Friday, January 29, 2010


Criminal Minds: Chris Mundy, pictured above on the set of Criminal Minds, is the writer of the spin-off. What do you think about Criminal Minds having a spin-off?


  1. Until I see an episode, I really can't judge it but normally I'm not a huge spin off fan. Guess I'll have to wait and see, maybe I'll be surprised!

  2. I don't think a good idea, but coming from you I believe that the spin-off is as good as Criminal Minds.

  3. I'm torn. I'm a big CM fan so of course I'll watch it to see how it goes but it's not just the story itself that makes me watch, it's the specific BAU team that keeps me coming back. I've grown very attached to the characters and I don't know how easy it will be to create a spin-off that is as successful. Will people be able to care as much about the new team as the original team?

    On the other hand, if anyone can pull it off it's the people behind CM, all of whom rock. I'll definitely at least give it a shot with an open mind!

  4. i think it's bad idea

  5. Love it all the good shows have done spin-offs and if done correctly could be another hit just like CM.

  6. I have missed feelings. I am hoping that the new show won't take everyone's focus away from Criminal Minds. CBS barely promotes CM now and if there is a second show then they may split their ads between both of them.

  7. I think it depends on how they cast it. CM was perfectly cast.

  8. I'm not too sure how I feel about a spin-off, yet. I've become so attached to the wonderful cast, crew, and storylines of the original Criminal Minds, that I feel nothing can compare! Why mess with perfection, lol!?

    However,spin-offs do seem to be a popular trend...Law & Order and CSI spin-offs have been very sucessful, so i guess we'll have to wait & see...

  9. I don't care about the spin off. I watch Criminal Minds because I love Thomas Gibson on TV !!

  10. I'm taking a wait and see attitude about it. I want to see who they cast and what night and time it is aired.

  11. It's cool that Mundy is doing the episode which spins it but who is writing for the new show when it separates from CM? That is going to have a lot to do with whether it will be any good. I love CSI but I dislike both its spins.

  12. No spin off! CBS already treats CM like crap, let's not give them another reason to ignore the originals.

  13. I have no objections to a spin off, it doesn't take anything away from the original and perhaps the actors and episodes from the spinoff will attract others to the whole concept of Criminal Minds.

    If the writers and cast can come up with their own chemistry, it should be a good show.

    I will certainly give it a chance.


  14. I don't think it's a good idea. From what I understand the team is the only BAU team so it would seem weird. But if there is a good cast and the writing is as good as the original, then it could be great.

  15. It maybe good because most of the CBS spin offs are good e.g CSI and NCIS, but I don't know how well it will fair on the market.

  16. I think its an awful idea...stick with what's working great. In my mind, it just seems like it would be taking something away from CM. It is such a unique show, and I don't want anything like it.

  17. I'm not all that excited. I love this show for the rare qualities it possesses...the wonderful storytelling, the interesting way the show delves into the mind of the killer, etc...but mainly because this cast has the best chemistry of any ensemble on TV. I think any attempt to duplicate it is a bad idea and may not only hurt the spin off but the original series as well.

  18. It just depends on how different it is from CM and who is in the cast. Doubt they could write another great character like Spencer Reid.

  19. So last summer CM loses a number of writers and rumor of an actor too. Lack of money is claimed. Now all of a sudden there is money for a spin-off? Give the magical $ to the current show that has given its fans so many great episodes. Surely the likes of TG et al have earned it?!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I will watch episode 5.19 because it is the [b] Genuine [/b] Criminal Minds. I will watch it because I watch CM every week and WON’T stop showing my support to the [b] Genuine [/b] team because a "flake" team will be there.

    It’s sad that CM get that kind of treatment from CBS. The cast has spoken their concerns about that show so I’m sure it is not to be taken lightly.

    I also dislike the idea that, for the spin-off, they use Criminal Minds to define it. We saw it with NCIS when they created the spin-off and called it NCIS LA. The CSI spin offs had also their own identity.

