Sunday, December 16, 2007


Criminal Minds: Chris Mundy has written and been the Co-Executive Producer for Criminal Minds episodes "Penelope", "In Birth and Death", "Doubt", "Revelations", "Sex, Birth, Death", "Aftermath" and "A Real Rain".
Which is your favorite Criminal Minds episode written by Chris Mundy?


  1. My fav is definately Penelope. What an awesome episode. JJ's first kill.

  2. My fav(s) have to be 'Sex, Birth, Death' and 'Revelations'. Awesome eps! Really well put together, really well done, with fab insight! *thumbs up*

  3. So many good ones. I guess I have to say Revelations and Penelope. (Can we choose 2) ;-))

  4. Chris Mundy is super talented. He did two of my all time favorite Reid episodes, Revelation and Sex, Birth, Death. The depth in both of these episodes makes them 2 of the greatest CM episodes in history. I'd love to chat with Chris!!!

    Lee :)

  5. HOw can I possibly choose? There aren't many CM episodes I find boring or bad.
    Revelations was awesome, really, but Penelope showed the characters in a new light... It's always interesting to see when the group respons to a threat against one of their own.

    Man, I'd love to see what happens if someone kidnaps Hotchner or something like that...
    Because he's the core of the group, always has been, even when Gideon was there, Hotchner was the "mother" of the team, if you will. :)

  6. 'Sex, Birth, and Death' is my favorite from that list, with 'Penelope' coming second.

    He manages to make Reid out to be more than just the resident geek with all the facts in his head.

  7. 'Revelations' from season 2 and 'Penelope" from season 3. Awesome writing in both of these and hold your breathe episodes.

  8. "Revelation" by far!
    P.S. Thank you, Shemar! ;)

  9. Aftermath!

    Elle going back to work too soon and her not being able to stop the flashbacks. Then the way she snapped and shot the perp. I loved the underlying message that sometimes you can't even manage to feel save in your own home or anywhere. Poor Spencer trying so hard to reach out to her but not being able to get through to her. We saw so much character development in this episode. It is one of my favorites.

    Terrific episode!

  10. I think I would vote for "A Real Rain" if for only the scene in the chinese restaurant. Reid trying to eat with the chopticks was hilarious. It was great seeing the team just being together even though they were discussing work. Watching Reid dropping the food and his classic line,

    “It’s like trying to forage for food with a pair of number 2 pencils.”

    That line has stuck with me since the episode aired.

  11. I'm with Felicia on this one but please add the other great lines!

    Elle- You guys we're here in New York and even when we aren't talking about our case we end up talking about another profiler.

    Hotchner- You’re right. So Elle, you seeing anyone?

    I laughed so hard that I almost wet myself!

  12. Revelations!

    James Van Der Beek was incredible. Who the hell knew that Dawson had it in him.

    Exc. Episode!

    Gubler gave an Emmy winning performance. This script was TIGHT!

  13. I hate having to pick only one...but I'll go with Revelations--it was a great ep but, well. It had The Hug. *sighs* When I first watched that ep, when Hotch and Reid hugged, I squeed so loud I scared the cats.

    A Real Rain and Penelope tie for a very close second.

    Criminal Minds certainly has a talented group of writers--we're so lucky to have them!

  14. I think it is Gideon's last episode and "the letter". In Birth and Death was fantastic. The end of Gideon and a new beginning for the team. Hotchner and Strauss battling it out. The Hotchner marriage hitting the bricks. I think that the letter was what did it for me.

    "Spencer, I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. I'm sorry the explanation couldn't be better, Spencer."

  15. "In Birth & Death" because Prentiss didn't turn on Hotchner and that is when I really started liking her and also because everyone had a nice size part in this one. And the letter was something for sure.

  16. Penelope. I almost bit my nails during that episode.

  17. Revelations, even though my beloved Reid was abused in such an awful way. Chris gave Matthew such a great episode to act in. And there is, of course, the famous hug.

  18. 'Revelations'- Reid's seizure. Watching everyone's reaction to what was happening to Reid. The family unit was so well defined in this episode. Dad staying calm. Mom trying to keep it together to find him. Big brother hitting the wall because he felt desperate. The sisters falling apart in their own ways. This episode had everything we want from a CM episode. Dawson was freaking amazing. Gubler nailed his part. No complaints about this one! No continuity problems that I noticed. Exceptionally good music. A+ across the board.

  19. My fav would be A Real Rain. Chopsticks anyone?

  20. Revelations.

    Its in my top my favs!

  21. "Revelations" is my favorite of all CM eps but "A Real Rain" was a very close second.

    There is a lot of depth in Mundy's episodes- not to mention the best music. We in the chats and message boards have a lot to talk about with all the nuances. Love them!

  22. Revelations is no. 1 and all the others tie for no. 2. Chris is a fantastic writer and probably a great producer, but since I don't really know what they do, I'll have to take it on faith. ;-)

  23. Sex, Birth, and Death was my fav. but all of his eps are awesome.

  24. Jill wants Chris Mundy to know there's interest in his work. Well, he's flippin' FANTASTIC! He doesn't have anything to prove anymore. All he needs to do now is come bask in the love.

  25. Ack - how can I pick one?

    I'm going to cheat and pick two, although I actually love all Chris Mundy's episodes.

