Monday, March 15, 2010


Criminal Minds: If you had to choose a favorite scene from a season 5 episode, which one will you choose and why?


  1. Reid talking to Doctor Malcolm in The Uncanny Valley, and then Reid talking to the UnSub in this same episode.

  2. hum difficult question since there are so many scenes that I loved in season 5. if I had one to choose I would choose: Hotch talking to Haley on the phone just before Foyet killed her in '100'. Sad scene, great acting from Thomas Gibson and Meredith Monroe.


  3. I love the scene in 100: Hotch is finding his son. He is sad and happy in the same time. Ok...I must say I love the whole episode "100"!!!! This was the best episode ever!

  4. Without a doubt, Hotch vs. The Reaper knock-down-drag-out-fight in 100. Beginning with when he enters the house, and ending with being reunited with Jack. *sniffle*

  5. In 100 the scene after Hotch finding Jack and sending him out before he goes up to the bedroom. Conveying more with his eyes and a gesture than most actors could with a whole page of dialogue. Thomas Gibson ist just fantastic.

  6. In episode 10, The Slave of Duty. Haley's funeral. Hotch makes me cry everytime I watch this scene. It's almost unbelievable, every single time, I cry. Hotch's speech was heart breaking and Thomas Gibson did a great great acting.

  7. It's a tie between Reid confronting the UnSub in The Uncanny Valley, and Hotch/Hayley on the phone in 100.


  8. The Hotch-Foyet fight.

  9. UnSub in The Uncanny Valley taking tea and cake with her 'Dolls'. Tres Creepy. Definitely Uncanny.

    I also loved the feel of MGG's direction on Mosely Lane, the scenes in the basement rooms where everything seems kind of sepia.

  10. Since I can't choose every scene in "100", I'll go with Hotch slowly going through his house and all you can hear is his breathing. That was so intense. You could feel the fear, panic and dread that he was experiencing with every breath he took. Best episode of the entire series!

  11. hotch & haley on the phone saying their goodbyes

  12. This is hard because there some extremely emotional/sad scenes that are memorable and others that just make you puff up with pride at the team and their profiling skills, and then others for their incredible sensitivity to the victims and their families, etc.

    The entire "100" epi was an example of the choked-up-with- emotion sensation that I felt thruout, having a difficult time watching yet not being able to turn away except to grab another kleenex. The funeral scene in "Slave of Duty" was another one of these. Hotch was stellar in both shows and Hailey was amazing in "100." You could feel that she still loved Hotch probably as much as Hotch loved her which made it even more mesmerizing to see.

    Then there's the satisfaction I felt at Reid nailing the shrink/father of the unsub in "Uncanny Valley" in such a way that you wanted to take the guy out back and waste him right then and there and not feel the least bit bad about it. Esp. when later in the same epi, Reid brings the trunk of dolls to the unsub and talks to her in such an appealing, child-like manner that only Reid can muster - he excels in his ability in dealing with troubled young people. He identifies somehow with each and everyone of them and uses it for good outcomes.

    We can't forget all the tender moments on the parts of JJ and Prentiss )and even Garcia behind the scenes) toward those that the unsubs have threatened, tortured or hurt in some insufferable manner that makes you want those women as your friends - they are all so smart and tough when they need to be and yet so tender- hearted, which is so admirable.

    Rossi's insights as the senior man with so much experience have been good as well, I like him better with every season, and Morgan seems to be evolving a bit into more of a leader, not just the hunky brawn that comes to mind when you picture Morgan doing his thing, and I like that expansion of character, and we have already discussed a couple recent scenes where this leadership aspect has been demonstrated.

    The occas lite-hearted moments like Reid and Rossi and the ditch last week endear the show to me as well - such nice, soft touches that make the program human.

    I love this season - the majority of the epi's have been exemplary with only a few weak ones. For the fifth season of a show, I still feel very good about faithfully watching CM. Altho' I always DVR it, I NEVER miss it - I love my Wed. nites!

  13. 100 was the most riveting episode of television of any series. There were so many standout scenes; but if I have to choose, it would be the Hotch/Haley good-by scene; and the scene where Hotch searches for the Reaper with nothing audible but his breathing. Thomas Gibson’s performance was incredible!! No other episode comes close to 100 in terms of writing, directing, pacing and performance.

  14. sdwally said:
    100 was the most riveting episode of television of any series..........Thomas Gibson’s performance was incredible!! No other episode comes close to 100 in terms of writing, directing, pacing and performance.

