Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Criminal Minds: As of 10:25am CST today Thomas Gibson, according to his manager, still has no contract. Does it make you nervous that the CBS upfronts are tomorrow and Thomas Gibson still has no contract?


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Angela said...

Am I nervous? After tonight finale I am! Seeing Hotch leaving like that and Garcia looking at him as he left gave me the feeling that Hotch is not coming back! I am hope I am VERY wrong and that Thomas will get a new contract soon!

Amanda said...

I hope that CBS get the message loud and clear there is no Criminal Minds without Hotch/Thomas Gibson.

Karen said...

God, I hope TG will have a contract signed soon. Now that we have AJ back all we need is Paget to come back, TG to settle his contract and finally get rid of Seaver.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the Day, Television is a business.

Wouldn't be the first time a lead walked away from a series when a deal couldn't be made, no matter how much they wanted to return.

Worst case - he doesn't return. The current and returning cast continues.

Julie said...

Criminal Minds is its characters, one would hope that TPTB would get that by now, they tinkered & changed with disastrous effects this season, so here’s hoping they get it right this time & sign Thomas Gibson, ditch Seaver/RN, and hopefully if Paget takes the option to return all will be well with the CM world & we will have our CM Family & show back.

marcia said...

my heart will break if thomas gibson leaves. i love the show immensely. but his character is the glue that holds it all together. i can't see it w/out hotch. i don't know if i'll be able to continue watching...

Diana said...


If Hotch doesn't come back, neither will I. :(

Shirley said...

All the BTS drama with the show lately has really drained and tired me out. It kept me from really enjoying the show tonight. Morgan/Rossi is okay, but it's not as good as Hotch/Rossi. Hotch and Rossi have that special camaraderie. Don't get me wrong, I think the whole cast is great. But CM without Hotch would mean the end of the show for me. Please, CBS/ABC. Don't deprive me of my favorite show. Renew TG so I can keep watching. Thanks!

Shirley said...

All the BTS drama with the show lately has really drained and tired me out. It kept me from really enjoying the show tonight. Morgan/Rossi is okay, but it's not as good as Hotch/Rossi. Hotch and Rossi have that special camaraderie. Don't get me wrong, I think the whole cast is great. But CM without Hotch would mean the end of the show for me. Please, CBS/ABC. Don't deprive me of my favorite show. Renew TG so I can keep watching. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What's annoying to me is Joe Mantegna was signed to next season and NOT TG. I like Joe okay, but TG has been there since the beginning and is, imo, the most indispensable character. Kudos for signing AJ again, but TG is totally necessary for the shows cohesion.

This has been a bumpy season and it's likely due to the cast changes. And yeah, it is distracting to watch episodes thinking that someone could get yanked at any time.

One more thing; I'd say that these posts represent a large portion of the viewers. Just because someone didn't vote online for Hotch/Morgan/Prentiss/JJ to stay, or participate in this blog, doesn't mean they didn't want it to happen. They just don't do this blog stuff. I doubt many people here cared for CM:SB, and what happened spoke volumes. We were its target audience and, in turn, decided its fate. CBS should take note of places like this because millions of fans are probably on the same page as us (figuratively). Oh, btw, I hope Paget returns too!

Chiara said...

I'm very nervous that TG hasn't no contract yet and everyday is getting worse.... I can't wait no longer so please CBS tell me that TG is going to have his new contract and I'll be the happier girl on the world!

豆酢 said...

I know all those who love the show have passed the anxious days,but only thing we can is to believe TG.

豆酢 said...

I know all those who love the show have passed the anxious days,but only thing we can is to believe TG.

Koreanfan said...

No TG/ No Hotch = No CM
If he's not come back next season, season 6 final will be my final episode of CM.

Anonymous said...

I think TG is playing a dangerous game.

He might be able to claim with justice that he has a big fan following and that gives him strength in the negotiations. If the show believes it must keep him, he can hold out to get more of his demands met.

But then, on a personal level, can he afford to try his chances back out in the competitive world? Neither AJ Cook nor Paget Brewster has managed a success beyond the CM bubble and that might very well be the case for TG too. A lot of people here like him lots but how general is that view?

!OPINION! Ignore the bracketed stuff below if you love him. I'm looking at things from my perspective as someone who isn't quite sold on him...

(To me he is quite stiff and limited, which suits the role of Hotch: reserved, silent, cagey. I know there's some comedy or other that he was in before, so he has some range... but it's arguable that he's typecast by now in this role. Does he work in the breaks from CM? How in demand is he??)

He should be careful not to price himself out of the game, methinks... Hotch might be as good as it gets.

UK viewer

Susan said...

The season 6 final made me so sad. Just the thought that Thomas/Hotch may not be back is something I prefer not to think about now because if that happen I will definitely stop watching.

April said...

I'm nervous because Thomas plays my favorite character on CM. After the bad writing, firing of two well loved actresses, getting a character most don't care or want on the show now we may lose TG. What is wrong with CBS? Really trying to do what American Idol couldn't do, destroy CM?
I want TG on CM next season, I want scenes with Jack too! I want good writing! team moments! I DON'T want any Hotchless episodes!
I didn't watch 25 to life and don't plan too! Too Bad because I really like Kyle Secor who play the convict.

Get it together CBS and re-signed TG!

Eleven said...

UK viewer, he was in that particular comedy for 5 years, enough to get typecast imo, and I don't think Greg is anything at all like Hotch (again, only my opinion). Also he was very near a scumbag in Chicago Hope for 3 years. I'm sure a lot of people think he is typecast and stiff, but I don't think it's been a problem till now. He has been working on TV for around 15 years (more if you count the tales from the city stuff).

Anyhow, all told, I'm just exhausted by all the speculation about whether TG is being a diva or CBS is being an ***. Both parties should just put those of us who care out of our misery :-) God, how i wish we were back to discussing characters and stories and music and cinematography - not contracts and such like.

Bottom line is - I would dearly dearly love it if TG came back as Hotch (please sign, why don't you) - if not I'll just have Mad Men to discuss with my friends/colleagues. What can i say, can't imagine Minds without Hotch.

Anonymous said...

Eleven, thanks for the info about other roles. Sorry to cast doubt on him (I hid it in brackets to save those of delicate disposition!)

Impartially, I hope they sort the negotiations one way or another soon so the writers can get on with it. I work in publishing (for some of the time) and deadlines are often top of my mind.

Partially, for you guys, I hope it's sorted so that he stays.

UK viewer

Anonymous said...

This one is a no brainer. CBS needs to finalize a contract with T. Gibson. Stop wasting time, just do it. There is no Criminal Minds with the teams captain at the wheel.

Eleven said...

Eh, weaker disposition. Ha. The things that can hurt us :-)

Know exactly what you mean re deadlines (and publishing)!

We love you, too ;0)

Anonymous said...

After the season finale I am more worried about Thomas Gibson than ever. I firmly believe that without him the show will die a slow and painful death. As much as I love most of the characters on the show (except Seavers - talk about bland and whenever she has dialogue I just tune out completely. She has absolutely no presence and doesn't belong on this show), I will never watch it again, nor buy the DVDs or anything CM related without Thomas Gibson as Hotch.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting really really nervous, and the finale didn't help a bit.
The writers are back to work in 10 days, the contracts should be signed anytime, and any day of silence makes me fear more and more for my favourite tvshow. without hotch, it can 't be my favourite tvshow anymore.

Tammy said...

