Friday, August 01, 2008


Criminal Minds: The characters on Criminal Minds have evolved and changed over the past three seasons. Which Criminal Minds character has changed the most and how have they changed?


  1. Emily has changed the most. When she joined she was tense, sullen and insecure all at the same time. Now she is confident, works great with the rest of the team and thankfully hasn't said 'yes sir' for a long time. They have transformed her into a valuable member of the team and not someone to keep your eyes on and watch your back around.

  2. I have to say that Rossi has totally changed from his first intro to the team. He has learned how to be a part of the BAU TEAM and also I think he now cares about the other members. It is most evident in the way he treats Morgan compared to how he treated him in his first few episodes.

  3. Reid!!

    Totally isn't the geeky guy who took a back seat to the other profilers. He now stands front and center and holds his own with the rest of them. Look at "Damaged" last night. He was totally the only reason him and Hotch got out of that interrogation room alive.

    Reid Rules!

  4. I think they have all grown as characters. They all have more depth to them now since S-1 or in Rossi and Prentiss' cases the later seasons.

    If I had to pick one I would also go with Reid. He was such a kid in season one and even though he is still so young in season three I think he is more confident in his own abilities. He's had to face some big challenges and I think that has changed him.

    So far the writers have had Reid's butt on fire, drugged him, had him making out in a pool with an actress and more! I can't wait to see what they have instore for him in season four.

  5. i think hotch. i've been rewatching some of the S1 and early S2 episodes, and it's amazing how much hotch actually LAUGHS and SMILES in them. i think hotch's transformation has been more internal than external, but thomas gibson's a very talented actor and has portrayed hotch's quiet desperation quite wonderfully. i can just FEEL the tension and stress he's under when he walks into the room.

  6. I think JJ has gone from being window dressing to a real member of the team. In the beginning I thought she was just the token blonde person every show has and now I think of her as a real team member.

  7. I choose Reid since he is the youngest and least experienced at the start of CM. In the beginning, he was so awkward and insecure. Now after three years of life experiences, he is more confident in his numerous skills and proactive in approaching people. He has a lot more empathy for the victims,too.
    And on the shallow side,I must say that I am soooooooo glad that he's changed from that repressive flat hair to that wild Boho look!!!
    Woo hoo, way to go Reid!!!
    Oh, and a close second would be JJ. She's become more well-rounded, in more ways than one!

  8. to be honest every one.

    but the one i can totaly say that changed the most in my oppinion is REID
    he isn't that insicure anymore, he grow up and got smarter (if that was possible). he is able to stand his own possision and doesn't always play in the background.

  9. I agree that they all have changed but in some of them it was more gradual than with others. Rossi's character changed 180 degrees when he learned what being a member of a team meant.

    Morgan has changed and matured gradually. He has become a more seasoned profiler. I think the character also has become less edgy and more centered which has been really nice to watch.

  10. I would say garcia, she is not affaaaaaaaiard tospeak her mind when she is with the rest of the team at on satges she woudl hole back.

  11. I am going to say Reid he has grown up basically. From this shy, quiet person. To being someone who has faced a psycho basically kidnapping him and trying to kill him, From dealing with a addiction, seeing countless people get killed right in front of him, to loosing his mentor and gaining a new one in Hotch (yes I see it ). Dealing with his own personal Demons. To emerge this confident, strong,at time deadly and bold. Person. He seems to be able to relate with the victims a bit better and is able to show a bit more compassion toward them. He is not so the Robotic type person he was in the beginning season.

  12. I lean towards Emily on this one. We met her mother in Honor Among Thieves and we know that her childhood wasn't ideal. I think she joined the team full of insecurity and a deep seated need to fit in somewhere. When you watch her in the last few episodes of season three you see that she does belong and it shows in her personal relationships with JJ and Garcia. The flirting with Morgan shows she has become comfortable in her own skin. I think she found a grounding point in her life when she joined the team and she seems very happy. I think it has allowed her to blossom. She gets my vote.

  13. How can you not have a pic of reid on the main site when asking this question? I think Reid has changed the most but I too have been re watching earlier episodes and Hotch did smile and laugh more and didn't seem so much like a drill sgt.

  14. JJ
    She was a somewhat meek media liaison, and now it seems she both profiles and takes charge of the cases. She seems much more affected by what she has seen in the past and is not afraid to voice opinions and and act on her feelings.

    The changes happened after Reid's kidnapping and it might be related to guilt.

  15. I have to say Reid. He is less of a geek and he is more sure of himself.


  16. From the original characters I would pick Reid. Our boy genius is a man genius now. He's still awkward and that darn sweater needs to be burnt but he is more confident.

    From the new characters I would pick David Rossi. He was horrible in the first few episodes. I am surprised they didn't run him over with the jet! Now he is a much more caring person.

  17. i think every character has grown and changed. but i have to agree the most with the people who say reid. i think he's much more sure of himself, he's really grown up with everything he's been through. he's learned to stand on his own now.

  18. Has to be Emiy Prentiss. She was a cold, reserved, suit wearing, anal retentive, one dimensional character and now she is vibrant, loving, brilliant and even the way she dresses has changed.

