part everyone played. Just a really great epsiode AGAIN! Morgan is in trouble and Garcia is going to go completely nuts because she's got DIBS :)

  41. "don't care what you did as long as you love meeeeeeeeeeee"
    OMG, I haven't had a good laugh from a CM line in a long time but that "did you join a boyband?" comment was hilarious.
    Loved it that Hotch got to deliver that line with such deadpan seriousness.
    I liked this episode. It had a good mix of cat and mouse convolutions with the team trying to outguess the unsub and his motives.
    We get to see the genius of Garcia's major tech skills, Reid's analytical mind, and Rossi's great intuition plus a nice team interaction between Morgan and Garcia who was a real trooper amid the horrors.
    And poor Reid had to relive the horror of watching a murder unfold on realtime video and be helpless to stop it like in Revelations. He had such a sad face while watching the vid. I would have liked for them to explore how he felt but I guess there's no time for it.
    Now for the most important part. the guillotined hair. Well, since I love the long locks, I'm not exactly Viva la Revolution about it but
    it's really cute in a mop-top,boyish way. What saves it is that the hair gets to stay all curly and hides his entire forehead. I think that's a first for Reid. Before, his bangs were long enough to sweep back away from his forehead. Now he looks really,really young with the full bangs. Oh, and the women looked great with their haircut,too but ironically, all the hair attention seemed to always go to Reid. :)

  42. I didn't get the connection between the older guy and the guy that did the actual killing. What was left on the editing floor?

  43. I really didn’t care that much for this episode. Not only did it seem redundant and gave me a sense of déjà vu as in The Big Game, but it also seemed to be sending a not so subtle message to the Hotch/Prentiss supporters, that we will not be seeing that team again. We get Morgan with Garcia, Morgan with Prentiss, we rarely if ever get a Hotch/Prentiss pairing. As a matter of fact, I think the last time I saw Hotch in a Kevlar vest was back in Rite of Passage (and a brief scene at the end of A Thousand Words) and he was standing around, no action scenes, hardly any movement. Has TG told you he’s gotten too old for the scenes that require more than just walking and talking? Is there an injury that we don’t know about? We know MGG had sustained an injury, which was the reason Reid couldn’t do a lot of physical stuff; but why has Hotch being relegated to the geriatric material. It’s as if only Morgan and Prentiss are the only ones physically able to go into the field; and on a rare occasion they take the other “old” guy, Rossi. What gives?
    Morgan/Prentiss then Prentiss/Morgan, then Morgan/Prentiss again, did I say, how monotonous? And you keep Hotch in the police station like a geriatric cop who is already past his prime and has already seen his better days. Has he? Is there something you’re not telling us? You know teaming does not equate with romance. It offers variety and it also can satisfy the desire for anything more. But you’ve decided to keep giving us the same old thing. Unless what you’re saying is that Morgan is the only character “safe” enough to be in the scene with both Prentiss and Garcia. And he’s gotten plenty with both in this episode and the last. I love Morgan, but what gives?
    On top of disliking the case and the unsub, I understood the message of the dangers of online networking; but I thought the case was strange on many levels, from the fact that Reid could figure out that the unsub was attracted to women with a certain facial structure; and he could identify the structure in his head in minutes. And they distributed a picture of the unsub that we were not privy to, based on the structure of the women’s faces. Did I understand this or did I miss something? Like why this guy was doing this in the first place; and did the old guy build the freezer and received access to the website in trade or did he tell the unsub how to build it? I’m glad Rossi figured that out, but how did he figure that out and what did he figure out? It all seemed like a major stretch, and I know that’s what CM normally does.
    Meanwhile, with the old guys (Hotch, Rossi) back at the ranch, Morgan/Prentiss made another of their endless mad dashes to track down the bad guy/investigate the crime scene, because they appear to be the only agents physically capable of performing this task. Did I say how monotonous? Oh! JJ and Reid there was a quick shot of JJ and Reid in an office building that was similar to the quick shot of the two of them in last week’s episode, no dialogue of course.
    After last week’s episode, I couldn’t wait to view it again, because I enjoyed the story and the message about special friendship. And sense Breen Frazier wrote 52-Pick-up; my expectations for this one were high; needless to say, I was somewhat disappointed. The message I got and have been getting for several episodes is we’re putting the old guys out to pasture (especially Hotch, because Rossi is given his Kevlar vest once in a while), and the two action figure dolls are the only ones allowed to strut their stuff in the field. I have now lowered my expectations for the finale. I know it centers on Morgan, which is fine; but more Morgan/Prentiss, Prentiss/Morgan, Morgan/Garcia, Garcia/Morgan interaction/dialogue is not my idea of team interaction. I’d like to see Hotch/Prentiss, JJ/Reid, Rossi/JJ with real dialogue and action, not just a few throwaway lines and quick cuts. But with my expectations so low, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.

