Sunday, May 01, 2011


CBS: We, the fans of Criminal Minds, find it both disturbing and inconceivable that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore, after months of active negotiations, still have no contract for season seven. What makes it even worse is that it comes on the heels of the firing then rehiring of A.J. Cook and the equally shabby treatment extended to Paget Brewster.

Criminal Minds has always been a cash cow for both ABC and CBS. Unlike many shows on TV today Criminal Minds' profit margin has increased every season and then there is the fact that it continually beats out the scripted competition in its time slot. It also has a much larger viewership than does the spin-off, which continues to receive sub-par ratings. CBS certainly can't be having financial troubles since Les Moonves' new contract is for over 57 million dollars.

Criminal Mind without Thomas Gibson or Shemar Moore is inconceivable and unacceptable to us and we ask that you please read the comments attached to this post before you make another one of our cast members endure the emotional slap in the face that you extended to our beloved actresses or worse, not bringing them back for season seven.



* Note to Criminal Mind fans: Please only post respectful comments. Disrespectful comments will be deleted *


  1. I think all CBS needs to do is look over at the poll and see how many viewers they would lose if either of these actors were taken off. I personally wouldn't watch it without them.

  2. Nothing to add - just wanted to state that I totally agree !!
    CU sindee

  3. Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore help make this show what it is. As seen with the dismissal of Paget and AJ, the whole cast is an essential part in its success. The show will not be the same without Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore.

  4. I tend to roll with the punches but the loss of either of these two great actors would cause me to stop watching the show.

  5. You guys in CBS have the best TV Show ever , producing Criminal Minds . We are lucky to watch it . But it won't never ever be the same if Shemar and Thomas leave the show . You did a great action allowing AJ to come back . So please , keep being great , keep Thomas and Shemar !

  6. CBS/ABC:

    I've watched Criminal Minds faithfully from the first episode. This show is consistent in its dynamic and strong in presentation. I attribute that to all the cast; a great ensemble (with the exception of the newest addition). Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are an essential part of that dynamic and need, without doubt, to be treated as such.

    Please do the right thing and secure their contracts for next season and beyond, if necessary. They are both equally essential and necessary to the continued success of this show.

    Thank you!

  7. The continued tinkering with such a great cast will eventually lead to the downfall of CM. Thomas and Shemar are both needed to keep up the top-notch quality of this show. CBS wisely brought back AJ and is tying to do the same with Paget. The magic of this show lies within the team. All of our characters are essential to the greatness of Criminal Minds and the thought of CM without Thomas or Shemar is unimaginable.

    I hope they don't trash the progress they've made to rectify their mistakes by failing to sign Thomas and Shemar - to fulltime contracts - for Season 7.

  8. Without Hotch, who would be the leader of the team? Without Morgan, who would be the action man and flirt with Garcia?

    Please renew Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore's contracts, don't make the same mistakes as last year.

  9. I am deeply concerned about the fact that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore have not yet had their contracts renewed for Season 7 (and beyond!). CM is an excellent show but suffered greatly this past season when both AJ Cook and Paget Brewster were "let go". That, IMHO, was a huge mistake and the show suffered considerably as a result. Both Gibson and Moore are incredible actors - Gibson with his leadership at work and his softer side at home and Moore's chemistry with Vangsness. Both characters have been built over the past six years. Please don't let it all go to waste by letting them go. You did the right thing (thank you!) and brought our beloved AJ Cook back. Here's hoping you can also bring Paget Brewster back, but let's not mess with a team dynamic (which should not include Rachel Nichols, IMHO) and let's get it right for Season 7 and beyond. I'll be honest and say that if Gibson and Moore are not back for Season 7 then I will no longer be watching CM nor purchasing the DVDs. I'm not sure why you created CM Suspect Behavior particularly when CM was doing so well, but it is awful (IMHO) and doesn't even come close to CM. You've got a great product in CM with great actors ... please don't mess with it. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

  10. Thomas and Shemar are integral to the show. The team needs to stay together, because the show is centered around how much of a family the team is. Taking Paget, then Thomas and Shemar would be like starting a new show. Why do that when you already have something great?

  11. Completely agree with what's been said. Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson leaving would prove disastrous, especially when the show is still debilitated from the recent upheavel.

  12. I agree wholeheartedly! I would think that by now CBS would have learned that Criminal Minds is a television family like no other. The way they work best is together. To risk such a popular and financially profitable show is beyond comprehension. Losing Shemar and/or Thomas would be death to the show. Majority of the loyal fans (myself included) would stop watching period. That would be grossly unfair to the remaining cast but I am sure it would happen. Surely they can't be asking for anything that CBS can't support. Please people, put on your thinking caps and do the right thing.
    J. Ward

  13. Sorry for the bad english, I'm just a poor brazillian fan that depends on cable TV. I honestly think that, after seasons 4 and 5 (which were just perfect ones), season 6 is, so far, not reaching my expectations, specially after JJ was dismissed. Losing 2 (very important) male characters that are part of the cast since the beggining of the series is, in my oppinion, inconceivable and stupid, specially now, when lots of other fans (including fans from other countries) are not happy with the path that CM is taking this season. Hotch, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, Garcia, JJ and Prentiss were not only a team but some kind of family, one that worked really well together. Please don't change it more than you already did!

  14. Without Shemar or TG, I for one will not continue watching.

    Have you actually sat down and looked at the comments online regarding the new spinoff? 98% of the ones I've seen HATE it. The characters lack chemistry and depth. I mean, there's more real drama on the Iron Chef than there is on CMSB!

  15. I can't really understand this situation, as a series of such success can continue without its main characters?
    Can you imagine a mission of BAU without Hocht and Morgan? It is simply unbelievable that this happens.
    In several episodes Agent Hotch says that nobody is replaced, so there's no way to imagine the replacement of such excellent actors who bring the excitement of the series for our homes.
    I will very disappointed if this happens and how big a fan of the series I'll be sad to leave to watch it.
    Believe not only amarican fans are upset, I live in Brazil, I'm Brazilian fan and never miss an episode, even bought all the seasons available and always watch.
    CBS could have a little account with us and these wonderful actors. Criminal Minds without Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore will never be the same, will be the end of a series so special and exciting.
    Please do not leave without Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan!

  16. I hope that CBS realizes how committed Criminal Minds fans are. Our disappointment over the Paget/AJ debacle was expressed loud and clear. Erica seems to be committed to restoring the show to what the fans know and love and I hope CBS listens. After all, the fans are what makes a show successful. I hope that CBS realizes that change for the sake of change is not always a good thing. It would be a huge mistake to alienate the fans again with the loss of Thomas and Shemar.

  17. What makes Criminal Minds work, what makes it a procedural with the kind of passionate fan base that one does not associate with procedural dramas, is the sense of family -- the focus on the characters and their interactions.

    You lost a lot of fan good will with the AJ Cook/Paget Brewster disaster. Don't make a bad situation worse. Preserve the chemistry that brings us to our TVs every Wednesday night, the chemistry that keeps us re-watching Criminal Minds in its syndicated slots.

    The team's chemistry will be irretrievably ruined if it loses Morgan or Hotchner, and you will be throwing away a fan base that has forgiven you a lot this season already.

    Please settle your contracts with Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson, the sooner, the better.

    Thanks for listening.

  18. I Have watched EVERY episode from day 1.( & many , many many re-runs) If TG & SM Are no longer a part, then neither will I or my family.
    Funny as ALL of my friends have said the same thing. Also NO ONE like the spin off...& I'm talking Many Many Many people that I have talked to in person. We all love Forrest , but that show just doesn't have the "chemistry" that our CM does & without hotch or morgan....poof... you won't have a show anymore.
    BTW...CBS have you thought that if you lose this show, most might turn to either Idol, or Modern Family???
    PLEASE stay with what works, if it ain't broke , it don't need fixing!!!

  19. Dear CBS and ABC,
    It was my recognition of both of these great actors that made me decide to give the show a chance in it's freshman season. I have never been disappointed until now. The idea that these two men would be left hanging for so long is sicking to me. When CBS does a show montage it is always Shemar Moore's face that represents Criminal Minds. He has been with CBS for years both with Criminal Minds and Young & Restless. That kind of longevity should be rewarded not disregarded. Thomas Gibson has a fans, from his various and vast projects, that would follow him to the ends of the Earth. Which means they will follow him right OFF of Criminal Minds, should that happen. Don't make a horrible mistake by letting these two actors slip through your fingers.

  20. Even the most casual fans are getting fed up with all the cast changes. The drama is suppose to be on the screen not behind the scenes.

  21. Dear CBS/ABC Studios,

    Since Criminal Minds premiered in 2005, I have watched every episode of this series & have also bought DVDS for all 5 seasons. Criminal Minds is the best show on television, and I hope that it survives for many more seasons! In order for it to survive even one more season, CBS must keep the original cast members. As a devoted fan, I am VERY concerned that CBS/ABC Studios did not yet renew contracts for Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore after months of negotiations. I understand that contract processes take long, but after last year’s decisions concerning AJ Cook & Paget Brewster, I understandably have my concerns about Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore not yet receiving new contracts. In my opinion, Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore are vital to the fabric of the show Criminal Minds, and I ABSOLUTLY cannot imagine the show lasting long without them. Thomas Gibson is a truly excellent & professional actor. For example, his performance in Episode 100 is one of the best that I have ever viewed on a TV program and his portrayal of the character Aaron Hotchner is brilliant. Shemar Moore is also a great actor, and both characters are essential to the team dynamic of Criminal Minds. A team without Aaron Hotchner as leader is unimaginable! From what I have heard, I know that many other fans agree that Aaron Hotchner & Derek Morgan are not only great characters on the show but are also essential to the shows survival. If you have not done so already, I advise you to you look at the fan polls on the Criminal Minds Fanatic Blog concerning whether fans would watch the show if Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore do not come back. Clearly, the evidence points to the fact the the majority of people would NOT WATCH the show without these characters (for example, over 95% of people would not watch the show without Thomas Gibson). If monetary concerns are delaying the renewal of contracts, I would rather have you renew contracts for Thomas & Shemar than renew the show Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior. While I do not hate the spin – off, I like the original Criminal Minds much better and think that you should devote the most money to the production of the original Criminal Minds & keep ALL the actors/actresses. I respectfully ask you to please not make the same mistake as last year. I agree that you brought back AJ Cook. You made the right decision! Yet, bringing JJ back will mean nothing unless you renew the contracts for Thomas & Shemar. While I enjoy watching the show every Wednesday, I unfortunately will not watch Criminal Minds during season 7 if you do not renew contracts for Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore nor will I watch any other shows on CBS. Please consider fans’ suggestions & renew their contracts soon. Thanks for reading this blog posting and thanks also for 6 great seasons of Criminal Minds.

