Saturday, May 17, 2008


Criminal Minds: Not everyone is able to attend Criminal Minds writers chats so I decided to start a thread for you to ask the writers questions. Please do not ask about Criminal Minds spoilers. :)


  1. My question is whether they ever just get stuck. Do they ever find themselves without an idea or without a scene they know they need? And what do they do?

  2. You have been giving us much more personal character information this season. How do you determine the balance?

  3. My question is how you or better where you get all your ideas for the cases. And another question is: what was your offense to give Derek such a hard past? Did Shemar said anything about that or was it all your great idea?

  4. There's been an obvious attempt this season to end some of the open storylines. Thank you. Since you want new viewers to understand the episodes without wondering what is happening, is it hard to work the storyline endings into the episodes?

    Thank you so much for concluding the Reid drug storyline. You ended an ongoing endless fandom conversation that was truly getting old. *g*

  5. Anonymous,

    Your comment was deleted because you were asking for spoilers.

    Sorry but no spoiler questions.

  6. Angela,

    I had to delete your question. You were asking for spoilers regarding Hotch.


  7. We love the cookies you put in the episodes.

    Is it hard knowing that you have such a large and devoted fandom which is watching every detail you write?

    Is it more pressure on writers when they know that their fans know every detail?

  8. What has been the most challenging aspect about writing for CM? What has been the greatest pleasure?

  9. CM is a home grown ratings success. Can you shed any light on why CBS treats the show like a red headed stepchild? They do almost no publicity for the show. I sometimes feel like all of us are the only publicity the show gets. I tell everyone I meet about the show. I have since season one.

  10. How do you select the quotes for each episode?

  11. Okay, this isn't a writer question really, but one I want to know the answer to. (Well, with a little bit of stretching, it's a writer's question! lol)
    When a scene has patrol cars and uniformed officers in it, how does the crew come up with it all? When filming on location, does the local law enforcement loan cars out?
    Thanks for humoring me...

  12. Okay, this isn't a writer question really, but one I want to know the answer to. (Well, with a little bit of stretching, it's a writer's question! lol)
    When a scene has patrol cars and uniformed officers in it, how does the crew come up with it all? When filming on location, does the local law enforcement loan cars out?
    Thanks for humoring me...

  13. hi there...a couple questions...

    1. How much of what's in the original script gets changed by the end of shooting?

    2. How do you go about making things fit when an episode airs out of order?


  14. We have had a lot of cast changes over the past three seasons. There have been characters leave and new ones appear. I realize that some of this has been beyond anyone's control. CM fans have rolled with the punches but there is a character now that is reoccuring that nobody likes. Nothing personal towards the actor. It is very unusual for every CM site to have an overwhelming number of members in such agreement. CM fans normally do not agree on anything but a love and loyalty to the show. In this case we ALL feel that this reoccuring character dummies up the show.

    My question is this: Do you ever take into account or allow fan reaction to influence your hiring decisions?

  15. Dan and Jay were new writers for the show this season. I think they have done a wonderful job. They really seem to understand the characters and their episodes fit in well with those of our more seasoned writers. We recently had a freelance writer write an episode. I applaud his effort but it was obvious to many that he lacked the depth of understanding of these characters.

    How hard is it for a new writer to get up to speed on the characters, the format of quotes and songs (which we all love so much)and the general level of awesomeness we have come to expect from our original writers?

    Also, the CM books are not inline with the show itself. We have been told in chat that Ed and the writers have a great deal of input in editing these books. How can the books be so off base if you are all giving your feedback on them?

  16. Kudos on rebounding so seamlessly from the strike.

    Is everything back to normal now on the set?

  17. A bad episode of Criminal Minds is still better than anything else on tv. We all always say that. We have had a few "weak" episodes during the last three seasons.

    Do you know they may be a little weak or are you all just too close to them to realize it?

    I don't ask that to be negative or mean. I adore the show. I just think now that they aired you all must realize that a few "challenged" episodes did get on the air.

  18. Do you have favorite episodes that are not ones you have written yourself?

  19. My question are about the eps, are they more based on a real case from FBI files? or are they more loosly based on another real life case?

