Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "Mayhem" starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

"Mayhem" - When an SUV carrying members of the BAU explodes, the rest of the team fights to save their colleagues and catch the terrorists responsible for the bombing, on the fourth season premiere of CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Sept. 24 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Michael Steger ("90210") guest stars.

** This is the original spoiler thread for the episode. Feel free to add new comments after rewatching the episode this evening. ****


  1. The promos look great and it feels like the show has been in repeats for a very long time. I am looking forward to season four.

  2. I don't ever remember being more excited about a season premiere as I am for this one. Everytime I think they've reached their peak, they throw us a curve ball and they're off and running. Hat's off to the entire Criminal Minds team.

  3. I'm really looking forward to this episode!

  4. I agree: This is the most exciting season premiere ever!!! I'm not from EUA, so I will have to wait 'till it's posted in the internet (I'm from Portugal, so it's a few hours difference...). But I don't mind. I will be up 'till I see the episode. I am soo excited!!!

  5. 1 day, 8 hours and 24 minutes!

  6. The long wait is almost over, and I am so excited. I live on the west coast so staying off line is going to kill me, but I want to be surprised. Bring on Season 4!!!!

  7. I can't wait! Just one more day! I'm so glad I'm off work; I don't think I could stand it if I had to wait until I got home at 2am to watch the premiere!

  8. I have no idea when Australian fans will see Season 4, we haven't even finished season 3 yet. We are three eps away from the finale. But don't worry I will be glued to the internet once again.

    Can I say thank-you to all the CM fans you have kept me up to date in Australia. Your indepth analysis of eps and establishing if anyone dies from the cast was outstanding. Keep up the good work, it is good to know I am not alone and there are heaps of fans across the world.

    Also any word on AJ and the arrival of junior CM? Are we still waiting?

  9. I can't wait for Mayhem. I agree with Emily...I don't ever remember being so excited for a season premier. I'm so glad that it's almost here!!

    You've created a true CM addict. Thank you to the entire CM team for the incredible journey so far. I look forward to it continuing for a long time!!

  10. SQUEEE!!! Its tommorow....well tecnically today lol:) I'm soooo excited....I feel like its the night before Christmas and I know there is a beautiful CM package downstairs waiting for me!! I've peeked a little under the wrapping paper and shook it a few times....and now its almost time to open it!!!

    Yes I'm a "little" excited lol!

    Thank you to the wonderful CM Cast and Crew for creating such an amazing show that keeps us coming back for more every week and season! Thank you to Jill and Stacy for always keeping us updated and just for being the great people you are. Thanks to everyone on this board for being your beautifulk selves....I love all of you! Xoxoxo!

    Buckle up everyone...its going to be a fantastic ride!!!!!!

  11. Today's the DAY!!!!!!!!

    Just a few more hours until the most exciting season premiere on TV.

    Thanks to everyone with CM - last year was the best yet - this year is going to be even better!

    You all are amazing.

    Is it time yet?

  12. I cant wait till I get to see the premiere. Unfortunately, i cant see it tonight!! erggg... but tomorrow! I've been waiting soo long for this premiere

  13. Could this day drag out any longer?! Isn't 9:00 yet?! Hello Mr. Clock, move a little faster please.

  14. OMG! I'm Watching it right NOW!!!!!! *SQUEES*......

  15. How are you watching it now? Bush is on TV speaking. <_<

    Ugh, his speeches always screw over my TV shows.

  16. i can not waite to watch mayhem/ i live on the westcoast i don,t think i will miss any of it

  17. recaps please please please. ome of us are not in the U.S.

  18. Whoa! I knew as soon as Garcia said the unsub bomber stuck around and watched that it was the guy trying to help Hotch.

    I'm shaking, the premiere is SO good!

  19. Totally and compltely 100% awesome! ah man! it was superb! my heart was in my throat the whole time and i was hyperventalating when Morgan was in the ambulance!

    I need to calm down and catch my breath again before i can give my summary


  20. As to reply to Sailor Psychic, I am canadian so I have the option of watching it on CTV or CBS and since CTV is canadian, I watched the whole thing on time!

  21. My Heart is still racing for Morgan! I actually SCREAMED! Man, what an awesome premiere......:) I CAN'T WAIT for next week! :)

  22. Did anyone notice the "Benero" on the med supply truck?

  23. i hated when the ambulance w morgan exploded!!

  24. caitlin what was the worst part for you.. how did you feel abt Morgan

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Wow! I think the worst part for me was when I thought Morgan got blown up! All I thought of was how Garcia was going to cope without him (they are soooo meant to be!) When I saw his head pop up, I actually had tears of relief in my eyes!

  27. Can someone give brief summary please.

  28. really you think garcia and morgan?

  29. i actually want Morgan to transfer and take the head position in NY

  30. I don't! I would miss him way too much! :)

  31. i really hate the fact that cbs doesnt have full episodes of CM on the internet!

  32. News Flash:

    At 7:59 PM Central Time President Bush was fatally shot by a lone gunman. The shooter was immediately apprehended by Secret Service. When asked why she did it, she replied she “Had to do it. I had no other choice.”

    Was she against the war in Iraq? Had she lost her home in the mortgage crisis?

    “No,” she said. “His *@^%$#! speech was going to pre-empt Criminal Minds!”


  33. i mean not to take him off the show.. haha but to find a way to make it work!

  34. what else caitlin .. lol

    i knew that had to be the unsub.. in ncis the person that was the spy was the one they least expected so why wouldnt have that been the unsub

  35. Oh, yeah...well, that would be something I could live with but I don't think that the team (especially Garcia!) would give him up without a fight! lol!

  36. What happened to a main character being seriously injured? Hotch was BARELY injured!

  37. i love her! i actually live in LA and went to a play shes performing in- shes actually just like her character

  38. seriously!! youre so right Kate

  39. I was so busy squealing i didnt hear what Morgan said Garcia was to him!!!! Somebody have mercy and tell me please!

  40. WHo was it that died? I missed a lot of it

  41. I never thought I would be one of those people who talks to the TV...but there I was saying "Morgan, No, NO, NO!"

    Wow. What an episode! My heart was racing all the way through it!

    And so it begins...another incredible season of CM!

    Can't wait until next week!

  42. Holy crap that was an awesome episode!

    what a complicated insidious plan to kill one person. Who was in the hospital?

    nice sign in the beginning (Don't even think about parking here).

    I love that all of them were more human than any other episode I've seen. Rossi gelled in nicely, finally, Morgan was superman (and deserved the dressing down), and the rest of the team was just great.

    You've already shown that the writing level has stepped up for this season. I can't wait to see what you've got for us next.

    And really, we could have done without the 15 minutes (that we'll never get back) of listening to Prez Genius, Jr.

  43. so we're all just interested in Morgan? lol what abt Paget.. or JJ.. I mean she just found out she was Prego.. we're not even talking abt her and her Louisiana boo

  44. I'm so glad to have the show back!

    I loved the twist about the hospital as the real target, and I think the guest star who played the young bomber in the beginning was great.

    I think I like regular episodes better than these second half episodes, though. Can't wait for next week!

  45. OMG. I loved this episode.

    I would like to thank the Criminal Minds family for bringing this season back with a bang and not killing any of the regulars. Love you all. ^_^

  46. The five minutes that I got to see were really awesome!!! :) (Now I just need to see the whole thing from the beginning!

  47. Definitely an exciting, fast paced Hotch and Morgan filled episode. Nothing wrong with that!

    Loved the split screen conversations with the team. They were definitely worried about each other.

    Kirsten did an awesome job with the mixed emotions of watching friends possibly being blown up and holding it together. Very realistic scenario.

    Overall a very good episode.

  48. Amazing episode!! I was yelling at Morgan the whole time. I thought the boomer had led him into the Subway because their was a bomb in their at first.

    I can't wait for next week.

    I really hope that Morgan doesn't take the Promotion!!

  49. recaps anybody? i only got to see the last 10 minutes because of marching band >:(.

  50. dvr missed the last 10 min in the hospital, please tell me what happened!

  51. My DVR cut off the end because of the president's speech. What happened after Morgan took off in the ambulance?????

  52. he didnt die! lol thats the important part

  53. My comment probably doesn't follow what it's supposed to, but I just need to say 1) how stinkin' excited I was for tonight's premier, and 2) my heart was beating out of my chest. I believe the writers, actors, and entire production staff out did themselves. This season is going to ROCK!!!!!!!!

  54. It is pretty much obvious from what people posted. I was hoping for a clear summary myself. From what I gather, Morgan drives the bomb out of the hospital and jumps out at the last minute.

    As for those bashing the President... lets see you do a better job.

  55. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!

    That was soooo amazing!! My heart is still pounding from that! Hotch was amazing and brave trying to keep Kate alive with no one to help him. Morgan was awesome in this epi taking charge and getting rid of the heart was stuck in my throat when the bomb exploded...even though I knew he was ok lol! What he said to Garcia too...made me cry a bit.

    But the whole time I was like ok everyone is ok...but what about Hotch....someone help him!!! I know he's strong but GOD I was worried about him the whole time, and when he passed heart just dropped and I almost cried!!! Poor Joyner, I didn't really like her but I feel bad....Hotch is going to have a hard time with the fact she looked like Haley.

    There still is agnst between Hotch and Morgan though, I hate it when they are like that with eachother, but Hotch was right...Morgan isn't ready for the position.

    This was the best season Premiere I have ever seen, Ed and the writers and beautiful cast have done it again and I know this is going to be one hell of a season!!!! Yahoooooooooooo lets go!!!!!!!!

    Thank you thank you thank you for Making such a GREAT show that delivers every week and season!!


  56. i have 45 more min tell criminal minds comes on. i can hardly waite to see what you already watch/

  57. someone please give the last 10 minutes! DVR stopped!

  58. During the last ten minutes.

    Morgan drives off in the ambulance to get the bomb away from the hospital. He's on the phone with Garcia the entire time, and she is able to block cell phone reception for three minutes so that is all the time he has to get away so that one of the unsubs isn't able to set off the bomb.

    It looks like he isn't going to make it out alive because he has less than 30 seconds and isn't to the safe area yet. He tells Garcia that he wants to tell her something and she says something along the lines of save it, and get out.

    Then we see the ambulance blow up. Garcia is freaking because she can't hear Morgan anymore. And it looks like Morgan is dead. And then he stands up and rubs his shoulder.

    He gets Garcia back on the line and tells her that she is important to him and no matter what happens he doesn't want her to stop talking to him. She says she can't talk now because she is mad at him.

    Hotch finds out that the British Haylee look-a-like (I can't think of her name) didn't make it through surgery.

    Emily goes to visit the cop that got shot when she is with him. He's doing okay. He says he sorry about the British lady and asks how Hotch is. She says he is fine, but isn't able to fly for a while. She gives him tickets to a sports game, for him and his family. (the mets I belive) and he says wow most people thing I'm a Yankees fan. And she says, I'm not most people. And after she leaves the room he mutters something along the lines of, you really aren't.

    Then we see Morgan with Hotch. And Morgan says he is driving him back (since Hotch can't fly due to his ears.) Hotch asks if he can drive and Morgan says no. Hotch tells Morgan that he has been promoted to take the office there. And Morgan says don't they need your recommendation? And Morgan realizes that Hotch didn't give it. Hotch says something like, although what you did was brave it doesn't show that you can trust the team. I trust you with my life but do you trust me with yours? Morgan doesn't answer.

    Then Hotch says do you still want to drive.
    And Morgan unlocks the car.

    Then the credits come up.

  59. I understand the economy is important but COME ON!!! I had 15 minutes to go and its over. Please someone give a detailed explanation! I got to the part where the "paramedic" was shooting. Who did he shoot? The Secret Service agents? Who were they there protecting in that hospital? What happened? Someone? Please????

  60. Tonight's premier wasn't a was an event. Seriously. If this is an indication of how the rest of the season is going to be...then in the words of Jacob Dawes...BRING IT ON!!!

  61. Julie:

    The "paramedic" shot the Secret Service agents. We never find out who they were protecting.

    Morgan asks Hotch : Did we ever find out who they where protecting?
    Hotch: Does it matter.
    Morgan: I guess not.

    Just above your comment I posted a fairly detailed description of what happened in the last ten minutes or so. Hopefully it helps.

  62. Thanks Emma. You must've been posting the recap right as I was posting my plea for info! It was a really great premiere. I generally am a casual Criminal Minds watcher but the season finale and this premier got me hooked for good!!!!

  63. Not a problem. Sorry about my spelling mistakes.

    I'm glad it got you hooked! In my opinion it is the best show out there.

  64. What a great episode! Wow, that was a great way to start the season!

    It started off with a recap of what happened in Lo-Fi and went into the explosion. We see Hotch staring at a bank of televisions (I think it was televisions) and this young guy walking up to him asking him if he was okay. We find out later this young guy was the bomber. Hotch kept telling him to call 911 and tell them that a Federal Officer was down.

    Hotch started looking the the car for Joyner and then looked in the street where she was laying. He ran over to her and she was awake and asking Hotch for her purse -- yes, she was out of it, but kept it together when the emergency response people wouldn't come to them because of the profile they gave saying that a second waive of bombings would try to take out the first responders.

    Cut to headquarters, with Rossi and Reid talking about the explosion. Rossi was talking to Garcia, who was walking back into the tech center. to tell her to contact everyone else and see what she could find out about the explosion.

    Garcia calls Morgan and finds out he is okay, Prentiss calls in and they wait to see if JJ answered her phone. JJ's phone went straight to voice mail and then Emily is disconnected and then Morgan is disconnected.

    The NYPD tech finds footage of the bombing and they look at it from different angles and Garcia figures out that the bomb wasn't in the SUV, but under it, so they back up the footage and see the young guy place the bomb and then retreat a bit and watch the explosion. Garcia was MAD about that.

    Cut to headquarters. Reid and Rossi are talking about the exlosion and Rossi tells Reid to contact homeland security to have them check out all the murder sites for suicide bombers. Rossi says 8 bombers, but Reid says 16, 2 at each site one for the original bomb and one for the first responders. JJ and Emily join them at some point and they tell them that they haven't heard from Hotch.

    Morgan drives up to the scene and the bomb squad tries to keep him back. The head guy was a real hard case and Morgan asks him if he was a marine. The guy says yes, and Morgan asks him if he remembers the Marine Motto--never leave anyone behind. The guy concedes and Morgan goes to help Hotch and Joyner. Meanwhile, the bomber is "helping" Hotch with Joyner. Hotch and Morgan have him get back to safety, so he walks to the sidewalk and down the street, watching them. Garcia sees that the bomber,Sam, is there and calls Morgan to let him know. Morgan tells Hotch and then Morgan takes off after Sam.

    Sam runs and leads Morgan down the subway stairs. Morgan gets down to the platform and it is empty. He walks into the subway car and makes his way through the train and out the back to the tracks. Sam calls out to him and while Morgan holds his gun on him, Sam walks closer to him and we see that he is walking on one of the rails and that he is barefoot. Morgan tells him to get off the rail and put his hands behind his head. Sam puts his hands behind his head, but then steps on the third rail and electrocutes himself.

    While Morgan is chasing Sam, a lone ambulance drives up to Hotch and the EMT says that he couldn't stand listening to Hotch ask for help, so he came to help and said that his partner wouldn't come with him. They get Joyner's bleeding stopped momentarily and get her on a gurney and into the ambulance. Hotch asks him where the closest hospital is and the EMT told him how to get to the hospital (can't remember the name of the hospital). When they get to the hospital, Secret Service officers stop the ambulance and tell Hotch that the hospital is off limits and they are routing all patients to other area hospitals. Hotch tries to talk his way in, telling them he is an FBI officer, and they ask for his ID. Hotch says he left it at the explosion site. Just then, the EMT says they are losing Joyner, and the officers look into the ambulance and let it into the hospital.

    Hotch walks with Joyner into the hospital and when the docs take her to surgery, Hotch weave around and falls. The doctors get him into the ER to treat him.

    Back at headquarters, the team is trying to figure out what is going on and what the final target is. Homeland Security didn't find anything at any of the murder sites. They say that what happened so far wasn't memorable and try to figure out what the main target is going to be.

    Morgan goes to the hospital and finds Hotch--I can't remember exactly what they said was wrong, but his ear (inner ear I think) was injured and they pulled a piece of shrapnel out of his leg. Hotch was not being a good paient. He was getting up and asking for his clothes. Morgan told him that his ready bag was on the way.

    The team headed to the hospital while Garcia searched the footage of the car bombing. When the team gets to the hospital, they review and Hotch, being Hotchly in his dress shirt and putting on an FBI bullet-proof vest, says they profile is wrong. They find out that Sam had a cell phone and was dialing it as he was running it. Garicia tried to trace the calls, but the number dialed wasn't working any longer.

    They talk about a bomber making a name for himself with a really big bomb, using a phone for detonation (all the while on the screen is a man putting together a bomb and attaching a blackberry to the bomb for detonation (who knew that blackberries had bomb detonation features), and figure out that the EMT was the bomber. Hotch speculates about why the Secret Service were at the hospital and they run to the agents and ask who was there. Of course, the Secret Service wouldn't tell them who was there, and then Hotch asked where the ambulance was and told them that there was a bomb in the ambulance. Hotch told them to get whoever it was they were there for out of the hospital, and they said they couldn't because that person was in surgery.

    Morgan tears out of there and heads to the ambulance. The EMT/Bomber kills the Secret Service agents who took the elevator down to the garage and heads outside to get ready to detonate the bomb and blow up the hospital.

    Rossi calls Garcia and tells her to block cell phone reception at the hospital so the bomb couldn't be detonated.

    Morgan finds the ambulance and sees the big honking bomb. He is on the phone with Garcia and she tells him they can block cell reception for about 3 minutes and to get the heck out of the hotel, not to get in the ambulance, etc. Morgan climbs into the ambulance and tear out of the garage onto the street with Garcia guiding him to a spot where detonation would do the least harm.

    The bomber is ticked off that Morgan drove the ambulance out of the garage and tries to shoot to disable the ambulance. The bomber runs outside and sits outside the hospital, leaning against a chain link fence.

    Morgan drives through NYC to the safe destination, while we cut to the team working their way to the garage with their guns drawn.

    The bomber tries to detonate the bomb, but he can't get any service. Derek is still tearing through the streets of New York and the team is nearing the bomber. Garcia is urging Morgan to jump out of the ambulance and let it blow up where it was.

    As time ticks down, Morgan tries to tell Garcia how he feels about her, and she is fretting with him. Morgan drives the ambulance into a park and the cell phone block stops and the bomber gets service and detonates the bomb. We see the ambulance exploding.

    Cut to the hospital, the team surrounds the bomber, and tells him the jig is up and the bomber kills himself.

    Cut to the ambulance and Morgan standing up well behind the blast. Morgan tells Garcia that she is his god given solace and begs her never to stop talking to him. Garcia tells him that she can't right now because she is mad at him.

    Cut to the team looking at the bomber and then one by one walking away with Hotch being the last one there and he picks up the guy's gun.

    Cut to the hospital and a man, maybe a janitor, is mopping up blood. Hotch walks in and asks what is happening, where is the surgeon. They man says they did all the could and that he was sorry. Hotch approaches Joyner's body and looks under the sheet covering her face, replaces the sheet, and tucks her hand under the sheet.

    The next day....Prentiss goes to visit Cooper in the hospital. Cooper is trying to light up a cigarette and PRenitss gives him grief over it and says that she sees his wife and kids had been there. She said that she had something for him and his family and gives him an envelope. Cooper opens it and says "Mets tickets! Most people would think I am a Yankee's fan" and Prentiss says that she isn't most people.

    Cut to Hotch standing outside. As Hotch reaches down to get his ready bag, Morgan reaches down to get it and syas that he is driving him home to DC, that he couldn't think of anything better than driving Hotch crazy for 3 hours. Hotch asks for the keys and Morgan says that he is driving, not Hotch. Hotch tells him that the bureau wants Morgan head up the NY field office. Morgan looks at Hotch and says that Joyner isn't even buried yet, isn't it all a little too soo? Hotch sasy that they are at war now, and those things don't matter. Morgan says, but don't I need your recommendation for that and then says "you didn't give it, did you"? Hotch dresses him down for running off on his own, and says that his actions show he still has trust issues. But then he says that the job is his if he want it. He then says, "my opinion doesn't matter, the job is yours if you want it." Morgan, says that Hotch's opinion mattered to him and Hotch says his life matters to him and he has and always will entrust him with it. Will you do the same for me? Still want to drive?

    Morgan takes the keys and unlocks the car. Fade to black. The End, Fini.

    I think it took me as long to type that up as it did for the entire episode to air!

  65. Emma

    Thank you so much! We recorded it on the DVR but missed the last ten minutes like so many others.

  66. Anyone know if they're going to rerun the episode during the week? Or if the entire episode will be available online. Freaking shrub of a president. Couldn't interrupt an hour earlier? Or not at all?? Sheesh.

  67. anonymous:

    According to Criminal Minds is on at 9:00 PM on Saturday. I would assume that they would be re-airing it then, but it doesn't say that for sure.

  68. I thought it was a great episode too and my picky negative points were redeemed when Hotch had his talk with Morgan. I am a military wife, 30 years now and have lived on USAF bases. I hate it when security measures are made and then broken willy-nilly by someone who thinks his problem is more important than the safety of everyone else.

    It made for great drama, but I was angry with Morgan for being such a "hero" despite the fact that the ambulance could have blown up a couple of hundred people any time on the way to the park.

    And his "never leave a man behind" speech to the main security officer rubbed me the wrong way too.

    Sigh, I confess that I loved the ep and was into it while it was happening, except for commenting aloud about the above points.

    I am excited about whatever personality growth is going to happen this season in the character's development as well as more twisted crazies doing insane things.


  69. I feel the need to clarify what I said during the last ten minutes recap I posted. Regarding Morgan's job offer. Hotch said, something along the lines of, they have requested that you be transfered to run the New York office.

  70. No...DVR says that Saturday is episode 56 (November 2007)

  71. In responce to this:
    anonymous said...
    I was so busy squealing i didnt hear what Morgan said Garcia was to him!!!! Somebody have mercy and tell me please!

    Here is there conversation.

    Morgan: "Garcia, I'll tell you what you are to me. Your my god given solace. Woman you promise me one thing, whatever happens don't you ever stop talking to me."
    Garcia: "I can't right now cause I'm mad at you."
    Morgan: "I can wait."

  72. Anonymous responds...
    Wow...I didn't know putting your own life in danger to save others as well as your fellow teammates was considered "thinking your problems are bigger than the safety of others". Not to mentioned regardless of where the bomb may have exploded it was would have caused the loss life either way. And being rubbed the wrong way about the comment made to the security officer...please...He's an FBI agent attempting to get to his senior who was nearly killed. I would imagine anyone...especially someone part of a unit...miitary or otherwise would make an exception given the gravity of the situation.

