Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Criminal Minds: Please use this thread for comments and spoilers about Criminal Minds' episode "Doubt" starring Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Kirsten Vangsness, Paget Brewster, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Mandy Patinkin. Written by Chris Mundy. Directed by Gloria Muzio. Guest starring: Vince Grant, Anthony Diaz-Perez, Tyler Poelle, Angela Oh, Christina Haag, Amanda MacDonald, Kim Estes, Alexa Alemanni, Cole Moira Price, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Tori White, Shelly Cole,and Shawn Michael Patrick.

*** Screencaps and episode info are in separate posts below this one****

***Here is the original spoiler page for the episode*****


  1. The excitement is really building now, and I'm getting myself ready for a late night!!!!

    can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about the show, and no, I really don't mind spoilers!!

  2. I am so excited about tonight that I can't keep my mind on my work.

  3. Look at how sexy and beautiful Gube looks in the picture. Only 8 more hours till I get a Gube fix!

  4. i am very excited for the new season to start tonight. i have to tape it so when i get off at work and go home i can watch it. or i can have it on in a roon that i am working in i can peak at then,

  5. CM is going to kick butt against Private Practice and Bionic Remake Woman. Hurry up 9 o'clock!

  6. Isn't it a bit early for the spoiler post? I mean the episode hasn't even aired yet. But i can't wait! The promo pictures look awesome!

  7. Oh man oh man oh man! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not going to say anything as I dont want to ruin anything for all you in the USA who havent seen it yet, but it was great!!!

    You could tell where they edited the show. I like how Gideon kept seeing Sara (ok ok so I just said something there, but I wont say anything else!)

    The ending! oh man I was yelling at the TV!

    I definitely going to post again later, after you all have seen it, and say more about it!

  8. I hope everybody is as excited as I am!!!

  9. Oh! Its supposed to be at least 20 words. So again, I hope everybody is excited as I am!!!

    This is the moment we have been waiting all summer for.

    I listen to my radio all day while I was at work and they played the Criminal Minds promo at every commercial break. So I hope that encourages more people to watch the show. I hope the streets are empty at 9:00 PM because everbody will be at home in front of the TV.

  10. Well now we know how they are getting rid of Gideon. Sad but necessary. The episode was okay but I would have liked more of the case and less of the letter. I am still glad that show is back!

  11. Okay. Hotch was in the ep all of maybe 10 minutes. *glower* And absolutely NO Hotch/Reid scenes. Although he did get a good line in. When asked if he could hold off a lawayer, he said he'd been a prosecutor, he could hold the guy off for a week.

    There were no quotes with this ep. However, we did get Gideon writing a letter and his voice over reading that letter and he says that he knows "you" would be the one to find me. From a ocuple things he says later, I'm sure he means Reid. He goes on and on and on being all whiney and emo and full of self doubt and he says it's because of what happened to Sara--and he "sees her" several times on campus...but it works with the ep.

    So: at the end, when he finishes the letter, all they show us is Gideon fondling his gun, and then they cut to black, not even the sound of a gunshot. So I assume that next ep, Reid finds him and we see the body. Dunno, just a guess.

    The cop of the week? Oh, my god. Bad, bad actor--him and the unsub's lawyer were just awful at least to my mind.

    Prentiss gets a call from Strauss asking for an update and Prentiss neatly avoids the question. Okay. Not selling Hotch out.

    Prentiss and Reid both seemed very tired (I guess they were all supposed to be)

    They have the unsub in custody and there's a copycat killing; they let him go and it turns out this girl who is anti social, suicidal and cuts herself, wants him to kill her--he won't so she stabs him then herself (Hotch/Gideon watching on security cams, Morgan and Prentiss on the scene). Both of them die.

    At the end Hotch is in Strauss' office and she's reaming him out because of what happened. He says something about we knew this might happen. She says "we" and Hotch changes it to "I" (Hotch is a most honourable and loyal man). She suspends him for two weeks w/out pay pending an investigation into his conduct in this case (Conduct? What conduct? He was hardly in the ep enough to conduct anything) and says if it was up to her, he wouldn't get his credentials back.

    Then it cuts to the cabin and Gideon saying everything is too much...this last case and Hotch being blamed for his mistake were the final straws. (Yanno? Gideon? Not so honourable--if he had any balls, he'd've gone to Strauss and admitted what he'd done. Might not have changed things...but, oh well.) was an okay ep--and I could tell where they'd inserted some things to make it fit the added Gideon story/Hotch in trouble story but it wasn't jarring.

    Like I said--much better than that worst ep of CM.

    Preview looks interesting--they're down two members (hotch and prentiss) and gideon is "MIA" to quote Morgan.

    Things can only get better....

  12. I knew they would kill Gideon. It was the only thing they could really do with the character but why not just do it and get it over with. Why take two episodes to end the damn thing?

    There was a case????? Did I miss it. It took a huge back seat to the coward and his letter. If you are so selfish and self centered that you are going to take the coward's way out and kill yourself then just blow your damn brains out and get it over with.

    I agree that Reid must be the one to find him. This is turning into the soap opera from hell and I was never even a Gideon fan.

    This was not worth waiting for all summer. I am more than disappointed.

  13. I'm in shock. Numb. I don't have 20 words in my brain to even write.

  14. I'm just glad CM is back.

    And just because it ends with him picking up a gun and it fades to black, does NOT necessarily mean Gideon "offs" himself, there are many OTHER explainations.

    Many other shows have done this.

  15. I have not seen this episode as I am in the U.S. and in the west. I personally do not belive that they will kill Gideon. I choose to belive he considers it, but then it fades to black and he takes off driving into the retirement sunset.

  16. I am also sure that it will be Reid who finds Gideon. It makes sense with the surrogate father / son relationship they have. I only hope with the new character coming in that they let Reid stretch a little. He's not a kid and would most likely be even better than Gideon one day. I'd love to see more character development there.

  17. And just because it ends with him picking up a gun and it fades to black, does NOT necessarily mean Gideon "offs" himself, there are many OTHER explainations.

    What do you think this is, the Sopranos?

  18. I also read that J.J is spat on??? Lot's of Reid angst following Georgia but they really have not done well addressing closure for J.J. I want to know how they will both get over this. I know early spoilers had Reid telling Prentiss not to profile he and J.J. Wondering if they will continue that story line considering they are wrapping Gideon's character here.

  19. I would not be happy with a Gideon death. I don't expect the character to ever come back but I couldn't imagine a suicide either.

  20. I think Hotch is going to be the one to find him, because although Reid is his student, his son, Hotch is his best friend - he's also on "vacation" (aka suspended) Also, he's the one who knew where to look for Gideon in Houston, and Gideon had commented on that.
    I was very pleased that Emily was noncommittal when Strauss called, seems like she hasn't quite figured out what to do yet, but turning on Hotch isn't in the cards. Even with the letter, I was surprised when Gideon picke up his gun, (apparently I missed his saying "I knew you'd be the one to find me") although it really does work with the emotions he poured into that letter. (Of course they left us with a cliffie on that, so we won't know for sure until next week, probably the very end.)
    I love the way they really made it into a third season episode, I hadn't expected that at all. I thought Gideon's letter would be in the second episode, but when he said "our very next case" really worked for me. He did try to keep going, before giving up, which they would have had to do if they hadn't had a "leftover" episode.

    Okay, I'll leave something for the next person to say.


  21. Well the man is going to commit suicide. That will screw Reid up for another couple of episodes. Maybe he will start taking drugs.

    This wasn't the worst episode we ever had but it was not what I had wished for. It was okay.

  22. Due to something he says in the letter, I dont think its Hotch that finds him. I agree with Stacy that I think the letter is for Reid. The referrences he makes in the letter lead it that way.

    ( I think there was not enough of Reid in there! I was very upset about that!)

  23. ******The first entry in the contest starts with love2teach's comment since the others were before the episode began. Any comment that is after that and not at least 20 words long also doesn't count towards the contest and my comment now does not count either*******

  24. *****I am referring to her first comment**********

  25. O.k. so did they change the weapon in this case from what it was supposed to be when this was a season 2 episode?

  26. I want to run Strauss over with a truck. She is a B-! I'm still not understanding why the blame fell on Hotch to start with.

    Gideon dying is okay but I wish it was over with and I wish it hadn't taken so much of the episode time.

  27. Gideon has always been mentally fragile. At least since the first episode. We have seen him angst over everything. I don't remember him showing any peaceful joy except in the cabin before the head showed up in FK1. I think his sanity walked a thin line even prior to Sara's dying. Even if Mandy had not left they were eventually going to have to deal with Gideon having another breakdown or something. I marvel at how such a emotionally damaged character could also be such a gifted profiler at the same time. I am sorry to see him commit suicide but I am not surprised. Gideon never struck me as the type to retire.

    I liked the episode. The writers had a very hard job to do and they did it. They took an existing episode and reframed it to include the Gideon storyline. It wasn't seemless but it was good.

  28. I know Gideon was close to Sara but if he didn't after Boston then I can't believe he'd do himself in now. These agents work together closely and I get the impression that they are like a family. Gideon had a nervous breakdown / major depressive episode and came back from that, even if scarred. Let's hope for a peaceful retirement.