    We hear complaints from CBS that they have to cut budgets. Please! If they want to cut in their budget then start by NOT creating new show based on shows that already work and put the money that they are going to pay Mr. Whitaker, because I’m sure the guy doesn’t come cheap, on the Genuine show that his already a masterpiece.

    My heart belong to the Genuine Criminal Minds and the cast has my unconditional support.

  22. I highly doubt that CBS will be able to create as great crew and show as original CM is. Although, I'll watch the spin off only to compare, but still.

    BTW., I'm from Poland and I don't really know what's up with CBS treating CM so not well? Could someone explain me this?

  23. I'm kinda iffy about it. I would like the full attention on the cast and crew of Criminal Minds.

  24. Okay, so with everything I have read about the spin-off so far, I can honestly say that I am not very thrilled about this idea.

    To quote Reid's Mom: "Why mess with perfection?"

    I mean, from a producer's point of view it may be a lucrative idea, and I can understand that it's a great chance for a writer/producer to create a new show, but from where I stand as a viewer, it looks just like their taking all the money and put it into a spin-off, and in the end there won't be enough for the original anymore.

    I have to admit that I have no idea how the TV/movie business works, especially not in the US as I am German, but it doesn't exactly leave a good impression with me that you have to cut the budget of CM, fire a few of the best writers because of that (+ threaten to get rid of one member of the main cast as well!) and some time later there's suddenly enough money again to create a whole new show and to sign an Academy Award winning actor, who alone won't probably come cheap.
    I can only hope that it does not happen at the expense of the original, although I highly doubt it.

    Of course I will watch the backdoor-pilot episode of the spin-off, as it is part of original's fifth season, but I'm not sure if I will tune in after that, unless they make it totally different from the original.

    Because that's the second problem: What do we need a second BAU team for? I mean, we see how the BAU works when we watch the original, so what's the point in showing it in a second show? I will revise my opinion if the spin-off turns out to be different, but so far, I can't see that.

    All in all, it takes definitely more than Forest Whitaker - whom I highly respect and admire as an actor, by the way - to convince me of watching a CM spin-off.

  25. I know next to nothing about the spin-off but is it time for a west-coast BAU? Will any of our beloved CM cast be moving to the new show? Hope not, esp if it fails. I would watch it to try it, not instead of but in addition to and hope that it is more of a good thing not going to take away from the stellar CM. I'm with Theresa for the most part - why mess with perfection? Didn't Reid's mom say so and we all know how smart she is...:)

    And Karolina, we don't know and can't figure out why this wonderful show has not already gotten more kudos if not an emmy, so don't feel you are an outseider here. It's certainly for us fanatics for lack of trying - we communicate regularly!

    I'm on the fence with my feelings but will watch to give it a chance based on the reputation of Mundy and CM staff in general. F. Whittaker is a WONDEFUL actor also. Hopefully he is ontop something he knows it good.

    I would not want it to be anything like Grey's and Private Practice; IMHO, an OK show went downhill and then they start a spinoff and now both old and new STINK and are downright insulting they are so riduculous. Just my opinion, no offense to any Grey's fans out there...

  26. I can't wait to see the spin off!!! it's bound to be amazing!

  27. Meh. I'd rather they just focus on the original show. I know the only thing the network cares about is ratings and resulting revenue, but CM is one of the only two shows on TV that I genuinely give a damn about. I don't want the creative effort that goes into it to be diluted because they're busy trying to build another show.

  28. I do not really care for a CM spin off. I love the actual CM for its wonderful stories that make you think and even get you inside a twisted mind but mostly I love CM because of its wonderful character and the amazing cast behind them. I believe CM does not get enough promotion and this may even get worse if they have to promote a new CM...I will watch the episode of CM that introduces the new show and decide if the characters appeal to me then if not then I will not give it a second chance.