    A devoted fan of Criminal Minds

  22. I am so excited about AJ's return to the show. Now we just need confidence that the other actors are going to be around for next season.

    Please get the actors under contract soon. Criminal Minds is my favorite show but each member of the cast plays a part in why I love the show so much.
    Holly from Idaho

  23. I am a loyal Criminal Minds watcher and fan of all the cast. I feel that any further cast departures would gravely affect my enjoyment of the show. I sincerely hope that decision makers are able to see the long term value of Criminal Minds and make the necessary investments to ensure its longevity and quality.

    The numbers speak for themselves; there are definitely viewers out there from all parts of the world. Criminal Minds interest goes beyond the original airings with ION and A&E playing syndicated episodes regularly. I personally know several people who own all 5 seasons available on DVD, me included. Certainly there is great money to be made from this first rate show.

    It is my hope that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore’s contracts are quickly finalized and appropriate for their value to the show.

    While I recognize there are many factors involved in negotiating such a contact, it is concerning to for a fan to hear key players are not yet signed up for the next season.

    The Criminal Minds ensemble is a very special group. Week after week there are messages in the show about how the group is a family. As a fan I feel strongly that this is true, the characters are a family and therefore the actors who play those characters. We’ve seen characters grow and mature both personally and professionally. Each plays an important role to that dynamic.

    I also recognize that actors sometimes want changes or seek a slightly different level of involvement with their character for professional or personal reasons.

    The bottom line is that it’s difficult for me to truly understand the nuances of what’s involved in getting that contract signed but it is my hope and therefore I send the message that I would like to see it happen.

  24. I agree with everything that has already been said, particularly by Nanci and HardKOrr. While the rectifying of the AJ and Paget debacle is great and wonderful (thank you for listening to your fans!), that will all be for naught if Thomas and Shemar don't return. I don't think it would be wise to alienate and anger your fans again. Please renew Thomas and Shemar, the sooner the better because as you can see - the fans are already getting riled up.

  25. Please CBS, Criminal Minds don't let end this way, don't let Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore go.
    Save our agents as if it were a mission of the BAU, we can't let our agents Hotchner and Morgan go away! Do not disappoint his fans.
    Criminal Minds with TG & SM = Success
    Criminal Minds without TG & SM = Failure.

  26. Quite frankly, I would just not watch it any more...Thomas and Shemar both need to be there along with AJ and Paget.

  27. If CBS's intent is to just make the show go away they are doing a good job. CM is not complete without the whole team and quite frankly, if TG and SM do not come back...that would be 3 out of the team and I would just not even bother to watch it.

  28. Is it true that you do this show for the fans?

    Then you should know by now what our preferences are.

  29. I agree with everyone on here and i hope that TG & SM will get a new contract for CM season 7 and future seasons to come. They are part of a family and have been there since the beginning. So CBS/ABC please renew their contracts so fans can relax and breath again! The show just won't be the same without them and i for sure won't be watching it if they don't get a new contract.

  30. There is not much more to be said but even given that I will just repeat stuff here's something from me:
    There is only so much the Criminal Minds team can take. I think I won't be the only viewer who will feel turned down and left with complete lack of understanding if CBS/ABC decides to kick out either Shemar Moore or Thomas Gibson. It is the team what keeps the show running.

    Please, please, please, don't rip the heart of the show.

  31. It's simple: without Agents Hotchner and Morgan, the show will die.

    In this house Mom an I watch CM, she likes Morgan and I love Hotchner.

    Without them there will no reason to kep watching CM.

    So, if they want to make CM with them, CM will end for us, and surely for much more people.

    And what the hell? Hotchner is the head of the group! When Hotch isn't near everything is FAIL, the group doesn't work!

  32. I already have a hard time watching the show without Paget and AJ. I was so excited when I read AJ came back. Everyone in the cast is essential for the show's success. The show would not be the same without them. It's "Hotch's Team" c'mon, now CBS. Do NOT ruin (some more) one of my absolute favorite's shows.

  33. Dear CBS

    I am a long time CM fan. It is by far my favorite show ever. I have never been invested so much in a television program.... and that is all down to the cast.
    I was devestated at the cast changes (Paget & AJ) this season and I pray that Paget rejoins as AJ has.
    Now you are casuing the same upset with Shemar and Thomas. They are both fine actors and the team cannot function without either of them. They both bring very different aspects to the team dynamic.
    Please sort their contracts out soon. If you do not renew either of their contracts you will lose many many fans, including me, who is already conflicted over watching the show without Paget

  34. It is glaringly ironic how Life appears to be imitating Art in that just as the character of FBI Section Chief Director Erin Strauss has shown to be an ongoing threat to breaking up the BAU family, indeed, CBS' delay in securing contracts with both Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore threatens us with the fate of losing what many of the Criminal Minds fanbase feel is OUR family. The polls do speak for themselves: No Thomas Gibson and Shermar Moore means no viewers. I cannot see anyone else portraying Hotchner and Morgan, thus my sentiments are in extreme keeping with the words of Angel TheOriginal's comment above, "Thomas Gibson has a fans, from his various and vast projects, that would follow him to the ends of the Earth. Which means they will follow him right OFF of Criminal Minds, should that happen." My loyalties are to the cast of Criminal Minds, and without its integral actors (Gibson and Moore) at its helm CBS stands to lose a vast range of viewers as the show's ratings will definitely plummet drastically. Please, CBS, take note of the devotion displayed here by the Criminal Minds fanbase, which clearly stretches across the world, and without further delay renew the contracts for Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore.

  35. I don't think I would keep on watching if the team were to lose any more members. I don't watch for the case of the episode, though that can be really interesting (for lack of a better word), I watch because of the team - and I know for a fact that a lot of people think the same.

  36. After the dismal season 6, Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore deserve glowing contracts.Not only are they part of the heart and soul of Criminal Minds, they have conducted themselves in respectable manner off the set as well (read that as: they don't act like the million dollar baby Sheen)

  37. I watch two hours of TV a week. One of these hours is Criminal Minds. I would be deeply dismayed if the show was crippled by the loss of two core characters.

    I understand the desire to mix things up a bit. But if you want to renovate your house you do not begin by pulling cornerstones out of the foundation!

  38. If TG and SM's contracts aren't renewed it would totally inbalance the make up of the show! Not renewing their contracts would be a foolish mistake, as so many of the fans adore both these incredibly talented actors! They're both consistent, and versatile characters, surely the writers wouldn't have trouble coming up with some amazing storylines for them!
    CBS sort it out, and renew their contracts asap, otherwise there'll be some majorly annoyed fans!

  39. PLEASE listen to the fans.... it can't work without them. They're OUR family and we're THEIRS... All for one and one for all!!!

  40. Fans... please spread the word about the blog and comments section... we need big #'s to show them how serious we all are!!!!

  41. You have the ingredients which make a GOOD show. Taking away important ingredients such as Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore do nothing but take away the flavor of the show. You already shook things up, and not in a good way, when you let both AJ and Paget go. We got through the loss of AJ and are still dealing with the loss of Paget. Joyous we were when we heard the news of AJ's return, but we are not ok yet. Why? Because of this very nerve-wracking process of the contract renewals. We as fans realize that it's a lengthy process but we can't help but worry nonetheless. Please keep TG and SM on the show. Without these KEY ACTORS the show will lose everything that it supposedly stands for. Stop ripping this family apart. Please!

  42. I've often heard that nobody is irreplaceable. I'm afraid this is not true when it comes to the whole cast of CM, and especially Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore. Over the last 6 seasons, they have helped build up this wonderful BAU's family. Both Derek Morgan and Hotch bring balance in the family and belongs to this family. Their character are crucial to the show. Hotch is like the family father that everybody respects. He fights hard for his family whatever it costs. Derek is more the big brother or best friend that everybody would like to have. There is a wonderful chemistry with Penelope Garcia. This brings such a human touch to the show and helps us forget for a few seconds that we are in the cruel world of serial killers! If Thomas and Shemar were to leave CM, it would be like losing a part of "my" family. Nothing would be the same anymore and it would leave a very big hole in my heart and my mind! Maybe so big that I'm not sure if I would go on watching CM. And this would be a pity for the rest of the cast, for the writers and all the behind the scene team, that work hard for this show. I've been watching CM since the very beginning in English and in French to ensure that I understand every single word! And I'm far from being fed up to watch it! It's also the only show that my husband is still watching with me, even after more than 5 years. Watching CM is our TV highlight of the week! So please, don't take this away from me/us and ensure Thomas and Shemar will be here next season and the following seasons to come. Thanks for reading.
    A Swiss fan.

  43. One night last year I was flipping channels trying to find something to watch on TV because I couldnt sleep and I saw Thomas Gibson so I started watching the show on A@E and I really liked it. Then I found out it was a regular series on CBS and became a very big fan. I bought all the dvds so I could catch up with the series and I loved the character of Aaron Hotchner. He was and is the reason I am big fan. Season 6 has not been as good as the previous 5, but as long as TG is there so will I be. The cast changes were wrong for the show JJ and Emily fit in with the others. I know that TG asked for us to give Nichols a chance but I cant her character adds nothing but irritation when ever she speaks. She does not fit in with the experienced team. but that will be no problem to me if there is no Thomas Gibson on the show, because I will no longer be watching season 7 on CBS I will still be a Criminal Minds fan but on ION an A @ E where I can find the actors and actresses I want to watch. Please CBS keep the team that made this show a success. Just remember trying something new does not always bring success sometimes it just guarantees failure.

  44. It is inconceivable. I live in Kampala and as soon as new episodes are out,I get them. the show, like very few others, is attention-grabbing and there is lots to learn, kindly do not remove any more main characters, no way.

  45. I seriously hope they read this and realize what they're doing to the CM fanbase. It's just so strange that, despite the show's amazing ratings, they keep screwing with the cast. Not cool.

  46. i wont watch it anymore if either of them are gone!

  47. I really don't think I can keep watching my fav show if Thomas and Shemar don't come back for season 7, so please CBS look at this as a family, you don't want to berak it, right? The show is just perfection, and you don't mess with perfection!

