Sunday, January 27, 2008


Criminal Minds: The third Season of Criminal Minds has been awesome so far and while we wait for more episodes to be made I was wondering what your favorite Criminal Minds Season Three episode is so far.


  1. I am counting Lucky and Penelope as two of my all time favorite episodes. I think they were the best back to back episodes we've ever had.

  2. I think this has been our best season and it is really hard to pick just one but if I have to then it is Doubt. I loved the episode.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with leslie! I loved Lucky and Penelope. For me the best episodes of the show!

  4. million dollar question! Each episode in S3 has been better than the one before! I have to agree with Leslie....Lucky and Penelope are probably the best, although I did like Birthright, and Children of the Dark was so sad, and poignant for a whole bunch of reasons. We have a great team of writers...and too many good eps to pick just one.

    Hopefully they'll be picking up their pencils (or laptops) very soon and writing even more excellent and thrilling eps for us.

  5. Even though all of season 3 was good. I'd have to say that my favorites were Lucky and Penelope.

  6. Scared to Death, followed by Penelope, followed by Birthright.

  7. I have loved season three lots and lots so far...but I have to say Lucky and Penelope have been my favorites. The twisted endings and surprising turn of events make it stand out...and then of course, there's spotlight on Garcia.

  8. I think Penelope is probably my favorite, but I also loved Children of the Dark. And Doubt, too.

  9. Favorite episode of S3:
    Penelope, lots of team work and a
    great ending.

    runner up: Lucky, Limelight and In Birth and Death.

  10. Children of the Dark for me please. I liked everything about the episode.

  11. Scared to Death and Lucky tie for me because they were both perfect episodes.

  12. Lucky and Lucky, Part Two-Penelope.

    Awesomeness times two.

  13. Lucky
    Scared to Death
    Seven Seconds

  14. "Children of the Dark" because Shemar and Paget were great.

    "Lucky" because it paid homage to Hitchcock with its macabre twist.

    "First Night" because it was so different from other episodes.
    P.S. Thank you, Shemar!

  15. We only get one?! You've got to be kidding me?! Well I'm very character driven so anything with a back story, I love. Penelope and Limelight are tied in my opinion. I know how could Rossi and Garcia's back stories be equal? Well in my sick sad little world they are. Sorry, live with it.

  16. Probably 3rd Life because it had the most Reid nano-seconds. :)

  17. I'm not going to pick just one. It's not fair!

    I've loved Children of the Dark, True Night and Third Life.

  18. Lucky. I lost five pounds after watching that "delectable" episode.

  19. Birthright was great. Lots of great ones to pick from this season.

  20. I agree, it's hard to pick just one favorite. For me it's almost a three-way tie:

    7 Seconds
    3rd Life
    Then all the others are tied for 4th (2nd?).

    For me this has been the best (albeit shortest) season so far. Hopefully the party isn't over just yet.

  21. Penelope
    3rd Life ( my poor,poor Reid!)

  22. Hands down, it's gotta be Penelope. Garcia's backstory was long overdue...but it's definitely better late than never!

  23. My favorite episode is definitely Penelope! My favorite scene though was the elevator scene in Scared to Death.

  24. Penelope was definitely my favorite. I love when we learn more about the characters.

  25. Children of the dark
    First Night
    and the first show Joe appear on. I not good with the titles.

  26. Penelope Seven seconds and scared to death...

  27. Birthright, Scared to Death and Penelope


  28. All of the episodes are fantastic, but my most fave will have to be Penelope and Birthright, and it's not only because of the JJ scenes...

    Penelope cos one of their members got shot (again)and the team had to catch this unsub who had tried to kill Garcia. It's much different than Fisher King cos the victim is one of their own, while Fisher King, they had to save a victim and Elle got shot just because Gideon didn't follow the unsub's rule. And also, bonus point, for JJ shooting the unsub.

    Birthrigt cos of the storyline of how the child grows up to end up like his dad - killing women and getting killed by their wives, who wanted to stop them. And we also got to see JJ almost losing it...

  29. I say definitely Penelope. There was just soemething about it, the plot, excitement...everything. And it made me cry.

  30. Hard to choose but my eyes were definitely glued on tv when Lucky and Penelope were on. The last minute twist in Lucky was genius (!) and the build up to Garcia getting shot was great! Everyone (the team and the fans :D ) sure was worried about Garcia. And in Penelope, with JJ shooting the unsub! JJ rocked my world! That was unexpected and full of suspense.

  31. Lucky/Penelope, hands down. The two go hand in hand as one "episode" to me, so I go with both.

  32. my favorite episodes are, "Penelope" "Children of the Dark" and "Seven Seconds" :)

    The season 3 is my favorite seasons.

  33. far this season, I haven't seen an episode that I loved as much as my favorites from first or second season. However, I really, really liked 7 Seconds (although I felt the ending was weak), True Night (very, very good), 3rd Life (oh, now that one had the strength in the ending I wished 7 Seconds had), and Penelope.

    I've enjoyed the two episodes where Reid has cowboyed up in spite of everything (Penelope and 7 Seconds) and I've been loving Morgan's character growth (less of bully, more mature, feeling confidence rather than faking it). I've also been really enjoying the way Prentiss and Hotch are kind of mirrors for each other--both so ethical, and both facing so many hard choices. JJ's and Garcia's character growth and strength and doubts and courage, also awesome.

    And Rossi finally got a cheer out of me at the end of 3rd life. I like him much better when he's cynical and world-weary than when he's self-satisfied and smug.

  34. Oh, cruel torture to make us choose just one. I tried so hard, and like many others who voted here, to do that would cause a tear in the very fabric of the

    My first favorite episode is True Night, because Frankie Muniz portraying such a tragic character was simply compelling to watch. The episode really made me think. A tragedy could befall any of us, and were it to happen, there is probably a darkness inside us all that would want to reach out and take revenge. Am I wrong? I still ask myself this question.

    My second favorite episode is Birthright. I liked this one because I felt that the characters (the unsub and first unsub, the victim who survived, the first unsub's wife, and second unsub's wife) were all tied together in each other's fate.

  35. Seven Seconds, because it gave everyone on the team something to do. And, I loved Hotch and Prentiss with the aunt and uncle and Reid with the boy.

    In Birth and Death, again for the team. I loved seeing Hotch and Prentiss brought back into the fold and Strauss finding out it's harder than she thought.

    Children of the Dark for the scene at the end with Morgan and Prentiss and the little boy. Hotch saying he's not good enough to talk someone down that fast. And, Carrie. One of the best examples of a strong female character.

    Birthright for JJ. And, Hotch. And Karen Foley and her son. Strong women and understanding men.

    Third Life for Reid being all cute ("Oh, okay. Cool!") and confident holding that gun and angsty and the end. Hotch and Prentiss profiling the girls outside the movie theater. Hotch telling the marshal to get out of his way. And, the best editing sequence when they searched the buildings and it cut from one agent to the other.

  36. Definitely Penelope; best hour of TV ever!

  37. Best episode: Penelope
    Worst episode: True Night

  38. Best: Penelope
    Worst: True Night

    Loved Season Three Episdoes better

  39. I can't pick one. I basically loved all the episodes (especially True Night)
