Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Criminal Minds: "Survivor" is a CBS reality show that dumps a group of people on an island or some other harsh environment and they compete against each other to see who will be the sole survivor. Outwit, outplay, outlast. Which Criminal Minds character would win if they were contestants on "Survivor" and why?


  1. Morgan would win all the brawn challenges and I think he would be great at strategy. He has the personality skills to get along with the tribe. I think he would win.

  2. I love that show and it takes more than just being strong. You can win without ever winning any of the challenges. It just takes getting into a good alliance. I think Garcia would be the social player and I could see her being helpful around the camp. Her alliances would probably be Morgan and Reid and I think they would take her to the final two. She'd win!!!!!

  3. Reid would win the mental challenges but he couldn't win a physical one. Hotch could win both kinds and so could Morgan. Emily would be the best at strategy and Garcia would master the art of flying under the radar. Usually the oldest contestant is voted off first, so I guess Rossi would be gone first. Not sure who would win but I think it would come down to Hotch and Morgan.

  4. Reid has been shot, drugged, shocked, blown up and kicked around. What could Survivor do to him that Ed Bernero hasn't done already? Totally Reid wins. *g*

  5. I think Hotch would be the perfect participant because he is clever and he would be able to predict the actions of the others. Hotch is calm, he is a good leader and he would also control his feelings and reactions.

  6. As far as I know the show from Germany I would say Hotch would be the winner.
    He's intelligent and smart and the most disciplined among the team. He'd manage physical and mental challenges brilliantly.

    CU sindee

  7. I love ivyhampster's response! I agree. REID ALL THE WAY.


  8. I have to say that I absolutely loathe those reality shows.

    But--if the team was stuck there, I would say that Hotch would be the winner. He keeps calm and cool in any situation and has hidden skills, I bet.

    Just behind him, I would say, would be Emily Prentiss...just a gut feeling.

  9. My money is on either Hotch or Reid. Hotch would very definitely be able to win it, but i think Reid could definitely outwit even most physical challenges.

    But they are such a great team, they'd just survive together. Together they have all the skills needed to survive just about anything.

  10. No idea - I never watch shows like that, they are just too much waste of my time.

    But - Hotch or Prentiss.
    Morgan maybe too, but I think his temper could run of with him occasionally.
    Hotch/ Prentiss appear more controlled even under huge stressors and they are also great with strategy.

  11. Not Spencer, he'd waste away far too quickly. Probably Rossi because he has that street smart kinda thing going for him.

  12. I would pay big bucks to see them have to eat the live bugs in one of those wacko survivor challenges. Reid would probably spout out 1000 facts about the bug. Hah. Love just thinking about it. Overall I think Hotch has the temperment needed to play the game and win.

  13. I think Morgan as he has the physique and survival skills. Hotchner may come in second. Reid would get by on brains more so than brawn a close first with Morgan.

  14. Reid would get on everyone's nerves by day 10 and he would be voted out. JJ wouldn't be up to the physical challenges and she'd be voted out. I think Prentiss could win it. She's strong and reads people really well. Or Hotch.

  15. Reid would try to play the game like he would a chess game and that wouldn't work but he has the mental knowledge to get lots accomplished. I'll vote for the brainy Dr.

  16. Laughing to myself imagining them all dirty, covered in mud and eating bugs.

    Can't you all just picture Reid trying to climb a coconut tree? Great visual.

    Morgan would just tackle the tree and all the coconuts would fall down.

    I think it would come down to who could play the social game and not drive the others batty. I think Garcia could adapt herself better than the rest to the daily mood. Voting for Garcia.

  17. Moragn would be the sole survivor because he has brains, beauty (the man is gorgeous) and brawn. Of course I'm hoping to be stuck on a neighboring island so I can keep him company.

  18. A very tough call, but I think Hotch would win out in the end. Reid has the brains, but would lose out on the physical tasks. Prentiss could be a dark horse and if she could fly under the radar she might give Hotch a run for his $. But he's got the all-round brains, brawn and gets people to trust him so I think he'd prevail. What a cool idea though, I might actually watch it!

  19. I don't really watch survivor, but I think JJ would surprise everyone and win because you would never think someone like her would win and she'd use that to her advantage.

  20. Now that would be a very intersting thing to see. Profilers profiling eachother and playing mindgames. Goodie ;)

    I'd go for Hotch or Emily.

    He's got the control and the physical strength to win it.

    She's good at reading people and at strategy, and she can face the physical challenges as well.

    I can see any one of them making it. Probably Hotch a little more though.

  21. The real fun would be when they got down to the final two and had to give their speechs to the jury. Profilers trying to convince other profilers that they deserve to win.