  48. Please don't make the same mistake than last summer. This cast is a whole package. That's the clue of the show success, its entire cast, all of them.

    So please, we need Thomas and Shemar on it.

  49. One would think that after this season’s fiasco, the firing of AJ Cook and Paget Brewster, only to ask Cook back when you realized that she was needed as a part of this team, this family, that you would have learned from your mistake. I hope Paget can return as well. This ensemble is a family and members can’t be cut out at will and expect the whole to be as good as it was before. It’s not possible. Neither is adding a totally unsatisfactory character to “freshen” the show.

    It is imperative for the survival of this wonderful show that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore not be in danger of not being signed. They deserve good contracts. They have delivered for this show time and time again. I don’t know how often you will be able to alienate the fans of this great show and not expect repercussions, serious ones. I think the fans that have stayed true to Criminal Minds through all the recent upheaval among cast, writers and producers deserve to have a summer when we don’t have to stew about what’s happening to our favorite show. We, after all, are the ones who watch the show and buy the products your advertisers pitch, so they will pay top dollar to fill CBS’ coffers. I don’t think it is too much to ask that you share some of that with the actors who so richly deserve it.

  50. Oh my gosh! If shemar or Thomas isn't in the next season I don't even know if I'll be able to watch!!!!!! I love them both som much and we've already lost four characters!!! We already have a spinoff of Criminal Minds, we don't need the original having a completely different cast from the beginning! CSI took out Grissom and he was the leader and I couldn't even watch it after that because it was totally screwed up without him! The same thing would happen if Hotch left!!! And if you get rid of Derek them who will Penelope flirt with endlessly?!?!? Reid? No. That can't happen! They have to stay!!!!!!!! Please?!? I think I will cry if either of them get taken off the show!!!!!!! I already cried three times during the episode where Prentiss was "killed", I can't got through another loss! I just can't!!!!!!! Please?!?!?!? Listen to the people who love them, we love them!!!!! Please... :'(

  51. I LOVE "Criminal Minds" and I NEVER miss a single episode !!
    Well, I guess I can say I am totally addicted to this show hahaha

    I sincerely think the show is that famous because of the cast !!!
    ALL the actors make CM what is it right now. Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are, as ALL the other actors, necessary to CM !

    CM without them wouldn't be the same...

    I think you saw ALL the actors are needed "for the proper functioning" of the show ... Like I said they are the KEYS of why the show is that famous!

    So please please please, give contracts to Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore for the season 7 !!! WE NEED THEM !!! It wouldn't be the same without Hotch and Morgan !

    Thanks for reading.
    Audrey ( FRANCE )

  52. they cant leave bc i cant watch it if they leave and i need it!!!! especially reid!!!!!!!

  53. Respectfully to the CBS execs - What can you be thinking? I know contract negotiations are a long process, but really? After last year's fiasco, CM fans are hoping you have learned something. If it isn't broken, stop trying to fix it. This show has survived for years without the monumental budgets of other shows (namely 2 1/2 men) and has consistently provided good product.

    Therefore, give TG and SM whatever they ask for. They more than deserve it. And while, we're on the subject, if MGG is asking for a pay bump, GIVE IT TO HIM! I think he richly deserves it after all the fans he's brought in AND the fact he can act AND direct.

    Learn from your mistakes and give the fans what we want - OUR SHOW BACK!!!

  54. Shemar and Thomas MUST stay on CM, without them there is no CM!! And I will definitely stop watching. So, please CBS let's get these contracts figured out! Don't fix what ain't broke!

  55. The poll says it all, CBS. Morgan is a huge part of the series and Hotch is simply a necessity. I think a lot of viewers will say goodbye if this character is forced off the show. I don't see myself sticking around. :-/ I keep thinking to myself how it could even make sense to cut out a character that has so much room to grow and to explore. Hotch is a mystery waiting to be played with. Why throw away what the fans want? Please keep Thomas and Shemar - for many seasons to come!

  56. There won't be any reason to watch the show without Thomas and Shemar.

  57. PLEASE SAVE Criminal Minds!
    Don't leave us orphans of this wonderful series, neither of the finest actors. SAVE our agents!

  58. I love Criminal Minds and if either of these great Actors (Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore) were to leave lots would be devistated. As well all were when A.J and Paget left. please bring Paget back and keep Thomas and Shemarar and Great job on Bringing A.J back we missed hear and I would miss them to as well I still miss Paget

  59. If Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are not in criminal minds next season I won't be watching it. It would be no good with out them in.

  60. I agree with everything. Criminal Minds isn't the same without these characters. Why mess with a good thing? If either of these vital characters are gone, I will stop watching this show.

  61. There's really nothing to discuss. SM and TG are essential to the show they just HAVE to be there, I just can't comprehend as to why this is even an issue! The show is so successful because of the chemistry between the characters, us viewers connect with them and it just wouldn't be tolerable in anyway to not renew their contracts. It's just so absurd, CBS needs to stop being so jealous of the show because it's one of the highest rated shows on TV so yeahhh, Nina Tassler needs to get a reality check.
    P.S. There is nothing creative about this, we will make a new petition if we have to.
    your viewers

  62. Two big mistakes of this year was the loss of Paget and AJ, can you believe the show without Shemar and Thomas??
    Criminal Minds is a great show, and an important part of this success is the cast, each member of it.

    So CBS: Just bring Paget back just like you did with AJ, renew Shemar and Thomas contracts,and and make this 7 season, one of the best.

    Camila, Chile

  63. Taking vital people away from an extraordinary ENSEMBLE drama is a recipe for disaster. The holes made by the disappearances of incredible actresses AJ Cook & Paget Brewster are felt actively every episode they are absent, detracting from the plot and feel of this show.

    The rehiring of AJ Cook has been a glimmer of hope to Season 7. And while I wish nothing but success to Paget Brewster in her new comedy, the Criminal Minds fan in me hopes that she is able to return to the show if the option was made to her.

    All that said, I honestly cannot wrap my mind around the thought of Criminal Minds Season 7 without the exceptional talents of Shemar Moore & Thomas Gibson. I love the show. But these actors - every one of them - ARE the show. Without each of them, the show is empty. Just another crime show with no heart.

    Please recognize the mistake it would be to let these amazing actors go. Criminal Minds needs these actors - all of them - to make this show the success it has been.

  64. You think CBS would have learned by now that you can't mess with CM. The show would no be he same without Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore. They should look at the poll & realise it will be a huge mistake & loss and it won; be taken lightly.

  65. I personally believe that Criminal Minds is the best show on air right now, and I know that others agree with me. You can afford to make a new series; Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior- but you can't afford to renew Thomas & Shemar's contracts? You fired both Aj, and Paget from the series- but for what?
    I'm glad you decided you rehire Aj because the show needs her. She adds good chemistry to the show- as does Paget.
    CBS- you have ALOT of viewers BECAUSE of shows like Criminal Minds.
    So, please- do the right thing and make sure that Thomas & Shemar returns next season.

  66. I completely agree! Don't mistreat our actors the way you mistreated our actresses.

  67. Why do you, CBS, feel butchering a top show is a priority? You're losing a major fan base to these changes. And you know why? They're stupid! Thomas Gibson is practically the main character that we all admire, and without Shemar Moore, you'll be lost. Thanks for you crappy ideas.

    Signed - Everyone

  68. I have been a long time CM fan and it all started with seeing a promo with Thomas Gibson as Hotch in it. I watched an episode, bought the S1 and 2 DVD watched them a weekend marathon and I was hooked. I have never missed an episode on Wednesday at 9:00pm, I do not DVR CM but watch it live because it is so good I gotta watch it live, I just can't wait! I have watched every episodes more than once, I watch new episodes and reruns CBS, and reruns on A&E. I can tell you CBS that I will never watch again if Thomas is not resigned. I cannot imagine CM without Hotch! He is the BAU leader, their moral center! For me CM without Thomas/Hotch will have no appeal to me.

    I hope you will come to your senses CBS and resign Thomas soon!

  69. CBS, don't fix what's not broken!
    You have a talented cast that plays their roles perfectly and the characters need each other for this show to be as successful as it has been. If more characters leave, there's no chance I'll watch your show and neither will my friends.

  70. We at CMRT are dismayed that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are still without contracts. We wish to add our voice to those demanding that CBS re-sign Thomas and Shemar. Criminal Minds without Thomas and Shemar is unacceptable!

  71. Shemar and Thomas make Criminal Minds What it is. The Best Show on TV. Shemar and Thomas deserve a new contract. I want Shemar and Thomas back. Cause without Shemar and Thomas I would quit watching.

  72. You can't fix what isn't broken. "Criminal Minds" is a great show. I have seen every episode. There are two reasons why I have stayed religious in my viewership. One, is for the myriad of episode plotlines. Two, is for the characters and everything that these awesome actors bring to them.
    If Gibson and Moore were taken off, you would definitely lose this fan.

  73. I agree 100% that they both need to be brought back. And I am absolutely excited that AJ Cook has been rehired. Would love to see Paget return but who knows. This is a very good show and does a good job making us love the characters even though we dont get too much character development. I want Hotch and Morgan back. It would be hard to watch if we lost one or both guys. And for those of you hating on Nichols, give her a chance. I like her character and her back story. I think the only reason you guys are hating on her is because she entered the show during the hole Prentiss- JJ fiasco. She is good and if they do bring back our core cast, you will come to like Seaver!!!

  74. Without Thomas Gibson I believe you'd hear the death knell of CM. viewership would drop markedly. It would certainly be the end for myself. What sets this drama apart from other crime dramas is the chemistry and backstory of the characters. Lose them it's just a ho hum run of the mill crime drama.

  75. What helped make this show a top ten show (and often top 5) is the absolute synergy between the cast, crew, writers and directors. Over the seasons, we've watched a lot our beloved below the line players leave, and the show has suffered their losses.

    Sometimes, though, a loss is too much. Absent AJ and Paget this year, season 5 has felt off-balance and at times completely alien. Even with AJ returning (and hopefully Paget in some way, shape or form), the threat of losing Thomas and Shemar keeps us as a fanbase gasping for air.

    It may seem silly but this show is family to many of us, and Wednesday a reunion. We're sick of losing those we care about. In saying that, the plea goes up and out to CBS - recognize the lightning in the bottle you have and do whatever you have to keep it. Whatever that takes.