  29. I liked the case itself but the Gideon in the cabin scene at the end was disturbing. You know what he is going to do and you know who he wrote the letter for and it was just plain sad.

    It does look like Prentiss is going to do the right thing and I am really glad about that. I was worried she would turn on Hotch but she seems to be handling the situation. Strauss needs to be thrown to the nearest unsub for elimination. I really dislike her and what she is doing to Hotch is so unreasonable.

    I think the episode gets a B from me. I am not sure what they could have done differently to make me like it any better than I did. I have adored Gideon since day one so it is just disappointing to see him leaving.

  30. Wow. I don't why some thought it was dissapointed.It was going to go either way. I totally love the episode.

    Gideon was always the fragile one, and the one who let things get to him. Especially what happened to Sarah.

    I'm sooo happy CM came back!!

    I can't wait for the next ep.

  31. Btw. I forgot to also mention: I give this episode a B+ =)

  32. Well season three is here and frankly I liked the episode. It was never going to please everyone but they had to get Gideon out of the picture and they are doing it. I thought the case was interesting and well done. The actors did a great job. I am so proud of them! I can't wait to see what happens next!

  33. what was the first song featured in the Sept 26th episode?

  34. Ok now that more people have scene it, I will say more.

    It looks like he wrote Spencer on the envenlope. I was screaming at the end, for him not to do it. I really didnt think they would go that way.

    I hate that blonde FBI lady that put Hotch on suspension for 2 weeks! I mean it wasnt his fault about the murder/suicide at the end. She really has it out for him. Why does she hate him so much? She must see him as a threat to her position!

    I do have to agree Hotch didnt seem to be there a lot. I wonder if the sceneses they had to cut had him in it.

    I loved the scene where Morgan talked to Gideon and asks if they had the right guy. He says that he knows what its like to be on both sides of the track, refering to when he was taken in questioning and was profiled.

    Next weeks preview looks great! Think they will have it with Reid (or whoever) finging Gideon? And what will happen with Prentiss, Hotch and that blond lady I hate (whose name is drawing a big blank right now)

  35. I am absolutely shocked. As soon as the episode ended, I ran for my laptop to post! I'd been wondering how they would deal with MP's quitting the show, but I really hope Gideon won't commit suicide. I just don't think it fits with his character. I absolutely can't wait for the next episode. Although, I think I missed the first part: who was he writing the letter to?

  36. The photo of JJ and Reid is one of my favorites.

  37. Post the Gideon letter, I liked how they cut straight to the action. The pumped up music helped too. But, I think it lost something when the unsub tasered the girl with a voiceover from Gideon going on. I normally like the criminal minds voiceover but perhaps that's because it's limited and seems more poignant during the episode.

  38. Oh my, that was awesome! I know that I would have loved to see more MGG, but whatever. I really liked how when Emily got that call from Strauss, she couldn't get out of that call fast enough. And while I'm sad to see it end that way for Gideon, I also feel it was probably the most logical choice considering his history and sensitivity. And I really felt as though J.J. is changing before our eyes. She's becoming tougher with both the unsubs and the team. Could this be a delayed reaction from " Revelations"?

  39. Lovetoteach: I would love to think it was to Spencer he was writing the letter, but somehow I don't think so. I'd think it were Hotch. But I guess we'll find out next week?

  40. Grhjfdahfjds. That's about how I feel right now after watching that ep. WOW. BLOWS MY MIND. Waaaaay back when the news about Patinkin not returning to the show I thought it would be interesting if Gideon killed himself and now it seems like it might actually happen!! Gjfhdsahfuauuyy. I hope so. It would spawn some fascinating character development...My money is on Reid being the one the letter is for as well, but he is the obvious choice. Gaaaaah, I can't wait til next week!!!!!

    WEEEE CM IS BACK!!! w00t!!!!!

  41. Gideon has never really been a favorite character of mine so, like everyone, I was kind of disappointed that it was so Gideon-centric. However, it was really the only thing they could do to get rid of him that makes sense. I just hope they don't make him kill himself -- it just seems so out of character and cliche. I can see him retiring and living as a recluse for the rest of his life, but not killing himself.

    Also, I just really want to get back to the druggie!Reid storyline LOL

  42. Kirsten: it could be that JJ's toughening up was oringinally part of the script when it was supposed to air last season. That would fit with your thought that it's a reaction to "Revelations"

  43. I'm just excited to have Criminal Minds back. I think the episode was overall pretty good, but I have a feeling next week's is going to be a lot more exciting, now that the story lines are set in place.
    How dare that girl slap my JJ though! I'm really hoping for more JJ centered episodes this season

  44. Did anyone else find it amusing that they went out of their way to keep Mandy Patinkin away from the rest of the cast of the show? His "new" parts were all alone in a cabin. My husband and I found this quite humorous. Looks like he possibly pissed off one to many people and the producers didn't want issues, so the isolated him.

    Lee :)

  45. grb: I think the drug-Reid arc is over.....they didn't do a good job of closing it officially, but the majority opinion is that Reid is no longer addicted, if he even was to begin with.

    Not enough Reid in this ep to really know, though.

  46. When J.J. and Reid warn the dorm girls that all the victims were brunettes and that they killer is part of the campus....The two girls were great with the acting.

  47. Desirie: I thought she spit on JJ, not slapped her.

  48. Evil supervisor must be stopped! Couldn't calling Prentiss to check in on Hotchner interfere with her abillity to concentrate and work on the case?

  49. Oops fireness my bad, that's what I get for multi tasking, I turned my head at the last moment, and that's even worse than a slap!

  50. I just watched the show and it was great! It was so nice to see all of our BAU guys and gals together again. Reid looked really good as always. I loved how he ran up after AJ got spit on and he was like, "you need to keep em back MAN!" LOL! I thought the scenes of Gideon writing were very good and it'll make his exit smoother. My jaw dropped during that last second.

    Next weeks episode looks fantastic!!! It gave me shivers and was kinda scary. (Please, I don't want to see Gideon kill himself.)

  51. Desirie: I know! I saw it in the preview, and I was like "oh no she did not just do that!"

  52. oh my god!!! it was soo intense!! by far i think the most thrilling episode ever. i think the best part was how Gideon kept seeing Sarah. it really showed how this type of work can effect you, and most of all how much he cared for her. i think it will probebly be Reid or Morgan getting Gideon's letter. its kinda hard to tell now. i am a big fan of AJ Cook (JJ) and i almost started to scream at the college girl for spitting on her. i am soo pumped for next week!!!

  53. I really loved it. The guest cast was fabulous, and the core cast was fabulous (as per usual) and the case was one of the more gripping ones, in my opinion.

    Loved Reid and JJ and Prentiss, in particular.

    And JJ acting like a profiler in the beginning was cool. I'm always up for more JJ.

  54. Even though I had a sneaking suspicion that Gideon was writing a suicide note, the end still brought tears to my eyes, when I saw that gun. It sucks so bad that MP is leaving, though I love that guy....can't think of his name right now.

  55. Maybe I'm going to be fooled but I think it is Reid who finds him, although I think Hotch is also a good possiblity. It would lead into some of Reid's abandonment issues that he must have with his father. If that happens, yes, it will be one more thing that messes with sweet Reid's already tortured mind.

    But OMG, what an episode! Knowing who the killer was before the team kind of freaked me out a little. It was weird to see them fail -- but that makes it realistic. We all know the good guys don't always win. I think, maybe for the first time, I got a sense of how much pressure they are under, personally, to solve the crimes.

    The writers did a great job of keeping the tension high throughout. And I like seeing the subplots with Gideon and Hotch.

  56. I thought it was a good episode. They did a fine job of intertwining Gideon's story into it. I assume Hotch and Garcia scenes were edited to make room, since there was so little of them, but it will balance out in other stories. The copycat killer was chilling. Kept me interested throughout. I am anxious for next week.
    P.S. Thank you, Shemar, and you looked especially nice tonight. ;)

  57. Spoilers of course, Gideon's plan to suicide really bums me out. Would be a lot happier if he went to Aruba for a few weeks and got a tan.


  58. Can't be Hotch who finds him because in the letter Gideon says, "hotch getting suspended for a decision I made" or something to that effect. If the letter was to Hotch, then he wouldn't have referred to him in that manner. It has to be Reid.

  59. I love Garcia and her purple fuzzy pen. Her first line is "Talk to me girlfiend?" I was expecting something far more saucy. Very fun colorful clothes though.

  60. I also think it will be either Reid or Hotch that find Gideon's letter. I like that they are showing Prentiss in a better light as well. I'm also a big AJ Cook fan, every since she was on Tru Calling.

  61. Overall, I think the frame story improved what seems to have been a mediocre ep. (I don't mean a bad ep: just an average one.)

    I liked Prentiss dealing with Strauss; I liked Reid rushing to JJ's defense; I think they did a much smoother job of bringing this re-edit together than they did with "Fear & Loathing."

