Monday, February 18, 2008


Criminal Minds question for the upcoming week: You know you're obsessed with Criminal Minds when...?


  1. You don't answer your phone on Wed nights. lol

  2. when you can remember the songs and quotes from all the episodes but forget your boyfriend's birthday.

  3. Watched all the episodes, at least twice and still want to start watching all of it again. LOL.


  4. You don't answer the phone or the door when Criminal Minds is on...

    You have watched seasons 1 and 2 more times than you can count...

  5. You drop a class mid-semester because it's on Wednesday nights.

  6. (hey frogg--very true!)

    your boss already knows not to schedule you on Wednesday night, and it doesn't matter if it's a rerun-give me the remote and no one gets hurt!

  7. When you missed the entire Wednesday Night Jazz Concert Series last summer because you wanted to stay home and watch Criminal Minds.

  8. When you get up on Wednesday morning with a extra little spring in your step, and remind your family it's Wednesday. They groan in unison and say "Oh great, it's Criminal Minds night, that means dinner tonight comes in box or a bag!"

  9. When you schedule your vacation to leave on Thursday and be back by Tuesday. And everyone knows not to call on Wednesday night because they'll be talking to the machine!

  10. When you count the hours from the time you wake up till the show starts on Wed and when you sit down to watch ten minutes early just to make sure that the tv set is working properly.

  11. When your husband is begging you to shut-up about Criminal Minds. When your friends calls to see if your still breathing they asks "Are you still able to watch Criminal Minds." When you can't go a day without talking about, quoting from or aquating something in life to Criminal Minds. You find yourself writing stories with the characters of Criminal Minds in them regardless of the story them. When your friends insist that when your down "Dr. Reid (Whoever that is? They don't know but they've heard me talk about him)can make everything all better." When the first thing your best friend asks is What's new on your Criminal Minds blog" and she doesn't even watch the show. When your friends talk about a girls night and you say "Great I'll bring my Criminal Minds DVDs"
    I'm sorry I know this is a lot but I am guilty on all of these fronts.

  12. When is this late (2am in Brazil) and I'm just taking a quick look at this blog before going to bed, you know, just in case of any more news.


  13. When 'Hump Day' becomes you favorite day of the week.

  14. A.Spending endless nights looking up any and all information you can about Criminal Minds and then reading the information over and over resulting in getting very little sleep.........B.Chasing after a car going 40 miles out of your way because you were positive that the driver was either Thomas Gibson or Matthew Gray Gubler only to find out that you were sadly mistaken(what a bummer)

  15. When you go to choir practice on wednesday night and the first thing the director asks you is if Criminal Minds is new or a rerun so he knows when he needs to end practice at 8:30 versus 9:00pm.

  16. yes very obsessed. i watch my dvd over and over again and what i tape on wed. night also. i have to shut my doors on my entertainment center or my neice or nephew will mess up for me then i get really mad.i have told then many times do not touch anything on my tv or vcr on wed, or thurs, or fri. nights.

  17. ... when you can name every episode of the show and its corresponding episode number, and you never actually tried to learn them.

    ... when a nostalgic walk around your old neighborhood includes such thoughts as: "Oh, there's the place where Luke first kissed me, and there's the place we went the night that we celebrated graduation, and - hey, over there, that's the store where I bought Season One of Criminal Minds!"

  18. well.. you're definitly NOT obsessed when you think the "unsub" is a new "Subway Sandwich Innovation"

  19. when you start to profile those around you including your amily pets and those you pass along the road, the road rage guy etc and the woman in the local store, your mail man need I sy more

  20. when the first thing you think of when your husband is getting home after a long trip away is; i hope he knows that he gets to record his shows when i watch criminal minds, the new ones and the re-runs as well as the dvd's,and that my story i'm writing, about criminal minds, comes first on the computer. he has at least 10pm to 8am to do his things, that should give him enough time. not that i'm obsessed i'm just intently focused.

  21. ... you know every episode name and it's corresponding number without trying.'re annoyed when someone spells a character's name wrong. get up at 3:50 AM to attend a half-hour chat with Ed Bernero find yourself watching obscure old movies because you JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH of the CM actors.

  22. in your address book you don't categorize your friends by their names or places they live but by the profile they fit best: pedophiles, sociopaths, serial killers... and you don't need to get to know them cause you can tell that from their actions, behavior, the way they talk...

  23. When you inform your staff not to call you on Wednesday nights for any reason during the 9p to 10p hour.

  24. When you laugh while reading what the others have posted about their "intense focus", and when your spouse asks "what's so funny?" you don't answer because he WON'T GET IT.

  25. when u can see that all episodes are gr8, if anyone else says they are not, n watch repeats.

  26. When you have to have major surgery and schedule it so you'll be home from the hospital in time to watch and record the episode...even though you've seen and recorded it before.

  27. When:

    1. You take it personally when an actor leaves the show. (I did)
    2. You get upset when a new character doesn't treat the familar characters with the respect you think they deserve. (I do).
    3. You question the sanity of any of your friends who don't like the show. (Been there too)
    4. You write angry, defensive emails to the editors of publications that write negative stories about the show. (All the time)
    5. You memorize CBS' phone number and call it everyday because you are mad that the CM writers have no contract. (I'll never forget the #)

    You like being obsessed with the show! I admit it. I am obsessed.

