Saturday, January 05, 2008


Criminal Minds: Kirsten Vangsness, Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds, commented on one of the previous threads today and I am reposting her comment here so everyone will see it and have a chance to say hi back to her. We need to help end this strike and get Kirsten back to work. A week without Garcia is like a week without a smile.

Hello You Magic, Pro-Active, Generous, Bunch of Folks with Strong Stomachs and a Hankering for Psychological Thrill,

I just wanted to let y'all know how much you warm my heart with your invested attention to this whole thing. Sweet Atlantic this strike blows chunks, doesn't it? Arg.I don't know what else to say besides that right now except Happy New Year to you and yours and let's just keep on keeping on.



  1. Hi Kirsten,

    I'm glad you can stop by. Happy New Year to you, too. I'm hoping and praying to see you back at work on Criminal Minds.

  2. Hi Kirsten! It really does "blow chunks"!

    I am still sending daily emails to CBS and the advertisers.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Kirsten,

    Happy New Year right back at you, your friends and family.

    It really was nice to come to the blog tonight and see a note from you. It was like a ray of sunshine during a really dark storm.

  4. Happy New Year Kirsten!

    Thanks for supporting the writers. We love them, you and our show!

  5. Kirsten- Happy New Year. I hope we get to salvage the rest of the 3rd season when this strike is over. The strike sucks. Hugs to you, the crew and our writers. We need some "bliss". We are blissless right now.

  6. Kirsten, Happy New Years to you and yours. There are only 2 new episodes and then we get to watch reruns until this chunk blowing strike is over. The CM fandom is going to be going through one hell of a period of withdrawal. :(

  7. Happy New Year Kirsten!

    You really are a ray of sunshine and it is great to hear from you.

    Yes, the strike sucks big time, and it is everyone's fervent hope that it is resolved soon so you can all get back to work.

    Love you, love the rest of the cast, love the writers, producers, crew--love CM!

  8. Hi Kirsten,
    Thank you so much for writing to us. It is so nice to know that the cast and crew appreciates us fans as much as we appreciate all of you. Happy New Year to you and yours and I hope and pray this totally unfair strike ends soon.

  9. Kirsten-

    Happy New Year.

    Thanks for dropping in on us. All our best wishes are with you, your castmates, the crew, the writers and all your families at this difficult time.

    Could Garcia do some magic with her trusty computer and send a computer worm to Moonves for us.

  10. Happy New Year to you and yours, Kirsten.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment on the blog--you rock!

    I know we all want this strike to be over, asap.


  11. Kirsten,

    Happy New Year! Lets all hope that 2008 sees the strike over soon and that life can go back to normal for everyone.

    Hugs from chilly Maine.

  12. Happy New Year back at ya, Kirsten!!! Yes, this strike blows not only chunks but entire city blocks!!!!!!! Sending good vibes and doing our best to get you guys back to work, doing CM magic.

  13. Hi Kirsten,
    Thanks for stopping by to say "Hi". We all want you to know that just because the cast in new eps are "out of sight" they are definitely not "out of mind" for all the CM fans.

    I really think you do Garcia so delightfully--so glad they didn't stay with the orginal casting plan of using a man. We'd really miss the sass and class you bring to the part--not to mention the phone talk with Morgan!

    I also really enjoy seeing really beautiful women on TV who aren't all size 2! It will be great to get you all back to work and the *%&^%$@! strike over with an equitable result.

  14. Hi Kirsten,
    I'm glad you stopped by our humble little home... I wish this strike would be over soon and you all can go back to work.... I hope it doesn't last too long.
    Just take it one day at a time and keep yourself busy.
    You are a really talented actress...

  15. Thanks for taking the time to comment Kirsten.

    I really wish you were too busy working to comment!

    We will keep pushing. Take care.

  16. Hey Kirsten,
    Glad you took the time to acknowledge all of us lowly fans.
    I am a big fan, well I started out as a MGG fan but you are an indavidual.
    You do not seem afraid of what people think.
    And I look up to you for that.
    I am about to turn 15 in 2 weeks and 3 days.
    And I am NOT a popular person.
    I don't have to say more.


