Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "The Thirteenth Step" written by Janine Sherman Barrois and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments :)


  1. Looks like a promising episode, hoping the wrtiting will be good, and most important, there is no Seaver in it! Just for the episode having no Seaver, no "Seaverisms," and no further displays of insanity like her giving part of the profile to the police with the team, this episode gets an automatic grade bump from me.

    Wonder if this episode will have Reid still suffering from his "headaches." Did I mention I am thrilled to bits that there will be no Seaver in this episode? It is like a breath of fresh air.

  2. Looking forward to seeing more Prentiss in this ep.

  3. Please, please let us have some decent Prentiss screentime this episode!!!! And NO Seaver profiling!!! That is just ridiculous! So unreal!

    *crosses fingers and waits*

  4. Definitely looking forward to seeing more Prentiss in this episode. I hope the writers will deliver on that in this episode.

    Ha ha Isabel, also looking forward to no "Seaverisms" and ridiculous scenes like her profiling with the team. Hell, I am just grateful she is not in this episode at all. Thank God!

  5. Possibly more Prentiss and no Seaver in this episode.......

    Hip, hip, hooray,
    Hip, hip, hooray,
    Hip, hip, hooray!

  6. Yes, please, please some decent and good screen time for Prentiss this episode, and yay for no Seaver appearing in this episode!

  7. No Seaver appearing in this episode, you guys just made my day!

    Really hoping that this will be a good start to the Prentiss arc, although, I must admit that I am extremely worried that at the end of this arc we may no longer have Prentiss on CM. I hope not!

  8. You had me at no Seaver.

    More Prentiss please. Paget, please don't go!

  9. I have been looking forward to this arc with a little bit of dread only because no one knows for sure what may lie at the end of it. I desperately want Paget to stay on the show, but I understand her desire to leave after all that CBS did to her and the show. I am holding on to that slim chance that she will stay. Oh, I hope she stays.

    The news that Seaver will not be in this episode is a good one for my blood pressure.

  10. I'm really excited to see our team together, without certain unfit characters wasting precious screen time.
    And what I saw in the preview, I like it.
    And yes, please more Prentiss.
    This is supposed to be her last season, USE HER!!!

  11. I'm looking forward to this episode.
    It sounds like it'll be interesting.

    I'm glad Prentiss will get more screen time (and hope that it's not the beginning of the end for Emily Prentiss).

    I also hope Reid won't be sidelined...I missed seeing that character so much.

  12. No Seaver, no Seaver, no Seaver. Now give me some decent Hotch and I am happy again !

  13. Please, Lord, give us hope. Give us a good episode of Criminal Minds. It's gotta be better just not having to swallow the "faux-profiler" as someone so aptly put it. (Sorry, Rachel, nothing against you personally.)

    Also eager to see more of Prentiss, and hoping to for a
    l-o-n-g time to come.

  14. gubegirl, love it.. I forget who called her the faux- profiler, but that certainly describes Seaver to a tee (and of course I don't mean anything against the actress, just the Seaver character that is dreadfully horrible and unbelievable for CM). I am not sad at all that Seaver will not be in this episode. Maggie, I think my blood pressure will thank me too. Isabel, I too am looking forward to no "Seaverisms," LOL.

    I am wishing on every star possible that this will be a good CM episode and that it will highlight Prentiss the way she deserves to be highlighted, especially if this is to be her last season which I am hoping it is not. Since it is the real team, Hotch, Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia, rossi, and Reid, and I am hoping for some good screen time for all of them.... Crossing my fingers...

  15. Alana just wrote this in the Corazon thread, but I really think that it needs to be on this thread as well:

    "You know what is really insulting? That after everything Paget had to go through with CBS, she comes back for her last season and is given NOTHING to do, except shadow Morgan and if that is not enough, she is supposed to advocate for the Seaver character? So, not only she is being forced out, she now has to make room and make easier for the new girl to fit in?
    Insulting trade two amazing actresses for one unfit, unbelievable character.
    And even more insulting to expect the audience to accept that."

    Please CM, if this is really to be Paget's last season on the show, please let her come out from behind Morgan's shadow, and please do not use her to try and get the audience to buy Seaver. Nothing that you do will open the door for believing the Seaver character; that is just the truth.

    I am hoping, hoping, hoping, that we will see a fabulous Prentiss arc. Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I hope that she stays (and to boot that Seaver leaves).

    I am so happy Seaver will not be in this episode! Even more happy that this may be the beginning of a great Prentiss storyline!

  16. Is it true that Seaver will not be appearing in this episode? If so, well, hot damn, let the episode begin!

    I hope that Paget decides to stay and that this arc will not be the beginning of the end for that character. The Prentiss character is so awesome! Would also love to see Hotch leading the team again :)

  17. I don't know what I am more excited about, the fact that Seaver will not be in this episode or that finally, finally we may be seeing some good screen time for Prentiss.

  18. Whoo hoo! All aboard the "glad Ashley isn't in the next two episodes" train! Let's sit back and enjoy the ride. :)

    Let's hope without Ashley's presence, the viewers' anger diminishes. Of course that is all contingent on a good story. Here's hoping for a good story. *crosses fingers.*

  19. Count me in for no Seaver ship. I feel I can breathe again for the next two episodes

    I hope that Prentiss will not be killed because I can´t imagine only men´s club profiling on the plane (not counting that pseudo profiler)I can´t help she doesn´t fit there. Also hope there will be at least some hints for Reid´s illness and not like nothing happened before.

  20. Yeh! Another new episode. And the promos look great.

  21. OMG, is this true about Seaver not being in this episode? Please tell me that this is not some sort of April Fool's joke and as soon as the episode starts Seaver will appear. Assuming that this is indeed true, WAHOO! This means no heart racing or me screaming at the TV because she they are painting her out to be a profiler which is so NOT, no matter how much they try to sell us that bridge (as in Brooklyn Bridge).

    I am so happy that this episode may be the start of some good Prentiss time. Like most everyone else, I am praying that Prentiss does not get killed off. I know Paget has gone through it with TPTB at CBS, but I am hoping that something can be worked out for her to stay. Paget, please stay!

    Hoping this will be a good episode!! It already started well in my book because there is no Seaver in it, YES!

  22. Woot, woot.. no Seaver and a possibility of more Prentiss.. I am all aboard that train :)

  23. Give me a ticket for a seat on the Seaver-less train too!

    Hoping this will be a good episode. Yay, Prentiss!

  24. No Prentiss, don't leave CM.. Please Seaver leave CM...

    Another one hoping that this will be a good episode, that Prentiss won't be killed off, and who is thrilled that Seaver won't be in this episode.

  25. No Seaver, but then how will the episode fill the void left by the nonsenscial that is Ashley Seaver. Oh well, guess it will just have to be an episode with the members of the team that make sense to be there, not a super cadet that the show is trying to con us into believing actually makes sense to be at the BAU.

    Looking forward to tonight's episode! I'm hoping that it is well-written and that at the end Prentiss is not killed off.

  26. No "Seaverisms" indeed; happy day :)

  27. I am soooooo going to enjoy this episode, and yes, oh yes, that has to do a lot with the fact that I won't be subjected to Seaver!!!!!

    I wonder how they will weave in Prentiss with interpol. It seems like no one on the team knows about her past there, and I'm assuming they may not take it well that she never told them about it.

  28. I'll be on both the Seaverless Train, and the ship for tonight's CM episode. As forgiving as I am, Seaver is a character I despise, but I will not go any futher then that as she will not be in this episode. Now then, let's move on to more important things (emphasization on important things).

    Looking forward to see how they carry off on Reid's secret, they better not leave it hanging like a loose thread for us fans. I agree that it was a way to hook us all back in, but I believe there were three hooks, one was Reid, two was Prentiss, and three is She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...or seen.

    And this episode should have some insight in what Prentiss's storyline/secret for this season will be. I'm hoping with all my heart that Pagent choose not to leave, and take up that contract she was offered, but then again, birthday cakes and wishbones can only go so far.

    Also, this episode appears to look promising. It should involve some profiling, as it looks like two teens, both in love, one at least has a drinking problem, and both have a love for bloodshed and horror. My guess is, Prentiss will talk to the girl when she is caught, and talk to the team about more childhood experiences. This should lead into her secret as well.

    For Reid, it is hard to say what lies for him in this episode. However, judging from the looks of Hotch and Rossi, there will be some questions for him. And since they all work for the government, I believe they all share the same healthcare plan (please "politely" correct me on that if I am wrong), therefore, someone at the doctor's office or hospital could let it slip. Or something that is more likely to happen is that Garcia checks up on him by "scimming" files and activity of the team, perhaps even checking up on JJ once in a while, and falling across a check up for Boy-Genius.

    I am looking at this episode with high hopes and a smile, just hoping that it will not diminish by the first commercial break as it did last week.

  29. Re: tonite's epi: How do we know that there will be more of Prentiss or are we just hoping? I don't see that in the promo and am wondering if someone read something somewhere?

    On another note, as far as crazy-good unsubs go, I'll bet that Adrainne Palicki will knock our socks off! I watched her play the feisty Tyra on Friday Nite Lites for a couple years, and she is an excellent actress. She played a totally dif character on the very short-lived "Lone Star" earlier this winter, and despite it looking like a great show, it was cancelled after just a couple epis. (So very hard to have a successful show which is part of why we are all crying our eyes out at the thought of losing our beloved CM.)

    With Adrianne's blonde hair now dark, and her sick-psycho expression on her face, she looks downright wicked, and should provide some welcome distraction from the previous less-than stellar epis and maybe without Seaver, we can get back to basics, like enjoying our Criminal Minds with some great cohesive group/team profiling.