  29. No, I don't want a CM spin-off! Ed and Chris shouldn't even be thinking about a spin-off, why are they doing this to the cast,crew & fans of CM. Ed and Chris focus should be soley on CM and northing else, try fighting for more production and pay money than a spin-off.

  30. No,No, No spin-off! Destroy my show, I'll boycott CBS!!!

  31. @ Anonymous said "No,No, No spin-off! Destroy my show, I'll boycott CBS!!!"

    Believe me, you're not gonna be alone at this. If the spin off costs CM the writers, budget and attention in CBS it's definitely not going to end well. Especially for this, who don't appreciate fanatics of CM [and, recently, the Reid's mother words] :)

  32. Hmm, wow did they really cut some writers? Who did they cut?? And they were going to cut a main character too? Geez, knowing that - how can CBS then turn around and say they have money to hire an award-winning actor like Forest? Hmm... Why does CBS not promote CM more? It has done so well for them, even beating out LOST and such. I don't get it.

    I don't like spin-offs in general. I can see why spin-offs appeal to Execs. They are lower risk than a brand new idea and can pull in some of the audience of the original. However, I think that spin-offs are lazy, unimaginative, greedy, and disrespectful to their current employees who made the original show such a success that the plausibility of a spin-off is even viable in the first place.

    Anonymous: I'm with you. If the spin-off does hurt the original show, I'll join your boycott. I participated in the TLC boycott to make the Gosselin show ratings tank and get it pulled off the air eventually. And with the Conan vs. NBC thing, I think that the viewers are letting networks know there is power to the people!! LOL. Especially when the internet and social networking can make it possible for fans to unite for a specific purpose/goal.

  33. I think it's a really bad idea, but unfortunately a large majority of the American viewing audience has proven time after time that they'll tune into just about anything as long as it doesn't require they possess too many active brain cells so feeding them a cheesy spin-off will probably be very successful. I hate spin-offs and won't be tuning in.

  34. Admittedly, I’m not too thrilled by the spoilers for the spin-off I’ve read so far, but I’m going to give it a try, watch it and see if I like it. I want to form an unbiased opinion, and I consider myself perfectly capable of liking more than one show. I might or might not become an invested fan of the spin-off, but becoming a regular or at least casual viewer seems pretty likely for me (there are few crime procedurals I don’t like at least a little bit once I’ve started watching them, since this is my favorite genre).

    Even if I end up not liking the spin-off at all, I wish it good luck nevertheless, because I believe it would hurt the original more if the spin-off isn’t successful - both financially by having to carry the financial loss of a failed investment and also publicity-wise by being the one show whose spin-off failed.

    I also see it as a positive sign, that Criminal Minds is considered to be powerful enough to become a product-line rather than a single product. That makes CM more of an equal to the CSI and NCIS families.

    The CM spin-off will start airing on its own when the original CM is in its 6th season. As I don’t believe the spin-off will be really strong before its 3rd season, the original will be in its 8th year by then and probably already starting to show signs of decay. I don’t see the spin-off as too much of a threat to the original, it might even prolong the lifetime of the original. In my opinion it is less likely that Criminal Minds will be cancelled any time soon once there is a decently successful spin-off out there.

    So, all in all, I’m positive towards the spin-off, even if I’m a bit skeptical about how much I will like it.

  35. I'm skeptical as are some others, simply because a bad or failed spinoff could reflect badly on the original in certain ways. However, I am completely willing to give the new spinoff a fair chance. I just hope it's not named "Criminal Minds: [insert city, state, and/or name here]."

  36. I don't understand how you can cut the Budget for this Show, get rid of five amazing writers and then on top of that - there was talk last summer that we might lose someone from the cast, Then Suddenly you have the money to do a Spin off and Possible Hire someone like Forest Whitaker, who we all know will not come Cheap. Please Explain this to Me because I don't get it.