I'm glad that i dind't watch the finale after reading these comments, it would have broken my heart. I watch because of Hotch and won't continue if he isn't back. To the anon who thinks TG is too stiff.. he does this deliberately! He wasn't like that in other series and as you say, it works for Hotch.

Mr. Gibson, please please please come back! CBS, give him a good contract soon...


Laura said...

Tammy i did exactly the same. Wondering and wondering and wondering WHAT still makes the signing not possible...if they thought a week ago there were negotiations, it means they care. Both TG and CBS. What got in the way?

CriminalMindsFan said...

Yeah it does. But why? He is an extremely key character, if we lost him then it wouldn't be Criminal Minds; there would be a piece missing.

Nervous CM fan said...

why is it that TG still has no contract? what gives CBS??? come on re-signed TG!

Joy said...


You are so making it easy for me to watch something else next season. If we lose Hotch/Thomas then I will have to look at what FOX, ABC, NBC and cable have to offer on Wednesday nights at 9!

Anonymous said...

does Cbs at least read this? Do they know we're so upset? and i don't mean Erica but someone who can actually do something about this. What can we do to make things better, soon?

Jessica said...

He might be able to claim with justice that he has a big fan following and that gives him strength in the negotiations.

He *does* have a large fan following. And not only that, but they are extremely loyal/obsessive. They even got him voted as EW's Underappreciated Entertainer of the Year, outvoting American Idol sweetheart Alison Iraheta. I think this took everyone by surprise, especially EW who I think was priming their magazine to have Iraheta in it only to find out that TG's fans fought harder for him. Booyah!! So CBS, take note!

That said, while negotiation is a little bit of a game, I am sure that Mr. Gibson knows full well the importance of this decision and is taking all things into account. Perhaps this time around, he will need a little more incentive to trade off for the traveling and the missed family time. None of us knows. But we do know that he does want to come back, and an agreement was almost reached last week. I think CBS would be foolish to release Thomas Gibson.

To me he is quite stiff and limited

I wholly disagree with this statement. Did you ever watch 100? Or the plane scene with JJ in Risky Business? Or any of his scenes with Jack?

he has some range

LOL. Mr. Gibson has quite a bit of range. From Greg Montgomery to Aaron Hotchner to smarmy Flintstones villain to Kanaka. Range is definitely something in this man's acting artillery. :)

He should be careful not to price himself out of the game, methinks... Hotch might be as good as it gets.

There are some things more important than money. If Mr. Gibson is requiring more incentive for the family time he loses with his wife and children, I don't blame him one bit. Not one bit at all. But, the decision is his. And CBS'. So I guess we all have to wait. We have no choice. But I wish CBS would learn from their past mistakes. Releasing Thomas Gibson would be a very bad move for the show, in my point of view.

Toni said...

As Anonymous said worse case scenario TG leaves and I will too! Yes TV is a business and as a viewer if what is offered don't please me then I will not watch. CM without Thomas is something that will definitely not please me!

No Hotch/TG, then Goodbye CM/CBS

Gayle said...

To UK viewer,

Did you watched what TG did before CM? Lots of range with very different characters.He can do comedy and drama, be totally expressive( Beauchamps in 'Tales from the city' to Daniel Nyland in Chicago Hope) or very restrained (Hotch on CM).

That said, I'm another viewer who will not watch CM without Hotch. Hotchner makes the show for me. I cannot see CM without him or anyone play Hotch other than Thomas Gibson.

I hope CBS and Thomas will come to an agreement soon!

Anonymous said...

Yes Jessica, watched all those scenes. (Not going to comment further on them because there's no reason to be grumpy/destructive about the man's work, especially when so many people like him. I'm honest about my opinions but not cruel in giving vent to them!!!) I don't dislike the character of Hotch, he's just not for me someone that I always believe in, which I think is down to the actor. Haven't seen TG's other shows so can't comment. From what I've seen of the actor himself, he's an absolute charmer.

I'm not arguing he should go -- the opposite. It might be his best bet to stay and that'll please his fans too.

UK viewer

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Gayle, just missed your post in writing my own. I do see that he's got lots and lots of support. Perhaps it's a lost over the Atlantic thing. We have a long tradition of stiff-upper lip actors here and maybe I'm being picky...


UK viewer

Kitty said...

OK, just had to de-lurk again to deal with the stiff-and-limited thing: It's called "acting." Watch his interviews. Heck, watch the blooper reels from CM! Thomas Gibson is animated, witty, and charming. Aaron Hotchner is stiff and reserved when he is not engaged with his family. (and how about that soccer game the other week for unstiff, unreserved, huh?)

Thomas Gibson is nothing like Aaron Hotchner. If he's called upon to play a psychopath or a homeless guy or a hairdresser or a vampire I am sure he will have us completely convinced that that is the real TG, too.

But for me, it's that reserved, haunted team leader Hotchner that provides the center for CM. I wish TG all the best in the world ... but I want my Hotch.

So, yeah, give in, CBS.

And, yeah, give a little, TG!

Anonymous said...

The season final made me so mad! I don't want Hotch to leave! How will the team work/function?! We and the team need Hotch as its Unit Chief!

No Hotch, No TG = No CM, No CBS!!!!!


sdwally said...

UK Viewer said about Thomas Gibson:

“To me he is quite stiff and limited, which suits the role of Hotch: reserved, silent, cagey. I know there's some comedy or other that he was in before, so he has some range... but it's arguable that he's typecast by now in this role. Does he work in the breaks from CM? How in demand is he??,,, He should be careful not to price himself out of the game, methinks... Hotch might be as good as it gets.”

First a few statistics:

Successful TV shows running more than three years (not including CM, voice work or soap operas):

Joe Mantegna (0)- longest running – Joan of Arcadia: 2 seasons/45 episodes

Paget Brewster (0)- longest running – Huff: 2 seasons/25 episodes)

Shemar Moore (0)- longest running – Birds of Prey: 1 seasons/14 episodes

Mathew Gray Gubler – 0

AJ Cook (0)- longest running – Higher Ground: 1 seasons/22 episodes)

Kirsten Vangness – 0

Thomas Gibson (3)- longest running – Dharma & Greg:5 seasons/119 episodes
-Chicago Hope:4 seasons/70 episodes

As has already been proved with the cancelation of Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior and the short-lived Joan of Arcadia, an Academy Award or Tony Award does not guarantee you television success. Success in the movies or theater may get you top recognition to get into a series; but it has no bearing on the longevity of the series.

Well Uk Viewer, Hotch may be as good as it gets for Thomas Gibson; but Gibson has had more television series success than any of the other CM regulars and is a proven winner; so he should not be shortchanged by the networks; and his relevance should not be downplayed . Gibson has proved to be the most viable/bankable TV star of any of the CM regulars. You may think CM will continue successfully without him; I seriously doubt it. And if I were CBS/ABC, I wouldn’t want to test the theory.

However, if TG’s negotiations lead to his departure from CM, that would be bad news for the rest of the cast; because CM without him will not survive for very long.

Thomas Gibson is the important ingredient that makes CM work; and Hotch is the character he plays. If Hotch were the important ingredient and not Gibson, then CBS could simply recast the role; and the series should continue just fine. I would argue though that if TG is not playing the part of Hotch, CM would still fail. Gibson has made Hotch the integral character that it has become. No other actor could recreate the magic and mystery embodied in the character, nor would any other actor be accepted stepping into Hotch’s shoes.

