Thursday, July 03, 2008


Criminal Minds: Every other google alert for Criminal Minds today deals with the possible Criminal Minds spinoff? So, anyone have any thoughts about the possibility of a second CM?


  1. Um, I'm not sure what I would think off a spin-off. I guess I would have to wait until I actually saw it, (if it happens) to see what it would be like.

    How would the do it? With CSI they were able to take it to different cities. With Law and Order they took it to different departments. How would they be able to do a spin-off of CM and have it follow the story line of profiling people?

  2. A spin off would really do well if they can come up with a fresh spin. I think they should leave the original cast alone and create something new. I love the creepy stories, acting and music on that show too. Very curious what they will come up with. Rehash would not interest me.

  3. The show rebounds from Mandy leaving and then the strike and now they are going to rip up our show to start another one. Not pleased at the thought of that.

    William Peterson the star of CSI hated it when Miami and New York were created because he said they cheapened the original. He made a valid point.

  4. If they decide to do it then I have every confidence that it would be to the same incredibly high standard. This is the best possible team. They would never disappoint...if the resulting product were not to standard they wouldn't allow it to be aired.


  5. I say nay. I love the present cast and their dynamic, I would hate to see that chemistry broken up. But, if they were to do it with a whole different group, simply introdced in an episode with the regulars, and leave the current crew from the BAU together, I might be open to it. They just need to be careful, CM is one of the few shows currently on TV that I find even remotely watchable (loved it from the get go), if they mess it up, I'll never forgive CBS.

  6. I enjoy Criminal Minds. I especially love Garcia, Morgan and Reid. However, I am not a huge fan of spinoffs in general. It would depend a great deal on the casting and basic premise. If it were just another BAU team running around doing the exact same type of work, I can't see it.

  7. Since the story broke with Michael Ausiello OF ALL PEOPLE I plan on passing no matter what the spinoff is like. Ausiello! Are the CBS execs drinking. Insulting a fandom by giving Ausiello an exclusive. Of all people. Hell no.

  8. I am rather shocked that a spinoff is being talked about this early in the show's life. Don't they usually wait till a show has had a longer shelf life to branch out.

    I see this as more of Bernero extending his series creator / executive producer involvement. Criminal Minds is produced by ABC Studios, not CBS/Paramount, so there are less incentives for CBS to push for this spin-off (compare CSI). CM is going into its fourth season. The fifth is just around the corner. Contracts expires. Actors move on. Network attitudes to certain shows change. Strikes happen. CM may not be on the air in a couple years. A spin-off series keeps Bernero happy, keeps him involved with ABC Studios, and helps CBS remain on good terms with Bernero.

    Plus, a successful spin-off is good for the behind-the-scene crew of CM. Those in junior roles can move up to more senior roles, whether they move to the new show or move up the ladder because other crew members have moved over.

    I'll give the new show a chance but I usually find spinoffs to be lacking the depth and quality of the original show.

  9. I don't care about the spin off one bit. I mean, I'm not worried about how it's going to be. It will have the exact same challenges that any new show has and the same chance of getting me as a viewer - it depends on the show itself, not any riding on Criminal Minds coattails.

    What I do care about is Criminal Minds. And, that's the main reason I'm not thrilled about another show and franchising it. That may be the sign of success, but it's not what I like, and I'd rather everyone continue to concentrate on the original show. I definitely don't want anyone in the cast leaving (but I heard they're not thinking of doing that, so I'm not going to get myself worked up into an unnecessary tizzy over that) but also I don't want the writers to go either - or their attentions to be divided.

    So, I'm flip-flopping between don't want and don't care. Just as long as it doesn't hurt Criminal Minds at all.

  10. I guess they feel the need to try new things. Could work out well. Maybe they are moving Morgan to the new show. He did say he was offered the job in NY. Maybe Garcia could be on both shows and we would see her more.

    Too many unanswered questions.

  11. Too much gossip about this all over the web. Too many questions about casting and writing for me to give an opinion but if I did give one it would be that Ausiello is an ass and never gets it right so who knows how he twisted Ed's words.

    10 million journalists in the world plus us and CBS has him talk to Ausiello. I agree with whoever said that someone was drinking when they made that decision. Another CBS mistake. Anyone keeping count????

