Friday, June 12, 2009


Criminal Minds: There are many Criminal Minds birthdays in July and the moderators of the Criminal Minds Fanatic website would like any present suggestions you might have! Please use this thread to post your gift ideas for:

Thomas Gibson - July 3
Kirsten Vangsness - July 7
A.J. Cook - July 22


  1. I liked what you sent some of them last year. The cookie flowers. The notes that Paget and Matthew sent about them sounded like they liked them. Maybe that again.

  2. Chocolate golf balls for TG!!

  3. Could we send a big cake for all of them to share like the one we sent for Ed?

    The only problem I can see whould be picking out a theme.

  4. Judy, that cake cost over $700. I think we might need to pass on that this year but it was a great suggestion!

    Keep them coming everyone!!!!

  5. Hmm, I'm not good at picking presents, but how about something hippy like for Kirsten, didn't she say her parents were hippies in 'Penelope'? Her birthday is exactly a month after mine :3

  6. Customised cupcakes?? They are nice and really cute. Check out the pictures...

  7. AJ has said that red velvet or vanilla cupcakes are her favorite. She's been trying to avoid them lately but you always deserve a treat on your birhtday.

    I like the idea of chocolate golf balls for TG. Or how about one of those big giant cookies.

    For KV, cupcakes, cookies, or a nice floral arrangement. She does like to sew, so maybe something along those lines? Like a g/c to Joanne's? Hard part is knowing where she shops. Maybe one of your contacts could answer that question.

    Thanks for asking for suggestions.

  8. Just a thought but KV mentioned donating money instead of giving to her. This was on that BlogTalk Radio interview she did recently.

    Could find out there favorite causes and donate to them in their name...

  9. Kristen-sunglasses bouquet? just a bunch of different wacky sunglasses or eye glass frames? and a note of where we are donating some money to?

    Thomas-I like the chocolate golf balls idea.

    AJ-cookie flower thing sounds good.

  10. How about a CM scrapbook for each one with clips and stuff for each of their characters?

  11. Thought that about Kirsten too--some sort of donation. Maybe something to do with animals or the Freedom to Marry fundraising (since she's also getting married)

  12. Well, Pencil portraits drawn from pictures or photographs of Thomas, I also like the idea of golf ball chocolate!! a lot of pink and small heart-shaped biscuits for Andria, for Kristen I like your idea of glasses.


  13. You guys are very thoughtful :)

    I really like the ideas for Kirsten, so far - she likes quirky things and sewing, but a donation to charity of her choice on her behalf might be just the ticket, especially if she has already said she's prefer it.

    AJ could get something pampering, maybe a nice spa gift set or something?

    Thomas seems to read quite a bit, so maybe a gift voucher for books? And he plays ukulele, so you could surprise him with something fun and uke-related! Everyone automatically thinks of golf, so why not have something different? :P

  14. For A.J.- some can make a necklace that has a picture of her and her husband with her son in the middle. Even though we don't have pictures of her son, the person can leave the middle bare and she can put her own pic. (does this sound corny?)

    Kirsten: Uh. I guess

    For Thomas: A collection of Shakespeare's works. I read he is an avid reader of Shakespeare, so that should be a GREAT gift.

  15. Picking gifts for people can be hard...I did think of something pampering for AJ like mentioned. Maybe a gift basket or something with little random things in. Once on another forum, I put together a gift basket and message book (the book worked out amazing) for someone. Maybe something like that would work.

    I'd say a message book for them all, but I think that maybe AJ would be the only one there would be enough time to do it for now. If I can find some pictures of it all I'll show.

  16. how bout if all of us (fans) recorded short videos wishing them a happy bday?

  17. I like the idea of the book for TG. I didn't know he was an avid reader.

    I concur about a donation for KV and maybe a special card.

  18. I love all the ideas that have been posted. I would like us to add an internet card that we can all sign.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I like the idea of donating some money to a charity along with a small gift for Kirsten.

    The red velvet cupcakes seem like a good idea for A.J., especially since she mentioned in an interview that she liked them.

    I think a golf-themed set for Thomas would be cute. Perhaps a ukulele filled with chocolate golfballs or something of that nature?

  21. I think the thing they would most appreciate is a donation to a great charity. Something "acting" related, like the charity that gives money to film students in high school or something...I'll look into it and get back to you!


