Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Criminal Minds: A message from Edward Allen Bernero, Executive Producer of Criminal Minds, to the fans of the show:

Have you guys seen the pencils to moguls thing at
United Hollywood? The WGA is going to swamp the
Moguls with pencils.

What we'd like to do is offer a raffle. We will draw
a name from the names of the Criminal Minds fans who
buy pencils and that fan will get a phone call from
me, Ed, and as many members of our cast as we can get
on the phone. I will be spending the day getting a
list of the cast members who will be available, but I
wanted to get the word out. Sign on to United
Hollywood and start getting pencils out there and I'll
be back soon to let you know who's going to be on the

Let's show them how many pencils a truly driven fan
base can get out there. Thanks, guys.

Ed Bernero


***UPDATE FROM ED: You can advertise a phone conversation with myself, Joe Mantegna and Thomas and say there are other calls in the works. The call recipient will be chosen from the names of those supporters who buy pencils so make sure when CM Fanatics buy a pencil they register as a fan of CM.

And, by the way, the Lost folks were crowing yesterday about how many pencils their fans bought. Let's beat them... AGAIN!

***NEWEST UPDATE FROM ED: I will try to have more detailed information for your tomorrow but I am being told that now there will be a total of three phone calls. One with Ed and two others with a star from the show. I will update further when I have more info.


  1. Just sent another box. ;-)

    The pencil maufacturers must be making out like bandits.

  2. I just placed my order.

  3. I worry that fans are being used by the writters of their fave shows and will get not get any thanks, when this is settled.I have called numbers and emailed etc and also brought pencils etc and have and am showing surport for all the people involed in the strike,but still worry,please reaasure me

  4. Anonymous!

    They owe you NOTHING for your support. If you are helping them in order to be thanked then you need to get your priorities straight. Reassure you of what?

  5. Their thanks to me, not that I need any, will be the fabulous new shows/episodes they will get to write again that entertain me.

  6. Mine too! This is a fight for CM lovers who want more new episodes.

    Question though: I already bought lots of pencils when we were first asked. How do I get credit for those? I would hate to miss an opportunity.

  7. Tacky question anonymous. Really tacky. Blah.

    I can buy a few more but frankly I am running low on funds. I sent a check for the crew fund and already bought pencils.

    I wish I had known before but that is alright.

  8. I did another order.

  9. Jill, No offense meant but it would have been nice to know about this before I sent my check for the assistance fund. I still would have contributed to the fund but I would have used some of the money to enter the contest. I would appreciate it in the future if you would try to be more current with your postings.

  10. I wish I could...still unemployed and bumming gas money off my mom. :-(

  11. I bought one more box.

  12. support from germany!!

    i will ask people at my school to buy pencils. i hope i am not the only one who will buy it!

  13. I didn't think Lost had anymore fans! I thought we took them all. I will buy a few more boxes if that is what Ed wants.

  14. Lost lost! Wasn't that our motto back when we competed with them?

    Okay Ed!

  15. It is too bad I didn't know about this sooner, or I might've held back a few dollars from my donation to the Assistance Fund. Not that I begrudge any of the money I've given to the assistance fund, since the support staffers need the help as well.

    With Christmas less than a month away, I honestly don't have any more expendable income to expend. Oh, well...

  16. I just want the writers get what they have the right to have and go back to work!!!!gogogogo!!!!!!I don't want any thanks! I want new eps!!!!
    I bought all the pencils I could and I didn't do it for the contest! I phoned for hours and boycott every boycottable company!!!!Hope it will help!!!

  17. I'll do what I can.

  18. I placed another order for pencils. Are we doing this now instead of our other donations? Or is this in addition to them?

    I made tons of calls today.

  19. I just bought another box. Here is my question, how will Ed know who "we are" and does it start today or does it go back to the beginning of pencil sales? Will it go by our Paypal email address?

    Thanks so much,
    Lee :)

  20. Lee, it starts today so whatever we bought before doesn't count. There isn't a way to back track it.

    I bought one more box but seriously Jill you should have told us about this before you asked us to buy pencils last week.

    I made calls too.