  12. Not too fond of the idea really...

    I just look at all the CSI's and I don't even watch those any more, due to them pairing up team members and how on one CSI it looks fake and sounds stupid. :)

    Ed will do a much better job, no doubt. Guess I'll have to wait and see it. :)

  13. It depends what the focus would be.
    Also...I don't want them to split up the current team. If people from the original make guest appearances, that's fine...but no kidnapping of characters to be on the new show.

    Using CSI as an example, spin-offs don't work if it's all the same stuff as the original. The two shows that came from CSI are both lesser versions, and the original shines less brightly because of it.

    I thought maybe they would wait until the fifth season to do something like that...let the show reach it's 100th episode first.

    Until we know the exact premise of the spin-off, no real decision can be made.

  14. They will end up taking half our cast and writers and CM will suffer. Watch and wait.

  15. I can't see a spin-off really working well here but why worry about since it is Ausiello breaking the news. He is almost always wrong and it is way too early for the show to have a spin-off. I think he just needed something to write about now that he was booted from tv guide and landed with EW.

  16. I would love to have Ed do a second show but I wish it wasn't a spin-off. Something totally different. I'd watch both.

    One positive thing might be that we finally lose Kevin Lynch from the show. He can go this other show. *g*

  17. There are three CSIs and three Law & Order shows. Grey's Anatomy has a spin show called Private Practice. I guess this must be the hollywood trend.

    I'll try it but I wish they would develop something new and fresh and leave our show alone.

  18. If the spin off is done well...and I say if because spin offs so seldom are as good as the original, then I would be all for it. However I do not hold out much hope.

  19. I am so glad that I am not the only CM fan who died laughing that this was reported by the Ass. He hates CM and always has. He has never had a decent word to say about the show. I swear I was hysterical laughing and yes, you know he had to have gotten the story wrong because the idea of a real spin-off at this point is just plain wrong. Ed probably said that in a few years it would or could happen and the Ass left out that part.

    Of course I would try any show Ed produced but CM: Part 2 doesn't really send goose bumps down my spine. EEEEK!

  20. I don't think a true spin-off would work. True, there are more BAU teams in the FBI, but they are all based in Quantico. How would a second Criminal Minds be original?

    If Ed and team develop a show about the FBI with a different specialty, such as organized crime, crimes against children, stolen art/forgeries, and introduce that specialty and cast during a CM episode, that would probably work--someone mentioned that the NCIS group was introduced during a JAG episode, and both Mork & Mindy and LaVerne and Shirley were spun-off of Happy Days, and those shows worked, so that may be the way to go.

    I just can't see a CM clone and hae it be as good as the first.

    What I don't want to see is one of our cast members shuttled off to the new show--they are so good together, it would diminish the show to lose one of them.

  21. I usually try to look at the positive side of things, and I do have a lot of faith in Ed and his crew, but I have to tell you, a spin-off makes me very nervous.

    I love CM. The stories are great (thank you, writers), the actors are perfect, as is everything else. I don't want anything to lessen that, and I'm afraid a spin-off would. Sometimes more is just NOT more.

    And, for me, perhaps the biggest negative is that Ed would not be able to give CM his full attention. Those of you in the business would know better than I do whether the following observation is on target, but it seems when JJ Abrams launched LOST, Alias went down the tubes. I know it wasn't a spin-off, the point is, the driving force couldn't be in two cars at once. There are a lot of talented, dedicated, terrific people working on CM, but I truly believe Ed is the driving force.

    I don't want to see what happened to Alias happen to CM. It's the best show on TV. Let's not mess with success.

  22. With the advent of the internet, some of the politics of network television have been exposed. It seems throughout tv history, successful shows have been undermined by the "next big thing". Budgets for the existing shows were cut as the publicity hounds went off to sniff on the new shows. The shows ended up being canceled not because of the ratings, but because of neglect.

    I don't want that to happen to CM but it seems inevitable.If the budget for the show is cut it means not only loss of characters and actors to whom we are attached. It usually means, cheaper sets, less location filming and in general the look of the shows are cheapened. I hope it doesn't.

    Then there is the convoluted relationshipe between ABC television and CBS and NBC. Who's to say the show would not be on another , perhaps struggling, network? At this point it is hard to say what is up.

    Based on past examples, I say no, don't do it. But who am I anyway?

  23. As long as they don't change the team, the writers, the producers and nothing else that can affect the original, good luck guys. But seriously, I was questioning if I was even going to bother watching it and then this thought came to mind: if they make it for the original characters to show up in that new one, as guests, I don't think I would mind watching Reid or Hotch twice a week intead of once. But I don't know. I guess I'll have to give a try.

