Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Criminal Minds Spoiler & Discussion thread for "Penelope"."Penelope"-The team unites to determine if Garcia's life is being threatened by a serial killer, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, October 15th (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler, A.J. Cook and Kirsten Vangsness. Writter: Chris Mundy. Producer: Felix Enriquez Alcalá. Nicholas Brendon ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") Guest Stars. Episode info courtesy of


***This is the original spoiler thread for the episode. Add comments if you want. ***


  1. Somebody last week pointed out that because of the strike we could have been left hanging to see what happens to Garcia. I can't begin to imagine how sucky that would have been. Waiting a week has been bad enough. This is sweeps season and I think that we are going to have this story drag on for a few episodes.

  2. The strike could have screwed us up or they could have used this as the season finale cliffhanger which would have taken the word suck to a whole new plane.

  3. I think she dies. I have the feeling that the reason they were so quick to remove that who no longer name with Joe Mantegna is because KV was getting ready to leave also. I hope I am wrong because I love Garcia.

  4. Killing off Garcia will never happen. It would devastasting to me and all the fans of CM. Never happen!

  5. We know that they are introducing Nick B, as her new love interest tonight so she must live.

    I think we are going to see a very intense episode and hopefully find out why it was Garcia who was shot. I also think we are going to see Morgan find the sob and feed him his own colon!

  6. I know that in the episode we'll find out more about Garcia's background story. There are a few flashbacks showing her as 5, 9 and 20-year-old Garcia. And YES, SHE WILL LIVE! I know that. ;)

  7. There's no way they will kill of Garcia. She brings all the humour to the show. The show would be too depressing without that. Also even if they were planning to kill off Garcia i'm they would've changed there minds after MP left.
    Can't wait for tonights episode!!!

  8. She better live or else!
    Just kidding, I think she will
    live and I really can't wait to see the episode tonight.

  9. LIVE...LIVE...LIVE...! Garcia will live, but will have a traumatic emotional turmoil to overcome.

    But...We will help her through!!!

  10. I think she'll live, but where have you seen flashbacks of her as a child and that Nick B is her new love interest? Thanks for sharing the info, but I wish I could find that information. I'm not savy on the computer! I can't wait until tonight! Today is my 14th wedding anniversary and my understanding man will be cuddled up next to me watching my favorite show!!
    Bonnie T.

  11. Bonnie,

    That is all over the internet but then again there are lots of spoilers that range from she dies to she meets the man of her dreams. So who knows. Just a few more hours and we all find out.

  12. I've read all the spoilers, so I know she'll live, and honestly: the idea that she could die hadn't even friggin' crossed my mind!

    No, I'm glad our writers and producers have more sense than that. I love Thomas Gibson too much to put any real force behind my words, but if they'd killed off Garcia I'd have to think twice about watching CM ever again... *shudders*

  13. I think the unsub shoots her out of revenge for something. There's no sexual component to the shooting act and there is no sadistic component such as torture, also there was no challenge to the act like in "Open Season," so revenge is the likely conclusion. It could be a relative of an unsub the team busted or something like that.

  14. Maybe the spoilers that have been leaked by cbs are a diversion or misdirection.

  15. NO ONE could ever replace Garcia; she is such a bright spark in an otherwise dark show that they just couldn't do that. Besides, if the writers were planning to kill her off, we'd have found out long before now.

  16. I highly doubt the leaked spoilers are fake, and if they are, that's one big mislead.

  17. One of the spoilers I saw yesterday said she has been targeted by a serial killer. If you remember her conversation with Emily in "Lucky" Garcia refers to the "coffee shop I go to every day" so if it was a revenge or a stalking issue, Colby could have easily watched her for a long time, and probably overheard a reference to computers, or asked around and some innocent person thinking he was interested could have mentioned she was a computer tech.

  18. I just voted on her outcome. How dare some people vote that she dies! How can you not like her! Only 2 1/2 hours to go! (And I am NOT turning off my computer, my internet connection is working and I am keeping it that way!)

  19. i sure hope garcia lives or else the show would just suck! somebody tell me what the outcome is.. i cant watch it tonigtht and i really wanna know what happens!!!

  20. Did they cancel the episode? I just got a google alert that says they are subbing a repeat.

  21. Penelope is on! I got that alert too. Thank God.

  22. OMG ... Who else is bawling their eyes out????

  23. OMG GARCIA! She's really hurt. She's seriously hurt.

  24. Defib...what the hell! She's not just hurt. She's really hurt bad. I can't breath. Her flashbacks started and then the damn commercials started. Damn it. Who wrote this episode? OMG!

  25. THANK GOD she is going to be alright. She said she never saw it coming. We never did either. Sheing telling Morgan that it was the man in the coffee shop.

    I want to cry. She just said she thought he liked her. OMG I am crying.

    Morgan is on crazy mode.

  26. Rossi says it is her fault because she dresses and acts differently. SOB!

    Reid trying to calm down Morgan is not going to work. Poor Derek. Talking about how it is his voice because they could have been hanging out together and she would have been safe.

    She could hear the song Heroes in her head.

    This is amazing. Just the best. Kirsten is amazing.

  27. I don't see things like you guys do. I don't see danger. -Garcia

    Poor thing. She feels stupid. Morgan is trying to hold it together.

  28. The shooter goes back to the scene and finds out she is still alive. This episode has my blood pressure skyhigh. Why do we have so many ads. Jeez!

  29. Chris Mundy wrote it. Nicely done but it should have come with a warning label!

  30. Morgan and Reid are getting info from Garcia. She says she is feeling exposed. Hell ya baby. You just got shot and used. The flashbacks to the date are great. And our Girl knows a fake rolex. She is amazing.

  31. Reid gets that he knows legal terms but doesn't use it correctly. The profiling of the guy is awesome. They are checking bar association records. James Colby Baylor. Computer problems because Garcia is not there to do it. I'm beside myself.

    They are asking Garcia for her password because there is an encryted file on her computer. She has been suspended. The BAU is off the case.

    Morgan is going nuts. He is going to keep working on the case but they think she is up to do anything illegal.

    Prentiss sticks up for Garcia.

  32. She was protecting her team because she felt responsible for Elle getting shot.

    Mundy rules the planet!

  33. Her parents died when she was 18 because of a drunk driver.

    Morgan is not going to leave her.

    Great so far.

    He tells Garcia he loves her. She's crying and so am I.

  34. He said he loves her.

    I am a puddle of tears.

  35. Garcia is toooooo cute the way she almost starts to cry when Morgan says, "I love you".

  36. The cop watching her house just got shot but the creep. I want him to die a painful death.

    Morgan is going nuts.