    Sigh...would be nice to hear/see abit more about Reid's headaches (PLEASE, writers, let's have some continuity and properly wrap up a storyline or at least address it.) I am prob'ly going to be so glad to not have to see Seaver and all the lack of credibility and insulting sensations that accompany it - heck, I'm going to be happy. I hope.

  30. @gubegirl, the description for tonight's episode is as follows:

    "The team pursues two young lovers on a killing spree; Prentiss recieves frigntening news."

    *All rights go towards CBS and Criminal Minds*

  31. Patricia, I think is easier for them to waste time explaining why she is not there and guarantee to us she will be back, than for them to bother to explain why she is there in the first place.

    Anyway, I loved that scene we got as a preview. Good to know Reid gets to say a lot, because he has the experience in that subject matter and Hotch knows it.

    But I hope Hotch gets back in the spotlight, is like he doesn't even get to be a profiler anymore. All he does is coordinate the team and handle the local police (JJ's job, CBS).

    Oh, and finally CBS, finally you realized we don't just want 30s promos, we want previews too, just like every other show in your Network of poor judgement and women hatred.

  32. Not that I don't trust you guys, but I had to check to see that Seaver was indeed not going to be in this episode due to the last CM debacle. Remember, the whole Hotch and Jack were going to be in an episode, resulting in none of them being there. However, whew, it does look like Seaver is not going to be in this episode. Can I get an amen from the CM congregation!

    Will be interesting how they begin to unravel Prentiss' arc, an arc I am praying doesn't lead to her demise. Also, will be interesting to see what if anything they do with Reid's headaches. Will the team step in or not? Also, yes, can we get Hotch leading, leading like the leader that he is supposed to be.

    Alana, you are on point that nowadays we see Hotch doing more of the things that JJ handled. You know, JJ, the character that Tassler felt did not fit into her franchise model despite the fact that now two members of the team are doing her duties, Hotch and Garcia. But I digress and am ready to bask in the glow of a Seaver-less episode.

  33. Amen, Roberta, Amen!

  34. But I am really going to miss Seaver not being in an episode.....NOT! Bring it on real BAU profilers, bring it on!

  35. The unsubs could be Mickey and Minnie mouse, as long as Seaver is not in it, it will be an Emmy worthy episode in my view.

    Hope the end of this arc will not mean the end of Prentiss. I love Prentiss!

  36. I too am very happy that Seaver will not be in this episode, but am very afraid that this may mean the end for Prentiss.

  37. Is there any more room on the Seaver-less train? If so, I'd like to climb aboard :)

    I too am anxious, yet nervous, for this arc to begin. I really don't want Paget to leave, but do understand after all that has happened why she would want to leave :/

  38. I think this is the episode that begins the start of the episode arc for Prentiss, right? Maybe the next couple of ones will be more Prentiss intensive, but I am just happy right now that Seaver will not be in this episode. Am hoping that Prentiss gets some valuable screen time though.

  39. I love that most comments are about hating Seaver :) Prentiss is the best, she deserves more time, the best episodes there are

  40. I am just thrilled to get to watch a new episode on the actual night is comes on! I've been away every Wednesday night except one or two this entire season.

    I didn't like Seaver giving part of the profile to the police, either. She is supposed to be an observer, not an actual part of the team.


  41. What, what.. the Prodigy Profiler Ashley Seaver is not going to be in the house.. tsk, tsk.. :)

    Prentiss is one of the best female characters out there! What a shame that CBS never valued how wonderful the Prentiss character truly is; CM, I hope you represent Prentiss in the best possible light while she is still there. Although, I am really hoping that she will not leave.

    Crossing my fingers that tonight's episode will be good. The promo with the team looked good, and the best part of course, no Seaver baby!

  42. LOL, "Seaverisms," "Faux-Profiler," " Super Cadet," "Prodigy Profiler," I feel like I should come up with something here.. how about "Super Profiler Cadet Ashley Seaver," yeah, I know too long :) Can you tell I am tickled pink that Seaver will not be in this episode :) Yes, I know that she will eventually return, my god, do I know it. But I chose to celebrate this joy for as long as possible :)

    I'm curious how many of you think Paget will be leaving the show? Of you that think she will be leaving, how many think that her character will be killed off versus just writing her off the show?

    I absolutely do not want Paget to leave! Please CM if there is anything that you can do to convince Paget to stay please do so!!!

  43. How about "Supervisory Special Agent of Faux-Profiling Ashley Seaver" :)

  44. Please "A" channel do NOT cut out on me this week like you did last week. Since you insist on switch CBS to the "A" channel at this time, I don't have a choice to watch my beloved show on you.

    Posted by: cmwinner

  45. In defense of Seaver, the actress who plays her and the CBS people who are reading this. I LIKE HER!!!!!!!!

  46. Oh Anonymous.. it is nothing against the actress, it is aginst the horrific character that is Ashley Seaver. It has never been about the actress, an actress who seems like she is a very nice person. But being a very nice person doesn't take away from the fact that the character of Seaver is horrible. I feel sorry that she got cast as such an unbelievable character, but the truth is the Seaver character hurts the integrity of the show.

  47. Agreed Madeline.. people are upset about the character of Seaver, not the actress. You have every right to like the character of Seaver, but I for one hope that she doesn't stay on the show past this season as the show is losing, in my opinion, and I would guess others too, credibility and respect from fans who had faith that CM would not try to get them to believe such an unreal character.

    I am looking forward to tonight's episode. Promo looks good; I'm hoping that the whole episode will be good.

  48. I think people are just releasing some steam over last week's episode where Seaver incredibly got up and started profiling with the team. Sorry, but that was an epic fail and something that from now on will cast the Seaver character in perhaps a worse light than she was before. It is too bad that CM couldn't have just created a character that was more suited for the BAU.

    I have to admit that I am glad she will not be in this episode because I personally find it insulting that CM would try to pass this character off as a legit character.

  49. Agreed about Seaver.. but on an entirely differnt subject, does anyone know what happened to the chat that was supposed to go on with Shemar? I'm wondering if the comments he made about the spinoff have anything with the fact that the chat hasn't happned.

    I love Shemar and Paget for coming out and saying what they did about the spinoff. I will definitely not be watching the spinoff!

    Am hoping tonight's episode is good :)

  50. The Seaver character has earned the title of Faux-profiler because that is what she is, point, blank, period.

    Erin, to your question. I think they may kill off the Prentiss character. I am not quite sure why I feel that way, but I do. I just hope my feelings are wrong and that Paget stays on the show.

  51. Seaver was suposed to be there for 3-episode arc. Really? I didn´t believe it from the start. Except she was introduced as serial killer´s daughter that didn´t help solve the case anyway, she did nothing in another two episodes. I don ´t think true CM fans will ever accept her. Maybe it´s in unfortunate choice of character.

    Anyway, I am looking forward for this episode with good old characters

  52. You don't have to think that they will never accept her Anonymous, I can virtually guarantee you that they won't because the character is so far beyond the reach of anything that can be believed that no CM fan will buy it (nobody CM fan or not would believe this character). At least not the grand majority of them.

    If you read here, and in other places, the things that people bring up about Seaver is her lack of qualifications to be on the team, how she it is unfair (double standard) that Elle, Prentiss, and Todd (although understandbly Todd was only a temp while JJ was out on maternity leave) had to practically bend over backwards to get Hotch's approval and they had years of experience between all of them, yet, Cadet Seaver strolls in with no problem. And let's not forget last week's display of insanity when she was up there with the team profiling. Please!!!
    It's a wrap for that character.

    I am glad she will not be in tonight's episode, I just wish she were never coming back.

    Anyway, hoping tonight's episode will be good, seems like it has the potential to be good.

  53. God, ditto Adrienne, ditto!

    To Erin, I am on the fence about what may happen to Prentiss. A part of me thinks that this will she get killed off thing is maybe a ploy to get viewers to come back and watch the show, but then I think of how badly Paget was hurt by everything that CBS did to her. It is that hurt that leads me to believe that she may be killed off. I guess I don't have a straight answer. I just don't want Paget to leave the show.

  54. I will never, never accept Seaver as a valid character. I don't care how much the writer's shove her in our faces, or how badly they have Reid, Morgan, Hotch, Rossi, Garcia and Prentiss falling all over her. I will never buy into that character, never.

  55. On another tip, I am really hoping this week's episode doesn't disappoint.

  56. Seaver is such a polarizing and negative character that even on a episode that she is not in this type of conversation is sparked. This is really a poor choice in character CM. Nevertheless, I am going to say it, I'm glad that she is not in this episode and the next one for all of the reasons mentioned here and in other threads.

    I am happy that this may be the start of more Prentiss time. I have always believed that her character hasn't gotten enough useful screen time. How sad that she may be finally getting it as she exits the show. That was a waste of talent in my view.

  57. For the thousandth time, this has nothing to do with the actress that plays Seaver. I don't have any personal gripe with her, how could I. My gripe is with whomever developed this character because obviously they think that we are gullible enough to fall for this character. WE ARE NOT STUPID! Please don't treat us like we are!

    Anywho, I am interested to see how they tie in the 12 step program with the unsubs in this episode. The clip where Reid is going over the 12 steps, then the 13th step of the program is great! Wonderful to see him doing that kind of talking again and hope that we will see something in regard to his headaches in this episode. I don't want it to be all about his headaches though because I feel like the other characters need some time (especially considering that Seaver is not going to be there taking up valuable screen time). I think this could be an opportunity to bring the characters that people have been longing to see like Hotch front and center. I really hope this episode will be good!