    Of course, now I have to rewatch it and do my big huge postmortem over at my own blog, because that's what I do. *g*

  62. All right. I'll admit I was worried -- I kind of built this episode up in my mind, so much happened that could have ruined it -- but that was pretty good. That'll teach me to doubt this show.


    Damn. That pun was really not intended.

    Anyway, can't wait for next week. Don't be too hard on Reid, okay, show? I'm rather fond of him by now.


  63. I don't think the letter can possibly be to Hotch - Gideon was talking about Hotch in the third person within the letter.

    It has to be Reid. But then again, I guess that doesn't necessarily mean that Reid has to be the one to find the letter (and/or Gideon).

  64. It was great to see Reid really taking charge of something (searching the unsub's locker) and then speaking with authority to process the evidence. It's nice to see his character growing. I agree with the others who said there wasn't enough of him in the episode.

  65. Totally blew me away. It is obviously Reid who will find him. The letter was for Reid. At least Gideon wasn't so far gone that he did not realize that this is going to blow Reid apart.

    I loved the episode. It kept me on the edge of my chair the whole time. But no quotes????? What the hell?

  66. Alright so here is my synopsis.

    Right off the bat let me say I could not stand the rock song at the beginning. It rubbed me the wrong way, it was misscored if that makes sense.

    Couldn't stand the Gideon narrarating thing.

    Morgan needs to go back to suits. I am way beyond over his swat team pants. They don't look so hot on him.

    More rock music which made me insane.

    Hotch and Reid were barely in the episode. I mean really, I think combined they had 20 lines. I watch this show for them!!!

    I really don't think that Tubbs was the Unsub. I just don't. When the crazy teenage girl came to him I think he wanted to have sex with her or something. I don't think he ever wanted to kill her. I could be wrong, just my opinion.

    I don't think JJ would say "We have someone in custody" and then hug that girl. I think she would say "We have someone in custody but everyone still needs to play it safe." Sometimes the things they say on this show are so unbeleiveable.

    Getting stabbed in the gut does not always kill you. I mean really.

    Things I Liked:

    Prentiss cutting that awful woman off as quickly as she could. I knew she wouldn't narc out Hotch all along.

    I thought the guest stars did a really good job. I am not always thrilled with the casting on this show but this time they hit the nail on the head. I was also surprised they didn't use any African American women in this episode.(Not saying I liked or disliked this just saying I noticed) CM tends to follow a pattern. A.A. Women often times play strong power figure rolls like Dean of Students, Sheriff, that type of thing.

    Spencer's fit. I think this episode was originally somewhere around Honor Among Theives and I picked up on familiar behavior. He said "Man" to the cops. I love fiesty Spence.

    Hotch telling awful woman, "It's always a pleasure" after she spanks his butt(figuritively speaking of course).

    All in all this episode was good. The transitioned well, the parts they had to add weren't awful and very obvious like in Fear and Loathing. The writing was strong though I admit I am still left wondering about the ending with Tubbs.

    Kudos to the cast, writers and directors!!!

    Lee ;)

  67. so sad about Gideon... he is my second fav after reid (duh!) but i was sooo sad. i felt tears coming...

  68. Campus Security or not, there is no way I would get into a car with someone I didn't know. We had campus security who escorted us across campus at night when we'd request it but I still was careful when the security guard was male.

  69. Well, I thought it was really good...considering everything. I mean, this ep had to be re-edited as a season premier when it was originally a mid-season ep. Plus they had to be careful b/c of the VTech thing. Plus they had to work in Mandy's irresponsible, rude, and selfish behavior. Oh, and the Hotch/Prentiss/Strauss stuff. Of course, they had to sacrifice some of the story to deal with these issues. The unsub and his lawyer were not the best actors but you can't cast perfectly every time. I appreciate the way they seem to be dealing with this whole Mandy thing. For the most part, it appears that this ep and the next should be it. This is not my favorite ep but it is not bad. I'm sure if Mandy had not have screwed over the show and the fans, this ep would have been better. The plot itself was good. It still had some of the standard suspense. I'm sad that this ep had to be so Gideon focused. I missed the fun character interactions that are usually abundant and wonderful. Again, I'm sure there were originally more of those scenes that had to be sacrificed in order to turn this ep into a season premiere.

  70. I was orginally very excited for Doubt when I heard about it for season 2. I must say it didn't disappoint!! I really liked how they incorporated it into the current plot line (the Hotch/Director/Prentiss issue). I'm not a fan of where they are taking Gideon's character (although not surprised). My biggest worry is that Reid is clearly the one that is going to find him. How is he going to handle his surrogate father killing himself?? I just hope the drugs don't resurface!

    All in all, a great start to the season with twists and shocks and questions that will keep me glued for the rest of the season!!


  71. I believe it will be Reid, but I'm not sure if Gideon would be so cruel as to let him find his body, I guess we will find out next week.
    BTW I also love the fact Reid seems to be taking charge more.
    I adore him so much I picked the name Reid for my new nephew's middle name hehe .

  72. I forgot to mention that I really don't like that B lady, why the heck does she hate Hotch so much. Hopefully, she'll get what she deserves soon. I think if Reid finds Gideon, he's gonna be more messed up than he already is.

    Anyone think the letter might be for Gideon's son? I know it would be weird to see his son after knowing really nothing about their relationship, but it might be a possibility? But then, going to the preview for next weeks epi, There was alot of Reid and him yelling for Gideon.

    I can't wait for next week!!!

  73. I think they did a great job with an almost impossible set of circumstances.

    I look forward to the rest of the season.

  74. Rebecca,

    I thought about it being his son also. But then decided that no, he probably would not come looking for him. Otherwise yes, that is who I thought he was writing to the entire time. But in a sense it is his son, Reid is like a son to him. I am a bit concerned on where they are going to go with teh drug storyline after this. If Reid finds Gideon dead I fear he will definitely start drugs again and that will make me so sad. I hated the drug story line and wanted it DONE.


  75. The two dying at the end from those stab wounds was a little cliched, and I agree that I found AJ a little unbelievable when she said someone was in custody (plus the hugging thing...get real, that is not AJ).
    I did like how Prentiss responded to Strauss. I also like that Hotch was suspended for only 2 weeks so he'll not miss a show:)

  76. "Lee said... Did anyone else find it amusing that they went out of their way to keep Mandy Patinkin away from the rest of the cast of the show? (snip) Looks like he possibly pissed off one to many people and the producers didn't want issues, so the isolated him."

    Did you miss that drama moment? They reportedly had him film at a separate studio, with a stand-in crew and none of the regulars. I don't know if that was his choice or theirs, or maybe everybody decided they just didn't want to see each other again until, um, 2017 or so? But ... I'm okay with that.

  77. I really think it has to be Reid that finds out what happened to Gideon. Looking back at the content of the letter, it really seems like it was aimed at Reid. If Gideon is killing himself, he knows that it will be Reid who finds him and that it will be really terrible for him. The letter is intended to help him--although I "Doubt" that it will.

  78. It was kind of funny to see J.J. and Prentiss talking about their college life and to see Reid trailing beind them unable to really relate to the conversation.

  79. Here is what I think is going to happen: Gideon goes MIA. Reid goes to his cabin and finds the note, his gun and his FBI badge. No one knows where Gideon is. They try to find him but to no avail. Gideon is in the wind. I am willing to bet we never know where Gideon ends up.

  80. I don't think he expected Hotch to find the note first -- as Lisa and others said above, the wording is too strange, Hotch being suspended. My money's on Reid. And hey, nothing like being abandoned by a second father, is there?

    I don't think he kills himself. I think he leaves the gun and his badge with the note and disappears into the sunset.

    At least I hope so, because honestly I am just NOT up for the angst of a Gideon suicide. I just want him to go away and the rest to get on with their lives.

  81. can someone tell me were can i watch the episode online? i dont lñive in the us and im dying to know what happens!

  82. I think the writers did a great job of taking an episode that was written/filmed last season and adding the storyline of Gideon leaving. (especially since they had such little time to do so). I was hoping though that there would be more scenes with Garcia. Can't wait til next week to find out what happens to Gideon. The scene at the end with the gun has me wondering.

  83. I had read NO spoilers about this premiere so I had no clue how they were handling everything. I liked how they did.

    It'd have been nice to see more of everyone else but I've never been a huge Gideon fan. Not that I want him to complete what it appears he's set out to do either but...I think he's gonna.

    What's it gonna do to Reid if he is the one to find him?

    Can I slap that Strause whatever her name is lady? I do not like her...but I think that's the point right?

    Looking forward to next week!!

  84. So Gideon writes that he shouldn't have been there on the job when his mind was somewhere else? But yet it was o.k. to get Reid back in the field quickly after Georgia? SO confused.

  85. it was great how JJ got an opertunity to act more profiler like. i really hope the third season is her big season!! okay, i was sooooo happy that Emily avoided the question from Strauss and didnt help her to bring down Hotch at all. it makes me so mad that he got suspended!! he's like the leader of the team! and with Gideon gone too......... when i first saw the ending i imediatly thought " no Gideon dont shoot yourself!!" and im guessing that in the next ep. Reid will probebly be the one to find his suicide note, and his body. did anyone else notice in the previews for the next ep. how long gube's hair got??? i could have just been seeing things but to me it looked pretty long.