  37. Oh my gosh, I'm crying.. .Morgan said he loves her....

  38. Morgan is SOOO freaking awesome!! He just takes control and so protective and mmm... turn on. Love him love him love him!! My god I hope that he and Garcia end up together.

  39. Rossi just thinks she attracted her victim by the things she did in her personal life.

  40. They found out who it is. Now they are profiling him. He is a first responder serial killer.

  41. The new guy and Garcia fighting over the computer system control... that was brilliant.

  42. They should have had GARCIA crank off a round, but of course miss because she doesn't believe in guns & doesn't know how to shoot- when MORGAN came back in after chasing the shooter.

  43. The ass is now inside of the BAU and the hacker who replaced Garcia. Morgan said that if the guy thinks he is caught that he will go out in a blaze of glory and now he is inside the BAU.

  44. My stomach is in a knot.

  45. This guy is slick.

  46. Garcia sees what the dude is doing to her files. She is so smart. Now they know that he is in the BAU. Hotch sees him. Morgan warns them that the guy will start shooting.

    Hotch is going to confront him. Rossi and Hotch are trying to figure out how to get him out of that small crowded room.

  47. Morgan warns JJ. JJ is watching him. Garcia and everyone are heading over there. Rossi and Hotch have confronted him. JJ shot him through the glass door. F-in amazing. Go JJ!

  48. I never wanted you to have to do something like that- Garcia to JJ!

  49. Morgan and Garcia are going to get together.

  50. NO Garcia and the new guy are going to get together!!!

  51. YEAH YEAH YEAH!! They're sooo cute!! Kevin and Penelope!!

  52. GAH! TEH AWESOME!!! Yay Garcia backstory! Yay team love! Yay geek love! Awesome ep!

    (Ps. I is sad I could not get into the chatroom cause the password was changed again :( ooooh wel, this ep=love)

  53. This episode is one of my faves! I loved the computer chess between Garcia and nicholas Brendon's character! He should be a regular!Make him a permanent cast member! And I loved the surprisinf twist of JJ shooting the unsub!I love the sequence of her coming practically out of nowhere and taking a headshot through the glass door!hotch looked kinda pissed though! Or maybe that's just his straight face!All in all, Criminal Minds gets better and better!Can't wait until Frankie Muniz's guest spot next week!

  54. I loved this episode. I love this show. What are we going to do when the writers episodes run out.

  55. Kirsten Vangsness is freaking awesome. I love her so much.

  56. I'm trying desperately to get into the chat but can't get ahold of Jill or Stacy for the password. If anybody could let them know I've emailed that would be much appreciated!

    Show comments to come.

  57. I love it. Garcia and Morgan were really great together the "I love you" was so sweet.

    I guest no one could get into the chat room.
    I email three times nothing
    take care

  58. Best best best ep this season, it went like lightening and I wanted it to last for hours. This was action writing and acting at its best and the plot line was very clever and the growth of the characters as family was just lovely, specially JJ at the end. Wonderful ep!

  59. I loved this makes me wish there was a loved plus option in the poll. THis one was extraordindary they made Garcia be even more amazing than you can ever imagine. She counsels victim families. She is the awesome. I love her so much. Morgan was amazing. And I loved JJ in this one she was spectular. And I think Nicholas Brendon is so hot and think it's great for those two to get together. Oh OH and wise words from tonight.
    DO you believe everything happens for a reason. WOW so cool

  60. Best. Episode. Ever.

    Seriously. Paired with Lucky, best storyline ever.

    I have never felt so much emotion watching a show, not even with Profiler, Profiled.

    The beginning, heart wrenching. Kirsten plays an amazing shot-person. Watching the team come in, one by one, and then not being able to find Morgan. Thinking how Morgan has no idea. Heart wrenching. When Morgan finally arrives - bring out the kleenex.

    Every single moment with Morgan and Garcia was just....whew. Teary eye. Their hugs, the hand holding, Morgan holding the mirror for her. Morgan not leaving her alone, despite the police officer outside (good thing too!). Morgan saying he loved her (obviously not in that manner, but to me that is much more touching). Giving her the gun. Going back for her and almost getting shot by her.....and then just holding her. That little kiss on the forehead. Every little interaction between them was so touching. Watching Morgan in so much pain because he can't help her. Reid trying to calm him down and it's not working. I thought Morgan was going to tackle ROSSI for a moment there, it got pretty heated.

    Garcia saying she wasn't like them, she didn't think like them. She felt so bad. She was so scared and when she said she only wanted to be with them as that's who she trusted most - more kleenex please.

    JJ shooting him in the head, with the cool glass-shattering scene (they told us there would be), then there talk at the end. More kleenex.

    The scenes between Nick and Kirsten were hilarious. It was like a little game betweent them, I got a really good laugh. Finally she's met someone who hopefully isn't a psycho.

    To Chris - this is THE episode I've been waiting for for the longest time. For anyone who has been active enough to know me, they'll know I've been waiting for the Morgan/Garcia episdoe forever. And this was better than I ever could have asked for. Honestly. You have made my night, my week. Heck, I'll be watching this for a long time to come.

    Seeing as I'm not likely getting into chat tonight, I think I'm going to head out and watch it again.

  61. "We don't touch any new cases until we find out who did this."

    Totally the best scene in the episode.

    Incredible job by all the actors. Amazing episode.

  62. Hello remind me never to piss off J.J. and oh my gosh I just about jumped out of my skin when I thought Garcia was going to shot Morgan. I cried when Morgan told her he loved her and I knew he was going to be kicking himself for not answering his phone. I love the idea of Morgan and Garcia getting together someday. That would be so cool. She will simply have to break computer nerd boys heart. Sorry, but deep down everyone knows that Morgan is her true love. I can't wait to see how Morgan's new found faith is going to effect him.
    If the rest of the season is anything like these last 2 episodes we are in for a stellar season, provided we can get are writers back to work. Great job guys. Thanks to Ed and all the writers who have been joining us in the chats. They've been a blast.

  63. Garcia's password is "Gilman Street", does anyone know what that references?

    Wonderful episode. Garcia is pure love. Morgan was incredible. The whole two story arc was great.

  64. I hope that we see more of Nicholas Brendan. He was really good. The whole thing was great.

  65. Perfection.
    I loved it. My heart was in my throat. I was on the verge of tears. There was so much meaning in every scene. And they were all written and portrayed beautifully.

    Every week I think it just can't get any better and then the next week tops it. Amazing.

    Thank you to all involved!

  66. This is a great episode and I'm moving it close to the top of my list of best CM ever. Even though you knew "who dunnit" from the very still didn't REALLY know what was going on.

