Sunday, December 09, 2007


Criminal Minds is blessed with an abundance of "talent". I have received many emails asking me where the Criminal Minds "talent" is while the writers strike is happening. I know these emailers are refering to the actors and actresses of Criminal Minds since everyone knows where the writers are these days. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful cast. They are talented! In my opinion the major "talent" behind our show is and has always been our writers. Thomas Gibson and Paget Brewster, pictured above, are actors with impressive resumes and whose work I deeply admire. They are gifted but without the written word they would have to wing it. We all love Garcia and while we suspect that Kirsten and Garcia share a soul it is important to remember that the words she speaks are written by the writers. Writers are our first source of talent on Criminal Minds. Actors are the next. We also are absolutely blessed to have a crew of over 200 dedicated and creative behind the scenes professionals working on the show we love. Our show is full of talent! Every person who contributes in any way to the production of our show was hand picked because they are the best and brightest. We need to support all of them. Contribute to the Criminal Minds Assistance Fund. Write and email the networks. Follow the Criminal Minds Strike Plan. Lets get ALL of the talent back in the studio!


  1. The show is great. I love CM. All of them are so great.

  2. I agree 100%.

    And I do think Kirsten and Garcia are one in the same. *g*

  3. Love all of them!!!!!!

  4. They all shine in my eyes.

  5. We have the best show on tv. I want the strike to be over so we can have new episodes.

  6. 100% love and support to all of them that are walking the line.

  7. Go WGA! Go CM writers, producers, cast and crew! We love you and support your efforts during this strike. Here's hoping we all get our holiday wishes and an EQUITABLE settlement to this strike!

  8. We really do love all of you. Total support from me for everyone making the show.

  9. They are all stars! CM stars!

    I pledge my support to the writers, cast and crew of Criminal Minds.

    Give them their money Moonves!

  10. CM rules the airwaves and I agree with you about all of them being talented. I don't know what it's going to be like when we have no new episodes to watch. The word sucks comes to mind. Go WGA! We're with you!

  11. 100% is the motto until the strike is over.

  12. The writers are the first link in the chain of events that make CM such a great show. Then the cast and crew add all their talents. It takes everyone's talents working together to make a show a top 10 show every week! And they all do it so well!

    So AMPTP: Get off your high horse and give these people a fair contract and back to doing what they do best!

  13. Writers rule!
    The cast rules!
    The crew rules!

    CBS sucks!

    WGA needs to rule the day!

  14. The AMPTP could not be more unreasonable if they tried. I think every elected official should be calling for hearings.

    I support the WGA!

  15. We Criminal Minds Fanatics are still here behind all the talented cast and crew!!!!!

    Seems like the most replaceable of the people involved with the show are the studio heads. Any old MBA can sit and do nothing (or act like an ass).

  16. Amen Sherlockette! Moonves was a bad actor before becoming the CEO of CBS. He's a worthless piece of garbage. I bet he likes being paid and I bet his check has lots of money in it. Too bad he thinks the writers don't deserve five cents!

  17. Great pictures and thanks for putting them on the blog.

    Here's hoping for a proper settlement soon that values the work these writers do.

  18. We're lucky fans to have all of these people.

  19. I hope that this week brings a resolution to the strike. The AMPTP has to come to their senses soon. How much money can they afford to lose? I hope everyone is well and knows that we value them.

  20. They're only as good as the words on the page and we have great pages and great actors. The crew too.

  21. Totally in agreement with what everyone has said. Awesome post Jill. Total support for everyone!

  22. Total admiration for all CM workers. Hope the strike is over soon. Love the show.

  23. I completely agree with you Jill. We are certainly blessed to have all the talented people who are associated with this show and who work so hard to bring us wonderful episodes every week.

    The AMPTP has got to get their act together and get back to the table. It's pathetic that they don't realise the value and importance of the writers. They're worse than Ebenezer Scrooge ever thought of being. At least Scrooge learned his lesson...I'm not so hopeful for the AMPTP.

    My biggest wish for this holiday season is that there is a resolution to this strike--and one that is equitable for our wonderful writers.

  24. Scrooge is right. Instead of pencils lets all mail Disney and CBS posters of Les Moonves dressed as scrooge.

  25. I keep thinking that I do not understand something because the position of the AMPTP makes no sense to me at all.

    100% support and best wishes!

    I hope there is a resolution before the holidays for everyone's sake.