  86. Reid running to J.J.'s rescue an calling the cop on scene "man". Hee hee. I totally missed fun Reid. I hope the depressed Reid is gone and more confident Reid stays.

  87. WOW! What an episode and it clearly lent itself to being a flashback episode rather than a a regular episode, which was its original intent.

    This episode really showed how Gideon was devolving, and I hate it, but I really do think he kills himself.

    I believe he was writing the letter to Reid, and the mention of Hotch's name in the letter, really points to that.

    There weren't many light moments, but I did enjoy Prentiss' expression when she answered the phone and it was Strauss on the other end. You could tell she wanted nothing to do with Strauss and I loved the "I need to get back to work" line that dismisses Strauss.

    One thing that intrigued me was Morgan's questioning of Gideon--he was right to do so as it turns out, but it reminded me of the first couple of episodes when Morgan is a little leery of Gideon and Gideon's state of mind. An interesting parallel in hindsight.

  88. Hotch was great here. The comment about having been a prosecutor and being able to keep the guy busy for weeks was kinda funny - in that dry Hotch kind of way.

  89. I was pretty spoiler free too but I always thought they would kill Gideon. It seemed like the only logical thing to do.

    I loved Prentiss not turning on Hotch and I thought Reid was terrific. He seems to have a new found confidence about it. It was nice to see.

    I want to slap the crap out of Strauss. Would someone please tell me what I am missing in this storyline. Why does she have it out for Hotch? I have never missed an episode but I must have missed something. HELP!

  90. I am sorry to say that even without Mandy,this show is not going to be the same. No matter how you try to figure it, Mandy had the strongest role in this show. It appears that Mandy had the shows attention and it also appears that Mandy's role centered around the character.

    I also want to say that you should reserve your hatred towards Mandy until you know why he did what he did. sometimes it could be a very personal reason, IE. family emergency, sickness, or something else. We all have reasons why we do what we do. I hate to think that he would just leave the set and hurt all the people that are employed because of him. That would really suck if he just can leave and hurt everyone that gets a pay check because of his involvement.

  91. I missed having a Garcia and Morgan moment but I really liked the episode. It was sad with Gideon but you have to give Mandy credit. He is one hell of an actor. I wish him well in all his future projects.

  92. I really hope it's not Reid who finds the note....I think it would devastate him. Of course, I might be wrong.

  93. I know the girl was upset about her friend being killed but wouldn't the pictures on the wall of all of the victims be a big red flag?

  94. the show was great i loved it. except some of my fav. charictors wernt in it alot. i realize why the show would be focoused more on Mandy's charictor but Garcia only had one scene!!! it was a great scene but come on!! only one!! i think its probebly just because of the hype about Gideon and the whole deal with trying to find a way to write Mandy off the show so hpefully next week well see more of everyone.

  95. Prentiss was so uncomfortable looking when she answered the phone. It reassured me that she is going to stand with the team.

    Please don't let Reid be the one that finds the body. That would send him over the edge. Enough of hurling everything onto Reid's young shoulders.

    Garcia's pen....was it one of the ones we sent her?

  96. O.k. so never mind about my last comment. After the commercial break that dorm girl calls J.J. and Reid. Thank goddness that girl had enough sense to give the police another chance.

  97. Good job you idiot. Way to tick off the crazy and suicidal college girl with the knife. When someone is holding a knife, why would you piss them off and risk being stabbed.

  98. I think it was a great beginning for our new season. It wasn't perfect but that is okay.

  99. None of the music in this episode at all worked for me. It seemed out of place and as awkward as Gideon's narratives.

  100. ohiocoolgirl: please give other people a chance to comment.

  101. Hotchner changes the "we" to "I" so that no one else takes the blame. I so cannot believe Strauss suspends him! "Always a pleasure." LOL.

  102. Wow, what a great ep. I had it figured out that the letter was to Reid, but at first thought Gideon was going to kill himself; now I'm not so sure. Maybe he just leaves his badge and gun in the cabin and takes off forever. I don't think he'd be that much of a jerk to kill himself and leave his body there for Reid to find; Reid already has enough stuff he's dealing with and finding his "father's" body would have been the breaking point I'm sure.

  103. I hope that the original cut is on the season 3 DVD. That would be so awesome. I would love to see what the episode would have been before the necessary editing and re-editing.

  104. I'll lay off but the rules did say you could post as often as you wanted. Sorry, but I want that script as badly as the rest of you.

  105. Everyone did an outstanding job of working with what they had in light of Mandy leaving. I think the episode turn out great.

    I work on a small, private college campus that is mostly girls, so this episode really gave me chills.

    I loved how Prentiss when through the evidence box and connected all of the pieces to some part of the profile. That was insight into the profiling technique and how they connect the dots.

  106. Erin,

    That is such a great idea. I would love for them to include the original episode on next season's dvds. It could be one of the extras.

    I think Strauss suspending Hotch without pay is her first step to getting rid of him but obviously it is not going to work. I am hoping that it is Prentiss that brings her down. That would be awesome.

    I did not like the lack of quotes and the music sucked. The episode was really great other than those minor things. I am so glad to have the show back up and running.

  107. Erin: that'd be frickin' great. I'd love to see how the episode was originally supposed to go, without the call from Strauss and G's letter and all to make it fit in the timeline

  108. I do like the idea that Reid goes to the cabin and finds the letter, his badge and his gun, but no Gideon....he just disappears. That would be a much better scenario. Gideon is sort of 'mysterious' anyway... an "unknown" ending would be appropriate.

  109. I understand the difficulties surrounding the creation of this episode. The average person who knew Mandy left would know something had to happen to Gideon. This epi might surprise those who do not know he left, however. The structure of the show was very different than the typical episode. If I could change anything, I would change the lead in segments to better show how Gideon got to where he is at the cabin.

    I see the episode as the devolution of Gideon. It is only disjointed if you see it as a typical episode, rather then the thoughts of a sick man. Since one focus of CM is how the work affects the team members, and this one focuses on Gideon, then it is in line with some of the other episodes.

    Of course we will all be around to see what actually happens next week.

    I need to chew on this one a little bit more.

  110. I know this show was highly edited, but I wonder why they went "off script" and chose to leave out the quotes. It certainly was on that there could be great quotes for.

    Anyone have some ideas?

  111. Watching Gideon was heartbreaking and I wish I could say that the ending shocked me but I can't. I think they did a great job of splicing two episodes into one and I think we are off to an exc. start for the new season.

    PS. Strauss needs to GO!

  112. I wonder if in the original script is Morgan stood up to Gideon about the accuracy of the profile? Like Erin, I would like to see the episode as it would have originally aired.

  113. I really did like this episode. Gideon writing his letter to explain why he's no longer able to do his job was great. I'm counting the days until next Wednesday night. If he did kill himself then I hope that Reid isn't the guy who finds him. Poor Hotch is going through so much already and now Gideon is gone. None of this is going to be easy on him. Prentiss was impressive and I thought Reid showed a nice new side of himself the way he stood up for his co-worker. Our poor team is going to need some valium!

  114. Well, CM is back!
    The episode, while it was great with an amazing storyline as ever, to me felt almost to overshadowed by the fact that Gideon is leaving. HIs narrivtive gave so much away, there was no doubt left about the episdoe Doubt; it foreshadowed too much, in my opinion. However, letting the unsub go so that he could meet the copycat was a good surprise for me, once again proving Gideon's genius as a profiler. However, I am looking forward to next week greatly as we wonder whether or not Gideon does it (Please don't! I don't mind him going, but not killing himself!!!) And, I think the letter is to Reid, which surprises me. Maybe one last Gideon/Reid, father/son moment?

    Oh, one last comment, loved the moment where Reid goes to, um, protect (?) JJ. I am way too much of a Reid/JJ shipper!

  115. Okay, done watching and have had a few minutes of thought. It was an ok episode; I am pretty disappointed with what looks like how Gideon's character is going to be written out of the show. Then again, there was no gunshot at the end, so maybe not. If so, who do I think will find him? Hotch. Reid may be a brain, but he took enough of a mental beating when he was kidnapped.

    The part of the show that sticks out in my mind is the part where JJ gets spat on and Reid takes up for her, yelling at the cop to keep people behind the lines. I thought that was a good Reid moment. :) I was glad to see Prentiss was not comfortable talking to ol' PicklePuss on the phone and pretty much cut her off. It won't be soon enough when we see the end of her (PicklePuss, not Prentiss).

    And finally, I missed Garcia moments, as we didn't get nearly enough of them. Here's hoping next week we will see more of her!

  116. I keep reading on other sites that people thought the episode editing was choppy. I didn't feel that way at all. I think we had two very different storylines going on at the same time. Well three if you count Hotch's problem. We had Gideon's meltdown and the case itself. I liked the case and thought it was very well done although I was surprised they let the unsub go. That seemed risky to me. Really risky. We did also have the Hotch scene and his suspension which picked up where we left off last season.

