Friday, April 02, 2010


Criminal Minds: If you could find out just one thing.. Meaning favorite color ect... (no big story lines like backstory) about each of the characters before the end of the season what would it be?


  1. Fun question:

    From Hotch: what is his favorite team sport?

    Reid: if he was to practice a sport, what would it be?

    Prentiss: Her favorite clothes shop?

    JJ: what does she wish Henry will do when he grows up?

    Rossi: what city/country would he want to visit?

    Garcia: what is her favorite hacking tools?

    Morgan: what car does he drive?


  2. Fun question:

    From Hotch: Does he pick out his own ties?

    From Prentiss: When did she go to Georgetown?

    From JJ: Why did she name her son Henry?

    From Garcia: How many pairs of glasses does she own?

    From Reid: What's in the bag he's always carrying around?

    From Morgan: How's Clooney, what kind of dog is he, and who watches him while he's away?

    From Rossi: What kind of car does he drive?

  3. JJ-What's your worst pet peeve?

    Hotch-What do you do to relax and unwind after a case?

    Rossi-Was Strauss one of your.. lovers? LOL!

    Reid-What's your favorite story book ever?

    Prentiss-What's one country you'd like to visit?

    Garcia-Favorite comptuer game? xD

    Morgan-How often do you visit your family?

  4. MrsAaronHotchnerFriday, April 02, 2010

    Such a great question!!! XD

    Hotch; Who's his celebrity crush?

    Rossi; What's his fave alcoholic bev?

    Morgan; What's his fave movie?

    Reid; Does he prefer Star Trek or Star Wars?? LOL!!

    Prentiss; Bangs or no bangs??

    JJ; Where'd she pick the name 'Henry' from?

    Garcia; Chocolate or candy?

    There's actually so many things I wanna ask each but will restrict myself to one...and was so hard not to pick a backstory question!!

  5. Reid: What was your stack?

  6. Everybody: Birthday and hometown

  7. What a fun question is right!

    Reid: I want to know what is in his bag, too! and if he is still writing daily to his mom! Letters in there?
    Morgan: There have been interferences about his good luck with women: wouldn't it be fun to see one of his former GFs?
    Rossi: Same with him; would love to meet a former wife!
    Prentiss: She claims to be a nerd but wants a date. Would love to see what kind of guy she would go for.
    JJ: Why did we just learn this season her sister committed suicide? Seems like this should have been in her background ck, nec to work for the feds. Curious.
    Garcia: The glasses thing would be fun to know but would like to see her working with one of her "victims of violence" groups where she could better showcase her empathy as the other two women get ample ops to do.
    That leaves Hotch: more about his brother: meet his mother? remember how his dad died early of cancer - would be neat to know more of his younger years and see what led to his career choice.

    I'm sure you guys will continue to come up with good ones and wouldn't it be cool if there were time for them to squeeze some answers into the last few epis?

  8. i wish to know if jj and will ever got married like mentioned in lo-fi

  9. Favorite animal and icecream flavor for each of them :).

  10. I would actually love to know what each character does on a 'typical'(rare) day off - I think that would lots of insight into their personalities!

  11. Prentiss : Guys, girls or both ?

  12. Hotch - explain the damn timeline, seriously; swat, prosecutor, security detail, negotiations, head of seattle field, BAU?????

    JJ- College; Pittsburgh or Georgetown?

    Garcia - where are her brothers?

    Morgan - Whats up with him questioning JJ when she brings a case?

    Rossi - Gideon or Ryan?

    Prentiss - College; Yale or Georgetown?

    Reid - Has he seen Twilight yet?

  13. reid: what is his favorite food

    hotch: what is the most nonsense thing that he owns

    prentiss: what are her favorite shoes

    jj: what favorite childrengame?

    garcia: what is her favorite color for socks?

    morgan: what happend to the dog?

    rossi: does he like icecream?