  44. wow, creepy episode!! I like very much the ney look of Reid, he's always so cute!!


  45. Luved it sooo! much. It was so topical and so ironic they are all on twitter except for Shermar! hope he joins before the finale. How badass are Morgan and Prentiss - luv dem teamed together. And also loved that Hotch made a funny! lol!


  46. I thought this was a great episode. I think got the old guy's story. I thought he had designedn the freezer and was given access to the chat room without having to download the incrimnating porn stuff to his computer. His story about the unsub liking his website proved false when Hotch told Rossi that Garcia checked it and it was ametuer.

  47. I agree with sdwally above. It seems like we only get Morgan/Prentiss and Morgan/Garcia action/interaction. Morgan and Prentiss get to do all the physical stuff, and Morgan/Garia are the only two who get to have a real conversation. The rest of the team get snippets of both.

    If this is because Hotch was the focus in the beginning of the season, then shouldn't it be Morgan and JJ? Because Prentiss certainly was there with Hotch in the first few episodes. I miss the Hotch/Prentiss scenes too.

    And the case did leave a lot of unanswered questions.

  48. I'm gla to see more of Morgan. It's funny to see so many comments saying there is too much of him because after last nights show I finally noticed him. He seems to have more depth lately and that seems only fair. I really l;iked the Hotch storyline last year but I think they stopped it just in time. I am really happy to see him back in the driver seat. I think it's balanced. Garcia drama is getting old. We've known that her character hates violence since the beginning. Nothing new or interesting here. She needs more depth.

  49. Sdwally, you hit the nail right on the head. I was watching CM with a friend last night and complaining at the lack of Hotch in action of any kind. Not only does he seem to have had his kevlar taken away (being an award-winning shot, this is ridiculous) but now seems incapable of doing those awesomely intimidating interrogations; Morgan & Prentiss get dibs on those as well. Breen, I love your writing 99% of the time but this wasn't one of them... where was Hotch??? He delivers a great one-liner of snark at the beginning but then gets cooped up in the police station. If this is related to any Foyet ramifications, it escapes me... oh no, wait, cm doesn't DO continuity for its lead character.

    Complete Hotch fan but have to admit Reid's new hair much improved. Now lets pair these 2 up for the finale and make a lot of loyal fans happy.

  50. My interpretation: Old guy provided the freezer and/or repairs for the freezer. The Unsub released the online article about the old guy's voyeur role vs using the downloaded porn. Old guy was watching like the others.
    All team roles were balanced and appropriate. I love seeing Hotch give orders/take charge. He doesn't have to be in the field to be awesome.

  51. Oh my that was creepy … I liked the episode and it had me on edge with the whole murder on line which was a little hard to watch … starting from the beginning, love the comments on Reid’s hair, gotta say it does look really good, nice look for him, what topped it for me was Hotch’s “what did you join a boy band” comment, given we haven’t had much humour from Hotch for a long while this was simply priceless! Go Hotch!

    Team interaction was okay, JJ was a little quiet I thought, few snippets of Reid and yes brought back the Masterpiece & The Big Game/Revelations with the facial symmetry & whole camera, wireless access to victims homes. I thought the message and dangers of social networking sites was well portrayed and was nice to see Garcia doing her stuff but I have to admit I got a little lost in some parts so will have to watch this again to make the connections.

    I have to say I agree with sdwally, I too have missed the Hotch action and feel that he’s been under utilised for most part.

    Overall an okay episode and a bit of an eye opener, but not a wow episode, maybe I’ll think differently once I rewatch!!

  52. I also must agree with sdwally. I too am so sick of Morgan and Prentiss. Why are JJ and Reid always relegated to the precinct. In the begeinning of the season I understood, MGG was injured but he's fine now so why couldn't Reid and JJ have gone to that woman's home instead of Morgan and Prentiss all the time. They're suddenly making all the characters so one dimensional. I thought we were going to see more of Reid in the second half of the season but that doesn't appear to be so. He being my favorite character doesn't make me as excited to watch the show as I used to be. It appears next week is about Morgan so there go Reid fans for this year, a very disappointing season. Love his new hair btw.