Although I like Joe Mantegna, Gibson was doing just fine as the lone series lead before Joe arrived; and he’s continued to sustain that leadership role ever since. If CBS/ABC opt to let Gibson go, it may be good for his fans, because we won’t have to endure the CM drama and misery any longer. But it’ll probably be a death knell to CM; and I would hate for such a wonderful series to end far too soon.

I don’t believe for a minute that TG is asking for Mark Harmon money; but as the star of the series that ranks second to NCIS in the demos; he may be asking for a producer credit. Whatever his demands, he’s earned it; and CBS/ABC should give it to him because he’s a proven winner as a successful television star; and he’s the only CM cast member who can make that claim.

Anonymous said...

sdwally, i am completely with you.

Anonymous said...

OMG - I HATED SEEING HOTCH WALK OUT THE DOOR LIKE THAT AT THE END!!! Didn't enjoy the finale because I am so worried Hotch will not return! Please TG, Please CBS sign Thomas. He is brilliant as Hotch, and Hotch is totally central to CM. Without him the show is just another good procedural. With him it is a show with edge and intensity. Please sign him and let us enjoy this summer - we didn't enjoy last summer because of the two girls being dumped! Don't do this to us CBS.

Eleven said...

Kitty - vampire comedy would be great, don't you think?! POint is, though, we can continue to have a lot of, or a little bit of, TG if he continues to be on TV/film, but I want HOTCH back! And i agree, TG and Hotch are worlds apart. That's why it took me so long to connect Hotch with Greg or with Danny (oooh 'that's the same actor? really?' Joycean epiphany!). I think he is a fabulous actor, but that's an entirely subjective question, isn't it? I want Hotch back, and i'm angry with TG for frying my brains - evil man (i speak in jest, of course. i love TG and his belly laugh and all the apostrophes and commas he rarely misses on his tweets. Yeah, I'm crazy like that).

Anonymous said...

-Bring Paget back .
-Get Thomas signed.

And please, please, PLEAAASEEEEEEE Get rid of Seaver .

Anonymous said...

Loved the end scenes: Garcia and Kevin (solar panels, windmills and sheep without wool); Reid telling Morgan to work out, and Hotch's timing as he leaves the room: 'No need to come in till nine [pauses, turns] thirty'. Precise and generous (from the character) and good comic timing (from TG).

UK viewer

PS it has taken me over four hours to watch this show because keep getting distracting by everything on this bloody blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Doh, posted on wrong thread.
my bad comic timing...


UK Viewer

Eleven said...

Aw UKV, that's 'cause you're trying to watch Minds while pottering about here. But still better than me, though - sometime back i left a comment on a thread from 2009. I should have a life, but i don't.

If TG isn't there in S7, maybe i will go seek a life. Zooplankton am i.

Trudy Collins said...

I'm trying to be positive here and hope TG and CBS will come to an agreement soon.

I really hope they do because me watching S7 depend on having TG re-signed for the whole season!

Anonymous said...

If Hotch does not come back to the show I am done for good. What is the holdup with the contract.

Judith said...

sdwally.. my God, you have said it all and then some regarding Thomas Gibson. Each and every point you made was on target! I would also like to add to get Paget Brewster back immediately!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't like watching Hotch leave early and Garcia look so worried. Thomas Gibson needs a contract!! No one can lead the BAU like him! AJ Cook coming back is great, Shemar Moore sighing is awesome, now we NEED Thomas Gibson signed!

Jackie said...

love your post sdwally and I agree, TG had lots of success before CM.

Add me to the list of, if TG leaves then I will be done with CM.

sf81387 said...

Get em sdwally! While I don't always agree with you, I do admire your passion. : )

No Hotch, no CM for me either. I hear "Harry's Law" will be up against CM this fall. I could watch that instead, no problem.

debsimp said...

I feel that one of the problems with the spin-off was that they never got me invested in the characters - individually or as a team. The stories were fine, but I couldn't even tell you most of the character's names. The CM franchise is all about the team - continue to break it up and you'll see this audience go the way of the spin-off audience.

Melisa said...

not going to lie here, yes, I am very nervous. I watch so few TV shows but I never miss CM mostly because of the Hotchner character.
Gibson does a great job at playing a tough character. It is easy to play the flamboyant man but not that easy to play a man who does have a tight control over his emotions.

Let's hope CBS will come to an agreement with Mr. Gibson soon!

mfj1311 said...

THANK YOU, sdwally. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I am very nervouss,I eamn this team is everybody and it wouldnt be the same if one of them left the show ( cept Seavers).

Anonymous said...

The wait for Thomas Gibson contract news has become so exhausting. If I don't hear any news soon I think I might give up. The behind the scenes drama has taken its toll on me. Thomas needs a great contract. If he goes I think I will go with him because its just not worth it to watch this show anymore.

Angelwriter said...

"Aaron Hotchner is stiff and reserved when he is not engaged with his family."

Yes, thank you for making that distinction. I mean, I personally think Hotch is a multifaceted character with lots of shading - just shown subtly. But, that reserve is the character. He's supposed to be like that. That so called limit is playing Hotch the way he would be if he were real. If he changed it or tried to show he wasn't "limited" that would be him showing off. See, I don't want to say the wrong thing about the character, because I find Hotch fascinating in all his reserve and bottled up (but very there) emotions. But, if he tried to add more 'range' he wouldn't seem like someone embodying Aaron Hotchner. I wouldn't see "Hotch" on screen. I'd see "Thomas Gibson, acting".

And, Hotch has been my favorite for some time, but I never took time to think of TG's acting. Which, in a way, says a lot that I could forget he's acting and believe the character. But, after he got on Twitter and I realized that he's a complete nut (I mean that affectionately) I'm more impressed. Aaron Hotchner is far a range as he could go from himself. Short of playing a cannibalistic killer. Fans have asked people who work on the show who is the least like their character, and the answer is always TG. And yet, when you watch, you'd think he's just like that in real life.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its taking so long with the contract is because some how Thomas has the upper hand. Well I guess if he had the upper hand he would have had a contract by now. This is all so confusing.

Anonymous said...

Come on CBS give Thomas a great contract. He walks I walk.

SmokeFreeZone said...


I just don't think that Thomas Gibson is leaving Criminal Minds!! It's just a feeling.. I can't prove a thing!! But I'm expecting to see his face (and body) sitting at the head of the "BAU Table" with the rest of the gang come this fall...

Hotch:"I'LL BE BACK!!!..." ;)

Linda said...

I'm starting to get nervous. This season been difficult with cast changes, some weak writing, not enough Hotch, on top of it all TG may not come back? NOOOOOOO! I was so looking forward to season 7, not anymore :(

Anonymous said...

It's annoying how easy this is.
Without Thomas Gibson, and Aaron Hotchner, the tv show would get a lot of problems in keeping the fan base. And not enough time to replace him with something real.
And lots of the relationships between characters would blow up.
Aj was amazing, Shemar was amazing, and I'm happy they both are back.
but can it really be possible CBS had those in minds before the safety of the leader of the entire TV show?

Claire said...

Hopefully CBS will re-signed Thomas soon if not then, I will still have my dvd's and reruns on ION and A&E and my Wednesday nights will be free to watch something else.

Jennifer said...

I love CM, it is my favorite show, I never miss it! Hotch is such a great character! I wish I had a boss like him!

I want the BAU unit chief to be back next season, season 7 will never work without Hotch played by TG!

Anonymous said...

I want Thomas Gibson to come back and cbs to get him a great contract. My nails have been bitten down to nobs because the wait is just so terrible.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be interested in CM without Hotch but sadly I am not. I like the team, I'm happy JJ will be back and maybe even Prentiss but without Hotch, CM would just not be the same. Please CBS keep Thomas!