  73. Yes, it's annoying we had to wait an extra 15 minutes for the premiere but at least it wasn't one of those "we now join our regularly scheduled program, already in progress" deals or worse pre-empted entirely. I'm just grateful we not only got to see the premiere but that it was an amazing episode! My heart was about to pound out of my chest for most of the episode, especially the scene with Morgan racing through the streets in the bomb carrying ambulance. I knew something had to be up with the kid as soon as I saw him. The street is completely empty except for him? What's he doing hanging around? I was also immediately suspicious of the paramedic; very convient he shows up and has a nice story about his partner being "too scared" to join him. I kinda got the idea that Hotch was suspicious too, just from the way he looked back at him as he was driving the ambulance but his concern for Kate over-rode his instincts.

    Love the "God-given solace" line! I was crying during that whole scene. I also like that Reid was the "point man" when he and Emily entered the garage. It shows how much the character has matured and gained confidence in his job in the past couple of seasons. It was also a nice touch that Morgan's trust issues were brought back up. When Hotch tells Morgan basically, "I trust you with my life. Do you trust me with yours" then asks if Morgan wants him to drive, that simple act of Morgan unlocking the doors rather than handing the keys to Hotch is like Derek's admission that he still does have problems with trusting people completely. Morgan also probably felt like Hotch should've had his back when he suggested putting police at targeted areas and Kate shot him down. Instead of backing up Morgan, who he's worked with now for years, he takes the side of a woman he "liased with" one time.

    And the "Bernero Hospital Linens" truck in the background--nice touch, Ed!

    Now that the season is up and rolling, I can't wait to see what happens over the course of this season!

  74. I found the show to be very intense but very good. I almost cried when Morgan was driving the truck and talking to Garica. I knew he would make but how he would make I didn't know. And the beginning when Hotch turn Joyner over, I had to cover my eyes. Wow, that was gross.

  75. I didn't like this episode as much as I thought I would (please don't throw rotten tomatoes!). I liked the realism of the explosion, with Hotch's shell shock and all, and the team dynamic was spot on, but Morgan was bugging me with his "I gotta save the day, all by myself" trip, and how he didn't seem phased by it at all afterwards.

    Another thing? Criminal Minds has three incredibly talented actresses. Why don't they use them?! AJ is pregnant, so maybe they were cutting down on her screen time, but come on! Other than the awkward chat with married dude, we didn't really see much of Emily, and Garcia was also way underused. CM better redeem itself with next week's Prentiss-centric episode.

  76. Big THANK YOU to Lori for the great recap! Wow, what an episode!

  77. Is Shemar Moore leaving?

  78. I guess 'the shell shock' is the word to describe my feelings. Amazing episode!

  79. Did anyone else feel the issue wasn't totally resolved?
    We knew there were lots of the terrorists, yet only 3 of them died. I get that the case was solved, but what about all of the other terrorists that were in on it?

  80. I agree. It did seem to be a bit open ended. But I suppose the team did there job and now its up to the NY FBI office to deal with the rest. It was a great episode but not my favourite! But season for is off to a great start and I can't wait for the rest of the season.

  81. So while Morgan is taking the bomb to a safer location, 4 of the team is making their way to catch the bomb maker. And it's Morgan who doesn't trust his team??? the Hotch character ought to get over himself... Maybe Morgan would be more ready for the promotion is he and the rest of the team would have died in the blast.

    Thought it was good but not great. What happened to the room full of terrorists that was shown at the end of last year's finale?

  82. We waited so long for CM to come back and come back it did! What a great episode, best season opener of the serie!

    The scene with Hotch all dazed from the explosion, looking around was great. It was so heart wrenching to see him alone with a dying Kate and all the cops and EMT not helping. I love how Morgan did talk to that officer in charge, telling him that as a marine he knows you don't leave anyone behind.

    The talk between Garcia and Morgan as Derek was driving the ambulance almost made me cry.

    The last scene with Morgan and Hotch was fantastique. Hotch was right, Morgan isn't ready to lead
    because of his trust issues, it was well put when Hotch said to Morgan 'I trust you with my life, Do you trust me with yours?'

    Great episode, great writing great acting especially from Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore and Kirsten Vangsness. If Mayhem was a prelude to things to come, we are in for one hell of a season!


  83. Does anyone know where exactly we are supposed to post our recap for the contest?

  84. Wow, just WOW! This was probably one of the most amazing episodes you have ever put on. It was like a mini movie with all the intensity and drama. The actors did an amazing job. Kudos Kudos Kudos!!!

    Lee :)

  85. Not the greatest episode, and not the worst. Honestly there was to much going on, and it could have been a two parter. Though then again the stuff with Hotch and the Brit laying on the street did not need to go on for 20 minutes. That could have been cut down.

    And the case is not resolved at all, so what they couldn't say oh well homeland security is taking over since its not a BAU case. One little blurb would have resolved that issue.

    Morgan doing his own thing is why he shouldn't be a team leader or take over a branch. He trusts no one is what Hotch's point was, where as Hotch as a team leader trusts his team to get the job done. Morgan isn't at that stage yet so no shouldn't be given a recommendation by Hotch.

    Morgan with the team lead first responders I really didn't like, thought it was to fanficy. What two paramedics couldn't go down and get her and bring her out, but they'll let Morgan through what exactly medically was he going to do.

    Prentiss and JJ underused again. JJ can understand - pregnancy (oh and I think I read AJ Cook gave birth on the 23rd). Reid and Rossi also kind of underused.

    Though my biggest question is how in the hell did the FBI not know that some bigwig was being protected by secret service. That was really unbelievable, security be it regular cops and FBI would have also been on-site. Hell it wouldn't be to hard to connect the dots with that information. And being who I'm guessing it was the surgery would have actually taken place at Walter Reed in Washington DC, not New York. How is it the FBI didn't know about the surgery but the terrorist's did? Really dumb plot hole.
    Garcia was top form as usual.
    All in all couldn't give the episode an excellent, wound up giving it an ok.
    Can't wait to see how a FULL season is going to go, hopefully less Reid and more on Prentiss, Morgan, Hotch and JJ. Because we really don't know a lot about those four whereas we know to much about Reid. And if Reid gets kidnapped or focussed on more that one time this season I think I'm renaming the show to the Spencer Reid show and turning off.

  86. LOVED the episode, but I have one question that came to me as I'm reading the comments.

    How is Morgan talking to Garcia if she blocked cell phone reception around the hospital? Wouldn't his be blocked too?

  87. One thing I have been thinking about and we chatted about last night in the chat room was the room full of terrorists shown in Lo-Fi. In the chat, someone suggested they just melted away to live their lives and to fight another day.

    But it struck me this morning that we really don't know if there was a big room full of terrorists--the profile suggested that this was a big, well-coordinated group, and so that was what was shown--every time the team realized that there was more than one person, more than 2 people, etc., that was visualized on the screen.

    But now we know that the profile was wrong, so is there a really big group of scattered terrorists or did they get everyone involved?

    Just something to make you crazy trying to figure out!

    FYI, we do know that the person the Secret Service was guarding is a man--the agents said, when the team told them to evacuate the person, "we can't, he's in surgery".

  88. So glad it's back. So glad the whole cast is back. Yay for Morgan/Garcia being solidified as a strong emotional connection. I'm looking forward to more backstory for Reid and Emily as the spoilers indicate.

  89. "So while Morgan is taking the bomb to a safer location"

    Without letting his team know first. That is the "not trusting" that Hotch was referring to in the last scene.

    And the reason why Hotch thinks this makes Morgan not good for a leadership position is because it means Morgan had less of a chance of succeeding at what he set out to do. The only reason he was able to get the bomb away safely was because Garcia contacted him. If Morgan had been doing his job properly rather than just being incredibly headstrong and brave, he would have at least yelled something at the team as he left and contacted Garcia himself along the way.

    The reason why Garcia is "his solace" and they have such a good relationship is because she doesn't let him get away with that shit. Such as Garcia giving him the silent treatment right after he told her to never stop talking to him. Normally it would be a little childish of her, but part of why it works in this case is because Morgan's trust issues mean that his teammates end up doing more work (emotional and otherwise) than they would if he talked to them more. She's telling him that relationships go both ways. As Hotch says more explicitly later, it's not enough for the team to be able to count on Morgan, Morgan needs to realize he can count on the team.

  90. Glad I finally got to see an epi "live" - and such a good one.
    Hard to top this season premier. Kudos to the writers and cast for this incredible episode.
    CU sindee

  91. Jenny, you hit the nail on the head! Excellent

  92. He had let the team know through Garcia. If Garcia didn't let anyone know or if the NYPD officer didn't let anyone know, maybe that was her fault. :-)

    While the team was trusting each other he was chasing the other unsub down and at least got more than they did.

    Maybe that's why he doesn't trust his team... they always are content to let him do it.

    Maybe that sounds like heresy to all of us... but if I was living in NYC that night, I would have rather had morgan not trusting his team and saving the unknown person and the others in the hospital than stopping off, making certain that his team knew where he was and the bomb blowing up somewhere other than Central Park.

  93. VERY detailed spoiler:

    Hotch looked so confused as to what had happened as the pieces drifted down around him and he saw himself on team. When that guy came up and talked to him, you could tell there was something wrong his hearing. I was also wondering where that guy came from. Hotch seemed lost as to where he was and what had happened. He seems to remember fast. You can tell he cares for her when he’s yelling for her and running up to her. He doesn’t want to tell her the truth about her legs. When Hotch was trying and trying to get them to come over, I think he was wishing he never gave that order for them not to respond. He had almost a pleading look on his face for them to come over.
    I think it was around this time that I started wondering and clueing in that the guy trying to “help” was the bomber.
    Rossi and Reid are desperately trying to figure out where they are going next. The look on their faces when their knew it was an SUV! Rossi is pleading with Garcia to get the “eyes” on what happened and to find everyone on the team. His order almost seemed like a plea. I loved how she called Morgan first!  Then how she calls Emily and then tries JJ but gets her voicemail. Before she looses them all. Garcia looks lost and scared. Their emptying a building and JJ shows up, so we now know the rest of the team is safe.
    The look absolute horror on Garcia’s face when the SUV exploded. I am glad that girl was there to assure her they weren’t inside. She was so smart to rewind the tape to see who put the bomb there, that he was still there, and talking to Hotch!
    The look of shock on Morgan’s face when he knew it was Hotch down there. Loved how Morgan pegged that guy for being a Marine. I also loved how he quoted the Marine code and they guy let him go! Hotch didn’t want to move Kate as he had clamped her artery that was bleeding. When Morgan gets the call from Garcia, he goes chasing after the bomber. (Awesome music during the chase!)
    The paramedic finally comes up, without his parter who was “to scared”. The team seemed to relieved to see the rest of the team showing up. They also seemed glad to hear from Garcia, who seems so scared.
    I feel sorry for the people who got knocker over when that guy was running. Then Morgan starts going through the subway. (Why did he shut the door once, and not the other? Plus one door slides to the right, the other to the left?) All you can hear it the subway groaning and Morgan breathing. Made it creepy. They guy almost seemed to mock Morgan before he electrocuted himself on the wires by the tracks.
    The paramedic did a good job, and Hotch is covered in her blood. Reid seems to realize what they were thinking, doesn’t seem to be happening, when talking to JJ.
    The paramedic tells Hotch the nearest hospital and off they go. When they get there it’s guarded by Secret Service, and the hospital closed. Kate crashes at that time, and they guy lets her in. She’s taken to surgery and Hotch collapses.
    They seemed relieved when they got the news Morgan was safe. They all seemed to be figuring out what is going on. They also seemed glad to hear the news about Kate and Hotch, and that they are getting the help they need.
    Hotch is being himself. I cant imagine him staying in a hospital bed!
    There realizing everything they though was happening, isn’t what they were going after. The team all then goes to the hospital where Hotch is. They talk about all what happened, and what they were know thinking. We then see the bomb being put together. Hotch is the one who makes the connection, the target is the hospital, as its being guarded by the Secret Service.
    As they run off we see the paramedic is the one putting the bomb together, in the ambulance Kate and Hotch came in. ( That phone he used on the bomb, looks like one sold by at&t)
    The Secret Service refuse to tell who is in for surgery. They realize the parmadic has a cell phone, and ask Garcia to shut down the satellites. Morgan has taken off to the ambulance. Hotch doesn’t seem happy for me. The Secret Sercice head off to the elevator
    Garica calls Morgan and talks to him. You can tell she’s worried.
    The paramedic goes to the elevator and shoots whoever was in it.
    Morgan gets in the ambulance and see them bomb. He gives Garcia the number and asks her to trace it.
    The team is coming down the stairs, led by Reid. Morgan tells Garcia he’s driving the ambulance out, and she tells him he has 3 min before she looses the block on the towers. Garcia tells Morgan where to go to get out of the city. The paramedic shoots at the ambulance as Morgan drives away.
    The team then finds the elevator with the Secret Service men in it. All dead. Reid is still in the lead and he looks so good at it!  He’s the one that finds the SS mean first.
    I am so glad Garcia talked to Morgan the whole time! The paramedic is trying to dial but has no signal. The team then sees him sitting against the fence with a phone, gun and knife.
    Morgan starts to tell Garcia something as the signal comes up, and connects, and the guy makes the call. Then the ambulance explodes, as Garcia cries out Morgan’s name. (and I mean explode!)
    The team walks up to the paramedic, who slices his neck with the knife.
    We go back to the burning ambulance, and them Morgan stands up. he tells Garcia that “You’re my God-given solace”. ( one of the sweetest Morgan and Garcia moments ever!) Garcia is mad at Morgan and you can tell she’s ready to cry.
    Whoever was having that surgery is safe.
    Hotch goes back up to the surgery room where Kate was and learns she died. He uncovers part of her face, and then puts it back up. He sees her hand, holds it, and then places it back under the cover.
    We then see that cop, Cooper, from the finale last year and know hes OK. Emily goes to see him, and gives him tickets to the Mets for him and his family. ( I think she likes him!)
    Morgan cannot fly, so he had to drive back to DC. Morgan re-assigns the person who was to drive him back, to drive him back himself. Morgan refuses to let Hotch carry his bag or drive! Hotch tells Morgan the Quantico put in the request for to transfer. He then learns Hotch didn’t give his recommendation for the transfer due to Morgan’s actions with the ambulance. Morgan says Hotch’s opinion matters to him. He asks Morgan if he still wants to drive, knowing he didn’t give the recommendation to drive. Morgan unlocks the car door.
    Totally awesome eppy! They did such a fabulous job! I have a new number 1 favorite eppy!

    cmwinner ( I cant figure out how to change my name on here to be the same user name I am on the board and chat room!)

  94. Hey love2teach / cmwinner!

    Well done and very detailed recap, thanks. But PLEASE, please, for history’s sake: Never again use the abbreviation SS for the US Secret Service. They certainly wouldn’t like and don't deserve to be associated with that bunch of horrible Nazis which was the SS. Thanks from Germany.

  95. I loved Garcia's response to Morgan's heartfelt words. She was pissed and she cut through it. The episode was a big premiere. I wonder if they couldn't have made two episodes out of it. It was very good but there are some unanswered quesetions.

  96. Hmmm,I find that I now have a fear of black SUVs and guys in hoodies!!
    Exciting premiere after a summer with enough red herrings to open up a fish market!!
    So no cast member really bites the dust but that rumor did heighten the suspense as Morgan is constantly running after someone.
    Hotch is like IronMan/Energizer Bunny to me after flying away from any explosion like that and bouncing back with a few scratches.
    I guess the serious impairment will be his hearing deficit from his damaged eardrum. What a cool excuse for his selective hearing!
    What?? You want a horse???? Eh??Oh, you want a divorce!! Eh???
    Way to go, Hotch!!Great way to go from Hotchedty to Crotchety!!
    I was a bit puzzled by the ending. So the whole point of all the shootings and clues was to deliver a bomb to assassinate one person inside a protected hospital? With so many variables to factor in(like the timing of the surgery, the timing of the car bomb,knowing where everyone is at one time),it's difficult to pull off successfully. Was it really safer and judicious of Morgan to run off with the bomb, hoping to find a safer place?? Hospitals have disaster/evacuation plans and training. Even the OR team can readily mobilize and move an anesthetized patient in a dire emergency. They could have evacuated and isolated the damage to the garage and maybe the bottom floors better than risking the unknown outside on the streets.
    It was also weird to see the BAU standing around resignedly after the assassin slit his throat and they made no attempt to put pressure on his neck and move him to the nearby ER.
    But, it wouldn't make for exciting TV entertainment if Morgan and the team did nothing so kudos for giving us an exciting start to season 4!!!

  97. Hotchner: Your actions, as incredibly brave as they were, were still the actions of an agent who doesn't truly trust anyone.
    Morgan: Hotch, I did it for this team.
    Hotchner: My opinion doesn't matter, the job's yours if you want it.
    Morgan: Hotch! Your opinion matters to me.
    Hotchner: My life matters to me, and I have, and always will, entrust you with it. Would you do the same for me?

    This was the best lines in the great episode. I missed the show. Glad to have it back!

  98. I didn't think it would be possible to improve on the season three finale but I was wrong. They pulled it off and the premiere was tight! The first 15 minutes where absolutely mindblowing. I could feel the intensity. Garcia's fear about not knowing the team's status. Aaron's panic about Kate and getting her help. Derek in the subway tunnel with one of the bombers. I could feel it all, which shows the excellent writing and directing. I really appreciated the team not really knowing what they are dealing with or why they are doing it. The confusion was very real. I loved watching them put the pieces together. I could feel the anxiety when they realized that the hospital was the target and Aaron drove the bomb right there. It got better when I thought Garcia working with Bartley was really interesting interaction. The emotions of relief when we learned Morgan was okay to the loss finding out Kate died. This episode had you all over the place and it was a FANTASTIC ride. Can't wait for next week.

  99. Intense episode. I'll have to watch it again to do my recap for the contest but on first glance I really enjoyed it. I thought the whole cast brought their A games and while I have some episode questions I really liked it. It was a wild ride!

  100. awesome season opener! my fiance and i didn't miss a minute! we can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store for us!

  101. OMG! This was such a great episode! The opening scene with Hotch - so realistic. And looking at himself and the destruction on the tv's - wow! It was action packed from start to finish. Morgan and Garcia - I cried...twice. I just love "Mayhem". Not sure what you're going to do to top it, but I can't wait to find out! Thank you Simon for writing such a great season opener. Thanks to Ed, Chris, Simon and the entire CM cast and crew for making such a great show and giving us something worth watching every week. You guys rock!


  102. The episode had flash and substance. I agree with everyone who pointed out the confab between Garcia and Morgan as being one of the highlights. I also liked Prentiss with the NY cop and the tickets.

  103. Absolutely awesome start to the season. Loved watching each and every single moment of it. Everyone that has worked on the show has done an amazing job. I am looking forward to watching the rest of the season and to see how each of characters develop through out the season.

  104. Afraid... but the whole damn episode was perfect. All the "small" things were there. Not just phone your collegues to see if they are okay.. But phone your collegues and go into every damn detail as for both writing, directing and acting!

    At first I was afraid that with the whole terrorism stuff it would become WAY TO MUCH but when I was done watching I had only one thing to say about it: AMEN! And I'm not even religious! It was done perfectly and not overdone in anyway. A big hoerah for the writers

    As long as the show will continue doing "normal" cases after this a terrorism episode every now and then is allright! Since the whole world is focused on it way to much I am getting tired of by time to time. But as I said. Every now and then is cool!

    The actors keep it real! Well done. The right emotion at the right time! They are doing such a phenomenol job!

    Also I usually notice the music with an scene but I can't recall any sound effects or music... And with that I can only add that it must have been there when it should...

    I'm really looking forward to see season 4. With the hope that we get some glimpses of the characters real life but not to much. Just as the previous 3 seasons... Let us have some room for imagination. That part is keeping people read books and in my opinion also watch a show every week. An hour a week to escape reality.

    To everyone on the cast and crew: Well done! Keep rocking at it! And thanks for the awesome chat and keeping a bit in touch with your fans!

  105. wooooooooooooooow what a great start into the new season. I bit my nails and love every moment. Everyone was so great. Thanks Lori for the recap. Can´t wait until next week.

  106. That was an awesome episode!!! - I have already watched it 4 times in two nights (I know, I am not right - but it was a really long summer waiting). TG did a fantastic job with Hotch. Hotch really needs a big hug and a lot of TLC - I will volunteer for that job!! Constant action end to end, keep up the great job everyone!!!

  107. I thought Thomas Gibson was outstanding in Mayhem - wonderful job.

  108. wonderful episode! great job!
    loved the "bernero cookie"!!!!
    awesome start of the season!
    and the opening scene with hotch was just perfect! so real

    thank you that was awesome once again!

    my recap for the contest will be post soon!

  109. I thought Hotch's desperate calls for help were chilling. How many times did he yell "please"? OMG, it was killing me.

  110. That was a terrific episode... What a way to start a new season... And a great birthday present too ^_^

    The show starts off recapping what happened in Lo-Fi ending with the explosion... We then see Hotch staring at a display of televisons, and he cannot hear... This young man walks up to him and Hotch asks him his name, he says "Sam" He asks him if he is allright although Hotch can hardly hear him. Hotch keeps telling the man to call 911 and to tell them that a federal official was down.

    Hotch then goes looking around the wreckage of the SUV looking for Agent Joyner and find her lying in the street where she was thrown from the blast. He runs over to her, she is awake and she asks Hotch for her purse--- She does seem out of it but does stay alert when the EMT's wouldn't come to them because the profile that they were given says that more bombings would try to take out the EMT's. Joyner also tells Hotch that she is cold and cannot feel her legs.

    At the command center Rossi and Reid are talking about the explosion Rossi is talking to Garcis on the phone telling her to try and contact the rest of the team and see what she could find out about the explosion.

    Garcia then calls Morgan and she finds out that he is allright, the Emily calls in and they wait to see if J.J. will pick up her phone. Her phone goes straight to voicemail so they have no way of knwoing if she is okay yet. Then Emily gets disconnected and then so does Morgan.

    Then the NYPD tech with Garcia finds footage of the bombing and they both look it over from different angles and time frames. From this Garcia figures out that the bomb was not IN the SUV, but was under it, so they back up the tape and they see the young man place the bomb under the SUV then back up a little bit so that he can watch the explosion... Garcia was not too happy about that.