  26. I've always wished that I had the talent to be a writer. I don't and that makes me appreciate the talented writers of CM even more. I hope that the AMPTP go back to the table with a reasonable offer this week.

  27. Lots of Talent! Lots of prayers for all of them! Lots of bad feelings amongst fans for the AMPTP. I hope they lose their shirts.

  28. The WGA has got to be sick of this strike. I am sick of hearing about it. It needs to end soon so everyone can go back to work and so we can have another season of CM.

  29. It's disheartening to me that the entire talented CM team have to endure a difficult holiday season without a paycheck in sight. How could the studios spend money instead on a PR firm to make them look good instead of getting back to negotiating for equitable terms for both sides? The fans knows that this is like being in a second-rate deli...nobody's buying the baloney!!!!!!! We will continue the support for the writers' cause!!!!!!

  30. P.S. To everyone involved with Criminal Minds. I love the show and even if we have a very short
    3rd season, I will continue to avidly watch CM in season 4 through infinity!

    What's with this third season? MP left and now the network honchos are being so unreasonable? I thought it was the terrible twos, not the terrible threes! LOL

  31. Kisses & Hugs to all the cast, crew and writers.

  32. AMPTP members should be ashamed.

  33. CM fans in solidarity with CM writers 100%. I won't download anything till this is over. No movies. No nada!

  34. What's make CM such a great tv show are those who work on it from the writers to the actors to the crew, each have contributed to CM success and I say thank you all by
    continually watching every week and in this difficult time, I do email the networks and sponsors to tell them how unhappy I am with this strike and I do let them know that I want the writers to get a fair deal.

    I also bought pencils, I do not plan on watching whatever the network will be putting on when all the scripts runs out. No reality tv for me. I won't be downloading from network sites or watch video or go to their sites or even buy DVD's. They won't get any money from me.

    To everyone who are involved in the making of CM, I will be back watching when this is all over so hang in there people this fan is 100% behind you.

  35. I never bothered to know who the writers of any tv show were before CM. They have my full support.


  36. This was AOL's word of the day:

    rapprochement \rap-rosh-MAWN\, noun:
    The establishment or state of cordial relations.

    Definately an interesting choice given the present situation.

    100% to ALL THE TALENT!

  37. I wanted to show my support for United Hollywood but when the comment section opened up I was disgusted at the back biting that was going on over there. I hope our writers are being supportive of each other and not slicing each other apart like over there. They have my best wishes and full support.

  38. Reality TV makes me sick. I am doing my best to support the writers!


  39. I agree! Reality tv sucks!

    Here is an idea for a reality show that could be good.....Studio owner for a day. Lets get rid of the ones we have now.

  40. I don't think they should strike anymore. I don't see the point in it. The world knows they aren't writing anymore. Every fan of every show knows the issues. I think they should go home and wait for the AMPTP to blink. The AMPTP isn't ready yet to make the offer they will eventually make to end this. Why bother striking?

  41. To keep attention on the issues and heat on the other side to restart negotiations would be my guess. I which there was more we could do to help.

  42. i love criminal,s the only show i watch on wed. night.give the wrights what they want .so we can have more shows this season.

  43. I love the show and want new episodes but I agree with the strike. They deserve fair pay!!!

  44. I agree that they deserve everything that they are asking for but they need a new game plan. They are trying to deal with the devil by sending pencils. The devil doesn't care about pencils.

  45. Nice to see the actors support the writers.

  46. If you think the comments on United Hollywood are bad then you should read the one on that Finke blog. If the WGA writers can't agree between themselves then how are they going to hold out for a fair deal.

    I think we can forget season three which is okay with me but I think if they don't get it together soon then we are also going to be writing off season four.

  47. There are no words to express how disappointed I am with the current actions of the AMPTP. I expected better behavior from grown-ups.

    The most eye-opening thing about this strike has been realizing what a massive role the writers have. It should be obvious - you can't have an awesome show without awesome writers! They are the foundation on which all else is built. So CM writers - hang in there! I can boycott 'till the cows come home - it's been great for my budget, and trust me, I've got pleeeeeeenty of other things to do besides watch TV & see movies. (Of course, once you get a good contract I'll be glued to the set, 24/7! And buying lots of stuff I don't mean to buy! I'm easily brainwashed . . .)

  48. U Love them all, WE truly do have a great show and I wish the best for them on the screen and behind

  49. Oh yeah, they ALL make the show.
    Without this staff we wouldn't have such a great show.
    Let's keep together and hope they can soon continue their awesome work.

    CU sindee