  24. i personally kind of love the fact there's only one cm. that's just one of the things that makes is special compared to csi (also the fact the characters are well written and likable). i would probably watch if a spin-off was created, but i really don't want the current bau team split up. i love everyone on it, they each serve an important purpose and i would HATE to see anyone leave to start a new show.

  25. If they leave the cast alone and start a show about a different division of the BAU then I think it could be okay. I just don't know if there are different divisions of the real BAU.

    The key would have to be not damaging CM's reputation by having a spin-off that doesn't do well.

    TV is a business so they must think they can make some money doing this. Ed must have some good creative ideas about this possible second show.

    I guess we wait and see if it is any good.

    I love CSI but I dislike the two other CSI shows and don't watch either of them. I like Law and Order SVU and dislike the other two of that series.

    I'll try the new show.

  26. Maybe Lola and Mandy can be on the new show. Only half kidding. That would be a trip!

    I would like to hear more about the new show. I trust that Ed Bernero knows that most spin offs fail so I bet he has an interesting angle on how to make something like this work.

    I just wonder how he would run two shows. Seems like that would spread his time very thin and his influence is all over CM and needs to stay there.

    They would need a whole new cast and all new writers unless they take ones from our show which would totally suck big time.

    I hope he goes in a totally different direction. New concept, new idea, new everything and very different than CM.

  27. Hey we can get them to bring back all the guest stars we liked but they killed on CM and give them spots on the new show.


    If Ed is running the show then I will give it a watch. Maybe it will be wonderful. He's done great with CM but Ausiello! Well that was shocking.


    Have a great weekend everyone!

  28. Like other people have stated, it would depend. I'm not thrilled at the prospect of our team being split up and I'm not convinced a new cast will have the same chemistry as the original. I guess I would have to see the product before making a final judgement.

  29. At first, I thought it was great that anyone could see spinoff potential somewhere in the show. And I still do think that it's great that something has resonated with people. However, it would not be the same without the same cast and crew, I believe. If a spinoff were to tamper with that formula, it would ruin everything. We've already endured two cast changes, though I think we ended up just getting stronger each time. If there would be any time for a spinoff, in my opinion, it would be AFTER the current show has (*shudder*) run its course.

  30. Not interested at all. As far as I'm concerned, one of the great things about Criminal Minds is that it's unique. I don't want to see that diminished by another show trying to do the same or similar things, even if it does them well enough.

    --Cal from LJ

  31. I don't know...CM is so perfect that I can't even immagine another CM....there is only one "Mona Lisa" in the world, if you allow me the metaphore...
    And with another team WITHOUT our sweet Dr Reid? NAH NAN NAH! Sorry I might sound obsessed (wich would be NORMAL because I AM)

    BUT...I had a dream...*takes an inspired lost far away gaze*
    What about a Reid-centric CM?
    Of course MGG will have to work like mad, (sorry Mr. Gubler, make sure they will pay you the DOUBLE!)
    but sure it will worth it!!!!!
    In THAT case, but only in that case, I would be the very first on the line for a big fat YEEEEEEES!!!!

  32. hello
    first befor i start to write i would like to appologize if it is not so clear what i am writing, but i am not a nativ speaker.

    my feelings about a possible spin-off are ambivalent. i am not sure what to think about it. i wonder why somebody wants to make it, what the motivation for a spin off is.
    like debbie mentioned, i'd like to quote here "....perhaps the biggest negative is that Ed would not be able to give CM his full attention." but i am also not sure about that.

    my biggest fear ist that cm looses his great story and also here my dear friend debbie found the right words when she sayed "I love CM. The stories are great (thank you, writers), the actors are perfect, as is everything else. I don't want anything to lessen that, and I'm afraid a spin-off would."

    ok, so that is my oppinion, i am sorry if i quoted so much, but it is exactly that what i also wanted to say.

    greetings from germany

  33. I'm generally not very happy with spin-offs. Especially if they take away from the original. The current CM is awesome because of the extraordinary writing, the awesome cast (each individual and their chemistry as team)and not so common premise. It certainly not CSI.

    A spin off should come with its own cast & writer teams. If the writers have to divide their attention between two shows i think both would suffer (like Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice). I'd probably check out the spin off to see if its any good, but just the fact that it's a CM spin off would not make me tune in every week.