    What will it take for this Show, it cast and it's crew to get the respect that they so richly deserve. When are you CBS Going to Promote this Show. If you what my Opinion on the matter. I think the money you are spending to start this spin off would be better spent promoting the show you all ready have.. Maybe you could Hire Back the Writers you felt you had to let go of because you had to cut back..

  37. Veto the spin off!

    I personally think it is the death nail in the coffin for CM. The spin off will start when CM starts its sixth season and the older a show gets the harder it is to keep it fresh.

    Robbing the show of whatever good writers it has left to work on the spin off isn't going to help CM stay top notch.

  38. Forest Whitaker is a great actor but he is used to making movies. I just don't see him having much of a draw for tv fans.

    I totally agree with what has been said about the writers. They fired five awesome writers due to budget costs so where the hell is the money coming from for this new show. Get Andrew Wilder back and I will consider giving the new show a try.

  39. Not going to even watch it.

  40. I watch a few epis but it is hard to imagine that CM is that easily duplicated.

  41. I think it's a huge mistake and is going to effect CM's ratings.......right now it is a unique show which is why it consistently does so well, with a spin off, it will detract from the's like CSI, it's now become a standing joke, like there is one in every city.........I am so sad to see them going down this road and I cannot believe for one second that any of the cast members are happy with this decision............Martina

  42. I'm saying no to the spin-off. I just think this will take something away from the show. Chris Mundy is a great writer and CM already lost writers last year. Now CM is going to lose another one?
    CM has an amazing cast. This group of people and what they bring to the table every week will never be duplicated by another show. It just feels like this spin-off is riding on the backs of what the CM cast has already done, in my opinion.
    If it isn't broke, why try to fix it?

  43. As CM is a CBS/ABC production I dislike the idea of a spinoff that is solely CBS... In my humble fan opinion I have the slightest idea it will compromise CM. CM takes a huge budget cut while the spinoff gets an oscor winner on the show. No that comes cheap.

    Attract big stars for the spinoff whole the current cast is soooo underrated. If CM wouldn't have had budgetcuts and wouldn't be compromised I'd have the spinoff with arms wide open! I'd do the same as I did with CSI (CSI and CSI: Miami both bored me after 3 seasons though. and NY never got me) Just see if I'd like the show ad treat it like a totally new one instead of a spinoff. But there the original and later CSI: Miami weren't compromised...

    'Nough said!

  44. well, i can not judge until i have seen it. but as some other people mentioned i am also not a big fan of spin offs.

  45. The whole idea has left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. Spin-offs are generally a bad idea, in my opinion, and particularly so in this case. CM, although it has been called a regular crime drama/procedural by some media elements, is anything but. It is a unique constellation of concepts, writing, and characters with a wonderful chemistry. I agree with others' reservations about studio involvement, the gross lack of recognition for the CM cast and the show as a whole, and the possibility of a similar show with perhaps a bigger budget and 'bigger names' signalling a move to edge out the older CM. I've heard 'reassurances' that the new show is supposed to be distinct from CM, but then why use CM as a vehicle to start it all off in the first place? A final, and perhaps on a separate note - much as I love Forest Whittaker, I sometimes feel that 'big name' actors who have worked primarily in the movie industry all seem to be clamoring for their own personal piece of TV-land now, because it's the place to be, whereas a few years ago, they'd be turning their noses up at the mere notion of doing so. I have to say, that kind of sickens me, as does the frantic willingness of TPTB to do their bidding. I know it all ultimately boils down to $$, but it's a shame...


  46. I do not feel there really is a need for a spin off. I'm also afraid that it might take away some of the money used on the real one to make the second one successful. And it might also not do the first one justice.

    But I will wait and see

  47. Give Thomas Gibson the same star treatment as Whitaker because he's earned it; and give the original cast and the show better promotion, then I will be able to accept the spin-off. Right now, it feels like the original show is being used to spinoff the crown jewel and the Criminal Minds we have come to love will become the stepchild.

