Thursday, January 17, 2008


Criminal Minds: Thomas Gibson, Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds--I know you've all been expecting this since I started taking care of the Criminal Minds Fanatic blog. I thought Thursday would make a great Thomas Gibson day, as Jill won't be around to notice. :D To make it a bit more interesting, please share your favourite Aaron Hotchner moment from any season of Criminal Minds.


  1. The Tribe- too many great Hotch moments to pick one. I learned to appreciate how special Hotch was because of this episode.

  2. I have to say the Chinese Restaurant scene in "A Real Rain".

    Of course, that's only one of many...


  3. When Aaron asks Reid, "Reid is your name (enter childs name)" in The Tribe. HYSTERICAL. It showed some of Gibson's comedic side.

    When he scolds Reid about his Physics Magic but then also praises him.

    I just like when he shows he is human.


  4. i have to say the tribe.he was so good in that one,and l,d.s.k he was great in that one also.i have to pick two.

  5. I'd have to say Season two Legeacy.
    When he and JJ were on their way to Kansas city...

    JJ: This may be a wild goose chase.
    Hotchner: But as someone I greatly respect suggested, 63 people may be in trouble, and I think that that's worth the chase.

    I found that really nice of him to say that as it was JJ who said something along those lines.

  6. LOL, hmmm, when the cat's away, the mice does come out to play :).
    Favorite has to be the Physics Magic when Hotch couldn't quite hide the smirk when he's "reprimanding" Reid.

  7. There are a lot of good ones...but the one that sticks out to me is when he profiles the team to Evil Erin.

  8. The Reid asskicking in L.D.S.K., the hunt for the bad guys in the Tribe, physics magic, the Strauss profile- all fabulous.
    But I keep remembering when Hotch in Revelations and in In Birth And Death.

  9. Best Hotch moment for me is in the S3 opener when he says "I used to be a prosecutor; I can stall for days..."

  10. The best Hotch episode is for me "Ashes and Dust"

    I think Thomas is a great actor whos able to show many different sides.

  11. My Favorite Hotchner moment has to be when he puts the pirate Hat on

  12. Just one? There are so many . . .

    I'll pick this from Revelations because it sums up the Hotchliness of Hotch.

    "All right, everybody right now --
    what's my worst quality? Okay. I'll start. I have no
    sense of humor."

  13. The best quote Hotch has said is probably "I used to be a prosecutor; I can stall for days...", but my favroite Hotch episode was Lessons Learned when he realised that Hayley and Jack were supposed to be at the mall that was the target for the anthrax-threat. It showed the personal side of Hotch, espeially the scene when he wasn't sure whether to break protocol and call Hayley or stick by the rules.

  14. LDSK need I say more

  15. Legacy~ Hotch: (I'm paraphrasing here) "Well, we found nothing. Reid got propisitioned by every prostitute we talked to..."
    Soch a dry delivery and I laughed for ever!


  16. LDSK when appears to sympathize with the sniper and kicks "like a nine-year-old girl."

    And I really don't think Criminal Minds is in any danger of being cancelled... just postponed. Believe me, if this had happened when CM was in its first season, it might not have survived.

    Besides, wouldn't we have learned something about a cancellation by now?

  17. Ashes and Dust: The last scene with Hotch and Abby's little boy. When Hotch handed him his business card. What a perfect Hotch scene.

  18. Penelope: When he said that until they found the shooter they were working on nothing else.

    He put his BAU family before everything else.

  19. I love any time he does his dead-pan humor thing. Nobody expects it, and they only realize it once it's gone. Physics Magic comes immediately to mind, but there are others.

    And any time Hotch is Hotch. I really think you all know what I'm talking about here.

  20. ...far too many. I think LDSK, Revelations, the comment in Legacy...yeah I laughed myself silly at that one. and most def the physics magic. OK so all Hotch/Reid.... need I say more :-)

  21. There are too many to mention. I was re-watching Legacy last night, and it's full of good Hotch moments. Telling JJ he greatly respects her. Asking the captain how he'd feel if the missing people were mothers or teachers. "Can bums even be missing? Well, sir, they can. They can be hurt, they can be scared, and they can be killed." We got his deadpan humor/smackdown "Oh, that's right. You think they all got houses and jobs." Him mentioning Reid being propositioned by every prostitute.

    And, other episodes have other favorite Hotch moments which could take up 10 comments at least, so I'll stop here.

  22. All of the ones people have mentioned are great....I think mine are always when that smile sneaks out, my favorite being in the physics magic scene.....

  23. I suppose I should answer my own question. *hee* And of course, I can't chose just one...there are so many!

    In Revelations, when he picks up the clue that Reid gives him and then when he asks what are his worst qualities. And, of course, the hug. *G* In Ashes and Dust, when he's sitting with the dying woman, and later, when he sees the building blow up with Abbey inside; both are very moving.

    The Tribe--I have great love for this ep--especially the classroom scene: "Reid, is your name Samuel?" as well as his interaction with Blackwolf.

    LDSK--when he convinces Dowd he's on his side and later, when he's talking to Reid outside.

