Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "...A thousand words" written by Edward Allen Bernero and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

** Beware of spoilers in the comments **


  1. About time we have a new CM episode!
    can't wait to have my favorite show back!


  2. Finally! A new one - I can hardly wait! And all the pics to promo it here are getting me charged up and ready to see our guys and gals again. BTW, is that a new 'do MGG is sporting? Like short and really wavy? Looking good, kid, we've been waiting for that haircut for awhile.

    Got my e-mail from Amazon this AM for "Fifth Season of CM" already. How can it be? Seems like it just got started! Will be watching my DVR'd epi's until Oct or whenever it comes out.

  3. New episode finally here! Can't wait to see this one. Using tattoos has a way of showing his murders is something really different and a unusual story.

    Will be pined at my seat tonight! Welcome back CM!

  4. IT has been a long time since we didn't get a new episode.
    I'm really impatient and I hope that we'll finally see more of Reid, I miss him terribly.


  5. Nice to see Greg Jennings of the Green Bay Packers in this episode. :)

  6. lookin forward to new episode tonight, will be watching at 4am Irish time, dedication or what.

  7. Great episode. Really intense. Rossi calling Garcia kitten was so cute and she looked great in the episode.

  8. I'm so glad to finally feel like MY show is back This episode actually felt like CM to me for the first time in ages. GREAT episode...

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Rossi and his kitten comment to Garcia...also Reid losing at poker was priceless as well. Especially since Prentiss kinda led him to believe he'd won for a second or two. :)

  9. I loved this episode and all of the funny moments with the team!

    "No one can handle the media like JJ can.."
    Darn right, Morgan! ;D

  10. Ed wrote a great episode. The victim helping the unsub deliver the baby was surreal. What a great story. So good to have CM back!

  11. I wonder how many people googled 'The Illustrated Man' when the episode ended. I did. This episode was terrific. One of the best this season. Edge of my seat the whole time.

  12. LOVED IT!!

    This episode had it all. A crazed unsub, a baby, inv ink and Prentiss and Reid play snarking at each other which is always fun. The case was great. Can't wait to rewatch it tomorrow.

    Great job Ed!

  13. I was shocked to hear that Charles Manson has kids!!! Poor kids.

    A+ episode. Our team was our team again and the case was great.

  14. Playing card on the jet. I always love the jet scenes. I agree that this was a top notch episode. Joy to have the show holding the characters true to themselves again. Beautiful job Ed.

  15. So tickled to see Reid acting more confident. Even more so to see so much Prentiss. And anything that gets Hotch out of his dang jacket ...

  16. It was great! Loved that it was new finally! The writing keeps getting better and better!

  17. i was soo stoked for this, and it delivered!! very interesting twists!!

    much anticipation in seeing MGG's new do, altho judging from twitter pics (much shorter), i sense this was definitely not it! haha very nice tho.

    hope this show never ends, i luv it!

  18. Tonight’s episode was so remarkable and strong! It kept me on the edge and some scene got to me so deep. The baby crying after birth and is mother not wanting him was so hard.

    The team was so magnificent! There were very good funny exchanges. Thought the characters lines were written a little differently, intense, funnier,... still it was CM at his best.

    Rossi at his best tonight! So dazzling! He was so strong and I loved the way his character has more "funny comments". Kitten!!!  The Profiler was so intense. Hotch is brilliant! The way he handled the situation with the detective having an emotional moment was so well done. Hotch at his best! JJ seemed a little more touched and that family side of the story got to her. She was great! Morgan and Prentiss luring Reid into reading all the little books was really good. Not much Garcia but when she was there, it was our great Penny! Always efficient and funny.

    The idea of the Illustrated Man is really good! Using a tattoo to tell your story and who you killed is so creative. The Ray Bradbury story will be a hit again.

    Ed wrote a great story and the cast performed brilliantly like they always do.

    Congrats to all! A+ on this one guys!

  19. I thought it was an amazing episode. Getting back to the core strong episodes that made Criminal Minds what it is! Very tight, well written, good investigation and had a happy ending to boot. Which isn't always necessary but it is nice sometimes.

  20. The plane scene was one like I love them. Prentiss winning over Reid... Yay! ;) That talk between Rossi, JJ and Hotch was a special moment. Both trying to give a positive side to all of it.

