Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Criminal Minds: I want to share an email I received this morning from Ed Bernero, Executive Producer of Criminal Minds, because the emails I'm receiving from fans of the show all show concern that Criminal Minds is losing Ed.

"I'm not planning on leaving CM at all. I will always be involved with it though the day to day running of it may fall to one of my amazing Co-Executive Producers. CM is, and will always be, my first love. The other projects are, right now, just scripts. If they are picked up to pilot and/or series, we'll work the logistics out then. Either way, it won't be until next season." - Ed Bernero


  1. Book'em Dano! Thanks for posting the note. Thought he was dropping CM. I watch Law & Order: Criminal Intent and that show just lost their showrunner. They are replacing Warren Light with two showrunners and that sucks. Glad to hear that isn't going to happen to CM.

  2. Do we know which co-producer would be handling the show?

  3. The new shows sound very exciting, and I am happy for Ed.

    But I am also very nervous and a little sad. As much as I believe in, admire, and trust Ed, this announcement makes me nervous for CM. Yes, his team is exceptional, but no one can match his vision and the passion that he brings to our show. I am fearful of what will become of CM without Ed's regular involvement.

  4. I'm glad that he has some great new ideas for new shows and I will definately watch them but I hope CM doesn't suffer. The show has had so many cast changes and crap happening around it and I hate change. I wish him well in anything and everything he does. I hope the new day runner will be fan friendly. We've not chatted with any of them.

  5. I looked at imdb and there are a zillion Co-Producers for the show. I'm glad that Ed will still be involved but how involved can you be when they are filming in CA and you are in HI?

  6. I love that Ed is planning on giving us more great TV to see. I am especially interested in the Washington Field Office show with the Clementes, because that really sounds like something I would like, but I also am a little worried that at some point, we are going to lose Ed's guiding hand at the helm of CM.

    Ed has done such a masterful job leading our show through a tumultuous year with the loss of a character, a new character, and the writer's strike. I hope that these two new shows don't take Ed away completely from CM.

  7. very happy to here that ed not leaveing.
    can hardly waite to see some of the other shows he will put out to produce.

  8. After reading the news about Ed other projects I was worried that he would leave CM. I am glad he isn't. CM without Ed at the helm wouldn't be the same.


  9. Happy that he is still going to be involved. I hope the show keeps going the way it is!

  10. I still don't get it!

    Is he going to be like Mark Gordon who isn't really involved with the show & who we wouldn't know if we tripped over him or is he still going to be on the set and writing episodes? Who is going to make sure the show stays on the right track?

  11. Which writers are leaving? Are all his new shows going to be on CBS? That was not really clear from all the internet reports today. Good luck to Ed and I am happy for him and I will be tuning in for his new shows.

  12. Lots of CM news today. Loved the spoilers from MGG. Now for kinda know who got hurt and what happens to Reid. Yeah!

    Lots of Ed news today. Selfishly I am less excited about this news than the spoilers. I'm thrilled for him but worried that CM will lose it's way without him watching over it and leading the way.

  13. Replacing Lola and Mandy turned out to be easy but replacing Ed would be impossible. Glad that he is staying involved.

  14. Good luck for Ed, but i hope that the new shows don´t take him away from CM.

  15. To anonymous that is not nice! He signed a deal with the studio with him creating more shows. So he is fulfilling whathis contract says.

  16. I'm super excited for Ed. It sounds like he has many new opportunities and I'll happily check out the new shows. Next season will be CM's fifth year so the show should be pretty secure.

  17. Happy he's not going.

  18. Both of the new projects sound interesting and I think there is a serious lack of good programs on tv now so I see this as good news.

  19. Hate bursting a bubble but it still sounds like leaving to me and the show would not be as successfull as it is without Ed B.

  20. To us it the best show on tv but face it that it is just a great show. To Ed and the rest of them it is purely business and this sounds like some awesome opportunities to grow for Ed so I wish him the very best. He is talking about the fifth season of CM and by then the show will be showing age anyway. If MGG's comments are correct and they are planning on torturing him again then the show is reaching now for new ideas and not finding them. I am truly disappointed by the spoilers I'm reading, so maybe it is time for Ed to give us something fresh!

