"QUIXOTE STUDIOS–Howard Griffith is, for lack of a better term, a man’s man. No nonsense. No fuss. Long-sleeved, flannel shirt. White, peppered beard. A calm manner and deep voice (with just the tiniest hint that he’s from the South). He is, indeed, a born and raised Texan–one who used to bull-ride (no joke), likes football and served in Vietnam. Sometime after getting back from ‘Nam, the man accidentally found himself on a film crew, fell in love with the business and never looked back. That…was thirty-something years ago. Now, he’s in LA; the Co-Producer of the Emmy-nominated show Criminal Minds. And I’m about to bother him with question after question"
You can read more at http://www.smashboxstudios.com/yello/?p=7530