  34. Maybe they will all move up one position. Who is under Ed on CM? Maybe that person takes over CM while Ed oversees the new show and keeps an eye on CM. I looked on IMDB but it is impossible to tell who is directly under Ed.

    Other showrunners run more than one show and it works out well. That part of this doesn't worry me. CM hardly gets any network PR now and if they add another CM show then CM will be all but forgotten by the CBS PR department.

    Not to be overly tacky but why did this news come to us from Michael Ausiello? The man ragged the show for the last three years and now he moves to EW and all of a sudden he is the messenger of Criminal Minds news. ABC must be paying us fans back for supporting the writers during the strike by doing something this tacky. Lets hope SAG doesn't strike and if they do we better not show them any support or Ausiello will be saying the opening quotes on each episode!

  35. Jane,

    I love it! Michael Ausiello saying the opening quotes. You are so funny and that is the day I stop watching the show. For years we have asked for an episode about Ausiello being the victim of a pyschopath that hates sleezy reporters. I guess he gets to laugh at all the CM fans worldwide now breaking the "exclusive" news of a spin. I hope he chokes on the "cookie" and on principle I will never watch one episode of the show. I hate hollywood.

  36. As long as they don't break up the current cast of CM, I have no problem with a spin-off.

    I enjoy the original CSI but don't care much for the spin-offs.

    On the other hand, I love JAGs spin-off NCIS.

    Ed and the rest of the team, have not let me down yet, so I have every faith in them to make a spin-off work, without CM loosing quality.

  37. During the WGA strike Ed wrote that he was working on a new project and we were all really happy about it. I guess we didn't realize that it was a spin-off but it would be worth the watch. If Ed is producing it then it will be good.

    Jill posted that if and when Ed has any news that he will let us know so I think we have to be patient and just wait. I'll watch it and keep an open mind.

    Ausiello=Pond Scum!

  38. I don't see the point of a spin-off. Part of the charm of CM is that is isn't like anything else on TV. I can't see how a spin-off show can do anything other than dilute the original.

  39. I like the idea but the timing is not right. Criminal Minds needs one more season standing alone before it is tied to a spin off.

  40. I'm not a big fan of spinnoffs but I wouldn't say absulutely no either. They could make it work with good casting and if they invented something new. If it would be just another profiler team doing the same job as in Criminal Minds I doubt it would work.

  41. I love the idea of a new Ed Bernero show because I think he is wonderful. He has done great work with Criminal Minds and under terrible circumstances. I bet the new show will be terrific.

    I've read many of the different CM sites on the web and the comments on them echo the comments here. What I find very interesting is that the fact that Ausiello announced this has the entire internet in an uproar. It makes me wonder if that isn't really what has people upset. A spin-off is actually an exciting piece of news but it was handed to us by a garbage man and so it now it smells like garbage. Just a thought.

    I'll watch but I hope we don't find ourselves getting our CM news from Ausiello anymore. That really sucks.

    And the entire cast has to stay on CM.

  42. Depending on the cast and the writers I will watch the new show. At least I will give it a chance.

  43. I'm really not sure how I feel...

    Would I watch it, probably to start... don't know if I'd continue, but I'd be curious enough to watch the first few episodes.

    Overall though, I'd rather it not be created. I'm to afraid the original would suffer. And even the slightest dip in quality would not be acceptable. This show has been through so much recently, and pulled through with flying colours. I would hate for it fall apart because of divided attention between 2 shows.
    It too good for that. It's unique. and it should stay that way.

  44. I am not too fond of the idea actually. Those aren't fun at all. It's been done, and frankly there's really just ONE CM team ;)

    I'll venture a guess and say the qualitxy would suffer a lot in a spin-off.


  45. Given how accurate Ausiello is with his stories, esp CM stuff, I'm not putting a lot of stock in this rumour.

    However, I have to weigh in as a NO to a spin off (Unless it's like JAG/NCIS where there was enough difference between the two shows, and all they really shared was the same universe.)

    I worry more that we'd loose writers and other behind the scenes talaent to the new show, which would/could weaken CM.

    Of course, if there IS a spinoff, maybe they'll get Prentiss to transfer and I won't have to suffer through her on CM...and if she were on the spinoff, I might actually end up liking her. *g*

    Overall, though, I don't think they can replicate CM or it's success and a spinoff is just a really bad idea.