    Good interactions with all the team. I know a lot of people are not crazy about Rossi and I don't think his yelling at Garcia tonight will improve this. However, I hope they look at what he was doing and why.

    The others were all too close to the situation...they needed to protect her. They've all been hard on other witnesses when necessary, but it't too hard when it's family. Rossi really was the only one who could do what needed to be done. He had to get her focused and do it now. That's what Rossi is all about...getting the job done, which he did. His methods are more "old style"....but sometimes that's what it takes.

  67. I really, really loved the end with JJ saving the day and Garcia realizing how difficult it could be for her. So nice to see how close they are through all these scenes tonight.

  68. Very perceptive Phoenix. I love that.

  69. Wonderful episode. They are such a family except for Rossi. He was the only one not so close to the situation that he could do what needed to be done. When he got in her face he was trying to help. It was necessary.

    "Hey, silly girl, you know I love you, right?" Oh Morgan! I think he loves her like a sister but hearing him say that made me tear.

    This was a really great episode. I can't get over how incredible Kirsten was in this one. She is always great but tonight we got to see her act in a large part and she did the best job ever.


  70. Cried up through the first commercial. I knew she was going to live, but it was just such a lurch seeing her in surgery. Watching the team gather outside so helpless was something else again. Then when she woke up, to listen to them asking her questions it emphasized how different she is from them, but how much she is one of them at the same time.

    Yay for Garcia backstory! That was the most we've learned about her I think. And although I was (very) touched by Morgan telling her he loved her, I was more touched by her admission that she was keeping all the information about the team in a protected file ever since Elle got shot because she didn't want anyone to be able to get to them.

    The duel of the computer hackers: most excellent! And I LOVED Prentiss's line while it was going on when Morgan (I think) asked, "What is she doing in there?" Prentiss walked by flipping through a magazine and said, "Do you REALLY want to know?" The other best line of the night I can't remember verbatim, unfortunately, but it belonged to JJ after she shot the unsub and after Garcia told her she was sorry JJ ever had to do that. JJ said something to the effect that she wouldn't hesitate to do it for family, even though you could see she was obviously very affected by it...someone correct me on that quote. It was awesome, really brought home how close they all are.

    The episode was amazing all the way through. It was creepy to see the shooter always one step ahead of them, watching them, practically stalking Garcia and them with their hands half tied behind their backs. Seeing Morgan come through as Garcia's protector was great, but seeing JJ come through as (pretty much) her hero was amazing. And the new love interest? GREAT!

  71. Great episode. Totally had me on the edge of my seat. I loved that J.J. got to kill the creep. She had her first kill and did it for her friend Garcia. J.J. is not just another pretty face.

    The suspense during this episode never let down for a second. There was not one wasted moment. Not one. This level of greatness is why I love this show.

  72. I swear, every week I'm blown away. This show only seems to get better.

    This episode reminded me of L.D.S.K. with J.J. getting her first kill, and shooting the creep in the head.

    I love Garcia! And I'm glad she met a guy... :)))) *yay for nerd love!*

  73. Gee, reading these comments is like having a play-by-play announcer or a commercial-by-commercial announcer!

    This was a wonderful epi. I thought I saw in the flahsback scenes of Garcia as a little girl, the Golden Gate Bridge. And then when she mentioned that her parents were hippies, it made sense because Northern CA was where they all congregated way back when.

    We got Garcia backstory, dropping out of Cal Tech and going underground, teaching herself code and becoming a hacker and being recruited into the FBI because of her fearsome hacking skills. She encrypted files, making everyone suspicious of her, but finding out it was to protect the team if anyone ever got into her system again. I love how JJ and Emily stood up for her when that IA guy was taking her office apart--they guy who played Eckle on CSI is good at playing annoying, unlikable bureaucrats!

    The scene where Garcia lures Nicholas Brendan into following her through the system and then shutting him down--wonderful and then at he end when she tells him that he is good and he says that she is better, was love. Garcia is THE BEST.

    I agree with Phoenix about Rossi "yelling" at Garcia. He needed her to focus and the others were too close to try to get those details out of her. He was the only one who could do it. And, it worked. She remembered the UNSUB sitting with his back to the wall, him not wearing his seatbelt in the car, but having it buckled underneath him, all details they needed to figure this guy out.

    JJ rocked. She nailed the UNSUB through the glass and into his forehead. Garcia was so upset that JJ had to do that, but JJ said that you do anything for your family, which shows how much they mean to each other.

    I also noticed how much more feeling and comfortable Prentiss is with the rest of the team. She saw how upset JJ was at the hospital and reached over and took her hand. She wouldn't have felt sure enough of herself or her place on the team to do that last year.

    Chris Mundy did a supurb job writing this episode, which segue's into our plea to the networks and production companies to give the writer's what they want! They are so talented and we need them back writing fabulous episodes like Lucky and Penelope!

  74. Penelope is now on my favorites list. We had so many cookies in this one I almost need a glass of milk.

    The reference back to Fisher King One and Elle being shot was magnificent. Garcia handled her feelings of guilt by putting her job on the line again but this time to create a way to protect them from ever being stalked again. Magnificent.

    They truly are a family and tonight they hammered that home. Rossi stands on the outside but isn't that to be expected since he is new?

  75. OMG you guys
    I think I went through every emotion that a person could go through I was sick feeling when Garcia was on the table and I saw the flashbacks etc. Then I was happy when she was gona make it and be ok. Then I was ticked when they wanted to try and accuse her of doing something wrong instead of finding out who shot herthey were tring to invesigate her. Then was hot again when Hotch suspended her and Rossi got in her face. Then I was cring when Morgan said he loved her and that whole scene. Then I was scared when the Unsub was in the BAU I thought for sure he was gona outfox them. then I was excited again when JJ shot the SOB.Got so distracted when Garcia met Kevin that I wasnt watching where I was going and tripped over my sewing box . I loved the Computer tag scnene I was laughing through the whole scene.

    Chris Mundy Rocks in this epi Love that last name Mundy Reminds me of the teddy scare bear that has a similar name.

  76. Chris Mundy- I want to mind-meld with you. You always write the BEST emotional JJ scenes.

    Amazing work all around by the cast, but I especially want to note Kirsten, Shemar and AJ. Awesome.

    This show gets better and better.

  77. Couple other things I forgot to mention:

    (1) I love Nicky Brendon. It's so awesome to get to see my Xander-shaped friend back on TV. He has been missed and IMO, would be a welcome occasional addition.

