Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Criminal Minds: If the characters on Criminal Minds were contestants on 'Survivor' which one would win the million dollars. Who would be voted off the island first? Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, Dr. Spencer Reid, JJ, Emily Prentiss or David Rossi.......who would be the 'Survivor'?


  1. Rossi would be voted off first.

  2. Morgan would be the Survivor.

    Reid would probably be voted off first (sorry Reid!) as the others on the island would get annoyed very fast with all the facts he gives about the island and the statistics about doing what they are doing.

  3. I think Prentiss would be voted off first. She is the most intelligent of the women and she would pose a threat.

    I think Hotchner would win the game. He is great at seeing all the angles.

  4. Garcia would win. They wouldn't vote her off in the first few rounds because they wouldn't see her as a threat. I think she is great at thinking outside the box and she would sneak her way through and win!

  5. Morgan wins. I think he would win all the physical immunity challenges and he is very cunning.

    I agree that Reid is voted off the island first. He would drive them all batty.

  6. Rossi off first. They still don't know him that well, and getting rid of the boss is a good tactical move.
    Who'd be the survivor? Tie between Hotch and Morgan. Both have extraordinary, though different, strengths in tough situations.

  7. Garcia and Reid would be gone after the 1st round. I have never watched any of the survivor shows, so I assume that is what happens. They are both too physically unsuited to the kind of harsh conditions that would be on that show. Rossi is a tough nut, but he really would have to go when he used up his strength. Hotch and Emily would hate the whole thing, JJ and Morgan could get into it and I would say, make it to the finals. If the last thing to do was especially gross, I could see Morgan take a deep breath and win, but JJ would not give up without a struggle.


  8. I think Reid might last longer than some might believe. He wouldn't be perceived as a threat, and many of his little factoids might actually be useful to his team. He'd probably get bumped b/c he doesn't have the strength and physical coordination to excel at the physical challenges.

    I agree that Garcia has an excellent chance to sneak on through and win! No one can hate her

  9. Hmm....at first I thought Reid would be the first voted off because he would drive everyone crazy with his ramblings....but then I decided that they would probably want to keep him for the first few votes to get as much info out of him as possible....about the island, survival skills, etc.

    And then, when I think about that, I think that the longer they let him stay the more likely he will be the one to win.

    So, voted off first....Garcia. Winner, Reid, because they should have voted him off first.

  10. If they're voting off the boss, they'd have to vote off Hotch, since he's the leader of the team.

    But, I think they might vote off Reid to eliminate the threat of his brain.

    I'd say the winner would be a toss up between Hotch and Morgan. Hotch, because he's Hotch and would be able to strategize. Morgan because he's the most fit and would also charm them enough that they'd forget he's a threat until it's too late.

    Although, JJ might trick them into underestimating her by playing innocent until - wham!

  11. Morgan would be the survivor Reid would be neck to neck with Prentiss JJ and Garcia would want to go home Rossi might stick around but would get voted off first right behind Hotchner

  12. JJ would win. She would be sweet, everyone would love her, and not see her as a threat.
    Morgan would go midway. They like the buff guys around to build the shelters, but get rid of them when they start to win individual immunity challenges.
    Reid would be the first one out for being annoying.
    P.S. Thank you, Shemar!

  13. Rossi would be voted off first, because no one truely trusts him yet AND he's kind of old.

    Morgan would win though, with help from Reid [the only help he gets is when he almost eats plant that would kill him but Reid saves him.].

    They wouldn't vote Reid off until almost at the end because he would know what to and not to eat. Other than that he's useless. [SORRY BABY!]

  14. I have no idea how the whole Survivor game/show works (never did get into 'reality' TV) but I tend to think that Rossi isn't much of a survivor. He seems too attached to material things.

  15. I think Rossi would be the first to go. I think they would be wise to keep Reid.come on the man knows everything. I say he would survive. Trish.

  16. The guys would probably vote off one of the girls first and it would be Prentiss because she would be the biggest threat.

    And the winner... my vote goes for Reid because of his brain and knowledge and because he would manage the best with only a little food.

  17. I dont think Reid would be voted off first!!!He would be get stronger and harder!!

  18. I think they would let Reid stay

    1. Knows the obscure facts, probably would be able to tell you what you could and couldn't eat. What the antidote was for that thing you weren't supposed to eat.

    2. Its not like he eats alot, so he isn't cutting into the food supply

    I'd vote Rossi off first.

  19. I agree with frogg: Rossi would definitely be voted off first (sorry, Joe, this is not against you ;) ). Hm... for me, I think either Morgan or Garcia would be the survivor. She might not be as fit as Morgan but she definitely has the brain to do it!

  20. I think Rossi be voted off first. Second JJ and Garcia they fight but..... Third
    Hotch and Emily because they don´t want all these things.
    Reid would stay to the finale with Morgan. REID IS THE WINNER because he has extraordinary strengths in difficult situations.
    Without Reid it would be a very short thing. They eat unknown plants and would be killed.

  21. rossi's gotta go first...the others have always been great TOGETHER...

    and i wish reid would win. he knows so many things he'll make the island look like the four seasons with all his fishing techniques and uhm...stuffz XD

  22. He wil make it, he will make it, I'm sure he will make it because he is so smart and he is amazingly strong, much stronger than he looks.
    Yes, Reid will win, and I don't care if everybody will think the contrary.

    Bumped out first? J.J. (muhahahahaha!!!)

  23. With his great mind, Reid would be like the Professor on Gulligan's Island. He'll make an expresso machine out of coconut shells and some wires. With his expertise on puzzles and triangulations, he can be quite Machiavellian and throw people off with that sweet exterior. I think Reid would win by sheer brainpower.

  24. Rossi would be voted off first because Reid, as annoying as his facts can be, would know what is edible and survival stuff (remember the Professor on "Gilligan's Island"?. Morgan would definitely win, with Hotch a close second.

  25. Garcia would get voted of first. (sorry sweety) I just don't see her as the rugged get down and dirty type. I think Prentiss would win because her history dealing with political types would give her an edge in being sneaky conniving, and her time with her grandfather in the mountains and woods would give her an edge on the dirty rugged element.

  26. Anonymous said...
    I dont think Reid would be voted off first!!!He would be get stronger and harder!!

    Sweet I could go for that.*G*

  27. I think Rossi would be voted off first (not because I hate him, mind you) but because - like some others said - he's the new guy. They don't really know his intentions.

    Then sadly, Prentiss probably would be. She's tough, and cunning, and they always get rid of those women.

    Then it would be Garcia. She'd annoy them all to death. (I don't think she's annoying, but after awhile - on an island, it could happen)

    Then Reid. His facts would get to be too much for them, and after they got all the info they needed they'd dump him. It's what people do to smart contestants.

    Then Morgan. They usually get rid of the hunky muscle close to the end. They keep them long enough to do all the hard labor.

    Hotch and JJ would be left. JJ having clawed her way through the game - fair and square - with all her super-cool neat-o-ness. Hotch just has that serious "never give up" air to him, he would get this far because of that and his smarts.

    The winner would be JJ.

    She's the most unsuspecting in the sense of things - just the "sweet little blonde girl" - but like I said, she makes her way slowly through (perhaps even getting close to elimination a few times) then BAM! She hits them with a whammy, and wins the grand prize.