    Happy New Year!!!!

  17. Kirsten~

    Thanks for visiting. I hope that you have a great New Year.

  18. Kirsten-

    Easy to be the best fans with the best writers and best cast in TV.

    Here's hoping we all get reunited real soon.

  19. Hi Kirsten!
    Happy New Year and all's hoping that you can all go back to work soon and that the WGA gets what they want and need.

    You totally rock for keeping in touch with us, and really for just being completely awesome.

    rock on

  20. Dearest Kirsten ( God, how I love that name;) ),

    A very happy new year to you as well from not so chilly Alberta, Canada.

    This strike does indeed suck, and we want you and the rest of the cast and crew back doing what you love best.

    My girls and I love you!

  21. Hi Kirsten-

    It's awesome to hear from you. We all think the strike sucks too but hopefully it will be over soon and we get back to the business of enjoying CM goodness.

    A very Happy New Year to you.

  22. Hi Kirsten! You know what I miss? Your CBS blog. I miss hearing about your world. That being said, I totally understand why you're not writing in it, & I think it sends a big "Eff Yoo" to CBS. I'm sure there's so much you want to say to your fans, & I'm glad you stopped by the blog!

    But yeah, the strike sucks and Criminal Minds fans are NOT going down without a fight! We know how talented & awesome the CM writers are & we know there are so many more UnSubs to be caught & stories to be told.

    I hope you're having a great start to the new year, regardless.

  23. Hi Kirsten and Happy New Year to you.

    Thank you for stopping by the blog and here's hoping you are back working on CM very very soon.

  24. Kirsten,

    Just droppin' a line to say thank you for taking the time to say Hi!

    We're all hoping this mess ends soon. Keep your spirits up.

    Best wishes to you, and the whole CMs family, for a Happy New Year!

  25. Back at ya Kirsten. Thank you for taking the time to post on this blog. Hopefully the strike will end very soon.

    Supporting the writers, cast and crew through thick and thin always

  26. Hello, Kirsten.

    Thank you for stopping by, and we're all with you in hoping to see you back at work soon, and under favorable conditions.


  27. Hi Kristen,

    Fan of the show.
    Glad to see your character lived.

    I actually just found this site so I am putting a link up to this one from Crestmeme.

    Can we consider Nick Counter to be an unsub?

  28. Hi Kirsten!

    Wow, thanks for stopping by! And a Happy New Year back! Hopefully S3 will still be salvagable after the strike, and we can get you back to work! ;-P

  29. Happy new year, Kristen! It's great to hear from you.

    I'm almost hoping that the return of the late night shows -- without guests and jokes -- will prompt more "non-passionate" people to say, "WTF?" and demand their TV back. And I hope once everyone gets back to normal un-holiday-season, post-football-playoff lives, they'll start getting ticked and vocal about having nothing but re-runs and reality show junk to watch. It's amazing how many people you mention the strike to and they say, "What strike?" Grrrrrr!

    Hang in there, sweetie. We're doing everything we can to get the word out and get you back to work.

  30. great letter from K and hopefully they will be back soon, I know that if the 3rd dvd is only 14 eps I shall by it and hope that the powers that be get their acts together soon

  31. Happy New Year to you and the whole CM crew too, Kirsten!

    Criminal Minds has the best actors and the best writers ever, not only because you all deliver episodes that are getting better and better but also because you are so close to the fans. We appreciate that very much! And I agree, this strike sucks and it has to end ASAP!!! I'll keep sending emails and as much money to support you as I can as an unemployed student. We need to get all of you back at work because you absolutely rock.

    @caitlin: Sweetie, I wholeheartedly understand you. When I was your age I even thought about changing the school because I was the geek almost everyone made fun of. But I survived it, I'm 25 now and I have the best friends ever, because they like me just the way I am. If people don't take the time to get to know you, they're either too stupid or too superficial to waste much thougt about them!