    Garcia isn't going to eat an unborn chicken egg. No way Jose!

    Morgan would totally rule on anything physical.

    Hotch and Rossi would be the team leaders.

    Not sure who would win but I would watch Survivor ( I hate reality tv) if our characters were on it.

  22. LOVE Reid but he would lay down and die in the middle of the first 10 mile hike.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Definitely Hotch. He's smart, able to lead the team and strong too. But I've a feeling Emily could beat him. She's like the female version of Hotch. *g*

  25. Morgan or Garcia, because people think it's all about psychical challenges but that's not the case, you have to be friends with the people, I think both of them could do that, because you get voted off if you don't have a good status of alliance and you can't win if your not doing that.

  26. I think the lovely Hotch would win, and I bet he'd still have his tie on at the end.
    he's a winner, is my Hotchner.

  27. Reid because he's a genius!

  28. It would be between Morgan and Reid for me. Brains sometimes win out over brawn. Plus Morgan would sacrifice himself so Reid didn't get voted off, or vice versa. LOL

  29. Probably Emily. She has a competitive streak which means she 1) wouldn't want to be beaten by a man,
    2) is good at keeping secrets - always good for outwitting others.
    3) Is pretty strong, fit and wouldn't cower at the idea of eating weird things.
    4) Has a pretty cooky sense of humour which would be good when the tension got too much.

  30. They'd all have a hard time out thinking each other because they know each other so well but I think Morgan would win it.

  31. JJ would win in my opinion. Don't underestimate the underdog.

    P.S. I hate Survivor and other reality shows.

  32. Though I have never seen an episode of Survivor, I have to agree with ivyhamster, and add that Reid is smart enough to realize when and how he annoys people (and usually just ignores it) and that he will have to act like he is a social butterfly in order to win. Brains over brawn will win.

  33. None of them would win. Survivor is not a game that rewards integrity.

    However, if they really were shipwrecked on a desert island, any of them stands an excellent chance of being the last one standing.

  34. They usually split the group into two teams:

    A. Garcia, Morgan, Reid

    B. Hotch, Prentiss, Rossi

    JJ can replace Probst!

    I like team B's chances best.

  35. Reality shows do suck but I like to tune in every once in awhile.

    Rossi wins at Survivor

  36. Reid would catch the first fish using some 400 yr old method he read about in a book when he was 6yrs old. LOL

  37. Morgan - He is the strongest on the team and would easily win all the immunity challenges!

    cmwinner ( Ang )

  38. I have never seen survivor but I believe Hotch would win. He has brains, confidence, leadership skills, and also a good physical condition if he had to do some challenges. Morgan and Emily would be a close second. But to tell you the truth, they make a great TEAM so I do not think they would participate in something like this.

  39. Spencer would win all the puzzle challenges!

  40. I think Derek Morgan would win all the physical challenges since he is all muscle...So I think he would win SOLE SURVIVOR.

  41. Hotch or Prentiss, hands down.

    and as much as i like JJ, i don;t think she'd last five minutes. i mean, the most trauma she' ever faced was DOGS, for crying out loud!

  42. They all have the potential to win. I think it would depend how the group was split up into tribes. All things being equal, Hotch wins.

  43. I don't think Garcia would be able to do the lying and blind siding that make it necessary to win the game. She is too nice.

  44. Age equals wisdom. I think Rossi would be able to form the alliance he would need to go all the way and to profile and manipulate the others. I would love to have a seat at that tribal council.

  45. Reid would outfact them. lol

  46. Morgan does have the brawn as so many have said but he also can show temper and that doesn't work well on Survivor. The hardest part for all of our characters would be the out wit part of it because they know each other so well and can predict each other's moves. I think Garcia would be the one most likely to win.

  47. This is such a neat idea!
    I completely agree that Rossi and Hotch would be the team leaders.

    Even though he has a history of being a survivor, Reid would have to adapt that beautiful mind of his from stats to strategy in order to win. Whether he wins or not, I believe Reid would definitely surprise a lot of people by how well he'd do!

    But the idea I love the most is Garcia on exile island... finding all the immunity idols! You have to admit, that is kind of what she does anyway! She would stay in the game for a LONG time just for finding those and keeping herself safe!

    The final three would probably be Hotch, Prentiss, and Morgan. My money would be on Morgan to win... unless Elle were to come back and give him a run for his money. Now SHE was the competitive one!

  48. My vote goes to Reid because he's the most resourceful member of the team.
    And he already proved how quickly he could put his astoundingly wide knowledge to good use.