Brenda from DC

Anonymous said...

It does make me nervous, and if TG is not back, I will not be back as a viewer, either! I already do not like it as well without Padgett and AJ, and I am glad AJ is coming back, but CM would just not be CM without Hotch!!

Kathleen said...

I have been so disapointed this season, so few Hotch but after Erica's chat I was hopeful for next season.
Looks like if CBS don't get into an agreement with Thomas CM will lose him :(
This is unacceptable CBS!

keep TG or lose viewers!

Joan said...

I'm past the point of nervousness, now I'm starting to get worried! I want TG to be re-signed on CM!

No TG then I will say so long CM!

Grace said...

Hum...at first when I read on this blog that Thomas Gibson was not sure to be back on CM next season I thought this was a mistake but after reading the same thing on deadline I was shocked. Criminal Minds will not just be the same without SSA Hotchner it will just not be right!

Will I watch CM next season without Thomas/Hotch? Sadly I have to say no.

Anonymous said...

He's The primary Lead actor on the series - these things take time to get both sides to agree on a deal.

People are assuming a lot on Both sides of the table. We know he wants to stay and the network would like the cast to stay stable.

This is a key contract negotiation - the show has the potential to be on for at least another 2-3 seasons.

Trust that his people and CBS can work things out. DON'T WORRY!

Lydia said...

Too late to tell me not to worry. Nobody thought CBS would let AJ and PB go but they did. I am hoping TPTB will not make the same mistake again this year, but until I hear the official announcement that TG is renewed, then I sure as hell will worry.

If Hotch/TG goes, then I go too.

Dani said...

I'm so angry that Thomas Gibson STILL doesn't have a contract! Not only is Hotch the cornerstone of the team, but he's been there from the start, wants to stay and his character has so much left to say. I sincerely hope CBS gets their act together. I won't watch CM without Hotch, not for a single episode (25 to Life was awful enough).

Jessie said...

Give TG a fab new contract now! He's been a great spokesperson for CBS/CM, he's amazing with his fans and he plays the awesomest guy on TV! I agree with Dani, I will not watch CM without Hotch! No way, no how! We want TG! No Hotch, no CM!

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the news about Thomas Gibson's contract like today. This No News is getting so boring.

Eleven said...

Angelwriter, ditto and ditto. He is a complete nut! Dunno how he does it -- i can almost see TG looking at Hotch and telling him to crack a smile. Brilliant.

Now, really, i want Hotch signed, sealed and delivered. My reaction to this season's finale speaks volumes - didn't feel any connection. His presence only accentuated his potential absence. It wasn't a pleasant experience. And they've done this with the Hotch character 3 times over the past 6 seasons. This, and JJ/Prentiss/Seaver, has really compromised the inetegrity of the storytelling. Real life cutting into the fictional universe once too many times.

Lucie said...

I watch CM every week without fail and have done so since the very first episode. I love the cases and the profiling, but what’s even better us the chemistry of the team and their stories, especially Hotch. I really want to know how he’s dealing with all that’s happened to him and we got none of this year. Now we may not have Hotch at all? Bad enough one Hotchless episode, any more and I too won’t watch. I join the No Hotch/ No CM club!

Patricia said...

CBS, your tampering with Criminal Minds has been nothing short of a disaster and if you refuse to sign the gentleman Thomas, who has been such a large asset to you and the show, the disaster will be complete. Off all the team I like Hotchner the best and if he goes I will follow.

Steph said...

CM was something that I used to use to relax in my limited time off. But after the supremely stupid decisions made with regards to our female actors, it became more difficult. This was made worse with our beloved Unit Chief being pushed into smaller appearances (or not at all- very dumb!). TG’s absence was glaring. Give TG what he's earned: a raise and some respect. No Hotch no more CM.

Laura said...

CM without Hotch = insane, stupid, uninteresting, a bad biz decision = the end of my viewership.

Alison said...

I love Aaron Hotchner. The depth of this character is incredible and we’re just starting to scratch the surface. Thomas has been incredible in his portrayal and in making Hotch such a crucial part of the team. Hate to say it but without Hotch, there is no CM, certainly not for me. No Hotch No CM.

Heather said...

I’ve been in the business world for a long time and I have a lot of experience, but letting Thomas Gibson go doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. You’re prepared to double another CM actor’s salary, you pay other leads (of less successful shows I hasten to add) much more. Please give Mr. Gibson a contract worthy of his talent and contribution. You know viewer loyalty is important! ITA: No Hotch, no Criminal Minds.

AngryHotchfan said...

No Hotch No CM. I love Hotch, I love TG. He goes and so do I. For Pete's sake, please give him a great new contract. He deserves it!

Bohemian Chick said...

I can't even imagine Criminal Minds without Thomas Gibson. I have a huge crush on his character, and am a huge fan of this show. I have all of the DVDs and watch the re-runs every week, as well as the new episodes. If he isn't rewarded for his great acting with a good salary and contract, why should the viewers reward CBS by watching it? If you don't give him money, you will lose money, since the ratings will drop and therefore advertisers won't pay as much. It's simple math.

Marnie said...

CBS, sign Thomas Gibson. We want our COMPLETE team back, full time! No more screw ups. ALL cast. FULL TIME.

Sue said...

I can't stand this for much longer. I like the team, I truly do, but Hotch is my #1 and I won't be back if he isn't. :( CBS, please listen to us and give us our Unit Chief. He's worked as hard as the others and deserves a great deal.

No Hotch No CM.

Victoria said...

I hope CBS works it out with Mr. Gibson. Because I'm following TG wherever he goes.

mfj1311 said...

Are they still negotiating or have things stalled?

I TOO will not watch Criminal Minds or any other CBS television show if Thomas Gibson does not sign a new contract for S7 and beyond; he is the reason I watch. Please provide him with the contract he needs to sign on the dotted line.

Wessie said...

No news yet. The whole thing has been under very tight wraps. I hope CBS and TG resolve it soon because I am getting stressed out. LOL.

Tess said...

This alleged negotiation is taking too long. TG is too much a gentleman and too underappreciated by tptb to be asking too much. He is entitled to a raise. Whatever the issue, CBS, figure it out. A lot of fans will be out the door if he isn't back, including me. Please make it right and soon.

I support HOTCH!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy we got AJ back, maybe Paget will be too. Erica Messer got good ideas for S7, we only need to have Thomas re-signed to make me excited about S7!


Doris said...

CBS get your act together. Give TG, a terrific employee with a track record of successful TV shows, the raise and incentives that he is asking for. It will be worth it to save yourselves the headache, stress, and lost fans should you not reach an agreement.

Ashley said...


We want Hotch next year! More!

Lynn said...

Why are we still waiting?! This is your lead, he's been working his a** off for 6 seasons, wants to come back. This is a no brainer. Sign Thomas Gibson.

Irene said...

so stressed. I agree with all the comments on this blog and on other sites in support of Thomas Gibson. He's our leader and I'll accept nobody else. I'm out the door if Hotch isn't back full time on my screen for next season.

NO HOTCH, NO CM. I support TG.

SIGN_TG said...

It's not imaginative but it does sum up fan feelings:



Yep said...

No Hotch, No CM for me!!

Sharon said...

I am too tired to write anything other than FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE GET THOMAS GIBSON TO SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE.

thank you. I shall now go and forget my sorrows in the land of nod. zzz

Cora said...