    I am very happy with the episode and I really think the new season holds a great deal of promise.

  117. I just don't think they will kill him. I just don't believe they will take it that far. I think it is a case of misdirection. We'll see next week.

  118. Since there were no quotes in this ep, what would you all pick for it? My suggestion:

    "More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
    Woody Allen

    It sounds like Gideon's state of mind.

  119. Someone said that if it Reid that the letter is for and he finds Gideon it will blow him apart, well maybe this will be the one thing that puts Reid together, let Reid realize that although he is going through stuff he is still alive, ya know?

  120. I'm glad that I am not the only one who noticed and wasn't thrilled with the lack of quotes. I hope they haven't done away with the quotes because I loved that little something extra each week.

    The episode itself was alright. Not the best and not the worst. I guess they did, as someone else noted, get the job done. Getting rid of Gideon, the backbone of the whole show, was not going to be an easy script to write. Toss in the cliffhanger from last season and them needing to recycle a leftover episode and you get a whole lot of stuff in one pot. I trust our writers to get us to a more even keel soon.

    The one thing that struck me immediately was the perfect acting that the whole cast did. They never missed a beat and while I am not a Mandy Patinkin fan I will say that he did not phone in his performance. He went out as a pro and gave a perfect performance. Good for him. Good for all of them. They are the best and I am so glad to have them back on my tv!

  121. Gideon at the cabin was a moment in CM history nobody will forget. It is no surprise that he fell over the edge but there was still some small part of me that wanted to hear a knock on the door. Someone to save him but they are all so broken in their own ways. Reid has so much emotional baggage from his childhood and his being a hostage. JJ is still filled with guilt about what happened to Reid. Prentiss is having her own private nutty because of the witch trying to fire Hotch. Hotch is walking guilt over his family, his job, Elle being shot, etc. Morgan has had to face his abuse as a teen. What a group of high functioning damaged people. But poor Gideon reached his limit and of course Mandy left so we end up in the cabin with a gun. I congratulate the writers of the show for doing such an outstanding job under such horrible circumstances. I am really a very grateful fan.

  122. Pssst.....I just watched the Private Practice tape that I made while I watched CM and the new show sucked. CM has nothing to worry about. Private Practice was really bad!

  123. I think the episode was excellent and wonderfully remastered considering it was not intended for season 3. The double meaning of the episode's title "Doubt" -referring to both the doubt of the unsub's guilt and gideon's own self-doubt that was driving his abandoning the BAU team- was particularly appropriate after the events of season 2's finale. I agree with the poster who said she would like to see the original episode. I too am curious but I bet it doesn't deliver the same punch as the aired one. I also agree that it is very likely Gideon does not actually commit suicide in the cabin. I think it is just as likely he leaves the letter, badge, and gun to indicate his resignation and then goes off the grid- away from all civilization. Either way, I think the writers have done a good job of making either act seem consistent with his character and Gideon's history, I also think the letter leaves open the possibility that it is not intended for team as he explains things as if explaining them for someone who had not "been there" on the cases with him. I wouldn't be surprised if the letter was for his son but, that being said, it did seem like there was an "R" at the end of the name he wrote on the envelope (I paused it at that frame and that's all I could make out). So it could say "spencer".....

  124. I also agree I would like to see the original script or even the original edit. I think Morgan probably disagreed with Gideon. I could be wrong about this, but I am pretty sure none of the group scenes WITH Gideon were remastered. I am pretty sure Mandy was secluded to do his new scenes. I think it was supposed to show however(even originally)that Gideon was doubting himself and so Morgan picked up on it, like back in Season one.

  125. Criminal Minds is truly an ensemble cast and I am surprised that some people on other sites are saying they will stop watching when Mandy is gone. In season two he did not have that much screen time and he certainly was just one of many gifted actors. Thomas Gibson is wonderful as are all the rest of them.

    Hopefully the CM fandom will stand by the show even though the next couple of episodes might be a little bit choppy. It is going to be okay.

    The show is still great.

  126. Actually, I recently read an article online where someone on the show specifically says that the rumors that the cast refused to work with Mandy were untrue. I think it even went on to say that Mandy reached out to the all individually before the actual filming of the scenes and made amends, and that at least one of the refilmed scenes had others in it with Mandy. I will see if I can dig up the link to that article. It was at least over a month ago I read it, but of course, positive press never get as much coverage as the negative ones.

  127. tlb0810,

    That interview with Ed saying that is somewhere on Jill's blog. I've read it here. I think he said it just worked out that they did not need the rest of the cast but in one of the early interviews that Shemar gave he said they had refused to work with him. So who knows!

    I like what alot of people have posted about it might not being suicide after all. That would be some real piece of misdirection and very cool.

  128. So those of you saying that a person doesn't die from a stab wound to the stomach are suddenly doctors? I'd love to see some credentials. By the way, we have no idea what will happen with Prentiss. Yeah right now it seems she won't rat on Hotch but once she figures out her mom was behind all this, which I bet she is, and it was all politics the story may change. She had been a robot all these years, why change now? And as far as Mandy offing himself. So be it, I call that a happy ending.

  129. Gideon may have written the letter to his son. That would certainly make sense. I had forgotten he had a son.

    The episode was okay. Not the best season opener in the history of tv but not the worst either.

    Next week will be better.

  130. Hi, I just wanted to add a song to the entry: CRIMINAL MINDS SONG INFO FOR "DOUBT". The most haunting song is when the unsub "drives the brunette collegiate (potential victim) to her car" -- SILVERSUN PICKUPS - Lazy Eye. I knew the song was on another show earlier this week... Reaper. I'm so glad I found it, b/c I was a-looking.

  131. Anonymous: Gideon offing himself is a happy ending in what world????? And how do we know that Prentiss' mother is behind anything? She seemed to respect Hotch in Honor Among Thieves. You need to chill and rewatch the episode sweetie. The show tonight was awesome.

  132. Umm. Yeah I was one of the people who said a stab wound to the gut does not a dead person make. I'm not a doctor(maybe I play one on TV though)but seriously, it just seemed a bit forced, contrived. Sorry if you disagree.

    I never really thought about Emily's mom trying to get her higher up in the company. I guess there is a chance she is offering the FBI something in return for her daughters career "goals". That would be a fun twist.

  133. I'm kind of torn on the Gideon committing suicide. It might be something to throw us off. They don't want to be predictable. Though I do think that if he does, Reid will find him. I just wonder if it'll cause him to go back to doing drugs, as they never really had closure on that story line.

    What's with Strauss having it out for Hotch? Did I miss something last season, because either I did or it hasn't been fully explained. I do like that Prentiss didn't sell Hotch out, I know she wants to be part of "the gang" so to speak but I know she really wants to be a profiler, so I wouldn't have been too surprised if she did.

    I really liked the episode tonight but I kind of felt they never really let you know if it was Tubbs that did it or not. Maybe I'm just looking for too much detail.

    Oh! and not enough MGG. I think that'll be remedied next week though. ;)

  134. Well, after over an hour of trying to get to the comments section, I finally made it!

    I'll admit--when I first heard they were re-editing "Doubt" to include Gideon's departure story, I was a little skeptical about how well that would work. I should've known our CM writers could pull it off! The tie-in with the season two finale was seamless. The eerie images of Sarah in the crowd, looking almost accussingly at Gideon and her as the victims were haunting.

    I had voted in the poll about Gideon's departure that I believed he was going to commit suicide. Although we don't know yet for sure that he did--I guess there's a possibility that Reid will simply find him distraught, unable to pull the trigger--I felt there was only so much emotional pain any person can take, no matter what their training. Gideon has been through the ringer in the last two years and he has nothing left. His soul has burnt out and he has no joy left. I don't think anyone could live with that type of emptiness.

    Even though it's been almost six months since the VA Tech shootings, this episode still reminded me alot of what's been going on with that. Maybe it's because I live so close to where that tragic event took place and those of us in this area are still grieving and going through the healing process, but the similarities stuck out for me. The questioning of "Why didn't the school do this" and "Why didn't the authorities do that" to the "You told us we were safe and we weren't. We trusted you" aspect of the plot felt so familiar and relateable. Even the white flower petals falling from the trees at the end reminded me of the snow flurries floating in the sky the morning of the shootings. It didn't bother me or make the episode less enjoyable; in fact, it made me even more emotionally involved with the show.

    I'm on pins and needles waiting for next week's episode; I have to work that night but I might actually see if I can switch to a morning shift that day so I can be home to see the episode. No, really, I'm not addicted! :)

  135. Gideon's too...Gideon, for lack of a better term, and as much as I hate to say it, I do think he'll kill himself. Yeah it seems kind of odd that he'd do one more case THEN suddenly decide "Nope, not anymore. See ya." but then too, he did keep going when his friend's head shows up at his cabin, the self same where cabin he'll probably kill himself. This time it looks to be worse for him because I think he may have loved Sarah and feels responsible for her death. Because of that, he may want to ensure that he'll never be responsible for another person's death again, and the only way to do that is to kill himself. I do think that Reid will be great part to the next episode either finding Gideon (which could help finally and completely close the drug arc once something like this actually pushes him to full-blown useage) or discovering he's MIA, essentially disappearing from the characters' knowledge but we see something like his gravestone, or something like that to kind of say that yes, he's dead and not coming back.

