Monday, December 03, 2007


Criminal Minds: Here is this week's suggested strike plan. We need to get the Criminal Minds writers back in the writing room. Lets work together each week to accomplish that goal.
1. CALL CBS: 212-975-4545 and CALL DISNEY: 818-560-1000
2. Call the following companies that we are targeting this week and tell them you are boycotting tv and urge the advertisers to boycott the networks (or demand their money back). If we say we're not going to be watching until the strike is resolved, then who are the advertisers advertising to?

**Revision: Also tell them you are boycotting their products.

SC Johnson Glade

Pfizer Drugs
Phone: 1.212.733.2323

Coca Cola

3. Do not go to any network show sites on the internet.
4. Do not watch any primetime news shows or reality shows.
5. Boycott all theater movies.
6. Boycott I-tunes and all other downloads
7. Buy Pencils at
8. Do not buy any dvds
9. Boycott Disneyland, Universal Studios and any other place the studios make revenue.
10. Please contribute to the Criminal Minds Assistance Fund.
11. Tell everyone you know about the strike and ask them to help in all the above.


  1. This is simple. Thanks for laying it out for us. I can do all these things.

  2. Does it do any good for those of us not living in the US to call or email?

  3. I bought pencils already and I am calling all the time but I will keep it up.

    Why should we stop buying dvds? Aren't the writers already being paid for those?

  4. Nikki F is reporting that the showrunners are meeting tomorrow. Does that mean Ed will go back to work and start production back up? Do we still need to contribute to the fund or will they be back to work this week?

    I will make all my usual rounds of telephone calls this week.

  5. Kara- Good question. Why should we stop buying dvds if the writers already have some money coming in on them? Doesn't that just hurt them more?

    I can do all the other things but I was planning on stocking up on dvds with all the Christmas sales happening now.

  6. i need some advice i have some friends who are being hurt by the strike is there any place I can go to get them temporary financial relief?

  7. I think it is to cut off the money going to the network companies.

    I'm in on all of it.

  8. The writers of criminal minds do get money for the DVDs. They get .004 cents per box set... make that .004 cents of the percentage of the number of episodes out of 24 that they wrote that season. That means, for example Debra J. Fisher and Eric Messer wrote 3 episodes season 2. That means for every box set bought they get 3/24th of .004 cents.

    Even Dr. Reid couldn't do the math. And if he could he tell you NOT TO BUY ANY DAMN DVD's! All the money goes to Mark Gordon/Touchstone/Paramount.

    DO NOT BUY DVD's!!!!

  9. actually it's 4 cents. So they get 3/24th of 4 cents. not that that's any better.

  10. So on the $45 season two dvds I bought deb and erica get less than nothing. I feel so bad. I bought the set today as a X-mas gift before chat with them today and they are so nice.

    Okay. No more dvds and I already call and email. I just didn't know about the dvds.

  11. I think we should just watch the last couple of new cm episodes and then turn off the tvs and make calls. I don't see the sense in watching reruns if it makes cbs money.

  12. When I called Glade the other day the lady said they were tired of phone calls. Should we stop calling Glade? They are getting mad. Granted I am mad but maybe they have gotten the point already.

  13. the CM writers make more money from recycling one empty soda can and splitting the nickel than they do from us buying a $49.00 box set. merry christmas deb and erica! don't spend it all in one place!

  14. If GLADE is getting mad, keep calling! Don't back down. Let's all call tomorrow. A thousand times. Yell it through the roof tops. I'm MAD that the writers' don't have a deal. We want the writers' and crews on our favorite shows back to work. We want them to have a Holiday Season.

    Don't stop.

  15. I think it was Erica who said she has two kids in chat tonight. That is aweful. How many dvds would they have to sell for her take her kids to disneyland? A zillion?

    Thanks for the plan Jill and the chat with the ladies today. This plan I can understand. The one over at my other show site is so many pages long I almost feel asleep reading it. I'm going to keep making friends with the people over at cbs by calling all week long again.

  16. Hey guys! If you call Glade tomorrow ask for the customer complaint department. If they will transfer you then you may get the gal I got last week who is pissed off mad because she is a Desp. House. lover and she ranted more than I did about the strike and was really nice. She took my name and phone number and swore she was passing messages on to the higher ups.