  21. candance kellerman from OhioWednesday, May 05, 2010



  22. Great episode. Finally seemed like the old CM. I loved the way the team was back and always look forward to scenes on the jet. My only problem was the reference to The Illustrated Man which I saw years ago and still scares me when I think about it. Favorite episode in quite a while. Hope the next three continue in this vein.

  23. The team was all there with GREAT interaction and banter, everyone did a brilliant job and the actual case kept me interested, too! I found one of the most powerful things in this episode watching Becky take care of the UnSubs' child, and then asking about the boy at the end. Hotch was awesome, making sure the detective didn't lose his cool; JJ was brilliant (damn right no one's better than JJ!); Prentiss and Morgan were hilarious ;D; Reid was hilarious, brilliant, and brilliantly confused, poor guy, at the end there ;D; and Rossi and Garcia were hilarious and badass - I love Rossi's "none" to the tattoo artist asking to see the body, just the way he said it was priceless.


    Ah man, I feel like the last two episodes have finally set us back on track. Hopefully that continues 'til the end of the season and beyond! :D


    Ahem. I'm a little excited, ok?! :P

  24. I really enjoyed this episode. Good story. I especially loved all the little touches,Rossi calling Garcia "Kitten" very Spencer Tracey of him. The plane scene with Reid and Prentiss was great. I missed the banter and slight flirting that goes on. For some reason i thought JJ was going to annouce another pregnancy.

    really looking forward to the next three episodes.

  25. I would love to friend along with Emily on her sin to win weekend. I bet she is a hoot. Funny how Morgan did not know what that meant. LOL

  26. Great episode!!! I really missed that interaction between the characters!! It was about time!!!

    Hope the writers keep up with the interaction, because it makes the show great, and not boring.

    MGG.. great hair du!!

  27. It was witty, it was complex, it was compelling. Everything that drew me to this show in the beginning. I think this was one of the best episodes of the season, I really do. Perfect balance between the team and the case and GOD IT WAS NICE TO SEE SOME CAMARADERIE AGAIN! I kinda missed that. Just a little.

    Happy sigh. So, so glad to have my show back. Hat's off to Ed tonight. He deserves major props for turning out such a grade A episode.

  28. Excellent! Perfect! Amazing! That's the Criminal Minds I love so much! Congratulation to the whole cast, especially Ed Bernero who wrote this episode. Nice job, Mr Bernero. This was one of the best episodes in this season. Highly one of the best, of course not counting the "100". :)
    Wow! I still can't find words! Everybody was amazing! I LOVE YOU, CRIMINAL MINDS!!

    Greetings from Gabriella

  29. After reading all your comments I have to say I can't wait to see the episode tonight!

  30. The opening was phenomenal and the writing of this episode was superior. How do you cram so much excitiment and great acting in less than one hour? This is right up there with 100 and Mosely Lane for this season!

  31. I thought it was a great episode. Great interaction with the team and I loved the plane scene too. Story was intense, well done everyone!

    "Anonymous" said for some reason they thought JJ was going to announce another pregnancy... I thought that too a couple of times!

    Anyway last night was just another reason why I LOVE Criminal Minds.

    Excited about the remaining new episodes of the season.

    And THANK YOU to everyone involved with the show for such an incredible Season 5.

  32. Amazing! This was a really great episode, centering more on the psychological aspects and seeing the team piece things together. Spiced with a little humor between the team members and Reid was just as cute as can be (visually and personality). Well done everyone!

  33. thank God (well, actually the writers) that the team was back to their brilliant selves. I especially LOVED Reid last night as well as Dave calling Penelope 'kitten'... WONDERFUL!!!! JUST get them back to the way we love them only to take them away from us in 3 more episodes... sniffle.

  34. Reason why there is and should only be ONE, ONE, ONE, CM. Loved the humour, the cast interaction, Hotch just gets better and better, Pen fab as always, Rossi, dear sweet Rossi, Morgan and Em, fab, fab, fab, and JJ, alittle quiet, hope all ok. Prefered 'Rite of Passage' as a story but found the idea here intriging, roll on next week, and writers keep it up with our one and only team.

  35. I definitely loved the cast interaction on this episode. They were all on their game and it was fun to watch.
    The story was good but it seemed so anti-climactic. BUT I guess that is more realistic.