  20. How much input do you give each other on what you write, either before or after? That is do you critic each others work or ask or give each other advice on an episode when it is still in the writing stage?

  21. I don't want to be mean or anything with the following questions, I adore the show. It was just bothering me and according to the many discussions also other viewers so I thought I might dare to ask you.

    1. Why does the character of Kevin Lynch have to fulfill every stereotype about a computer nerd one can come up with? Is it because it's Garcia's love interest?

    2. Why is Garcia so off character in her scenes with Kevin? Not that I doubt that you're different when you're in love but she's behaving like a teenager and that's not like her. In my opinion.

    3. Do you have a timeline or something where you have important information? 'Cause there have been a few inconsistencies in the past episodes.

    Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the chance you give us to ask you questions and how close you all are to the fans. Kudos from the German fans!

  22. Well mine is more of a

    If you ever decided to show Morgan at home, don't forget he has a doggy name Clooney :P

  23. Do the individual writers have a particular character in the main cast that you have a better handle on? I mean, is there someone who feels they have an easier time writing Prentiss, for example, because they understand her character? Or any of them? And, is the reverse true? Do you struggle more when writing about a certain character, or from their viewpoint?

  24. Last year before all the craziness occurred for season three,I heard that the reason why each character joined the BAU will be explored. Will you be able to return to that idea because that area hasn't been explored yet?

  25. - if you can rewrite one episode, with the possibility to change scenes, or some details, which one do you choose?

    thank you

  26. Ed,

    During the strike you wrote us about the possibility of a new internet show you might be producing. Can you update us on that? Is that still in the works? I would love to see it.

  27. First of all, thanks for thinking of those of us who can't make it to the chat.

    My question would be why do scripts get changed till last minute and how do writers and crew deal with that?

  28. A very pragmatic question:
    Would it be possible (like it happens for others shows) to be able to download CM LEGALLY (paying the price, of course.) Many of the fans are abroad, and they see the new eps a year after... it's TERRIBLE!!!

    thank you for everything by the way, our show is so amazing!

  29. Occasionally you write eps that pay homage to a certain style or movie (Legacy and True Night come to mind). How do you decide what movies or styles you want to try out? Have you considered writing an episode from a victim's perspective?

    Is your writing team staying the same for season 4, or will you be hiring additional writers?

    Have you already written scripts for season 4?

    Sorry for all the questions, but this is a wonderful opportunity. I think you do an amazing job. Kudos to the CM writing staff! :-)

    p.s. Thank you very much for the glimpses into the character's personal lives. Those are some of the things I look forward to most.

  30. My question is about one of my favourite character in CM: Doctor Reid. At the beginning of the "Reid drug's arc" in the 2 season, have you already programmed to resolve the story of Reid's addiction in the way you did in the episode "Elephant's Memory?.
    Thanks, you have a lot of fans also in Italy.

  31. I assume there is a stilistic difference between writing scripts and writing novels or other...
    Have you all attended classes to learn that or was it "learning by doing" ??

    Thanks for three great seasons...
    CU sindee

  32. Hi-

    I tend towards a bit of writing myself. I've had a wee bit of success on the full-length side of the coin with options and such, but I'd really prefer to work in the TV field. My manager doesn't really have any contacts in that field so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to go from here. Jill suggested to me that I should ask y'all directly what advice you might have. Thanks in advance.

  33. Is there a "show bible" or a collection of background information on the characters and the timeline for the show? I have heard of other TV shows that do this so that there won't be any inconsistencies in character history and past timeline.

    Do all writers get to add information to a character's background as they want for the eps they write or do any "cookies" have to be agreed on by all the writers? For example, I noticed Andrew Wilder writes alot of the Reid-centric episodes. If he or another writer wanted to add information a "cookie" of information about Reid's history to an ep, does everyone get input about it?

    And has the characters' histories and past timelines been decided or do their backstories evolve whenever there is a ep written that focuses on them?

    Thank you so much! U all are amazing as I think this show is the best written show on TV. Hope yall get some emmys this year. U deserve them!
