Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Criminal Minds Blog Notes: We have our normal episode chat this evening after Criminal Minds airs on the east coast. The members of the Criminal Minds Conversation group have been posting up a storm these last few weeks. Thanks to the moderators of that group for all their efforts. The Kirsten Vangsness Fan Yahoo group re-opened after a special request and that group is reassembling. Thanks again to the moderators of that group. We had a troll in the Criminal Minds Fanatic website this morning and a few days ago but strikes tend to make things like that happen and I appreciate the immediate action of the mods of that group for stopping it so quickly. We have a few more auctions in the works to benefit the Assistance Fund. More about that in a few days. Lee, who runs a great MGG group, is pregnant and I tried to get her to allow us to auction off the naming of the baby but she refused. I think she was afraid we would name her future son after some serial killer. I hope everyone is busy calling advertisers, CBS and Disney. I think that covers everything. Lets us this thread to touch base with each other. How is everybody? Anything new in your life?


  1. What's new here....

    Just got our power back on 1/2 hour ago after losing it for two days in a really big snowstorm (yeah yeah, and my first priority is to pop on CMF...hehe....can't help it, I've been through withdrawal).

    All fridge food spoiled, going on a large grocery-shopping trip in a little bit.

    Classes are over for the winter semester at university. Whoot! Just have two more exams to get through and two more papers to get done and it'll be some much-needed relaxation pour moi for the rest of the month.

  2. Yeah, that above? That was idea why it didn't take my name.

  3. Baby Names:

    Bernie (like Bernero)
    Fisher (after my fav episode)
    Garcia (could be a boy's name)


  4. Terrible news about the storm and wasted food Kim! So sorry.

    Things are super quiet here. The kids are spending the week with my in-laws and I am busy cleaning the house getting ready for Santa time.

    I think naming the baby is a great way to make money for the crew. I'd buy a chance.

    I like the name Ed because of Mr.Bernero and my name.

  5. I am in $20 if she names him Hotch.

  6. I'm officially published! My holiday romance short story came out in a winter anthology yesterday. And my novel is supposed to be released next Tuesday ... although I'm still waiting for the final final edits. (The joy and torture of e-publishing is that they can work this tight.) Waiting very patiently. Yes, I am. Being patient. Very. Patient.

    (runs off to check e-mail box again)

  7. Lin,

    How can we buy what you wrote? I would love to support a fellow CM lover!

    Busy studying for the last of my exams then I am going back home to crash in bed for weeks!

    Baby Names: Steven, Steve or Stephen.

  8. Christmas shopping and getting the house ready for out of town company. I baked cookies for hours last night and froze them. I love this time of year.

  9. I am sicker than a dog. And I'm still trying to finish another chapter in my book ( going sooooo slowly), and trying to parent three kids while vomiting. In other words, I've been better. I came here for a moment of peace.

  10. Well, my sister and I wasnt speaking for almost entire year but now we are on speaking terms again she moved away to Connecticut and I went on vacation to visit her and spend at least six to seven days with her, she was so happy and she said that she missed me and I missed her and she cant wait to move back home because its not what she thought it would be and she will be back as soon as her six months at her job is up and then she can transfer back home. And another thing I saved $30+ at New Yirk & Company. lol

  11. New York & Company,.. sorry

  12. My due date was yesterday. If the child doesn't come out soon I am going to lose my mind and kill my husband. If there is one female on the jury I will be found not guilty by reason of the longest pregnancy in the history of the world. The older kids are all being very supportive and my husband keeps telling me that it will be over soon. If he was smart he would go to sleep in the garage.

    I am miserable. I did buy pencils but no calls today. In my mood the calls would have been too ugly to aid the cause.

    And thank you for not trying to name my baby. Do Lee's baby. We already have everything with her initials on it.

    Love my CM friends.....but not my husband!

  13. If she likes Gubler then how about Alvin!

  14. Alicia is now officially my NEW best friend! I totally feel her pain. I was overdue with #1 and had already hated my husband for like 7 months. And as much as I love the name suggestions you are all sending me, we also have a name picked out and it is very definite. Spencer. I mean heck, half of you gotta love it right?