    (2) I think the way this shows portrays the relationship between the women on the team is refreshing. They protect and back each other up. Nothing pounded that home more than the Prentiss/JJ hand squeeze and the JJ comment about "family". It is so nice to see women who love and support each other. Please give us a lot more of that.

  78. I just finished watching this one and it was such a great episode. I was platered to the tv. I love when the whole group gets together and has "family" time. Because everyone except for Rossi have been together for a while, it was nice to see Rossi push Garcia to talk.

    I'm so happy to know more of Garcia's past and how she got into the BAU.

    It was nice to see Morgan be a big brother/friend. I don't see them having any other "love" relationship other than that. It was fun at the end to see her and the computer guy connect too. If they had a would be a computer genius!!!! LOL!

    It made me so mad to see the cop die and then Morgan couldn't catch him.

    I love JJ and Garcia's friendship too.


  79. I think everyone did a good job with the episode. No overdramatic responses or revenge scenarios. In fact after many crises over the past year, the team was pretty subdued. Perhaps by now they are numb?? I am guessing the stories are showing that constant exposure to traumatic events eats away at them.

    Thank God Garcia’s injuries were not as serious as some have been in the past. I don’t imagine her walking away without some trust issues, but at least she is not on death’s door. In Garcia fashion her optimism shone through in the end. I hope nothing else happens to her like this….ever. She is the lonely light in the darkness. Good job Kirsten!

    On the technical side I liked the way they showed the unconscious Garcia and her flashbacks. It seemed very realistic-not like a dream sequence which usually seems fake.

    One little glitch...the doctor would not give information to non-family members about a patient's condition. They will to law enforcement, but the doc did not appear to know they were law enforcement and he did not ask.

    Good episode!

  80. I spent a week saying Why Garcia! What a great episode. Now we know that he was the investigating officer on three cases that Garcia had flagged on behalf of the victim's families and he thought Garcia was going to make the connection and nail him. Never saw that coming. Great thinking on his part because eventually she would have.

    Computer nerds unite. I loved them playing computer chess by hacking each other. Our Garcia is always going to win. I liked Nick B. We should try him out for awhile.

  81. Garcia has comic books. Loved seeing her apartment. I loved the family these profilers have become. Prentiss fits right in. Best episode ever.

  82. Best episode of the season so far, and one of the all-time best, I think.

    Geeks in love: even funnier than Reid trying to explain transference to the girl with her tongue down his throat. And also, finally, a romantic interest of one of the lead characters who is worthy of him or her! *g* Perfect.

    I love the women on this show. They are strong and sharp and they are friends, not romantic and professional rivals, and it is so nice to see believable female relationships on TV.

    Reid was a terrier in this ep. He was great. Everybody freaking out around him, and he keeps doing his job, quiet and low-key and relentless. And Emily cracking the case, noticing the tiny detail--her trademark.

    Tell me Rossi didn't actually more or less say that Garcia was asking for it because of the way she dresses? Oi.

    Child, you need to come into the new millennium, where it's not a woman's fault if a predator targets her. Ah well. He'll learn. And if he doesn't, he's good at his job, and he does bring some conflict to the narrative, no matter how annoying he is.

    Also, I totally loved Morgan's admission of love for Penelope, and all the subtext that carries. Because honestly, if he didn't care for her so much, he might date her. But then, Morgan's got some damage there.

    Also, Hotch maintains his tradition of the rules only applying to those who break them. Anybody else think there was a strong parallel to "Profiler, Profiled" in that? Once he knows Garcia is clean, he starts telling people how to break the rules.

    Also, the ending with the parallel to LDSK. I do love that the damsels in distress on this show, male or female, are really very good at taking care of themselves.


  83. I agree about the strength of our women. Great episode from start to finish.

    "She asked for it because of the way she dresses"? Can we trade Rossi for the computer geek please!

    JJ is tough, loyal and strong. We always knew she was but it was really nice to see it in action.

    Prentiss reaching for Garcia's hand to comfort her was great.

    Our women do rule the world.

  84. You could have heard a pin drop in my house while we watched the episode. Wonderful.

  85. Wow. Great, great, great episode. Yay for Garcia backstory.

    Amazing writing, amazing interaction for all the characters. How everybody reacted differently was great.

    Greatly written, greatly acted. Our show at its best. *love*

    I don't think that Rossi said she was asking for it by the way she dressed. He was just saying that she was noticeable, not that she deserved to be stalked. At least that's how I interpreted it.

    Screw you all. I like Rossi.

    Anyways, love the amazing effect on the flashbacks, and the way the episode just built and built until the final, glass-shattering conclusion.

    "You do everything to protect your family." Thematic statement of the entire goddamned show. So perfect.

    We're a family now. We've admitted it. Amazingness.

    Is it just me, or did that image of the revolver give anybody flashbacks to "Revelations"? TObias Hankel had a revolver.

    *weighs* Team member trauma, UNSUB with revolver. Team member trauma, UNSUB with a revolver.

    Correlative? Maybe?

    Or are The Writers screwing with my head again.

    Anyways, great episode. That is all can I really squeal about write now. I'm sure i'll think of more later.

  86. I'm in Criminal Minds Heaven!

    Chris Mundy- you are a god!

    I love all the cookies- Penelope's apartment, the references to previous episode, Morgan telling Garcia " I love you". All perfection!

    I really love seeing my Xander back on TV. So geeky Fantabulous.
    I really loved the game of Hacker Tag. And she totally won.

    Kirsten rules!!!

  87. Oh, and re, Pen's backstory?

    Set up all the way back to season 1.

    "You're on a list."

    God, I love my show.

  88. I was really surprised. This was a GREAT episode Chris. I was into it the whole time. I CAN NOT imagine this season ending because of the strike. I'm PRAYING they come to an agreement next week.

    Chris, I will seee you all on Monday. You guys are the best group of people and I'm so glad I got to meet you all!

  89. Well said, Phoenix. I didn't really think of Rossi's "interogation" of Garcia in that way. In fact, I really found myself disliking him during that scene but like the rest of the BAU, I have a soft spot for Garcia and I didn't want her put under anymore stress than she was already experiencing.

    I liked this episode alot and it was interesting to learn how Garcia was recruited to the FBI and it also explains why she's on a "list" with the CIA. I thought the scenes with Morgan, Reid, and Garcia were some of the most touching in the episode. Reid looked like he wanted to comfort Garcia but didn't seem to know how so he fell back on what he does best. Luckily, Morgan didn't have that problem and was really there for her. I knew he wasn't going to leave her all by herself so I wasn't surprised at all when he said he was going to camp out on the couch. I was scared to death that Garcia was going to end up shooting him when he came back from chasing the unsub though!