    That said, I thought this episode was rather well done given the problems they had with not only it's content and when it was to air originally, but also with MP's sudden departure and having to change it for that. I'll admit there were parts that I could tell didn't quite fit with the plot but all in all they did wonderfully!

  136. To those saying that the Reid drug arc is over -- Matthew has confirmed in past interviews that it's not. I forgot where I read it, but he said that he asked one of the writers if they were going to do more with the drugs and he basically received affirmation in response. Now, I don't know if they're still planning on continuing after Mandy-gate because coupled with Gideon's suicide/retirement, it might be too much drama. However, I do know that previously they intended to continue the arc in season 3, so as it was my favorite part of season 2 I am crossing my fingers!

  137. Okay wait so did we figure out if the scenes with the group and Mandy were remastered or not. I got two forms of conflicting opinion on that one.

    And I must admit(as I duck from the tomatoes)that if Matthew Gubler left the show I would stop watching. Some people choose to watch a show for a character rather than the ensemble, storyline, writing. I'm one of those people. I come back every week to see what Spencer will do or say next. If he left, the show would no longer really entice me.

    Lee(really, ducking now)

  138. There are lots of unanswered questions:

    Does Gideon kill himself? Nay

    What's the deal with Strauss? She's a creep with a secret.

    Does Prentiss turn on Hotch? Nay, she's not that stupid.

    I didn't love this episode. Sorry. I am glad the show is back but I hope next week is much better. It was choppy and there was no clear direction at all. The lack of quotes sucked lemons.

  139. the scenes at the campus and actually on the case weren't remastered. they were the actual scenes from the original ep. The only way they were edited was to add Sarah's image haunting Gideon.

  140. While I appreciate the time you took to find the links you posted, I deleted them. One of those sites refuses to credit the blog for Mr. Bernero's statements that were posted here exclusively. I hope that you understand. Email me if you don't.

  141. now i'm pissed i was just getting over the fact that they were getting rid of Gideon/Mandy walking away. but offing himself thats a bit much and having Reid finding him that would todally distroy the last of Reid's inocence. which sucks. and i agree not enough Reid.

  142. Does anyone else think there will be a back story with Strauss? I hope so because I suspect her vendetta against Hotch is personal, not just political or professional. I think Hotch is unaware of the real reason for her vendetta but I hope it comes to light sooner rather later in the season.

    Also, I too started watching the show because I was immediately a Reidgirl and wanted to see more of his character. That being said, once I started watching it weekly, I fell in love with the whole cast of characters and was hella-impressed by the caliber of actors and writers. Reid is still my fav but I couldn't pick a second fav even if my life depended it on it. I am draw to each of the characters' stories and hope the writers give each of them some attention so we can learn more about them.

  143. Alright it is late and I must head to bed. I wanted to mention however, that I notice Jill has a poll to the right about how Gideon would leave the show. I find it interesting that one of the choices was not "killed in the line of duty". The fatality rate of FBI agents is high and we have yet to lose one of our own to death(just Elle's breakdown)so this would not have been a bad way for the writers to write the end of his career. Any thoughts on that?

  144. DNY Loves CM,
    That is totally ok about deleting the links. I have never actually posted anything on a website before so I was unaware of the protocol. Sorry for posting them- I didn't realize it would be a problem.

  145. I thought it was interested that "being committed" to a inpatient mental health facility wasn't an option on the poll either as I originally thought that would be a good way to write Gidieon out- especially after his dialogue at the end of "Sex Birth Death".

  146. The plot thickens!!Wow, things really get stirred up with the fate of Gideon and Hotch on the balance. Is Reid the one to find Gideon? Does Gideon kill himself? Inquiring minds wants to know so I guess we have to wait til next week to find out!

  147. tlb0810-It isn't a problem about the links. No worries and I am so happy to have you here posting about the episode.

    I'm trying to figure out what I want to say about the episode. In fairness I do have to admit that I knew prior to the episode what was going to happen so it does change the way you view it. I thought they did a great job with what they had to work with and the time constraints they had with Mandy leaving so abruptly. I agree with many of the comments that have already been made tonight.

    The acting was incredible and I tip my hat to Mandy for being the wonderful actor he is. Nobody can ever say that he didn't give 100% in his final episode. The rest of our cast were amazing which is never a surprise. That being said it is time for Mandy/Gideon to be gone for good. Lets rip the bandaid off and heal.

    Ed and company took a bad situation and did the best they could do with it. I really can't think of anything they could have done differently to improve the episode tonight. Time will put all this Mandy/Gideon stuff behind us and it will get better and better. I truly do believe that!

  148. i hope gideon doesnt kill himself i enjoyed the episode but
    i hope gideon just walks away thats what mandy did after all

  149. I am signing this anonymous because I do not want to be flamed or roasted alive but I thought the episode sucked. I did not find thing to like about it. Not one. I thought is was poorly edited. It was just plain bad.

  150. In the first Gideon scene he says that to be a profiler a person needs to have solid footing which he doesn't have anymore. If you all rewatch that one scene you will know that he is just going away and not killing himself. He talks about walking away from the job and not his life. In the last scene he seals the envelope and holds his gun. What happens is he placed the gun on he envelope and he just leaves without saying goodbye. It is so obvious.

  151. I agree that he doesn't kill himself and the letter must be to Reid because as others have said he addresses Hotch in the third party. It would not be one of the ladies and that leaves either Morgan or Reid. I vote it is Reid.

    Loved the episode. I thought it was masterly done.

  152. It was interesting. The episode held my attention. It wasn't FK2 but how could it have been.

    A bunch of us watched it in my dorm room and it got mixed reviews. The lack of any quotes was the one thing we all agreed was not good. That was not a good thing to do to us in the very first episode of the season.

    3 of us think he kills himself and Sherry thinks he fades into the world never to be seen or heard from again. I'm thinking the logically Gideon needs to die at this point. Anything else would be a cop out.

  153. It was okay. Not what I had hoped for by a long shot.

  154. I loved it and I really don't think Gideon will end up killing himself. He obviously knows it's Reid coming to the cabin to find him and he would not do something that bad to Reid. I think all Reid is going to find is the envelope and the gun with his badge. No matter how bad Gideon is doing emotionally I don't see him taking it out on Reid.

  155. Just a comment about the stab wound. The way it was portrayed it would not be possible to die so quickly from a wound like that.

    My opinion: those two wounds would NOT have been lethal. While both wounds were approx. 5" deep (which is quite deep) and the knife was removed after entry, both appeared to be clean "puncture".

    Both stabs were quite low and most likely in the abdomen. If both stabs penetrated the heart, it would be a pretty quick death (within seconds to minutes). However, it looked like both SINGLE stabs were to the lower abdomen (stomach). Such a stab wound is survivable if bleeding is controlled so the casualty does not bleed out too quickly.

    This would cause massive internal bleeding as well but given quick response (because all law enforcement personel are required to have first aid to some degree) and quick transport to ER, it is normally quite survivable in an urban setting.

    But then again, this is FICTION so who cares? For those that want to argue technical, there was still a chance that both wounds punctured the heart and then it would make sense. It was still a great episode though.

    In terms of credentials, I'm a medical first responder with a background in combat training and weapons defense (including edged weapons). My girlfriend is a doctor as well.

  156. I thought the episode was great. The writers did a fantastic job of working in the new story line. I think the letter is for Hotch. Also I don't think Gideon kills himself. I think he leaves the gun/badge with the letter. Didn't we hear he filmed a scene driving away? I think they were leading you up to a suicide but I don't think it will happen. How ironic would it be though for someone who left the show because it was too violent to have his character gone by blowing his head off. That would seem odd.
    As for the Mandy bashing...again, maybe we could cut him some slack. He wasn't happy with the content of the show, he struggled with it for two years after signing on for what he thought was a psychological thriller (let's admit the show is awesome but it is also violent and has some gruesome images), and decided it was time to leave. If I was doing a job for two years that I didn't feel good about, I'd leave too. The cast is awesome. They will continue to do wonderful shows and we can be done with all the Mandy drama.

  157. Beyond all the "did he or didn't he stuff" surrounding Gideon, I'm not sure the episode was strong enough to pull big numbers or bring in new viewers. Most shows have strong episodes for the first, last and sweeps shows.

  158. Just watched 'Doubt'! Loved it...but not as intense as some of the other eps, and I think that because we know that Mandy is leaving, and the storyline has been out in the wild for sometime now, there weren't too many twists and turns.....but

    great to see Reid jump to the defence of JJ...albeit only a matter of seconds.

    a good twist at the end with the unsub. Interesting.

    overall, not bad....and good to see some fresh CM episodes.

  159. Good ep, not enough Reid as usual, but I guess I can never get enough of him...
    I'm waiting for next ep...hope won't be Reid the one who finds the corpse if Gideon suicides...