  48. Like many, I have to see it first. I'm also a huge CSI fan and the two spin offs did remarkably well. NCIS LA is doing well, so we shall see. I am interested to see FW as the lead. He was a good bad guy in The Shield. LF is doing well in CSI. The writing is going to have to be off the chain and I mean off the chain to grab this media educated audience.

  49. I am not a big fan of spin-offs. I still like the original Law and Order and CSI better than the newer ones. I had never watched NCIS but my daughter said the NCIS LA was great so I tried it and couldn't stay interested so I finally tried the original and now watch it. I worry about CBS with the original CM. They do not publicise it enough as is, what will they do with the new one. They will have a lot more invested in the spin-off since it is all theirs. I will watch the spin-off show since it is CM but do not plan to watch the actual spin-off.

  50. Not so much. I think it's typical Hollywood greed and NOT a good idea. Concentrate on keeping the best writing for the original show. Don't dilute it!

  51. I am not feeling the love for a spin-off and agree with what Sonja/Blue Curl said - if the spin-off is solely owned by CBS, it will be getting all the love that CM currently does NOT get from CBS.

    But, we will just have to wait and see what happens. Just because a spin-off has been planned doesn't mean it will actually happen. What if the episode to introduce us to the spin-off cast tanks. Then what?

  52. After reading the characters description and how this team of profilers will work outside the BAU and FBI bureaucracy, I can safely say that I am not impress at all.

    I thought and many others did too, that there was just one BAU? Now they have more?

    All the characters for that show sound like cliché and bad one at that. How can an ex gangbanger be part of this team? And that ex British mercenary, ex British special force can be on that team too? Ah yes I forgot, it is base outside the FBI bureaucracy, I guess as such they can hire ex-gangbanger and mercenary too. And to think Strauss got problems with how Hotchner runs the BAU...

    I HATE that CBS is putting so much money on this show and barely acknowledge CM and let’s not talk about their lack of promotion for CM. If we are lucky, we get a 15 seconds promo once in a while. Last year CBS wanted to get rid of a cast member to save money and they did fire 5 writers to save money and they keep cutting the budget, lucky for them that donkey of a show still go on and on despite all this. But now they have lots of money to get an Oscar winning actor? Great. I would much rather prefer they would spend money on the show they already have. Give all the actors on CM a well deserve raise after all they are the best ensemble cast on TV. Keep the writers we have, wish we had keep Andrew Wilder, those writers do a great job. Last promote the damn thing!

    No, sorry CBS, Ed and Chris, I will not watch that show beyond the episode that will introduce that show on CM.


  53. I totally agree with what Brigitte said.

    It feels like they're using Criminal Minds great success to launch a new show... it happened with NCIS this fall and although I love NCIS, I've never watched the spin-off and never will.

    It will be the same for the CM spin-off. I will not watch it. Ever. Why do people spend so much money on creating spin-offs when they could improve the show that already exists (although CM doesn't need any improving, it's just perfect !).

    I've grown attached to every single character of Criminal Minds, and it's the very first time I like everyone on a TV show. When I thought Gideon was irreplaceable, Rossi arrived and won over my heart so now, I would not be able to stand another departure because despite the fact that Rossi's one of the best characters ever, I miss Gideon. And that's what's interesting about CM, it's not only it's plot, but also it's characters. So I cannot imagine another team in another show. Something's wrong with that.

    Let's hope they will not neglect Criminal Minds once the show is on and put more efforts into developping it rather than CM.

    Criminal Minds has been better and better since it's beginning, I truly hope it will get even better and that we will get to see many, many seasons in the future.

  54. I'm going to wait and see about it. I've never followed a Spin off from another show but who knows.

    I just hope that the Spin off won't take away from Crimial Minds.

  55. I don't see it lasting too long. I am not going to bother with it. I like CM like it is and don't care to watch a clone that drains resources from CM.