  46. think this would single the end of Cm as spin off have to be well done adn frankly Cm is gettingto the stages where I think we can work out what will happne before it has done and fed up with rossi trying to be a gideon style agent when to many of us he is self centred and aragnt. spin offs no

  47. As long as they don't break up the current team in any way, or take the wonderful writers away from CM to work on the new show, I wouldn't mind seeing a spinoff at all. I never watched the original CSI, but CSI NY and CSI Miami became two of my favorite shows, so sometimes spinoffs can be really good. However, there have been many spinoffs over the years where they took a character from a popular show and gave them their own show, which I thought were awful. While I don't think I would care for just a different version of the current CM show (like the CSI shows are), I can think of many possible spinoffs of CM that might be very interesting. The Crimes Against Children Unit with Katie Coles idea somebody already mentioned could be great. The computer end of things that Garcia is part of could also be interesting. And there are soooo many others. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

  48. I think a really interesting spin off would be something focusing on the after effects of CM cases: on the victims, their families, those with involvement to unsubs, the wider community, etc. I've been thinking about writing a show like this as a personal hobby for a while, but think it could work really well as a CM spin-off.

  49. I'm really not sure what to think about this matter because I love Angel the spin off from Buffy but hate some other spin offs from other shows. And it depends if some of the main cast will leave the main show to be the main chara in the spin off. That I wouldn't like because I like our team.

  50. I wouldn't have anything against it but that doesn't mean I'd watch it.


  51. I am leery of a CM spinoff. CM is already a unique show, and other police/fbi procedural spinoffs have been (IMHO) inadequate. I loved Law & Order, and I loved CSI, but when the spinoffs started popping out, it seemed like an attempt of studio execs to make more money in the cheapest, easiest way. ("why, they like the show XYZZ? easy! give 'em more of the same!") Honestly, the spinoffs wound up turning me off the originals as well.I don't watch them any more.

    A spinoff can work well if work goes into thinking carefully and creatively about *why* and *what* the spinoff show is. It can work well if there is true creativity, originality and risk taking going into it.

    I wish you all the very best in this endeavor.

  52. I am still confused about the whole

    I don't know what to think, cause while there have been some spin-offs that actually do good, I am not sure if I want to see a spin-off of CM cause I'm afraid Ed would focus on the other show more and then everything in the "mothership" would go kaput.

  53. i think it is a bad idea. the show is great as it is. we don´t need a spin-off. spin-offs should be as good as the original. but i don´t think a spin-off can be as good as cm. i won´t watch it. even if mgg is in it.

  54. I am not sure if i would like a spinoff or not. I guess we should just wait and see what happens.I know most spinoffs have been succesful but i am not to sure about this one.

  55. I want the creative and talent team to stay intact, to focus their energies on keeping the quality of CM at it's extraordinary standard. There are few shows that respect the viewer like CM, and it would be a shame to mess with such a winning team.

  56. It feels like an echo chamber in here.Hello,hello,hellloooooo,
    spinoffs doesn't sound like a good idea. It will dilute the quality of the original CM if you take away any of the writers, creative team, and esp. the actors to create a new series.
    Do we really need another show about FBI profiling or is it just another money grab by the same studios who was so "gracious" during the strike????????

  57. Hm... I have been thinking about this a long long time. I absolutely LOVE CM BUT i don't think it needs a spin-off. I have seen what other shows have done: of the Law and Order , CSI variety and I have to say that I like Criminal Minds standing on its own. The idea of CM being mass-marketed in a tv sense seems risky to me. It's unique because it's small and the BAU operates like a family unit... that does extraordinary work. That's the difference between this show and the "others". Please, do not try to duplicate this already awesome show! It will ruin it!

    Other concerns:

    1. How would the spin-off benefit the existing show? How might it undermine what is clearly already a good thing?

    2. What would the new show honestly do in the realm of psych profiling?

    3. How would this affect the existing characters? Please don't split them up!! (Personally even creating an alternate cast would create the impression that the BAU is ordinary and somehow replaceable! NO! NO!)

    4. Why not create some new ideas for the existing show? Keep the formula but make some more unique, experimental episodes a la "True Night" or "No Way Out"!

    5. Here is one thing I might be for: another similar type of show that is fresh, that is clever and put together by the same brilliant people who created Criminal Minds in the first place. That might be the only reason this could work.

    Please take this with an opened mind. A spin-off is a huge step. I just sincerely hope we don't miss that step and completely trip! Thanks!

  58. I think Slashgirl said it best:

    'Given how accurate Ausiello is with his stories, esp CM stuff, I'm not putting a lot of stock in this rumour.'