    Again, great episode and I'm looking forward to seeing how the Kevin/Garcia relationship works out.

  90. About Garcia's password.. she had flashbacks of being a little girl playing San Francisco, growing up in Northern California. Gilman Street is a well known street in Berkeley (which is across the bay, in case ya didn't know). There's a well known punk rock club there (I've been to a few shows), lots of interesting shops, etc. That's just my take on the password, that Garcia had some history in Berkeley when she was younger.

  91. i really love this one tonight. it kept me on the edge of my seat. i record it so i will watch it a few more times.

  92. WOW! I just finished watching this ep and I didn't think that the writers could get any better. For me, each of the episodes has been better than the last, gripping in different ways.

    I was in shock, teary-eyed, and glued to the screen...and that was just in the run up to the opening credits!!!!!

    OK so I figured out that our Garcia was going to be ok, but was good to see the backstory, to figure out what makes Garcia who she is. Still lots to learn and pick up on but it's a great start.

    Geek romance....oh yes!

    Yet another ratings winner, IMO

  93. Shira said:

    I don't think that Rossi said she was asking for it by the way she dressed. He was just saying that she was noticeable, not that she deserved to be stalked. At least that's how I interpreted it.

    Screw you all. I like Rossi.

    I completely agree with you, on both points. He did NOT say or even imply that she asked for because of the way she dressed. *gah* People need to listen to what's being said, not what they think they're hearing.

    And I like Rossi, too.

  94. OMG
    I loved everything about this episode.
    Having JJ killing the unsub instead of Morgan getting his hands on him was a great idea because no one was looking for that one.
    When Morgan said he would be staying on her couch until they found the unsub, I loved that Garcia went back to flirting with him "if you are planing to take advantage of me let me call my doctor so he could revive me"

  95. Great opening with Garcia being transported to the hospital and her memory flashbacks--golden gate bridge so she's from the San Francisco area, most likely.

    Hotch silencing JJ with a single look--and he's the emergency contact for Garcia? Probably for all of them as matociquala said. Wouldn't surprise me! The team unable to get a hold of Morgan--and his line at some point when he says the first time he goes to church in ages and is praying...Maybe it did help.

    LOVED Hotch in this ep--the whole "We're not touching any new cases until we find out who did this." line...and his working around the rules once he knows that Garcia wasn't doing anything wrong with that encrypted file--and that while she shouldn't be tagging files, well, it was for the good of others, not for herself and he can handle that. I know he hated having to suspend her, but there is only so much bucking of authority he can do and not get in trouble himself, which, of course, would do the team no good. Mom loves and protects his kids. *g*

    Morgan was great in this ep--interesting that he asked Garcia out and she turned him down (she had the other date and was probably still a bit pissed at him). I've always loved their interaction but tonight was so sweet--even when he's questioning her, you can see he cares. Loved the scene in the apartment--nice to hear him acknowledge that he loves her--she might know it but it is always good to hear it. And poor Garcia almost in tears.

    Reid was good too--interesting that as much as he's happy Garcia is okay, he seems to be the one guiding the questioning and such. I think he loves Garcia as a friend but was better able to distance himself, to control the situation and get done what needed to get done. Morgan was too close to the situation.

    I liked Rossi tonight too. And for the love of god, he was NOT saying that Garcia deserved what happened to her because of the way she dresses. People need to listen to what was said, NOT what they think they heard. He said it made her noticeable--and Hotch mentions the type of psycho that WOULD notice that and Rossi mentions serial killers who had that element. Trust me, if he'd been saying she deserved it cus of the way she dresses? Hotch would have Hotchalanched him into the ground. Rossi would be the one to notice that AND say it because to Hotch and the rest of the team? Garcia's "weird" is normal to them. That's how she always dresses...they wouldn't see that component of the victimology as quickly as Rossi, who is still a bit of the outsider.

    And Rossi with Garcia: Again, the rest of them are too close to her to really push her. It worked, more quickly than the mollycoddling they were doing with her. Again, I think that if Hotch felt it was inappropriate--he would've stopped it. While Rossi was framing it around how he hated being behind this guy, his concern was for Garcia--tough love of a sort. And it worked. But then I actually like Rossi, so I guess I just see things differently.

    Liked the scene with Rossi asking Morgan how his faith was. I think he cares about Morgan--he knows Morgan is having issues with it and with Morgan having been in the church, etc. It was an honest question, not snark. I do like watching Rossi and Morgan together--neither one will take bullshit off the other, and will call one another out on it.

    Garcia--KV was great in tonight's ep. It was great to find out so much of her backstory. (I'm pining away waiting for Hotch backstory. My luck, we'll never get it. *sigh*). I had a brief WTF moment when she said her parents were killed--but then realised that the stepfather thing still works. If she took his name, then she was either very young when her mother married him OR older but felt he was her father more than the biological one, so it still works for me. (Although I was wondering where her brothers were--but maybe they were step brothers and considerable older than her? I've got to stop my brain from worrying about these things. *ha* good luck with that.) The fact that the FBI recruited her--explains why she's on that CIA list. *g*

    Loved the "hacker war" with Geeky Tech Guy--and I SO knew she'd win...but he wasn't shabby either. And his getting in touch with her while the bad guy was standing next to him? Very good. Oh, and Ecklie from CSI--he plays officious little pricks so very well. (Loved Morticia and JJ defending Garcia to him.) And the ending with GTG and Garcia--it would be cool if they have him be a recurring character as a love interest for Garcia. We don't need any more regular cast members. (And Nicholas Brendon was in the movie Psycho Beach Party with Thomas Gibson. <--random factoid.)

    JJ was good tonight too--totally about her team, her family. And...she got her first kill tonight, the headshot--made me think of LDSK.

    This was a great ep. It doesn't make it onto my top five, but is definitely in my top ten. *G*

  96. I 100% agree that Rossi in no way implied that Garcia got what she deserved. His job is to analyze situations. He was simply grasping at straws as to why she might have been chosen, saying that she DOES stand out in a crowd because of her appearance. But he almost immediately admitted to misgivings with that notion, when he expressed doubt that the unsub would have randomly chosen an FBI agent.

    I loved tonight's episode. Everything about it was pretty much perfect. I was screaming at Morgan--"call out to her! Let her know it's you!!!" I was so glad he didn't get shot!!!

  97. Wow - what a fantastic episode.

    When I first heard about this storyline I was worried it would make the show sickly sentimental and over the top - but it was beautifully handled. A lot of fans said they wanted to see Morgan tackle this guy into oblivion, but that would have been a comic book story and not the intelligent writing we have come to expect.