  56. I'm not a big tv watcher. I just happened upon CM one evening during season 4 and the characters of Reid, Prentiss and Rossi caught my attention. I loved them pretty much from first viewing. Soon after I learned to love J.J, Garcia, Morgan and Hotch. After seeing season one, I quickly learned to love Elle as well. Not at all a fan of Gideon. Not a fan of spin offs either but if it has awesome characters like CM has (with the exception of Gideon) then I'm more than willing to give it a shot.

  57. I don't really share the concerns that others seem to have about a spin-off costing the original.

    For one thing, CBS has a really good track record with spin-offs of crime dramas. CSI may be the butt of many jokes, but NY and Miami dominate their timeslots in the ratings and the original competes very successfully with Grey's Anatomy. And by most accounts, the original CSI got better in the seasons after Miami and New York cropped up. NCIS, remember, was a spin-off of JAG long before it got its own spinoff.

    In fact, CBS has a good track record with crime dramas in general. they come up with good casts, good concepts, good story lines. and none of them ever sound very good when you read the character descriptions. I think a CM spinoff is as likely to be as good as any of the crime dramas CBS introduces, and I think all of them are good.

    My biggest concern would be story lines. There are only so many ways to present a serial killer, and sometimes Criminal Minds already seems a little repetive (though not as formulaic as CSI can get).

    As long as the show stands on its own feet, it will probably be pretty good, and in a couple or three seasons, it will come into its own. If it is fortunate enough to last as long as the CSI trio, the shows will evolve into their own personalities.

    I know there is a west coast BAU irl, but I hope that's not where the producers go. I wouldn't mind seeing it have more of a national security focus-- terrorist investigations, or the child abduction response team or whatever it's called.

    will it be as good as the original? Who knows. Some people won't like it because it's a spinoff; some won't like it because they'll forever compare it to the original. I'll watch it and see if it catches my attention. Whether or not it does won't have much to do with the original for me.

  58. Boo! No spinoff!

  59. I think it is strange. CBS doesn't seem to value CM but they want to do a spin-off? I don't get it. How about lovin' the one you're with, CBS?

    As for the spin-off - I'm cautious. I am going to be loyal to CM as long as I'm breathing. It's the best show on TV. IF the spin-off is of the same quality - and depending on stars, day/time shown - I will give it a try. But CM is always going to be #1 to me. Why?
    1) Excellent writing/plots
    2) Perfect cast
    3) All the technical stuff - direction, editing, make-up, sets, costumes, music, etc. is exactly right.

    It all comes together seamlessly to bring me into their world for an hour.

    CM is a rare breed - if CBS can do it again, I'll give it a try but it will never replace CM for me.

  60. A show of Criminal Minds caliber, doesn't need a spinoff
    How can you improve on perfection? although Forrest Whitaker is one of my favorite actors, my biggest fear is that if the spinoff doesn't do well, they will cross cast.....wouldn't like that one bit, although I think the possibility of that is minimal

  61. I love the characters in CM and I loved and I am loving every episode of it and if anyone can pull off a spin-off it is totally the CM crew! The only thing I am worried about is if you can get the characters to live up to the original characters, but other tan that, I am totally behind it!

  62. If the first episode fails then how will it effect CM? Thats what you have to ask yourself because if it does it could really effect the original.

  63. I agree with Debbie!

  64. I'm open for spin-offs. Worked with NCIS for me... :-)
    Will watch the first epis and decide whether I like it or not.
    CU sindee

  65. I'm torn. I'm sure it will be a good show, but I'm not sure I want to watch it. I watch CM because of the team and the actors, TG in particular, and the spin-off would have to be very (!) good to capture my interest like the original. It didn't work with NCIS for me, so I'll just wait and see.

  66. My understanding is it isn't even a BAU team, right?

    At any rate, I'll give it a chance just to support those from Cm who are working on it. CM is the only show I record if I am not home though... and I dont' foresee that changing.

  67. While this spinoff may involve another BAU team,
    I doubt it is going to be a carbon copy of the original show.
    Lets wait and see.