How can they possibly think this is a good idea. Haven't they given us enough to be upset about this season? They caused enough heartache in this fandom to last a lifetime! Just sign TG already! You know you need him on CM, you know we want him on CM. Do the right thing for once CBS!

Anonymous said...

Contract negotiations are lengthy and can go down to the wire. It does not surprise me that his contract negotiation are still ongoing. But I am a little nervous about him not coming back. Whatever Thomas is holding out for I hope he gets it.

Anonymous said...

I believe Thomas will be on the show next season. Who am I kidding I don't believe what I say at times. If he is not on the show I will follow suit. CBS seem to love being a holes by having us wait this long. I think the wait is going to get longer. The longer the wait is the more stressed I get. I think I might develop and ulcer.

Anonymous said...

Heather says
I’ve been in the business world for a long time and I have a lot of experience, but letting Thomas Gibson go doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. You’re prepared to double another CM actor’s salary, you pay other leads (of less successful shows I hasten to add) much more. Please give Mr. Gibson a contract worthy of his talent and contribution. You know viewer loyalty is important! ITA: No Hotch, no Criminal Minds.

I think it's a given that the show makers want to keep Hotch. Have they ever said otherwise? There must be some other stumbling block.

UK viewer

Bruno said...

Thomas Gibson is my favorite actor, and without his portrayal of Hotch, Criminal Minds just would not be the same. I will not continue to watch the show without him.

Lecot said...

Yeah this news does make me nervous. Criminal Minds is the only show I watch religiously every week without fail. Hotch is my favorite character and if he isn't going to be on the show anymore then they can count me out as a viewer for next season.

Pooty said...

Yes it is very sad that he has not received, been handed one, or did not like the contract he may want to see something different. I would not like to see go but we need to remember there may be something else he may wish to do. I hope you get your contract sir.
thank you
Sherri :O)

Anonymous said...

Sadly I think the writing is on the wall, with Shemar Moore having doubled his salary I believe CBS is signalling their desire to make him the co-lead of the show with Joe Mantegna.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Morgan character but only ever in his relation with others, namely Prentiss (who I hope returns, please bring back Paget) and also with Hotch and of course Penelope but on his own the Morgan character leaves me fairly flat.

I gave this season an open-mind and watched it and while Hotch was mostly left to stand around and watch things (notably in Big Sea where his scenes mostly entailed walking back and forth between Reid (who was ridiculously doing forensic analysis something BAU agents do not do) and the local law enforcement...wow, what a stretch.

I enjoyed Prentiss' backstory mostly because Paget knocked it out of the ballpark each and every time however the character assasination is maddening. She 'whores' herself out whilst undercover, lies to her team and then runs away...all silly and totally against who this character was; not to mention when in her background was she ever an Interpol agent? She arrived back in S2 having come out of the mid-west, white collar namely. Silly, silly retconning just b/c CBS wanted to make a change and they gave the writers little room to maneuver.

I suspect the next announcement we hear from CBS regarding Criminal Minds is that Thomas Gibson will not be returning. At this point it's ridiculous to believe that money is holding it up seeing how they doubled a character's salary that polls here show wouldn't reduce the fans' desire to see the show by much while overwhelmingly there will be a departure should Thomas Gibson go.

Ah, well, I guess I'll have Wednesdays free come fall...good night to do laundry.

Erin said...

I know its totally self-centred, but PLEASE sign, Mr. Gibson! I adore your character and don't want to give up my fave show. :( Please please come back!

Anonymous said...

No news start to sound like bad news. please someone tell us something is moving. otherwise i'm starting to think TG will not be renewed.

Kury said...

Mr. Gibson, Please come back to the show.
We love and we need your Hotch.
Please come back.

Whoever responsible, Please give him fair contract.

Anonymous said...

I just have a bad feeling about this...a VERY bad feeling. I hate this waiting game.

Japspen said...

I totally agree with what the anonymous before Erin wrote.
CBS plans might not include TG in the next season.
But without Thomas Gibson the show is condemned to fail.
No TG = No Hotch = No CM

Hunter said...

Get a brain, CBS. Hotch IS very very important to CM! Give him a contract and make us all happy!

No Hotch No CM! :(

Lemony said...

Not feeling good. Feeling like CBS is being idiotic. TG is such a huge part of CM and i simply won't watch anymore without him. Sign him please!

Audrey said...

Seriously, I have had it. Stop messing with the characters we love. If Hotch doesn't come back, not only will I stop watching CM, but all other CBS shows I am currently watching. YES it will piss me off that much.

Eva aka Pinkfox said...

I read something today that made me worry a little bit less... I read various cast members from CSI, among them the leads, are also still negotiating with CBS.

I think I'll give it a week or two more... If I start hearing those actors have been signing things and we still haven't heard from TG, then I'll really start to worry.

ksawtgpb_cm24 said...

YES ! IT'S MAKING ME SOOOO NERVOUS ! I can't believe he has no contract yet ! I'm so worried aboout it ... well ... I LOVE AARON HOTCHNER AND OF COURSE ... NO HOTCH NO CM !

ksawtgpb_cm24 said...

YES ! IT'S MAKING ME SOOOO NERVOUS ! I can't believe he has no contract yet ! I'm so worried aboout it ... well ... I LOVE AARON HOTCHNER AND OF COURSE ... NO HOTCH NO CM !

dyanda said...

seaver needs to stay as well. And they need to sign Gibson NOW

marcia said...

does anyone have any word on whether thomas gibson has gotten a contract yet or not?

Carrie said...

The whole team can not function without Hotch. But Seaver is an awesome new character to this brilliant team

Anonymous said...

Seaver is in and Hotch is in limbo??! WTH?! If Thomas isn't signed, I'm so done with CM which is horrible since I've been a fan since day 1. But I'm sorry, Seaver is ill-conceived and Hotch is my fave character. No Hotch No CM.

mfj1311 said...

My comment to CBS feedback:

I know you’ve received a great deal of feedback about the casting issues on Criminal Minds. I have posted comments here, on the blogs and I’ve sent postcards to various individuals at CBS and ABC Studios in regards to the cast of my favorite television program, Criminal Minds.

I think it’s essential that Thomas Gibson return to Criminal Minds to portray Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, without him the show would just not be worth watching for me and many, many others.

I don’t know Mr. Gibson personally, I only know him through tweets, fan chats and interviews and from watching him in his many roles over the years. I was a huge Dharma and Greg fan and as much as I enjoyed watching him in a much more light hearted role; I really love his stoic depiction of Hotch and lordy when the man smiles, giggles or delivers one of his dry humor one liners it’s just like a virtual hug from a very dear friend. Mr. Gibson certainly has promoted Criminal Minds and himself with great integrity and genuine humor and he is loving family man; what a wonderful role model for the “network who cares.”

The Criminal Minds finale was heartbreaking and that Erica Messer was forced to write the episode with the possibility of Thomas and/or Shemar not returning for S7 was just a harsh reminder of all the behind the scenes drama there at your network.

I TOO will not watch Criminal Minds or any other CBS television show if Thomas Gibson does not sign a new contract for S7 and beyond; he is the reason I watch. Please provide him with the contract he needs to sign on the dotted line.

Mary J

Kayla said...

I heart you, Mary J! You have captured everything that there is to say. No Hotch and no show as far as I'm concerned. CBS, do what it takes: sign TG!

Anonymous said...

Its freakin crap that RN might be back next season and Thomas is so up in the air. Why is it taking so long. I don't think he is asking for a million dollars.

Evelyn said...

*stands up and claps for Mary J* You tell 'em, girl!! No Hotch, No CM for me either.