  21. Ivy, I have faith in the writers so I am excited by the spoilers. I think Ed's new ideas sound very interesting. Wasn't that the show that Jack Lord was on years ago?

  22. Thanks for posting the note!

  23. WOW! So much Ed B all over the internet! Very cool news!

  24. I know that Ed knows how us CM fans feel and that he won't do anything to hurt CM. Let's just trust and believe in him!


  25. Hawaii Five-O.2 is exciting! I can't wait to see Ed's spin on the show.

    The show with Jim Clemente sounds unique and very interesting. Can't wait to see what they came up with.

    I feel better now knowing Ed is sticking with CM!

  26. Wonder who is next in the chain if Ed is not going to be running the daily show stuff? Anybody know? It was nice of Ed to let us know what is going on. He's the man!

  27. Lets worry about it next season. It still won't have his daily touch but we can worry about it next year. CM always has a crisis going on. Lola leaving. Mandy leaving. The writers strike. The show always rebounds so lets worry about it next year and hope nothing happens this season to disrupt production. At least we know Ed will show up for work. I hope he lets us know when his new projects start habing more info surrounding them!

  28. CM wouldn't be CM w/out Ed

  29. The first thing I thought when I heard the news about the new shows was that Ed was dumping CM. Great to read that that isn't the case!!!!

  30. I guess we had to know that sooner or later he was going to expand his resume. Relieved that CM is still staying on it :)

  31. Actors come and go from shows all the time and usually the show is okay but when a show loses a showrunner it is a tough blow. LOCI knows that right now and I hope it doesn't adversely effect CM! Good Luck though to Ed. Always!

  32. I'm more confused than ever. The tabloids are saying this is a done deal but Ed is saying this is kinda iffy. I don't want the show to change.

  33. Way too much CM news for one day. They need to learn how to spread it out.

    MGG basically spilled out the whole fourth season. Not pleased with the spoilers and there was no way not to see them. I can understand Jill posting them since they are all over the internet.

    Every google alert talked about Hawaii Five-O and Ed which really made me worried he was dumping Criminal Minds.

    A fill-in for AJ. Okay, that was good news. Knowing she is coming back.

    We go from hearing nothing to hearing everything all at once.

  34. Whoever it is that takes over the daily running of CM is going to want to put their own stamp on the show. Their own vision and that means change. Not good for CM but I appreciate the loyalty Ed has always shown us so I will roll with it.

  35. My 3 fav shows:

    LOCI: Lost their show runner this season.

    CSI: William Peterson leaving

    CM: Ed possibly leaving before season five

    I'm not smiling!

  36. If this isn't happening till next season then why was it necessary for it to be all over the web now. The idea of Ed taking a step away isn't very appealling to me.

  37. I came to the show during the super bowl a year ago so if this is a stupid question then I apologize upfront for it. The show's credits have Jeff Davis as the creator of the show. Did he leave like Ed is leaving? His name will stay there but he will be gone?

  38. Is this like a Dick Wolf kinda thing? I agree with Monica that it is confusing. How can you be involved with the show if you are not in on the daily grind? I hope Ed is happy with his new shows and that he continues to place CM closest to his heart.

  39. Of course I'll watch anything Ed does. Hoping CM doesn't suffer!

  40. Ed makes it sound like nothing is a done deal so I'm going to live in denial until it is!

  41. Am I the only person who ran to IMDB to see who all the Co-Exec Producers are?

  42. I think denial does sound like a good plan.

    MGG dishing like that was very surprising. Shocked at CBS for allowing it.

    Ed's projects sound great. Not leaving CM sounds like a great plan! Thankful for that.

  43. CM is great because of Ed and the writers. If Ed takes even a small step back then which writers is he taking with him? Depending on who he takes from CM will really decide what happens to the show. They aren't all of equal talent. They are all amazing but you guys know what I mean! I don't begrudge Ed this amazing opportunity but I worry he will take toooo far a step back and the show will change!

  44. Glad to read that Meta is joining the show and that AJ plans on returning after her baby is born. That is good news.

    Surprised at the new Reid storyline but the writers will make it work.