    Back at the command center Rossi and Reid are talking about the explosion and Rossi then tells Reid to contact homeland security and have them check out all the murder sites for possible suicide bombers. Rossi then says there might be 8 bombers and Reid says there are 16, there are 2 at each of the sites one for the original bomb and one meant for the EMT's. J.J. and Emily then come in and they tell them that they haven't heard from Hotch.

    Morgan then drives up to the scene and the bomb squad tries to keep him from going to help Hotch... The Head officer was a real head case... And then Morgan asks him if he was in the marines. The guys says yes and Morgan asks him if he remembers the marine code "Never leave a man behind"... The guy finally lets Morgan go to help Hotch and Agent Joyner... Then the bomber is trying to "help" Hotch with Joyner and Morgan yells at him to get back behind the barricade, so he walks down the street watching the two of them. Garcia sees on the footage that the bomber "Sam" is there and then calls Morgan to tell him.. Morgan then tells Hotch and then we see Morgan taking off after "Sam'

    "Sam" then runs down the subway stairs and down to the platform. Morgan goes down to the platform and makes his way through the empty subway car, out the back door to the tracks. Morgan calls out to "Sam" to come out, while Morgan is holding his gun on him, "Sam" then walks closer to Morgan while saying something.. We see that "Sam" is barefoot and walking on the rails. Morgan tells him to get off the track and to put his hands behind his head. "Sam" puts his hands behind his head, then steps on the third rail and is electrocuted.

    While Morgan is off chasing "Sam" an ambulance finally drives up to Hotch and the EMT tell him that he couldn't stand listening to Hotch yell for help so he came to help him and that his partner would not come with him. They manage to get Agent Joyner's bleeding to temporarily stop and they load her onto a gurney and into the ambulance. Hotch then asks where the nearest hospital is and the EMT was telling him how to get there. When the ambulance drives up to the hospital, A Secret Service Agent stop them and tells Hotch that the hospital is off limits and they are diverting all patients to other hospitals. Hotch tries to talk his way into the hospital saying tha Joyner will not make it to another one. He tell him that he is an FBI officer, and when asked for his ID he says that he left it in his jacket at the explosion site... Then the EMT in the back of the ambulance says that Joyner is crashing and the Secret Service officer looks into the back and lets them into the hospital....

    Hotch then follows the gurnet carrying Joyner into the hospital and when the doctors are taking her to surgery, we see Hotch stumble and fall to the ground. The doctors rush him into a room to treat him.

    Meanwhile back at the command center the team is trying to figure out what exactly is going on and what the final target might be... Homeland Security doesn't find anythin at any of the murder sites... They then say that what has happened so far wasn't "memorable" and they try to figure out what the main target will be.

    Morgan then goes to the Hospital to find Hotch... Hotch has temporary middle ear hearing loss from the explosion and the doctors removed shrapnel from his leg... Hotch was not being a very cooperative patient and kept getting up and asking for his clothes. "I would have restrained him to the bed" Morgan tells him that his bag is on the way.

    The team then heads to the hospital to check on Hotch while Garcia searches the explosion footage. When the team gets to the hospital, they review what they know and Hotch being the man that he is.. Is in his dress shirt and is putting on a bullet proof vest.. He tells them that the profile they have is wrong, He says that the Bomber had a cell phone and was dialing it as he was running away... Garcia tried to trace the call, but the number wasn't working any more... They also find out that "Sam" never called 911.

    They then talk about a bomber making a name for himself with a really huge bomb, using a cell phone as a detonator. We see a man on the screen making a bomb and attaching a blackberry to it for a detonator... We then fgure out that the EMT was the second bomber... Hotch wonders about why the Secret Service were at the hospital and they they run to the agents and ask them who was in the hospital... Of course the Agents are not going to tell them.. Hotch then asks them where the ambulance is. We see the EMT in the back of the ambulance setting the bomb. Hotch realizes there is a bomb in the ambulance and tells the AGents to get whoever they are guarding in the hospital out and they say that they can't because the person is in surgery...
    We see Morgan runs and heads to the ambulance Bay. The EMT/Bomber then kills the Secret Service agents, and then takes the elevator down to the ambulance bay and heads outside to prepare to detonate the bomb that is in the ambulance and blow up the hospital.

    Rossi then calls Garcia and asks her to try and block all cell phone reception at the hospital so the bomb cannot be detonated.

    Morgan finds the ambulance and looks in the back and sees the huge bomb. He then calls Garcia and she tells him that she can block cell reception for about 3 minutes and for him to get the heck out of the ambulance.. Morgan being Morgan doesn't listen then climbs into the ambulance and tears out of the ambulance bay onto the street where Garcia proceeds to direct him to a spot where detonation would not do alot of harm...

    The bomber is steamed that Morgan managed to drive the ambulance out of the Bay and tries to shoot at the ambulance and disable it... The bomber then runs outside and sits outside leaning against a chain link fence with a cell phone in his hand.

    Morgan then drives through NYC to the safe spot, while the rest of the team is working their way down to the Ambulance bay with their guns drawn.

    We then see the bomber trying to detonate the bomb, but he can't get service..."Sounds like my phone in certain areas" Morgan is still tearing through the streets and the team is getting closer to the bomber... Garcia is pleading with Morgan to get out of the ambulance and to let it blow up where it is.

    Morgan tried to tell Garcia how he feels about her, and she is fussing with him... Morgan then drives the ambulance into Central Park and the cell phone block stops and the bomber gets cell reception and detonates the bomb. We then see the ambulance blow up... "I think I almost fell of my bed when the ambulance blew up"

    Back at the ambulance explosion we see Morgan stand up well behind where the blast was... Morgan calls Garcia on the phone and tells her that "She is his god given solace" and begs her to never stop talking to him. Garcia then tells him that she can't right then because she is mad at him. "I honestly cannot blame her"

    We then see the rest of the team looking at the bomber,then one by one walking away, with Hotch being the last team member there he picks up the guy's gun.

    Back at the hospital, we see a nurse in the O.R. mopping up blood... Hotch walks in and asks the man what is happening and where is the surgeon... The man says that they did all they could and that he was sorry but Agent Joyner did not make it... Hotch then approaches the O.R. table with Joyner's body and looks under the sheet that is covering her face, he replaces the sheet and he tucks her hand under the sheet.

    Meanwhile the following day Emily goes to visit Cooper the officer that was shot.. Cooper is trying to light a cigarette which is a big NO NO in a hospital and Emily is giving him a hard time over it.. She notices that his wife and kids have been in to see him.. She tells him that she has something for him and hands him an envelope. Cooper looks inside and says "Mets tickets"! Most people think I am a "Yankees Fan" and Emily says that she isn't one of those people.

    We then see Hotch standing outside and as he reaches down for his bag, Morgan reaches for it and tells him that he is driving him home to DC, and that he couldn't think of anything better than to drive Hotch crazy for 3 hours.. Hotch then asks him for the keys. Morgan says that HE is driving not Hotch. Hotch then tells Morgan that the Bureau wants Morgan to head up the NY field office... Morgan then looks at Hotch and says that Agent Joyner isn't even buried yet, isn't a little soon? Hotch tells him that we are at war now, and that those things don't matter... Morgan asks him "Don't I need your recommendation" and then he says "you didn't give it did you" Hotch demeans him for running off on his own, and says that in by doing that his actions show that he still has some trust issues. But then says that the job is his if he wants it.... Hotch says that his opinion doesn't matter, that the job is Morgan's if he wants it.... Morgan tells him that Hotch's opinion does matter to him and Hotch tells him that his life matters to him and that he will always entrust him with it... "Will you do the same for me" "Do you still wanna drive?"

    Morgan then takes the keys and unlocks the car........

    THE END...
    I hope I did a good job it was tough to read through my own handwriting.....

  111. So, in chronological order . . .

    I liked the opening shot of the starry sky and the floating debris. The silence and stillness puts us nicely into Hotch's POV - he is shocked, stunned and the multiple images of himself that he sees in the TV screens are a handy metaphor for his own fragmentation. We all thought Hotch was pretty "bombproof "- Mayhem is evidence that even The Hotch can get broken.

    And yet, despite the pain, the confusion and the shock, he switches on when he remembers that Kate is there. He still has the job of being Hotch to do. He is efficient and gentle as he assesses and comforts her - Hotch knows what to do and he does it. Not sure why she asked for her purse - surely it would have made more sense for her to switch to British English as she does later (cinema) and ask for her bag (? )- but we get the message that this is as unreal to her as it seems to Hotch when we first see him.

    I liked Rossi's complete focus on the job in hand and Reid copes better with things when he can analyse and work through them in an abstract way. There is an echo of Garcia's "Mouseketeer Roll Call" from Lo-Fi when she starts calling them, but with none of the jokiness - not now this is real. The way that the screens go black as the cell phones cut out is reminiscent of the scene in the Fisher King when Garcia realises that she's been hacked.

    Ouch - Hotch calling for help is heartbreaking. The pleading in his voice as he asks over and over for someone to come to them is so much more touching because it is Hotch. This is someone who usually comes to the rescue, not who needs rescuing. Hotch being physically vulnerable is rare and I wonder how that will play out this season.

    Hmm, only caught the ambulance coming from another direction on the rewatch. And Morgan switches into action and heads off to tackle a bad guy. The run through the station reveals that you can tell a bad guy because they will shove you out of the way without a word - the good guys ask/tell you to move. Morgan searching the train was well done - you can feel his tension, a mix of exhilaration and fear and it is well sustained. (A sign on the train - for the "Berner Technical Institute" - cookie or no? Google revealed no such thing . . . )

    I had a flashback to Electric 6 with the Danger! High Voltage sign and then there is Sam, balancing barefoot on the trainline, forming himself into a sacrificial pose before expiring with a bang.

    Paramedic!Hotch was good - AmbulanceDriver!Hotch was awesome. Is there nothing this man cannot do? And the loaded line "Thank your partner - he did it all" that makes sense on a rewatch. First time, when the paramedic shouted out to get the secret service guys to let them in, I went "hurrah!". This time, I went "Boo!"

    And then we have Hotch - he's done all he can do and now, at last, he can give way to the injuries. Even as he crashes to the floor, he is scowling, irritated with himself for falling, but he can't fight it anymore and blacks out at last.

    In the profile chat, Reid has a Hotch-moment of extreme focus on the matter at hand "They've accomplished nothing." Ouch - it might be nothing in the grand scheme of things, but there's a fair few dead people, Reid.

    I liked how Hotch can still look official in a hospital gown, giving it a certain gravitas. Unfortunately for Detective Cooper, not every man can rock that look. Nothing can keep Aaron Hotchner down for long - when Hotch realises that he drove the bomb in here, he has to put it right.

    The bad guy is particularly bad when shooting all the secret service guys in the lift - the extra "bang" is chilling. (Bernero's Hospital Linens - definite cookie) Meanwhile, Morgan is rushing down the basement to be a big damn hero. What if it blows up en route, Derek? "Why do you always have to do this?" asks Garcia - indeed.

    (I will admit to amusement at the bomber's somewhat melodramatic "curses, foiled again" moment.)

    Hotch's disgust at the bomber after he has killed himself is palpable and we all cheer when Morgan is okay.

    And then poor Hotch goes to find Kate. (Seriously - don't they move a body before starting to mop the floors?) He is so Hotchly here - taking her hand and then tucking it under the covers as though she was a sleeping child. Hotch cares and he never stops caring.

    Nice conversation between Morgan and Hotch at the end and Hotch is right. Morgan still has HUGE trust issues - being the boss means that you HAVE to delegate and have confidence in your team. I don't think Morgan is there yet. Hotch looks tired and in need of repair - I wonder what is still to come for him.


  112. By 10:00 I had forgotten that the President had been on. Of course at about 10:00 Morgan was racing with the bomb to the "open area". I was thinking "No! No no no no no! They are not going to leave us hanging until next week to find out what happened to Morgan. No!" About the time I was plotting the death of Ed B. and Simon Mirren it dawned on me... "the President gave a speech. We have another 10 to 12 min. left" at which point I started to breathe again. *G* Love you Ed. Love you Simon.

  113. P.S.
    Ed and writers please don't get any ideas from my previous post. Actually doing something like that falls under the category of cruel and unusual punishment especially after a summer long break.

  114. LOLOL Angel! Poor you! And poor Jill, she called me about 9;40 and they were just coming back from a commercial break and my cable went out! I was yelling "no, no, no, this can't be!" at her on the phone. Hopefully she has fogiven me by now.

    Once again, I was so touched by the Morgan/Garcia scene at the end. Just watched the ep for a 3rd time and I cried once more. And that "bus" blowing up, great, great, great special effects! Wow!

    Loved the scene between Prentiss and Cooper at the end as well. Emily is definitely not most people.

    When Hotch walks into the OR and they are mopping up the heart just went out to him. No matter what the personal relationship may have been between Hotch and Joyner, she is still a fellow agent, and therefore, she is family.

    It's just not in Morgan's nature to trust completely, and I can understand that.

    My favourite "little things" from the ep: the sign that said "Don't even think about parking here" (thanks Keren), Berner Technical Institute, and Bernero Hospital Linens (thanks M). Those were all great.

    What an awesome, awesome way to start the season. It was well worth the wait! Can't wait to see what else Ed and team have in store for us. I know CM will only continue to get better and better.


  115. Great recaps by everyone. I finally got to see the episode and I loved it. It was loud, action packed and had me sitting on the edge of the couch. Totally loved all the Hotch moments and the scene at the end between him and Morgan totally got me. I hope the rest of the season is just as good as the first episode.

  116. Totally missed the Bernero cookie. Thanks for pointing that out guys! I will look for it on rewatch. I wonder if we got all the rest of the cookies.

    I have a question. If they were going to kill the Brit anyway then why did the go to such lengths to get an actress who looks so much like Monroe. Does seeing someone who looks so much like Hailey die make Hotch go back and fight to get his family back???? Just a thought.

    The episode was a total rush and I agree that it was fab! A+++

  117. I thought the episode lacked any actual profiling which is what this show is about. I am hoping that this was only done in the one episode and not the theme for season four. I didn't dislike the episode but it was not a classic CM at all.

  118. That was an awesome episode great way to start off the season. Here's what happened:

    It starts with a previously on Criminal Minds with scenes from Lo-Fi which were bits of the beginning profile scene in the BAU, the scene where Hotch told Morgan he was at the top of the list to replace Joyner, then the last part of Prentiss’s profile of Cooper and the suicide by cop scene where Copper got shot, a bit of Rossi’s profile, the part where they realize they’re being watched and the explosion scene. The opening scene was Hotch in the aftermath of the explosion. He’s bloody and looking for Kate. Then we see a flashback of him leaving the FBI office with Kate. Before they get into their SUVs he tells her something to the effect of “we’ll get him”. Then he finds her lying on the ground. She’s out of it and asks for her purse. He said she didn’t have one with her and that they’ll get her out of there. She says no responders will come because they were ordered not to because of the profile in Lo-Fi (flashback to scene in Lo-Fi). Then we see her lying there with hotch over her while the quote is being said. The quote was “Never think that war no matter how necessary nor how justified is not a crime”- Ernest Hemmingway.

    Then we see Rossi is in the FBI building and he sees on the news that an SUV had been bombed. Reid then walks in and Rossi asks him where the other bombings had taken place and tells him to send homeland security to the bomb sites. He leaves. Rossi is then on the phone with Garcia and tells her to find the rest of the team. Then Garcia calls Morgan and he says he’s fine then while he’s still on the line she calls Prentiss and she’s fine. Garcia then calls JJ while the other two are still on the line. JJ doesn’t answer and Garcia is worried. She tells the other two who are also worried.

    Then JJ is driving her SUV looking for the rest of the team. She sees another agent and asks her if she’s seen any of the team. She says no and tells JJ she should check the critical incidence station. She then tells the other agent if she sees any of her team to tell them that’s where she is.

    Then Garcia is in the “camera” room with the NYPD officer looking at the surveillance footage of the explosion and realizes Hotch and Kate were the victims. Then we go back to Hotch and Kate. He tries to lift her with Sam’s help but can’t. He tells Sam to call 911. We then see Morgan at the critical response station talking to one of the military officers. He wants him to send help to Hotch but the officer says that it would be going against orders and it was too dangerous for first responders to go in there. Morgan then goes to Hotch himself. When he arrives to where Hotch is he tries to help him move Kate. Garcia calls him and tells him that Sam is the unsub. He then starts chasing him.

    Cut to: Rossi and Reid looking at the photos from the old bomb scenes. Prentiss enters and they’re both glad to see she’s okay. Then JJ comes in and they ask her where Will is. She says that he was stuck at the airport. Garcia is on the phone with Rossi. He tells her to find out how Morgan can be helped and then tells JJ to contact homeland security.

    Back to: Morgan chasing the unsub. He’s in a subway station then a tunnel. When Morgan catches up to the unsub he commits suicide.

    Cut to: Hotch and Kate. He’s trying to clamp her artery as best he can.

    Cut to: JJ and Reid are together in the office and Reid realizes that none of the original bombings happened near where Kate’s SUV was bombed.

    Back to: Hotch and Kate. Help finally has arrived and they put Kate into the ambulance. Hotch gets in the drivers seat and starts driving to the hospital. When they get there he can’t get in because it was on lockdown. He says he has an injured federal agent. They still won’t let him through until the paramedic said they were losing her. Hotch watches as they take Kate into the ER. He’s stnding alone and gets dizzy and falls to the floor and a nurse starts helping him.

    Cut to: Prentiss Rossi and Reid working on profile Bruston is also there. They realize that everything that was done was leading up to something bigger.

    Cut to: Morgan at the hospital with Hotch. He tells him that Sam killed himself and that Kate was in surgery. Hotch tells him to get the rest of the team there.

    Back to Prentiss Reid Rossi and Bruston- they now realize that everything appeared to be something it wasn’t.

    Cut to: Prentiss Rossi Reid Morgan and Hotch at the hospital- they are going through the profile and realize that the hospital was the target.

    Cut to: unsub putting the bomb under the ambulance.

    Back to the team: Hotch remembers the paramedic and the ambulance he drove in with. He realizes that the paramedic was one of the unsubs. They tell the secret service that the hospital should be evacuated. The secret service guy says that the man they were protecting was still in surgery. Rossi asks Garcia to interrupt cell phone service so that the bomb couldn’t be triggered. Then Morgan goes down to the ambulance while talking to Garcia. He asks her where he can drive it and gets in the driver seat and starts driving while still talking to her.

    Cut to Rossi Reid Hotch and Prentiss looking for the unsub.

    Back to Morgan driving the ambulance and talking to Garcia.

    Cut to: Reid and Prentiss find the secret service agents dead in the elevator.

    Back to Morgan: the bomb goes off but he escapes and lives. He tells Garcia that she’s his “god-given solace” and to promise him no matter what happens she’ll never stop talking to him.
    Cut to: Hotch in the surgery room…he finds out that Kate is dead…he lifts the sheet off her head and touches her hand. Then he puts the sheet back over her.

    Cut to: Prentiss is in Copper’s hospital room. He lights a cigarette and she gives him grief over it. She notes that the wife and kids have come to visit. He says he’s sorry about Joyner and asks about Hotch. Then she hands him Mets tickets for him and his family. He says “most people assume I’m a Yankees fan” and she replies “I’m not most people” and leaves. He then mutters to himself “no that girl is not”

    Cut to Morgan and Hotch: they are talking about the fact that they want Morgan to head the NY office. Hotch tells Morgan he in essence that he has trust issues.
    Then Morgan presses the key remote. The end. There is no closing quote.

  119. A full recap of Mayem, Mira style :P Enjoy, it's quite a read!

    Criminal Minds ended with a cliffhanger that has kept most of the fans in total disarray until the season premiere. At the end of 'Lo-Fi' we saw the team members walking to their SUV's and suddenly one SUV explodes. Tonight we got the answers to our questions, or at least most of them. Were the spoiler pictures and the released videos anything to go by or just a decoy? Lets find out, if we recap 'Mayhem' and tell you literally everything that has happened in the season premiere of Criminal Minds. Don't read any further, if you don't want to be spoiled!!

    Mayhem starts off with a short summary of Lo-Fi. SSA Kate Joyner is running point on the case together with detectives Brustin and Cooper. Obviously there's some tension and we learn that Morgan is first in line to replace Joyner to head up the New York office, if she fails at the case at hand. New shootings occur and when Cooper and Prentiss chase an UnSub, the UnSub changes his MO and runs away, waits for them and manages to shoot and wound Cooper. In turn Prentiss shoots and kills the UnSub and at this point the team knows their previous profile is wrong. They are not dealing with a single UnSub, but with multiple UnSubs. The UnSubs are disciplined, use counter surveillance, they are aware of the FBI's movements, there's a hierarchy and that usually equals terrorism. They are taunting the FBI as they want them to know they are ramping up to something. All the shootings had the sole purpose of creating panic in order to get realistic response times short of a bombing. And just when they all leave the office to tackle the task at hand with the new information the next morning, we see an exploding SUV.

    Debris falls out of the sky, a piece of newspaper gently rocks down and you can hear alarms going off in the background. Other than that there's silence, eerie silence. The street where the SUV exploded, a red zone where you are not allowed to park and will be towed if you do, is monitored by police department video cameras. The first team member we see is Aaron Hotchner. He catches a small piece of debris in his left hand and he watches himself – in front of a burning car - on at least seven screens of an electronics shop, obviously hurt by the explosion. He is covered in soot and blood and by the eerie silence – and the blood coming out of his right ear - it becomes clear he has problems with his hearing. Not realizing what happened, the team leader is in shock and struggles to regain control.

    Hotchner turns around and sees the burning SUV, slowly registering what could and must have happened. A bystander walks up to him and asks him if he is alright. Hotchner however is not really hearing the bystander - he is only registering a rather dull and peeping sound - and in turn asks for the bystander's name, his way to create order in the chaos and to take control of the situation. Rather confused the bystander tells him his name is Sam and Hotchner asks him to call 911 to report an explosion, which he had already done. When Sam notices Hotchner is a cop, Hotchner gets a flashback and he remembers he walked out of the office - the reason Hotchner is wearing his identification as it is mandatory in the office - together with SSA Kate Joyner. The ever gallant Hotchner opens the door for Joyner and tells her not to worry, they will get them and Joyner replies that she knows. The flashback ends and Hotchner realizes he was not alone when the bomb went off. He asks Sam to call 911 yet again, to “tell them a federal agent...” and then he runs off – leaving the bystander on his own and with incomplete information - towards the burning SUV calling for Kate. As he walks up to the SUV to see if Kate is still in the car, Sam calls 911 again, and then Hotchner gets forced back by a small explosion. Taking off his jacket – wrapping it around his left arm - using it to shield himself from the debris and fire, Hotchner keeps looking for Kate in the proximity of the SUV, when he suddenly sees something, looks up into the street and sees Kate lying on the ground.