  58. Episode tonight looks like a good one, especially since Seaver is not in it (I vote for Supervisory Special Agent of Faux-Profiling Ashley Seaver).

    Everyone has been saying that this is the start of the Prentiss arc, although, I thought tonight's episode was just her getting the call about the interpol friend that is in trouble. Hmm, guess we will all find out tonight.

  59. You know, if she was Supervisory Special Agent of Faux-Profiling Ashley Seaver then she would be an "SSA" like the people who really belong on the team. What a joke of a character! Thank God won't have to deal with Seaver on the screen this week or next week. Dreading Seaver's return though :(

    Did they make it seem like these characters are teenagers, no, right? It looks like it could be an interesting case because it seems like these unsubs are mobile which usually makes things more challenging to solve. Plus, I am wondering where the video clips of the unsubs are going to come into play, like did they upload them to a site or maybe they dropped a camera somewhere.

  60. I'm excited about this episode.

    I hope to see more of Prentiss, and I hope we get to see good scenes with Reid too.

    A mention about Reid still suffering from his health problems (blinding headaches, nausea,...) would be nice.
    Or just a ten seconds scene where we see him rubbing his forehead or eyes in pain.

  61. I hope there's more Hotch and more Prentiss in the upcoming episodes. I've been disappointed in the amount of screen time they've both gotten this season.

  62. I'm hoping that there will be quality time for all of the characters in tonight's episode which I'm thinking there should be since they won't have to waste useless lines and minutes on Seaver.

    I'm really, really hoping that Prentiss will get more screen time, and that we see Hotch as the strong leader that he was before. I am also hoping that Rossi gets some good lines worthy of his senior position on the team and that Garcia doesn't present the case. Also, hoping that Morgan will be a little less angry; I miss the old Morgan.

  63. Katie: I thought the same as you, and unsure that Prentiss is going to get more screen time than usual altho' she is certainly overdue.

    But it's also time for Hotch to take charge and play a greater leadership role, and I will bet that given the unsubs' violence, we will see Morgan in high gear.

    Where does that leave Reid and his headaches/hallucinations and will Garcia be doing the presentation again?

    Guess we will know soon enuf...not like any of us have any high expectations or anything...:)

    Hey, just to see ONLY trained BAU profilers will be a plus, now let us hold our collective breaths for some QUALITY writing and in-character acting...


  64. Oh God.. the first scene was ruined.. naming the name of Seaver.. How stupid.. she is off taking a test and she is supposed to become a member of the team.. Enough said!!!

  65. Yeah, 3 arc episode character my behind. CBS/CM, you really do think that the viewers are stupid, don't you... The fact that she is off taking a test at the academy I believe strips her of the title of Supervisory Special Agent of Faux-Profiling Ashley Seaver.

  66. Has CM ever had the "due to violence, viewer discretion is advised" thing before? Hmm. Maybe I just never noticed...

  67. Anonymous- I don't think it ever has, but this episode definitely requires it.

  68. I can already tell there is way too much graphic & unnecessary violence and it is only 15 minutes into the episode!
    On a positive note, no Seaver!

  69. That is what is keeping me going no Seaver Rosie!!!

    Ha ha, if Seaver were there.."So, this is all about psychopaths and sociopaths," just thought I'd drop a Seaverism, :)

    It works so well without Seaver!!

  70. I like this episode so far. I think it is very good, a little different from the way they form most of their other episodes.
    I have been skeptical of Seaver's character and I am happy to see she isn't in this one. She hadn't finished her time at the academy so I thought it was weird she was giving the profile with them.

    i am looking forward to finishing this episode, though! I love the show so much [:

  71. This is all very "Natural Born Killers". Pleasantly surprised to see Jonathan Tucker guest starring. It's a bit ironic that he's playing a victim who was once sexually abused when he played a sexually abused boy in the film "Sleepers".

  72. The team dynamic, I mean.. she is not necessary, she brings nothing.

  73. Lindsay, Seaver is still taking exams at the academy and they had her giving a profile.. wow...

  74. too graphic... but if that is the trade for Seaverless episode I'll close my eyes

    I have seen more profiling in this half episode than the rest of the season.

  75. SO far it's like the old CM is back and what's even better, NO SEAVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am loving this episode, this is the way the CM writers should be writing and the way the directors should be directing instead of some of the crapfest eps we've had lately. So to Criminal Minds all I have to say is; welcome back old friend, I've missed you.

  76. How quickly they forget.
    I dont remember Paget being that well liked after the third episode she was in either.
    in fact, her first episode she didnt even profile and her first episode as a profiler, "Lessons Learned", I believe, the only skill she showed was a familiarity with the farsi language and a LOT of people here said that didnt qualify her to be a profiler.

  77. I'm liking this ep. it's not usual for CM to do an ep focused mainly on the unsubs. The last one I can remember was True Night. Although the shuddery style of filming that's been going on is a little jarring but at least it's different. I wish they'd mention something about Reid's headaches too.

    To be honest when I saw the title "The Thirteenth Step" I assumed it was about the 13th step of relapse and assumed Reid would be relapsing.

  78. Gary, Prentiss had years as an agent and she did have familiarity with the behavioral sciences.. I believe that same episode you mentioned Hotch said so to Gideon..

    Please don't try and compare Seaver with Prentiss it is insulting.

  79. Gary, plus, in her first episode she didn't profile because Hotch didn't know she was coming and was jarred that she just appeared.

  80. OMG, first people were trying to give Seaver a pass by comparing her to Reid whih is INSANE, now trying to compare Prentiss to Seaver.. WOW!

  81. This was a good episode until Hotch handed the phone to Morgan. WTH?! I'm sorry, but Hotch is the negotiator and team lead, NOT MORGAN! I'm so tired of our Unit Chief being pushed into the background this entire season.

  82. I have been reading about how Hotch did not trust Elle, Emily or Todd. Why should he have? One - He did trust Elle, just a few months after joining the team she was allowed to go on a VICAP interview with a killer by herself. Hotch trusted her to do a great job. She had awards from the Seattle office where she had worked and was a sex crime specialist. She never had to prove herself when she first joined the team.
    Two - Why should he have trusted Emily Prentiss? He knew nothing about her when she showed up in his office and told him that she was a new member of the team. He had not been informed of her coming and had no knowledge of her experience or what courses she took at the academy. Did she even take the profiler courses? He didn't know and had no reason to trust her. It would take a while before he does give her any trust and believed in her abilities. Even now, there have been things that she has never been allowed to do alone as a profiler.
    Three - Agent Todd came from anti-terrorism unit to be the communications liason not a profiler. She was not a profiler and even screwed up with Hotch by lying to a victims family. Hotch does not like liars, it does not matter why. She brought things that would have been acceptable in another unit but not in this unit. That is why she had to prove herself. She had experience but screwed up in the unit.
    four - Seaver has taken the profiling courses. She is finishing up at the academy and has trained to be a profiler, not a communication liason or anything - a profiler. She has probably gotten the highest scores in her class and that is why Hotch and Rossi have accepted her provisionally in the unit. But she will still have to prove herself.
    Prentiss once said that Hotch's biggest weakness is that ch doesn't trust women as much as men. We need to remember that when looking at how he reacts to women agents.
    five - Garcia is a technical analyst who has now spread her wings to include some communications work but she is not a graduate of the academy and is not a special agent of any kind.

  83. Maybe the twist will be that he'll kill Seaver, not Prentiss.. can't blame me for wishing...

  84. Loved the episode, not so much the cliffhanger it left us with. I guess that's how they get people to come back. LOL Can't wait for the next one! :)

  85. There was no mention that seaver took the profiling classes, even if she did, she owould have to have a few years field exprience.

    Elle, Prentiss and Todd were mentioned because of their professional experience, that is why they should have been given the benefit of the doubt.

    seaver, she is a cadet, dad is a serial killer, did well on the obstacle course and put herself and others in mortal danger her first time out.

  86. Melissa,

    He did that because in negotiation, you have to try and keep the person as calm as possible, especially with hostages involved. If Hotch hadn't handed the phone to Morgan, the little girl could have possibly been killed, if this was real life. You give the hostage taker what they need, within limits.

  87. I loved the episode! But what about Reid? It didn't show anything about his headaches and hallucinations, and that was the main part of the last episode. I was hoping for more tie ins of that.

    I definitely liked the acting, but what about Prentiss?? She can't leave! I'd be so sad.

  88. Hotch didn't trust Emily because he suspected that she was put there by Strauss.

  89. Garcia needs to learn the difference between an Irish and a Scottish accent. Its the little details that have made CM what it is for 5 seasons. Where has that gone in S6? Where is Hotch? Where is Rossi? And I think Emily knew she was in danger. Why make her ask the obvious? (rolls eyes)

  90. I've haven't posted in quite a while, although I continue to watch CM through all the changes. But this episode has just jumped the shark for me.

    Yes, there's no Seaver, but there is also NO TEAM. It was all about the CRIME not the profiling. The team got very little air time--none of them. It was focused on the violence, not the "story".

    I'm watching the ending now. The team has just fired more shots into a single car than they've fired in the entire last several seasons.

    I hated the story from the very beginning. I can't think of anything I liked... not the direction, the music and certainly not the psychotic camera work.

    Sorry CM writers. Please view seasongs 1-4 to learn what CM is about. It seems more like the team were guests on some other crime show. I don't recognize it.

  91. i found most of the episode disappointing, compared to Corazon, but i liked the ending. i'm glad nothing happened to the little girl.

  92. I agree Melissa, I was like WTH when Hotch handed the phone to Morgan??
    Now the impending possible demise of Prentiss to not look forward to.