    Derailed--when he tells Reid "See you when you get back." (Or whatever the actual quote is...)

    I love the Physics Magic scene, too--it's so sweet. And the line about Reid being hit on by the prostitues in Legacy. And when he's doing his Hotchalanche thing to the police captain... *hee*

    And...okay I could go on all day here, but I won't. *G* There are definitely a lot of great Hotch moments...

  24. I was wondering when a Hotch-themed post would show up, lol!

    I love all the moments you have brought up, Hotch is so Hotchly!

    I too love the deadpan humor. I recently re-watched Won't Get Fooled Again from season 1 and there were a couple of great Hotch deadpan moments.

    When Elle was commenting about why someone would kill another person over a coin, Hotch says

    "I spent a good chunk of my childhood looking for a 1944 penny worth thousands. (Elle stares at him)

    Hotch: Yes, I was a little bit of a nerd. Is that so surprising?

    Elle: Not to me.

    and this one:

    Elle: I may have something. Barbara Keller was having some trouble insuring some coins she bought. The insurance company thought they might be fake.

    Hotch: So the insurance company's blowing up annoying clients?

  25. I was also waiting for the pictures to show up...THANKS!! I can breath again!

    Anyway, I am at a loss because I adore anytime he is on the screen. I really liked his moments on the Tribe, but as I was reading through previous comments I realized that there are so many others that I like. Anytime he smiles or almost smiles are the best. Ashes and Dust, pretty much all of it was touching and full of Hotch moments.

    I can't decide, but hope there will be more new wonderful moments soon.


  26. I think Stacy was waiting for just this sort of thing in order to Hotchify the site. Is that in our Hotch glossary yet? Oh well we love Hotch ...and you too Stacy.
    Favorite moment. "The Tribe" "You know you sound like a fortune cookie?" said to the Indian cop (whose name is eluding me) and "You're welcome." also said to the Indian cop after he complained that Hotch shot someone.

  27. Blackwolf! That's it.

  28. The whole of 'Legacy'. The hostage scenes in 'L.D.S.K.' 'I have no sense of humour'. The analysis of Vincent Perotta in 'Natual Born Killer', and the moment, no more than a catch of breath, in 'Legacy' that takes you right back to its *killer* last line...

    Cal from LJ

  29. I love those scenes when things are getting intense and you'd expect Hotch as "guy in charge" to be shouting, and instead he goes all calm and talks very quietly, kind of like a zen nuclear missle - doesn't have to be noisy to be effective.

  30. Aahh Stacy what a good question!

    So many moments to choose from...

    L.D.S.K- when Hotch said to Dowd "How do you think I found you"! mmmmmmmm!:)

    The Tribe- You sound like a fortune cookie (so cute) and when he kicked the bad guys ass...very hot!

    Fisher King 2- Whiping the blood off of Elle's wall (that scene gets me every time, sooo sweet)

    Revelations- "I have no sense of humor"...too funny! And for Stacy.. the hug of course was so moving!

    Ashes and Dust- Pretty much everything about Hotch in that episode was fantastic...but when he was talking to Gideon about Abby, and he said "I'd burn him" oh god that sent such a good chill down the spine!!

    Seven Seconds- One of my favorites! When he was interogating the uncle (So Hotch, calm but scare a man into tears!!)
    And when he's looking at Jack..."sigh"

    Ok so there is soooo much more that I could write, but I will stop because I could fill up the whole blog as well as the rest of you lol!! Hotch is such an incredible and complex character and brings such structure and emotion to the team..a true hero! Thomas Gibson is so amazing at bringing this character to life, sometimes without saying a word....god he's good!!

    "whew" I'm done!!! Sorry for all of that folks!!!

    Happy Hotch Praising

  31. There are so many... funny and sad ones and I think they all have been posted before.

    If I have to pick a special one I say Ashes and Dust, when he sits beside the dying woman with tears in his eyes. Made me cry, too.

  32. Ashes and Duxt, when he wants to go into the fire and help the guy and Morgan holds him back. "He wanted his life to 'mean' something"

    Just broke my heart


  33. Hem... couldn't help answering. Every moment you've described is wonderfully Hotchy.
    But I will add (among so many others...) 'Natural born killer':
    Perotta: you said some people grow up to become killers.
    Hotch: and some people grow up to catch them...
    And then, when cops take Perotta away, the last glance they exchange: on one side, the FBI hero, and on the other, the serial killer.
    (I keep praying for a real Hotch's past episode...)

    Other example: Thomas Gibson reciting the final quote in 'the perfect storm'. Hotch is sitting alone in the plane back to Virginia . The quote is basically about great men usually hiding deep scars. Sure this is not coincidence, right?

  34. When he and Morgan found that little girl in the closet that had her mouth was taped and she was taped and the way Hotch just lifted her out of the closet and took the tape off her mouth and realized she wasn't breathing and just immediately began CPR and saved her life it was so touching. You could see the fatherly concern in his eyes at that moment like that girl was his own son.

  35. I have to say 'The Fisher King(1X22)'
    - While he and his wife see Year book he said "the worst fourth pirate in history"