    He shrugs off the jacket and runs – all the traffic lights are red - to Kate with a slight limp. Kate lies on the ground and is apparently in shock, she keeps repeating that she can't find her purse. Hotchner tries to calm her down and tells her she needs to stay still. When Kate asks for her purse again, Hotchner seems to look for the purse or even checking her for injuries, but tells her that he didn't think she had one. Hotchner keeps telling Kate to stop moving, but still looks disoriented himself – we keep hearing the peeping sound - and Kate asks him what has happened to him, also seeing the blood on his face and shirt, and what happened in general. Still fighting the effects of the blast to his hearing, he tells her he doesn't know. “I don't know. A bomb. An IED (improvised explosive device), I think it was an IED!” Hearing this information Kate wants to get up, but Hotchner again tells her to lie still. Complaining of her legs, Hotchner looks at Kate's legs and sees a lot of blood. When Kate asks Hotchner if she was moving her legs, he decides to turn her around to find out where all the blood is coming from as her legs didn't move at all. Although Hotchner is reluctant to turn her over as it could hurt, he knows it's important to find out what's causing the major blood loss.

    As soon as Hotchner turns Kate, he knows she is severely injured. Her back has been torn open and is covered in blood. She's bleeding and although he is slightly shaken by what he sees and what it could mean, he takes action to save her life and pinches of a 'bleeder' with his hand, fully aware he needs to do it until help arrives, hurting her in the process for which he apologizes. Kate assures Hotchner it doesn't hurt at all. When three police cars and an ambulance come rushing around the corner – the traffic lights are still red - he signals them, waving his hand and screaming “Officer Down”. He is shocked when he sees them – and after a cut all the traffic lights are suddenly green - stopping, blocking the crime scene off at the corner with their cars, thus not coming to their rescue. Kate reminds Hotchner that they will not be coming to their rescue, due to a change in the profile Kate had ordered them not to enter a crime scene before it was cleared.

    We see a flashback of the team and Kate in which they discuss the MO. The murderers stage bombings to gage response times to detonate a second bomb, first taking out civilians and then emergency responders in the second wave. Hotchner remembers the discussion and his face shows despair as he realizes what it means. Kate tells Hotchner again that they can't enter the scene as they are possibly the intended target of the terrorists. Hotchner looks at the blockade – and the lights are green - again, the necessary help being so close and yet so far away. The sensible decision keeps Hotchner and Kate isolated with Kate severely injured and only Hotchner to do everything in his power to keep her alive.

    The Criminal Minds intro gives the viewer a small amount of time to digest what has happened and of course to speculate how this will end. One big question has been answered, we know now that Hotchner and Joyner were caught in the blast, but how will it all end and what about the rest of the team? Really a lot can happen in the remaining 34 minutes and it sure will!.

    Criminal Minds continues with the police really cordoning off the street – and the lights are red again, but further down they're green - with wooden balustrades and Aaron Hotchner citing the following quote from Ernest Hemingway: “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” Kate says: “You can't let go, can you Hotch? Aaron, you don't have to stay!” She realizes how grim the situation is, she is probably not going to survive and tries to convince Hotchner to leave her, but Hotchner wants to help and save her and doesn't leave. When we hear a helicopter flying overhead Hotchner screams for help again. Suddenly Sam shows up behind Hotchner, stating the obvious, that they're not coming and Kate tells him that they are just following orders, nobody will come in until the area is cleared. Hotchner, although he knows it and Kate tells him it is proper procedure, has problems with the effect of the changed procedure. Kate looks at Hotchner and seems grateful he decided to stay, meanwhile Sam is still pacing with his arms raised in despair.

    The scene shifts focus via the news helicopter overhead and we hear and later see the live news broadcast of channel 6 WHJH News on the giant screen at Times Square. They mention the explosion in the vicinity of Federal Plaza and the fact it has been cordoned off. As there will be no official statements at the time, they recap the eight incidents in three weeks and can only speculate whether there will be more attacks or not. Bystander's are watching the news on television and are now fully aware of the mayhem in their city.

    The broadcast continues mentioning the possibility of a car bomb and we see Rossi watching it in the NYPD command center when Reid gets off the elevator and rushes towards him. Reid tells Rossi that he had heard of the incident on the radio and he immediately tried to contact the other team members, but he couldn't reach them. Rossi explains to Reid that the cell phone system is crashing. When Reid asks Rossi where the explosion took place, he said he doesn't know. Apparently Rossi hadn't been watching the news for long. Trying to make sense of what happened and to be able to act, Rossi tries to focus on the profile and asks Reid to recall every site where the shootings have taken place: “Hells Kitchen, Murray Hill, Lower East Side, China Town ...” Rossi wants Reid to call Homeland Security, because if the profile is right there are eight suicide bombers ready to hit the previous locations. To make it worse, Reid corrects Rossi that there will be sixteen suicide bombers ready to hit as they also predicted that the terrorists gaged the response times to hit the emergency responders as well.

    After Rossi and Reid hear the breaking news of the car bomb being inside a black SUV parked (within a block) at 26 Federal Plaza. Realizing what this means – probably one or more team members could be the victim of this bomb – Rossi contacts Garcia to ask if she has more information. Garcia just walked into the CCTV command post and has to explain that fact to Rossi, when he anxiously asks if she can see anything. He gives her the details he got from the news broadcast and Garcia gasps at the thought of what could have happened. Rossi desperately wants to know what exactly is going and who's hurt and he again asks for eyes on the accident. He also mentions that he is with Reid, but he doesn't know where the others are and he orders Garcia to find them. Garcia – sitting behind her own FBI laptop - immediately takes action and asks Lisa – sitting behind her behind two screens with a lot of CCTV feeds - to get and backup every feed of every camera for twenty blocks concentrically out from Federal Plaza. She wants the explosion from all possible angles and then tries to contact the other members of 'her' team.

    Next, we see Morgan driving his black SUV with lights and siren blaring navigating his way through traffic on a New York street. Garcia calls Morgan and he answers the phone – with his left hand and only driving with one hand on the wheel - by telling he is still there and he is on his way back to the Federal building. Morgan asks Garcia, who's relieved to hear his voice, what the hell is going on and who else she has contacted. As Garcia tells him she is currently in the process of checking the CCTV footage, she also mentions he was his first call and Rossi and Reid called her. The team leader in Morgan takes over as he asks Garcia to keep him on the line when she calls the rest of the team. The split screen of Morgan and Garcia gets another split when Prentiss gets a call from Garcia. Immediately Prentiss answers – using a blue tooth receiver on her right ear - asks if everyone is alright and Garcia tells her about her contact with Rossi and Reid and that Morgan is still on the line. Morgan wants to know where Prentiss is and she tells him she is following detective Brustin to one of the critical incident command (CIC) posts of the NYPD. Garcia is surprised there is more than one command post and Morgan explains that they decentralized it, 9/11 made it painfully clear that one command post had to much on their plate that day. Keeping a cool head Garcia doesn't really let Morgan finish and asks if either of them has talked to JJ. Prentiss says she was headed back to her hotel and when Garcia asks if she went in a SUV, Prentiss acknowledges. Immediately Garcia dials JJ's number and when the voicemail suddenly dies with a beep, Prentiss asks Garcia to “try again as she probably ...” and then she loses contact with Prentiss -the split goes black - and a few seconds later with Morgan as well. She gets a busy signal and calls out for Derek a few times, she tries to dial again and then realizes and tells Lisa that she has lost all contact with her team. At the exact same moment Lisa has found CCTV footage of the explosion and tries to get Garcia's attention. She needs to call her twice as Garcia is nervously trying to geld hold of her team. When Lisa mentions she has found the explosion Garcia shifts her focus to the screens to watch it.

    The FBI at 26 Federal Plaza is being evacuated and a coordinator tells everyone to move to marshalling area Echo, report to their team captains and identify themselves. When JJ drives up in her SUV she asks Shelly, the coordinator, what has happened and Shelly tells her that there was an explosion nearby and that they had to evacuate the building as they are anticipating a second wave. Anxiously JJ asks if she has seen Hotch or Kate, but Shelly hasn't and hoped JJ had. After Shelly mentions she hasn't seen anyone of her team, JJ asks if they are setting up a CIC nearby and she answers there is one at 700 Hudson south of Laight in the Tribeca district. JJ asks Shelly to let her team know that's where she's headed, if Shelly sees one of them and then she drives off.

    At the CCTV command post Garcia and Lisa watch a close footage of the explosion. They see Joyner and Hotchner walking towards the SUV and when they are very close to the SUV the unexpected yet expected explosion. Joyner was directly behind the SUV and gets blown backwards with considerable force and Hotchner was walking to her left and the SUV's left side, getting blown sideways. Although Garcia flinches and is shocked by what she has seen, Lisa is able to calm her down by saying they weren't inside, she asks Lisa to play it again. Then she asks Lisa to move the camera to see where they ended up, but Lisa can't comply as the feed of the explosion wasn't live. Determined to find out exactly what happened to Hotch and Kate, she asks Lisa to find another angle. Garcia finally regains control and has a lead. She stays with the previous feed and rewinds it further back in time, as she deduces the bomb was under the SUV and had to be planted under it when it was already parked. Shortly after she finds what she is looking for, evidence the bomb was planted. The UnSub – hooded and dressed in dark clothes walks up to the SUV from across the street, plants the bomb under the SUV and walks away normally. To follow him they watch him from another angle and they notice he stopped behind a pillar, never leaving!

    A little later we see a groggy Kate still lying on the ground with Hotchner leaning over her to pinch the bleeder. Hotchner tells Sam to get out of the area, but Sam doesn't move at first and tells Hotchner he wants to help. In turn Hotchner tells Sam that he needs to get someone to them, if he really wants to help. Kate seems to go into a full shock and Hotchner tells her to wake up, she needs to stay with him. She starts to laugh and tells him she's cold, feeling like she is playing a part in a movie. Hotchner tries to make her relax and tells her it's normal as she has lost a lot of blood and he thinks he has stopped the bleeding. She keeps talking incoherently and wonders why they use different words, the British use cinema and the Americans use the movies, when Kate is hit by a wave of pain. Right then Hotchner decides that when the help isn't coming to them, he will take Kate to them. He is just about to lift her when Sam returns telling him they told him to stay behind the barricade. When they are almost lifting her off the ground, Hotchner loses his grip on the bleeder and Kate loses consciousness. He immediately searches for it again and pinches it. The situation is getting tenser as Sam keeps saying that's she is bleeding and asks Hotchner, if she's gonna die. Hotchner knows all too well she will die, if help isn't coming and screams that they're still there and emotionally pleads for help.

    The camera pans out to the barricade, full of activity, and we see Morgan driving up and getting out of his car. Immediately he walks towards the barricade and asks for the man in charge. Morgan gets directed to captain Warner. He identifies himself to Warner and tells the captain he is looking for agent Aaron Hotchner, but only gets directed to the Federal building to check in for the evacuation. Morgan defies the order and stands in Warner's face to make him understand, which Warner doesn't tolerate and tells Morgan to move or he will be removed forcefully. When Hotchner calls for help again, Morgan wants go in and help him, but he only gets a gun pointed at him as the area is restricted. Morgan tells him that it is “his boss down there”, but Warner simply replies he has his orders and nobody goes in until the blast site has been cleared. To get through to the captain he uses his profiling techniques and asks him if he is a marine, but the captain orders him to go to the marshalling point again, which Morgan makes very clear he is not about to do. Instead Morgan cites the marine corps rules to him: “never leave a man behind”. He is not just letting his man lay down there like that. In the intervals we can hear Hotchner screaming and pleading for help. The marine tactic worked as Morgan finally gets permission from captain Warner to go in, which he immediately does and calls out to Hotch to let him know he is coming.

    Meanwhile Garcia and Lisa are still looking at the CCTV footage. They are fast forwarding the footage of the UnSub, where they can see Kate and Hotchner walking on the street passing the UnSub on the sidewalk, now lurking in the shadows next to the pillar. The blast isn't visible, but they do see the flash and Garcia gets sick of the thought that the UnSub, or the SOB as she calls him now, watched the explosion. Another footage shows the UnSub walking up to Hotchner after the explosion and Garcia immediately dials a number as Hotchner and Kate are still in danger. Unaware of the fact that the UnSub has already made contact with Hotchner and apparently fakes his intention of helping them.

    When Morgan approaches, Hotchner tells him they have to get Kate out of there, but Morgan tells him they are not letting any ambulance in until the scene has been cleared. Morgan tells Sam to get behind the barricades and after Hotchner tells him to go, Sam wishes Hotchner 'good luck' and runs off, but not towards the barricade. Ready for action, Morgan asks Hotchner if they can carry her, but Hotchner replies that he has tried already and she is going to bleed to death, if they don't do anything. In the CCTV command center Garcia is praying for service when Morgan's phone rings. He answers and tells Garcia he is with Hotch, but he needs her to get someone to them right away. On the phone Garcia tells Morgan the UnSub was with Hotchner and after he asks her if she is absolutely sure, he sees the UnSub waiting and looking at him in front of the wreckage. Raising his arms sideways and taunting Morgan to come and get him. Morgan tells Hotch that 'the Kid' is the bomber and as Hotchner slowly lowers his head in defeat, he gives Morgan permission to go after him.

    The chase begins and we see the UnSub and Morgan running across the streets of New York. When they are still running, we see an ambulance of the fire department turning into the street they came from. As Morgan closes in on the UnSub, he pulls out his gun. The UnSub runs into a subway station and Morgan follows him, still with his gun drawn. In the meantime an ambulance has pulled up near Hotchner and Kate and a paramedic rushes to them, putting his bag – and they really zoom into it - down beside them. Hotchner tells him Kate has an arterial bleeding at her back and he is doing his best to keep it closed. When asked if he is OK, Hotchner says that he just wants to get her out of her, completely ignoring his own injuries. The paramedic tells him that Kate's pulse is weak and thready and he needs his help. Hotchner asks if the area has been cleared and the paramedic tells him that he heard his calls for help and he couldn't listen to it anymore, his partner was too afraid and didn't come with him. The paramedic takes an instrument out of his bag to start the treatment, but he never really opens it. Glad that help has arrived, Hotchner lets his guard down and tells Kate they are finally on their way out of there.

    At the command center of NYPD Reid and Rossi are looking at stills from all the murder sites when Prentiss runs in telling them they were conferencing with Garcia when the systems crashed. Within a few seconds JJ walks in as well and notices Emily first. Prentiss is glad JJ is alright and asks her about Will, who is stuck at the airport. JJ tells them she immediately headed for Federal Plaza and they were evacuation the building, and then she asks about the rest of the team. Reid informs her that Morgan is alright, but they haven't heard from Hotch! On a laptop Garcia is talking to them via a webcam, telling them Morgan is chasing the bomber. She also tells them that the bomb was under Kate's SUV, that Hotch was with her and he seems OK, but Kate looked really hurt and Hotchner hasn't moved her. If Rossi asks Garcia where Kate's SUV was parked, they are puzzled as to why they targeted her SUV, when they learn it was parked two blocks east of Federal Plaza as it doesn't seem logical. We learn that the bomber hasn't been identified yet, but Lisa is running him through VICAP. Rossi instructs JJ to call Homeland Security, they are supposed to be at all the murder sites and he wants to know if they have found anything. Then he needs Garcia again as she needs to find out, how they can help Morgan.

    The chase is still on and we see the UnSub and Morgan entering the station at the Fulton and Church street exit. The UnSub is pushing the bystanders away and Morgan tells everyone to move, clearing his path and direct line of fire. As they run through the station, Morgan loses track of the UnSub and he ends up on the empty platform of Chambers street. He orders the UnSub to show himself, but to no avail. There's an empty car on the tracks with the doors open and Morgan decides to enter it, gun drawn. Walking slowly down the cars - in one of them we even see a poster of the 'Berner Technical Institute' – Morgan opens and closes the doors carefully. When he enters the last car, he opens the door and jumps off, leaving him exposed on the track. A 'High Voltage' warning sign is visible, but it's unclear if the power is still on or not. Morgan walks further into the dark tunnel and calls out to the UnSub again: “I know you're in here kid. Show me your face, you coward!” You can hear the echo and then a sizzling sound, setting Morgan even more on edge.

    Yet again, Morgan calls out to the UnSub, telling him he has nowhere to run and that there's nothing down there for him. Finally the UnSub replies by asking if that's all he can see, darkness. The UnSub shows himself and it turns out he is barefooted, his shoes are next to the track. He walks on the track towards Morgan, smiling cynically and balancing himself by spreading his arms beside him. Morgan orders him to come off the track and put his hands on his head, but he doesn't fully comply. He only puts his hands on his head and tells Morgan that 'they all lose in the end'. Not in the mood to play games he wants the UnSub to shut his mouth, but he doesn't. He keeps talking to Morgan and tells him he will lose, because of his fear. The UnSub continues by telling him that they embrace that fear and steps on the powered (piece of) track and electrocutes himself. Leaving Morgan to watch his suicide and he has to step back and look away, but luckily he isn't hurt.

    As we go back to blast site, we see an open paramedic's bag, a lot of instruments and bloody patches lying on the ground. The paramedic is counting 1-2-3 and they turn Kate. He is about ready to clamp the artery. Hotchner has to remove his hand and get out of his way when he says “move”. When he does say move, we see the paramedic holding a clamp in his right hand and Hotchner releases the artery. The paramedic wants to bag Kate to get her pressure up and asks Hotchner to get the gurney from the ambulance. Hotchner is finally able to stand up and he limps to the ambulance.

    At the CIC Reid studies the map and marks some spots with a red marker. When JJ comes off the phone with Homeland Security, she tells Reid they have put tactical teams – SWAT, bomb squad, HRT, Hazmat ....- in all the locations, but haven't come up with anything. Reid doesn't reply and she calls his name again, but he's still caught up in the board. “All, except one,” he says. He realizes that none of the shootings were near Kate's SUV. JJ replies it could be personal, because of the death card they had left behind for them to find and sighs that they have delivered on it. Reid disagrees and says they haven't. Explaining it doesn't make sense for them to target a single SUV, if they have such a large cell and with multiple targets to choose from.

    Hotchner closes the doors of the ambulance, limps to the drivers side and gets behind the wheel of the ambulance. He asks the paramedic where the closest emergency room is, it's Saint Barclay's hospital and the paramedic tells him he needs to drive four blocks uptown and one block east. The emergency room is under the hospital and Hotchner needs to follow the signs to the ER. While the paramedic is taping the IV, Kate wakes up. Hotchner, who's driving, asks if she's awake and Kate asks, if that's Aaron talking and the paramedic acknowledges it, after he had checked it with Aaron first. “Kate we've made it,” says Hotchner. Kate thanks the paramedic, but the paramedic says she doesn't need to thank him, but her partner as he “did it all”.

    As Hotchner pulls up to the entrance of the hospital, he gets stopped by a Secret Service agent holding a flashlight in his left hand, who tells him all emergencies are directed to Lenox Hill. In total disbelief Hotchner explains he is an FBI agent transporting another agent who got hurt in the bomb blast at Federal Plaza and even before he is finished, he is asked to show his credentials. Unfortunately Hotchner doesn't have it on him anymore as they are in the pocket of his jacket, which he left at the bomb site, and he is not allowed to enter as the hospital is on strict bypass, in other words: 'closed'. When Hotchner explains the agent is not gonna make it, if he redirects them to Lenox Hill, Kate codes in the back. The paramedic calls out he is losing her, she's crashing and when another agent behind the ambulance gives the thumbs up sign, the Secret Service is allowing them entrance to Saint Barclay's and Hotchner thanks the agent, driving straight into a tunnel to get to the emergency room.

    In the emergency room the paramedic is on the gurney giving CPR to Kate while the hospital staff pushes it to one of the trauma rooms. Hotchner is with them, first walking behind the gurney, but he stops when they turn right into a hallway. We stay with Hotchner and the peeping sound returns, his vision starts to blur and he loses his balance. To steady himself, he tries to hold on to a desk, but his body is giving in to the injuries - probably the adrenaline of saving Kate is wearing off as well – and he crashes to the ground, taking a cart with him. Hotchner doesn't want to give in and tries to get up again, but his body doesn't have the same strength as his will power and his body finally gives in, rendering him unconscious.

    At the CIC we see Prentiss on the phone and she tells the team – Prentiss, Rossi, Reid and detective Brustin are present – Morgan is safe. Rossi is thanking God for that. Reid is still studying the board and shows a photo of the UnSub Morgan had chased in the subway and points to the photo of the UnSub Prentiss had shot in the alley, both are still being run through VICAP. According to Rossi – who has the footage of the explosion running on his laptop - they are smart and well educated kids, handpicked and are trained to be martyrs, they won't be in any files and won't have rap sheets. When JJ walks in, she tells them Kate and Hotch are at St. Barclay's. Rossi asks how they are and she tells him Hotch is in the ER, Kate in surgery and that Morgan is on his way to the hospital. The media is reporting it as a failed attack on 26 Federal Plaza, which it isn't. Detective Brustin chips in and mentions Homeland Security thinks it's a failed attack as well as they didn't find anything at the sites Rossi asked them to check. Brustin suggests it might be over, but Rossi says that's maybe exactly what they want them to think. Rossi asks Brustin – who has come around considerably since the BAU first came in on the case – to let him know as soon as the bomb techs have identified the device. Now Rossi starts to look at the CCTV footage of the bomber and asks Garcia, if she can zoom in on the bomber, which she does. They all see – Brustin looks on Rossi's laptop and Reid and Prentiss look on another one – the bomber is using his cell phone to detonate the bomb, they are just surprised he didn't wait for Hotchner and Joyner to get in first. Again Reid informs the team that the UnSubs haven't accomplished anything so far. It sets of Brustin and he sums up everything they have done so far: his partner Cooper was shot, eight innocent people were killed, two agents blown up, the suicide by cop and he asks out loud, if that wasn't enough! “That was memorable,” says Rossi and he looks at a picture of the Twin Towers, “this isn't.”

    A doctor at St. Barclay's is writing on a chart when Morgan walks in. After he identifies himself as FBI, he asks how Aaron Hotchner is doing. The doctor informs him that Hotchner has acute acoustic trauma in his right ear and that he has pulled some shrapnel from his leg. In the background we can hear Hotchner – guess he is not the easiest patient in the world in these circumstances – asking for clothes, eager to actively work the case and not be the victim. We see Hotchner standing next to the bed, pulling some electrodes – otherwise the sound would've meant he was flatlining - as the doctor opens the curtain, telling him to lie down. Hotchner insists he is alright and then Morgan comes in and tells him to stop it and calm down, also convincing the doctor he can handle it. Asking for Kate, Morgan tells him she's in surgery and the doctor and a nurse – previously trying to stop Hotchner from getting up - walk away. Again Hotchner asks for his clothes and Morgan tells him his go-bag is on the way. Asking Morgan, if anything has happened since the blast, he is getting his act together again. Morgan tells him that nothing has happened and if Hotchner asks about Sam, he informs him that Sam is dead. This leads Hotchner to assess their previous profile and tells Morgan that: “the profile is wrong!”