  76. Why mess with a good thing? In our uncertain world a little consistency is a good thing. Please don't make any cast changes to Criminal Minds. Thanks!

  77. I don't even know if I have the words to express how incensed I am that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore don't have signed contracts yet. I would hoped that CBS had learned their lesson after last summer when they unceremoniously fired AJ Cook and curtailed Paget Brewster's appearanes in Season Six; but it seems that they didn't.

    I can't believe that CBS would hold itself open to the to bad press that their actions from last summer engendered. Twitter exploded last summer with tweets about how CBS had wronged AJ Cook and Paget Brewster. Do they want that to happen all over again this summer if they keep dithering over the contract negotiations with Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore?

    Does this make good business sense? Do their viewers mean anything to them and more importantly, is keeping their viewers happy and tuned in to CBS shows mean anything to them?

    Previously nearly all the shows I watched were on CBS, but after CBS's actions last year, and the very poor offerings of the network, I stopped watching all but two shows on CBS this past season: Criminal Minds and another show, and NO, it isn't the horrible spin-off.

    CBS: Please, please, please negotiate fair contracts with Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore, and please do it before the season ends. I don't know if the show's fans can take another summer like last summer.

  78. Come on CBS! Criminal Minds will not be the same without both of these guys! I KNOW you will lose a ton of viewers if you lose either of these guys. Let's get the negotiations together and make season seven THE BEST!!!


  80. we have no idea whats involved in their negotiations, I don't think CBS wants them to leave and I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. I hope so anyway.

  81. When I worked for a bank, I spent a lot of time recharging old equity, investments that had stagnated over time or weren't achieving their potential. Clients would want to drop the old and bring in the new, and it was my job to talk them out of it. If you want to improve your investments, work with what you've got. Instead of alienating viewers and firing half the cast, why not take on bigger shorelines, grow and develop the characters, focus on episodes that aren't unsub-centric or based on big name guest stars who may or may not bring in big ratings for one week only.

    I think it's fair to say that the only thing wrong with the show is that someone tried to "fix" it, and the result was akin to a botched plastic surgery. I'm actually quite surprised that after the AJ/Paget debacle, the powers that be would go this route again. Really, CBS? Because I gotta admit, I'm scratching my head here.

    There are a number of shows (even a few on CBS) and networks who would kill for a fanbase as diverse and loyal as the one Criminal Minds has. We buy the DVDs, we promote the show on our social media pages, we tell our friends, family, and co-workers what an awesome show it is and that they should tune in. And we do all of this because we connect with the characters--not the advertisers, the demographics, the guest stars, or the gore...the characters.

    Since I'm not a member of the CM cast or crew, I can't say much about how the actors and former writers have been treated in the past. What I will say is that I really hate being treated like a number. And this season, I really felt like CBS viewed me as inhuman and unimportant, just another female between the ages of 18 and 39 they could squeeze a couple of bucks from. Let me tell you: what sucks more than feeling like your favorite characters have been traded in for a younger model is to realize shortly after that as a viewer, you also have been given the boot.

    When AJ and Paget were let go, we were told our opinions didn't matter, and that we didn't understand the business, that we were overreacting. When longtime fans didn't respond favorably to certain storylines or characters, we were told our grief was clouding our judgment, and we were bad fans for not liking the changes.

    I guess in a way, that logic kind of sticks, because I don't understand "The Business." And more importantly, I don't care. All I know is that despite having a season pass for Criminal Minds on my DVR, I've only watched 6 of 23 episodes, and quite honestly, I don't have a preference on if I finish out the season or not. Season 6 will not end up on my DVD shelf with the others, and I'm really annoyed that I've been put in the position to either watch something I enjoy wither away slowly or cut ties completely and try to remember it for what it was.

  82. Criminal Minds has an amazing cast, with astonishing onscreen chemistry. Particularly, the male trifecta created by Gibson, Moore, and Gubler (no offense Mantegna), is what makes the show a must-see. To mess with it, in any way, would be a great risk, with potenially no reward.

  83. Thomas Gibson's Hotch character is a big part of what makes Criminal Minds an unique and powerful crime drama. Gibson's portrayal of Hotch sets the tone for the whole show, dark, intense with a subtle sexiness.
    Right now, among my family and friends, Criminal Minds is a must see show; every new episode and a lot of the reruns. Without Gibson it would be just another run of the mill, watch it or not crime show.

  84. There is no way the show can survive the loss of another character after what happened this year with the girls.
    We got AJ back, don't ruin the team dynamic by getting rid of Thomas or Shemar (or anyone else as a matter of fact).

    You've got a fantastic show with an amazing cast and crew, very loyal fans... Please CBS, don't go throwing all that through the window, and get Thomas and Shemar signed up for next season (and the next ones too) !!

  85. If it's not broken- don't try to fix it!

  86. CBS has already messed with success with the A.J. Cook and Paget Brewster fiascos and it's come back to bite them in the butt. They had a winning combination with Thomas Gibson, Joe Montegna, Shemar Moore, MGG, Kirsten Vangsness, AJ Cook and Paget Brewster. They should have learned their lesson by now. Get Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore signed up and on board for Season 7 and then some! We need to get this show back on track. CBS needs to get their stuff together.

  87. This show is a great example of how a team works. They all add to the greatness of the show. You can not take one away and keep the same chemistry. Please sign these two guys to a contract and we can get back to talking about the best drama on TV not the drama behind the cameras.

  88. I'm trying to look at this from a business standpoint. I understand that CBS and ABC have a business to run and that there are certain things they look at when renewing contracts. If I were the boss of a company I would certainly look at past performance of an employee. Thomas and Shemar have consistently performed for 6 seasons on a highly successful series. They have increased viewership each year. Their fanbase is amazingly loyal. As a manager myself, I would consider these to be important points when hiring someone. Why are these points not important to you CBS and ABC?

    I have watched CM from day one. I am also a faithful CBS Network fan. But I have to wonder sometimes where your head is at on the decisions you make. You continue to support outrageous behavior from some stars and pay them exorbitant amounts of money. But when you have a group of stars that are wonderful actors, great humanitarians and beautiful human beings you just let them hang in the wind. The cast of CM has done more for their fans than ANY other show I can think of. THAT is why we are loyal. THAT is why we support them as we do. THAT is why we feel as strongly as we do about the show. THAT is why you will be hearing the same thing from all of us until this is resolved. TAKE CARE OF THOMAS AND SHEMAR NOW!!!

    We as consumers have a choice every day. If we are unhappy with the grocery down the street, we will go to the one at the other end of the street. Same principal applies to what we watch on TV. If you continue to make us unhappy, we will eventually move on. Please don't let this happen. We aren't asking for much...just treat your actors what they are worth! And to all of us Thomas and Shemar are worth their weight in gold!

  89. I don't watch very much on other stations, except on mondays when I watch Dancing with the stars. I don't watch reality showe, yuck except for those on CBS like the Amazing Race and even Big Brother during the summer. I watch CBS and its great government agents and procedurals. My favorite is CRIMINAL MINDS. I watch for the wonderful character of Aaron Hotchner played by Thomas Gibson. I watch shows because of an interest in the performers and the characters they create. Give Mr. Gibson and Mr. Shemar what they request because they do a great job on the show and are part of the reason why many people watch.

  90. Criminal Minds is the most intense and wonderful show on television. The main reason behind this is the incredible cast. They have such awesome chemistry together. However, this has been severely damaged this past season by CBS' failure to resign A.J. and limiting Paget's role. I thought CBS was moving in the right direction when they resigned A.J. and their attempts to resign Paget. Unfortunately, that will all be for nothing if they do not resign Thomas and Shemar. I have watched this show since the beginning and initially tuned in because of Thomas...he is a terrific actor and his portrayal of Hotch is amazing. The 100th episode was the best hour of television I have ever seen. I know if these men are not resigned, my household will no longer be watching the show or purchasing the DVD's or merchandise.

    Please do the right thing and put this cast back together so that we can all continue to watch the show we adore so much. It just doesn't make any sense because there was nothing wrong in the first place.

  91. criminal minds is my favorite show and it needs to have the stars still on it to work if they take off the stars your gonna lose your fans and ppl that watch the show i love all the ppl on the show morgan hotch reid jj prentis garcia and rossi they all should be on the show to make it work please listen to the fans b/c if you dont the show will lose and i hate to see that happen

  92. I began watching Criminal Minds via the ion television network. It was a holiday weekend and I was home sick. I started flipping through the television channels and happened upon a Criminal Minds marathon. Instantly, I got hooked, so much so that I logged onto the Internet to find out all I could about the show. Shortly thereafter, I bought the DVD's of the previous seasons and faithfully began watching the newer episodes on Wednesday's.

    When the news broke out about AJ Cook's dismissal from the show, and the reduction of Paget's appearances, I was deeply saddened. Why would the network do this, I asked myself. To my knowledge, both actresses loved working on the show, both are extremely talented individuals who superbly portrayed well- conceived characters, and the chemistry between the cast members rivaled that of many shows I've watched in the past. So why, I repeated to ask myself, would the network think it necessary to eliminate these women from the show. Sadly, the introduction of the Seaver character onto the show did nothing to quell my dismay over the loss of these actresses and the characters they played on the show. And while I was ready to give the character a chance, increasingly it became clear to me that the character was not a fit for the show, nor was there, or is there, any hope of filling any gaps or voids with this character.

    Now, here we are, inching closer to the end of yet another season and it seems like we are back at square one, except this time it is Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore who fans are fearing may not see the light of another season. It is unfathomable for me to even think of the possibility of either man not returning to the show for season 7. There is no possible way for me to even begin to describe the magnitude of each man's contribution to the show. To think that there is any way that the show can proceed without these two key players, well, it is just unthinkable.

    The rehiring of AJ Cook is definitely something to cheer about and be grateful for, but AJ is one piece of a puzzle that is dependent on the others to make complete. I so desperately want to see the return of the team that got me through sneezing fits and high temperatures, a return to the show that had me Googling to learn everything about it, and a return to a set of actors and actresses who are remarkable at their craft.