  21. I just bought a couple of boxes.

  22. Hey now people, Jill only delivers the news, ya know that age old saying "don't kill the messenger". If Jill knew about it before I'm sure she would have told you. She works really hard to bring this information to us everyday so there is no need to point your finger at her. I realize a lot of use have already bought pencils or put money towards the assistance fund and we should be PROUD of that. If it is this big a deal to you, it's only $1 for you to buy one more box of pencils and be included in the contest. Yes I realize it is Holiday time and we all have expenses but lets not be upset with Jill.

    Trying to spread Holiday cheer,
    Lee :)

  23. I'm a little confused about where to register as a CM supporter as oppose to a Lost person. I just used the comment section to the moguls since there wasn't anywhere else to comment. Whatever, hopes it help boost the CM morale. Go, team!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. anonymous said: "I worry that fans are being used by the writers of their fav shows and will get not get any thanks, when this is settled."

    Having these fantastically brilliant writers back to work creating amazing new episodes will be all the thanks I need! My donation is well worth it.

  25. There is a white area for you to type in criminal minds before you press the pay button and then a window will open up that will allow you see that it says criminal minds and adjust the quantity you want to order. It is quick and easy to buy the pencils.

    Sorry if some of you feel that I did not get this news to you quickly enough. It was just decided today to do this and it was posted immediately. If you think you can do a better job running the blog then please email me and I will turn it over to you for a week and you can see just what it takes to post on all the blogs and websites associated with this blog.

  26. I made lots of calls today and sent some letters. I mailed my check for the fund. I will now go some pencils.

  27. Placed an order and sending you an email. I upset you and I am sorry.

  28. My dialing finger hurts from calling so much today but the kids were gone and I had tons of free time.

    I'll order pencils for Ed but I am not loving the pencil idea. I do love Ed so I'll do my part.

  29. I just bought four more boxes. Wonder if CBS will send us a thank you note! lol.

  30. Just ordered some more.

  31. I bought more but I wish they had not picked pencils. CBS will just pitch them in the garbage. For Ed I bought more.

  32. Bought more...again!

    Hopefully they won't throw them out. That would be such a waste of money and people need pencils.

  33. Well good luck to everyone. I bought some more pencils just now but the winner will be someone who has not spent one cent up to now because they didn't care enough and now they will care because they want something. Sucks but if this is what Ed Bernero wants then I guess he knows best. We believed in the cause when the pencils first went on sale.

  34. Cool for me. I hadn't bought any up to now. I hope that I win this. I appreciate Ed making this raffle.

  35. I'm happy to support Ed in whatever he does.

  36. It never dawned on me that they could throw them out but they are so selfish and stupid that it could happen.

    What happens if the strike ends before the pencils are delivered?

    I bought a few boxes for Ed.

  37. 3 more boxes for Ed.

  38. Pencils in the garbage. That sounds like something CBS, NBC, ABC & FOX would do.

    I pray the strike ends soon so all the people out of work can go back to earning a living and I am happy to buy more pencils.

    If I win I would like my phone call to go to Allie & Maura since they are paying for the food which keeps us from footing that bill.

    I intend to go purchase mine now.

  39. Bought a couple more. Happy to help the show.

  40. Yeah, I went and bought a few ... ;-)

    I love this picture of Ed. I know he's holding a protest sign, but it kinda looks like he's swinging a big Louisville Slugger.

    I know I'm a dork, but I'm love to get my hands on one of the strike signs or t-shirts. When they don't need them any more. Which will hopefully be soon.

  41. He does look like he is getting ready to take a swing. :) Ed wants us to buy pencils then pencils it is! I bought more.

  42. They need to put Ed in a room with the other side! I bet they would see it his way before the doors opened back up! Chicago cop as big as he is! Les Moonidiot would not stand a chance.

    I'm going to buy more pencils when I get paid on friday. We'll poke them with pencils.

  43. Note to Ed- bought more pencils.

    Note to Jill- ewww get the cbs weasle's pic off the blog. He's scary looking. *g*

  44. Consider mine ordered.

  45. Ed v. Les

    I'm putting my money on pencils but if I wasn't it would be on Ed.

    Happy Chanukah Jillsy!