    I would have been truly excited about a second show if it had come from anyone but him, if it is true.

    Ed is no shlub. He probably has some very exciting ideas for a new show that would normally knock my socks off but hearing them from the CM bashing, monster, piece of crap reporter now working on EW does, to quote a previous poster, "makes it smell like garbage".

    Ed has always been great to us fans so lets chill out on the spin-off bashing until we have more details. If he makes a new show then we all need and should support him. I will watch it.

  59. I'd rather not have a spin-off. I like Criminal Mind's uniqueness I don't want that to be lost in the wake of a spin-off.

  60. I'm not a great fan of spin offs and I've been totally disappointed with the CSIs and Law and Order spin offs
    Criminal Minds has been successful for the angle it has taken...I've noticed that some fans have suggested a spin off with the Crimes against Children Unit but I really don't think that they have thought that through. Being myself professionally involved with children and parents, to do this properly would be distressing and one shouldn't bring to the screen some of the horrifying things that can happen. For those whose lives are touched by them there are long term consequences. I can also see that some parents would get even more paranoid about the safety of their children and be reluctant to let them out of the house but then they are not always safe inside the home!. It's probably why I don't especially like L&O Special Victims Unit...too many rape stories and you end up trivialising an extremely serious offence and then the stories don't follow through and show the consequences that can be life long.So you can perhaps see why I hope it would not involve a Crimes against Children Unit because some of us have met the consequences for these children and parents.
    On the other hand, something that looked in a different white collar crime, which is often dismissed but can be very clever in its execution, might provide some entertaining stories.

  61. I'd rather not have a spin-off. I enjoy Criminal Minds and it uniqueness, I don't want that to be lsot in the wake of a spin-off (or for a spin-off to damage the quality of the show).


  62. I'm not sure how I feel about it, to be honest. I don't understand how it could be really different from the current series. I'd prefer a new concept style like the Law and Orders did with each series, rather than the CSI equivalent.

    Also would it be possible to make the spinoff a bit less gory?

  63. I think they don't need to create a spin off show from CM. Just because it is so successful it doesn't mean a spin off would be. I think it would just detract from the original series. To me it would just be a money making exercise and I don't think I would watch it.

  64. Ed doing a second TV series is exciting. I frankly love the idea of another Ed run series. I don't really know what or how they could spin CM into a second show but I trust Ed and the writers to do a great job with it.

    My boyfriend was really funny when he heard that Aus had broken the story. He said that the only worse person who could have announced it would have been Mandy Patinkin. Leave it to CBS to have Ed give a story like this one to Aus. Wow the network really must hate fans. I died laughing but really he is right.

  65. I'll watch it for Bernero's sake because he is wonderful. Maybe they can clone Reid. *g*

  66. Sharon, I laughed so hard reading your comment that I almost chocked. Now with your weekly CM update Mandy Patinkin and Michael Ausiello. _f_ too funny!

    Spin offs usually suck but we have great writers so lets wait and see what magic they can perform.

    Plus as already noted, this news came from Ausiello and he is always taking out both sides of his ass and he hates CM. I wonder whose a-- he decided to kiss to even get the interview given the crap he has written about CM. He must really have gotten down on his knees. Poor slimmy baby likes the show now that it is a top ten. F- him and the keyboard he types on.

  67. I wish they wouldn't do it because I do think it cheapens the original, like others have said. But I expect it to happen, since copying successful shows seems to be the Hollywood way. So I guess all I can do is hope that it's quite different from CM so it's not just an obvious imitation, and especially that none of the original cast end up on the new show. That would be horrible.

  68. This was a suggestion from another board which is also not happy but it is a good suggestion:

    "There is only one Behavioral Analysis Unit. I don't know what a spinoff could be. Maybe they could have a trial show where the characters are put on trial. IN that way people from the main cast could be witnesses."

  69. What?! Seriously?!

    Well, if they can find writers that are just as good and a cast that is almost as good it's going to be a decent show. I don't know what they could do. I'd give it a try but i'm not sure i would stick around.

    And they absolutely CANNOT change the current show. It's an awesome show, and i don't want it ruined. So far they've dealt with changes pretty well, but there's only so much it can take.

  70. We have had two cast changes, a writers strike, writers come and go and virtually no positive publicity the past three years. I would hope that the new show is different enough from CM to not distract current viewers and make them drop the show in favor of the new show.