    There is an opportunity to put all of the pieces of this magnificent puzzle back together. One piece is coming back, AJ, it is in your hands to make sure that the other two pieces, Thomas and Shemar, don't get away. Whether Paget returns to the show or not is her decision, but I hope that if there is any opportunity to bring this marvelous actress back that you make every effort to do so. Most important, I hope that for Paget, as well as for AJ, Matthew, Thomas, Shemar, Kirsten and Joe, you begin to value what these actors and actresses have done for the show and for the network throughout the years. For what they have done goes far beyond generating ad revenue; these performers have captured the hearts, imaginations, and loyalty of millions of viewers who anxiously count down the days to see them in action at the BAU. Not many shows can boast about that type of fan base. It is something that should be respected and appreciated.

    I sincerely hope that you do not continue to believe these performers are insignificant individuals that can be shaken, stirred, and tossed out at a whim. This type of shake, stir, and toss action did not go well for you when done to AJ and Paget, nor will it go well for you should Thomas and Shemar fall prey to this action. Please continue the task of restoring what you so rashly ripped apart, please.

  93. I’ve been a loyal fan of CM from the start. The character of Hotch reeled me in. I put up with the early cast changes because I liked the Unit Chief so much. Then key writers were fired, including Andrew Wilder, my fave. Not good. Rumors of an actor to go to. Even worse. Messing with our ladies. Stupid. Plain stupid.
    New character poorly written, goes against all canon. Frankly, an insult. Now... critical, unsigned contracts. Unacceptable!


  94. I don’t know what bad game you’re playing, CBS, but stop it and stop it now. Thomas Gibson will not be asking for anything unreasonable. He**, he should have won multiple Emmy awards for this show by now. He is a class act, through and through. If necessary, FIND the money/space for him. Moonves and Sheen have plenty to spare. Better yet, cancel the spin that nobody wants in the first place. Basically, do whatever you have to bring back TG. He’s been instrumental in holding this show together through its ups and downs and I’m so sick & tired of the underappreciation of his work and his character’s value. Just because he doesn’t jump up and down for attention, it seems he gets ignored. Its ridiculous. TG has been shoved into the background ALL of this season and it shows imho... worst season. I BEG you, bring Hotch back to his rightful place, as the true leader of this team AND leading from the front. I don’t want to give up CM but I will if this continues. No TG, No Hotch, no more CM for this girl. And while I’m at it, no more CBS.

    Quit messing with our men! We want TG & SM back FULL TIME, FULL PAY!


  95. I am overwhelmed by what is happening. I don't know how we even got here, yet again. It feels WRONG. I know it's a TV show, but a lot has to be right for you to have been blessed with such an incredible ensemble cast. Their chemistry, both on and off-screen, is something that happens rarely. And when it does, you do all you can to keep it and be grateful for it. It's more than just crime - there's a ton of other shows people can go to if they just wanted that. It is the team that essentially differentiates the show from any other. And please, CBS, do what's right. You've already seen the detrimental effects of removing two limbs. Are you seriously contemplating removing more? I beg you to give us back our team, give the writers more time to engage with the actors/characters, give Thomas and Shemar the contracts and the acknowledgement they so richly deserve and give us back our quantum of solace. Just. Do. It.

  96. Please renew Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore's contracts, don't make the same mistakes as last year.

    There is no Criminal Minds without these two great actors.

  97. Devoted CM Fan from India,

    Very excited about A J COOK’S return to the show (THANKS A TON!!) & now hoping that PAGET will join the CM family sometime soon in the next season. Now to the main subject , Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore are both brilliant actors and hasveplayed a vital role in bringing success to CM. This show has grown and matured (alongwith the actors) over the years and has become something like a family to us. Please lets not break this family who have already seen too many changes and breakups this past year. So without delaying much CBS should now secure these contracts and give the huge commited fanbase a much needed sigh of relief. Keep running the show and hoping to see many more seasons in the future.. Thank you for listening..

    Swamini, India.

  98. I truly believe that one of the foremost reasons why Criminal Minds is such a successful show is because of its fantastic cast and its characters. It has already been proven beyond any doubt that messing with the cast and cutting characters is not a very good idea. So why risk doing that again?

    Criminal Minds without Shemar Moore and (especially) Thomas Gibson would not be the Criminal Minds we know and love. If the show loses them it would most likely deteriorate and die.

    I know I wouldn't watch.

  99. This is a wonderful show because it's a perfect mix of top-notch storytelling, truly wonderful characters, awesome group-dynamics, and perfect chemistry between the actors. We feel with the victims, we try to understand the background behind the unsubs, their profile, their history, but most of all we've come to share the wonderful family that CM has become in those last 6 years. The writers, producers,and these great actors together have built an extraordinary piece of TV history. This season you've put us through quite an emotional rollecoaster with letting go two of our beloved cast members, but we've stayed with the show to show our support. And you made AJ come back, which was a wonderful thing to do and proved that we were right in believing in CM. Please, don't make the same mistake twice. This show cannot afford to lose TG and/or SM - they are essential, they are integral parts of the engine that drives CM. This time, you would lose us for good!

    PS: Sorry for any mistakes - English is not my first language.

  100. I have always said what I love about this show is the extra interactions and family feel we get from the all the characters in between the killing and horrible things going on during their job. Most of my favorite moments are little moments between the characters that make me laugh and I go back again and they make me laugh again.
    I, like most other people I am sure, know which characters are my favorite and we all have our preferences. Even if these two are not someones favorite, which looking at the poll it seems it is a pretty good concensus they are, the loss of one of them to the overall show and the interactions that occur would be detrimental. Everyone has their favorites but to this show the entire cast, working together, and interacting is what makes it what it is and is probably why it has the fan base it does.
    I ask you to please!!! highly consider what the show would be like if either of these guys were to not return, and from my point of view it does not look good.
    People do not like change, and unlike other things that people can get used to, huge changes like this will never be enjoyed by the fans and will most likely always receive the outcry that occurred when we found out Paget and AJ were leaving.

  101. Essentially, get rid of one of them you will lose some of the real hardcore viewers. The ones who actually buy the merchandise, obsess over it and gain you more viewers by compelling those around them to watch.

  102. Nothing to add - just wanted to state that I totally agree !!
    No Shemar and Thomas = No Criminal minds for me, which would be soo bad. I would miss it soo badly.

  103. Criminal Minds is my favorite TV show ever. When Paget Brewster and Joe Mantegna joined the show, the cast was the perfect cast and the BAU team was the prefect team. Without Morgan and Hotch the team would be destroyed beyond repair. I would not watch season 7 if Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson Gibson were gone.

  104. Thomas GIBSON est indispensable à la vie de cette série. Le personnage de HOTCH ne peut ni être supprimé ni remplacé. Sinon ce sera une autre série que comme beaucoup je ne regarderai plus. L'exemple d'AJ COOK devrait avoir appris à CBS que le cast Gibson, Mantegna, Moore, GIook, Vangsten ne doit pas être modifié et que , si elle el souhaite, Brewster doit pouvoir revenir.

  105. I think,I can speak also for the German fans,that Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore have to stay at Criminal Minds!
    In my opinion CM can´t live without Hotch or Morgan,they are an irreplaceable part of this series!
    CBS...we need both of them!!!

  106. You are kidding, right CBS? Right?! We could have a CM without Hotch?! There’s no way I will watch that!


  107. I love Criminal Minds, it is my all time favourite show! The reason is the team leader Hotch! I never liked Gideon so I was happy when Hotch took over! I’m upset that I am reading that TG may leave! No please! I want him to stay! I didn’t like the episode he missed, the one that was all about Morgan. If TG misses another episode I sure will not watch!

  108. Hear, hear!

    I totally agree with what people are saying above. You'd think CBS would have learnt their lesson during the AJ & Paget farce but evidently not. Let's hope the network pulls its metaphorical finger out of its @r$e and gives our two gents the DECENT contracts they deserve.

    Surely CBS must realise that if they don't secure the signatures of TG & SM they'll have given the show the kiss of death?


  109. I was so happy when I read that AJ was back, finally CM was to be going back to being an awesome show, but wait, all this cannot be if Hotch is not there! Please CBS don’t let Thomas leave CM! I so will not watch CM without Hotch!

  110. Please, Please, Please, don't do this to us. Please don't take Hotch and Morgan away from us. I don't want to even think about Criminal Minds without them.

  111. Where did CBS say that Thomas and Shemar wouldn't be returning?? I'm a bit confused. I know they haven't even done all their next season pick ups yet. its not even May

  112. As a long time viewer and fan of criminal minds, I would like to urge CBS to end the negotiations now and all parties come to fair and just contracts. This season has taken its toll on the fan base but we are encouraged with the great strides that have been made recently to return CM to its fantastic self. Lets put the icing on the cake and renew these contracts now.

  113. I can't add anything original to what has already been stated, but I can reiterate how important it is to CM fans to keep our family intact. We had a perfect balance with Gibson, Moore, Mantegna, Gubler, Brewster, Cook and Vangsness. Our fan world has been knocked off its axis this season. We need our balance.

  114. Seriously CBS. I can't believe you even let them off set without a contract in your hands. You need to re-think your social media if you think the support this fandom gives the cast would not extend to ratings. What you did to the cast via your treatment of AJ and Paget cannot be forgiven. The disillusionment that outstanding ratings would keep our team safely employed was not a good wake-up call for any of us. Don't assume that those who don't post don't agree with the opinions stated here. The fandom supports the cast.

  115. I hope that Gibson and Moore stay, it simply wouldn't be Cm without them! I'm not sure 100% that I would continue to watch without them, although maybe on a Gubler-heavy episode, I don't think I'd feel the same devotion to the series without them

  116. I seriously debated submitting a comment on this thread because it’s hard to believe that CBS would continually place its audience and avid fans of Criminal Minds in the position of being frustrated, anxious and stressed out from one season to the next. It’s hard to believe that a network with the slogan, “CBS cares,” would display such dismal and arbitrary treatment to its dedicated, well-behaved, respectful stars; and its loyal audience.

    After recognizing the total miscalculation made with the firing or AJ Cook and slow-demise of Paget Brewster’s Prentiss, why do we once again find ourselves in the untenable position of having to plead for our beloved cast to be rehired, renewed, and simply be left alone? CBS, your asking Paget to return and rehiring AJ demonstrates your recognition that the these two ladies are integral to the success of CM; and their presence in the series is like the mortar that holds together the bricks of a well-built structure that’s withstood attack, pillaging, damage and other outside elements. Shemar Moore is one of the bricks whose strength and character melds with the mortar to hold the structure in place. Morgan, like Rossi, Prentiss, Reid, JJ and Garcia have formed a bond with each other and with the audience that has made Criminal Minds a must see for the last 6 seasons.