  36. This was obviously a great episode, because it was over sooo fast. I was enthralled by the direction, pacing and storyline that before I knew it, it was over. The ending seemed a little strange with the birth followed by the immediate death of the unsub. The team interaction was balanced; there was good humor (sin to win weekend and the card scene); and my favorite, Hotch, was in looking good and in command. I would love to see Hotch in one of the humorous scenes; and I would love to see more Hotch/Prentiss teaming. But I really don’t have much to complain about with this episode, it was excellent storytelling. Nice job, Ed. Hope the upcoming episodes are even more riveting.

  37. Top-notch episode, grabbed me from the beginning, definitely edge of the seat thriller stuff spiced with some lovely funny team moments.

    Excellent job on the writing, and overall delivery of the episode and our team was at their best, great work by all, loved it from beginning to end.

  38. I would love to have that red dress Prentiss wore at the beginning and I agree with everyone the banter between Emily/Morgan and Reid was hillariously funny. First 'sin to win weekend', then them making Reid read all those books and finally Emily beating Reid at poker! Too funny (also that they used peanuts and pretzels was a great idea).

    The case was okay, it really didn't grab my attention I enjoyed this eisode strictly on the character interactions. I was, however, surprised to find he had a partner and that partner was female, and that she was pregnant (although I guessed at the beginning that was the stressor, he got someone pregnant and wanted a better life for his child).

    At the end, did anyone else feel that Hotch was sort of speaking to/about himself when he explained that the child having being born in such terrible circumstances would be alright? Kinda like what Jack went through, he was so young that he would be alright? I just got that feeling from that conversation.

    Oh and I love how 'sin to win' was trending on twitter last night

  39. Super Duper episode. I love that it trended on twitter last night. How cool is that?!?!

  40. "Skin illustrator"? Are even tattoo artists getting pompous on us?

    This was good, if "Rite of Passage" was better. There was a nifty/creepy idea at the heart of it, that this SOB decided to stage a grand but cryptic exit once he realized he'd be caught soon, but Heavily Pregnant Nutso Girlfriend seemed unnecessary and almost underfoot of the plotline. Yeah, they get to make the point that the normal person, the victim, felt empathy for the unsubs' baby, while the screwed-up mother felt none, but the psychology is a bit confused. I know there was an academic explanation of the girlfriend seeking out the abusive circumstances she'd been conditioned to, but how then does she simultaneously have such antipathy toward men that she'd reject her baby for being male? More like she'd cling to him as the last token of the dysfunctional "love" of her boyfriend.

    And speaking of the victim, when it comes to the Snivelling Captive Sweepstakes, I think we have a winner. Your hands are free. Your legs are free. And you can't even take out a hugely pregnant woman? Hotch's line about Puddle of Goo being okay in the long run if she could survive something like this seemed to be more about him than her, because she was saved by an act of nature, not her own resourcefulness.

    I loved all the stuff with Rossi, though, including the offbeat scene with the overeager tattoo artist. Rossi carries his authority well and is practically indifferent to the guy's inappropriateness. Hotch's diplomatic skills were in full force again. He left the touchy detective all grati-flustered. I'm also happy to see that they haven't hit the reset button on Reid's newfound confidence, although maybe he should give up on games of strategy with his coworkers. The "sin to win" bit was kind of forced, though, as if they're giving Prentiss Tony DiNozzo's lines these days.

  41. The quality of this episode is much better with a writer who knows and is invested in the characters.
    It makes a BIG difference. I liked that they finally put in some interteam teasing that's been missing lately. Starting with the weekend being cancelled jokes, is that why Reid looked so scuzzy in the opening scene??? That's the first time I could see overgrown stubble, even more than the supposed three day growth he's suppose to have by the end of Revelations. Was it to signify that he was getting ready to veg out for the weekend and lay on the couch, reading a ton of technical books while munching on toffee popcorn? Of course, the writers still are treating him like he lives in a vacuum jar in the basement of the FBI building. No plans for the weekend!
    Reid gets to stare at a body instead of a board and disappears during the raid but at least he gets to say something about MGG's favorite, Ray Bradbury , read fast, and sit in a sweltering,smelly warehouse(psst, Reid, you could go outside to read,hon). But I guess his theory of not smelling anything after a few minutes really does work for him.
    Ed B. writes complicated unsubs who taunts (Masterpiece) and makes you think about their motives. I'm still wondering if the unsub's narcissism and need to grandstand was stronger than his desire to protect his partner and baby. Otherwise, he shouldn't have put out Becky's profile and clues out there for our intrepid team to decipher and kept his partner safe with their baby after she kills Becky.
    Ed also writes great team interaction. Sooooo, what is Emily doing for Sin to Win????
    How cute was it to have Reid go through all the cards after she won as if to statistically analyze the probability of each card showing up to make the full house upon 3 draws (or to check if she cheated). Little scenes like that really does a lot to enhance their quirkiness and endear fans even more. Cute that Rossi and Hotch kept their jackets on in sweltering heat and doesn't even break out in a sweat. Now that's two cool dudes!!!! :)
    So, a very enjoyable episode and kudos to all for a job well done!!