    I would like a totally different show. A second show from Ed Bernero was always something I looked forward to and I am still psyched to see what he has in mind.

    I do feel sad that he made the choice to float the idea in the way he did and to who he chose to do it with but maybe we have upset him in some way. Of all the reporters he could have spoken with he made the choice to speak with Mike A. Ed, if you are reading this thread then know whatever we did as a fandom to upset you we are sorry about it. Please pick another reporter in the future. Please.


  71. Speechless!

    If the word spin-off had not been used then I would be a really exciting person right now. Another quality show is great news. The phrase spin-off makes me nervous.

  72. Personally, I don't like the idea of a spinoff. One of the reasons that I like CM so much is because it's unique - no other show is quite like it.

    Another reason I like CM is because the characters are intelligent, and for the most part, behave intelligently.

    If there is a "spinoff", then I like someone's suggestion that the spinoff concentrate on white collar crimes, or maybe even computer crimes. It would be less gory (a big plus), and the new show would have to be very intelligent too.

  73. Run Away!!

    First L&O did it...
    SVU was good, CI was OK... then there were the two they cancelled... and now the original is not worth watching...

    Then there was CSI, fabulous show...
    then it was CSI:sunglasses...
    then CSI: Sargent Dan...
    now the original I haven't bothered to watch for the last season (the thought of Sarah & Gill... shiver just thinking about it)

    Never really watched JAG or NCIS so I can't say...

    I love Buffy, but it was much better before Angel, and both got canned shortly after Joss made Firefly (which was a great show and was criminal to cancel)(but I digress)

    If I can just copy what everyone else has said...

    Don't mess with a good thing.

    We survived Mandy, and the strike, we are bracing ourselves for strike II

    Could we please keep the drama for the scripts?

  74. I'm just not as "doom and gloom" about this. I frankly don't see why a 2nd CM version has to "dilute the uniqueness" or quality of the first. It's just as likely to make 2 shows worth watching on TV instead of one.

    Sure, there have been horrible spin offs that is making people skiddish about the word "spinoff". So some shows don't have the depth to support two shows--that doesn't mean CM can't do it successfully. I can't help thinking that these are the same people who said that MP's leaving would kill the show; then it was Rossi would never make it on the team... yada yada. Remember that flap?

    Come on guys, on one hand we rave about the incredible job the CM writers, producers and actors have done at exceeding our expectations in handling every 'impossible situation' (MP leaving, strike, etc) and then we turn around and assume they can't handle this. Just how short are our memories? Ed and crew have handled every other challenge, why assume they would:
    a. break up a successful team
    b. not be able to find quality writers for a new show
    c. not figure out a plausible variation of the CM concept
    d. dilute out the quality of a successful show to create a new one?

    Give Ed, et al, a flipping break here. Just because some of us can't figure out a way to do it well doesn't mean they can't. (Maybe that's why we aren't showrunners and writers and Ed is.)

    Ed has already said there was no reason to break up the current successful BAU team so CM doesn't have to give up anything. There might be some appearances of CM cast on the new show however. Do we want to complain about being able to see _____ (fill in your CM favorite character) twice a week once in a while?

    Also remember that CM is scheduled to go to cable A&E in season 5. A successful spin off would leave viewers without cable/satelite with a CM show to watch. In some ways, the two would almost be in different markets.

    I'd be willing to give it chance and think others should also. Look how many people didn't even want to consider giving Rossi a chance and he's won a lot of people over anyway.

    As far as Assiello goes (not a typo)... we already know that CBS/ABC makes extraordinarily stupid decisions. If Ed, makes another great show (one of the few on TV), why cut off our own noses and refuse to give it a chance "on principle"? Do you think CBS or Assiello cares? Do you want to refuse to watch a GOOD show and kill the ratings, thereby getting it cancelled, putting talented staff and crew out of work, to send a message to whom?

    We keep talking about how smart the CM show is. Let us fans be just as smart.


  75. I personally don't think that Criminal Minds NEEDS to be watered down, like the CSI and Law and Order series. CBS can have ED create another FBI show w/o attaching the Criminal Minds name to it.

  76. I'm sorry to sound a little negative, but I'm very leary of a spin-off. Criminal Minds is honestly the only TV show that I will go out of my way to record if I can't be home to watch it. Although I trust our writers, I would hate to see the focus on the current, incredible version, to be diverted in any way. We've all seen it happen on other shows, the spin off is never as good as the original. Please, please, keep the current talented team of CM together...

