If you could walk through this door and be face to face with Mandy what would you say to him? I would thank him for the years of enjoyment I have had watching him act and listening to him sing. I would tell him that as a Jewish person I am so very proud of the charitable works his wife and him participate in. I would also tell him that I bought his mom's cookbook years ago and I still can't cook but I love it and I think his mom seems to be a wonderful person. I think if I was only afforded a few minutes I would narrow it down to just, Thank You.
Picture is from the following site: http://monkeyx3.livejournal.com/
guess 'cos I don't really know him I'd just say hi like a regular guy
I would ask him to sing something. What a voice. And tell him how much I appreciate the subtley of his work and how he engages the viewer to bring layers of their own to his work--he makes you THINK.
I would say Hello my named is Inago Montoya you killed my father now prepare to die!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Only Kidding for Mandy Fans though they will know what I am talking about. Just trying to be cute here. But I would really like to meet him one day.
Wow. I would just be wowing all over the place.
I would try to say something intelligent but probably fail miserably.
I'd tell him how privileged I feel to have the experience of listening to him, watching him, learning from him. No, I probably wouldn't; I'd be too shy. I'd probably just think it while we talked about the weather, or other 'how about those Nationals' kind of stuff and I got him to sign my Secret Garden CD. Or I'd tell him that getting involved in a primetime CBS show was a stroke of brilliance because I went to see him in concert, and I was one of maybe 6 people under the age of 55 :) Criminal Minds gives a whole new generation the chance to fall in love with him and eventually discover the beauty of his music.
I would faint and hope that he would understand.
I would say hello and then need to change my pants.
I would thank hm for all the hours and years of pleasure has and continues to give us.with his singing and acting and just his prsecence in general. and end by giving him a huge hug as I TURNED TO LEAVE HIS ROOM.........
You picked a fine to leave, Man-dy.
you know like the song. :)
blue #2
It's not an option anymore but if I had ever entered his room it must have been by accident. I would have said "Sorry" and run away. I'm too shy.
Sabine #3
I would ask him to come back to CM pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!
Boss #1
I'd probably stop, point, gasp and breathe 'OMG, your Mandy Patinkin!' Then feel like a complete fool for being a crazed fangirl, and say 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to burst in, but I'm a rabid fangirl of the show, and...well, although I love Thomas Gibson your still a pretty sweet person to run int! Can I ask a question? Why did you leave CM? Oh, your calling security? So, i guess I'm gonna be dragged out, so I'll see you later!'
:D I'm so crazy!!!
Jemma #3
First I'd ask how he was doing since I would like to think he wouldn't have done what he did unless he let the show and it's subject matter drive him to a break down where he was uncapable of even showing up. Then I'd ask him to sing something with that incredible voice of his.
I dont Know what I would ask probably for an autograph
Jessica # 7
I don't know what *I* would say, but I wonder if you remembered these lines when *you* finally met him.
CU sindee #4
my first thought upon seeing this picture was: "dude...I would so take that and put it on my door". terrible, I know. of course, then I read what you wrote, and my next thought was "his mom wrote a cookbook? hmm...time to go find a bookstore."
and then some random PRINCESS BRIDE thought crossed my mind and made me want to go find a video store, instead.
jacqui #4
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