  93. Is this suddenly the Morgan show? The Criminal Minds that I love so much is based on the team. This season has too much of him having to be the hero. Let ALL of the other characters shine.

  94. Nina, I agree with you. This was, well, I don't know. Definitely liked that Seaver wasn't in it, but if they keep this type of writing up, they might as well keep her in there to sink with the CM ship.

  95. I thought this was a very good episode. It was rather intense in parts as well. For me there was not enough of the actual profiling. It was heavily focused on the unsub, which is fine, but i really enjoy hearing the main cast banter back and forth and hear their intelligent minds work. I need more 'get into the unsub's brains.'

    I liked the episode though. :) I wish they would've delved back into Reid's headaches though.

    Oh, and will someone remind me if Ian Doyle is someone we have seen/heard about in the CM world?? Why was Prentiss so scared? I can't seem to remember...

  96. "
    I hated the story from the very beginning. I can't think of anything I liked... not the direction, the music and certainly not the psychotic camera work.

    Sorry CM writers. Please view seasongs 1-4 to learn what CM is about. It seems more like the team were guests on some other crime show. I don't recognize it."


  97. The only reason Ashley was brought in was because of her supposed insight into serial killers' minds (yeah fail on that one.) She showed no aptitude or interest in profiling in her first episode. I haven't seen any assets she brings to the team, any reason why SHE should be hired for such a competitive slot over a much more experienced agent. As many people have said over and over again, the BAU is supposed to be an elite team with lots of experience. She doesn't have Reid-like skills, and the writers have not justified in any way why she should be there. They are violating the rules of their own universe by bringing her on like this. And writing Hotch as OOC to just accept her without challenging her in any way.

  98. Yeah, why is Hotch consistently being overshadowed by Morgan nowadays? I am not even going to get into the Elle, Prentiss, Todd and Seaver debate. That is just too stupid to compare any of the three women to Seaver. Seaver should not be there, what is so hard to understand about that? You may like her, okay, but she isn't BAU ready, or, maybe if the writing continues like this she is...

    This show, I don't know anymore. Holding on for Prentiss, but then....

  99. I loved the episode...until it all turned into the Derek Morgan show ...again.

    You know CM, I'm tired of this Morgan show, so instead of telling you why, again and again and again. I'll just tell you that I'm done with CM. CM is not the show it was once. Now it is the Morgan and Seaver show. Great characters like Hotch and Reid and Prentiss are shoved aside so the writers came make Morgan the star of the show and Seaver the agent extraordinaire she really isn't.

    I thought I would never say that but I hope Paget Brewster will walk away and don't come back. There is nothing for her anymore on CM. And from what I saw tonight, there isn't anything for either Gibson, Gubler and Mantegna to do anymore.

    Anyway, loved CM for the first five years, was great watching, will continue to watch the reruns on A&E but next week, I will be watching something else.



  100. Lashawna, thank you. You always place things into persepctive! all of your points are correct, there is just no way of getting around it. There just isn't.

  101. I didn't like this episode at all. to much killing up front. they killed over 20 people in 20 minutes (I'm guessing). And not enough of the team profiling or it was just to fast. this was like a weird roller coaster ride. But I did like the last 10 minutes of Morgan, for all you Morgan haters.

  102. I have to admit that I enjoyed the fast pace of the episode, the different directional approach and storyline. Having said that, as a die-hard Hotch fan I am (yet again!) left scratching my head. When did he give up leadership to Morgan?! I am really missing Hotch's quiet yet strong leadership, and his interaction with the team. What gives, writers??! Give Thomas Gibson some decent material.

    Not looking good for poor Emily. I think there should be an episode where TV executives are targeted by the unsub(s)...

  103. This show has run out of steam. Way tto much graphic violence (some violence is expected, but this was way too much), over sexualized scenes, Hotch the leader playing the second to Morgan.. Prentiss, Rossi and Reid MIA again, and Seaver bopping about at the academy but soon to beome a full fledged member of the "elite" BAU. Oh wow...

  104. Ha ha Kirsten.. I bet I know who one of the network exec unsubs would be..... :)

  105. I didn't mind this episode, the unsubs are like nothing we've seen in the show so far so that was good. It just needed more team!

    It focused WAY WAY WAY WAY too much on the violence aspect and not enough of the team was included. I miss the interaction, A LOT!

    I think that JJ was the glue that held them together as a team. I think the writers and the cast are trying to get that across to the network. We might have a tad of a writer/cast rebellion on our hands, if that's the case, I can tolerate some episodes that lack team focus. What they did to AJ was DEPLORABLE! and what they are doing to Paget is equally brutal.

    I actually don't mind Seaver as a character, it's just that she looks like JJ too much for me to take to her well right now, and didn't a lot of people hate on Emily in the beginning? Anyways, enough of my ranting and opinion that the spinoff was a HUMONGOUS mistake (No offense to the actors or anything at all)! All in all, the episode was decent, it just lacked team interaction like this past season since AJ had to leave. CBS dug themselves a deep hole and I hope that they regret their decision. I will continue to support the show for the other cast members and crew/writers because it wasn't their fault.

  106. What the heck? Did the unsubs have their own show here? Where were the profilers? And Reid is miraculously cured.

    slery (sorry don't have an account)

  107. I doubt most hardcore fans of Criminal Minds are Morgan haters. Most of us probably like his character just fine, but don't like the fact that his character is more dominant than Hotch's this season. It made sense when Morgan was the temporary unit chief, but now Hotch is back in charge. I think Hotch is a better boss than Morgan, and I like to watch his quiet, competent leadership, because he really holds the team together.

  108. This show used to rely on an intelligent, psychological way of approaching a crime. Yes, there has always been violence, but not like this. At the center was always the psychological twist and turns, and definitely the team interaction. I am going to beat on the drum, but I don't think there is any denying that the team interaction was thrown for a loop when JJ got written out and it is like they can't find their way back to that.

    Now, JJ is gone for good, Paget is almost out of the door, and Seaver has been inserted as some type of cadet, profiler, obstacle course master, who really knows, but she is not the answer, she is just another mistake trying to cover up a larger problem.

  109. Loved this episode. Kicked serious butt!

  110. Well put LaShawna and as I Hotch fan, I can say you've nailed it on the head. And I'm sorry, but I do feel this affects the show for the worse. TG, as well as MGG & JM, have been fairly invisible and I find that very disturbing.

  111. I loved the pace of this episode and finally love having Morgan be a hero. The 12-step program stuff was great. Also liked the profiling of the gas stations. The takedown scene was awesome!! Can't wait to see what happens with Prentiss.

  112. If you think it is bad now for Hotch and Rossi as far as screen time, character development, just wait until the prodigy profiler gets back. They are going to become more invisible. Didn't even mention Prentiss because I feel like she will be killed off, and they will have Reid as some shell behind the prodigy profiler. Morgan may be up there more, and Garcia will probably have the same amount of screen time.

  113. This episode was pretty good!
    However, last week there was this huge great story with Reid and now NOTHING. Did his headaches just suddenly diassappear? I really hope that his story is not dropped and only "kinda" broughten up again.

  114. I truly enjoyed this episode. There wasn't much profiling but when you have killers of this magnitude I guess there isn't a need to. How much more profiling does a psychopath and a sociopath need? My first thought when they said Seaver was taking a test was, great, now they have a valid reason to keep her if she passes her final test and is a full blown agent. Let's see how the next episode plays out on that theory. The camera work was terrific. Loved how the screen went black after every pull of the trigger during Ray's attack on father. Nice touch. Cool ending too. Just my two cents..we all love CM for the profiling. I hate to see it diminished so much in S6. The profiling is what sets CM apart from the rest of the crime drama genre on tv.

  115. Was this the Terminator meets Criminal Minds? This is becoming more and more like a cop show than a show about profiling. Yes, there was some profiling in this episode, but yikes, I can still hear the gun shots.

  116. This episode was awesome. Loved the girl from "Friday Night Lights." What is going to happen to Prentiss? Im scared. The stuff at the AA meetings was great. I loved how Reid profiled the "13th step."

  117. Thank you for a Seaver-less episode and for the cookie back to Reid's drug addiction. Enjoyed Morgan getting the girl but not Hotch giving up leading the negotiation. Really liked the teaser for Prentiss' arc, although I really really really want her to stay. More Hotch & Emily while we can!

  118. "CRIMINAL MINDS revolves around an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves b­efore they strike again."

    "Each member brings his or her own area of expertise to the table as they pinpoint predators' motivations and identify their emotional triggers in the attempt to stop them. "

    That is what the website says about the team. Passing an academy test does not qualify you for a spot on the team. Having expertise that is developed with years of experience in ones respective field gives you that. Except of course for Reid who is a genius, brought in by Gideon. Seaver is no genius.

    Definition of elite according to Webster's dictionary online,

    "a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence"


    "representing the most choice or select"


  119. I loved the episode.
    Profiling, no cadet wasting air time, Jonathan Tucker and Adrianne Palicki, Reid telling them all about AA... It actually flew by.

    Just two nitpicks:
    Again, no Hotch in comand.
    He is the Unit Chief and he is a profiler, how can someone with two positions in this team have so little air time?

    And I'm starting to get curious, is something in Matthew Gubler's contract saying he has limited air time? Or can't shoot for 8 days and that's why he disappears? Or are the writers simply done with the character and do whatever they can to show us less of him?
    And finally, two weeks without the show? Come on!

  120. No matter what I am thankful for no Seaver in this episode!!!

  121. In response to
    "Anonymous said...

    In defense of Seaver, the actress who plays her and the CBS people who are reading this. I LIKE HER!!!!!!!!"