    There was just the right amount of emotion tied in with a nail biting plot.

    With regards to Rossi - I don't think he was suggesting for a moment that Garcia was targeted because of the way she dresses. He was pointing out that she is noticeable. She would not have been chosen at random. And he needed to be harsh with her to get her to remember. He knew the others wouldn't find it easy to needle her, so he did it.

    And I have to say that I bounced up and down in my chair at the most excellent geekiness of Xander. How fantastic to see him on this show and I hope we see him again.

  98. Aww, Stacy. Now you know how the few of us who liked Prentiss from the very start felt in her defense. Take heart! She proved out in the end. Maybe Rossi can too.

    (He's certainly a good *profiler,* and seems to get people with ease and accuracy, assessing their characters and processing and discarding theories faster than just about anybody else on the team.)

    The thing with Rossi--and the reason, I think, that he gets up my nose so badly--is not only is he arrogant and autocratic (Gideon, also, was arrogant and autocratic), it's because his major mode of dealing with anything seems to be to hit it with both feet. Confrontation is what he's got. It's his default. He's a cowboy: hit it first and hardest. Shoot to kill.

    Not an unrealistic character AT ALL, especially in law enforcement, nor an ineffective one. It's a defense mechanism, after all. But I think I'll find him a lot less irritating when he settles in enough to mellow out about turning that aggressiveness and tendency to seize control on the rest of the team.

    (I don't have a lot of tolerance for posturing alpha males, I'm afraid. Too much work in male-dominated fields. I've had to work for too many Rossis. I much prefer the Hotch I-have-nothing-to-prove variety of leadership. And Rossi has to be feeling, right now, as if he has a ton to prove. But I have faith in this writing room, and I have faith that he CAN learn. And Joe Mantegna is doing a very nice job with a difficult character, I should say.)

    I very much liked the way he was obviously still an outsider in all of the scenes where the team is interacting in any way other than immediately dealing with the case at hand. There's Prentiss squeezing Jaje's hand, and Reid all scrunched up into himself on the coach across from them--and Rossi standing apart and fiddling his bracelet-of-obsession. That's an excellent directorial choice.

    Another reason I love this fandom: I've noticed with other shows that it's new female characters who tend to get all the resentment and dislike when they first show up. Here in CM fandom, we hate all change equally, and will argue both sides of any issue.

  99. I totally agree with the idea that Rossi was doing what needed to be done. The others are way too close to the situation. They love Garcia. Rossi is new and still trying to fit in and figure her out. He isn't part of the family yet. And he got the info they needed to help find the guy in the end, because he got Garcia thinking of what was off about the guy she was dating. But then, I am beginning to like Rossi, too.

  100. I really really liked this ep. Very engrossing from start to finish. I loved the way the unsub thought he was smarted than the BAU -- better ask somebody, son! Tight and right. Very good.

    And ohhhh -- I love Lynch! And the chemistry. And everything we know about him makes him perfect for Garcia. Yummmmm!

    (Plus bonus points to whoever named him, even if they don't know who Bryce Lynch is.)

    Altogther an A episode!

    That said -- I thought the scene where the cop was shot and Morgan went chasing was overly-contrived for drama. First, yes, stuff Garcia in a corner -- give her a damn phone and tell her to call 911 while she waits. It would have brought an ambulance for the cop and back up for Morgan two minutes faster. Maybe the cop was already dead, but they didn't know that. Plus if the unsub shoots Morgan, that leaves Garcia with who to protect her? And two -- if you give a woman a gun and tell her to shoot anyone who comes through the door -- stop at the door and say, "It's Morgan." This is just common sense stuff, and I can't believe Morgan was so sloppy. I understand they wanted the dramatic moment, but he's a professional, even in moments of stress. The habits would be ingrained, instinctive. I thought the way they played it was cheating. CM usually treats us like we're smarter than that.

  101. "if you give a woman a gun and tell her to shoot anyone who comes through the door -- stop at the door and say, "It's Morgan." This is just common sense stuff"

    but when morgan came back, he couldn't see garcia in the corner where he left her... if someone had been in the apartment with her and there was trouble, i don't think he would have run into the place yelling and screaming. if she was taken into a back room with another guy with a gun (since JCB was running off down the road by now, and maybe they hadn't suspected he wasn't working alone?) you probably wouldn't want to alert him to your presence and let him have the upper hand.

  102. I totally loved the episode last night!! I agree with Slashgirl about how Rossi was treating Garcia. I really like the way he goes about things. Joe Mantegna is a great addition to the cast!! Hotch gets better and better with every episode... love it :-)

  103. but when morgan came back, he couldn't see garcia in the corner where he left her... if someone had been in the apartment with her and there was trouble, i don't think he would have run into the place yelling and screaming. if she was taken into a back room with another guy with a gun (since JCB was running off down the road by now, and maybe they hadn't suspected he wasn't working alone?) you probably wouldn't want to alert him to your presence and let him have the upper hand.

    That's what I was thinking too. Looking at it from different scenarios....

    When Morgan came back in, he didn't see her because she wasn't where he told her to stay. He drew his gun, so he obviously thought something was wrong. The worst thing he could have done is call out to her. That would let any potential intruder know he was there and perhaps kill her on the spot. Secrecy and quiet was much better in this case.

    In Garcia's perspective, when she heard Morgan come back in, she had no idea if it was him or her attempted killer. And again, the last thing she would do is to call out to display her hiding spot to him.

    It was just a sucky situation for them both to be in, but I think that Morgan did the right thing by remaining quiet. I think he would have preferred putting himself at a higher level of risk (from a gunshot by Garcia) than to put her in immediate danger by calling out.

  104. I have a question. Was Rossi holding a rosary or was it that bracelet? I couldn't see it that well.

    Someone please answer because it is bothering me.

  105. Just finished watching the show!! It was perfect. I just can't believe it.

    This is exactly why I watch the show. The women for once are not portrayed as victims. Garcia asked not to be referred or thought of as a victim and I loved that. And JJ at the end was the one to shoot that guy. Perfect - she was protecting her girlfriend her family.

    This ep will probably become one of my favourites. Till now REVELATIONS was my favourite but this ep was really something too. My heart was pounding for most of the time.

    And Reid looked great tonight (Ok had to say that)

  106. Bear said:

    Aww, Stacy. Now you know how the few of us who liked Prentiss from the very start felt in her defense. Take heart! She proved out in the end. Maybe Rossi can too.