    Rossi has come to the same conclusion at the CIC. “Everything they've done so far has appeared to be something it's not!” Detective Brustin doesn't understand and the team explains it to him. All the murders, the UnSub hacking into their surveillance system, the suicide by cop to make them believe it was all over and the death card to let the team know the UnSubs were watching them, were all diversions. Also influencing their profile incorrectly. It is now clear the first responders were not the real targets and the bomb explosion in which Hotchner and Kate got injured, was a diversion too. They still don't know what the UnSubs are up to, but they do know it is not over yet and then JJ tells them she has Morgan on the phone to let them know Hotch wants them over at St. Barclay's, and they pack up and go. Detective Brustin stays behind and asks what he has to tell Homeland Security and Rossi tells him that if they love the city as much as he does, they keep it locked down as it is “about to get hit!”

    The team has arrived at the hospital and they're waiting for Hotchner, as he just got dressed and not looking as impeccable – shirt wrinkled and not really tucked in as it is supposed to - as he usually does. Prentiss asks him, if he is OK and he tells her he's alright. He tells her he just wants to understand why he is still alive. Reid says that he thinks that they wanted to maim and not to kill, also informing him that Sam – because Hotchner asked while he was putting on his vest – and the other UnSubs have been put through every known database, but they haven't been identified yet. Rossi jumps in by saying that terrorists cells evolve and they would stay off radar like the London bombers. Not believing this cell is structured the same way, Hotchner says that they've set off a series of bombs – a coordinated attack – in the morning aimed at the transportation system and this cell has set off one bomb targeting one SUV with only two federal agents on the street. Morgan then says that it's not multiple targets, but one target with one bomb. They continue with the information of the bomb being placed under the SUV and Reid gives some technical details – likely made from oxidizing agents, including chromate's, peroxides, perchlorate's and red mercury - all jammed into a device not larger than a cell phone. We can see Hotchner is still having problems with his ear as he is holding a napkin to it and looks to be in pain, but he doesn't give in and when Morgan talks about the damage a bomb with the size of an oil drum could do, he mentions that they would need a chemical engineer for that. Rossi finishes it for Hotchner. He mentions the agency's most wanted bomb maker doctor Azahari Hussain, aka the demolition man. Treating all his bombs like a work of art, one wrong move would make him a victim of his own bomb. “He would be more revered than all the people who died as a result of all his devices!” In order to stop the bomber, they have to stop the bomb and in order to stop the bomb, they have to find out how they would deploy such a bomb.

    A laptop sitting on the counter close to the team shows footage of the explosion and as Hotchner – hinted by Reid - watches it, he asks if they have found Sam's cell phone. They have and Hotchner wants to know if he ever called 911, but he hasn't. He did however call one specific number six times every few minutes on the disposable cell phone. Garcia couldn't track the number as it went dead after Sam died. Hotchner deduces that if Sam didn't have a secondary device to detonate, there was only one reason he stayed with Hotchner and Kate. Making sure the ambulance got there. Prentiss reiterates that an ambulance with lights on and sirens blaring would get by virtually every roadblock uncontested, if a city is in lockdown. Then Hotchner – after he got the flashback - realizes the paramedic has knowingly sent him straight into a bypass hospital, although the secret service – protecting someone - had put a strict bypass order on it. Reid says that Sam was calling the paramedic all the time and then Hotchner knows the bomb is on the ambulance - he drove under the hospital to get to the emergency room - and the hospital is the target. And they run off – Hotchner limping - as there's no time to lose.

    At first it looks like we see a flashback – like we have seen when Rossi mentioned the bomber - of the bomber, but then we see the bomber more clearly. It is the paramedic and he is still working on the bomb. We can see four metal pipes and some wires tucked away under the seats in the back of the ambulance. The bomber turns it on and places a cell phone on it, ten red lights light up indicating the bomb was armed. He pushes a button on the phone and it says “ready”. A small sigh of relief from the bomber, probably because he didn't blow himself up in the process, and he gets off the ambulance, stands and watches the bomb and then closes the ambulance doors.

    The team walks up to a desk where four secret service agents are standing watch together with a security guard. Morgan asks who they've got in there, but the secret service agent doesn't answer as he doesn't know why that information is important to them. As there is no time to play games, Hotchner asks him where the ambulance, he drove in, is and they learn it is in the basement. When the secret service agents asks why, Morgan tells him there's a bomb in it. It is rigged to assassinate whoever it is you're protecting. On that information he asks another agent to hit the alarms. Prentiss tells him it is better to evacuate everyone and the secret service agent tells him that's not possible. The protectee is currently undergoing surgery. Hotchner wants to know where the paramedic is and they see him on the computer screen, walking in a hallway with a cell phone in is hand. Rossi immediately asks Garcia if she can jam all the frequencies of the grid he is in and she can, but only for a short period of time. When Rossi tells her there's a bomb in the basement of the building, she tells Lisa that they have to access and pinpoint the three closest cell towers and disrupt the satellite feeds to them, and they need to do it fast!.

    On the screen the team can see the security cameras and they see the paramedic coming back, Garcia is probably jamming already. Prentiss says that he will detonate the bomb manually, if he has to. When Hotchner notices that Morgan is missing, he asks the rest of the team where he went. Reid answers that Morgan tries to find the ambulance and then they see him on one of the camera's, running down a stairwell. “Alone?” says Hotchner and the team hurries after him. The security service makes sure their protectee – Echo 1 will be taken to the roof as soon as he is out of surgery and will be evacuated by air - is taken care off and the rest of the team will take the elevators.

    One of the camera's shows the paramedic still walking through the halls of the hospital and then they cut to Morgan, he just arrived in the basement. With his gun drawn, he enters the basement and starts to clear it, when Garcia talks to him. He answers her with his normal words “Yah baby”, but his tone is stressed and Garcia picked up on it. Morgans answers her sarcastically and then tells her he is not in a place where he wants to be right now. At that moment we hear and see an elevator door opening, but the passengers inside – not visible - don't stand any chance as the paramedic already has his gun raised towards the door and fires multiple shots. He fires one final shot and then steps inside the elevator. Morgan jumps off the ramp and approaches the ambulance. He asks Garcia to take down “fidny108” and she asks if he is OK as it is an ambulance. He tells her he's fine, but he wants her to track the ambulance. As he watches inside, he can see the bomb and he slowly opens the back door of the ambulance.

    Meanwhile the rest of the team is running through the halls with their guns drawn. Hotch limps and he remarks that the bomber – seeing the elevator the paramedic just got into - is going to the basement. Prentiss mentions the stairs, Reid opens the door and they go down the stairwell. In the back of the ambulance we can see Morgan looking at the bomb and we hear a big: “Oh, my God!” He asks Garcia how long she can still jam the cell phone lines and when she says she can only do it for a few more minutes, Morgan decides he needs to drive the ambulance and the bomb away from there. Garcia doesn't like the idea and asks him to evacuate like everybody else, but Morgan refuses as the bomb will go off as soon as the airwaves are clear. And Garcia starts to ramble that's going to happen in about three minutes, then the satellite moves in position. Not losing any time, Morgan closes the doors again, gets behind the wheel, hot-wires the car and asks Garcia to find an area where he can drive to. She must also tell them that he's coming. When the car finally starts, he asks Garcia to guide him to the area. She does and tells him to head north and will tell him where to turn, but when Morgan drives off, the paramedic is in the basement and starts to fire at the ambulance repeatedly. Garcia can hear the shots and she wants to know what it is, but Morgan tells her it's nothing. The paramedic has the phone in his hand and tries to detonate the bomb again while he is chasing the the ambulance, but the lines are still jammed and he screams out of anger and imminent defeat.

    Close to the basement we can see the rest of the team again. They are clearing the hallway they're in, Reid and Rossi up front with their guns raised and Prentiss and Hotchner are checking the doors they're passing. When they come to a small stairway they see an elevator door opening and closing. The elevator is stuck because one of the bodies – three secret service agents – is keeping the elevator door open. Reid notices bloody footprints – leading to a door - and shows Prentiss, walking up to the door carefully and he's just about go in, when they cut to Morgan. He is still driving the ambulance and we see him on a busy street, lights on and sirens blaring. He looks at the bomb and he asks Garcia how much time he has left. Lisa tells Garcia that he has 1 minute and 50 seconds left and Garcia freaks out, asking Morgan why he always has to do this. The paramedic is sitting against a wired fence and behind it stands a white truck which says “Bernero Hospital linnens”, holding the phone in his left and a knife in his right hand. The gun lies in front of him and he keeps looking at his phone: “No signal!” Hotchner and the others enter the basement, the paramedic keeps looking at his phone for a signal and Morgan is still driving the ambulance.

    Garcia tells Derek that he doesn't have much time left and he has to be smart about it. He only has 30 seconds left and she wants him to drive through the opening and then has to get out. Morgan says to Garcia that there's something he wants her to know and she tells him to save it, he just has to get out. Morgan looks at the bomb again and he says he can't get out as he is not quite there yet. He just wants her to listen, Garcia pleads with him, but he asks if she knows what she is, but then the satellites are in place and the phone lines are working again. The paramedic sees that his call is connected, Lisa tells Garcia they've just lost the signal and then we see the ambulance drive across a field, and it explodes.

    The explosion almost completely obliterated the ambulance. A few smaller explosions follow and there's no indication, if Morgan is still alive or not. In a small voice and shedding a tear Garcia calls for Derek, but she doesn't get an answer. The paramedic is still sitting against the fence, he has put his phone beside him as his call was connected and the knife is in his right hand. The team surrounds him with their guns raised and they identify themselves as FBI. Hotchner stands in front of him and the paramedic raises his knife and puts it on his neck, threatening to commit suicide. Hotchner tells him it's over and orders him to put the knife down, but he doesn't and cuts his own throat from left to right. As he slumps down, we see an emotional Hotchner lowering his gun.

    The exploded ambulance is still burning, a few patches of grass as well, and then we see Morgan standing up. He managed to jump off the ambulance just in time! Immediately he tries to contact Garcia and we hear his emotional voice call out for her to finish what he started. He tells her what she means to him. “You are my God giving solace!” He wants her to promise that she never stops talking to him, no matter what happens. Although relieved, she tells him she can't, because she's still angry with him and she takes off her headset. Morgan tells her it can wait and walks away from the second blast site. The team is still watching the lifeless body of the paramedic and they slowly walk away one by one. Hotchner is the last one to leave is, but before he leaves he bends down and picks up the gun with a grimace. One last look and then he too walks away.

    The light in the OR is burning brightly, but the surgery is over. The OR is being cleaned after a very bloody operation. The blood gets mobbed up, bloody patches and bandages – we even see a piece of wrapped newspaper with blood on it - are everywhere on the ground and they are being picked up and thrown away. When Hotchner walks in, he has just taken his vest off, he asks for the surgeon to find out what has happened. The surgeon tells him that they've done all that they could, taps him on the shoulder and says he's sorry. He walks away to leave Hotchner alone in the OR. He walks slowly to the table and carefully lifts the cover from Kate's face. It's pale and her eyes are open. After he puts the cover back on her face, Hotchner notices her right hand isn't under the cover. He touches it and gives it a caring squeeze, before he gently puts it under the cover. Another look at the table and Hotchner bids her an emotional, but silent farewell.

    We see detective Cooper – recovering from the gunshot wound – and detective Brustin standing near the window. Cooper has a cigarette in his hand and tells Brustin they're gonna get caught, but Brustin assures him nothing will happen. “We're cops!” Just as Brustin is about to light Cooper's cigarette, Prentiss walks in and tells the two detectives that smoking in a hospital is a federal offense. Quickly Brustin tells Cooper he's on his own and gives him the lighter. Brustin leaves the room and Prentiss notices – due to the flowers and gifts – that his wife and kids have visited him. She asks him jokingly, if he has told them he started smoking again. Cooper asks for a break as he got shot. And now he is embarrassed he has to stand in front of a beautiful woman in a gown, with a catheter and an IV. He reminds her that she could have told him she was coming. Prentiss tells him that she wasn't going to at first, but she thought she could drop in on her way to the airport. There's an awkward silence and Cooper keeps the conversation going by telling her he is sorry to hear about agent Joyner. He also asks how Hotchner is doing and Prentiss tells him he's fine, but he can't fly for a while because of his ears. Prentiss didn't come empty handed and hands her gift – for the entire family – to Cooper, supposedly great seats. Cooper tells her she didn't have to do this and Prentiss replies that she really wanted to as the UnSub also could have shot her and Cooper is glad it wasn't her. When Prentiss walks away to catch her plane, Cooper opens the gift and finds the Mets tickets she has given him. He makes her stop to tell her that most people assume he is a Yankees fan and then Prentiss teases – referencing to Lo-Fi - him by saying that's she's not most people, and she walks away with a big smile. Cooper totally agrees.

    The team is flying back, but Hotchner isn't allowed to fly and he has to drive home. We see him outside saying goodbye to an officer and about to pick up his go-bag, but then Morgan tells him not to and picks it up for him. Morgan tells him he's his ride. Hotchner thought agent Davis was driving and she was, but Morgan had her reassigned. Seemingly annoyed Hotchner asks Morgan, if he doesn't have anything better to do and Morgan acknowledges it: “then to annoy you for three hours. Hell no!” Hotchner asks Morgan for the keys, but Morgan doesn't give them and signals it's time to go. They start walking towards the car, when Morgan asks Hotchner, if they ever found out who Secret Service was protecting in the hospital. Hotchner replies with a rhetorical question: “Does it matter?” And Morgan guesses it doesn't. There are many reasons for Hotchner's demeanor and attitude towards Morgan and he addresses a few them. He starts by telling Morgan that Quantico has requested Morgan's transfer to run the New York office. Morgan is surprised they acted so quickly as they haven't even buried Joyner yet, but Hotchner tells him they're at war and things then change. When Morgan mentions that he needs Hotchner's recommendation for it, he tries to stay calm and in control and silently walks toward the SUV. Hotchner turns his back to Morgan in the process from which Morgan concludes that Hotchner didn't give him the recommendation. This triggers Hotchner to spit out his thoughts – and the reason he is so annoyed with Morgan – and he tells him that his actions were incredibly brave, but acted as a man who doesn't truly trust anyone. Morgan tells him he did it for the team and Hotchner replies that his opinion doesn't matter. “The job's yours, if you want it!” As Hotchner is about to get in the car, Morgan tells him that Hotchner's opinion does matter to him. Finally Hotchner spits it out: “My life matters to me and I have and always will trust you with it, but would you do the same for me?” There's pain in Morgan's eyes as he can't answer the question. They look at the SUV parked at the curb and Hotchner asks Morgan, if he still wants to drive. A few seconds go by in silence, Morgan bows his head and thinks about it, he looks at Hotchner and then pushes the button on his key to open the doors. THE END

    Mayhem was an action packed, tense and emotional episode. It showed the entire team under extreme pressure, already giving us more insight into some characters. They all had their moments, difficulties and emotional highs and lows – some more so than others due to the circumstances - and if this episode is a sign of what's still to come, we are in for an amazing season!

  120. i watch mayhem 5 times so far and i really like had so much going on alot of action. morgan was great.felt bad for hotch and kate.i feel this is going to be the besr season yet

  121. Okay, what a mind-blowingly wonderful episode! Here is my submission for the contest- based on notes and memory since I only got a chance to watch it once.


    We begin in the muted aftermath of the explosion with bits of debris drifting soundlessly to the ground. The scene is oddly still and quiet, and it is soon apparent why, as fans every where release a collective sigh of relief when the camera focuses in on Hotch. Alive, but bloodied and disoriented, Agent Hotchner stands on the street viewing himself through multiple television sets as he gazed into a shop window.

    His hearing has obviously been affected by the blast, but as he contemplates his image, perhaps wondering where he is, his memory slowly returns. A young man comes up to him. The man's voice is muffled so Hotch repeatedly insists he call 911. The young civilian is concerned, but doesn't have a chance to pose many questions before Hotch whips around, noise returning to the scene suddenly and realises that Kate was with him during the explosion.

    In a panic, Hotch races toward the SUV screaming her name, and stopping only when he spots her lying still on the ground. Rushing to her side, Hotch immediately starts assessing the damage. She's in shock and loosing blood rapidly, confused, she mumbles about finding her purse. Hotch's panic increases, he tells her to lie still and then turns her over slightly to see the damage to her back; it's ripped to pieces. In true unsqueamish Hotch fashion, he pinches off the blood flow with his bare hands, laying her gently back down on the asphalt. She calmly assures him that it doesn't hurt- she can't feel a thing. Hotch tries to comfort her, his breathing ragged, blood and dirt marring his clothes and face.

    An ambulance roars around the corner toward them with the siren blaring and Hotch's relief is palpable. When he looks back at Kate however, she clearly doesn't share his relief. Her expression is almost defeated. The ambulance and accompanying police cars and fire engines all stop within a couple blocks from them, forming a barricade but moving no closer. Confused, he yells to them, screaming "We're over here!" and waving his arms desperately, to no avail. He looks to Kate. She calls him 'Aaron' and reminds him sympathetically that they themselves gave instructions to the emergency responders to stay away; the profile dictates that the goal of the first bomb is to attract attention and injure civilians, but the real target is the first wave of emergency responders. He visibly pales in horror at the sickening realisation that help would not be coming.

    The scene switches to Reid rushing into the NYPD and immediately spotting Rossi. Reid's panic and fear are confirmed when, in a rare and personal move, he addresses Rossi as "David". Rossi waves him over, and both are clearly glad to have each other accounted for. They find out immediately that it was one of their SUVs that blew up but have no idea which one. That a team member was a possible victim comes as a horrific discovery to them, and they are relived to get Garcia on the phone.

    She's back in her temporary computer office and immediately sets to work on the security footage of the explosion. Garcia is completely shaken, but manages to keep herself together as she disconnects from Rossi and Reid. She holds her breath as she dials Morgan's cell, the tension rises with every ring until finally he answers and she can breath again. Keeping Morgan on the line, she calls Emily. Emily answers. All three are relieved to speak to each other for a moment before wondering if anyone has heard from JJ. No one has, and Garcia looks ill as she dials JJ's number and only gets her answering machine. Before she can give much though to this, she suddenly looses her connection to Morgan and Emily. Close to tears, she quietly drops down into her chair, fearing for her team.

    JJ pulls up in her SUV, looking unharmed but worried, and inquires out her window to an officer if anyone has seen her team.

    Garcia is furiously reviewing security footage of the explosion and quickly locates what she is looking for, only to be completely appalled that she is watching Hotch and Kate get physically blown away from the SUV as it goes up in flames. Sickened, but determined, she turns to the NYPD Officer assisting her and demands to see all angles of the explosion. The officer complies but Garcia suddenly notices something on the screen and says "Wait! Go back!"- She found the bomber!

    Hotch is still by Kate's side and the young man that called 911 is now beside him, trying to help. Hotch tells the boy, whose name is Sam, to leave because it isn't safe, but he refuses. Kate looks at Hotch and quietly admits that she feels cold, before laughing morbidly at the cliché. Hotch, however, doesn't see the humour and his control starts to slip as fear takes over. Kate jerks suddenly in pain before passing out. At this point the last of Hotch's control dissipates and he shouts to the emergency responders, begging and pleading for them to help, over and over again.

    Morgan reaches the mass of emergency responders and pushes his way toward the front, trying to find out what's going on. The EMS ignore him completely. As he moves closer to the scene of the explosion he hears Hotch begging for help. Realising that his boss is out there, he starts to run toward him, only to be stopped by an officer. Morgan furiously and defiantly demands the officer let him through, saying that the officer, who had been in the Marine Corps, should know never to leave a man behind. Swayed by his speech, the Officer lets him through.

    Garcia is still watching the security footage, having seen the bomber plant the bomb under the SUV and wait for Hotch and Kate to open the door before detonating it, which means that he was watching the entire time. Not only did he watch the explosion, he never left the scene!

    Morgan finally reaches Hotch, and relieves Sam of his post. Sam leaves, and Morgan takes over. Kate is bleeding to death on the ground, and there is nothing that they can do.

    Garcia flies into action, calling Morgan's cell.

    Morgan answers his phone and his eyes widen in understanding. "Are you sure?" he questions before turning to Hotch. Shocked and enraged, Morgan briefly informs Hotch that Sam was the bomber, before shooting off after the kid at Hotch's reassurance that he'd be okay left alone with Kate.

    The chase is on! Morgan is sprinting after the kid, fuelled by his anger. He chases him for a few blocks, pushing past civilians, before they reach the subway station. Sam escapes into the underground but Morgan is close behind, entering with his gun drawn.

    Hotch is still holding on to Kate when an EMS responder finally comes to his aid, saying that he could stand hearing him yell for help any longer and came alone, without permission, to help.

    JJ shows up at the NYPD station, calling out to Emily when she sees her, and then sees Rossi and Reid as well. They are all relieved to be together again, but the tension doesn't lessen. Falling back into their trademark team synchronization, they pull Garcia up on the Webcam to debrief.

    Morgan moves into the subway, the civilians clear away and all that remains is an empty subway train, stalled in the tunnel. He draws his weapon and enters the first car. The air is still and silent except for the occasional mechanical creaking and shifting of the train as he moves through each section thoroughly and efficiently. The tension mounts with every tiny noise. Finally he reaches the exit at the very back of the train. He opens it slowly, gun aimed at what ever may lie beyond the door. Nothing. Carefully, he jumps off the train into the dark and ominous tunnel. His voice cuts through the silence as he tries to coax the boy out of hiding. It doesn't take long before Morgan receives his response and a voice asks from the shadows, "Is that all you see? Darkness?" Sam walks toward Morgan, barefoot and balancing on one side of the tracks. He puts his hands on his head when Morgan demands it, but smiles unafraid and without hesitation extends one leg to straddle the tracks. Before Morgan can stop him, electricity shoots through the boy in a dramatic 'BAM' and he falls to the ground dead.

    JJ and Reid sit in a board room reviewing evidence and maps. They find that it just doesn't make sense that the target would be one single SUV, and not one of the expected targets full of civilians, or even the first wave of emergency responders...