    GOOD! Maybe they CBS people will get the message take her character off the show.

  122. was TG, MGG on the show tonight? Oh yes, Hotch was the guy handing the situation to the bomb expert/hero/unit chief (not in rank but in action)/now negotiation expert SSA Derek Morgan.

    Oh well, apart from that good case, good guests actors too bad I don't just watch for the guests stars, I would feel less angry and frustrated at the moment by the lack of, yet again, Hotch, Ptrentiss, Rossi and Reid. Speaking of Reid, he did his dissapearing act again! Reid is such a great magician!


  123. Alana, I think MGG may have been in Japan during most of the time of the shooting of this episode.. but of course, that doesn't account for the rest of the time he was shoved into the background.

  124. Rebecca, THANK YOU!!!!

  125. It didn't bother me that Hotch wasn't handling the situation. Morgan shot the girl, so he had to step up. This episode went by so fast. It was like a movie. Great job...

  126. To Rebecca,
    What is Prentiss an expert and what constitutes her being on the team? They have never stated that she is an expert in anything. Rossi is an expert in profiling - he, along with others, created the BAU and how it uses profiles to find killers, etc. Morgan is the obsession expert. Hotch is supposedly the negotiations expert and has co-written the textbook on it. Reid is an expert in everything by lieu of his genius intelligence. Elle was a sex offender expert. So what qualifies Prentiss of this elite team over someone else?

  127. Oh, yeah, Japan.
    I forgot.
    But you are right, what about the rest of the season?
    I don't know, maybe after his knee injury when they had to write him out of all the action, they just got used to and now won't include him. Who can know for sure, right?

    Also, I'm dreading this Prentiss storyline and kind of excited for it, all at once.

  128. Okay, seriously, seriously, people are really trying to peg Prentiss with seaver.. holy hell!!!

  129. This episode was awesome... like a friggin movie!!! I loved all the profiling stuff in the AA meeting and Reed using his 12 step background to help profile the case. This is what the show needs to be!

  130. I can't stand how they always make reid disapear when its time for the action at the end! Like he's so incapable.

    Hotch: "Ried, stay here incase the unsubs come back"

    Really Hotch? Really?! Like the unsubs were seriously gonna go back to that house! And if they did, why leave reid by himself?!

    Sorry, i had to vent. Overall, episode was intertaining, but felt a bit sloppy. But the mindless action was nice.

    And yes, i am one of the few people that like Ashley Seaver. Can help but love her scenes with reid! :)

  131. It's humorous to see how many people are excited and happy there is no Seaver character in tonight's episode.

    And I am one of them >:]

  132. Overall this episode was better than anything else we have had this season (except middle man).
    Way too much concentration on the sexual components. I know that was a big part of the make-up of the Unsubs, but come on, we get it after the first T&A shot.

    I dont' have a problem with Hotch giving the phone to Morgan - that would be realistic. Of course, he could have given it to Prentiss since she was there as well, but we certainly can't give Prentiss much screen time.

    Missed the team, like seeing the crime happen as the team profiled, liked the glimpses of the miraculously cured Reid (here we go again on a dropped storyline).

    As long as there is no Seaver I will keep giving them chances. I refuse to watch any episode she is in (nothing personal, Ms. Nichols - I'll watch you anywhere else. I would have watched if they gave you even a semi-credible character with semi-reasonable scripts, but TPTB cheated you, they cheated the cast, and they cheated the fans)

  133. I miss the old show, I've been watching since about when Emily started and I fell in love. Everyone seemed to get decent screentime and they had a nice dynamic. The characters were what made me watch the show.
    I honestly hate the fact that Seaver is being shoved in and trying to replace JJ, just because she looks like JJ and tries to profile like Emily doesn't make her their replacement. She seems like she lacks knowledge. I feel that she should stay in the acadamy and wait until she has some experience as an agent. No offense to the actress, but it a character I just can't like. Sure I've watched shows where they replace an actor, but I can cope and learn to accept, especially if they take steps to prove themselves, but Seaver in the BAU is ludicris. She had maybe 2 minutes worth of insight on serial killer fathers and that was it. That's not a qualification for the BAU.
    On a happier note, I hope that this new Prentiss arc allows some of the orginal members some more screen time. I wonder if she is going to go to her teamates for help with Doyle. At least that way maybe we can see Hotch/Reid/Rossi more as they help her. No offense to Derek/Garcia, but we still do get to see them compared to the rest of the team. Hopefully it will improve, and we won't lose Prentiss to the killer.

  134. The profiling of the alcoholism adn the amends reminded me of the profiling from the early days of the show. This was stellar. Felt like Oliver Stone directed it.

  135. Anonymous, Prentiss had years of experience as an agent, and she was clearly more skilled and poised than Seaver- Seaver is running laps at the obstacle course- are you comparing the two? Plus, I think we are going to find out more about Prentiss, about her background at interpol. Prentiss was just too sharp when she came in the team to just have had the experience that she did, even JJ and Hotch mentioned this to her in Revelations, Prentiss acted funny in her reply, like you knew there was something else, but she was keeping it hidden.

    Hotch recommended that she go with Reid and Hotch to Gitmo not only because of her language skills, but because, and I think he said it like this, because she is well-versed in the behavorial sciences. I don't have that DVD set, but I am going to try and find the episode to quote exactly what he said.

    Sorry, I am just simply not going to give a cadet with no discernible skills a pass. She brings nothing to the table; she is just like any other cadet at the FBi- not up to snuff for the BAU.

  136. Apart from a few things I thought this was quite a good eppie. But why did tehy have to mention Seaver and also tehy didn't really negotiate with them, and giving hostage takers booze is pretty much the most unrealistic scenario ever. Still a good episode though. Nice cliffhanger and looking forward tot he new arc (hopefully Seaver free) Can we pelase get some more Hotch though? Come on guys, it's been over a year now.

  137. Ditto Mephisto! Bring on Hotch!

  138. First it was trying to use Reid as a reason that Seaver should be on the team because he was exempted from the FBI physical requirements (oh yeah, and that minor little thing, you know his genius). Now, Prentiss is being used as a reason why Seavr should be there. How in the world can you compare Prentiss with Seaver. Please, please, please, compare any, I mean any episode with Prentiss against Seaver? Yeah, I'd be hiring Prentiss- way more experienced (10 years) and poised. There is a lot to say for experience; it doesn't have to be experience in the forsenic psych field, but experience that demonstrates that you have what it takes to cut it and Prentiss definitely did! Seaver doesn't have any experience, she's taking an exam at the academy to graduate, to become a junior agent. Ay, ay, ay...

    And now people are bringing up the scenes with Reid and Seaver.. um, from what I have seen he has blown her off. I don't even want to go that route because the show would just take a bigger nose dive than it has.

  139. Rebecca,
    Definitely agree!! Prentiss blows Seaver out of the water, and the Prentiss arc will show you just how qualified Emily is. We do get to see her previous job afterall. She has an apparent killer after her. I'm pretty sure she had more than a desk job before the BAU.

  140. Sophie.. I didn't even think of that. Thank you.

  141. I really enjoyed the episode...the couple of Unsubs were great! Kudos to everyone!

    But what are you doing with Prentiss?
    We already lost JJ...we can't afford to lose one more great woman!

    Please, keep Paget on the show!!!

  142. By "that" I mean that the fact that she has a killer after her says a lot about her past experience.

  143. I am not saying that Seaver belongs in the BAU. According to the FBI website, a person graduates from the academy and is sent to spend several years in a field office before qualifying for joining an elite unit like the BAU. But I am wondering where you are coming from as to what is Emily and expert in and what qualifies her other than that she really wanted to do it and that Strauss put her on the team (others in the upper management where not as convinced of her abilites to be on the team but trusted Strauss's decision) I have liked Prentiss from the beginning but I do question her expertise many times. She has not many times given a lot input into the profiling of the criminals. The episode where she goes to Gitmo with Jason, Hotch said that he didn't know what she was capable of but they needed to find out and she was knowledgeable in the language. Jason stated that it wasn't a training mission. Neither of these men knew anything about her and what she can do. She impressed them with her knowledge of what she has studied in profiling criminals not by her experience in the field. As is what stated in Revelations, She came off a desk job in the midwest.
    It has been my hope that they would bring her more in the abilities of language and her strength in that field but they have never done that. I always felt they underused her and did not show her greatest assets of what she could bring to the team.

  144. Oh, and, I'm really not surprised that Hotch gave Morgan the phone to negotiate, I'm surprised he actually let Morgan walk in the store to bring the unsubs their requests.
    The character of Jonathan Tucker would've shot him dead right there if he was an extra.
    That was insane.

  145. OH MY GOD.. People do we really think that there is any comparing Prentiss to Seaver? That is an insult to the Prentiss character, seriously!!! OH MY GOD!!!!

  146. I knew it from the start that the episode was going to be good because Seaver wouldn't be there. And I was damn right!!

  147. No cookies about the Reid/Headache storyline? ohmygoosh, I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm gonna catch this episode another time.

  148. I spelled over half of my name in caps this is so ridiculous!

  149. This better lead to a heck of an arc for Prentiss. Can the writers finally write something that finally showcases Pagets talent instead of the same lines that get interchanged between the profilers every ep.

    Overall I enjoyed that the episode had a pretty interesting, different perspective. A bit heavy on the unsubs though.

  150. Watching "Lo-Fi" episode right now on ion TV. Compare even 2 sentences that Prentiss says in that episode to any 2 sentences Seaver has said thus far.. Come on!!! The comparison is pathetic and insulting. The Prentiss character deserves more respect than to be compared to Seaver.