    But the foundation of Criminal Minds is Thomas Gibson. No structure will survive without a solid foundation; Hotch has provided Criminal Minds with the grounding and footing that has elevated the series above the typical procedural. Hotch is the face of Criminal Minds, and Thomas Gibson’s presence is essential to the continued success and enrichment of the series. Without Thomas, CM will quickly lose its authority and its appeal. He gives the series its integrity and its weight.

    I’m going to subscribe to the position that CBS recognizes the importance of Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore; and that these protracted contract negotiations are a ploy to heighten audience anxiety and anticipation to somehow dovetail into a ratings boon for the new season. I hope it’s not a ruse to undermine our much-deserving stars into accepting some deal that will shortchange the many years of service and the great contribution they’ve made to CBS, the fans, and to making CM the winner that it is.

    It has long been established that Thomas has been undervalued and underappreciated by CBS and the critics; don’t continue to make this mistake. It’s long past the time for CBS to recognize and reward him for the role he’s played and the contributions he’s made to CM from the beginning of this series. I’m still mystified why Thomas doesn’t receive top billing on a show for which his character is obviously the lead.

    As we approach Season 7, a milestone that many series cannot claim, it is time to make things right and to reward our cast based on their worth, not threaten their existence on a series that has thrived because their presence on it. I’m delighted to have AJ Cook back; and I desperately want Paget Brewster to return. But none of it will matter if Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore aren’t there. What does it mean to put the team back together as I read in the LA Times that CBS was trying to do, if two essential members are no longer present? It would be an exercise in futility because many fans will desert CM and CBS for pushing us away. I’m holding onto the belief the both Thomas and Shemar will return; because NO TG, NO CM for ME.


  117. It looks like we are back at the grill again. CBS and ABC Studios, what is the deal with you and this show? You have a hit on your hands that you have done everything in your power to twist so out of shape that most viewers heads have not stopped spinning yet. It's a wrap on season 6 and these men don't have a contract, what's up with that? Yes, contracts take time, and maybe in another scenario the fans would be more willing to sit back and relax, but after what you did with AJ and Paget, the days of sitting back and relaxing are over.

    I'm glad that you guys are finally bringing AJ back, and I am praying like no tomorrow that Paget will be back, but Thomas and Shemar have to be there too. This show is what it is because of those actors. Thomas and Shemar make a big part of that and to believe that their characters can be cut off the show is a big mistake, a lesson I thought would have been learned with what happened with AJ and Paget.

    Do what you have to do and give these men the contract they deserve!

  118. I watch Criminal Minds since the beginning and I can't imagine the show without Morgan and Hotch. So please renew Shemar and Thomas's contracts. Criminal Minds will never be the same without them, just like is not the same without AJ and Paget.

    Listen the fans please and do not take Shemar and Thomas away. And bring Paget back. We want our "family" all together again.

  119. I would stop watching immediately if TG wasn't signed again.

  120. I started watching CM because of Thomas Gibson. I was flipping through channels and stumbled upon CM on ION channel. I just couldn't believe that this guy playing Hotch was the same guy who played Greg. And he was great and believable in both roles! I have huge respect for Mr. Gibson as an actor. He is the reason I stopped flipping channels and watched my first episode of CM that day. He is the reason I caught up on all the reruns and became a faithful viewer every week of the new episodes. And if Thomas Gibson is not renewed, then he will be the reason I stop watching CM.

  121. Dear CBS- Please wake up and sign Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore. Criminal Minds is my favorite show on tv, and I make a point to watch it weekly and in any other fashion. CM is a big family. If someone is missing from that family, there is a gaping hole that cannot be filled. Shemar and Thomas would not be abled to replace! Thank you for bringing AJ back and please bring Paget back. Please don't loose these 2 wonderful gentlemen from the show...One is the leader and the other is the heart and soul of CM! Thank You! Kelly Johnson

  122. Please renew Shemar and Thomas. It would be the end of CM for me otherwise. It's that simple.

  123. I'm a diehard devoted Reid/MGG fan but if Shemar and Thomas are not signed for next year I doubt that I'll carry on watching, even with my beloved Reid still there. Our CM/BAU 'family', the reason I watch the show, would be completely and irreversibly destroyed. The BAU needs Morgan and Hotch. The old team of Reid, Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, Garcia, JJ and Prentiss was perfect. Please give us that team back again.

  124. If they are no re--signed, tptb might as well change the name of the show to either 'crimil' or 'mindless 'cause it definitely won't be Criminal Minds any more. I won't even put myself through two more exit storylines because it would kill my past experience of this show. I am stupefied that we're even having this discussion because ...well because i'm in denial. I was in panic the whole day because i could not post my comment earlier. Cliffhangers are all well and good but backstage shenanigans, not so much. What a team, waht amazing actors - seriously, why would you even consider this, CBS? Why?

  125. Sorry for the typos - mind not in synch with fingers. I am flabbergasted, gobsmacked, anxious, horrified!

  126. I am from Spain, and I am a huge fan of the show since the beginning. I can assure you the show is very much appreciated in Spain and without Thomas Gibson CM would not be the same.

    The core of the BAU´s team is Aaron Hotcher. No Gibson = no Hotcher = no Criminal Minds!

  127. I've never missed an episode of Criminal Minds but I am getting very tired of all the drama concerning the cast. We've had great additions and I adore Paget and Joe but I am not willing to endure more toiling around with the cast. I started watching the show because of Mandy Patinkin but I was hooked on it by the time he left. Hotchner is my favorite character and I would definately stop watching the show should he not be brought back.

  128. TG or SM must have new contracts. I will stop watching if they are gone!

  129. I’m a big Criminal Minds fan and cannot imagine the show without Hotch! Please CBS give Thomas Gibson a new contract soon!


  130. CBS, I stayed with Criminal Minds throughout many changes, Mandy, Lola, AJ and Paget leaving. I draw the line at Thomas. No, I will not be watching season 7 if Thomas leaves.


  131. Come CBS, after what you did to AJ and Paget surely you have learn SOMETHING about CM! We, the fans will not accept to lose either Thomas or Shemar.

    Re-sign Thomas and Shemar or see CM lose LOTS of fans!


  132. Dear CBS:

    I've been watching Criminal Minds since my friend let me borrow the season 1 dvd (the summer after that season aired). It's such a great show and the cast is so great together. I'm glad that AJ Cook is going to be back, but it would be devastating if Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore didn't return for season 7 as well. Please renew their contracts... all of us fans would hate to see TG and SM go!

  133. Remember what happened to the X-Files when they tried to re-do the cast after David Duchovny left? This will be the same move. Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson are essential to the show's success. CBS please look at the polls, viewers are not watching if they're not in season 7, and I will be part of it!! I am a HUGE fan of Matthew Gray Gubler, but these other 2 help make characters what they are. Thomas Gibson is the great leader, the one who mentors the cast, the one who shows no emotion but loves his fellow team members as siblings. Shemar Moore has helped take down many many bad guys. He's the sexy one whom we LOVE to watch knock down the doors. PLEASE PLEASE secure their contracts!!

  134. Won't watch the show without Hotch.

  135. It's fine with me that CBS doesn't want to see what did the fans react .

    Anyway , viewers choose which channel to watch not CBS . If they get a lower viewer rating , they shouldn't blame actor/actress but themselves ~

  136. Dear CBS, this season when I lost my second favorite character on CM, Emily Prentiss, I stayed with CM because my favourite, Hotchner was still there but now from what I read on many websites looks like I may lose my favorite character. If that happens or worse you give Gibson a contract like Paget got then I will stop watching CM either!

    No Hotch, No CM for me.


  137. Just read this on the CMF blog and that has me worried :

    “jill: Question: We realize you can’t speak for CBS but the entire fandom is in an uproar over Thomas and Shemar not having contracts yet. Thomas chatted with us a few days ago. How in the world could you deal with the loss of two major characters? Fans are irate at the prospect as I am sure you already know.

    EricaM: I have to move forward believing that our two guys are back. Negotiations have given me more gray hairs than ever!!!!”

    This cannot be true! Really we could lose TG???? CM will never be watchable without Hotch! Sign him please!

  138. What is wrong with you CBS, why do you always pick on CM? We lost Paget and now we may lose Thomas and Shemar?! Say goodbye to your fandom.


  139. The reason the show is so well loved and embraced by the fans is because of the amazing cast.. an ensemble. A family. The fans were hit hard with the loss of AJ Cook and Paget Brewster back to back. Criminal Minds simply will not last if it suffers another loss of a major character, whether that is Thomas Gibson or Shemar Moore.. or both. It was a good decision to bring AJ Cook back, and I could not be more excited for her return, but please CONTINUE to make good decisions. Thank you for an amazing show.

  140. CBS, it looks like Gibson is also very underrated by you! Well he isn’t by his fans and the CM fans. He leaves I do too!

  141. Criminal Minds has the best cast ever. Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are a essential part of the show. There is no CM without them.

    Please renew their contracts!
    Thank you.

  142. I want all of them in season 7! Thomas, Shemar, Matthew, Joe, Kirsten, AJ, Rachel and if it is possible, Paget :). Criminal Minds is all of them

  143. I absolutely adore Thomas Gibson’s Aaron Hotchner. I only tuned in because a friend told me TG was in it. I like the actor but it’s his portrayl of wonderful ‘haunted Hotch’ that keeps me coming back. I’ve been very disappointed there hasn’t been much of him this year and I don’t like CM as much. Please, much more Hotch next year! No Hotch, No CM for me either.

  144. The fans WANT more Hotch. Not enough of his this season! The fans DESERVE more Hotch. TG DESERVES more Hotch. Sign him. More $, more screentime. Tell the writers. Save CM from destruction.

  145. I'm not sure if anyone's tackled this, but what about Garcia? I love the banter/flirtation between her and Morgan. It makes me laugh and provides MUCH comic relief with some of the darker story lines. PLEASE again, PLEASE sign these two amazing actors!!

  146. I'm now worried about our male actors since it doesn't seem like CBS has learned their lesson. Sign your lead, CBS. We want Thomas back in his rightful place for S7. Paget back too! Original cast, back to original show.

  147. I’d miss SM if he didn’t come back next season, but I’d absolutely quit watching if TG doesn’t return and return to the forefront. I miss Hotch so much! This season sucked! More TG for Season 7!!! Save our men, CBS! No more character-less episodes!