  17. We need to double our efforts with cbs because they are not as pleasant this past week as the weeks before. They are tired of the calls. Good for them. Screw them for working for cbs.

  18. Gary,

    I am sorry that you have friends that are suffering because the writers were forced to strike. I am sure that the shows that they worked for must have a fund going like we all do for CM. Please tell them to ask their showrunner. I know I sent a check in and will do so next month again.

    I will put Glade's number on my speed dial. They can be my number one target tomorrow between classes.

  19. I ask what Henri did ask. What can I do when I do not live in the USA?

  20. I'm very worried about the below the line people who are going to starve if this keep up. They are like lost victims in all of this.

  21. I have banned itune purchases for the kids and no new ipods for the holidays. Now no dvds. Okay.

    Anyone up for forming a book club?

    Glade is on my radar too!

  22. I read this too!

    If Ed Bernero goes back then can the crew go back too so they will have paychecks?

    If there are no scripts then why do they want them back?

    If you live outside the US then I think you should just do everything but make calls. I make calls all the time.

  23. It doesn't matter what EB does if the strike is still going then we need to still be pushing it. This is the only way we can show our support.

  24. so if they sell like a thousand of them they can buy a pepsi. chilling when you think about it. dvd sales are really big money makers. evidently not for the writers.

    and where the hell is the rest of the cast? can't help notice a few people not holding signs which is really suckage when all the other shows have their casts with them. we have seen gibson and paget and we know kirsten was there from her post. we did see shemar. where is the rest of them. they make their money off the work of the writers.

  25. They are probably just busy.

    I think bombarding Glade tomorrow is a great idea.

  26. They probably have prior commitments. Maybe they have been there and we just don't know about it.

    I keep getting vm when I call cbs. I called lots last week and only got vm.

  27. No movies is the hard one for my family during the Christmas season. If the strike isn't over then we get reruns that we are not supposed to watch. No dvds. No movies. What is left? I sound like I am complaining but I'm not really. I just hate that my family has become that dependent on those types of entertainment. I'll go along with the program.

  28. If Ed goes back to work then what would he do there? Finish unfinished work or write new episodes? He did say he would go back if they started bargaining again and they are bargaining again. But their offer seemed like it was in very bad faith. I love Ed but I think he should stay on the line with the writers till this is over. It seems like the right thing to do.

  29. Anyone else wondering where MGG is? They write him better than anyone. How busy can he be? They aren't shooting anymore... are they?

  30. Lets not pick on the Gube. He is busy promoting his Alvin and the Chipmunks project. He is busy. I am sure he has been very supportive. He is the type of person to really care about others.

  31. How is asking where MGG is "picking on him"? Is he busier than Paget Brewster, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, or Kirsten Vangsness? And how do you know he's the type to really care about other people? Because the writers walking the picket line day in and day out write him that way? Or do you know him personally?

  32. Are you people truly batting around over Matthew Gray Gubler? Seriously.

    With all the writers are going through right now do they need anyone's energy being wasted on that.

    I will make phone calls tomorrow and I will try hard to stick to the rest of the plan.

    Is there no mod on tonight to erase some of the garbage? Seriously arguing over Gubler. That is over the top. If he hasn't been supportive then the writers know what needs to be done. If he has been supportive then I am sure they appreciate it. Either way they need us to focus and dig in!

  33. Sorry but I want to know where he has been too!

    I am doing my part and I would like to know that the million stars are too!

  34. million dollar


  35. I don't remember seeing pictures of AJ Cook or Joe Mantegna either so why the conversation of the Gube.

    I follow this plan.

    Thanks J!

  36. How much of an increase are they asking for on the dvd sales?

    How much is there bottom line of the internet?

    They took residuals off the table during the first round if I am remembering correctly?

  37. Hi Amy!

    I think they are asking for double on the dvds but only a very small percentage on the "new media". Whatever they want they need to have. The are the real "talent" on CM. Ed won't go back. He is such an honorable person. I think people are misunderstanding something.

  38. There are new things on this list that we haven't done before. The dvd ban is new. Makes sense I guess but are you sure the writers would not rather have some money coming in than no money? You might want to check on that one before we ban dvds.
    Let us know!