  151. I thought this episode was very good. I liked that they focused on the UNSUBS a lot and that there was good profiling going on. I was glad that Seaver wasn't on this ep cause I don't like that she is gonna be full time on the show but Prentiss is getting only 17eps this season. I really don't want Paget to leave...she is an amazing actress and adds that girls kick ass bit to the show. If there is anything to keep Paget on FULL-TIME, because that's what she deserves, please tell us what we need to do. PAGET you are amazing and I really hope that this is not the end of your character. Can't wait for the next Ep

  152. I did not enjoy this episode. There was way too much emphasis on the crime and the criminals and too little on the actual profiling. The violence (and sex) seemed so sensationalized and gratuitous. I've been watching CM since the beginning. What's happened to the show I love? This certainly wasn't it.

  153. To Anonymous
    Well hopefully the Prentiss arc will give us some insights into Prentiss' skills that we may not be aware of. I feel that since it was mentioned she was involved with the interpol that she does have some insights and skills that she may not want to advertise, especially since there is someone who apparently has a grudge. As demonstrated by the killer coming after her. I only hope that we get to see plenty of what she has to offer skill wise.

    I'm not sure if I misinterpreted an episode, but I thought that Seaver might be an intern. Someone who observes what the team does, but isn't active in the profiling. I feel that once she builds up experiance that she might be more believable as a character. Until that point it seems like they are trying to make a wonderwomen who can match experiance and knowledge with the team. I feel that unless she is a closet genius that she can meet the level that the team is at.

    Question: If Prentiss is the agent in charge of Seaver what happens to Seaver if they decide to have Emily die?
    (Really hoping that doesn't happen, because as much as I dislike Seaver I'd rather keep Emily even if it means Seaver stays.)

  154. too violent for me but like everyone else i want to know
    WHERE IS HOTCH and why is there so much MORGAN?
    I hope Prentiss stays
    And who is in charge of this show? The writing is terrible this year

  155. Great episode in my opinion, even if I missed seeing more of Reid (but I was expecting it).

    I loved the scene where Reid talked about the twelve steps program and about the thirteen steps.

    The unsubs were creepy and I think the case was good (with great profiling scenes).

    I still hope Paget Brewster won't leave the show.

    Last thing, I don't think they dropped Reid storyline with the blinding headaches and general sickness. At least, I hope they didn't drop it !
    I suppose Reid is still feeling sick but not talking about it, like he did in the previous episodes before "Corazon". He probably felt ill since the beginning of the season, (remember 6x02 when he vomited ?).

    I don't think they will let the issue go, and I hope a physical cause for his medical issues will be found (despite what the doctor said at the hospital).

  156. I don't think she is the agent in charge of her Sophie. I know this was the impression in 25 to life, but they had Seaver up and profiling in Corazon. There was no mention of mentoring. Unless, they mention something about it in the next ep, I'm just assuming that they will just plop her in there.

  157. I really liked this episode,thought it was fast paced and exciting.
    MGG was in Japan during much of the shooting. Liked his expertise on the 12 step program.

    I don't believe his headache storyline was dropped , just momentarily pushed aside. He might not suffer from them constantly. I felt he played Reid as rather subdued and he was squinting alot.I also thought that having Reid stay behind was Hotch's way of protecting Reid a little bit from the stress of travel and the job.

    I had no problem with Morgan doing so much at the end. He is the '
    action man'

    Hmmm, who was Prentiss salsa dancing with?
    Now, I really have mixed feelings. I look forward to a Prentiss storyline but I hate that it might end in her demise. I don't want her to go.

    CBS should get on bended knees and beg Paget to stay. They would if they were smart.
    Alas we know that is not going to happen . If they were smart they never would have made these stupid changes in the first place.

    Instead they kiss the butt of a wife beater. They enable him and practically condone his behavior by offering him more and more money.

  158. Have mixed feelings about the episode, but leaning more towards liking the episode because Seaver wasn't there, so much better without her presence with the team. No Seaver made it more enjoyable for me. Sorry, but that is the truth for me.

  159. this episode was good but it lack in something important, something that make CM such a great show, team interraction.

    Also, where was Reid? What's with Hotch, was he demoted? Is Rossi part time now?

    CM writers, please give me back my favorite show, I miss it!

  160. Oh Criminal Minds writers, you almost had me happy again. All was well, I was enjoying myself watching this episode. It had lots of good things: no Cadet, exciting case, action, good guests actors then it all crashed. Morgan, who is NOT the negotiation expert (Hotch and Rossi are, in case the writers don't remember; you need to have watched the prior episodes to know these were established in 'Children of the Dark' and 'Minimal Loss'. I guess now that Morgan is the negotiation expert. So next time there is a bomb to diffuse they will ask either Hotch or Rossi to do the job?? Hey maybe in the next episode Morgan will do all the genius things and Reid can kick down doors?
    Anyway, I gotta say yes the episode had lots of violence but I had no problem with that. The type of unsubs we had this week were the kind that killed for a thrill and we know they needed to kill more and more in order to keep the thrill going.

  161. Pretty good episode. Lots of action, crazy unsubs! I was afraid they would kill the little girl at the end!

    Those guests actors were good!

    Wish we had more of the team. Tonight I miss Hotch and Reid.
    and now I am afraid we will lose Prentiss.

    and CBS, another rerun next week???


  162. Started off great no Seaver, kept on going no Seaver, great, finished no Seaver, wonderful!

    Finally, something other than Seaver made me shudder, in this case, it was those devilish unsubs. Pretty intense episode, these unsubs were pretty intense.

  163. Good grief give it a rest! Of course Hotch gave the phone to Morgan - why antagonize the unsub over something so petty?
    now taking in the booze was definitely a writing blunder but really? It isn't Morgan / Shemar's fault the writers are giving him so much screen time or writing ridiculous things for him to say / do. Give him a break.

  164. It's funny, because other than the languages detail, we don't have that much background on what makes Emily qualified for this job.

    But we do have it proven to us in every new episode why she actually belongs.

    One example that comes to me right now in her very first episode, the case she brings it up to Hotch, she actually presents a profile, gives him a place to look for the unsub, explains what kind of personality he may have. Then we had Lessons Learned and after that it just felt like she was part of the team.

    Emily Prentiss has been participating and making a difference since her very first appearance. She doesn’t just sit there asking questions, she gives valuable information and helps. She profiles.

    She is not there just to learn or for exposition, she is a visceral part of this team, she is needed.

    This team doesn't need Ashley Seaver. Not her experience as a serial killer’s daughter beyond her first episode, or her capability to carry dummies, they didn’t even exploit the so-called Ashley and Rossi backstory and finally, she can’t become the only female agent left in the field.

    There’s absolutely no reason for a cadet, or new agent if you will, to be part of this team. This isn’t agent Cooper’s team of misfits, this is the team with the picture perfect unit chief, the legend, the one in a million genius, and two other agents who are really, really, really good at their jobs, and then there's Garcia and her computers.

    So even if we question Emily because of her unexplained past, her 10 years in the Bureau already give her 10 years that Ashley doesn’t have and needs to become one of the what, 70 profilers in the FBI.

    Bottom line is, the show is asking too much of me to accept this character.
    And after losing JJ e maybe having to lose Prentiss too, I don’t know if I can support this.

    This character didn’t have to be like this. She could be believable, she could be fit for the BAU, but she is not.

    Now what, show? Are you going to fix this or just expect us to let it go? Because I don’t see that happening for me.

    But, again, I DID like this episode. Very much.

  165. Ok, the thing with the unsubs coming together after they died? NO. Just... no

    That said, thanks for at least having Hotch explain Reid's disappearance (go to the station, we're going to Spokane), instead of him just turning to mist.

    The violence was excessive, but the unsubs were excessive in their depravity, so it didn't bother me.

    As I recall, one of the showrunners said we'd see some of the season's secrets in the process of being kept; I assume that Reid's is one of those and will come up again later. I don't find it unreasonable that whatever is wrong with him (whether strictly physical or not) will have "flare-ups." I just hope we still get little nudges to maintain continuity - a wince here, a furrowed brow there, popping some more Tums, maybe. Just don't straight-up drop it and then pick it back up again later - that would feel sloppy to me. I hope we see him still wearing the protective bracelet (apologies for forgetting what it was called), too.

  166. Alana, you said it all girl!!! You really broke it down!!! I am just going to cut and paste what you said because it was just that good!

    "It's funny, because other than the languages detail, we don't have that much background on what makes Emily qualified for this job.

    But we do have it proven to us in every new episode why she actually belongs.

    One example that comes to me right now in her very first episode, the case she brings it up to Hotch, she actually presents a profile, gives him a place to look for the unsub, explains what kind of personality he may have. Then we had Lessons Learned and after that it just felt like she was part of the team.

    Emily Prentiss has been participating and making a difference since her very first appearance. She doesn’t just sit there asking questions, she gives valuable information and helps. She profiles.

    She is not there just to learn or for exposition, she is a visceral part of this team, she is needed.

    This team doesn't need Ashley Seaver. Not her experience as a serial killer’s daughter beyond her first episode, or her capability to carry dummies, they didn’t even exploit the so-called Ashley and Rossi backstory and finally, she can’t become the only female agent left in the field.

    There’s absolutely no reason for a cadet, or new agent if you will, to be part of this team. This isn’t agent Cooper’s team of misfits, this is the team with the picture perfect unit chief, the legend, the one in a million genius, and two other agents who are really, really, really good at their jobs, and then there's Garcia and her computers.

