Thursday, July 16, 2009


Criminal Minds blog question of the day: Which actor/actress on Criminal Minds would be a good addition to the cast of the "Harry Potter" movie series? And why. The big talk this week within the Criminal Minds fandom has been the premiere of the new HP movie so I am looking forward to reading your responses. :)


  1. Definitely Kirsten Vangsness. She is so colorful and just daft enough to be one of the teachers at Hogwarts.

  2. reid as harry ask why? lol the glasses

  3. Reid. He's nerdy enough! lol

  4. Ohw they are all talented enough to do their input!

    But if TG would be on HP I would actually go catch up the parts i haven't seen yet! ;)

    He'd play am awesome dark arts, wizardy teacher or something :P

  5. Thomas-such a talented guy.

    Paget - she is funny and a lil loony so she make a fun addition.

    Shemar- too cute ....make a great fitness guru... :-)

    Matthew- he already does the magic tricks....

  6. MGG - he already does magic and KV, just because she would be great!

  7. I can totally see Paget being a part of the cast as a mysterious teacher that no one can make heads or tail of.

    and Kirsten would be a good Fae or Sidhe type character.

  8. I can totally picture AJ Cook as a student :)

  9. Reid would give Hermione a run for her money as the smartest student of their year, but would really be an asset as Harry searches for the horocruxes.

    I can see Hotch and Rossi as Dumbledore-type figures - wise geniuses, just don't kill them off!

    Garcia would make a rocking professor of something fun!

    Morgan, being that he is athletic, I can see as a Quiddich star or as an Auror.

    Prentiss, definitely an Auror fighting with the Order of the Phoenix - she has such a sense of justice.

    JJ, I think would be like Mrs. Weasley, a nurturer who takes care of them all and don't you dare come between her and her children because she will hex you to death!

  10. Paget. With her dark coloring I could definitely see her playing a witch.

  11. I think Reid could fit into the HP world, if he came upon wizards and got interested. He and Hermione could discuss temporal space differences and come up with a Muggle explanation for how the wizards have existed side by side in the same time, space and dimension for thousands of years.


  12. Definitly Matthew and Shemar!
    Shemar as the ghost of an ancient Warrior.
    And MGG as Hermiones (much nicer!) big Brother (who is also a magician)

  13. I could see Hotch as a wizard and Prentiss as a witch.
    Of course, Garcia is as colourful and eccentric as Luna Lovegood is; she could be Luna all grown up!
    I, too, am a big fan of the Harry Potter books and movies, Severus Snape as played by Alan Rickman is my favourite!

  14. I like the HP movies but the books are just AWESOME!

    I can imagine Thomas Gibson portraying an evil teacher perfectly, with that stare he has, he can scare all the students without saying a word. I would be nice to see him in a dark role.

  15. i say mgg.he got alot talent he be a great in it

  16. I think Joe would be a great wizard and Matthew already has great socks so that would help keep the wardrobe budget down.

  17. Definitely Matthew... he's nerdy and awesome enough!

    Kristen would be an awesome addition too...

    They ALL would! LOL

  18. I've never seen aN HP moveie but if Shemar Moore was in it I would definitely watch several times on the big screen and buy the DVD box set

  19. Fun question!

    I'd like to see more girls doing stuff in HP, so here's what I can see our CM gals contributing.

    Wouldn't Garcia make a great "housemom" - she'd get into as much mischief as the girls!

    Emily could teach enchantment...JJ could teach wizard-manners and comportment. BUT they would all be zany and fun...and a bit motherly.

  20. Definitely Matthew cause he can already do magic tricks

  21. Either Matthew, as an older student....or Paget as an unconventional professor.

  22. Kirsten I see as the arts teacher that teaches arts magic. Paget could teach witchcraft and Hotch as the taskmaster.

  23. Voldemort is a serial killer. Perhaps he could guest on Criminal Minds. Just so long as he doesn't drag priggish Harry or Hermione with him.

  24. I would definitely love to see Joe Mantegna as Mr. Lovegood in Deathly Hollows, I bet he'd make that character really fun to watch! And Emily with Thomas as Aurors or better - Death Eaters >:-D (to try something from the Dark side)

  25. To the person who claims to have made this banner:

    This banner was provided to me by michaelahapgood who posted it on twitter and said she designed it.

    I hope that clears things up. If not please feel free to email me at


  26. To Criminal Minds Fan,

    Thanks for you answer, I wrote a message on my Twitter to this person. On the other hand, I just start with, so I don't know if she will see it and entirely use it yet.

    On a side, I thinked well that you were not the author, I come often on your blog and I saw how many you could be respectful with work of te others. It's for that I was surprised by this.

    However if you wish to use my wallpaper, I see no problem there. It's just, when we use my work, I want at least to be prevented before, it's all.

    Sorry for my bad english , I hope you understand that I wrote.


  27. I agree with those who said that Matthew would be a good addition because he already does magic.

  28. I think that they'd all be awesome on it as some kind of special team of aurors, maybe they could even work for The Order Of The Pheonix. But thinking further, I think they'd all look pretty silly in cloaks, hats, waving about wands and riding broomsticks.Maybe for now they should just stick to wearingcardigans, cool socks, suits, guns and driving big black trucks.