  148. Both Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore make Criminal Minds the show that it is today. Especially Thomas Gibson because he is the face, heart and soul of the show. If Thomas Gibson leaves I am going with him.

  149. Criminal Minds is not only a great show - it as well is a show of great success, which can't be seen as naturally. CBS started messing with the cast and the fandom last season already and was very lucky that the fans continued watching.
    ...and now they are bringing AJ Cook back (& probably Paget brewster), but are making the same mistake with the men?! I used to believe in a certain learning effect but appearently I was totally wrong with that.
    So, CBS, just notice this one thing:
    This won't work forever. Treating cast and fans this way would be self-distructive to every other show and one day Criminal Minds will not lose it's quotes due to too many seasons or outworn characters but because you keep blowing it with the viewers.

  150. i would not watch the show if shemar moore or thomas gibson are not on it. losng jj really did take the show down a notch. the bau team makes the show. i ll admit i got into the sow late bu now it is one of the few shows i am excited to see..

  151. It is really sad to me that they have not finalized a contract with Thomas Gibson or Shemar Moore. Both of these excellent actors take part in making Criminal Minds a GREAT show! It is very sad that CBS has allowed or dismissed Paget and AJ changing the dynamic of the CM team. Taking away Gibson and or Shemar would make this show a flop. Too much change and this show will not flourish like it has.

    Faithful viewer,
    D. Aldinger

  152. No Gibson, no show! If any more actors leave from Criminal Minds it will be absolutely impossible for me to support, let alone watch, a show that treats it's actors and fans in such a hostile and disrespectful way ! If you want to keep the show and its viewers, give them a fair contract NOW!

  153. This time last year I couldn’t imagine CBS getting rid of 2 of the key actors/characters from one of its top rated dramas…then they pulled the rug out from under us not to mention AJ & Paget. Now it looks like Thomas & Shemar could be on the block? As worried as I was a couple of months ago when I first heard that their contracts were still being negotiated, I’m a little more settled now since they’ve brought AJ “home”. The bottom line: CBS, the Criminal Minds team is solid – great writing, top notch directors & producers & a group of actors that (unlike a certain highly-paid former CBS star) are talented, dependable, & professional. If you wanna keep the fans happy, keep the WHOLE team – Thomas, Shemar, Joe, AJ, Kirsten, AND Rachel – together.
    Yes, I added Rachel. Between the controversy & character development, both she & her character had a rocky start. But they’re building the character slowly, which, IMO, is how it should be done. Of course, folks complain about that, but I’m sure if they’d done the opposite, people would have hated her because they were throwing everything at us. Think back to the beginning of the show itself – we didn’t know or learn everything about each character that first season. So advice to fellow fans; Give Seaver AND Rachel a fair shake. Advice to CBS; keep Thomas & Shemar.

    (Twitter: brandibelle73)

  154. Like many, I am in denial that the fate of two characters on the show is up in the air, again. I don't understand why Criminal Minds is being treated like it is dead last in the ratings with no chance of ever being successful. This is clearly not the case, but you continue tinkering away making changes that don't need to be made, changes that have proved disastrous for many fans, and just all around contentious.

    Firing AJ was completely unwarranted, but is thankfully being repaired. The disrespect that you showed to Paget is something that you should be ashamed of and hope that you will go out of your way to apologize for regardless of whether she comes back to the show. I am hoping that she does come back to the show because she is an essential part of the team, as are Thomas and Shemar. I don't even understand on what planet you'd think that the show would have a chance of being the best without these men on it. You tried your replacement project with the Seaver character, and I'm sorry, but that has been by and large been a fail, something that I think you must know by now. Fans don't want replacements where replacements aren't needed. What we want and have always tuned into see is the team, Hotch, Prentiss, Garcia, Morgan, Rossi, Reid, and JJ. It is that simple, but for some unnknown reason, you decided to mess with that, and the results, well, yeah, not so hot. If Paget doesn't come back which for me will be so hurtful, then lets get ready to roll with what is left of the original team, Hotch, Morgan, JJ, Reid, Rossi, and Garcia. All of the other characters are in play except for Hotch and Morgan, which you need to do something about ASAP!

    Stop messing with this show and give us our team back!!!!

  155. I don't know where to start, mainly because is difficult for me to believe that any big corporations as CBS/ABC Studio are, would seek to earn big money alienating their customers. I firmly believe that the viewers are the real customers of both, the networks and the advertisers, as they are the ones that ultimately will buy the products the advertisers pay TV time for.

    And here comes my conundrum. I always thought that to keep any business healthy and running you need to win over as many customers as you can and, the most complicated thing to achieve, earn their loyalty so they come to you time and again. CBS/ABC Studio with Criminal Minds achieved the first part in a way that since Season One has stumped even to the most stubborn and vocal critics against the series, and subsequently has earned too the loyalty of those same viewers... wait! That last past was not really a CBS/ABC Studio achievement, instead was the well earned achievement of the most honorable, gracious and kind cast and crew of any current TV series (and probably past too), the ones that created a wonderful family in and out of the screen and allowed us to be part of it. CBS/ABC Studio should by now be very aware of this, and knowing with whom our loyalties lay I think it would be good business sense to keep the family together but... Do you see my conundrum?

    Thomas and Shemar are beloved family members, as are Joe, Kirsten, AJ, Matthew and Paget.
    Beloved family members are not people we forget or cast away.
    Beloved family members are not people we are going to allow to be hurt, discarded or diminished in any way, shape and form.
    Beloved family members are the ones that compel us to switch on our TVs every Wednesday at 9.
    Beloved family members are the ones for whom we pay attention during every second of that hour to our screens, ads and all, because we don't allow ourselves to miss a single second of their airtime.
    Beloved family members are the ones for whom we pay attention to the ads in every other CBS program because we want to see the promos of the show as many times as we can get away with.

    CBS/ABC Studios, please, be smart and sign the new contracts with Thomas and Shemar. Keep the good business you have running with Criminal Minds by keeping our beloved family members together and happy. It's not that we don't want to chose, it's that we don't have to. For us is easy: where they are, there we will be.

  156. I am a fan from Germany, where Criminal Minds is very popular. I have been watching this show since season one, and I can't imagine it without Thomas Gibson or Shemar Moore. Their characters are essencial to this wonderful show, and there have been so many changes to Criminal minds during last year that it lasts for the next three seasons or so. Please keep the team together, especially now that you brought A.J. Cook back, which is a great decision and a good sign for season 7, which I could not really enjoy if Morgan or Hotch were no longer part of the team. Losing them might be the point where I don't want to watch Criminal Minds any longer, since this new change might destroy the show.
    I want to thank you for six years of great entertainment, and please continue your good work with Thomas Gibbson and Shemar Moore as a part of the show.

  157. TGibson is just so sweet! I love how he connects with fans through chats and tweets, its cool! I think Hotch is great too! He hasn’t had much to smile about and seems to have been neglected in S6 but I hope that changes next year. Hotch & Reid are the best! I won’t watch without Hotch so please sign him soon and give him lots of money and storylines! Thank You.

  158. Leave CM the $$$$ alone! Give our men a raise and lets get on with next season; it needs to improve on S6 and it can start with lots of Hotch since a LOT of fans sorely missed him ever since the middle of season5. Sorry, show isn’t as good without him playing a BIG role. Won’t watch if he doesn’t return.

    Save our men! Original Cast, ALL of the time!

  159. You know what CBS? I AM your customer. I am a viewer in the 18-49 demographic your advertizers adore and this customer is alarmed by what she read on Entertainment Weekly site that Gibson may not be back on Criminal Minds next season. That customer will use her remote and find something else to watch on Wednesday night if her favourite character leaves her favourite show.

  160. I love all the team members but my favourite is Hotch! You gotta make sure he stays on the team in future seasons! No way, no how I will watch episodes without Hotch!


  161. Why is it that every freaking spring/summer we CM fans are having to worry about an actor/actors?! CBS, why can't you just leave the show alone. We love it because of the cast chemistry and without Thomas Gibson (especially) and Shemar Moore, it will not be the show we all love. We don't WANT or NEED it changed. I sincerely hope you listen to the fans and resign both men to well-earned raises for a long time to come. No 'Paget-type' part time contract games either. We want all characters in all epis.

  162. Why oh why CBS would you even think of having CM without Gibson? CM without Hotch is like NCIS without Gibbs, 5-0 without McGarrett, House without Gregory House, The Mentalist without Jane etc…I wouldn’t watch any of those shows without any of those guys and I sure will not watch CM without Hotch.


  163. I'd like to echo everyone's comments saying that BOTH Shemar and Thomas are indispensable. The relationship between Morgan and Garcia is a huge part of the show and many people, myself included, look forward to seeing them interact every week. If either one of these men leave the show I will no longer watch, and that would be just heartbreaking for me.

  164. CBS stop messing around with Criminal Minds!

    That's all I have to say.

  165. I love Criminal Minds, but another season like this, and I am out. This has been a season of dumb decisions and ridiculous changes. First dumb decision, was eliminating the JJ character. First ridiculous change, attempting to fill that gap with the Seaver character. Second dumb decision, letting Prentiss "die" out of the door. Rounding out the dumb decisions, Hotch getting pushed back in scenes, totally being absent for one episode, Garcia being given duties that are not in line with her character, and thinking that fans would accept a character that makes no sense whatsoever to be on an elite and specialized team that the show has always, always, said has made this show and the characters on it extraordinary.

    If you hadn't noticed, Criminal Minds fans are plugged into what the show has always been based on and the characters that push that base along. Getting rid of critical cast members is not the way to keep viewers on board. All you are accomplishing is the further alienation of fans who do not deserve to be treated like this considering all of the support and money they have lined your networks pockets with over the years. Get it together and sign these men back on the show!!! While your at it, get Paget back!!! I know it is her decision whether to come back or not but you guys need to show her that there is something worth coming back to on the network side of the deal.

  166. Gibson leaves and the only Criminal Minds I will be watching will be in reruns on A&E and ION and NOT any season/episodes without Hotch/TG!


  167. Please CBS, Keep Thomas and Shemar!

  168. I just have this to say to you CBS: No Hotch, No CM!

    Big Hotch fan

  169. I’ve been a long time CM fan, since the second episode of season one. I started watching when I read in TVGuide that Thomas Gibson, who I watched on Dharma & Greg, would be in this new TV show. I have watched every episode of CM and bought the DVDs but I can tell you I will stop watching CM if Thomas leaves. I so hated the episode he was missing from. If I’d known that he would not be in the episode I would not have watched! I hope you will do the sensible thing and sign Thomas soon!