    Ed will protect CM. New EB shows sound really good.

  45. Thanks for grounding the fear that he was going!

  46. Love the new show ideas but glad he's staying.

  47. Wow. I got into a real funk by reading these posts. I think some are being soooo negative, that it's depressing =*(. Ed has to expand. He cannot keep at one show all the time.

    Maybe there should be some chat with him soon, and he'll explain everything more clearer.

    Jill can that happen? Can you ask Ed when and if he has the time to chat with us so he can tell us more of what he is planning to do?

  48. Awesome. Thanks!!!

  49. I wish Ed alot of luck and I hope his projects continue to flourish... Especially Criminal Minds. ^_^

  50. I congratulate Ed but I agree that there was just wayyyy too much info yesterday and it was all accross the board and it wasn't all that great. We seem to go from famine to feast but that is unsettling. I didn't like Matthew's news about his next story line. At ALL!

  51. Congratulations Ed for having enough clout to be able to go for what you want! It is a tough business to succeed in. I will at least give any new show of yours a look.

    I understand that creative people NEED to keep creating and nothing will stop you from moving forward.

    CM could easily become just another formulaic procedural. I am not interested in watching a show that just anyone could step in and produce. I hope it keeps its edge!

  52. I am excited about the new shows. I am sure with Ed's talent and invovlement, they will be just as successful as CM. Waiting patiently!

    Jill, Kris' mom

  53. Hi Kris' Mom!!! Send Kris hugs for us!

    As long as Ed has the final word on what happens with CM then the show would still be okay. If it is going to be someone new then I would want to know who.

    I always with Ed the very best and I thank him for making CM so much fun to watch.

  54. I think we should all support any changes that Ed makes but the news was shocking. My first thought was that CM would go down the drain like so many shows do when the top dog leaves.

  55. Anyone know if he's still working on a Streets of San Francisco update?

    Personally, I would love to see an EB take on Hawaii Five-0 and Streets of San Francisco!

  56. I'd like more info on the series with Jim Clemente. He's written for CM before.

  57. I wish Ed luck but I'm not done worrying about CM yet. It still sounds like a management change.

  58. Is he also doing Streets of San Francisco? That makes like how many new projects? I hope he is keeping up with his frequent flier miles!

    I am going to keep an open mind to all of this. Ed wouldn't give the show over to someone who wasn't qualified. I think Matthew could do a good job! KIDDING! We need the Gube to act and I know Ed must have a great candidate in mind. I feel better just reading that he is staying involved with the show. That isn't how the news articles made it sound. Thanks for posting this and clearing things up!

  59. If Wolf can run three shows than so can Ed! Hawaii here we come!

  60. He is not doing The Streets of San Fransisco. It's some other dudes.lol.

  61. FORGOT TO ADD: Maybe Chris Mundy can take over for a while! I love that guy.

  62. Looking at imdb pro it is hard to figure out if Simon comes before or after Chris on the food chain and there are other names that I don't even recognize.

    Jill, can you get some clarity from Ed on who would be the one taking over. It might go a long way towards soothing worried souls.

  63. I have great faith in everyone involved in writing and producing this show, but even so, it's great to hear that Ed plans to stay involved. Thanks for keeping us informed, Ed!

  64. Well at least he'll still be there when our birthday surprise for him arrives. Only kidding everyone. I was shocked too. It was startling news. Not bad news but the show has had too many cast changes and roller coasters in the last three years and Ed has always been the one to steer the ship through them so it is hard to imagine the show being without him. His note certainly helped me understand that once again you can't take on faith everything you read online. Thank you to Ed for writing it and Jill for sharing it.

  65. Thanks Ed! I had faith that you wouldn't leave us...I look forward to your new projects getting on the air.

  66. I'm so happy to know that Ed will be staying involved w. CM. I'm sure the Co-Exec producers are great, but there's just one Ed!

  67. Glad to know you are sticking around, Ed.

  68. Very good news that Ed will still be a part of CM. I don't think the show would stay the same without him.

  69. So glad Ed is staying with the show while doing new ones.