PGunn said...

My note to CBS.

Les Moonves, Nina Tassler, CBS/ABC:

I find the continuing saga of who is returning to CM or isn’t this past season exhausting. The fact that it’s continuing into the next season is moving from exhausting to ridiculous.

I’m not sure if you’re trying to use the “new contact” delay with Thomas Gibson as part of your season ending cliffhanger or you’re really considering not bringing the actor/character back. Either way; enough!

The viewers (me included) have a lot of years invested in Hotch/Thomas Gibson and I believe the loss of this character/actor will likely end Criminal Minds. Personally, I have no plans to continue watching the show without this character/actor in its lineup.

Choose wisely, give this actor what he deserves and has so clearly earned.


P. Gunn

Andrea said...

I will say a few things:

Bringing back AJ - Good
Signing Shemar - Good
Keeping Rachel - Not Good
Canceling the spinoff - very good
TG without a contract - scary


WITHOUT TG CM IS NO GOOD! Shemar and Thomas are my two favorites.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what is taking so long to announce a contract for Thomas Gibson. He surely can't be asking for things that unreasonable. He is too down to Earth for that. I will not watch next season if he is gone. This is such Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

The longer we wait about hearing about Thomas Gibson the more worried I get. I am worrying myself sick about it. But if CBS is that stupid to let him go than I am done with cbs and criminal minds. Simple as that.

Japspen said...

I subscribe to all Mary J said.
I either don’t know Mr. Gibson personally but I perceive him in the same manner, a great actor working very hard for the well being of CM.
I don’t think he is asking for anything unreasonable, specially having in mind that CBS is signing contracts for exorbitant amounts of money to famous actors who have yet to prove their value for the role they are going to play.

In Mr. Gibson’s case, he has proved not only his talent but also his commitment to this show. He’s an essential part of CM and he’s got the support of many, many fans of CM.

If he is gone, so are all his fans.

No TG = No Hotch = NO CM

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe that Thomas Gibson does not have a contract. He needs a contract that deserves him. I won't watch if he is gone.

Anonymous said...

It be would be fairly dastardly if Thomas Gibson wouldn't be on next season. As much as I like Shemar, Thomas' elimination would be horrible! Come on CBS get your s*** together!!

Anonymous said...

It be would be fairly dastardly if Thomas Gibson wouldn't be on next season. As much as I like Shemar, Thomas' elimination would be horrible! Come on CBS get your s*** together!!

marcia said...

i agree 100% w/ everything mary j. said. good fob mary j. you covered it all. and i also wanna say i agree w/ everyone that w/out thomas gibson i will not watch that show or any cbs or abc show. be careful what you're wishing for cbs/abc. i was a fan from day one myself. but i must say, what drew me to the show was mr. thomas gibson. i have been a fan of his for much longer. and this is very wrong of you, cbs/abc. don't you realize w/ out mr. gibson your show will fail? maybe you have better plans than getting excellent ratings?

Wendy said...

No Hotch, No CM for me!!

Sally said...

I hope that CBS comes to their senses and gives TG the contract that will make him sign on the dotted line. He is THE one and only Unit Chief for our team!!

pearlseattle said...

I cannot believe that CBS would take another chance to mess up with this show!!! Can they be that stupid??

I bringing back Rachel Nichols is an insult to the CM fans. And Erica Messer saying that she does understand that the fans don't like Rachel Nichols because she looks like AJ Cook !!! WOW, she really has NO IDEA who are the CM fans!!!

Once again, 90% of the CM fans do not like Rachel Nichols because she delivers every line with that blank look and flat tone. Plus the Seaver character doesn't make any sense and ruins the dynamic of the team!!


Camilla Jessup said...

pearl you do not speak for all CM fans. There are CM that really do like seaver. I am a fan of the show, have been for a long time. I like Seaver, she brings something to this team, and Reid and her have great chemistry together.

Camilla Jessup said...

oh but the show can't go on without Gibson, he has to come back.

fatima said...

it makes me very very nervous. I was already very angry when they suddenly let go of Emily/Paget.

There is no show without Hotchner/Thomas. If the show is like a house, Tom is the foundation. If you remove him the whole show will come crumbling down. The whole fan base will be shaken badly by this and most will not be able to adapt to any replacement. I know I wont ever accpet if Tom is not returning, he is "the" reason I watch CM.
I am really upset at this delay of the contract signing. Am hoping everything goes fine and they keep Hotchner.
CM is the one of the 3 shows I look forward to, other 2 are comedy. If Thomas Gibson does not get a contract for next season, then I guess I will look forward to only 2 shows on TV :(

fatima said...

I do not like Seaver.CBS should remove her and bring Emily back. Paget is a great actress and brings such reality to the character.
Once more,Thomas Gibson MUST sign the contract there is NO show without Hotchner. PERIOD.

pearlseattle said...

I know Camilla that I don't speak for all CM fans, that's why I said 90%. If you read all the comments on every CM blogs, you will see that it is not just my opinion. Sorry, nothing personal against RN, don't know her. But if you really insist maybe she has a little bit of chemistry with Rossi... certainly not Reid!!

But my point was that they should have signed Thomas way before even thinking of bringing RN back, but just my opinion...

Serena said...

Excellent points, fatima!! No replacement will ever be good enough for Thomas Gibson. What are you thinking, CBS!!

Hotch MUST be in season 7 or you will definitely lose many viewers, me included!


Here is the first form letter and first advertiser to boycott for anyone who wants to participate:

Send it in here: http://www.chevron.com/contact/additionalinformation/

Dear Chevron,

My name is FIRSTANDLASTNAME. I am AGE years old and am the decision-maker of purchases in my household of NUMBERINHOUSEHOLD. I am a fan of the show Criminal Minds and tune in regularly every week. However, if CBS/ABC does not renew Thomas Gibson for next season, then I will no longer be watching Criminal Minds. I will be boycotting the show and any advertisers on the show.

I watched the show for the last time on May 18, 2011 and saw that you were one of the advertisers on the show. In keeping with my boycott of any advertisers associated with the show, I will no longer be purchasing gasoline from your stations.

Should CBS/ABC decide to renew Thomas Gibson next season, then I will happily resume purchasing your products. Otherwise, my money and purchases shall go elsewhere and perhaps yours should too.


sdwally said...


Thanks for the boycott template and Chevron email address, I will be using both.

Camilla Jessup said...

No pearl they should have made a deal with Gibson first. Before hiring AJ again. I am sure her being back that she is getting a hefty paygrade more then she used to get. She is useless. The show worked fine without her for a whole season.

TLN said...

So glad Shemar is no longer caught up in this contract drama.

Knowing Morgan's back for next season has it down lock for me.

Rossi or Morgan to take over if Gibson shouldn't sign? I wouldn't mind that. It'd make for some interesting telivision, to say the least.

Also, possibly Paget and AJ coming back? We may lose Hotch, but we could gain two of our originals back, and Shemar's there to stay!

Yay! =D

pearlseattle said...

I am watching an old episode right now and wow, it was soooo good. It really was the perfect cast. And JJ is FANTASTIC, amazing chemistry with everybody, specially with Spence!! Can wait to have her back full time next season.

We just need to have Hotch and Prentiss back with the team and it will be perfection all over again. Nothing MORE, nothing LESS.

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell! I finally get the opportunity to turn up here hoping to see good news about the return of Sir Hotchalot and... nothing.