  68. No, No, No, No, why oh why do the execs feel this is nessesary. This programme is the most unique piece of tv I have ever seen, the cast are the most wonderful ensemble on screen who are already treated like 4th class citizens and yet still give 100%, I see that HBO are apparently jumping on the band wagon also- I have never felt so strongly about anything to do with a tv programme before and I am annoyed and hurt that the wonderful actors of CM are being treated like this. It would not be so bad if the execs and production companies would at least show some sort of courtesy to the actors and ardent fans by showing that they are behind the orgiginal (for what thats worth!) and give some sort of assurances that CM original will not suffer - I like Forrest Whitaker but as others have said I think it is a slap in the face to the actors in the original especially the likes of TG who stook it out when MP took off - I for one will remain 100000% loyal to original cast. Sorry to rant but I am really worried.

  69. I'd have to have more information on it. Like, what's it going to focus on? it's not like they can just do another city spinoff, since the bau travels all over the country. but, i think i'd have to see the spinoff myself and then i can be the judge

  70. I don't want there to be a spin-off...Criminal Minds is perfect as is.

  71. I know it's just to make more money but...why would they do a spinoff?!? The team and the show and the EVERYTHING is perfect. Part of what's perfect is the community of CriMi fans. And making it into a big franchise like CSI would ruin that. Love this show. Don't want it ruined.

  72. No spin-off!! I'm praying a competitor network to Buy the rights to CM. At least finally the show will get the respect it deserves.

  73. Honestly I'm torn. On the one hand I love the original CM so much that it seems a spin-off would never match it and since most of my investment in CM is for the characters and actors it would have to have awesome characters and actors. On the other side of the fence Chris Mundy has always written awesome episodes and characters in CM so he could definitely pull it off again. So i would have to actually see it before making any judgements on one side or the other.

  74. I just afraid that if they put movie star in the cast, that more promotion will be give to the new show. the critic were very critical to this show and to some of it actors too. CM used tv stars, if CM 2.0 uses movie star, the critic will compare the actors and I don't want that to happen and hurt these hard working actors now.

  75. I know this is a bad thought but I was feeling like they want to take a good idea and switch it out with "other" actors. Like high profiled actors. I know a bad thought.

  76. The cast now is flawless. It is the one show in which I truly enjoy every single character and their development.

    A new one might be good - only time will tell. But, my heart will still be with the original.

  77. The only way I would give it a chance is if it helps out the real CM more. If it brings even more fans than that is cool. However, if it takes away the behind the scenes staff of the original than no way. And they better not mess wit the cast of the real one. That would make me really pissed. CM is the greatest show on television and if they think this new one will be better than they are crazy. Nothing can top it.

  78. No spinoff!
    Criminal minds should get more recognition for it's awesomeness!
    Criminal minds should be more popular but not If the spinoff comes in and runs the show over. And what if the spinoff does bad? Ask yourself that. What would that do to our beloved show?
    No, no, personally I hope the spinoff doesn't
    pick up, but criminal minds gets more public. The show and everyone working on it deserve that.

  79. I am not on board with the idea of a spin-off for CM. I too worry about it taking away stories and network promotion from a show that I truly love. CBS should invest their dollars in a show that has proven time and time again that it can withstand anything. No matter what show it is up against, it pulls in huge numbers and beats everyone except the juggernaut that is AI.

    Lose an actor the calibur of Mandy Patinkin, no problem - ratings go even higher. Get rid of 5 writers (including someone as talented as Andrew Wilder), strongest season yet. The show just keeps getting better and better. Give this cast a raise, lock in their contracts CBS, you have a proven winner here. Thomas, Paget, AJ, Matthew, Kirsten, Shemar, and Joe all deserve that.

    Ah, but you have to share with ABC dont' you. That is the biggest problem. Spin-off the original and make the new version your own. Okay but don't expect true CM fans to just follow blindly. It has to be good, it has to make sense, and, most importantly, it can't destroy our favorite original. Don't take away more of our writers, don't take away our stories and don't touch our team.