  19. Defenetly Reid.
    In the first season he was such a nerd and during the second season he found how I like to call "his voice".Then he took drugs and he was totally different.Third season he was sometimes weird but then he was again so nice.And in the end he was such a HOT HOT HOT guy.He was nice but also said what he was thinking.

  20. Morgan has learned so much in the past three years. I remember when Gideon came back to the unit and Morgan was leery of him and very cocky but when Rossi came back to the unit Morgan was less cocky and instead trying to profile him. I think Morgan has matured.

  21. They've all changed. Hotch I think has changed the least. Maybe his divorce will change him but I haven't seen any real changes in his personality or the way he works since the first episode. He is sad looking but the divorce would cause situational anxiety and I don't think that is really change or growth.

    I think Prentiss has a new found confidence and Reid's drug/hostage encounter matured him. JJ is more assertive and much less timid and meek than she was in season one.

    This is a hard one to answer.

  22. Reid gets my vote here. What haven't the writers done to him in three years. I am almost afraid to see what emotional roller coaster they throw him on in S4! He isn't the bumbling little dictionary walking two steps behind Gideon anymore. Very well done by the writers and by MGG!

  23. Rossi!

    He was aweful. Mean, moody and not a team player and now I think he truly cares about each and every person on the team. But I didn't like it that he put Garcia in a bad position asking her to work on his haunting case without letting the others know. Now that the case has been solved I think he will relax even more.

  24. Without a doubt, it is Reid. He is more self-confident, stronger, wiser. He takes the lead now. He's not a kid anymore. Although I wouldn't want him to go back to the original Reid, I kind of miss some of that boyish charm.

  25. Reid has stopped being the student and started being a real profiler.

  26. OT: It is going to be intersting to see how motherhood changes JJ.

    I think Prentiss has changed the most. And I love the bangs. She seems more comfortable now in her own skin.

  27. I would say Reid has changed the most, he's no longer the meek student who seeks teacher's approval.

    He takes charge when he needs to, and relatively knows how to handle a situation when it comes to him - the end of "3rd Life" and the interrogation in "Damaged" are good examples of this.

    A close second would both be Prentiss and Rossi.

    Prentiss was insecure and didn't know her spot within the team. Now she's full-fledged and it seems like she could have been there for years upon years.

    Rossi was a close-minded veteran of the BAU, and was still stuck in the past for the most part. He wanted to work alone, and was very closed off and harsh. Now he's a team player for the most part, and is almost like the father figure of the team.

  28. If I was limited to picking just one of them it would be JJ. She didn't feel like one of the team during season one. She was bossy and seemed to keep her distance. Now she involves herself in the cases and is tight with the other members of the team.

  29. Reid,
    He is far less twitchy, more angry it seams, a little more up on his pop culture, far more... normal almost. He actually teases and jokes with his team mates. He has in short grown up from naive, insecure, brilliant but immature Reid to more bold, experienced, and understanding Reid.

    With that I think Rossi has done the most changing in the shortest amount of time. He went from lone wolf to almost... and again I said ALMOST for all you Hotch fans out there, to pack leader.

  30. I think that Reid has changed the most. After each case, he is visibly (and mentally) affected! I love that he character is growing into something unrealistic.

  31. emily. when she arrived she seemed to be kinda cold. i remember her talk with JJ after she was attacked by the dogs. that was one point from where i think emily did change. now she is one of the most caring members of the team. she has a special way. she doesnt need much words, they way she says things are enough.
    for me it first seemed to be that emily was all about knowing things. now its more about feeling things.
    (sorry, english as second language...)

    rossi on the other hand did change alot too. but not as deep as emily. he had to re-learn or learn some stuff like working in a team. but somehow its not like "changing" or personal growing.

  32. If pain really does breed growth then Reid wins this one. The exciting thing about Reid's character is that he still has a lot of issues to deal with and I hope we will see him confront his feelings of abandonment. I think Reid has a lot more growing up to do and I can't wait to watch it happen.

  33. Rossi turned from a son of a b to a really decent man.

  34. I think JJ more change in these years.
    During the first year she is not "inside" the team, but she help the team.
    During the second year she enter in team, and play her role.
    in the second and third years she
    participates in the team, contributing to the resolution of cases.

  35. Rossi has had a total transformation. He was just not likeable at first. I like him now. I like how he gives them advice. It is nice how he has tried to comfort Hotch about his divorce and Morgan about his religous faith.

  36. Hotch: I think he has less political ambition now.

  37. Reid isn't a naive young man so he has done the most changing.

  38. Rossi changed the most. I felt like he had compassion for nobody. Even his charm bracelet family seemed like just it haunted him because he couldn't solve the case. I think we do see him fitting in more but I think he is still very much a lone eagle. I think he's changed but we will probably see more. He hasn't been on the team that long yet.

  39. In the beginning I think Prentiss would have sold Hotchner down the river without a second thought but then she began to fit into the BAU and change. In the end she protected Hotchner. She's got my vote.

  40. Morgan has lost a lot of his hot headedness in favor of more calm profiling. Not a change that I like but it is a change.

  41. I really can't pick just one. I think Emily, JJ and Reid have all changed a lot since their starts on the show. Emily's relaxed into the team, and JJ and Reid have both grown up a lot.

  42. spencer!!
    i think he has changed a lot!!