    The scene cuts to Hotch, who is now driving an ambulance and trying to reach the hospital. Kate is in the back, conscious, with the EMS man tending to her. She thanks him profusely for his help, but he claims modesty that all thanks should go to her partner. His voice is oddly mirthful considering the dreary situation, and Hotch looks back in the rear view mirror as a flicker of doubt and wariness passes over his features.

    His train of thought is distracted however, when they are stopped at the gates of the hospital by the Secret Service. An agent refuses them access to the hospital, saying that it has been locked down, but Hotch will not be deterred after having come this far. After appealing to their conscious and insisting that Kate needed immediate medical attention to survive, the Secret Service begrudgingly lets them pass.

    Kate is rushed off to surgery as soon as they reach the hospital and Hotch stands in the corridor near the front desk. The noise of the hospital is suddenly muted and Hotch looks around, disoriented and unable to hear properly. Haltingly he stumbles toward the desk, covered in Kate's blood as well as his own, seeking something to grab onto and balance himself. He reaches the corner of the desk, but dizziness overtakes him and he collapses to the ground. Nurses rush to him and he tries to pull himself up, but passes out despite himself, as fangirls from all over the world swoon at Thomas Gibson's incredible acting abilities.

    Back at the station, Emily is on the phone with Morgan and confirms that he is safe and the bomber is dead. They review the video footage, but the situation doesn't add up. The suicide prior to the second attack breaks with the profile; something is wrong. They can only wonder when and where the next bomb will detonate.

    Morgan reaches the hospital, pushing past the nurses to reach his boss. For one gut-wrenching moment the beep of a flat-lined heart monitor emanates from Hotch's room and Morgan rounds the corner in time to see Hotch ripping the cords off of him. Dressed in a hospital gown, Hotch is very displeased at the situation and demands his clothes back from the nurses in an uncharacteristically shaky voice. Morgan tries to calm him down and reassures him that clothes are on their way. He informs Hotch about the bomber's suicide and this causes him to still. With a combination of surprise and dread encompassing his features, Hotch says in realization, "Morgan, the profile is wrong."

    At the NYPD station, the team is assembled, dressed in their Kevlar vests and armed for battle as they continue to theorize. Encouraged by the fact that their boss is alright, the team regains their confidence. The security footage is running on the computer and Hotch sees the moment that the explosion occurred, as well as Kate and himself flying through the air, and he's slightly unsettled by it, though stoic as always.

    He asks if Sam actually did call 911; he did. Sam also stayed to make sure that no one died- yet another break with the profile. Suddenly realization dawns on them: The hospital is the second target, and the first explosion was used as a means of getting the bomb past the Secret Service and into the hospital- the EMS man that helped Hotch was the real terrorist!

    The scene switches to the back of the ambulance, now parked in the basement of the hospital. The terrorist leans over the bomb that was cleverly hidden in the ambulance the entire time. It spans about 5 feet in length. He makes some last minute adjustments to it, perfectly calm, and sets the device to 'Ready'. He closes the backdoor of the ambulance. The bomb waits for his command.

    The team has rushed to the hospital and try to explain to the Secret Service that the bomb is aimed at whoever they are there to protect. They call Garcia and try to buy time by having her disrupt the satellite signal for the device that the terrorist has rigged to detonate the bomb, though they fear that the bomber will not be deterred for long and will detonate the bomb manually. Garcia does as requested and calls Morgan as soon as the team has split up to locate the bomb.

    The bomber makes his way swiftly through the hospital stairwells, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

    As Morgan seeks him out, Garcia stays on the phone with him. By habit, they banter to lighten the situation though it is strained by the circumstances.

    Emily, Rossi, Reid and Hotch work their way down stairs.

    The music is foreboding as Morgan reaches the basement, adrenaline coming off of him in waves. He sees the ambulance and opens the back door. The massive bomb is in the back and he sighs with dread upon seeing it. He asks Garcia how much longer she can block the signal, to which she answers three minutes- maximum. Making up his mind, and seeing no other possibility of thwarting the attack, Morgan rushes into the front seat of the ambulance and floors the gas, tearing out of the basement parking lot with Garcia in a panic on the phone giving him directions.

    Behind him the terrorist sees him take the bomb and immediately tries to chase him down and shoot out the wheels, but he is no match on foot. Morgan roars around the corner and out of reach, sirens blaring. Desperate and realising his immense failure, the terrorist cries out and drops to his knees on the concrete of the parking lot.

    The rest of the team runs into some bloodied footprints on the ground and quickly come across the bodies of several Secret Service agents in an elevator. They're getting closer.

    Garcia is furious and terrified on the phone with Morgan, asking him why he always has to do this, why it always has to be him in these dangerous situations. Nerve-wracking music pumps in the background as the ambulance roars down the streets, flying past the other cars towards a civilian-less destination with Garcia's directions. The count down has begun.

    The team is closer to reaching the source of the bloody footprints. The bomber sits against a chain link fence in the underground parking lot, staring intently at his cell phone, waiting for reception to return so he can detonate the bomb.

    Morgan is rapidly running out of time. The countdown reaches thirty seconds. Garcia tells him to get out of the vehicle, buy he refuses- he's almost there. She begs him, but he won't. 20 seconds. Morgan says into the phone, "You know what you are Garcia?" She doesn't, and she doesn't want to know; his words are starting to sound too much like goodbye. She begs again for him to get out. 10 seconds. He repeats his question and is seconds away from the answer when he is cut off- time's up. The ambulance pulls into an empty field and promptly explodes, the power of it shakes the ground and the ambulance bursts into debris and flames in a dramatic and heart-stopping climax.

    On the other line Garcia whispers, terrified, "Derek?"

    The team reaches the bomber, surrounding him with guns drawn. The bomber merely takes the knife in his hand and cuts his throat. The team stands around him for a moment, then walks away to let him bleed to death alone.

    Morgan suddenly appears on the scene, the burning ambulance a hundred feet in the background and cell still in his hand. He got out in time. With conviction he says into the phone, "Woman, you are my God given solace! I want you to promise me one thing: Don't you ever stop talking to me!"

    Garcia breaths a sigh of relief at hearing his voice and answers defiantly, "I can't right now 'cause I'm mad at you," in an unconvincing but wavering tone.

    With the terrorist dead, the team goes to the hospital. Hotch is there at the front desk asking about Kate. His heart breaks at the news, "We did all that we could." Stunned, he walks into her room gently lifts the sheet covering her face. She's dead. He puts his hand in hers almost apologetically, and stares down at her.

    Emily walks into the hospital room of Detective Cooper. She informs Cooper and Detective Brustlin with an amused smile that the cigarette they are trying to light is a federal offence in a hospital. The Brustlin sees the futility of arguing with her and opts to leave the two of them alone and wait in the hall. Emily tells Cooper that she's on her way to the airport, but decided to stop by. Cooper says he's sorry to hear about everything, but she shrugs and says that Hotch will have to stick around for a while because he can't fly with his hearing problem. They are both comfortable together and yet awkward at the same time. To break the tension, she pulls out an envelope and hands it to him. She pauses, says "Take care Cooper," and turns to leave. He stops her when he sees the Mets tickets inside the envelope, saying gratefully that most people think he's a Yankee fan. She replies, "I'm not most people," with a smile before walking out of the room.

    Cooper whispers to himself with a nod, "No, no that girl is not."

    Morgan catches up with Hotch on their way to the car, just outside of the hospital. Since Hotch can't fly, Morgan decided to stay with him. Hotch half-heartedly objects, but is clearly touched. They talk on their way, noting that they never did find out who the Secret Service was protecting. Hotch then informs Morgan that he has been offered a position in New York. Morgan seems surprised and asks if Hotch recommended him. He didn't. Hotch offers an explanation of this by telling Morgan honestly that his actions, though incredibly brave, were still those of an agent that doesn't trust anyone. Hotch assures him though, that his opinion doesn't matter. Morgan stops him and tells Hotch that his opinions matter to him. Hotch nods in understanding and they establish that they both trust each other with their lives. The tension lifts in the moment of male bonding that they share.

    They reach the SUV, both slightly apprehensive. Hotch turns to Morgan and asks if Morgan is sure he still wants to drive. Morgan pauses, then unlocks the car with a 'beep beep'.

  122. Full and detailed recap of Mayhem

    Excellent choice of clips to recap Lo-Fi, setting up Mayhem quite well. They outlined the facts known as well as the tension between Morgan and Joyner, showing the realization that they’re dealing with terrorism as opposed to a serial killer and ending where we left off with our agents climbing into their respective SUVs followed by the explosion.

    The first scene starts with a dreamlike quality featuring a beautiful starlit sky, then showing paperlike debris drifting down like gentle snowflakes. The camera flows one down, leading to a stunned Hotch trying to understand what’s happening. Both the subdued background noise and the blood coming from his ear indicate the damage to his hearing which will be confirmed later.

    (I’ve seen several comments over the summer about hearing loss being cliché; however there is no way anyone would walk away from a percussion blast like that without some hearing loss.)

    He’s obviously in shock as he becomes aware that he’s staring at his reflection in the TV monitors (although on the screens that are crooked, the ‘reflection’ is also slanted with the screen as if it’s being broadcast not reflected).

    He turns toward the burning SUV behind him and Sam comes running into his view. Sam is a little too calm for the situation, but he could be in shock as well, having come running when the explosion happened.

    Still in shock Hotch is momentarily fixated on the young man’s name rather than his environment. After Sam identifies himself, Hotch becomes more aware of his surroundings and realizes that the last thing he remembers is heading toward the SUV with Kate. He runs to the SUV and gets close enough to see she’s not inside. He looks around and sees her lying on the ground some distance away.

    As he runs up to her we see a blood trail where her body skidded along the pavement, leaving a gaping wound on her back. (Both legs are straight at this point).

    As he reaches her she’s conscious and also in shock - she’s fixated on her purse. She struggles to get up and realizes she can’t. (At this point Hotch looks at her legs and the right one is bent awkwardly - should still be straight since she can’t feel or move them. She did struggle to sit up, maybe she jostled them then.)

    Despite knowing that Kate has a serious spinal injury, Hotch sees that she’s losing a lot of blood from somewhere on her back and he has to move her to try to stop the bleeding. We get a brief look at the injury on her back and it’s bad. He pinches the artery in her back barehanded to stop the bleeding.

    The emergency services vehicles come into sight and Hotch has a brief moment of relief before they come to a stop in the distance.

    We have a brief flashback explaining that the anticipated target is actually them not Kate and Hotch and they won’t be approaching for some time. Kate seems to accept this telling Hotch, “The first wave of responders are the targets.”

    Cut to opening credits.

    We come back from commercial to see Kate trying to send Hotch away. He refuses to leave her - if he let’s go of her bleeding artery, she could die in minutes.

    We cut over to (I think) Times Square and a giant TV screen showing a report on the situation. We see the reactions of the crowd then cut into the broadcast followed by a pullback to reveal Rossi watching the broadcast and Reid exiting the elevator and running over to Rossi.

    Rossi and Reid are at (what will be) the command center and quickly discuss the information they have and what instructions/advice to give to Homeland Security. Their attention is drawn back to the broadcast when the reporter announces that the vehicle was a black SUV near 26 Federal Plaza where Kate’s office is located. Rossi and Reid realize it could very well be one of their team involved.

    Rossi contacts Garcia who is rushing into NYPD Officer Lisa Bartleby’s office. They quickly begin to boot up computers and set up equipment at the same time Garcia attempts to contact the rest of her team. She’s able to reach Morgan and Prentiss before the phone system crashes. She knows they’re alive - or at least they were - but she has no idea about JJ, Will, Hotch and Kate. She puts on her Garcia brave face and sets out to find them and find out what’s happened.

    We cut to a building being evacuated and we see JJ pull up outside and question the agent, Shelly, there. Will’s at the airport and she leaves a message in case Shelly sees any of her team.

    Garcia and Lisa manage to get eyes on the explosion and see Hotch and Kate being hit by the blast. She begins to try to find out what happened after the explosion when she realizes that it’s more important to find out about before. She searches the camera’s recording until she sees the bomb being planted.

    We cut back to Hotch, Kate and the mysterious Sam. Hotch sends Sam to the barrier to try to get help, but he’s unsuccessful and returns to Hotch. The two men try to move Kate, but Hotch can’t lift and pinch the artery at the same time - if they move her, she’ll bleed out. (The need a travois.) Hotch is reduced to calling for help and waiting, knowing it’s not coming.

    The camera view speeds up to the barrier and we see Morgan arriving. He tries to cross the barrier but is stopped by an officer with a machine gun - Morgan’s own team has instructed them no one goes in or out until the area’s cleared. Morgan profiles the manners of the lead ESU officer and calls him one being a Marine - “No man left behind.” It works and he allows Morgan through. (They couldn’t have let him take a gurney and first aid kit?)

    We cut back to Garcia and Lisa watching as Sam approaches Hotch after the blast, it’s on fast forward and they see Morgan.

    Back to Hotch, Kate and Morgan. They send Sam away, but he heads away from the police barrier, not towards it - he doesn’t actually want to get on the other side.

    Garcia calls Morgan and tells him Sam is the bomber, Hotch gives Morgan the nod to give chase and they take off around the corner.

    Cut to commercial

    We return to Sam leading Morgan away from Hotch, they run past an ambulance approaching the scene.

    (Continuity issue here that we’ll write off to artistic necessity - although the “area” is cordoned off, neither Sam and Morgan nor the ambulance pass through a second police barrier - all streets should have been blocked off)

    The ambulance reaches Hotch and Kate and the driver claims to have snuck away from the blockade because he couldn’t stand hearing Hotch’s cries for help. (Hotch is so desperate for help that at that moment that he doesn’t even think to doubt.)

    We cut to JJ arriving at the command center; Emily and Detective Brustin are already there. Reid brings JJ up to speed with what they know so far and Garcia comes over the computer link to update the team on what’s happening with Hotch and Kate, and that Morgan’s chasing the unsub.

    Morgan chases Sam into a subway station in the midst of being evacuated. After searching the train Morgan enters the tunnel and is taunted by Sam before Sam kills himself by electrocuting himself on the tracks. (He’s served his purpose and won’t lead the cops back to his cell or let them use him to figure out what the next step of the plan is.)

    The driver is able to clamp off Kate’s bleeding artery and sends Hotch to get the stretcher from the ambulance. (He easily follows the directions of his “savior.”)

    We cut back to the command center; Homeland Security has found nothing in the area’s where the shootings had occurred. The team runs the facts and theories they have and the facts don’t fit the situation that’s occurring.

    We cut to Hotch driving the ambulance and getting directions to the nearest hospital. During the drive the ambulance driver has given Kate enough medical treatment that she regains consciousness asking for Hotch. Hotch pulls into the emergency entrance of the hospital and is blocked by several Secret Service agents. Hotch is able to talk his way into the hospital with a combination of his profiling skills and the squeal of Kate’s heart monitor signaling her heart has stopped.

    Next we see hospital staff wheeling Kate away with the ambulance driver doing CPR from atop the gurney. Hotch is finally able to relax (a little) now that she’s in the hands of qualified medical personnel and as his adrenalin level drops so does he, passing out at the nurses’ station.

    Cut to commercial

    We open back at the command center where JJ gets off the phone and reports Hotch and Kate’s location. The team is still running the facts and realize that their initial profile was wrong, the first responders were not the targets - so what or who is?

    Morgan arrives at the hospital and gets a quick update on Kate’s and Hotch’s conditions - Kate’s still in surgery and Hotch has damage to his ear and was hit by shrapnel in the legs. Morgan finds Hotch by following the sounds of Hotch trying to find his clothes. He’s obviously agitated, needs to do his job. He calms down once Morgan promises him somebody is on the way with his “go bag.”

    Back at the command center they’re still running theories and Rossi tells Brustin they need to lock down the city, because something big is about to happen.

    We jump back at the hospital, the team has arrived and Hotch has his clothes. He’s putting on a bulletproof vest and it’s easy to see he’s stiff and in pain, but he’s not going to let that stop him. They run the facts with him and he holds a cloth, gauze, Kleenex, a handkerchief to his ear, it’s obviously bothering him (well, duh). The discuss that since the unsubs deliberately gave them information that led them to spread their resources out, that it’s likely they’re actually after a single target not near any of the earlier locations.

    We cut to the driver arming the bomb.

    Back to the team realizing the target is the person the Secret Service is guarding and the bomb is in the ambulance (they weren’t a diversion, they were the pawns to gain entry to the hospital).

    The driver finishes arming the bomb and closes the ambulance up.

    Cut to commercial

    The team contact Garcia and she jams the cell phone signals covering the hospital - but it won’t buy them much time.

    The team heads down toward the ambulance bay, and the Secret Service agents head for the elevator (they should have known better than to lock themselves in a box with only one way in or out and no way to look out before opening the door while there’s a killer on the loose.) Morgan has taken off looking for the ambulance ahead of the rest of the team and Hotch is not pleased.

    We see Morgan arriving in the ambulance bay, he’s talking to Garcia on his radio, but not telling her what he’s doing.

    The Secret Service agents find out why you’re supposed to take the stairs in case of emergency.

    Morgan examines the bomb and quickly decides there’s no way he can disarm it in time, and it’s too big to be contained. He uses his pre-FBI skills to hotwire the ambulance and heads out of the hospital. Garcia is finding him a safe place to ditch it. The driver fires several rounds at the ambulance as Morgan races away.

    The team is searching the hospital, looking for the ambulance driver on their way to the ambulance bay. They find the Secret Service agents and are forced to ignore them in favor of continuing the hunt. They’re able to confirm they’re heading the right way by the bloody footprints.

    We see the driver sitting in the ambulance bay trying repeatedly to blow the bomb. (The ambulance is out of the hospital so he’s failed his mission, but there’s a chance he can still kill civilians before he kills himself.) (Also, he’s sitting in front of a Bernero Hospital Linens truck - thanks for the cookie, Ed.)

    The team enters the ambulance bay and see the driver.

    Morgan races through the city in the ambulance. Garcia is begging him to get out of the ambulance, he responds by asking her to keep talking to him.

    We’re on Garcia’s face as he’s about to tell her something important and his radio cuts out.

    We see the unsub’s call go through.

    We see the ambulance hurtling into the park.

    We see Garcia panicking and trying to reestablish the connection with Morgan.

    We jump back to the garage and see the ambulance driver slit his own throat.

    We see Morgan stand up at the entrance to the park. He tells Garcia she is his “God-given solace” and “don’t ever stop talking to me.” She responds that she can’t, she’s mad at him.

    The team stands over the body, none of them upset he’s dead. They pick up his gun and leave the body for crime scene to pick up.

    Cut to Hotch coming through the door to the operating room, someone is cleaning up after the surgery. He apologizes to Hotch because she didn’t make it. He leaves allowing Hotch to mourn for his friend.

    Cut to Prentiss stopping by the hospital to visit Officer Cooper, he’s alive and standing and trying to start smoking again with a little help from Brustin. Prentiss tells him it’s a federal crime to smoke in the hospital and Brustin runs for it leaving Cooper to try to hide the evidence. She gives him an envelope containing what she’s been told are very good seats, he’s surprised that she’s profiled him well enough to know he’s a Met’s fan not Yankees. I’m left feeling there’d be potential for something there if he weren’t happily married.

    Cut to Hotch standing outside a building (FBI building) with his ready bag on the ground next to him. Morgan comes around the corner and tells him he reassigned the agent who was going to drive him back to DC.

    Hotch accepts this and says, “Give me the keys.”

    Morgan responds, “Not a chance.”

    Hotch doesn’t argue (he really doesn’t look up to an argument.) and they walk toward the parking lot with Morgan carrying his bag.

    Hotch informs Morgan that the Bureau wants Morgan to transfer to the NYC office immediately and Morgan responds, “Don’t I need your recommendation?” “You didn’t give it; did you?”

    Hotch tells him his recommendation doesn’t matter.

    Morgan responds, “Your opinion matters to me.” (They may have authority and trust issues, but Morgan respects Hotch.)

    Hotch looks at him and responds, “My life matters to me and I have, and always will, entrust you with it. Would you do the same for me?” He waits a beat and asks, “You still wanna drive?”

    Morgan responds by holding the keys out to unlock the vehicle and we cut to black before he answers the implicit question, “Do you trust me with your life?”

  123. I feel so bad for the person that has to read through all these :) Good luck to everyone :)


    After a brief recap of the highlights of Season 3 episode Lo-Fi the recap ends with the SUV explosion…..

    Burned pieces of paper are falling down from the sky, a piece falls in the hand of Agent Hotchner, who is standing in the middle of the street in what looks to be a state of shock. He looks at the storefront in front of him and notices his image in the televisions that survived the blast and are still playing. He turns around too the SUV in flames.

    A young man walks over to him and asks him if he’s hurt. He hears the young man’s voice as if he was in a tunnel but never answers the questions posed to him by the man. Instead he asks the man what his name is and asks that he call 911. The young man tells him that he already called 911 and notices the gun in Hotch’s holster and asks Hotch if he’s a cop. This brings on a flash back for Hotch and he remembers walking out of the Federal Building with Agent Joyner and having a conversation with her where he assures her they’ll get the guy. She smiles at him and says she’s knows and starts to walk towards the SUV.

    When Hotch snaps out of it, he looks again at the burning SUV and realizes Kate was walking towards it. He tells the young man to call 911 and starts running towards the burning vehicle yelling out her name. He removes his jacket to try and get to her but the flames impede any effort to get close enough to the vehicle. He steps back and looks down the street and realizes she’s lying on the ground in the middle of the street. He runs towards her yelling her name.

    Agent Joyner is lying on the floor. When he reaches her she repeatedly asks him about her purse. He tells her he didn’t think she had one and she says she must have dropped it. She’s restless and he tells her to stop trying to move. She notices he’s hurt and asks him what happened. He tells her he’s not sure but believes it was a bomb. She tells him she needs to get up and he repeats that she needs to stay still. She asks him if she’s moving her legs, he says what and when he looks down at her realizes she’s not. She repeats the question, trying to hold back a cry. He doesn’t answer her question but instead says that he needs to turn her to see where the blood is coming from. He seems to be almost robotic as he turns her over and tries to look at her. He says that it might hurt. He tells her he needs to try and pinch it off to stop the blood until the ambulance gets there but she tells him it doesn’t hurt at all. He sees the responders drive up and block the entrance to the street. He yells at them to get their attention and waves them towards him. He tells her that they’re here. She looks at him and says they aren’t coming. She reminds him that they gave orders not to. Hotch has a flashback to the meeting the team had with Joyner where they all realized the first wave of responders are the targets.

    Quote: Never think that war no matter how necessary nor how justified is not a crime. Ernest Hemingway.