    Rossi already has (and you're assuming that I feel like Morticia has "proved out in the end"). At least he was a profiler when he came onto the team. And yes, he weasled his way back but at least he could do the job, unlike Morticia. She didn't get onto the team solely on merit--she had help, whether it was from Strauss or Ambassador Prentiss, it doesn't matter much because she got in under false pretences and yeah. Still bugs me. Probably always will. *shrug* (And if she hates politics so much, why would she bother going back once she realised what had happened?)

    I guess the only good thing is that I'm not thrown out of the story anymore when Morticia opens her mouth.

    I think that even with all the flaws you perceive Rossi to have, he's far better and less annoying than Morticia.

  107. Nicholas Brendon would be a great addition to the cast. Some more young and good looking blood on the show. I vote that we keep him.

  108. I agree that we should keep Nick! I liked computer geek Kevin Lynch and Garcia deserves a good guy to date! Of course Gubler will have to share his fan base!

    Loved the episode. The family closed ranks and soon I do think that will include Rossi. They just don't share the trust and confidence with him yet but that will come. Prentiss was new not too long ago and now she is an important part of the family.

    Great job by all involved.

  109. Knew Garcia would live, the show would not be the same without her. I think she met her new love. Hate Rossi, he seems so mean and have no people skills. It seems that Hotch clinches his teeth everytime Rossi says something harsh.

  110. Xander!

    Casting department is rocking the roof this season. Next week Malcolm in the Middle! Can't wait to see who else they sign to guest star.


  111. I loved this episode soo much! Morgan was amazing...actually they all were. I thought Rossi was holding the bracelet too. I also was thinking that Rossi was the only one able to push Garcia enough to get answers to her killer and it wasn't done for anyother reason. I kind of am starting to like him. It was so sweet how Morgan took Garcia home and the I love you's were said. I love the deep affection/protection they have for eachother and never saw it as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.I question why he didn't call 911,but in the heat of the moment he only wanted to catch the SOB. the computer tag was so funny. JJ being the one to end it was so awesome.
    I immediately rewatched it 'cuz I had to see it again! The writers and cast are beyond great and it is a shame that the rest of the season could be in jeopardy. It makes me so mad!! I need more!!

  112. Fantastic episode. The best ever (after Revelations, my obsession will never end, I'm afraid)
    The team was a real team, Garcia was amazing, and Rossi had to do the "dirty job", because he was less involved than the others and "felt" there was something else, the others could have been going on for ages, Penny wouldn't have spit the truth...
    Emily was great, JJ was expeditive, Hotch was dark and Morgan was sweet (eecept with Reid, what is the problem with him???)
    Last, but OF COURSE first in my heart there was a WONDERFUL Reid,
    he was so perfect I don't even need to talk about him.
    Oh, God I LLLLOVED so much it all it was so perfect...
    I've been spending my LIFE on the phone calling all the companies, writing support letters and mails, telling to the secretaries how I loved CM and how I wanted that the strike comes to a happy end...when I see an ep like this I think it fully worth the effort!

  113. Memo to the women of the BAU,if there's a homicidal unsub out there who knows your address, don't go home. Memo to the men of the BAU, don't mess with the women of the BAU.
    Loved this episode! It's nice to finally see a backstory on Garcia. Hmmmmm, hippie family in San Francisco, her stepdad isn't named Jerry,is it?????? I loved the interactions between Garcia and Morgan. He was profiling her while looking around her home! It must be weird to have a profiler/friend come over. Really, Morgan, that pile of laundry on the floor doesn't mean anything! :)
    Loved the feeling of family you get from this episode. They all care for each other so deeply. Hotch does seem like the "Mom",looking out for the "kids" and Rossi is becoming the stricter "Dad". I'm looking forward to further developments in all their relationships.

  114. I must say that at first I was not a Rossi fan, I missed my Gideon. However, he has grown on me, and now I like him.

    Sometimes, you have to be firm to get the answers that you need, that is what he did.

    I loved this episode, I love this show.

  115. To quote the other Eliza


    Makes up for having to deal with Rossi...

    Truely one of my favorites... Nick needs to be a regular on the show, he just shines.
    There is room in my heart for another geek :)

  116. I wasn't shocked that Garcia was alright but there were plenty of other shocks in the episode to make up for that one. The narcissist cop walking into the BAU blew me away. His level of arrogance was overwhelming and as a police officer even he had to know that it wasn't going to end well. Nice move for JJ. Protecting her family no matter what. Hotch was typically calm. Taking care of business once he knew she was okay. Morgan is pure delight. He always shows Garcia that he loves her but he really needed to know that she knew it. His feelings of guilt were a great opportunity for Reid to reach out. Great scenes. Great episode.

  117. I give this episode a great big "E" for EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS!! I suspected I would like this one, but it was INCREDIBLE!! I laughed, cried, jumped off the couch, clapped, screamed, squealed, and generally behaved like a madwoman the whole time (thanks goodness I can watch my CM alone or people would worry lol). And to think I was worried Garcia would just be laying on the operating table the entire episode Oh my gosh she was just soooooooooo amazing - everything and everyone was amazing. THANK YOU for an awesome episode!

  118. Ok, so like this epi of "Penelope" really had me on my toes, like literally! I went up and down hallways at work, up and down elevators, up and down chairs trying to reach the tv to find CBS 46 for Criminal Minds and I am telling you guys Wed. was one hell of a night I went thru chaos searching for a damn tv that showed CRIMINAL MINDS AND I am telling you I found it in the nick of time. But anywho as I was typing the epi for "Penelope" had me on my toes I was so like tuned in. I must say my favorite part was when Morgan told Garcia he loved her and Garcia was almost like in tears when her said that. And when Garcia told Morgan about if he try to take advantage of her she will have to call her doctor to revive her. ANYWHO I REALLY LOVE THIS EPI. Garcia/Morgan

  119. How many words are there to describe awesome! It was one of the best CM shows I have seen in while. I will definitely been ranking it in my top 5 favorite shows! The ending was the best! I didn't even know JJ had a gun! Let alone knew how to shoot one! When I saw her standing outside the door, with the gun I started to hyperventilate! (and thats not something I normally do!)

    It took me a couple of minutes to figure out why the IA guy looked so familiar! Eclie from CSI! (He always seems to play characters people hate!)

  120. Oh yeah. One other thing I wanted to say. Garcia's apartment definitely suits here taste!

  121. The thing Rossi toys with is a charm bracelet. Each charm has the name of a child on it. There are three of them, and they have to so with whatever "unfinished business" he has. In his first appearance, he played with it several times.

  122. Totally loved this episode. Probably my most favourite one of the season so far.

    The suspense was great and so was the cast. I have some favourite scenes of course!