    Kirsten, I'm a big fan as well, because you're beautiful, talented, adorably self-confident and you simply rock! We need to get you back at work soon!

  32. Happy New Year, Kirsten!

    We all appreciate you coming and commenting, and may I join you and everybody else in wishing for an end to this sucky strike.


  33. Happy New Year Kirsten-

    This was a lovely thing to see on the blog today. Standing up for the writers is cause #1 for me right now and I am thrilled to be in such quality company doing it. You are truly an outstanding person.

  34. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by. It really does brighten my day to hear from cast or crew on the blog. You guys really are the best.

    I hope your new year is a bright one, and that you and yours and everyone involved in the show has a few wishes come true - starting with getting back to work with a fair deal!

  35. Happy New Year to you too, Kirsten! The strike does suck but it'll be worth it if the writers get a fair deal out of it. I hope the AMPTP stops being such jerks and gets back to the negotiating table soon so this thing can get resolved. It'll be nice to have you guys back at work, giving us the best drama on TV!

  36. Hi Kirsten,

    Thank you so much for extending a hand to your fans. Your note was an instant pick me up for me, that's for sure!

    Best wishes for a stupendous new year to you and yours. (Quentin the Wonder Collie waves his tail.)

  37. Hi Kirsten,

    Thank you for stopping in. We miss you all so much!

    I can't believe the strike is still on. Thank you for standing strong with the writers. The fans are so proud of you and the others who've stepped up to make your voices heard. If we could be there on the lines with you all, we would.

    I just have to tell you - you look so much like my best friend in high school -- it's uncanny. And SuzAnne had the same wild, wonderful, fun personality as Garcia. So, you make me smile for your great performances and for the good memories Garcia invokes. I hope that makes sense. You and Garcia have a special place in my heart!

    Blessings and bliss to you and yours in 2008.

  38. hey Kristen

    thanks for dropping us fan's a line and yes this strike really stinks. I look forward to seeing you back on CM again. Hope your New Year brings you and yours lots of good fortune and good health.

  39. Kirsten,
    Happy New Year right back at you, your friends and family. Sending hugs from Germany to you, the crew and our writers.

  40. Hi Kirsten!

    It's so good to hear from you, and to be able to wish you a Happy New Year(Bonne Année, as I'm French ;)) through the blog! I hope the strike will be over soon, and that the writers's requests will be heard, and accepted, because they deserve more respect than what they have. It's a shame!!
    And hopefully we will see more of Criminal Minds than the only two episodes left :) I miss the show so much!!!
    Big Hugs to you :)


  41. Keep on Keeping line ever. Thanks for the kind words Kirsten.

    Lee :)

  42. Hi Kirsten,
    Happy New Year back to you.
    Hopefully all you wonderful people will soon be able to get back to work.
    Greetings from Germany.
    CU sindee

  43. Thanks for leaving a comment Kirsten!

    You seem like a very nice person, and I too hope this strike is over soon.

  44. OMG Happy New Year Kirsten I love you very very much
    Peace and Blessings to you and yours my dear

  45. Hi, Kristen,

    Yeah, this strike thing 'blows chunks' you're right. I am glad to see the power and solidarity of the WGA and others (SAG etc) has caused the Golden Globes to be cancelled from it's usual hoopla.

    Not that a party isn't great and the celebration of hard work and dedication isn't well deserved, it is, however, hopefully this will be a push to get people back to the table.

    I want new CM eppies after the next one or two that are left.

    Good luck to you all.


  46. Kirsten!!! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi! Life just isn't the same without a weekly dose of Garcia, and you, but your note was just lovely - thank you soooooooo much.

    Blows chunks indeed - you said it just right. Eat Hot Death AMPTP! Well, ok, not death. Eat Hot Soup and burn your tongues AMPTP! Argh, no I don't quite wish that on them either. Order Chicken Soup and get a big bowl of chilly slimy week-old split pea instead! HA! Take that! Fist to the sky!