    So far, it doesn't sound good. The descriptions of the characters sound like something out of the A-Team and not the intelligent, heady members of our beloved BAU team. An rouge agent, an ex-mercenary, an ex-con? How can we believe these people would solve crimes using their brains and not their brawn?

    Unless this is just a launching pad for a show that is more Mission Impossible than Criminal Minds, I really can't see me getting on board with this.

  80. Horrible idea...just like the CSI's. It totally ruined the show. No spin-off will EVER be as good as the original.

  81. Sorry guys, as much as I love CM I just don't like the idea of a spin-off. It just gets old, L&O spin-offs, CSI spin-offs ... They just never live up to the original and tend to water down the idea. Can't you come up with something original instead? Common guys, you have been so creative. I have faith in you ;). CM is so awesome, please don't clone it. Also, I don't think an overload of psychopathic/sociopathic serial killers is a good idea. Especially since they (fortunately) are very rare.
    Thank you.

  82. I'm really not in favor of this spin-off.

    Even if the cast of Criminal Minds won't suffer, and even if Ed. Bernero tells us that it won't disrupt the original show, spin-offs always tend to take materials away from the original product : writers, time, plot ideas...

    It's a tradition with CBS : when a show works try to duplicate it as much as possible to make more money.

    It would be wiser to concentrate on the original product to ensure it keeps its quality.

  83. I´m not a great TV watcher. So i have no clue about spin off shows. From what l´m watching there are no spin off shows! So this will be the first. I’m going to give it a try ( specially because of the writer ), watch it and then i will see if I like it.

    Nothing is better then our CM.

  84. I've tried other spin offs and they're always missing the special something of the original. I'm also sick of shows based around detectives, murderers, etc and CM is the only one I still watch. The spin off would have to pretty exceptional for me to watch it.

  85. I don't think it's the best idea...I think that the characters of the show make it great, not necessarily the story itself. I'll be interested to see how it turns out!

  86. Not too excited about the spinoff. CM is my favorite show right now and I think that it's perfect the way it is now. I'm afraid the spinoff might take something away from CM.

  87. Well, I'm not sure about the spin-out, but I don't think it's a good idea.

  88. After seeing last night's episode, if this is what we can expect when quality writers are fired and then others distracted by a spin-off, then please can this idea as soon as possible.

  89. I agree with gubegirl why mess with perfection? from my perspective spin offs have never caught much of my attention, they have always been mediocre in comparison to the original shows … my only hope is that the spin off doesn’t impact this wonderful show.

    The Criminal Minds team have done an amazing job to date to bring us an outstanding show (not without sacrifice with the loss of writers etc.), this is the absolute best there is, the best show on TV & I hope they don’t have to suffer or sacrifice what all their hard work has built over the past five seasons, I think they deserve better and agree that if there’s not enough funds out there and CBS have to cut budgets then they should invest in Criminal Minds & reward this show for what it truly is a magnificent show.

    My loyalties are with the awesome, amazing, magnificent, wonderful (and I could keep going!) cast of Criminal Minds, it’s this team & show that I keep coming back to watch, this team that I love that never disappoints & deserve a hell of a lot more adulation than they get ..

  90. I love the cast of CM so, I can't imagine watching another BAU team. So, I doubt I'll be watching the spin off.

  91. Horrible, horrible, horrible idea.

    Most spin-offs are not as good as the original. Not to mention if it starts to tank, which based on the comments it will, then they could twin it with the amazing original like Greys-Private Practice did which was horrible.

    Give CM the promotion, respect, and money, it deserves instead of focusing on a stupid spin-off that sounds like it has weird characters.

    Not to mention ensemble casts with with a star never seem to work well.

    I for one will watch the episode it premiers on just because it is part of CM's season five but I won't be watching after that.