    You took down the menorah. I liked it.

  46. EB, Please tell the folks from Lost not to feel bad that we ran over them so badly that season. Let them know they should be expecting sympathy cards from the Bionic Woman and the Private Practice folks. Criminal Minds rules Wed. nights!

    Pencils for Ed. NP!

  47. Been there and just bought more.

    Lost? Wasn't that a tv show that used to be on? Whatever happened to them? They LOST!

    Happy Holiday Jill & All.

  48. The show is cooking in the ratings. Awesome news. Thanks for making such a great show Ed. I'll buy more pencils.

  49. I can spare a few more bucks. Hope I win.

  50. I can a bit more but then I am tapped till payday.

  51. I'm sure Ed would like to swing a bat, at Les what's his name's head.
    Pencils anyone.

  52. I'm sorry, and while a phone call from the cast sounds amazing. I don't feel right buying these pencils. Don't get me wrong I support the strike wholeheartly. But unless I know for certain that these pencils won't be simply thrown into the garabge I can't. I couldn't stand to see them wasted and fill up a landfill. I can see this turning out to be an annoyance for the stuidos (propbably the point) and they disguard any positive sugguested uses and just chucking them.
    Though good luck to all those who bought some.

  53. According to the FAQ on UnitedHollywood, the pencils will be sent with a suggestions on where to donate them. The writers are suggesting non-profits that teach kids to write. And the pencils are coming from a environmentally friendly vendor.

  54. I have a pretty good feeling the pencils will NEVER be thrown in the garbage. They have enough interns where they can literally send them down the street to the nearest public school to drop them off. They would catch SUCH hell if anyone found out they threw them in the trash. The only thing that bothers me is they'll probably get a tax write off and a good samaritan pat on the back for donating them. LOL.

    Lee :)

  55. The pencils are going to be donated to a school if the strike ends prior to their delivery.

    As much as I dislike the networks right now I am sure they will be donated to a worthy cause should they be delivered if the strike continues.

    It is not everyone's first choice of things to contribute to and that is absolutely okay. Whatever and in however way you choose to make a difference is wonderful.

    I know that Ed appreciates EVERYTHING that everyone has done up to this point. If you are the lucky winner of the phone call I am sure that you will hear that for yourself.

  56. Bought five boxes. Wheee!
    I really appreciate hearing from the Ed and the others about what is the best thing to actually do. It is so helpful to hear how we can best show our support. What a proactive community. I love it :-D

  57. Oops -- Too bad I can't type pre-coffee. Sorry to Ed for referring him to as "the Ed" in my previous message. Though, come to think of it, maybe that moniker fits...
    Time for more caffeine.

  58. Wow, I just got home from work and read all these remarks. I realize that some are getting tired of contributing by phone, emails, or money. I know that we are all tired of hearing about the strike, but I didn't expect to see it in writing.

    Anyway, I think Jill is doing an amazing job...Thanks!! Ed, what a nice gesture and how creative to not only keep your fans interested but irritate those mucky mucks!
    Guys,remember he didn't have to set this up at all.

    Everytime I cringe to give $$ to someone I remember when I've been on my last dollar and others each gave what they could to show their support. I have known a lot of people that haven't been able to contribute money but still do what they can in other ways. I'm sure we all would like to win or have things set up in our time frame, but that isn't how life works. It sucks, but it is the way it is...At least that's what my husband, friends, and boss say when I want "fair" in everything! I hate it when they are right!!

    I was thinking that I'd love to hear from our CM guys, especially Thomas,but I honestly don't know what I would ask any of them. I'm
    so starstuck it makes me nauseated and dizzy thinking about it. I reallize they are human beings just like us, but man to actually hear their voices in person (WOW)! May the person winning enjoy the conversation without passing out!

    Thanks again Jill and everyone else that has contributed in any and all ways of doing that!Please don't think that I'm lecturing anyone, I hate saying things in writing 'cuz you can't hear the tone or see my body language...I dind't mean to squash anyone...honest.

    Oh yeah, the pencils are ordered!!
    Bonnie T.

  59. I could not have said it any better than Bonnie just did. I have been silent through this thread because I honestly didn't know what to say. I think I do now.

