Criminal Minds: Fans of Hollywood movies and TV shows often complain they are snubbed by stars when seeking autographs at filming locations.
But Frazier Park residents Sierra Kerr, 12 and Rhiannon White, 11, along with a gaggle of fans from as far away as Bakersfield, found a very different attitude when CBS’ Criminal Minds came to town last week.
Sierra reports: “We were standing across the street [from Alpine Plaza] on Monday and the show’s director came to us and said ‘Do you want to come over and watch?’”
The two girls say they have launched the Matthew Gubler Girls Frazier Park Fan Club. Gubler plays the pistol-packing Dr. Spencer Reid and is the girls’ favorite star in the show, and apparently Gubler takes fanclubs as seriously as the fans do—he took time to sign the girls’ shirts, jackets, hats, shoes and even arms.
Rest here: http://mountainenterprise.com/atf.php?sid=6732¤t_edition=2010-04-09