  170. Jeez last year it was AJ and Paget, this year Thomas and Shemar. Next year from what I read on deadline Hollywood it will be Joe and Matthew. What is going on CBS? You really want to destroy CM? Losing TG or SM would do that! Sign them CBS!


  171. The anger that fans voiced when A.J. Cook was let go and Paget Brewster's role was cut back should be remembered by CBS. The many posts here and around the web told you we want the cast intact as it was in season 5. The show is not complete without our family of 7. Thomas Gibson gave one of the best performaces ever in "100" in season 5 and is the leader of the family that we love. Shemar Moore is one of the best actors today and his character is much loved by all viewers of the show. They both deserve the respect and gratitude of CBS for giving the network a hit show for so many years. So CBS, my suggestion is to listen to the fans and work out the differences to save this show.

  172. CBS, in case you didn't know, CM fans are a bit obsessive. TG fans, even more so. If you let TG walk off, I can guarantee you that his fans are walking off with him. Please do us, TG and SM fans, all a favor and just renew their contracts already. Us fans are getting tired of this kind of treatment for our favorite actors on our favorite show. If TG and SM go, then I go too.

  173. Really CBS, this should be a no brainer, resigning your lead actor should already be done! If Thomas Gibson doesn’t come back then I will stop watching CM!


  174. CM is a great show that works because of the cast who play characters that I want to spend an hour with every week. I know I’m not alone in that and you should have figured it out with your treatment of our key actresses this season. That change, and the fact you shoved our wonderful anchor, Mr. Thomas Gibson, into the back made for a very long year. It didn’t work. Return things to the way they were. Re-sign TG and treat him like the lead he is. Listen to all the fans who have spoken on this blog and don't want any more of their original team cut. Original cast, ALL of the time. No TG, no CM for me

  175. Both Thomas and Shemar have been critical in this show becoming the only thing on tv worth watching. They go (either of them), I go. I want to see them both EVERY week, they are that important.

  176. For the show to go back to "thriving", we need TG signed ASAP. WTF CBS?! CM needs Hotch and we want him back! Completely agree with the comment that episodes without each team member featuring SUCK big time and should be banned! ALL of our cast, ALL of the time.

  177. A day without Aaron Hotchner is like a day without sunshine. CM without Aaron Hotchner is a day from h**l. Resign Thomas. Permanently!

  178. I echo the feelings of most other fans who posted here: if either Shemar or Thomas leave CM, I will stop watching. It pains me to say it, I love all the actors on the show, but CM without Hotch and Morgan just wouldn't be the same.

  179. Thomas and Shemar need to be back because we the fans want them back!!!

  180. I never comment on websites, ever…but you are messing with my favorite show, The only show I never miss, no matter what. I hated the loss of JJ and especially Prentiss. I hated the addition of the token blond Barbie-Seaver. Nothing against Rachel Nichols but the character was ill conceived and made no sense. A person has to have many years experience as an agent before even being considered for the BAU. This season has been a mess with all the unsub centered episodes. I personally want to see more of our people profiling, investigating and chasing down the bad guys. And with Hotch front and center, not absent or back at the station. As far as the current situation, CM without Shemar is disabled. Without Gibson, you may as well turn out the lights and lock the door. I know that I won’t be watching!!!!

  181. Please don't do what was done last year. We like our team the way it is. I want Hotch AND Morgan back!!!!!!!

  182. CBS, CBS, CBS….you just don’t learn do you? You did this to CM, to CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI:NY etc…you have good, performing shows and you have to mess with them. I stopped watching CSI when Pettersen left. I no longer watch CSI:NY because Melina left after getting a crappy contract from you. I stopped watching Miami because Adam was replaced by Eddie Cibrian. See where I am going CBS? I can tell you that I will stop watching CM if Thomas is not back! CM cannot lose Hotch! Btw I went back to watching Miami again because Adam is back.


  183. We need Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore on Criminal Minds!There are no acceptable or valid or creative reasons why these two actors should not be on this great show! It backfired with AJ Cook and paget Brewster, please don't do this again! I can't imagine the show without these two G-men front and centre!

  184. Sometimes we fans feel like our opinions are irrelevant. The powers that be think they know what is best for us. However WE THE FANS know what is best for us. Our FAMILY is best for us. DO NOT destroy our family. And they ARE our FAMILY! I am all for adding to our family,let Rachel stay. She is coming into her own. Please stop messing with the best show on tv! CBS has some the best shows on and the fans can always move to another network. We love our family please don't take our "GOD GIVEN SOLACE" away from us.

  185. CBS Please keep Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson on Criminal Minds! They are a big part of the shows family and it would ruin the show totally if they were taken off the show!

    If it's not broke, don't fix it please~

  186. Why? Why do you have to mess with something that's working? Who is it amongst your esteemed executives that constantly feels compelled to make casting changes where none are needed? I am a relatively new CM fan having tuned in in the past two years. I happened to be flicking channels one day and saw my first episode on A&E. I was instantly hooked and so I purchased all the DVDs and watched them in next to no time. I don't watch anything else on TV except the occasional nightly news and hockey as I simply don’t have the time but I ensure that I never miss an episode of CM! I was, however, devastated when you fired AJ Cook and Paget Brewster. I felt betrayed and I hated the way those two were treated but I supported the show and hoped that you would hear our appeals to bring them both back. It seems that you listened and are doing the right thing in that regard. However, as others have said, bringing them back and letting Gibson and Moore go brings us right back to square one and makes matters even worse. Why can’t we have all four of them?
    The BAU team feels like a family to me and I look forward to each and every episode. Gibson's character is the glue that holds them all together and he is probably one of the most versatile and underrated actors I've ever seen. I will never forget the “100” episode in which he was simply outstanding. Moore's character is the big brother we'd all love to have. Please keep this team (Gibson, Moore, Cook, Brewster, Mantegna, Gubler, Vangsness) together. As much as I love everyone on that team, if Gibson and Moore are not re-signed I will not be able to enjoy the show anymore (much like Season 6 has been a huge disappointment without Cook, Brewster, and occasionally, Gibson) and I doubt I will continue to support it. Reading posts on this blog I can see that many of your loyal fans feel the same way. I don't know if you could find more loyal fans than those of CM. I don't know if there's a cast of actors who readily interact with their fans the way the CM cast does. I’m not going to pretend to understand what the issues are that are preventing all parties from coming to contract agreements but if CBS truly cares about the success of this show and what your loyal fans think, please find a way to sign both Gibson and Moore and please do it soon. Although there are many others who can take some credit for the success of this show it is your cast that brings this show to life. They are the people we see every week and they are the people who you should be treating like gold.

  187. Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore need to be part of Criminal Minds - the show just would not be the same without them. Sign those two up asap! Go ahead - make my day. :-)

  188. Cbs you might as well cancel CM if decide to take off these actors. no one is going to watch. the decision in the end is yours,just don't let it be the wrong one

  189. CBS, quit messing with a class act, so rare in Hollywood. Sign Thomas Gibson now! Give him a promotion (so richly deserved) and please ensure he gets waaaay more screentime than this miserable season. He is the glue for this show and its sucked with him in the back. I just want more Hotch. Please. No Hotch, No more CM for me.

  190. Thanks to Jill and Erica for the recent chat. It was awesome to hear that we might start to get back the show we all fell in love with 6 seasons ago. (ARE YOU LISTENING CBS??!) For me, that will only happen if:
    -TG is signed and not in the background anymore like this season.
    -less focus on unsubs and more on our cast. Want more Hotch/Reid; Hotch/Rossi.
    -back to good ol’ profiling and not waving of a magic wand.
    -back to team moments involving ALL the team... NEVER EVER EVER have another episode where a character isn’t present!!!

    To do this, we need TG & SM! Get with it CBS! Sign our actors. Fair pay and all episodes covered!

  191. "Cbs you might as well cancel CM if decide to take off these actors. no one is going to watch. the decision in the end is yours,just don't let it be the wrong one"


  192. I don't like to believe in rumours, but just in case, please know that if you don’t resign TG & SM, Thomas Gibson being at the top of that list, I will never watch CM again and will be seriously considering my viewing future with CBS. Please consider your actions carefully. Thank you for your time.

  193. Lisa said:
    "CBS, quit messing with a class act, so rare in Hollywood. Sign Thomas Gibson now! Give him a promotion (so richly deserved) and please ensure he gets waaaay more screentime than this miserable season. He is the glue for this show and its sucked with him in the back. I just want more Hotch. Please. No Hotch, No more CM for me."

    Yes. To all of this.

  194. What I've noticed the past six weeks from the CM fanbase is a renewal of energy. We're excited about getting AJ back and extremely plesed that Erica Messer is taking over the reins. After her chat, I am pumped for CM's future. So CBS, keep that positive energy running in the fanbase and sign these two great actors!!

  195. As much as I’d like to get excited about Season 7, I cannot until the contract with TG is sorted. Given the stunts CBS has pulled this year, I’m not trusting at all of their being fair. And I just won’t watch without Hotch. In addition to the crap with our ladies, S6 has been so disappointing b/c of the lack of Hotch. Here you have our central character being pushed into the background. In fact, haven’t seen much of him since mid-S5 although in that instance it was more understandable. I hope tptb recognize how important this character is. Great that both ladies may be back, but all for naught if the men aren’t too, esp my fave Hotch. Sorry, but no hotch, no cm4 me

  196. Please resign Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore! Criminal Minds needs them!!

  197. Criminal Mind without Thomas Gibson or Shemar Moore is inconceivable, I totally agree, love the serial

  198. CM needs both Hotch and Morgan. They are essential to the show. There is only one character that I consider extraneous and it is NOT Hotch or Morgan. :) Please make sure that our men are renewed for many more years to come and I will remain a faithful viewer. If either of them go, then no more CM for me.

  199. What would be garcia without Morgan, has who is she going to send her small words soft if shemar leave the series?! In whom Reid is going to be able to confide?! Who will push doors if he is not any more there?
    Qe will be the team without her leader?! Several times it was said that if Hotch left the team would be dissolved, he cannot be to replace by the other one.
    Everything the characters are important and pillars of this series! The series does not need a revival its success proves(it)!