    1) JJ shooting the unsub. GO JJ!!! I kind of hope that we see something come of her first kill. I'm sure it is a very emotional thing to go through even if you did do it for family. I just hope it doesn't get clouded over like the JJ and the dogs thing in Revelations.

    2) The JJ/Emily hand holding scene brought a bit of a tear to my eye. It was just perfect, no words needed to express what was happening. Awesome!

    3)I have to admit that my second favourite line (after the JJ family line) is when Prentiss and Morgan are discussing what Garcia is doing in the other room on her computer. Morgan-"What is she doing in there/" Emily-(while reading a comic)"Do you really want to know?"

    4)Finally, it was any scenes that had Nicholas in them. The hacker vs hacker, hacker help hacker and hacker love hacker was great!

    I feel the need however to also compliment the actor who portrayed everyone's least favourite character, the unsub played by Bailey Chase! Another former Buffy the Vampire Slayer actor.

  123. I Love this episode! I think it was so good that Garcia didn't spend majority of the episode in hospital. This is ranking in my fave CM episodes! I like Kevin's character, and do hope he comes back.

    I'm just wondering if they introduced his charcter as a potential love interest for Penelope to see how fans would react. I have a funny feeling he was added so it can make way for Prentis/Morgan...

    Overall, I love this episode, and the whole 'I love you' between Morgan and Penelope. Sibling love or not, I love that scene!

  124. I loved the episode.
    My favorite lines are from Garcia:
    “Wait, is David Bowie really God?”

    "If you're thinking of trying to take advantage of me, let me call my doctor so I can have him revive me afterwards"

    I also liked Prentiss line "don't worry about your reinstatement papers. He'll sign them as soon as his hands stop shaking"

    I expected to be moved by the Morgan/Garcia moments, and I was, but I thought the JJ/ Garcia moments were so touching. And JJ's statement that you do anything to protect your family made me cry...

    And to Parker
    Garcia's password may be a reference to the Alternative Music Foundation aka The 924 Gilman Street Project (the address). It's a all-ages, non profit collectively organized music club which showcases mostly punk rock (Green Day used to perform there)It has strict rules of no drugs, no alcohol, no violence and doesn't book racist, mysogynist, homophobic and major-label bands.

    I think these values may appeal to our beloved tech kitten or maybe she just likes punk music

  125. The episode was fantastic. I like Nicholas Brendan's character, but not as a romantic interest. I've heard a rumor that if his character was liked enough, they'd bring him in as a love interest for Garcia. I do not want that happening.

  126. I hate to say this but shooting thru glass makes the bullet change trajectory.

    I liked the episode and Rossi.

  127. After skimming the comments, I don't think anyone mentioned this so I MUST.

    Chris Mundy - You have just become the favorite writer for one of my best friends. For the simple fact that one of Garcia's lines will forever be remembered by her (and me).

    "And I kept wondering, is Bowie really God?"

    And to top it off with playing "Heroes" at the end...GENIUS!!! I commend your fantastic nod to the music legend. Although, I can't help but wonder, did Kirsten have anything to do with it? lol

    Even without that line, an awesome episode. Quite possibly the best yet.

  128. Am I the only one who noticed the in-joke at the end of the "chess game"?

  129. I liked this episode, but I liked Lucky better. I was hoping for even a little more Reid or Morgan with Garcia.

  130. I'm in the minority I don't want Kevin back or the actor that played him. Leave the status as it is. Don't add love interests, that is not why I watch this show at all. Yes I like the character interactions, but I do not want this to become who's sleeping with who. Then next you'll have who's carrying who's child etc etc. Going that route has turned me off of several shows.

    The episode as a whole was great. The hacker fight was hilarious as were several lines. Especially Prentiss's "do you really want to know". I love how she puts emphasis's on certain words. Her sir's or maam's just have the edge of A**hole to them its great.

    The handholding comfort in the hospital. Understated, no words. But it just works perfectly.

    JJ and Morgan being the one's that show the most effect of Garcia being shot.

    And I second or third don't mess with the female FBI agents that have guns, not a good idea.

  131. Tom, I thought the same thing about the bullet through the glass, but I try really hard not to take entertainment too seriously. I don't what to sound harsh or offensive, but I found that being in the medical field I would start saying "oh come on that's now how you do it, or that's not the right combo of meds to jump start a heart, etc..." It took the enjoyment out of the show, even it I was right. You know what I mean? I now just watch to be entertained and of course drool seeing TG do his thing!! On a serious note, have you ever thought about how the lines would be said with anyother actor or any of the current cast saying lame lines if not wriiten by our fabulous writers? Just a thought that it is the mix of both that bring these episodes to life.

  132. If you sit quietly you can probably still hear the egos of my squeals. Loved it. Loved the Garcia backstory. Loved the JJ/Garcia friendship. Loved the expressions on Reid's face. Loved that Prentis was so all over covering her girl. Loved that Hotch had to play the tough love dad and Rossi the cranky uncle (although, unlike a lot of people, i thought his comment about how she uses her individualism to be a compliment of sorts). Loved every single Morgan and Garcia moment (for some reason i particularly like when he told her to go to bed and she said "go, my love - be free" in a sort of meta you are off the emotional hook moment and he replied he wasnt going anywhere). Only thing i didnt like? The Kevin/Garcia hookup at the end and not just because he isnt Morgan. I just resented the geek-must-date-geek inference. As much as my Buffy beating heart loves Nicholas Brendon, i dont like the message that hooking her up with a fellow geek sends - "the only reason the hot guy went out with you was to shot you so stick to geeks". I didnt expect Morgan and Garcia to ride off in the sunset in this epi, but i also didnt expect the caste system stereotype to be perpetuated, either.

    None the less, i will just stop my video of the epi a minute early and call it my favorite! lol

  133. Interesting thought, Goonie. Just imagine what Tv could be if for once, just once, the non-cookie cutter girl was wooed by the handsome/hero guy who appreciated her for the fabulousness of who she was. No makeover, no conformance. Half of Tv is the hot wife/not your usual hotty hubby pairing, why not our Fantastic Girl and her Hot Man? Here's one vote for the already proven awesome writers of Criminal Minds to really shake up the status quo.

  134. Can anyone tell me what brand Garcias glasses that she wore on the episode where she got shot are?

  135. Even with knowing what was going to happen this second time around, I was still teary when Garcia was in surgery.

  136. i saw again tonight and i like it just much as the first time i saw it.

  137. I know it was a repeat, but I love Criminal Minds so much, even the repeats are like gold to me. I've never felt that way about any show.

  138. I rewatched this episode last night and loved it even more this time. Great episode.

  139. Can't wait to see this episode again!