  39. The plan works for me.

  40. Anonymous~

    Talk about making people feel bad. I'm sick to my stomach thinking that they could recycle a can and make more money than on the sale of a dvd. I seriously feel ill and guilty. The WGA should have told us this before the strike. Years ago. We should already know this information. I would have been more careful as a consumer. Why are we just finding all this out now?

    I am already doing the plan and I will keep doing it. Please update us on whatever other ideas you find that will help.

  41. Does anyone have the answer to what Int'l fans can do to help?

  42. Ya know, I could get all my mommy friends to help me picket in front of Walt Disney World! I bet that would make em cave REAL quick!!! 100 crying toddlers out in the heat with no diaper change. Yeah..Andrew, Erica and Deb would be back in the writing room by Wednesday evening!!! Sound like a plan?

    Lee :)

  43. Plan works for me.

  44. I've bought pencils2mediamoguls and I've been emailing CBS, telling them that I have no intention of watching reality shows or any other shows for that matter(save for new CM) until the strike is resolved and that writers get a fair deal.

    No dvd's either, which is a shame since I had quite a list for this christmas.

    Oh well, I guess I'll buy some books instead.

  45. I penciled too but I assume you are asking us to buy more and I am okay with that. It is a cheap way to show support. I can do that.

    I like this plan and thank you for constantly updating it with easy to understand items. I want to help but some of the plans I have seen either do not make any sense to me or seem like a waste of time.

  46. Book club sounds good to me actually. That is something we could do with the writers. We can all suggest books to each other and maybe they have some interesting suggestions.

    I had forgotten the pencils! I am on my way to buy some.

  47. Gotcha and dialing!

  48. I read the link you posted below and it is amazing to me that I use so many of those companies. I never realized, like you said, that I am feeding the beast everyday. I will look at alternatives. Thanks Jill.

  49. I found this link today for a site to download full episodes of tv shows. I looked at their menu and freaked out!

    The writers, if I am understanding this correctly, are paid nothing for this.

    This has to be illegal.

  50. Whatever personal decisions anyone in the entertainment business is their own business but the writers union are asking us to speak as consumers. Don't we have the same right to know the status of support the cast is giving to the union? When I first read this thread I thought that trolls were commenting but then I realized I have been wondering about the same things? I have been proactive in following all the strike tips given on this blog and I think I do deserve to know why we do not see pictures of our cast on the line with the writers like we see from other shows. Are they there and Kris just missed them or are they hiding? As a consumer I should have the right to know that.

  51. Nobody is making us help! Come on people! We are helping because we want to. The actors belong to a different union and they have to let their own consciences guide them.

    My plan is to watch only first run shows as suggested and then I am shutting the tv off completely until the strike is over.

  52. 100% support!

    And don't forget Kirsten posted here. She's a gem and when the strike is over she will be forced to never come here again or any other fan based blog in favor of the corporate wiki that nobody supports. I commend her for using this time to support the fans and the union.

  53. Total support from me too!!

  54. The Ashes & Dust poster signed by the cast w/ Mandy and Joe sold on Ebay for $607!!!!!!!! That money is all going to help the crew during the strike! Way to go fans! Keep it up. When the AMPTP sees this kind of support for the writers and crew it forces them to recognize the will and resolve of the forces they have taken on. And sooner or later they will realize the sleeping giants they have awakened. Keep the faith. Stay strong. The stronger we all are, the sooner this will end. The quicker we will be back to season three of Criminal Minds!!!

    Strikey McStriker

  55. I am going to bid on the script but I wanted to post here first.

    I love this plan. Quick and easy. I think it will be effective.

    CBS here I come...answer the phone!

  56. No tv
    No movies
    No itunes
    No dvds

    I may forced into having s.e.x. with my husband if this keeps up! LOL.

    I am totally behind the writers even if they are forcing a 67 year old granny to ---!

  57. Poor Angie. *g*

    No problem with any of this. Ouch a bit on no movies but it really makes so much sense.

  58. "A recylced can" !!

    Maybe we need to send in smashed up cans with the pencils! I doubt CBS recycles.

    The pencils are not my favorite idea but I will go buy some more. I think we have to support all the efforts of United Hollywood. I am not however impressed with the Finke site. Sorry but it seems too inflammatory to me.

    I made many calls already today. I also called the local affiliate who was not in the bit interested which made me kinda mad. They would care if it was their strike! The must not be fans of any tv shows.