    So even if we question Emily because of her unexplained past, her 10 years in the Bureau already give her 10 years that Ashley doesn’t have and needs to become one of the what, 70 profilers in the FBI.

    Bottom line is, the show is asking too much of me to accept this character.
    And after losing JJ e maybe having to lose Prentiss too, I don’t know if I can support this.

    This character didn’t have to be like this. She could be believable, she could be fit for the BAU, but she is not.

    Now what, show? Are you going to fix this or just expect us to let it go? Because I don’t see that happening for me."

  167. This episode finally had the CM feeling back to it. I haven't decided if it's sad or not that I can tell when a senior writer writes an episode because of the flagrant difference in quality.
    The one thing that bothered me about the episode was the final negotiation scene. I mean nothing against Morgan handling it, but are Hotch or Rossi going to get something to do this season other than sitting pretty and answering the phone? Hotch looked like Morgan's secretary out there. I get it that this is the Morgan season. It's obvious that the focus is on him. But he's being pushed in a position of authority that he doesn't actually have. When Reid got centric episodes he stayed in character, he did what he does best, he did the things that set him apart. He didn't take away from the other characters just so that he could shine. The other characters weren't suddenly invisible just because it was a Reid focused season or a Hotch focused season. Rossi this year seems, just like Joe put it on Twitter to be just waiting around (I know that's not exactly what he meant but it fits). I miss CM, I miss the balance this team used to have. I miss the fact that they each seemed to have their own little niche and they didn't need to take anything from the other team members in order to shine. I don't see that anymore. Now it feels like the only way one character gets to shine is if the others stand around doing nothing for the rest of the episode. I think Hotch, Reid and Rossi are tremendously underused this season and I would have expected Prentiss to get more than she actually had. But I guess her arc is just coming. Too bad it's her exit arc.

  168. I can't believe people are disrespecting the Prentiss character by comparing her in any way, shape or form to the dreadful Seaver character.

    Maybe Paget is getting out at the right time if her character (Prentiss) is being compared to Seaver, a cadet. This is really sad.

  169. I'm not even going to jump in how Prentiss came in versus how Seaver came in "debate" because it is just so pathetic and laughable that anyone would compare SSA Prentiss to Cadet Seaver. Even writing that, really, just pathetic...

    This episode, I missed Reid, but I do believe that he was in Japan during the filming of this episode. Now, what was happening between Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, I think this is something that goes way beyond this episode. I think in general people have the feeling that the characters have either been swallowed up by the unsubs, who seem to be getting drawn from a larger pool of more recognizable names which probably accounts for more emphasis on them lately, or that the characters have been written, well, out of character (OOC) too much lately. I think both points are valid.

    Prentiss, I am really getting the vibe that she is out of there and if that happens so am I. I cannot reconcile what the show will attempt to sell even harder than it is now and that is some basically fresh out of the academy person running around the field with people who far outweigh her in skill and experience. Prentiss came in being able to hold her own, always, always. She is the epitome of strength, experience and skill. If the writers had introduced that type of character, I would still be upset that Prentiss was leaving, but I would have respect for what was being left in the wake of that absence. This, I simply cannot respect and cannot comprehend how I am being asked to believe given the construct of the BAU the show created.

  170. Hotch hasn't been much of a leader lately. I certainly have to question his decision to make Morgan the lead-negotiator (wasn't that really Hotch's expertise, having written the FBI manual for it and experience in it?). I don't think it was right to risk Morgan's life, the agent who shot the "wife" of the totally instable, sociopathic killer) ... Hello??? Why didn't Hotch just pin a target on Morgan's chest? Wait until Strauss hears about that!
    Glad that Seaver wasn't on the team. "So cute" how they all missed her. JJ already forgotten or "successfully" replaced by Seaver.
    Not really a case where the FBI profilers were needed. Not a difficult case by all means. Spree killer cases rarely require the assistance of the BAU and usually are killed within relatively short time by police. Especially such quickly deteriorating offenders.
    Sadly the team still feels off to me. Don't ever feel that way with NCIS. That show has been consistently good from the beginning and high ratings proof that consistency doesn't mean "boring."
    Any chance to bring some of the original writers back?
    And please, keep Seaver away ...

  171. I rather enjoyed this week's episode, though the killing sprees actually got boring after a while - enough so that I actually left the room for a soda during one of them (then again, maybe I've just seen too many horror movies and am used to excessive violence on TV).

    Like last week's episode, I thought the directing and editing were great. However, I noticed the script itself was a compilation of several different movies I've seen....And the scene where one bullet was put into the gun and aimed at the guy....Didn't EVERYONE think "Tobias Hankel did that to Reid in 'Revelations'"....

    Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Reid's explanation of the various rehab steps and the nod to his own rehab, though I thought too much time was spent in this episode on the unsubs' sprees and not enough time spent on the BAU team doing their work.

    And it seems that according to tonight's episode, Reid's issues, his headaches, hallucinations, etc. that were so horrible last week that he was rubbing his eyes all the time and he had to wear sunglasses even when he was inside buildings, have magically disappeared...So will they magically and conveniently reappear when the writer of that script writes another script, and until then he's fine? I read that Reid's issues will not be talked about for the next several episodes....At least have him rub his eyes or something for continuity (or did I miss that first time through the ep?)

    And in tonight's episode with Reid being told to go somewhere else while the rest of the team finishes catching the unsub? That would have been the perfect opportunity for Hotch to acknowledge Reid's condition by a simple "look" - the "look" suggesting he was sending Reid to a place he'd know he'd be safer by being away from the loud gunshots and bright lights; and if that's what it was supposed to be, it did not come through clearly to the audience.

    In summary, I thought this episode was better than most this season, despite the criticisms above, and despite the apparent lack of continuity from last week's episode.

  172. re: Reid storyline thing. At the very least, for continuity, they could have dropped ONE, one physical cue to let us know he's still struggling. It's so strange to see his headaches not addressed at ALL. I surmise in hindsight, we'll find out that he got whatever it was diagnosed, and he's undergoing treatment. He'll be caught taking his meds and his secret will have to come out. But again, the writers of CM past would have had more fun, more intrigue, more COOKIE-FUN with EVERYTHING! *sigh* Who knows, maybe this is an out-of-sequence epi.

    Last rant about Seaver. It bugs me to NO END that it's just "understood" she's joining the BAU and is now a part of it with NO exposition from the writers about it. It's so avoidant of the elephant in the room and I think, really sad. Really, really, sad. It truly damages the integrity of the show in my heart. :(

    Oh well. My suggestion to us all is: Let's appreciate CM for what it was and what we still have.


  173. You nailed it Jackie. Not that I hate Morgan but why do the writers feel in order to make Morgan shine they need to make, everyone else dissapeared? You are right Jackie when you said when we had Reid centric episodes, Reid was not out of character and it was never needed to make everyone else go into the background in order for Reid to get attention. CM writers, you might think that you are doing favor to the Morgan character but really you are not. Look at the reactions you are getting, you must know by now that what you are doing with Morgan is not working.

  174. That little line with Rossi in the beginning about Seaver, oh Lord, LOL

    Seriously, what would she have done if she was there- maybe she would have been in charge of getting the whiskey for Morgan to bring to the unsubs. I don't know. Now, if Rossi had said "Where's Reid, Morgan, Prentiss, Hotch, Garcia, or Prentiss," now that makes sense because each of those individuals provides a lifeline to the team- they are a vital asset to the team, each bringing something distinctive that blends together well, capturing all of their experience well to construct a profile.

  175. Sorry, I mentioned Prentiss twice..

  176. This was great. Wow. Im speechless. What a ride. Loved all the profiling leading to AA. Im speechless.

  177. Interesting tie into AA and no Seaver.. enough said!

  178. I would say something about the episode, but I think my review would be biased because I can hardly get passed the fact that I am so grateful Seaver wasn't there. I know that it sounds like I am trying to be funny, but I am really serious when I say that my viewing experience increased ten fold without her there.

  179. That was dark and cinematic! The last scenes with the little girl were terrifying. And i didn't expect him to kill Syd...nice twist. Kudos CM!

  180. I think this was the absolute worst CM episode in the history of CM.. It is even worse than Honor Among Thieves!

    The entire concept was just poorly conceived. It was a ripoff of a movie. The directing was equally bad because it was choppy and lacked cohesiveness. Opportunities for nice subtle character moments were lost in favor of the suckfest of showing the unsubs.

    The thing that drew me to this show in the first place was that we got to watch the TEAM getting in to the minds of the killers. We didn't see 35 minutes of gratuitous unsub action-- most of which was awkwardly done and the scenes dragged on too long. I kept wishing I could fastforward.

    The part with the couple floating and reaching for each other in the dream-like vision was one of the worst special effects I've ever seen on the show. It was beyond cheesy.

    I honestly think that the producers should fire the writer AND the director. A bad script was just made worse by poor filming. It was disjointed and didn't make much sense...

    The whole thing was so generic that they could have easily substituted other characters in place of the team members.. It doesn't have that uniqueness that the old CM used to have..

    Oh, and why did the unsubs ask for a vehicle to transport themselves out of there if they already had access to an SUV inside? And why drive the SUV out through the shop instead of through the proper entryway for it? *sigh*

    Please bring back the team moments, subtlety and family feel of the original CM..

    Also, please find someone to do quality control and to review these things so we don't get these sorts of crappy plot holes and nonsense...

  181. That was HOT! What the hell... that was like cable! That AA scene was crazy. Yeah guys, this one was all about the unsubs but i thought that was a great change-up. We know the regulars, cool to get to know the criminals a bit more.