  28. When you are reading all the previous comments while shaking your head because you do all those things too. *g*

  29. ...when i keep re-watching every single episode over and over, and still can't get enough of it.

  30. ok I identify with just about everything posted so far!!!

    I know the ep names and numbers, and never tried to learn them!
    Now even my kids know the names of the eps!!!

    I get up at 2:30 am to join in the chats on a wednesday...and I don't mind at all!!!!

    and I love when new eps are aired in the US....and then get up at the crack of dawn, if I haven't been in the watch them online!


  31. You know you're obsessed when people say bad things about the show, and you feel as though they insulted you.

    *hangs head* Unfortunately, that is me.

  32. When you start profiling people on the street.

    When you compare your friends to Hotch, Reid, Emily, Gracia, JJ & Morgan.

    When you zap over the 5 o'clock news and immediately think "That's just like [insert episode name]"

    And what everyone else said above!

  33. When you bribe your kids to watch tv in their rooms so you can quietly watch CM in the den.

  34. When you get upset because even though you have all the episodes Tivo'd, your receiver doesn't record a rerun you ALREADY have!

  35. the Season 1 and 2 DVDs over and over again, watching at LEAST one episode EVERY night.

  36. My husband suggested this one:
    When your husband thanks God that Criminal Minds is not on Fridays when his favorite show is on. He'd never get to watch his show or tape it. I have to tape every episode. *G*

  37. when youre starting analyzing people and you know they are lying!!!!!!!:-)
    when you could go to a party...but on this day CM comes on tv so you stay at home!!!!
    when your friends ask you:"where the hell do u know what jeff dahmer did to his victims...

  38. When you go on and on about it endlessly to your friends and colleagues until they give in and agree to borrow your DVDs.

    Then they get hooked too.

  39. You break out in hives if you dont check out the blog daily

  40. Oh! People look at you weird when you rhyme of titles for shows the barely know.

  41. when you look around your apt, Home and go through every room and wonder hmm what would Reid, Morgan, Rossi, Hotchner, Prentiss etc think of what they find in this room. How would they profile you based on their findings.

  42. - When you get twitchy when people say "I've never heard of that show."

    - You get angry and defensive when people say that "Paget Brewster" is a funny name.

    - People remind you that it's not real.

    - You begin to identify with at least one of the characters.

    - When your mother says "Your favorite actress is that blonde one from that show." And you answer back with "....A.J. Cook. It's A.J. Cook from Criminal Minds."

    - No one touches the box sets except for yourself.

  43. 44 days 4 hours 15 minutes and 12 sec to the next new episode of CM...who is obsessed? I'm NOT obsessed...don't interrupt me, I have to count...
    44 days 4 hours 15 minutes and 2 sec to the next new episode of CM...
    44 days 4 hours 15 minutes and 1
    sec to the next new episode of CM...
    44 days 4 hours 14 minutes and 59 sec to the next new episode of CM.........

  44. The biggest reason you want to upgrade to a satelite receiver that has a dvr is so you can have a hard-drive copy of CM instead of a VHS copy which will wear out from multiple views.

    You drag yourself out to Wal-Mart at midnight on the release date for the dvd sets.

    Even your cats watch the show now because they recognize the characters' voices as well as your own.


  45. when your husband starts flipping channels during commercials, you leave the living room to go watch CM in the bedroom because you don't want to miss a SECOND of the show.

    when your husband starts telling you about his day during CM and you wish he would just SHUT UP because you are missing key dialog!

  46. when you get a new computer and the firt thing you do is add this blog and the CM fanatics website to your favorites. (I got a new laptop today and that is the first thing I did when I got online1)

  47. ... It's the only TV show you actually watch because other shows are not Criminal Minds.

  48. When you worry everytime a new show is slated up against CM and then check the blog the next day numerous times until the overnight ratings are posted so you can make sure that CM beat it.

  49. When your eyes naturally spot every wacko pen in a store because of Garcia.

  50. ....when your friends call at midnight to tell you that the Holliwood strike is over. (I swear two of them did!)

  51. You know what episode it is by the sweatervest/tie combo.

  52. I used to watch 2 tv shows on Monday, 1 on Tuesday and 2 on Thursday, but then I started watching Criminal Minds and now I only watch one show, on Wednesdays.


  53. When you start coming to this site to be updated every day!

  54. 1) When your social life stops on a Friday night (I'm in England, it's on 9:00pm)
    2) When you turn down 1.5times the money to work Wednesday nights (reruns)
    3)When you know all the episode titles
    4) When you check this site at 23:41, just because there might be more news


    5) There's a spring in your step on Thursday mornings because you know that someone will have posted the up-to-date episode for you to watch when you get home from school.

  55. When you verbally harass the man working a blockbuster because they cant hold the second season for you and eventually you offer a 20$ dollar tip and he gives you till Friday at noon sharp or hes putting it back on the shelf!

    (That happened yesterday)

  56. A.Spending endless nights looking up any and all information you can about Criminal Minds and then reading the information over and over resulting in getting very little sleep.........B.Chasing after a car going 40 miles out of your way because you were positive that the driver was either Thomas Gibson or Matthew Gray Gubler only to find out that you were sadly mistaken(what a bummer)