As others have said; I don't know TG (I probably wouldn't even recognise him if he was stood in front of me, because I'm a bit dippy like that if I see people out of their usual context - does that make sense or should I tattoo WEIRDO on my forehead?!) but from interviews I've read and what other people have said, in real life he doesn't come across as an @r$e.

Therefore, while I expect he IS asking for a payrise to some degree (who wouldn't?) I can't see he'd be demanding Charlie Sheen's megabucks be diverted straight into his bank account.

My guess - and that's what it is - hasn't changed. He's mentioned the commuting many times; as well as it assumably pecking his head having to spend hours each week sitting around in airport departure lounges (I did it eight times in 2010 and pretty much lost the will to live each time) there's also the more important issue of his family.

If I was in Thomas' situation I would be asking for my filming hours to be condensed into fewer days. We'd still get our same Hotch fix, but he'd get that extra time at home (and after six years, I'd say he more than deserves it).

Just my thoughts.

Angelwriter summed it up nicely - TG's portrayal of Hotch is that good you actually think that's what he's like in the real world. I remember seeing the gag reel on the DVDs and being really surprised how humourous he was off camera. To me that's a reflection of what a superb actor he is.

Dharma & Greg was (and still is) shown on this side of the Pond, but as most American comedies don't make me laugh (that's purely a reflection of my warped, twisted mind which gravitates towards League of Gentlemen, Psychoville and similar) I've never watched it. I did mention on another thread I'd watched it in Munich last November - dubbed into German - and that made me laugh. Although "Hotch" speaking German probably had something to do with that!

Still hoping CBS pull their finger out - someone said the writers were back in a week or so and while they can currently work out cases they're going to struggle with individual character's storylines. Especially when these involve Hotch, Prentiss or a subplot which links these two characters with any of the others...

The glaring one being Hotch & JJ knowing Prentiss isn't dead. That has the potential to be an absolute corker of a storyline next season but minus Hotch/Prentiss/both of them it'll end up fizzling into a disappointing nothing.

Sign him. Now. End of. Simple.

**Rolls eyes again**

heyya said...

Pearlseattle, I agree with you on all points.
Camilla Jessup also said that JJ was useless. Wow...yeah she was useless, but Seaver on the other hand is great isn't she, Camilla? Too bad she couldn't fill the void left by JJ and Emily's departures, and CBS rehired AJ whose character was, as you say is "useless", much to the delight of an overwhelming majority of the fans.
Seaver has no chemistry with anyone BTW, and Erica may not want her to just disappear, but then I wouldn't be surprised if half of the CM viewership disappears once Seaver the saviour returns next season.
Just bring Paget back, sign Thomas asap, and can Seaver. Is it so difficult to do?

Anonymous said...

You know what the more time that passes the more I think Thomas Gibson might not come back at all. But No TG NO CM

Japspen said...

I agree with you anonymous, the more time that passes the worse the news we might get.

No TG= No Hotch= No CM


Well the longer CBS waits the more steam the fans will get. More form letters to be released to more advertisers coming up. Unless CBS wants their advertisers dragged into this they better get it sorted with Mr. Gibson.

Anonymous said...

I think he is being screwed around by cbs and that is why they are taking so long.

Blue Sunflower said...

MGG has chemistry with a tree branch, so saying Seaver has chemistry with Reid really isn't saying much, since he's the one doing all the work. And if they set up Reid/Seaver, then I KNOW I'm gone.

My same old, same old: Hotch and Prentiss back, Seaver gone please. I still can't believe they told her she was "slated to return" before TG has a contract. Talk about slap in the face to TG and the fans.

Merlee said...

The fans are already steamed. I don't think I've calmed down since the treatment of our ladies started this all off last summer. Now my fave character is being messed with, right when I thought I could look forward to next season. Now I'm chewing my nails and wondering wth I will watch if TG isn't back, b/c it sure as he** won't be CM. CBS, please sign Thomas. The show is empty without him.

No Hotch NO CM.

Ang said...

Still no signing of TG?! This is absolutely shocking and disappointing, CBS. TG has given this show his heart and soul for six years and deserves a nice raise and some security for season 7. As many have said, we want more Hotch, not no Hotch. Sign TG.

No Hotch, No CM for me.

Kathy said...

What IS the hold-up, CBS? Quit being so greedy and give Thomas his contract. He certainly deserves it after all he's done for the show and your network. Learn from the disaster of last summer and give us back our WHOLE team. FULL TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS. This team is what has made and keeps CM so popular.

NO Thomas, no me. Please listen to the fans!


Please come back, Thomas! I know that's really selfish of me, but I really really want to see Hotch deal with the trauma he's gone through. And we fans want our only Unit Chief back... pretty please?

Won't watch without Hotch. CBS, please give him a great new deal.

Viv said...

No Hotch, No More CM for me!

Jen said...

Am I nervous? Sure, it is May 23 and still no news. Let's hope CBS will get into an agreement with Thomas soon because like many have said before, if TG leaves then I will stop watching. Hotch is too much of an important character for me to keep watching if he is not in every episodes.

Rose said...

So sick of this. Summer after summer having to fight for a member of our team. It is stupid and having to battle for our lead is setting a new level of frustration. Happy to give idiots millions but not sign TG, who is a gentleman as well as one helluva'n actor? So walking out the door if TG isn't back. I love his character and for me, Hotch is essential to CM. Please come to your senses and get him back. Full time Unit Chief.

only Hotch will do said...

Too nervous. I want TG to come back so badly. Hotch is my favorite and I didn't get to see enough of him this year and it blew chunks. Need more Hotch, can't do without my sexy UC! Sign Thomas to a biggie contract and make the fans' summer!

Lilly said...

Business industry or not, I watch TV to be entertained. Hotch is a critical reason why CM entertains me and keeps me tuning in. I'm under no illusion the show would go on, but it'd be a shell and I wouldn't continue with it. Please have a heart for a change, CBS and deliver TG back to us for a great season7.

Renee said...

Love Thomas and LOVE LOVE his 'Hotch'! CM would never be the same without him and anything but SSA Hotchner ain't worth it. No Hotch and no CM for moi.

Beth said...

"Only Hotch Will Do" boy ain't that the truth!! If there is no Hotch, not only will there be no CM, but also no CBS for me!

Cynthia said...

I hate this waiting. Please sign the gem that is Thomas Gibson and let the awesome character of Hotch continue. Please come back, TG!
No Hotch, No CM anymore.

Cecilia said...

Yes I am very nervous to hear this news. Actually, it makes me sad :( Hotch is a huge part of the CM experience for me and without him, the show just wouldn't be the same. Please say Hotch will be back! :(

Jessie said...

Should have learned the lesson by now, Hotch-less episodes stink! Sign Mr. Gibson and let us all have a peaceful summer. Thank you. No Hotch No CM.

Anonymous said...

You know what's hilarious?
Straus IS cbs!
She's the corporate analogy.
Ok writers, turn Hotch into a Straus-like character to keep him on. He shouldn't be in the field at this point anyway. Desk work, weighing his options, if that's how you want to take him out. At least give us a good story like Prentiss.
Keep telling good stories, and you'll keep the fans.

Anonymous said...

So they want to put the show back as it was by eliminating the 'nexus' that holds the team together for 6 years? How logical, talk about 1 step forward and 3 steps back! That'll be a waste of my time to keep watching.

BTW, if RN/Seaver's returning next season, perhaps it'll be a good idea if they change the title to "Criminal Minds: BAU Academy".... at least viewers will be warned the premise of the show has CHANGED. So if you can't accept changes, then don't watch!