  182. It pains me to say this even though Seaver wasn't in this episode and trust me that was a HUGE PLUS going into this episode (happy as hell Seaver wasn't in this episode!), but I may have to agree with the Anonymous who wrote:

    "The thing that drew me to this show in the first place was that we got to watch the TEAM getting in to the minds of the killers. We didn't see 35 minutes of gratuitous unsub action-- most of which was awkwardly done and the scenes dragged on too long. I kept wishing I could fastforward."

  183. Really, really dug the shout-out to Natural Born Killers and Bonnie and Clyde. And I liked that she was the psychopath. You guys need to get on board - its about time that primetime TV gets its game on like that!

  184. That episode rocked. Every time I thought I knew what had to happen next, it didn't. The girl kills his dad? They shoot up an AA meeting? C'mon. That was twisted, and I mean that in the very best possible way. Nice to see CM get ballsy like that. And hello, that couple was hot. Well done CM, can't wait for the next.

  185. CM, I think you may have finally reached the Tony Hawk, moto-cross demo you've been itching to get :/

    As an aside, I too am happy as all get out that Seaver wasn't in this episode, although, the impending doom of her return looms over my head.

  186. This was def no typical CM. The violence-discretion notice was new and there for a reason: this was more like an action movie than out TV show. More violence than I like, some, I think, was unnecessary.

    The actors playing the unsubs were amazing. They looked every bit the part of alcoholic psychos, not abit contrived or exaggerated: they were incredible in their roles. They just killed WAY too many people (for no good reason) for my liking.

    Not enough profiling. More Morgan than Hotch. Other than Reid doing abit of squinting, no more reference to his headaches -bummer, I think there should have been some continuity even if no resolution. For credibility purposes, if nothing else.

    Just as I figured, hints about the Prentiss issue but no real increase in her screen presence. But it sounds ominous and I don't like what they are hinting at because I do not want to lose her.

    Wish there had been no mention of Seaver at all but I guess since they have agreed she is now a BAU member, they needed to explain. WE didn't but THEY did.

    Liked Reid's explanations about the 13 steps and the throwback to his NA days, Nice, but I have to wonder if any of the team was wondering how he knew these things?
    Hotch and Rossi kinda gave hime a look; but WE know, huh?

    Oh, well. No preview of next epi and now we are hearing no new epi for two more wks? Damn! After more than a month lapse, we get a couple of new ones then we get to go without again. What's up with that?

    Enuf for now. I'm far from sated but not as mad as I was last week.

  187. So what happened to Rossi? Did he get caught on the can when the plane left for Montana? Maybe he stopped over in Livingston for some fly fishing... too bad, he missed a helluva show.

  188. Really, people found that there were twists in this episode? Hmm, I thought it was fairly predictable. For instance, I knew the unsub was going to kill his wife, I really didn't have any doubt about that. I'm not saying I am super smart or anything, it's just it was pretty much written on the wall as soon as Morgan started talking to the unsub on the phone. Well, basically from when they said that the wife killed the guy's ex-girlfriend; and maybe because of the repetitive nature of some of the shooting scenes, I kind of got bored. I did like the AA angle though.

    At any rate, Seaver wasn't in it numbing my brain cells so that was a plus for me.

  189. Amazing episode.........kudos to the writer, now just involve the team more and we are back with a vengence..............the celt

  190. I thought this episode was alright. I was hoping for a more Prentiss centered episode, but it seemed like it was bare bones for all of the cast members. I'm not a big fan of the unsub centered episodes, I thought they spent way too much screen time on the guest actors. Don't get me wrong I thought they did a good job, It just got a little repetitive after awhile. I was also kind of bothered how quickly the team was profiling. It seemed like we would flash from the unsubs committing a murder right to someone figuring out exactly what they were up to. It might just be me but it felt a little contrived. One last thing and I'll let it go, I thought it was odd that Morgan walked up to the gas station and knocked on the window during a hostage situation. I was surprised that he didn't get shot. Oh well, I love Prentiss and will definitely stick around for her story line.

  191. Season 6.. definitely not getting the DVD's for this season, and not just because of Seaver, but she certainly does play a big role in that decision.

    Hopefully, the Prentiss story will be good.

  192. No Seaver in this episode.. enough said...

    I am hoping that this will not be the beginning of the end of the Prentiss character.

  193. Too violent, too sexualized and the direction was too sporadic. This episode rated above 25 to Life and What Happens at Home and maybe Devil’s Night, but not much else. The pacing was fast, but when you’re shooting up everything in sight, it doesn’t allow much time for lingering; so the scenes moved as fast as the unsubs could empty a gun clip. I’m convinced CM is targeting a more male-oriented audience with the superficial, inconsistent scripts, and the graphic violence. I’m reminded of a discussion I had with some male friends a few years ago when they informed me that “men don’t care if they’re fake.” The discussion was about breast implants. Sorry fellas, but women prefer more substance and logic than the “fake” stuff CM’s been feeding us this season. CM’s biggest fan base has always been women; the writers and producers appear to be making a concerted effort to change that.

    I’m trying to determine the underlying issue as to why the writers and producers have decided to push Thomas Gibson’s Hotch character aside in order to promote Shemar Moore’s Morgan character. This appears to be a shrewd negotiation tactic to get TG to fold on some contract term. You demonstrate to TG how easily the writers can replace Hotch with Morgan; and you get TG to fold on a critical contract demand?

    With all of the upheaval at CM and the disappointment the fans have with CBS, the producers and the writers, TG probably has the greatest leverage he’s ever had since becoming a part of CM. If TG walks, along with what’s happened with AJ and Paget, and the miscasting of Seaver, I believe the loss of Thomas Gibson would be the death knell to the series. I hope Thomas Gibson doesn’t let CBS and the producers push him around. They should recognize his value and worth; and they truly need to stop under-appreciating and devaluing him.

    Why even write a scene where the unsub demands that the phone be given to Morgan? He didn’t know who Morgan was and had established no rapport. Morgan put a bullet in his partner, that’s all he knew about him. What difference should it have made with whom he was negotiating so long as his demands were met? It was a scene designed to send a message to Thomas Gibson, more than to anyone else. We can have Shemar do this too. Otherwise the scene had no purpose. It could have followed routine BAU tactics where Hotch is the negotiator. Morgan is being used this season as the trump card. He rides roughshod over the men and he’s the stud for the women—both Garcia and Prentiss. It’s become more than a little suffocating.

    It’s obvious to me that what’s happening with the Hotch character is a deliberate tactic being employed to demonstrate to Thomas Gibson that he can easily be replaced by Shemar Moore. This seems to be the producers/writers mechanism for controlling its lead by demonstrating how we can minimize your character and thereby minimize your contribution to the series. It seems to be mean-spirited and demoralizing. And if it continues, Thomas Gibson should walk with Paget, before they push him out the door next season.

    I thought this was going to be more of a Prentiss episode; she recited the opening quote as if her role would be significant. It wasn’t; she too yielded to the temple of Derek Morgan; once again becoming his lackey. When Hotch and Prentiss work a scene together, Prentiss appears confident and knowledgeable. When she works the scene with Morgan, she appears to defer to him, to be his lackey acting the way the Seaver character should act, like an underling. The writers are wasting Paget’s talents. And that brief ending scene reassured me that Prentiss would not be killed. If you planned to kill the character you’ve more than telegraphed it. Prentiss all but asked is he going to kill me. To kill her now would seem ridiculously obvious. But then again, we’ve had a lot of that this season too.

  194. Yes, I liked the episode, quite interesting. What interests me more is Prentiss. Please, don't kill her character! Please!!! Either kill that guy before he gets to her or witness protection for her, which leaves open options for her coming back. Please don't kill off Prentiss and keep her in the show. :((

  195. cont...

    I guess when it’s negotiation time, the producers ensure that the writers craft scripts that minimize the characters or place them in tenuous positions. But I don’t think CM can afford to lose AJ Cook, Paget Brewster and Thomas Gibson all in one season. I think that should give Thomas Gibson some leverage in how he’s treated on this show. CM will die without him.

  196. I generally try to wait a day before posting my opinion of an episode to make sure I’ve had adequate time to digest it. I was ready to turn this one off at 9:30! The only reason I didn’t is because I wanted to see how they were going to set up Emily’s departure.

    Whether this is a good or bad episode is not relevant for me. I do not watch this show to see this much focus on unsubs killing people over and over again. I watch CM to see how the BAU works together to catch these guys; there was far too little of that in this episode. To make matters worse these unsubs came across as weak reproductions of the characters in the movies from which they were copied.

    For me there was way too much Morgan and too little Hotch but I did enjoy the rare moments we got to see of the BAU working together. I really enjoy watching this cast, when the episodes are indeed balanced, which makes it that much more difficult to sit through week after week of mediocre episodes where the cast is grossly underutilized.

    I really loathe it when I feel my time has been wasted; there simply is no excuse for this episode.

  197. sdwally, once again, on target.

    May I add that the problem, if you will, with beginning to target a show in that manner is that each week has got to be more grandiose than the next. For example, this week you shot up 15 people, well, next week you have got to shoot up 15 people and crash a couple of cars. The week after that, you have got to shoot up 20 people, crash 5 cars, and have at least one major explosion.

    Yeah, Reid doing a geographical profile after such high- targeted action is not really going to cut it.

  198. PGunn, just read you comment and believe you are on target too.

  199. I think there is a schism going on that I believe will become clear once season 7 rolls around, but by that time, it will probably be to late pull the brakes.

  200. This episode had so many twists and turns. I can't wait to watch it again tomorrow. Morgan really turned it out. The profiling to AA was really good. The whole making amends stuff worked really nicely. Can't wait till next week.