  77. I'm not a fan of a spin off...

    To take CSI as an example:
    I used to watch CSI. Then CSI: Miami came and I must admit I really liked it for the first 3 seasons. It was the best show imho. But now it is lacking... everything. And even though the settings are different the subject is the same and I became tired of it. Same happened with the L&O concept with me. And currently i am only watching CSI:Miami but I guess this will be my last season if the keep up the work they're doing now.

    And from forums, message boards and real life I found out I am not the only one thinking this way about L&O/CSI!

    I was finally glad to have found a show (CM) that was new and the only one of its kind out there! I would hate to see it go down a barrel.

    Cheers from a fan from Holland

  78. Excited to know that Ed is developing a new show. I can't wait to hear more about it and to watch it.

    It is very unfortunate that TPTB decided to have Ed interviewed by the most hated and disliked reporter in all of the CM fandom but this is a business to them and in the end they really could not care less about the fans.

    I've been a moderator since the beginning of the message board here and also in another CM group and I can tell you that both boards are appalled at the lack of respect shown by not giving the story to a reporter that is CM friendly.

    I'll give the new show a chance and I wish Ed well.

  79. This is GREAT news for Mandy fans. Now he can come back. Obviously they are letting anyone into the studio now. Hi Mandy! Got any news for us????

  80. I've nothing against spin-offs in general - they have to prove oneself just like any other new show, just that I definitely tune in to it because of it being a spin-off.

    I would prefer if a spin-off would not be like a copy, but really a new idea. It couldn't take it on with CM anyway...

    CU sindee

  81. english is not my native language!
    but I am okay with Paolafromparis!
    I love CSI, i prefer the first CSI with Grisom!
    because I love the character of Grisom! and in CM I love the Character of Dr Reid!
    you see what i mean?

  82. I'd certainly watch it and decide then whether I like it or not. As for CSI, I liked none of the sequels. But that doesn't mean that it'd be the same with a CM sequel.

  83. I would certainly give it a look just based on the production talent and writers who give us CM. If the quality is as high and the plot basis sufficiently different from the orig. CM (i.e. not the same show with different actors), there's plenty of room in my watching schedule for a terrific new show.

    As several have said, I wouldn't want the orig. cast split up, although guest appearances between shows could be great.

  84. No spin-off for me, thanks. CM is unique, and a spin-off would make it less so. Also, the quality of CM itself could lessen, if the crew are busy elsewhere.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. hey, Reids_Luvr_93 here.

    Hmmm a spin off. Well, I want good writers, but I don't want our writers attention to be taken away from the show we already love.

    Also, warming up to new characters might be difficult. I don't think they can think of any better characters than the ones they have already, and redundancy is never fun.

    So, hmmm, I guess it would be cool, but I'm also nervous

  87. I think a spild be really good if it brought new and fresh ideas to the table. There have been a lot of spin-off shows that have been really successful.

    I would audition for it too!

  88. I'm not worried about the spinoff's quality, but rather about the original's quality after the spinoff is created.

    I don't want our beloved CM to be rejected just because there's a new cool kid on the block.

    I don't want CM to go down the road of Law and Order and CSI, where the spinoffs are more popular than the original (ratings and otherwise).

    I want CM to stay how it is. Why not just call the offshoot "created by the same people as Criminal Minds" and not a spinoff?

  89. I completely understand everyone's concerns about spin-offs, and I agree with a lot of them.

    On the other hand, Ed Bernero's a pretty amazing person. If it was his show, I'd absolutely give it a try. No promises I'd fall in love with it, but I'd give it a good long look.

  90. I would be totally against a spin off if they were to break up our team to create another show.

    I used to love CSI, but now I hardly watch any of the CSI's. It just got to be too much.

    I'm just not sure how I would feel about it right now. I'm just trying to get through the summer!
    Maybe I would change my mind if I saw a pilot for it!

  91. I am not sure if I would like or dislike a spin-off, it would depend on the new cast and the actual new show itself, and of course, I would give it a chance. BUT, I think that I have figured out how they would do it if they were going to do it.
    In the last episode, it was brought up the possibility of Derek Morgan being promoted to run his own office, in New York, currently being run by the English Chick. I think that if the English Chick is the one who died in the explosion, then Derek would have a major decision to make, run the New York office or continue with the team... Does this sound like a reasonable storyline to anyone else??? I would hate it, but it sounds about right...