  22. What about a fruit bouquet? It's fruit and they can dip in chocolate. There's a website for it if you wanna look.

  23. Thomas is a gadget guy and I bet he does not have this one. No, I don't work for the company!

  24. that is a really good questiont. and i am not good in makeing presents lol

    chocolate golf balls for tg sound funny.

    also some cupcake for the ladys would be nice, as it seems they like it.

    some freaky accesior for kv would be also cool

    don't know what for aj, sorry

  25. I don't know if this might be to much, but for AJ, why not a day at the spa? Since she is a new mom, it would be nice and relaxing.

  26. Knowing that Thomas Gibson plays the ukulele makes him all the more adorable, and I think I just fell 44683957x more in love with him. :) Anyways, I really like the charity ideas. I can't think of anything original though. I wish I were more creative. :l

  27. Wow, I am so glad to find this blog! I am a HUGE CM fan! I think you should send the cast to Texas and I will take them to dinner! :D

    Just kidding! Well, not really!

  28. golf clubs. tomas gibson.

    aj cook a day at the spa

    kristen - colorfull pens funny t-shirts- colors for her hair

  29. KV, I would keep to her wishes of donating to a charity she wants. Maybe give her an assortment of quirky things.

    TG, I would give something he can enjoy with his family. No idea what.

    AJ As a new mother I would guess something like a spa thing. Something for herself

  30. For Thomas, how about a gift
    card to a book store, like
    Barnes & Noble, so he could
    go and get some books that he
    loves to read. How about some
    brownies, or chocolates of
    some sort, since he loves

    I love the idea of a donation
    to Kirstens favorite charity
    for Kirsten.

    For A.J., a gift certificate to
    a spa, or else a basket of some
    nice bath products, that she
    could pamper herself with, being she is a new mom.

  31. I am a newbie and so far I think the ideas I've read so fine. I'm more inclined to contribute to a charity and the chocolate golf balls sounds good for TG. So, whatever is decided on count me in too.

  32. For Thomas: The book "At Night Under The Stone Bridge". There are magical stories written by Leo Perutz from the old Jewish Prague. It deals with the plague in the Jew town, of Koppel-Bear and Jäckele-Fool, of the magical Rabbi Loew, of Little Flower- the shoemaker's little daughter, of beautiful Esther and a love which is realized only in the dream. Of a rose bush and rosemary - at night under the stone bridge.
    We have birthday on the same day! Happy bday, Tom!

  33. For Kirsten- I like the charity idea especially since she said that she would prefer it.

    For AJ- I like Diane's necklace idea though we would probably have to leave the middle bare and she put her own picture in.

    For Thomas- here's where i'm actually getting original...since Hotch usually wears ties what if we do something similar to Kirsten's pens but I also like the book idea too...

  34. They have these fruit bouquets now. I know Kirsten is a vegetarian and A.J. is trying to loose baby weight (or has she lost it all already?) Anyway healthy, fun, and tasty.

  35. Are really getting them gift or just sending notes?

    Do you do this for all the cast members?

  36. We do this for all the actors and most of the writers.

  37. I saw a book called "The Left-handed History of the World"- so cool... I say books & chocolate for TG...

  38. WOW! These are amazing suggestions! I like them all. How do we participate in the gift-giving? (I'm kind of a newbie as well):^)

  39. I know Kirsten supports a lot of organizations especially for kids, and I think she mentioned donating to stuff like that in an interview.

  40. Love the books and chocolate golf balls suggestions for TG :)
    Will gladly donate towards the birthdays...kinda new here myself so please let me know how!?!

  41. When I read the question I really had no idea but I sure like the chocolate golfballs and a book voucher for TG or something for the family...

    KV charity stuff as she asked for that

    AJ I really like the day at a spa thingy

  42. If you were going with the Golf thing for Thomas (not sure if you can get these in the states) but what about proper personalised golf balls?

  43. Yes, we can get personalized golf balls in the States. What a great idea!

  44. OMG! So this is completely weird and nifty cool all in one. I was looking at the July birthdays and noticed that Kristen's is the same day as my son's and Aj's is the same day as my sister's. How totally awesome is that? Two of the c$ast from my fav show having the same bdays as my kiddo and my sister.

  45. A donation to a charity sounds good for me.