    We however do not have a middle name...


  15. Does that mean we can bid on the middle name of the baby???

    Okay $20.00 US if it's middle name is Walsh.

  16. No, no bidding, but I love the suggestions. I actually really like Walsh. Spencer Walsh sounds good.


  17. Classes end next week and then I head back to NJ. I'm anxious to see my family and friends.

  18. Things w/ me are going well. I may be getting a promotion at work. It's between me and one other person. Fingers crossed for me please!

    Started X-mas shopping which I love. I seem to have a really long list this year and I'm not sure what to get for everyone but it is fun looking around.

  19. I've decided that I can't work any more OT. It wore me out (Did 8 hours one week, and 16 the next). I'm ticked at my work right now, as apparently there are to many people working in morning, so some people are being pushed back. I am one of them. My Qualities (graded scores on calls) havent been the greatest. I have GOT to do better.

    Kitty Reid is getting big! He's 6 months old now. I have my Christmas tree up, and he loves to climb it! I am putting branches back in the slots almost every other day!

  20. Hello Lee runs an MGG site. Why doesn't she name the baby Matthew? It means Gift of Jehovah in Hebrew. Fitting I think. Female variations are Mattea or Mathia.

    MGG is voicing Simon not Alvin.

    As for what I've been up to...well about 5ft.3in. *g* Yes I'm short.
    I feel an the ice outside of my local Wal-mart while doing my Christmas shopping, so I've been hopping around all night. I have a Christmas party to go tomorrow, and my niece is spending Friday and Saturday night with me. She needs a break from her younger siblings. We are going to make ice cream sundays and watch Christmas movies. I've got most of my shopping done, thank God, and as long as the ice doesn't kill me it will be a good holiday.

  21. Lee,
    Spencer means dispenser of provisions in the Middle English. Just in case you didn't know. Sorry names are a bit of a hobby. No Frank in NWO references please.

  22. Nothing new to report here either, just that it snowed on Saturday and it is really cold. I am almost done with my christmas shopping, my room looks like santa's village with all the presents ;-) Kim I can feel your pain with the power outage. We had one on the Cape and I lost my fridge for 3 weeks. Which was not fun at all with melted ice cream and food.
    I hope you all are well and I will chat with you all soon.

  23. Just don't name the baby Les. *g*

  24. Angel I can't name the baby Matthew because that is my baby nephews name and that would be weird. LOL. I promise not to name the baby Frank or Les. You guys are great!


  25. Each one of my girls were going to be Spencer if they had been a boy. Spencer tracy is one of my all time favorite actors, and they were all born before CM came on the air. So, Lee, I think Spencer is perfect. THe fact MGG pays a Spencer is just a bonus in my book.

  26. We've had two solid days of rain and it is really hard driving on the flooding side streets. I wanted to start my shopping for Christmas but I am going to need a ark.

    Everything else here is really good.

  27. Spencer?

    That's cute. Frank is fitting for a CM name. They use the name alot. You could use one of the other character's names for a middle name.

    Spencer Morgan
    Spencer Hotchly
    Spencer Derek

    All's well with me and mine. Waiting for winter to set in. Kids have been busy with their studies. Hubby is working lots of overtime which will come in handy. I'm thinking about going back to work which scares me but is also exciting at the same time.

  28. I've been drawing the past few days. I seem to have found my muse again.

    Alvin, Simon, Theodore!

  29. shemarmoore37:

    That is wonderful that you have reconnected with your sister. I have five siblings and we are very close.

  30. I wish the weather would cool down here. I would love snow. I am flying home for the holidays and hope to do some skiing. I bought my airline tickets last night.

  31. Hi Lee,

    What about calling him Spencer and Reid for his middle name. Kinda cute, don't you think? Only joking.

    Visited the in laws on Boxing Day. Ate and drank quite a bit.