  14. I'll have to go with how they all spend their time off!

  15. What is their favourite food.......just curious

  16. HMM...What to ask?
    Hotch: Is your mother still living?

    Morgan: do you sleep in the nude?

    JJ: Are you going to marry Will?

    Prentiss: If you didn't work with him, would you date Reid?

    Garcia: Where are your four brothers?

    Rossi: would you marry again?

    Reid: Are you a virgin?

  17. Those last questions from "Anonymous" #16: they are great! Would love to lear the answers to any of these!

  18. I think my question for all of them would be what is their favorite thing to do outside of work with the little bit of time off they get.

  19. Hotch: What does he do to relax?

    JJ: If Henry had been a girl what would he'd be called?

    Prentiss: Has she dated anyone since season 2?

    Reid: What's his favourite si-fi movie/TV show?

    Garcia: What's her favoutire online game?

    Morgan: What was his first pet?

    Rossi: What's his pet peeve?

  20. Every1 : Whats the one thing that keeps them goin ?

  21. I would really like to know more about their personal lives. Do they even have one? I would especially like to know about Reid. There was a hint of a romantic interest some episodes a while back, but nothing since.

  22. Reid: what does his place looks like or, does he find the need to buy all the books he reads or he actually prefer libraries?

    The rest (including Reid): morning and night habits.


  23. As some of the others above I'd love to know what the team do when they are not working ..

    Hotch - would love to know what he does for fun with Jack

    JJ - is Will still a stay home Dad, when do they plan to marry

    Morgan - is Clooney still around

    Reid - does he play any team/physical sport?

    Emily - does she still have dates with her hot tub or is there a guy out there

    Garcia - how many pairs of glasses does she own, what’s her favourite colour

    Rossi - would he go back to writing and quit the BAU

  24. For everyone:

    What do their homes look like?

    What do they do on a day off?

  25. Emily - any photos from her past in foreign countries?

    Reid - does he have a star trek collection (from toys to especial DVD's editions) ?

    Morgan - would he try a serious relation with Emily?

    JJ - is she still affraid from german shepards?

    Garcia - what do her brothers do for living?

    Hotch - did he keep his promisse and showed his son that he is not as serious as he looks?

    (CMFan from PT) =D

  26. Hotch - When are you hooking up with Prentiss? Has he ever done something rebellious??

    Prentiss - When are you hooking up with Hotch? Stories about her rebellious past!

    Reid - Is he still a virgin? and who did he loose it too lol

    Morgan - Tell me more about his geeky side!

    Pen - What does she see in her furture!

    Rossi - What did he do before the BAU

    JJ - did she have a rebelious side??

  27. Hotch: What the full story with his dad.

    Prentiss: Just everything there is to know about her =) Bad things she has done. lol

    JJ: What would she like to see Henery do when he get's older?

    Morgan: What happened to Tamara?

    Rossi: Do you think you'll ever find love again?

    Reid: Any love intrest?

    Pen: Do we see you kicking some butt in the future?? outside of the batcave?

  28. From Hotch: Does he ever wear informal clothes ?
    From Rossi: What does he think of the team now?
    From Emily: Does she still like goth style?

    From Reid: His zodiac sign. Does he prefer dumb blondes or good intelligent girls?

    From Morgan: Does he want to get married someday?

    From JJ: What's Will current job? Is he just staying at home?

    From Garcia: Would she drop Kevin if Derek gave her a chance?

  29. Prentiss-any more nosebleeds??
    Rossi-what's the name of your bird dog?
    Hotch-will you date again?
    Reid-are you actually homeless???
    Morgan-met the right girl yet??
    Garcia- did you ever go back to school after dropping out of CalTech??
    JJ-how did you get such great babysitting help??

  30. What type of cars do they all drive?

  31. babruin: I can answer the one for Rossi: in 3x06 (About Face), you hear him call the dog "Mudgie" or some spelling variation of that.

    I'd love to know what all of them see as their "ideal" living situation in ten years (i.e. where they want to live, house, married or not, kids or not, pets, job, etc).