  59. What about time shares? We own a Disney time share and we can't sell it. I wonder if we could change our week?

  60. Who is helping the thousands of other people forced out of their jobs by the greedy writers?

  61. I would ask "Stuck In Hell" to explain how it is "greedy" to simply refuse to accept gigantic pay cuts? How is it "greedy" to not accept huge cuts to your health and pension?

    I ask how it is the writer's fault that the companies that employ the writers, as well of the "thousands of workers" of which you speak, are out of work?
    You seem to think the writers employ the "thousands of workers". They do not. The AMPTP employs all of them. Did the writer's refuse to pay the "thousands of workers" there salaries? Are you seriously trying to sell us the idea that the writers should sacrifice their own financial security, pension plan, and health funds... and the very future of their profession for the sake of "thousands of workers" who are employed not by them but by the very companies that are employ everyone.

    I would like to suggest that perhaps it is the responcibility of the companies that employ the "thousands of workers" to keep them working. Not the writers.

    Would "thousands of workers" accept drastic pay cuts, allow their pension and health to be reduced to keep the writers working?

    At least the CM writers are helping Jill and the fans raise money for their crew. So are the writers on countless other shows. What is the AMPTP doing for them? Laying them off. That's what. Maybe the AMPTP should spend their money on helping out them rather than paying trolls like "Stuck in Hell" to try and wage a pathetically obvious public relations campaign against the WGA.

    "Stuck in Hell"... stay there. That's where you belong.

  62. I think that I have been extremely lenient on posting rules for this blog lately. It was my feeling that tense times leave people with the need to vent and within tactful reason that is fine.

    What I will not now, nor ever in the future, allow is an attack on anyone associated with the production of Criminal Minds or a senseless attack on fellow posters.

    Let me bottom line this for you. If you disagree that is cool. If you are polite and firm that is cool. As for CM people...hands off! That includes negative comments about the janitor. That will not ever be permitted on this blog. You can not like an episode but you can not attack the people associated with the show. Ever! I have had my moments of thoughtless posting but then I put my big girl pants on and press delete and it is my blog.

    "stuck in hell": I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are just upset about the current strike and not thinking clearly. If you are hurting because of this strike then I am truly sorry that the corporations did this to you. If you are posting here to cause trouble or upset the commenters on the blog then you are in the wrong place.

    As for who on the cast has and has not participated....well...I'm not sure what to say about that. I have my own feelings but sometimes voicing your feelings in a public forum isn't the best idea. I will however allow the open discussion regarding it because I know people are not trying to cause trouble but rather are asking.

    Brighter news! Fedex has a check from us heading to LA and when Paypal sends their check I will send that as well. Donations are still coming in and I hope you will find a spare few dollars and send in more. Right now I am more worried about the people out of work than arguing with anyone over anything. I went to the grocery store today and bought bare essentials and spent $200. How do people out of work do that? Scares me and worries me.

  63. I'll make extra calls! I don't want to vent but I would like to know what the cast is doing in the way of support for the writers.

    Also, I like the idea of everyone targeting one company each day. That is a big impact imo.

  64. The networks could have kept these people employed at least through the holidays. It was cruel and I have read that some have been told they may not even get their jobs back when the strike is over. That is so mean spirited and just cruel.

    I'm working the plan but I am focusing on Glade today.

  65. J & S

    Sent a small donation today.


  66. I only had time for a few emails today but I will do more tomorrow.

  67. Thank you for the examples you gave a few posts below. I never realized that what I purchased had any influence over anyone else. This really makes me feel great about making my calls.

  68. Disney hung up on me today. That is not very Mickey of them and I was not being rude at all.

  69. Thanks fpr the 411!

  70. i have called told my friends. live to far away to worry about disneyland . i will write. my mom goes to a movie more then i do.

  71. I made 20 calls today.

  72. I called till I could not talk on the phone anymore because of classes. Hope it helps. I think it does.

  73. I've already told my mom that she should switch to Pepsi (she's an avid Diet Coke drinker), and told all my friends not to buy TV shows off iTunes.

    Also, on a bit of an ironic, yet strange note. A Gossip Girl episode is currently the #1 in the iTunes TV show store. Personally, I believe it's because the demographic that watch that show continue to carry on with everything, they don't exactly realize what's going on.