    I didn't mind the story although it was somewhat reminiscient of The Big Game and Revelations althouht the killer's motivation was different. I was thinking we might see more of a response out of Reid in that regard.

    I didn't really understand about the old guy either.

  53. can´t wait to see the epi

  54. Week 22, and Hotch's sense of humor is back. I laughed so hard I missed the opening details of the case.

    I really liked this one. I was afraid it would be a rehash of an earlier Internet-as-boogeyman episode that I truly disliked, but this was noticeably better. The research was on point, including the general understanding of how poorly people protect themselves on line because of the false sense of intimacy. Those 30 people who regularly post in that forum you follow are not the only ones reading it. The company where you just applied for a job is checking out your FaceBook page. The obnoxious classmate you haven't missed in 20 years just looked you up. Of course, you're far more likely to fall victim to identity theft than murder, but we're not going to waste our BAU on that. On the other hand, the episode unfortunately used the standard stalling tactic "OMG, we can't trace him because he's a computer genius who bounced his way through a dozen relays!" Um, wouldn't that slow down his Internet feed unmercifully, fiber-optic line be damned? It also veered into boogeyman territory at the end with the use of Eric Schmidt's quote about the Internet. If you put Schmidt's quote in its original JavaOne context, it's not actually perjorative, although it seems so here.

    The episode maintained tension throughout, and made good use of profiling. Although the unsub's motives were incomprehensible in one sense, they were still able to understand and anticipate his needs in the context of narcissism and his desire to perform for his audience. Another good aspect was that no one needed to be dumb. When they went to the ISP that provided the fiber-optic cables, the rep was immediately able to finger a weirdo that they had fired shortly before. I particularly liked the intensity from Hotch and Rossi, which conveyed a sense of urgency somewhat lacking in recent episodes. I can't say, though, that we needed a closeup of frost to conclude the victim was in a freezer, when there were meat hooks hanging on either side of her. The interplay between Garcia and Hotch was also good. She provided the technical expertise, and he repeatedly used what she told him to make some sharp deductions. The triage decision he made during one of the murders was agonizing but very Hotchlike, and led as it should to the resolution of the case. It also took only a little time here to convey Garcia's mixture of squeamishness and dedication as well as Morgan's support of her, as opposed to the yadda yadda of last week. I have to praise the portrayal of Grampa Pervert too, who was just that little bit too genial to be believed.

    One thing that left me confused was the line about Reid supposedly not having email. The idea that someone of his age with two PhDs from Caltech wouldn't use email routinely is such a load of BS that a tractor couldn't budge it. I suppose he could have been lying, but it doesn't elicit anything from the interviewee that she wouldn't have told him anyway.

  55. mmkay I'm not diggin Reid's new haircut.. he lost his "crazy" look.. he's too normal looking now... wayyyy cuter when he looked nerdy...
    episode was OK.

  56. This episode's got a fever, and the only prescription, is more JJ and Reid.

  57. MrsAaronHotchnerThursday, May 20, 2010

    Great episode - good ol' classic CM... I didn't mind Hotch and Rossi workin' in the precinct but I hope our Unit Cheif isn't done donning the kevlar (and shades of justice - hehe!!) Also loved the comment about Reid's hair - always love Hotch's sense of humour!!

    Gracia was amazing as always, and Morgan and Prentiss were BAMF'S - whoop whoop!!

    Can't wait for the finale - I get so worried everytime I see Morgan now!! Eeeek!

    Again, wonderful ep - well done guys!

  58. Great episode! Very creepy - it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. That's 4 great episodes in a row now. I'm looking forward to the season finale!

    So when do the S5 DVDs come out and when does S6 start???

  59. This episode was okay - this has just not been my favorite season. Considering all the time we spend on the internet, it was kind of scary. The whole team was there, but lately it seems like Reid and JJ are just there to add a few words and stand around. Did they irritate the writers somehow. Looking forward to next week although it will be a long summer

  60. Will you guys post the quotes from the internet episode?


  61. I kind of think that there was some foreshadowing for next week's episode. When they made the arrest he mentioned that his fan understood him and then I remembered that Morgan and Prentiss were being recorded when they went into the house of one of the abducted women. Can't wait for the finale, but it is bittersweet!