  49. Totally Hotch! He can play any role to survive.

  50. I think JJ would fly under the radar and then win it.

  51. Hotch would win because he could profile everyone plus his calmness and he has many hidden talents he could use!

  52. I have watched the show every couple of seasons. I usually do not like Survivor but sometimes it is the only thing on tv.

    You have to be really sharp to make it in this game and it is not all physical strength.

    I have to agree that Garcia would be the winner of the game. Who would vote her off????

  53. It would so awesome if we could do something like this. Send the team to a deserted island and see how they survive.

    I think Garcia would have a really hard time turning on her friends even though it is a game.

    Morgan has lots of street smarts. He might have the easier time "lying" to get ahead in the game.

  54. Hotchner!

    He has it all!

  55. JJ would be gone in a heartbeat, she couldn't stand being away from Henry for so long.

    Hotch and Prentiss would be formidable. Rossi has a lot of knowledge on how to get in people's heads so he would be a threat as well.

    If the challenges were mostly physical, Morgan would be a likely candidate but if they were at all mental like putting a puzzle together or answering questions about the island and it's people, Reid would shine. He would have studied up on all the survival techniques.

    I think Garcia would find it hard to conspire against the members of the team and that might be her downfall.

    So if it comes down to someone having to outwit the opponent, I go with Reid. He's shown that his mild mannered exterior hides an ability to outwit an opponent as witnessed by the clues he was able to get to the team when he was captured by Tobias, his handling of Chester Hardwick in the prison and his interrogation of the father where he seemed totally afraid of the man but was able to get the answers. There's more to him than meets the eye.

    People always underestimate Reid and that's fatal in survivor.

  56. I love the show and I think anyone of them could win, but it would depend on the type of challenge that would decide who would win. Hotch or Morgan would have a great chance with their physical strength and their smarts. Reid would win all of the mental challenges cause he is the genius of the group, and even though he is not that strong, his mismatched socks will bring him the rest of the luck he needs to beat everyone and win!!! :) Rossi would probably not have the best chance at winning because as Monica said the oldest are voted off first, and because he is the oldest he is probably not very strong, so he would fail in the physical challenges. JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss would probably not win, but make it far because as they are the girls, they probably are not as strong as the guys, but they are strong enough that they will make it far. Garcia would do the best out of all the girls cause she's one of the smartest.

    This is how I think they would place:
    1. Reid - cause I love him and for his brains
    2. Garcia - Morgan loves her too much that he would let her win and cause she got brains
    3.Morgan - Just cause he is the strongest he won't win because he is not the smartest and he would be too busy worring about his looks
    4. Hotch - He's smart and strong but he wouldn't win
    5.Prentiss - She would do good, but not good enough
    6. Rossi - Because he is the oldest he would get to tired and weak easily.
    7. JJ - She's great, but she wouldn't be able to survive in the wilderness cause she was too traumatized when she was almost attacked by dogs. love her anyways

    Sorry everyone that this is so long :)

  57. I love the show and I think anyone of them could win, but it would depend on the type of challenge that would decide who would win. Hotch or Morgan would have a great chance with their physical strength and their smarts. Reid would win all of the mental challenges cause he is the genius of the group, and even though he is not that strong, his mismatched socks will bring him the rest of the luck he needs to beat everyone and win!!! :) Rossi would probably not have the best chance at winning because as Monica said the oldest are voted off first, and because he is the oldest he is probably not very strong, so he would fail in the physical challenges. JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss would probably not win, but make it far because as they are the girls, they probably are not as strong as the guys, but they are strong enough that they will make it far. Garcia would do the best out of all the girls cause she's one of the smartest.

    This is how I think they would place:
    1. Reid - cause I love him and for his brains
    2. Garcia - Morgan loves her too much that he would let her win and cause she got brains
    3.Morgan - Just cause he is the strongest he won't win because he is not the smartest and he would be too busy worring about his looks
    4. Hotch - He's smart and strong but he wouldn't win
    5.Prentiss - She would do good, but not good enough
    6. Rossi - Because he is the oldest he would get to tired and weak easily.
    7. JJ - She's great, but she wouldn't be able to survive in the wilderness cause she was too traumatized when she was almost attacked by dogs. love her anyways

    Sorry everyone that this is so long :)

  58. I have to go with Derek all the way on this one.

  59. I'm going with my man Hotch on this one! He's smart, calm, strong, calculated and would definitely have an ace up his sleeve. Morgan would win the physical tasks, Reid the mental. But Emily is definitely a dark horse and might end up taking the whole thing.

  60. aw i couldnt stand seeing them all voting each other off!! theyr like a family :p
    i would hope that Emily would win though :)

  61. Hotch would win because he could profile everyone plus his calmness and he has many hidden talents he could use!