    I am one of the ladies that is paying for all of the food fund for the writers and I would like you all to know why it was so important for me to do this.

    I am a cancer survivor but my mother wasn't as lucky. During her last weeks in hospice I emailed Jill and asked her to please obtain a script from CBS for an episode which had already aired but mom did not see. I wanted to read it to her since CM was her favorite show. CBS told her no. Jill sent us the only script she had at the time which she had autographed while on the set which we knew was something that she treasured. Mom has already seen the episode but the gesture meant so much to both of us.

    Months after mom passed away Jill told Mr. Bernero about what had happened and he told her that that would never happen to anyone again. I believed him then and now. He has supplied so many scripts for prizes for the fans and I appreciate all that he does to let the show's fans feel like they are a part of the CM family.

    I know my mom would have loved the chance to talk to any one of the writers or especially her favorite star Thomas Gibson. The difference between CBS and Ed Bernero? CBS could not be bothered to mail an old script to a Cancer Hospice but I know that Mr. Bernero would have moved heaven and earth to do everything in his power to have put a smile on my mom's face. My donation is in mom's name. I hope it brings some sense of happiness to the writers.

    Prizes are nice but for me this was just the right thing to do. It is how I was raised. I am sorry for rambling.

  60. I ordered some pencils.

    So sorry Allie. I knew your mom had been very ill but did not know she had passed away. So sorry!

  61. Ed's great. No doubt about that. I would not know what to say to one of the them on the phone either. Do they speak yammer and gurgles?
    I will buy more pencils.

  62. My concern is whether any of this is doing any good.

    I call every free minute I get and I email at night. I am sticking to the strike plan. I have gladly donated to the fund. I have bought pencils before and again today.

    Everytime I read about the strike or see something about it on tv it just deflates me. It seems like nothing we are doing is helping. They keep saying that the strike is going to be going on for a long time.

  63. Me too! I am going to save money on not going to the movies this month. I can spend it on pencils.

  64. I purchased a few more boxes.

  65. I just bought 6 boxes. Not much, but I'm a financially struggling university student myself, so while I'm doing my best to support the writers in their entirety, I need to be able to get by too. ;-)

    Hope these help, I think it's a great cause.

  66. I'm going to place my order for pencils...i hadn't already done so. Money was a little tight these last few months but...

    Allie... sorry to hear of your loss. both my parents are currently battling cancer...

    Life is too short so I'm ordering pencils. and if my name is drawn for the call... You can have it Allie


  67. Just ordered 3 boxes. will order more when I have a few more minutes spare.

  68. I just bought a few more boxes. I wish I could do more but like so many of you money is short.

    I really hope this strike is over soon. I worry about all the families that are getting no paycheck. I can barely make mine cover my expenses. I can't imagine being unemployed.

  69. Amber, I think about them everytime I buy something. It is so sad.

  70. Paypaled 3 boxes.

    xoxoxox all!

  71. Bought a few boxes - wish it was tons! Here's what I put in the "message to moguls" section:

    "The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, s***-detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it."

    Ernest Hemingway

    There are a lot of good writers out there, and they have 'em. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

    Now I am wondering - was that rude? I think my diplomacy may be slipping . . .

  72. Bought more! Wish I could do so much more than I am.

  73. Allie,
    I just read your post and I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I lost my aunt to cancer just before 9/11. We had a baby shower for her daughter last year and it broke my heart to think my aunt would never her meet grandson this side of heaven. May God bless you for your loving gift to the writers, and comfort you in your grief.

  74. Just bought some pencils. I hope the strike ends soon. I'm really saddened by it. The writers deserve much better.

    Fingers crossed for a resolution soon.

  75. I get paid Wednesday and hopefully I'll have enough to contribute to the CM assistance fund and buy some pencils. I would've done it last time I got paid but due to a miscalculation with my checkbook that cost me almost $200, I couldn't do it. Hopefully, with the added bonus on this coming check, I can cover my bills, get a couple of Christmas presents for my folks, and help out our CM writers!

  76. Now I'm Speechless.

  77. Ditto to Anonymous!