  62. Surprising, but I enjoyed this episode even it didn't give me much enought Reid and JJ, didn't invoke to Tobias Henkel, but it was well written, damn good directed and there were some small (but plenty of) team interractions. I loved the fact that in actual life Shemar/Derek is the only one at the room who doesn't have a twitter account and who thinks it kind of foolisch to put everything on the Internet ;)

    I also adore that we don't know what and how linked unsub with the old man, what caused this weird relationship - it gives us, crazy CM maniacs, chance to finish the plot on our own way.

    Did Reid enjoy the boys band? <3
    Wish all season would be this way. I can't wait for season finale episode, meanwhile I don't know how to survive to the autumn for CM 6...

  63. Wow all I can say is after watching this Episode, I will really watch what I put on my Facebook and Twitter Pages.. I love this Show because it is not only Entertaining but also very Imformative.. Thanks for another Great Episode.. Looking forward to the Season Finale.. BTW: I have enjoyed following you all on twitter you guys are too Funny..


  64. I’m a bit late for the party this week, but I want to throw in my 2 cents nevertheless:

    The story was average, but entertaining - not one of my favorites, but one I’ll enjoy watching again - too similar to The Big Game/Revelations for my taste, though.

    Reid’s new haircut is really cute, but Hotch’s boy-band-comment seemed pretty OOC to me. My only thought was “Jack’s not that age yet, why would Hotch think about boy bands at all”. It made for a nice Hotch/Reid moment, though, and since these have been so rare the last two seasons I’m not going to complain.

    Reid denying to have e-mail seemed weird to me, though. Not only is he an academic who would easily keep up with his peers and probably submit some of his papers via e-mail, but the guy has a Ph.D. in engineering as well, so it doesn’t make sense that he would be that tech averse.

    While I don’t mind the occasional joke at the expense of Reid, using him for comical relief seems to be his main function on the show lately. And I don’t enjoy this trend. He’s a capable agent and a valuable member of the team. Always making a fool of him for some cheap laughs is an insult to the character, if he isn’t used otherwise as well.

    I’m also not happy about how Garcia is shown lately. In my opinion she’s becoming more and more stereotype - reduced to tech babble, not very stress resistant and overly sensitive to the crueler aspects of her job to a degree that she can’t do her job anymore. She has handled it better in the past and right now, if I was a friend of hers I’d tell her to find a new job. She deserves so much better than that.

    Rossi was great in this episode. I liked him both with the victims and with the voyeuristic grandpa, though I’m with the majority to think this subplot could have been left out in favor of explaining the real unsub’s motivation.

    JJ was great with the press, but again I feel like a vital part of the plot is missing - how did their profile leak to the press, and why would someone give them that information? I thought for a while that the unsub might have hacked Garcia and given the profile to the press himself to sabotage their search for him. Only later it turned out that he was so infuriated with the profile that this theory didn’t make sense. Anyway, JJ is looking especially beautiful recently, I love her light curls.

    Morgan getting some attention, if only the action parts, is right up my alley. The foot soldier part is what he does best in my opinion, and I’m already looking forward to his part in the season finale.

    Hotch a bit more in the background is fine for me. I’m happy that he is back to his normal self, though the discontinuity of his storyline bothers me a bit. But I’m used to that by now, and since I felt quite Hotch-overdosed in the first half of the season, I’m glad this has stopped.

    Not much to say about Prentiss this week. She was there and delivered, but nothing too remarkable.

    The only part of this episode that really stuck with me was the mother complaining that her daughter expected her to learn about the daughter’s promotion via facebook. That is so sad, and the worst is that I know reality is even sadder. I had to comfort a close friend of mine a while ago after her family expected her to learn about her beloved grandpa’s death via facebook since she lives in another state. They didn’t tell her personally or give her a phone call until after a week or so and then had the same reaction like the promoted daughter. So this part really struck a chord with me.

  65. A pretty good episode; I like Breen's style and his cases are always interesting. But since I can never get enough of our Unit Chief I am hoping we get more in the finale since he's been so ignored for ages. I enjoyed his leadership in this episode but would like some more follow up to his injuries.

  66. Boy band! LMAO
    That was the best line ever.

    Great episode. I'm gonna miss new CM episodes this summer. :(


  67. So what did the old man do? Did he go during the day and hang out in the freezer or what? Sicko!