  160. Overall, I would call this episode just OK. As far as the original scenes from the “Doubt” episode goes, I’m guessing that it would have been just an average episode for me if it had aired as originally planned. Not great, but not bad either. I will say that I was waiting for them to say that they had the wrong unsub, so at least it wasn’t predictable. And while I for the most part enjoyed the Jason scenes and narration that was added to explain Jason’s leaving, I didn’t feel that they made a good fit with the original storyline. I really couldn’t connect what he was saying in his letter to his behavior in the “Doubt” scenes, no matter how many times they added Sarah in. And then there was the noticeable absence of Hotch, which I found unsettling and absolutely no comic moments that I can remember. And is it just me or did Emily’s hair keep changing? It does seem like Emily is not going to give in to the Boss Lady’s demands, which makes me like her a lot more and I did like JJ a lot in this one as well. Given the short amount of time the writers had to throw everything together and the limitations of the scenes from Doubt, I’d say they did pretty good though, with what they had to work with.

    With regard to who Jason was writing the letter to, I had gotten the start time of the show wrong and ended up missing the first minute or two, so I didn’t even realize until the end that we were actually supposed to try to guess who he was writing to. I assumed that it was probably Reid though, as Hotch and Reid are the most likely ones to actually go to Gideon’s cabin looking for him and as others have already mentioned, Hotch was mentioned by name in the letter, so that leaves him out.

    I really can’t see Gideon killing himself. That would be too out of character for him, so I’m still hoping that maybe, like somebody above mentioned, he will lay his badge next to the gun and the letter and ride off into the sunset. I know I’ll get in hot water for this next statement, but frankly I have said it before and I’ll say it again, to have him blow his brains out in his cabin would be like a slap in the face for the Jason Gideon fans, so I really hope that it doesn’t play out that way.

    I didn’t care for the scene with Hotch and the boss lady at all. It seemed forced and it didn’t make sense to me that Hotch would be suspended, as he didn’t do anything wrong. In fact it seemed like he was barely there. If they had a problem with the girl meeting with the unsub, then it should have been laid at Gideon’s feet, not Hotch’s. Now if they had given the indication in some way that the boss lady was suspending Hotch for personal/political reasons, and was just using what happened as an excuse, then I would have found it more interesting. The way the scene was played however, it really did look like she thought he had screwed up and should take responsibility for what happened. That was just boring and didn’t make any sense. If she is going to be political, let her at least be honest with the audience about it, if not with Hotch himself.

  161. Just to pick up on something that has been discussed earlier....

    I think also that Gideon will put the gun and badge on the desk with the letter (to whoever) and walk away to start a fresh life somewhere else. I think if he were going to kill himself he would have done so at the end of that episode rather than drag on into another.

    But either way, the Gideon storyline is coming to a close, and CM season 3 is here! roll on ep 2

    (and yes, would be great if the season 3 dvd's included the original version of 'Doubt' that was supposed to be be aired in S2. Just to see how they worked it round to the one we watched last night

    Just my 2 cents worth

  162. I have been thinking about this show all night. I think they did a good job of wearving in Gideon writing that letter. Very much believe its for Reid. Near the end, where he's concluding the letter, you can see his empty gun case on the table. When I saw that I started to panic! Never imagined (and hoped) they wouldnt go that way. Now I know it leaves them no way at all to ever bring him back (Then again CSI: Miami managed to bring Speedle back, so how knows!), but I actually dont really like the way they seem to be going with it.

  163. The thing I would not like about Gideon wandering into the sunset is that it doesn't give the character definite finality. I doubt Ed would ever agree to Mandy coming back on the show later, but it irritates me to think it could ever be a possibility. He doesn't deserve it and I don't like to see it as an option.


  164. I am an avid watcher of Criminal Minds and was hoping to find a chat area - personally I was really disappointed with last night's episode. I think the writers/producers could have handled Gideon's departure differently...killing himself is sooo removed from his character. Looking forward to the new character introduction though.

  165. I told my husband that I wanted to wait until this morning to comment because honestly I wasn't sure how I felt about the episode last night.

    I did not dislike the episode. I felt like it was an alright episode. I realize now that to me it was a normal episode and because this was the season premiere I was used to expecting something awesome and special becauase of that and this is why I was disappointed. I feel as though I watched a normal episode on a special night and that is what made it fall short for me.

    This year there were very special circumstances. I do get that but it was just another night of CM for me. The editing was choppy but I understand the reasons for that. We barely saw half the cast because of the Gideon story but I understand that too. I guess if you are a real fan of the show and you were not bowled over last night you have to strike it up to just understanding and move on.

    I feel bad not being more positive and excited. I am uncomfortable that they dragged out the Gideon story. It seems like a gimmick to me and that makes me feel bad.

    Does he kill himself or ride into the sunset? I don't know. I don't know how courageous Edward Bernero is. Suicide is the only way to really end the character but who knows if Mr. Bernero has the stones needed to do that job.

    Lets just watch next week. It is bound to be better. We will get some answers and it will probably be better.

  166. I think Bernero has the stones Gracie but it probably has more to do with whether or not he wants to leave the door open for Mandy or what Mandy negotiated when he left. For all we know his settlement with Disney could say that they have to leave the door open.

    I love Criminal Minds. I have watched it since its first episode and I will continue to watch each and every episode for the run of the show. Now I can say I thought it was aweful. Just two stories smushed into one episode in a way that most of the time made no sense and had no continuity. The editing was aweful...I could go on with a laundry list of what I did not like about the episode.

    In the end I blame Mandy Patinkin for this episode's weaknesses. He screwed them by giving them no notice and this episode screwed us. Okay we have been screwed! Now I guess that it is over next episode and we can go back to the perfection that our writers and Ed always provide us with and put the ugliness in a closet and forget it ever happened.

    I watched last night, I will watch next week and I will always support the show. Lets just move on.

  167. I don't have any answers for anyone that asked why Strauss is out for blood with Hotch because I don't understand it either.

    The promo for next week looks good!

  168. Whatever they are going to do to Gideon needs to be over soon! Too much angst.

  169. I really wanted closure on Reid's issues, but I understand the chopping "Doubt" up in order to deal with Gideon's wrap.

  170. Hotch was suspended for two weeks without pay for something he did not do but took responsibility for. Did that happen because he is the unit chief and the ultimate responsibility for everything is on his shoulders or because Gideon is a selfish beast who never claims his own mistakes? I wanted to smack the hell out of Strauss. I literally wanted to reach into my tv and hurt the witch. But thank goodness we had that scene because Hotch was practically not in the episode at all.

    I was not mad at Mandy before for leaving but I am now. He was the reason the show last night was chopped up leftovers. I don't even want to know what the ratings were for last night. I barely made it through the show and I worship it.

  171. Personally, I like irony and symmetry. If I were the writers I would start Ep 2 with Hotch saying “Anyone seen Gideon? He’s late for our meeting.” Reid says, “He must be stuck in traffic….” etc., etc., etc. There’s recurring “where’s Gideon?” throughout the ep before they realize he just hasn’t shown up. He doesn’t answer his cell; no one seems to know what’s going on….and eventually they (Reid) find the letter, badge and gun, no Gideon. He just goes off the Grid to find himself again--without even saying goodbye. Maybe a closing shot of Gideon playing/singing music in a new cabin somewhere.

  172. Reid looked good. Prentiss seems to be doing the right thing. Morgan is Morgan which equals perfection but no confab with Garcia on the cell. JJ is a strong woman. Gideon in a cabin with his notebook, pen and his gun was appropriate in some way to me.

    Kill him and lets move on. If they don't kill him I will forever hope he is coming back and I DOUBT that is the case.

    It was an okay episode. It was CM and that always means it is better than anything else on tv.

  173. I think that Gideon cares too much for Reid to make him be the one to find him dead from a gun shot. The letter was obviously to Reid and I think there is no way he does that to him.

  174. Excellent episode! I thought they did a masterful job under less than ideal conditions and pulled it off beautifully. Gideon's slow and agonizing breakdown was masterly acted by Patinkin and I am really happy he choose to give the show the courtesy of a great last perforance. I can't wait for next week's episode.

  175. i like doubt alot. i didn,t like hotch being supened from the job at the end. i feel emily will do the right thing

    i will feel very bad for reid next week if he the one that finds gideon dead. i feel that will happend.

  176. The final scene made me cry. Gideon telling whoever he wrote the letter to that Hotch’s suspension for something he did was the “last domino.” Hearing him apologize for and thanking the receiver of the letter was very emotional. Watching him seal the envelope shut and address it was terrible. When he picked up his gun and said “I’m sorry” I started crying like a baby.

    I thought last night that it would definately be Reid that finds him but now I am wondering if it isn't Morgan. Morgan would look for Gideon. I really believe he would and Gideon knows that Morgan would not let Reid go to the cabin if he suspected there was trouble.

    Has anyone considered that it is Morgan that finds him?

  177. I thought the episode was good. They are obviously stretching the Gideon drama over 2 episodes to keep suspense up, but ya know, that's Hollywood.

    I still think the season is going to be really good, especially since I got to read the entire script for the 3rd episode. I'm still on the Criminal Minds bandwagon!!