Seriously, how can the BAU be called an *elite* team when they've a rookie who's LEARNING with no experience whatsoever?

Anonymous said...

You know the entire cast of CSI has no contract either. I am sure they are no singling and intentionally messing with Thomas.

Janet said...

"BTW, if RN/Seaver's returning next season, perhaps it'll be a good idea if they change the title to "Criminal Minds: BAU Academy".... at least viewers will be warned the premise of the show has CHANGED. So if you can't accept changes, then don't watch!"

Oh, Anonymous, now you just gave them an idea for a new spin-off.

About Thomas Gibson, I'm hoping that people at CBS remember what happened with AJ and Paget, that they HAD to call back because the show wasn't the same without them, useless newbie included, and the fact that fans wouldn't let go.
The thing is, I actually applauded the people at CBS for admitting their error, I sure hope they've learned by now that the best they can do for this show is to leave it alone. Can't they just go back to ignoring like they did until a season ago and go kiss the back of every other show they have like always?
That's all this fandom is asking for, to CBS to step away from Criminal Minds, stop meddling and certainly, stop fixing what wasn't broken before.

Lydia said...

Criminal Minds without Hotch is not something that I would be interested in watching. At all. Thomas Gibson's portrayal of Hotch is an important piece of the puzzle, of the BAU family. Please, CBS, ABC, whoever... please give Thomas a great contract. He's worked hard and contributed to the show's success all these years. He helped carry the show when MP just up and left, for crying out loud!! Come on!!! Reward the original cast that made your show a success in the first place. Please renew Thomas!!

Andrea said...

CM without Thomas Gibson/Aaron Hotchner - the thought alone drives me crazy! It's absolutely impossible. If CBS really should let him go, Criminal Minds has died for me.

Anonymous said...

My hope is dwindling day by day. I am worried that any day we will hear news that he is going to be walking away from the show.

sf81387 said...

According to JM, Thomas was at an international media event with him, Kirsten, AJ and Erica Messer last night and he's supposed to be promoting CM at the Television Festival in Monte Carlo with MGG on the 6th of June. Would he be participating in this stuff if he wasn't coming back? I wouldn't, but he's probably a bigger person than I am. ; )

CheetoBreath said...

Aawww! TG is awesome and a class act, CM or not. ; )

Anna said...

Until Thomas signs on the dotted line, I'm nervous. He's a class act through and through and I can def see him promoting the show he believes in. It doesn't mean CBS won't be idiots anyway.

Have some equal class, CBS and sign him now. Thank you.

Liz said...

I agree (^). I'm taking nothing for granted until we know TG has a signed contract. Please, ptb, give Thomas a great new deal worthy of his amazing talent. More Hotch next year, too, please! :)

Anonymous said...

I really hope the news of TG's promo tour is good news... CM will be dead for me if he isn't back.

Hotch4Prez said...

Yeah, he really is CheetoB and why he deserves a great shiny new contract. :) Love me my Hotch-man! Forget about me watching without him.

Anonymous said...

I want Thomas Back but the longer the wait the impatience gets worst. I am just worried cbs is going to mess with Thomas and he will give up and leave. Hope that does not happen. I watch because of him.

Anonymous said...

Losing confidence he is actually going to be coming back. He should have had a contract by now.

4cuterugrats said...

Still no news about TG's contract? Sigh...

Anonymous said...

I starting to think since we have waited so long we are in for bad news. CBS is that dumb.

marcia said...

what are the chances they're not going to tell us anything, as part of their cliffhanger strategy? that maybe we'll have to tune in to next seasons premier to find out.

Teresa H. said...

Marcia, I've been thinking the same thing.

sf81387 said...

Yeah, I think if he was going to re-sign he would've done so by now so they're probably just waiting for the right moment to let the public know he's not coming back. Perhaps they're waiting for news on Paget Brewster. Didn't she say she had to give them her decision by May 28th? Maybe they think bringing her back along with AJ will soften the blow.

But hey, if TG is getting a free trip to Monte Carlo for him and his family out of CBS before he rides off into the sunset then good for him. : )

Anonymous said...

If he was not coming back we would have heard about it by now. You can't keep that kind of thing secret. Hint Lisa Edelstein from House and the newly announced Chris Meloni from SVU.

sf81387 said...

No, I meant that they're waiting to cut off negotiations completely and show him the door. I think they're done with him. It's just a waiting game now. Shemar Moore is now making the money that TG was making and I think it's safe to say that TG isn't going to re-sign without a raise of some kind which would leave him making more money than JM. If they get rid of TG they don't have to worry about giving JM a big fat raise in order to make him once again the highest paid actor and they will have money to re-sign MGG. I think if this was going to have any kind of positive outcome it would've happend by now, but hey, what do I know? The inner workings of Holly-weird is certainly not something I'm well versed in so he might sign a contract a month from now, just in time to go back to work.

Anonymous said...

I've lost all hope. I wouldn't be surprised if it's announced that TG won't be returning. I'd just shrug my shoulders and move on.

Seems like everything always comes down to money...

Kathryn said...

Enough of the negativity. CBS, just please sign Thomas and quit worrying about the dramatic effect. Its about time you listened to the fans and the fans have stated clearly that we want TG back for next year and full force! No TG/Hotch, No CM. Please just listen for once and give him a good deal.

PO_D CM FAN said...

So tired of CBS meddling with the team and now the team lead isn't safe? Whats going on? Sign Thomas Gibson; he has earned every single penny with what he's done for CM and there's so much left to come. No more CM if Hotch isn't back next season.

Carol said...

It would be a travesty if TG were not to be resigned. He's such an integral part of CM and will always be THE man. There is a ton left to explore with his character and I'm sick of networks dictating what we fans want. Re-sign Thomas and keep the ratings. I certainly won't be watching otherwise.

Leslie said...

No Hotch/TG No CM for me!

So tired of this cast getting the crap treatment all the time. TG has done nothing short of a fantastic job and we want to see a lot more of him as our beloved Unit Chief. Please give him a great new contract soon!

Anonymous said...

If CBS think that they can just stall and figure we've all forgotten about our fave Unit Chief, they can think again. If Hotch isn't back for next season, I'm done with CM and CBS. Sign Thomas Gibson! We want HOTCH! No Hotch No CM

Heather said...

No fingernails left. Please come back Thomas! We love you and love Hotch! CM would suck without you and I reeeeeally want my Wednesday night back.

No TG No CM for me either!

Nicole said...

Great that CM will have AJ back and possibly PB but if that is supposed to bring ME back, think again. I watch for Hotch and want to see lots of him next season. Only then will CM be something I get excited about.

Caitlin said...

No way! If TG doesn't come back I would NOT just shrug my shoulders and move on. I'd cry, throw a fit, and then move on..... to something other than CM.

sf81387 said...

I'm not being negative, just realistic. Whatever happens with TG, good or bad, it's not personal. I'd be surprised if those involved in the negotiations have even see TG's pretty little face one time. I'm sure the network execs like him just fine and appreciate what he's done, but at the end of the day television is a business with the same goal as any business and that's to make money. When you have long running shows with a bloated cast with bloated salaries it gets to the point where it is no longer a profitable endeavor. The show could be off the charts in the ratings, but if it's not making money it's of no use to the network.

I hope he comes back too, but I've already prepared myself for the worst and have begun making new plans for my Wednesday nights. Since CM was the only thing I watched on Wednesdays, I'm thinking I will rent a movie and make Wednesdays movie night.

Just think how happy I'll be if and when I'm wrong and he comes back. : )

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