    When the scene opens you see the responders all gathered at the end of the block. Joyner tells Hotch that he doesn’t need to stay with her. He firmly tells her he’s not leaving. He once again yells at the responders that an officer is down and they need help. The young man comes back into the picture and tells Hotch they aren’t coming. Joyner reminds Hotch once again that the orders are that no one is allowed in until the area is cleared. She tells him its proper procedure.

    An aerial view of the scene is shown on the corner of Broadway’s large screen with the news of the bombing. They flash to a TV in an FBI office and Rossi viewing it. Reid comes into the area and quickly approaches Rossi. Rossi asks Reid to recall all 8 sites that were bombed. When he does, Rossi asks him to tell Homeland security that they can expect 8 more bombings; Reid reminds him that it would be 16 since they will hit first and second responders. They both look at the screen where the news confirms it was a black SUV. Rossi calls Garcia and advises her about the SUV, he asks about the cameras and tells her that he’s with Reid but doesn’t know where everyone else is. He asks her to find them. She tells Lisa what views she needs and to get them from every angle as she puts on her headset and tries to contact the team. The first call she makes is to Derek she then calls Emily and keeps Derek on the line. They then call JJ but it goes to voicemail and cuts off mid message. She then looses Emily and Derek. Then Lisa gets her attention by telling her that she found the explosion.

    JJ drives up to the Federal building and asks an agent in charge of evacuating the Federal Building about the team. The Agent hasn’t seen them so she tells the agent that she’s going to the command post and if she sees them to advise them where she’ll be.

    Penelope and Lisa review the footage of the explosion from all angles. Penelope sees the explosion for the first time, she see’s Hotch and Joyner thrown from the explosion. She’s reassured by Lisa that they weren’t inside. She asks Lisa to play it again. Emotional, Penelope asks Lisa to move the camera so she can see where they ended up. Lisa reminds her that this isn’t live. She asks Lisa to get her different angles so she can see what happened to Hotch and Kate. Penelope realizes the bomb was under the car and starts to go back farther in time to see the bomb being placed. She then reviews different angles and time slots to see the bomber walk away from the car and hide behind column.

    Hotch tells the young man that he needs to get out of the area. The young man protests and tells him he wants to help. Hotch tells him to get them some help. The young man walks towards the responders at the end of the block. He tells Kate that she needs to stay awake. She breaks into a slight chuckle and tells him she’s cold. She goes on to say that it’s such a cliché, like in the cinemas. He tells her that she’s lost a lot of blood but that he thinks he’s stopped it. She interrupts him and says that it’s wrong; it’s not cinemas but movies. He tells her to try and relax and she questions why there would be a different word. She winces from pain and he decides that he is going to try and lift her. The young man returns saying they keep telling him to get behind the barricade. Hotch tells him he’s going to try and lift her and the young man tries to help but Hotch loses his grip and she starts bleeding again. The young man begins to panic as Kate starts bleeding again and Hotch tries to grip it again to stop. The young man asks if she’s going to die, panic in his voice and Hotch doesn’t reply, he simply looks at him and then proceeds to yell at the responders again for help.

    They zoom in on the responders and the chaos around them. A black SUV arrives with lights on and Derek gets down. He walks over to the person in charge and identifies himself. A confrontation ensues between Morgan and the officer until Morgan hears Hotch’s voice. When he tries to run towards him another officer points a rifle at him and reminds Derek the area is off limits. Derek turns to the officer in charge and reminds him of the Marine’s code of never leaving a man behind. He nods to Derek and lets him through. Derek rushes to Hotch.

    Penelope continues to review footage. She realizes that he watched as the car exploded and the agents got hurt. She asks Lisa for another piece of footage and see’s the young man running towards Hotch. She quickly grabs the phone and dials praying that the person she’s calling has signal.

    When Morgan reaches Hotch, he tells him that they need to get Kate out of there. Morgan tells him they are not letting any ambulances through the barricade. He then tells the young man he needs to get behind the barricades too. He repeats it and the young man starts to leave. Morgan asks if Kate can be carried and Hotch tells him that he’s tried but says she’ll bleed to death. Morgan’s cell ring and he answers it. He tells Penelope that he’s with Hotch and says she needs to get someone to them right away. Penelope tells Derek what she knows and he asks if she’s sure. Derek tells Hotch the kid is the bomber. The young man realizes and starts to run. Hotch tells Derek to go. Derek follows the young man through the streets, down the subway and through a subway train.

    An ambulance arrives near Hotch and the paramedic informs Hotch that he heard his screams for help but that his partner was too afraid to come in so he came by himself. Hotch tells a now unconscious Kate they were going to get them out of there.

    Back at the command center, Emily comes rushing in. She explains to them how Garcia had them on conference and the system crashed. JJ see’s Emily and is happy that she’s ok. Emily asks about Will and JJ says he’s stuck at the airport. She asks about everyone and Reid tells her that Morgan is alright but they have no word on Hotch. Just then, Penelope videos into the laptop and advises them that Derek is chasing after the bomber that placed the bomb in the SUV. She advises them that Hotch is out there with Kate and that she seems to be very hurt.

    Derek continues to chase after the bomber, through the subway with gun drawn. He steps into one of the trains, completely empty and searches car by car as he walks to the end of the trains and enters the track area which is dark. You can see that Derek is uncomfortable as he walks through the dark tracks yelling at the young man the whole time. Trying to coax him out until the young man responds and it’s only a voice Derek hears at first. He asks Derek if all he sees is darkness he comes into view. The man is walking barefoot balancing himself on one rail. When Derek tells him to get off the tracks and put his hands on top of his head, the young man tells Derek he’ll lose because Derek fears what they embrace, and with that he steps on the other rail and gets electrocuted.

    The paramedic gives Hotch instructions as he tries to clamp the bleeding artery on Kate’s back. They then put her on a gurney and in the ambulance. The paramedic stays with Kate as Hotch gets in the driver’s seat and asks what hospital is closest. Back at command center Reid and JJ discuss the unsubs and Reid questions the target. The paramedic tells him and gives him directions. Kate wakes up and calls Hotch’s name. The paramedic is friendly towards her and she thanks him. He tells her not to thank him, to thank her partner.

    As Hotch arrives at the hospital, he’s stopped at the emergency entrance by Agents that inform him the hospital is on bypass. Hotch identifies himself and tells them he has an injured agent in the ambulance that was injured in the bomb blast at federal plaza but he can’t produce identification because it’s in his jacket and that’s at federal place. The agent tells him the hospital is on strict bypass and he’ll have to take her to another hospital. Hotch tells him she won’t make it and then the paramedic yells from the back that she’s crashing. The agent lets them through.

    Kate is brought in on the gurney with the paramedic on top of her trying to keep her alive. Hotch collapses in the emergency room and is taken in for medical attention.

    Emily advises the team that Morgan is safe. JJ walks in and advises them that Hotch and Kate are in the hospital. When asked how they are, she says that Hotch is in emergency and that Kate is in surgery. She tells them that Morgan is on his way to the hospital. A discussion between them and the detective ensues about the unsubs. They say that the attack is being reported as a failed attempt against the Federal Plaza and that homeland security agrees because nothing had been found in the 8 areas that the BAU has suggested. The detected thinks that maybe it’s over. Rossi asks that as soon as the bomb techs identify the bomb he wants to know. They go over more footage and Reid makes a comment about how so far these unsubs have accomplished nothing. The detective takes offense to that until Rossi nods towards a picture on the wall of the twin towers. He tells the detective that that was memorable, this isn’t.

    Morgan arrives at the hospital and identifies himself to the doctor and asks about Hotch. The doctor advises Morgan that Hotch has acute acoustic trauma in his right ear and that he’d pulled shrapnel from his leg. Hotch can be heard in the background asking for his clothes. Morgan and the doctor both go towards him and the doctors tells Hotch he needs to lay down. Morgan steps in and try’s to calm down Hotch. Hotch asks for his clothes and Morgan informs him that his go bag is on its way. Hotch asks about Kate and the young man. He asks Morgan if anything else has happened and Morgan informs that nothing has. Hotch tells him the profile is wrong.

    The team continues to go over the case and come to the conclusion that all these bombs were a diversion. JJ tells them that Morgan is on the phone and that Hotch is asking they all go meet at the hospital.

    In the hospital the team discuss the case and the bombings. They realize that it’s not multiple targets but instead one. Rossi advises them that Garcia said the bomb was placed under the car. Reid spews the ingredients it would have and that it could be placed in something as small as a cell phone. Hotch goes on to say that to make something that big, it would take a chemical engineer and Rossi discusses Asia’s most wanted bomb maker. A man dubbed the demolition man. As he describes the bomb maker, we flip to a scene where the bomb is being prepared and readied for detonation. Reid points out to hotch the video that is being played on the laptop. Hotch watches the explosion and asks Morgan if he ever found the young man’s cell phone. He asks if he’d ever dialed 911. Morgan tells him no but that he did call the name number 6 times. Rossi informs Hotch that Garcia traced it to a disposable cell phone. Hotch says that if he didn’t have a secondary device to detonate there was only once reason he would stay with them. Rossi interrupted and said to make sure an ambulance got to you. Emily added that with a city on lock down, an ambulance with its lights on could virtually go anywhere undetected.

    Hotch replays the scene of his arrival to the hospital in his head and goes over the agent’s explanation of what a bypass is. The pieces then came together. The young man was calling the ambulance and Hotch himself drove it in to a hospital on strict bypass. They realized their target was the hospital.

    The bomber finishes up the set up of the bomb in the ambulance. The agents all go to the Secret Service agents and inform them of what’s going on. They tell them they need to get whoever they are protecting out of there but the Agent informs Hotch that he’s in surgery. They ask if the paramedic that came in with Hotch is being watched and they realize that he’s walking down the hallways with a cell in his hand. Rossi asks Garcia to disrupt satellite feeds to the cell towers. They notice him walking back and Emily realizes that he’ll detonate manually if he has too. Hotch asks about Morgan’s whereabouts and Reid says he went to find the ambulance. Hotch questions why alone.

    Morgan reaches the ambulance and Garcia calls him. He gives her the ambulance number and asks her to track it for him. The bomber reaches the elevator and shoots all the Secret Service agents inside. He steps in and closes the door. The agents take the stairwell when they realize he’s gotten into the ambulance.

    Morgan peeks into the ambulance and see’s the bomb. He realizes that he needs to get the ambulance out of there. He asks Garcia how long she can jam the signal and she tells him 3 minutes max. When she asks why, he tells her he’s going to need to get the ambulance out of there, Garcia protests and says he needs to do what everybody else is and he tells her no because as soon as the airwaves clear, it’s going up. He jumps into the ambulance and tries to hotwire it to start. He tells Garcia to find an open field for him and tell everyone that he’s coming. She tells him to north and floor it and that she’ll tell him where to turn. As he drives away, the bomber comes out and start shooting at the ambulance, Garcia hears the shots and asks Derek what that was. He tells her nothing and says just talk to me!! The bomber runs after the ambulance with the cell up high trying to detonate it, but without signal he fails.

    The rest of the team search for the bomber through the hospital on the ground level. Reid spots the dead agents in the elevator and blood tracks on the floor. He points them out to Emily.

    Derek races through the city in the ambulance and asks Garcia how he’s doing. Lisa tells Garcia that he has 1 minute and 40 seconds and she relays that to Derek. In desperation Garcia asks Derek “why does it always have to be you, why do you always have to do this?”

    The bomber sits with his back against a fence holding the cell phone waiting for signal as the team continues to search for him.

    Penelope pleads with Derek and tells him that he doesn’t have much time and to please be smart about this. She informs him that signal is coming back online. Lisa informs Penelope that it’ll be 30 seconds to full coverage. She tells Derek to drive to the opening and get the hell out. Derek tells her that there’s something he wants her to know. She desperately tells him to save it and just get out.

    As Lisa counts in the background.

    Derek: No no no I’m not quite there yet
    Penelope: Morgan?

    Derek: Just listen to me
    Penelope: Morgan please
    Derek: You know what you Garcia?

    The bomber holds the cell phone and see’s call connected on the screen.

    Lisa confirms they just lost tracking.

    Penelope: MORGAN!!!

    The ambulance enters a wide open field and explodes in a fury.

    Penelope: Derek (she says with a meek voice and goes speechless)

    The teams reaches the bomber guns drawn. He sits with a knife to his throat. Hotch orders him to put it down but the bomber slices his own throat.

    The ambulance or what’s left of it continues to burn. Derek stands up holding his left arm with his right hand. Out of breath and obviously in pain he reaches for his communications radio and says….

    Derek: Garcia??

    She breaths a sigh of relief

    Derek: I’ll tell you what you are to me. You’re my god given solace. Woman you promise me one thing, whatever happens don’t you ever stop talking to me.

    Penelope: I can’t right now cuz I’m mad at you.

    Derek: I can wait

    She removes her ear piece and throws it on her desk. He looks back at the burning ambulance and walks away.

    Hotch walks into the operating room to see the orderly’s cleaning up. He asks for the surgeon and he walks over to him and tells him they did all they could. He walks over to the Kate lifts the cover and places it back on her. He grabs her hand and tucks it under the cover.

    Emily visited the detective that got shot in the hospital. She continued to profile him for the first part of the conversation as she nailed him on having started smoking again. She handed him an envelope and told him to enjoy them with his family. They exchanged some conversation and he enquired about Hotch. She advised him that he had some ear problems and couldn’t fly. They had a bit of an awkward moment between them and she said her goodbyes and walked out the door. When he opened the envelope he was surprised to find Mets tickets and told her that most people mistook him for a Yankees fan. She continued to leave and reminded him she wasn’t like most people. He smiled and said to himself that no she wasn’t.

    Hotch stood on the sidewalk waiting for his ride. He bent down to pick up his bag and Morgan who had just walked out stopped him and picked it up for him. Morgan advised him that he had changed the orders and he would be driving Hotch home. Hotch asked him if he didn’t have anything better to do. Derek said “than to annoy you for three hours?” Hotch asked for the keys and Derek said no. Hotch advised Derek that Quantico had requested Derek to run the NY office. Derek was a little offended that Kate had just died. Derek questioned if they didn’t need Hotch’s approval. Derek realized that Hotch hadn’t given it and he called him on it. Hotch went on to say that it didn’t matter because his opinion didn’t matter. Derek told him that his opinion matter to him. Hotch said that with as brave as what he had done, it still showed an agent that didn’t trust his team. He told Derek that he had and always would trust Derek with his life; he then asked Derek if he would do the same for him. When Derek didn’t answer he asked… Do you still want to drive?

    Derek clicked the alarm on the SUV and turned off the alarm…

    Credits roll.

  124. The episode starts after the recap, wuith a view of a clear, stars filled sky at night
    with the sound of air moving and paper , some burned coming down to the ground. The camera pans out and we see a building, street lamps,
    a bloody dirty hand appeares, palms up to catch some falling down piece of paper. The camera
    focus on the man who it turn out is Hotchner, we can see a car in the background with light on, blinking. We hear sound of alarms blarring on
    but all the sound is distorted as if it is coming through a tunnel. Hotch is all bloody, with blood coming
    out of his right ear, he got cuts on his face. He is looking at himself in some tv's on display in windows
    store that was blasted. Piece from the SUV door is in the window.
    In the background we can see the SUV burning with all sort of peice all around.
    Hotch then turns around, the sound gets clearer, the alrms gets louder. He loks at the
    destroyed SUV, a door is missing and it is burning.

    Suddenly someone walks in front of Hotch. A young man with dark curly hair, a beard. He look at a clearly
    dazed Hotch and Asks 'hey are you okay?'
    Hotch can barely hear him because of the buzzing in his ears.
    Hotch gaze refocus on the man as the man asks 'Sir?'
    Then hotch in a quiet voice says 'what'ch your name?'
    The mans is clearly confused as to why Hotch asks, he says 'what?'
    Asking again 'what is your name?'
    The man answers 'Sam'
    Hotch 'call 911'
    Sam 'Yeah I did'
    Hotch seems not to have heard and says again 'Call 911 and tell them there was
    an explosion' He look away from the man and back at the SUV. Sam asks with
    more insistance 'Sir are you okay?'
    Hotch look a bit panicked but says nothing. Sams take a look at Hotch and sees the gun at his right
    hip, 'are you a cop?'Hotch doesn't answer and the next images are balck and white,
    we are back in time, before the SUV exploded. We see Hotch and Joyner getting out the FBI building,
    Hotch open the glass door which says 'Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of investigations'
    once outside, a man passes Hotch and Kate as they face each other.
    Hotch looks at Kate and says 'Listen kate, don't worry we will get them'
    He looks convinced of this so Kate, who look awfully a lot like Hotch ex-wife Hayley,
    says 'I know' in her British accent and gives him a smile. Hotch smiles too and follows her.

    We are back in the present, the camera focus on Hotch and Sam, Hotch suddently realise he can't see kate
    and he starts running towards the burning SUV, Yelling 'Kate!'
    Sam who has his cell phone out asks as he watch Hotch running away, limping 'okay so you want me to say....'
    Hotch 'Kate!'
    Sam to the person he just dialed '911, this is the guy who called about the explosion...'
    Hotch goes around the SUV, while Sam is watching, then two smales explosion happen making Hotch back up from the burning vehicule.
    Hotch takes off his suit jacket, rool's it around his left arm and approches the SUV. He then turns around and sees that kate
    lying in the middle of the street with a long trail of blood going away from her.
    Hotch throws his coat away and runs, still limping, towards Kate.

    Kate is on the ground bloody but awake, she is asking for her purse. Hotch Tries to get her to stop moving but she kept asking for her purse. Hotch look around and says 'I don't think you had one.'
    Kate 'I must have drop it'

    Kate stop looking around and focus her gaze on Hotch and says 'Aaron? Aaron, what happen to you? What happened?'
    Hotch 'I don't know' he says without looking at her, then focusing on her 'a bomb'
    he tells her about the bomb and Kate wants to get up but she realise that she can't move her
    legs. We see a shot of her broken, twisted, shoeless and bloody legs.
    Hotch tells her he would have to turn her and sees where the blood is coming from, he turns her and
    we sees her back is all bloody, Hotch is a bit frantic, reapting himslef, then says to Kate
    that he will need to pitch it shut (the leaking artery) until they(EMT) gets to them.
    He says that it might hurt but get , crying says that no it doesn't hurt. Realising what kate is telling
    him Hotch tries to reasure her that they will get her out of there,
    as he sees the cops an emergency people arriving at the scene.
    He starts screaming and gesturing 'officer down!' to get their attention.
    Kate who is more cleared headed than he is says 'they are not coming, we told them not too, remembered?'.

    We are back in black and white with the team at the bureau's office, Reid telling Hotch, Prentiss, Morgan, Joyner
    that 'The bomber simulate a bombing where they watch and gage the respond
    time'. The camera turns around the room so we see all the team listening to Reid, then
    Morgan complete what Reid was saying 'at which point the know when to bring a second bomb'.
    All the time that Reid is talking he plays with a pen. While Morgan
    is talking we see a silent JJ in the backgroud listening to
    what her colleagues are telling Joyner. Joyner add 'the goal is to
    take out the first round of civilians follow bt the second round which take out the emergency responder'

    back to the presents, Kate reminds Hotch of the terrorists goal 'The first
    wave of responders are the targets.' Hotch looks at her
    knowing she is right but says nothing, The camera start to focus
    on the first responders who are staying away from the scene and the scene end.

    The CM logo appears and the cast credit rolls in.

    As the first responders sets up a barrigade away from the scene
    we hear the quote read by Thomas Gibson 'Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how
    justified, is not crime'Hernest Hemmingway

    Back on Hotch and Kate in the middle of a NY street at night,
    Kate says to Hotch 'let go Hotch can you? Aaron, you don't have to stay.'
    Hotch in a stern, no room for discussion tone 'I'm not leaving'

    Hotch Yelling again at the emergency people down the street 'Officer
    down! We need some help, we cannot move!' While Sam shows up behind Hotch
    and says 'they're not coming'

    Kate confirms Sam's statement while looking at Hotch'Yes, your orders
    are not to let anyone in until the aera is cleared.'

    Sam's realise how bad this is as he looks at Kate broken legs, she
    remind Hotch 'that's proper procedure'. The scene moves away from
    Sam's who walking hands on his head, clearly not knowing what to do
    and Hotch on his knees down by Kate to the sound of an helicopter
    which is casting powerfull spolight on the burning SUV and all the wreakgage
    around it.

    The voice of a reporter says 'we hear report of an explosion rock the neighboorhood of the vicinity
    of the federal plaza, The authority have close down the entire aera and are not
    giving any information at this time, But with eight suspecious incidents as little as three weeks
    we have no rooms but to specualte that whether or not there will
    be more attacks.' As the reporter says thsi we see that the Helicopter
    is from the news media covering the explosion and that it is all been broadcasted
    on a giant tv screen in time saqure with curious and worried people looking at the screen

    As the reporting continue to talk about the incident, we move from time squre to the
    inside NYPD Command Center. Rossi is looking at a tv screen which is on
    the channel reporting the event, we see in the background
    Reid coming out of an elevator.

    Reid to Rossi 'I heard on the radio, I tried the others but..'
    Rossi 'My cell phone system is crashing.'
    Reid 'car bomb, did they say where?'
    Rossi 'no but can you recal every site where the shooting occured?
    Reid goes on and tell's Dave about all the sites where shooting occured.
    Rossi goes back to the profile and tells Reid 'if our profile is right and all eight
    murders where to gage respond time, we are looking at eight suicide bombers.
    who are about to hit eight of those locations, Call homeland security tell them
    to poor troops in all those sites.'
    Reid realise that 'if we are correct, there will be sisteen suicide bombers.'
    Rossi, stunt 'Sixteen?'
    Reid 'yes, we predicted that there will be a second wave to hit the emergency responders also'
    At the voice of the reporter who is updating the public on the situation, both Rossi and Reid
    turns back and look at the tv 'we are just getting an update, the bomb is not been reported to have
    been inside and SUV, a black SUV.a Block from the fedral plaza.'
    Realising that that the SUV might have been one of theirs, Rossi's pick up the phone
    and calls Garcia, who is now entering the CCTV Command Post with her
    cell phone in hand, her purse into another and and purple bag that contain her laptop with the logo
    of the FBI on top of its black top. Garcia is followed by the female NYPD officer who is
    in charge of the surveillance room who says to the officer manning
    the cameras ' we got this'

    a frantic and a bit out of breath Gracia says 'agent rossi, we heard there was an explosion.'
    Rossi 'Where are you?'
    Garcia'I just walked into the CCT command center'
    Rossi'can you see anything?'
    Garcia 'I literaly just walked in sir'
    Rossi 'we got on the new it was a SUV that exploded. A black SUV from a block
    from the federal plaza'
    Back to Garcia whose got a stun expression on her face, she opens her
    laptop and says to Rossi who just asked her is she has eyes there
    'I have 300 cameras'
    Rossi'I'm here with Reid and Garcia?'
    going all attentive and stopping what she is doing Garcia 'yes sir?'
    Rossi 'fine them!'
    Garcia gives orders to the NYPD officer to get all the angle she can from 20 feets from
    the explosion and get all she can.