  178. I tried to leave this comment in the blog specifically about the songs, but the song is "Lazy Eye" and the artist is "Silver Sun Pickups" -- it's been written backwards!

    Just a nerd who loves that song and wants people to know :-)

  179. I did not consider the possibility of it being Morgan who finds him or his stuff but that is a real possibility. Morgan is sharp and he does try to look out for Reid.

    I commend Ed, the writers, crew and the cast for giving it their best shot. We'll all still watch next week. We're not bailing on you.

  180. I have so much respect for our writers, Ed and the cast. I am going to sit this spoiler page out and just toss it off to a bad night. Next week will be great.

  181. I've been thinking about the letter some more, and I definitely don't think it's to his son. He uses too many phrases that his estranged son wouldn't be familiar with -- like Hotch. Any team member of course knows it's Hotch, but I think if he was writing to his son he'd say "Agent Hotchner."

  182. Lin, I think your point about it not sounding like a letter he would write to his son is very valid. I think it is to Reid.

    I've struggled with what to write about the episode because there were parts that I truly enjoyed and some that have me confused.
    The ending with him writing the letter and holding his gun is so out of character for him and so completely unbelievable. It is not the Gideon I have known for the last two seasons but him riding away to retire would have left me empty as well. I'm conflicted.

    The Hotch/Prentiss/Strauss story has lots of potential and I look forward to watching that unfold some more.

    I am so glad to have the show back and I have all the confidence in the world in Ed and the CM folks.

  183. I think the show last night focused more on the Gideon soap opera and less about the case and profiling. I guess they had to do that. I'm excited about next week and the return to our normal format.


  184. I really don't think the letter would be to his son. I'm pretty much set on Reid finding it, but you never know it could very well be Morgan.

  185. I liked the episode. I liked that they had Gideon do the letter. It is better than him just disappearing.

  186. I have mixed feelings about this particular episode. I think the writers did the very best with the situation at hand and I commend them for that. I would guess (only guessing) that some Reid, Hotch and Garcia moments were cut to weave in the 'Gideon will be leaving' plotline. I missed seeing as much of the other characters, though I understand the need for the changes.

    I'm looking forward to next week--and I doubt very much Gideon will kill himself.

  187. Someone mentioned not understanding why Strauss suspended Hotch when the fault lay with Gideon on what happened on the ep last night. Hotch was suspended because he is the leader of the team in title, and since it is his job, he is the one who took the fall, not Gideon. Besides, she was just jonsesing for a reason to get him out of the way...but we all knew this.

    I agree it would be cold of Gideon to expect Reid to find him if he had killed himself; however, if the drug storyline is to continue as someone above mentioned, that would be an excellent way to re-introduce it. I can think of no better reason Reid would turn to drugs than the death or a trusted mentor, colleague and friend.

    As far as Gideon not killing himself and that leaving a door for Mandy to come back in, I wouldn't think it would. I would find it a better way to end the character's run on the show, for him to leave all his credentials and disappear for good than to put a bullet in himself. To me, it doesn't jibe with Gideon's basic character to do something like that, but it does for him to simply detach himself from everything he knows and go looking for something he understands again. That has nothing to do with Mandy, who I never expect to see on the show again. That has to do with Gideon.

  188. I hope you are right lucidity but I think Reid goes to the cabin and finds Gideon dead.

    The episode was good last night. I liked it.

  189. One more song for you guys: New Noise by The Refused (plays over Tubbs getting ready for work while drinking and playing with his weapons)

  190. You're not going to believe this! I did some ironing right before CM, unplugged the iron, and the whole room went dark! The room with the TV and VCR! OMG. It's not a breaker or a loose cord or anything else I can think of, and it's just the living room and the porch light!!!! Aurgh! No CM! No Reid! Why did I have to iron then??? Thank heaven for spoilers. I guess i'll have to call an electrician..... $$$$. *Sigh*

  191. sour grapes from the writters of CM, having gideon kill himself, to be fair, they could have had him retire from teh Bau. I know that mandy di some wrong by laving the show so suddenly,but from the press items that friends have sent me, he di this cause the show was getting far to violant. I live in the uk and was lucky enough for a friend to send me express delivery a taped copy of the show , god knows where she got it from, ask no ? she said.bu once more sour grapes Cm writters

  192. OMG Jan! You missed it. I am so sorry. I taped it and just finished watching it but it is on my tivo so I have no way to send it to you or I would.

    I would like to send a letter to Mandy Patinkin!

    Mr. Patinkin, you left the show with no notice and no chance to make adjustments to the schedule or hire someone to take your place. I hope you are ashamed of yourself. You deserve to never work on tv again. Thank God for Ed Bernero. He took the garbage situation you left him with and pulled it together. The episode last night wasn't the best they can do on a normal day but you left them with a hell day. I think you deserve to be ashamed of yourself. I am so proud of Mr. Bernero and our fine cast. I am so proud. I will never go to one of your concerts again. I will never buy a CD or watch you in anything you do in the future. All praise goes to those you crapped on.

    Well done episode! You got the difficult job done and you are heroes.

  193. This ep made me kind of uneasy and I couldn't figure out why -- besides the obvious. I finally put my finger on it. I understand the need to deal with Gideon leaving. And the Strauss story line is pretty interesting. But I'm a little fearful that the show is drifting into being a serial series (is that the right word?) instead of cleanly episodic. I mean, I don't mind a little carry-over from one ep to the next, and I love character development/revelations, but ... what I first loved about the show was that it was about the cases, the puzzle. I feel like it's in danger of getting weighed down by all the side stories. I don't think we're there YET -- but it's giving me more anxiety than losing Gideon. I guess I'm eager to get back to the hour-long good story format.

    Does that make any sense at all?

  194. I think having Gideon commit suicide would be the lamest possible way to write Patinkin out of the show.

    I don't see that it's at all in keeping with Gideon's character. Of all that they've shown about Gideon, his outlook on life, his ability to process events, I can see him wanting to leave his work after the death of Sara, but not kill himself. Gideon, as they've presented him all along, would not choose to just off himself and leave his friends to find him.

    Actually, there a lot of things I didn't think matched up well - the questioning of the profile - what was that about?! The writers made sure to point out all the details that would hallmark it as a copycat, and then had them argue about it anyway? I thought that was bizarre.

    It was a suicide themed night though. Very powerful scene with the young girl trying to get the unsub to kill her. (His acting was noticeably sub-par, btw.)

    Here's my fear for the show - Gideon dies, Hotch leaves for good, Prentiss leaves for good, and half the cast has to be reinvented. That would be bad.

    Also bad would be Reid finding Gideon and plunging back into a drug habit.

  195. I knew what I wanted to post before I started reading everyone else's comments and now I am thinking because so many of you brought up some very valid points.

    It never occured to me that it could be Morgan that will find Gideon. That is an interesting idea. I had decided it would be logical that it would be Reid. There is a definate possibility it will be Morgan.

    I threw a "Welcome to the New Season" party last night. We watched CM live and then Private Practice and Bionic Woman on tape. Nobody liked BW at all. Infact we stopped the tape half way through the episode and joked about it for half an hour while enjoying some lovely martinis. Priv. Practice was okay but we were a room full of CM lovers so we made smartie remarks through most of it.

    We all liked last night's episode. It wasn't perfect but if someone was expecting it to be than they were as delusional as Gideon was.

    If you factor the Gideon stuff out and just look at the team and the case it was a really good episode. The bit with Hotchner and the wicked witch of the FBI is fairly lame right now but we think it is because we don't really know the meat and bones of it yet. It has loads of potential for good viewing.

    CM will take back the time zone. Don't be downed by the ratings.

    Nice job Ed!

  196. Driving into the sunset or killing yourself?

    Gideon did not seem like a man that was ready to take a road trip. He looked like a man ready to blow his brains out.

    I loved the episode last night. I like them having Gideon write the letter. It beats having someone just walk in and finding a note on their desk.

    I can't wait till next week!

  197. Whoever decided to not have quotes last night needs to have to eat my cooking. It was a bad decision.

    The girl wanting to be killed freaked me out. Knowing that Gideon is going to kill himself is kinda freaky. Reid finding him does give MGG the chance to shine like he did in the whole Tobias storyline. That has potential.

    Strauss........can we use her for target practice please. Get her off the show. The story sucks and the actress is NOT a good actress. She is really not believeable.

    Morgan finding him? I have to think about that.

  198. I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks the actress playing Strauss sucks. It is not that I don't like what the character is doing. It is really that I don't think the woman is a good actress at all. Very bad!

    The episode last night was great in my eyes. I liked how they juggled it all and made it work. I do want the quotes back.

  199. Loved it! Hope he blows his brains out and we never have to hear him mentioned again.

  200. Haha, I knew Gideon was going to write a suicide note! I just knew it! Also, loved the banter between Prentiss and Garcia:

    "You are the best."

    I don't like the Director at all. She suspended Hotch for two weeks for something that he didn't do.

    Not very much Spencer in this episode, sadly. Oh well, we should get some good MGG lovin' in the next episode. ^_^