  42. Thank you so much Ed Bernero for getting the show back on track with last night's episode, "A Thousand Words". The ep had a good, strong script and the team character interaction was a joy to watch. The Unsubs were wonderfully weird, and the profiling done by the team was better than I've seen in a long time. I had really missed seeing the team shown as the smart profilers that they are, so it was so great to have this back along with a well-balanced storyline that had all the necessary ingredients.

  43. It was a nice episode, mostly because there was some cool character interaction (especially among Prentiss, Morgan and Reid). I liked the idea of the hidden tattoos as well.

  44. Such as a good episode I haven't even noticed when it finished. Love the Prentiss, Reid & Derek interaction . Still missing Garcia and would love to see some more of her and her boyfriend, at least MGG has more to say than two lines.

    I've also google The Illustrated Man :P

    Great writting!

  45. I was finally able to watch "A Thousand Words" and the only comment I can make hold in one word, EXCELLENT. In almost 50 min, there was all I like : an interesting story with a reference to the phenomenon of the tattoes, good feelings AND a back to great interactions between the teams members with a lot of humour/bitterness -> besides, for this part, we were spoiled with the trio Prentiss/Reid and Morgan! They were hilarous :-D
    (for once, it's Emily who led the dance to the detriment of both others, especially Morgan who was left a bit awkward and a lot frustrated!

    I just regret 2 things : 1) I regret we had to wait almost the end of the season to find again this complicity in the team and 2)still too much questions about our heroes (the 'sin to win weekend'& the card scene awakened the curiosity at the fans of Prentiss club (of which I am a member!).
    -> there is no denying, Emily ROCKS and I hope that we will have an episode focused on her character soon! :-D

    Again, THANKS to everybody (cast, writers and director who was Bernero himself, right?!. You really did a good job on this story!!! :-D

  46. Our show is back, thank you Ed. All the team were great and that made up for a kinda 'meh' case for me. Good banter and Hotch as cool as a cucumber. Awesomeness all round.

    My only gripe is the one I've had all the 2nd half of the season: we still have no continuity for Hotch on how he's coping with the past trauma. When Reid had his drug addiction we at least got a scene where he was getting help. Nadda for Hotch. Its like nothing happened. You did promise some backstory too, Ed...

  47. Fabulous to see CM back in rare form this week! Punchy storyline and lovely team dynamic :)

  48. Reid was gorgeous tonight. Emily was hilarious, Morgan was adorable and the rest of the team was at their best as well. The case was interesting and had a lot of profiling. We got a lot of team interaction and a plane scene as a bonus. The victim of the week reminded me a lot of the victim from Extreme Aggressor, which was a nice reminiscence. Admittedly I could have done without the unsub’s partner and the baby but I liked the actress a lot. Didn’t Morgan take the baby in Cradle to Grave as well? Do I sense a pattern here? I enjoyed this week’s episode tremendously. Well done, Ed & cast!

  49. Another great episode! Everything
    flowed together so smoothly and the cast did an outstanding job as usual. I had to stay glued to my tv, because i didn't want to miss a single thing. I am from the state of Minnesota, so i was happy to see an actor(he plays for the Green Bay Packers)from my neighboring state as one of the
    crime scene techs in this episode. Thanks for bringing us another
    awesome episode Ed and it's hard
    to believe that season five will be over in just a short few weeks. Where did the time go? Thanks again! Looking forward to next
    weeks awesome episode!


  50. Thank you Ed Bernero for this episode. It was a great one. Thank you for all the character moments (Hotch with the LEO), team moments (Emily and the boys) and especially for a such a simple and yet compelling case. I really like when they have to solve it in just one day. I usually like all the different scenarios and scenes and different teaming, but when the get to stay all together in just one place, well, the profiling is always more interesting.
    Great one!
    And I can't wait for the rest of this season.