    "Sex Birth Death" because it is dark and makes you uncomfortable and because the characters are so well drawn. And because it features music by the Pixies and the Eagles of Death Metal in the same ep and how can you not love that?

    "Revelations" because it was one of the most intense TV episodes I have ever seen. And because it made me cry a few times.

  26. I think "Sex, Birth, and Death" and "Revelations" are my favorites. I liked that we see more of Reid's personality emerge in the first one and we learn about his past, although in a very brutal way, in the second one.

  27. Picking one is like asking which child do you love best. I love them all, but in different ways.

    Revelations was excellent. I know many of the fans want just the crime story, but I really like some character development. This one really made the "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" true for Reid.

    The same is true for Penelope. 'Sex, Birth and Death' was very well done. And then, of course there is 'Real Rain'.... oh, heck, I don't think I can really pick one! Chris is just great writer.

  28. Boy, that's a hard question. "A Real Rain" and "Sex Birth Death" are totally top five episodes for me, and "Revelations" and "Penelope" are top ten.

    Also, I admire Mr. Mundy's taste in music. ;-)

  29. Pick a favorite? Not sure I can, although "Penelope" was a great for me. Chris is a great writer. So creative.

    See ya soon Chris. By the way....great picture. You look so natural. Who was the talented photographer that took that pic? haha

  30. Geez, that's a hard choice. "A Real Rain" was my favorite CM episode for a long time and might still be. (As the episodes multiply, it gets harder and harder to pick a favorite.) But that was the first time I really saw the team as a whole group, as a kind of dysfunctional family :) , rather than a group of colleagues with a few interpersonal relationships scattered around.

    "Penelope" was truly excellent, though. Probably the first episode of this season that I was really, truly fond of.

  31. I am sure that I have seen chris mundys name on some chicago hope eps lists ,am I right with this?

  32. Penelope gets my nod for sure, because I'm a huge Garcia fan. Revelations is a very close second, just 'cause that episode was 12 kinds of creepy & we got to see everyone come together.

  33. 'Penelope' most definitely! :)
    But 'Sex, Birth, Death' as a very close second.

  34. Wait. I have to choose *one*?

    Er. "Sex, Birth Death." Well. Maybe it should tie with "Revelations."

    Except...I love "Aftermath" with an unhealthy passion. And, you know, "Penelope." Yeah. And "Derailed" has its high points.

    And I almost forgot "A Real Rain," which is just amazing.

    Okay, I'll stop now. I like the episodes.


  35. Pick one? Just one? Okay. Sex, Birth, Death, because of the interactions with Reid and Nathan. And it definitely showed his vulnerability and his self-doubts. One of my favorite lines of the entire series has got to be "I was twelve yars old when I was in high school, I hadn't gone through puberty yet. The line itself was great, and it was so telling about Reid's early life.

    I also especially love Revelations, everybody pulling together at the same time they're falling apart. And of course Reid managing to give them the clues to tell the rest of the team how to find him.

    (Are you sure I can't pick all of them?)

  36. So hard to choose from so many of Chris's well-written Reid-centric episodes!! OK, Revelations for its intensity and insights into Reid's past.

  37. Mine are *A Real Rain*, *Sex, Birth, Death* and *Penelope*. Very well written, you have the characters down pat, and you are great on keeping me on the edge of my seat! I'd love to see more eps written by you!

  38. How can you choose one, when all of them were fantastic episodes?!?!

    In chronological order, I loved A Real Rain, Revelations, and Penelope, and the others, too, but these three were real stand out episodes for me.

    Great job Chris, we would LOVE to chat with you!

  39. That's a tough question, because every single one of those episodes is among my favorites from this series.

    I think, if I had to choose, I'd go with In Birth and Death. It was great for the whole team, and especially for Prentiss, and I've never been more in love with the show as after watching that episode.

  40. 'Revelations' is still my favourite not only Chris Mundy-penned episode but 'Criminal Minds' episode overall. I think it's the absolutely perfect 'hurt-comfort/team=family' episode. But 'Penelope' is such a close second that one could barely get a piece of paper between them. They are both such wonderful episodes in every way, but especially for showing how much the BAU family cares about one another.

    It's such a gift as a viewer to watch such beautifully plotted and written episodes in which it just shines out how much a writer loves the characters he's writing about.

  41. Loved Aftermath.

  42. Revelations!!!!

  43. I guess I should state why I love Revelations....MGG is so incredible in this....the whole cast is, but this was Matthew showing the world how amazing he is.

    I love the family effect and everyone trying to save Reid. I loved the flashbacks and the music, especially at the end was awesome...When he took the drugs, then stood up and crossed him arms, then they cut to black with Band of Horses playing....I about fell off my seat watching that!


  44. He wrote some of my favourite eps. I LOVE 'Revelations' & 'Penelope', and 'Sex, Birth, Death' & 'In Birth and in Death' are two of my all time favourites.

  45. In Birth and Death is one of my fav episodes that Mr Mundy wrote very creepy, orginal and probably the way I would kill my victims if I were a unsub on Criminal minds.

  46. There really aren't any eps. that I don't enjoy.

    I would have to say that Penelope is among the top of my list though.

    The writers' of CM are the Best!
    Thank you

  47. Has to be Revelations. Wonderfully written and well acted. Full of nail biting supense moments. Just fantastic.