    Scene change, we see a speeding black SUV with the light out and siren
    blarring going down some
    busy street. A cell phone ring and we see Moragn inside that speeding SUV answer while driving.
    'yeah I'm still here', the screen is slipt in two and we see Garcia
    on the phone talking to Morgan, relived she says 'Yes you are, thank
    god', 'I,m almost back at the federal building, what the hell is going on!?'
    Garcia, stamering 'we are going to the closer footage now'
    Morgan 'who else have you checked on?'
    Garcia 'you're the first, Rossi and reid called me'
    Morgan 'alright keep me on the line while you check on everyone else'
    The screen split again, in three now and we see Prentiss, in a SUV, phone on her right ear'is everyone okay?'
    Garcia 'I have spoken to Reid and Rossi and Morgan is on the line'
    Morgan 'Emily, where are you?'
    Prentiss 'I'm following detective Burtin and one of the NYPD back at one of the critical and command post'
    Garcia 'one of them?'
    Morgan 'yeah, after 9/11, they decentralized, they had one too many eggs in one basket on that day'
    Garcia, worried 'as anyone talked to JJ?'
    Prentiss 'she was headeing back to the hotel'
    Garcia 'in a SUV?'
    Rentiss 'I think so'
    Garcia 'stay with me' she calls JJ and get to voice mail, BTW Jj answer ' this is Jennifer Jarreau communication director
    for the FBI Behavioral Analyst unit'
    Morgan 'what was that, what happen?'
    Garcia 'it went death'
    Prentiss 'try her again it probably...' the line is cut he the screen goes black on Prentiss, Garcia 'Emily?'
    then the screen goes black on Morgan and atelephone busy signal is heard.
    Garcia 'Derek?' and then the line goes death.
    Garcia, all freighten 'I just lost all contact with my team'
    The NYPD officer tells Garcia she got them meaning those who got
    caught into the explosion but a frantic garcia isn't listening,
    so the NYPD officer says 'Garcia, i found the explosion.' Garcia
    join the officer and lok at her screen

    We are now at the FBI Field Office, 26 Federal Plaza, Manhattan
    were employees are evacuating the building in an orderly fashion.
    Joyner assistant is outside directing people and reminding them
    that they have to report to their team captain.

    A black SUV stop with siren blaring and someone calls Joyner assistant,
    it is JJ, 'Shella, do you know what happen?'
    Shella'' there was an explosion near by, we have to evacuate this building
    we are anticipating a second wave'
    JJ 'did you see Hotch or Kate?'
    Shella'No I was hoping that you did'
    JJ'have you seen any of my team?'
    Shella, looking all lost 'sorry I...'
    JJ, all business 'we must be setting up a critical incidents command center right? '
    Shella 'heu...700th hudson south...'
    JJ 'if you see any of my team, that is where I will be.'
    JJ takes off and Shella goes back to her to help with the evacuation.

    Back to Garcia and the NYPD officer who are now looking at the footage
    of the bombing. The view is from a camera.The footage is in black and white, we see
    a street tarffic light that appeared to be on green while Kate and hotch are walking towards the SUV.
    Then as they are at about 5 feets from the SUV it explodes.
    Kate goes flying back awy from the back of the SUV while Hotch is
    thrown aaway on the side of the SUV.
    Garcia 'oh my god!' says as she grip the NYPD officer's shoulder.
    The officer's who btw badge number is 7210 says in a reasuring
    tone 'they were not inside'
    Garcia 'right, right, play it again' we see the explosion again then Garcia
    'move this camera, I ahve to see...where...where they ended up'
    The officer look at Garcia 'this isn't live Penelope'
    Garcia acknowledge what the officer told her and asked 'Right, get me another angle, i have
    to see what happen to Hotch and Kate'
    Wooried and not sure, the officer looked at Garcia but still do what
    she is asked.

    Suddenly Garcia realise that the explosion must have happen under the SUV so she backs
    the footage to a prior time frame, from the footage, we see a hooded man crouching
    down near the SUV and slidding something, the bomb we presume, under the SUV
    and then and runs away nearby. Garcia asks for another camera shot with another angle and time frame and we see
    the bomber hidding behind a nearby pillar.

    Back to kate and hotch who are still in the middle of the street
    with no one there to help. Hotch tells sams to get out of the aera, Sams says
    he wamt to help and Hotch, impatiently says 'if you want to help, get
    somebody down here.' sam run away towards the emergency barricades.

    Hotch to Kate 'kate, Kate stay with me'
    Kate start to laugh nervously ans says 'I feel cold, it is such a cliché, isn't not.
    Like in the cinéma'
    Hotch, voice low and soft 'you lost a lot of blood but I think I got it stopped.'
    Kate, not listening 'that's not right, its movies and you says movies not cinéma'
    Hotch tries to calm her, she says 'why, why would have have a different word for...' then
    she hiss as opain hit her.

    Hotch tells kate that he will try to list her at the same time sam gets back and tell hotch that
    he was told to get behind the barricades. Hotch asks him to help him lift Kate.
    Kate is moaning as Sam lifts her and Hotch because of the blood looses his grip on Kate.
    Kate loose consciousness as Sam who has blood on his hands asks Hotch 'she's dying isn't she?'
    Hotch tries to keep Kate counscious by asking her to stay with them, seeing she
    isn't responding
    , he yelles again at the mergency people 'We here! Please!'

    The view changes and it rolls towards the barricades with the cops
    standing there, three police cars, on ambulance and bid truck, possibly a command post truck,
    are in the background as the cops are watching and not moving to help.

    A black SUV arrives while the cops are getting setup, Morgans gets out and run towards
    the officer in charges. He identifies himself and tell the officer, Captain warren, that he
    is looking for Agent hotchner.
    The officer tells Morgan to go back to the fedral building and to report there but Morgan tells him he
    isn't about to do that.Warren tells him to get away or he will remove him.
    Hotch Yells again that they are here, Moragn turns around and look at Hotch who is down the street from Morgan.
    Realising that it is Hotch who is trapped there he start to runs towards Hotch only to be
    stopped by an armed member of the police task force (SWAT probably). Moragn turns back at Warren
    and tells him it is his boss down there. warren reminds him of his orders
    and Morgan tells him he doesn't care about his orders. The man tells Morgan that they've been
    told that your responders are the targets and that until the aera is cleared no one will get there.

    Morgan is told to go back to the fedral building but Moragn tells Warren that it is 'his man laying down there'
    Morgan ask Warren if he is a Marine and then remind him of the Marine motto 'never leave a man behind, you do remember that don't you?'
    While morgan and warren are staring at each other, hotch keeps yelling, 'we're here! please!'
    Morgan wins and he races towards Hotch yelling his name.

    Back to Garcia at the CCTV command center, She and the NYPD officer
    are looking at the bombing footage when suddenly Garcia realise that
    the bomber watched as the bomb exploded. She asked for another footage from another time frame
    and we see that bomber, Sam, walking towards Hotch as Hotch is
    standing dazed and looking at the burning SUV.
    Garcia calls Morgan who, back at the bombing scene as reach Hotch, Kate and sam and tells him that
    they are not letting any ambualnce down until they have cleared the scene.
    Morgan orders sam to get back behind the barricades.

    Moragn asked hotch is they can carry her, Morgan gets insistant
    as Hotch focus is all on Kate. He finally look at Morgan that they
    cannot move her, he tried but she will bleed to death.

    Morgan cell phone ring as Garcia beg that the call will be answered. Morgan tells
    Garcia that he got Hotch but they need someone down there to help.
    While this is happening, in the backgroud we see Sam
    who is near the burning SUV, take out his cell phone and make a call.
    Garcia says something to Morgan who looks up and look at Sam, then asks
    Garcia 'are you absolutely sure?' sam look at Moragn and spread his hand in an open
    fashion as if he is telling him 'now you know'. Morgan tells Hotch that
    Sam is the bomber and hotch give Morgan permissions to go after Sam.
    Moragn's take off after Sam.

    End of that scene.

    Morgan is running after Sam from the Federal Plaza to subway as an ambulance speed by.

    Morgan, gun in hand, follows Sam into chamber(?) station.

    Back at the bombing scene the ambualnce arrive and a paramedic gets out and goes to Hotch and kate.
    Hotch tells him that she's got an arterial bleeding and he doing his best
    to keep it close. The paramedic ask Hotch if he is okay but Hotch tells him about Kate weakening pulse instead.
    The paramedic tells hotch he will need his help and Hotch ask him if the aera is clear. The paramedic
    tell him that he couldn,t lsiten to his call for help so he came but his opartner was wouldn't come.

    Back at the NYPD Command Center Rossi and reid are join by Prentis
    s and JJ. Burstin is there also. Prentiss ask about will and JJ tells her he is stuck at the airport.

    Reid tells JJ that Morgan is alright but they have no words on Hotch. Garcia appears on a nearby laptop
    and tells them that Morgan is chassing the bomber, that the bomb was underr Kate SUV.She tells them that Hotch appeared to be alright and he is with Kate who look badly hurt.
    She told them that hotch hasn't moved Kate.

    Rossi asks where was kate SUV, Garcia tells them two blocks from the federal plaza.
    Reid write something in red on the board. Prentiis wonder why they would would target
    kate SUV two blocks away from the federal plaza.
    Rossi order JJ to call homeland security and ask them if they have seen anything at any or the murder site.
    Rossi ask garcia to find who can help morgan.

    back into the subway as Morgan is chassing the bomber as peoples scarmbles to get
    out of the way of the running men. Morgan gets to the subway platform and it is empty. a frustrated and angry morgan yells for sam to show himself
    He goes from one wagon to another until he reach the last one, gets out and goes into
    the tunnel. In the tunnel all is dark except for some red glow. Moragn walks in the tunnel, gun drawns,
    while talking to Sam telling him there are nowhere for him to go.
    Sam respond by saying 'is that all you see, darkness?' Sam's appear smilling without his shoes or socks on
    walking towards morgan on one of the rail like a funambule.

    Morgan tells him to give himself up. sam put his hands on his head as ordered and tells Morgan 'you are losing'
    Morgan 'shut your mouth up'
    Sam 'you wanna know why? because you fear what we embrace' and sam put left feet on
    the other track, electricuting himself. He like the other is a kamikaze.

    back at the bombing scene the paramedic with Hotch help is preparing Kate to be transported to the hospital.
    he clampse(? not sure of the term) the artery and ask Hotch to get the gurney from the ambulance.

    Back at the NYPD Command Center, Reid is looking at something on the board while JJ tells him that Homeland security
    hasn't found anything. Reid wonder why would they target kate SUV if they had multiples target to choose from.

    Back at the bombing site, a bloody Hotch drives the ambulance, he asks the paramedic for the nearest hospital which the paramedic tells him is Saint Barclay's.
    The paramedic tells Hotch to go throught the underground entrace which is the ER entrance.
    kate,s come back and ask for aaron. The paramedic ask if Hotch is aaron and he says yes, Kate look at the paramedic and say thank you.
    but the man tells her to thank her partner he did it all. At the Hospital, they are stop by some secret service man who will not let them in.
    He tells Hotch that all ambulance are diverted to Lennox. Hotch tells him he is a federal agent and that SSA Joyner
    was injured in a bomb blast. The man ask for Hotch credentials but he left it at the scene in his coat.
    The secret service man tells Hotch that the hospital is close and to go to Lennox hill.
    Hotch tells the secret service man that she will not make it to lennox at the same time the paramedic yells that he is losing her!
    Hotch beg the man and the nod of another sercret service man who was at the back of the ambualnce he let them pass.

    kate is rush in while the paramedic is doing chest compression. Hotch is left in the halland now things get fuzzy for him, as things start to spind around him,
    he walks towards the nurse stating, He crashes down taking with him a cart. A nurse gets to him, he tries to get
    up but things are getting out of focus, someone yell to get
    a gurney as Hotch pass out.

    back at the NYPD Command Center Prentiss who is on the phone, take the time to tell the team that Morgan is safe.
    Rossi comments that those are smart kids, hand picked, well educated, willing to be
    martyrs. They will not be into any goverment files and they will not have wrap sheets.
    JJ's walks in and tells the team that Hotch and Kate are in Saint Barkley Hospital. Rossi
    ask how are they and JJ tells them that Hotch is in the ER and that
    kate is in surgery and that Morgan is on his way down there.
    Prentiis and Burstin are reporting that everyone including homeland security is reportingf that
    this is a fall attempt at the federal plaza. Rossi is adamant telling thenm
    that they are wrong. Burstin says that they didn't find anything at all the sites he told them and these
    guys, meaning Kate and hotch (?) were the targets and that this things is over.
    Rossi wonder if that is what the terrorists wants them to believe.
    The team with Burstin look at the bombing footage and command that the bomber waited until they were close enough
    before detonating the bomb.
    Prentiss asks 'wouldn't you waited until they were in it?'
    Reid realise that 'so far they have accomplish nothing'
    Burstin, who takes offense at what Ried just said reminds Reid that his partner, Cooper
    was shot and that 8 innocence people where killed, two agents were blown up, plus the suicide by cop, he asks
    'isn't that enough?'

    Rossi looking at a picture of the world trade center says 'that was memorable, this isn't'

    back at the Hospital, Morgan's walks in and asks about Hotchner, the doctor says that he has accute trauma to his right
    ear and that he pulled some schrapnel from his legs.
    upon hearing a nurse talking loudly, Morgan and the doctor walks into the ER to see Hotch getting up,
    the doctor tells Hotch to lie down but Hotch insist that he is alright.
    Morgan tries to intervene and tells hotch to calm down. Hotch asks for where is kate and he is told that she is in surgery.
    Hotch asks if anything happen since the first blast, Morgan says nothing, he ask about Sam and he is told that Sam
    is death. Then Hotch tells morgan that the profile is wrong.

    back at the NYPD Command Center, Rossi, reid and Prentiss realise that all of this was to make them give incorrect profiles.
    They realise that the first responders, Hotch and Kate were a diversion. Burstin asks why? And what will he says
    if homeland security ask, as they are all leaving, JJ just told thme that Hotch wants to
    see them, Rossi says 'tell them this city is about to
    get hit.'

    In the hospital, an all suit up team are with Hotch in the ER, Hotch is all dress up and getting ready
    to join the team. Prentiss asks him if he is okay and he says he wants to know why he is still alive, Reid says that they
    think the reason was to main not to kill. Reid tell Hotch that Sam and the others terrorists couldn't indentified.
    Rossi tells him that those cells learn from one inceident to another.
    Hotch tells them that in London the bombs targeted people, here only two federal agents were in the street.
    Morgan tells them it is one target one bomb.
    Reid tell them that the bomb under Kate SUV was no larger than a cell phone.Morgan tells them 'imagine what a bomb the size
    of an oil drum would do' Hotch says that in order to make a bomb that big you need a chemical
    engineer which Rossi says 'like the recently deceased 'DR. Hassari Housin (? spelling)' who the authority
    dubbed him the 'demolition man'

    We now see the bomber assembling the bomb at the back of the ambulance while the team profile
    the bomber, Prentiss says 'to stop the bomber we have to found the bomb.'
    Morgan 'to do that we need to know how they would deploy something like this'
    After watching on a laptop the footage of the explosion, Hotch asks, 'did you ever found Sam cell phone?'

    Morgan says yes. Hotch 'did he call 911', Morgan 'no, he dialed one number 6 times'
    Reid said that Garcia look into it and it went death after sam died.
    Hotch 'if he didn't have a secondary device to detonated, there is only one reason he stayed with us '
    Rossi, 'to make sure the ambulance got to you'
    Prentiss remark that an ambulance with its sirens all blaring would go throught
    every road block. Hotch realise that the ambulance that he drove in does have the bomb and that the hospital was the target.

    Next scene we see the bomber putting the final touch to the bomb down in the ambulance.

    Hotch, Prentiss, Rossi, Reid and Morgan tells the sercret service men
    that the ambulance hotch drove in got a bomb in it, they ask who they are protecting
    but the secret service man doesn't answer. They ask that whoever the sercret service are protecting should
    be evacuated but they are told they can do that because he is in surgery.

    Hotch ask if they can see on the hospital camera the paramedic he can in with, they
    see him walking down a corridor with a cell phone in hand.
    Rossi asks Garcia to jam the cell phone. She does it but says it will hold for a short period of time.
    As the team look back at the camera, they see that the bomber is coming back into the hospital, to manually detonated the bomb.
    Hotch ask where is Morgan and we see Morgan going down to the ambulance.

    Morgan sees that there is bomb in the back of the ambulance, he gets in and take the ambulance out the hospital
    as Hotch and the team are getting to the basement.
    Morgan who is still talking to Garcia
    asks her to give him a route to safe place to take the ambulance.
    As Morgan is driving away the bomber arrives late to detonated the bomb manually, he tries to stop Moran by shooting at the fleeing ambulance.

    Morgan drives the ambulance in the busy NY streets as the team are getting close to catch the bomber who is now sitting on the
    garage floor trying to detonated the bomb via his still jammed cell phone.

    Meanwhile, Garcia tells Morgan to drive the ambulance to the opening and get the hell out as the jamming is off in 30 seconds,
    Morgan says 'something I really wants you to know Garcia'
    Garcia 'save it, just get out!'
    The NYPD officer '20 seconds'
    We see the bomber cell phone that says 'call connected' as Garcia says 'Morgan!'
    Then we see the ambulance exploded in what look like central park.
    A crying Garcia 'Derek?'

    back to the bomber, the tean srround him, and tell him to surrender, after Hotch says to him to
    put the knife down that it is over
    the man cut his own throat.

    back at the explosion scene, we see morgan getting up and looking at the burning ambulance,
    he is holding his left arms, He tehn says to Garcia 'Garcia, I'll tell
    you what you are to me, you are my god giving solace. I want you to promise
    me that whatever happen, you will not stop talking to me.'
    A clearly relieved but annoyed Garcia says 'I can't right now cause I am mad at you'
    Morgan 'I can wait'

    back to the bomberm, They all walk away from him but Hotch take the man gun away.

    Hotch goes back to the surgery room to find some guys mopping up
    blood from the floor, he ask to see the surgeon who come in and says 'we did all that we could, I'm so sorry'
    The man put a hand on Hotch shoulder and walks away.
    Hotch walks to kate and lift the sheet from her body andlook at her, he shake his head and
    place back the sheet. Seeing that one of her hand is out from underneath
    the sheet he, tenderly, places it back along side her body.

    In Detective cooper room we see coper lightning up a cigarette provided by his partner Burstin as Prentiss watches
    and say 'smoking in a hospital is a fedral offence'
    Burstin look at Prentiss, hands the lighter and say 'you are on your own kid' to cooper.
    Prentiis notice that his wife and kids came by and did he told them he started smooking again.
    Copper tells her she could have told him she was coming, she tells him she did thing she would
    but stop by anyway to see how he was and to give him baseball tickets, he says she didn't have to
    but she says she wanted too, it could have easily been her. he open the envoloppe
    and sees Mets tickets he says 'most people assume I am a yankees fan'
    Prentiss 'I am not most people'

    Change of scene, it is daylight, Hotch is on the sidewalk with his cary bag waiting for a car to pick
    him up and drive him home since he cannot fly because of his ear injuries.
    Morgan's walk by, pick up the back and walk Hotch towards a SUV and tells him he is his driver.
    Hotch 'you have nothing better to do?'
    Morgan 'annoying you for 3 hours, no'
    Hotch 'give me the keys'
    Morgan 'no'
    morgan asks if they knew who the secret service had at the hospital, Hotch 'does it matter?'
    Morgan 'no it doesn't'
    Hotch 'Quantico, request you transfert to the NY office'
    Morgan 'Hotch they haven't even buried her'
    Hotch 'we are at war, things are differently now'
    Morgan 'don't I need your recommandation?' looking at Hotch 'you didn't give it didn't you?'
    Hotch 'your actions incredibly brave as they were are still the actions of an agent who does trust his team'
    Morgan 'Hotct I did it for this team'
    Hotch 'my opion does matter'
    Morgan 'it matter to me'
    Hotch tells him that his life matter to him and that he always trusted Morgan with it, but did Morgan trusted Hotch with his life?
    Hotch ask if Morgan still want to dribve and we see Morgan unlocking the car with the remote from key.

    the end


    Sorry for the bad spelling didn't have time to correct them

  125. The contest has ended but please feel free to leave your comments on the episode. I will let you know when I know who the winner is.

  126. "He had let the team know through Garcia"

    No he hadn't.

    Garcia was told to help him when they figured out what he had done.

  127. Directly from Portugal:
    Who died? :)
    Thank you!!
    Best regards,

  128. Morgan must drive really fast because NYC to Quantico should be almost a 5 hour drive.

    They never answered why Kate looked like Haley... ???

    And, why didn't Morgan just wait by the ambulance for the bomber and shoot him - then he would not have been able to detonate the bomb? But, the episode was better for TV with the way they did it. I loved it completely!!!!

  129. Anon and others who are wondering why someone important is having surgery in NYC and not Walter Reed in DC... The United Nations has headquarters in NYC and the very important person could be a foreign diplomat that we, the host country, are providing extra security for. After all if the dude gets killed on our soil it kind of makes us look bad on the world stage.

    Also Morgan was not driving to Quantico with the ambulance, he was driving to an open area in NYC. A location that Garcia was directing him to with help from all her fun maps and such.

  130. WOW, this episode is simply amazing, much more action than ever before, I loved it! The waiting was terrible, but I don't want to miss any of the next episodes from now!

  131. I have to say, that i still
    love this episode even after
    re-watching it. A lot of hard
    work went into making this,
    all the way from the writers;
    producers; cast; etc...
    I also have to say, that i
    watch this episode quite a
    bit. I have this on video
    tape, along with my youtube
    This episode was complete in
    every aspect. It had suspense;
    intrigue; and even a little
    sadness, when Agent Joyner
    died in the end(Hotch's friend
    and colleague).
    I still love the ending with
    Hotch's and Morgan's
    conversation about how Hotch
    has always trusted and will
    continue to trust Morgan with
    his life. Just shows how close
    these team members are, and
    how deep their friendship
    really is. There wasn't
    anything about this episode
    i didn't like. I loved the
    whole thing. Thank you
    Ed Bernero for this awesome