    Word. True dat! It is not just the best episode of any of the CM series, but of ANY tv series!! The only tv episode that made me cry during several moments in the episode. And not just the first viewing either, but also when I re-watch it (thankful for friends who have DVR), it still makes me bawl. Every time. Thanks a lot, CM writers and Thomas Gibson!! LOL. 100 has got EVERYTHING. It is intense, heart-stopping, a delightfully villainous villain, a valiant marshall giving his life, teammates taking a stand for Hotch, a stoic hero fighting to keep himself together to save his family and losing himself in pent-up rage, a bad guy butt-kicking, heartbreak, a flashback to the happy Hotch of yore and then being yanked back to his current nightmare of a reality, and so many more things jam packed in one hour of television (less if you consider the commercials). Cereally, if CM peeps don't get Emmys up the yin yang for this episode then we will all know that the Emmys are BOGUS and nothing more than a popularity contest. Fo shizzle.

    P.S. The makeup and wardrobe people should submit The Uncanny Valley for consideration in their category. :)

    Just my $0.02 =P

  15. As a Reid girl and considering the paucity of Reid this season, it was easily the scene where he confronts the slimy doctor in Uncanny Valley. Very nice going for the jugular. Two thumbs up!

  16. My all time favorite scene from season 5 was the JJ/Hotch scene from Risky Business. I cry every time I watch it. AJ and Thomas were both amazing in that scene. But, I've enjoyed all of season 5 thus far. I'm happy with all the JJ air time :) So, I have many other 'favorite' scenes, but that one JJ/Hotch is by far the best yet

  17. That Hotch/JJ scene is a good scene too, criminalmindsaddict1985. TG and AJ were fantastic. And that entire episode was a great showcasing of AJ Cook. As I recall, she was in near tears for pretty much throughout the whole thing. Good job AJ!

  18. Oh definitely the part where Hotch was talking to Haley on the phone. I totally teared up.

    Also, the part where Hotch gets stabbed by Foyet. So much sadism going on in the dialogue and I guess it's also because Foyet is my top favorite unsub.

  19. From 100 when Hotch arrives at the house...just watching the incredibe Mr. Gibson, you can almost hear what he is thinking as he goes from room to room by watching his face...That is one of the most powerful things I have ever seen. I love this show and appreciate the talent of the entire cast, but Mr. Gibson in this episode... WOW.

  20. I think my favorite would definitely be when Prentiss was being brought into the hospital after the car crash in "Retaliation" when Morgan asks Prentiss "How many shots did you fire?" and she responds, "Three," and he's like, "Emily you emtied your clip." she is like in respond (favorite part ever!!!) "I did?" Really great acting by both of them.

  21. The scene in 100 when Hotch pick Hayley's dead body up and hold her tight to his chest. I am not an emotional person, but that scene made me cry. A lot.

  22. So many good scenes to choose from and I love those mentioned so far. I think if I have to name just one, I would have to choose the final plane scene from Risky Business (the entire plane scene).

    We have Emily telling a story about the star puzzle she is trying to put back together. Reid, ever the practical genius, doesn't quite get her romantic tale and then figures out the difficult puzzle much to Emily's chagrin. Emily then delivers my favorite line of the season so far "There's a lot to hate about you Dr. Reid".

    We are then witness to the very personal conversation between JJ and Hotch about losing someone you love. JJ uses the story of her sister's suicide to tell Hotch that eventually Haley's death won't be so painful; that with time, he will think of her and it won't hurt so much.

    I love this scene because the entire team (even Garcia!) is featured. Garcia, Rossi, and Morgan all listen to Emily's conversation with Reid and then add to it when Emily is frustrated with the team's genius.

    But the best part is the exchange between JJ and Hotch. Such a wonderfully touching moment between the two of them. Great job by all in this scene but AJ and TG were especially good.

  23. The end scene from "Risky Business" between JJ and Hotch.
    I loved it.
    AJ was amazing! And so was Thomas.

  24. There were so many good scenes this season, so many packed with emotion, but the one i really enjoyed was the one between Reid and Prentiss and the star puzzle. I felt it had a lot of subtext and it was plain fun, The two actors really have a lot of chemistry with each other and all us Reid fans really miss the Reid centric storylines.

  25. In terms of pure intensity, then I'd have to pick either Hotch/Haley on the phone or Hotch going through the house from '100'. TG is an incredibly gifted actor and MM was also stellar in this episode. I still find it hard to watch and that's all due to it's emotional impact.

    On a lighter note, I also liked the Hotch/Prentiss moment from The Eyes Have It when he smirks slightly at her, saying 'what?' after being spoken to by acting unit chief Morgan for not awaiting back up. :)

  26. "Hotch slowly going through his house and all you can hear is his breathing. That was so intense. You could feel the fear, panic and dread that he was experiencing with every breath he took"

    I agree with Anonymous - this was one of my favorite (heart-stopping) scenes. I felt myself holding my breath as Hotch went through the house and up the stairs and around corners...

  27. Robin in SeattleMonday, March 15, 2010

    "Hotch slowly going through his house and all you can hear is his breathing. That was so intense. You could feel the fear, panic and dread that he was experiencing with every breath he took"...

    I agree with Anonymous - this was my favorite scene too...

  28. One that made me cry - Hotch talking to Haley on the phone and saying good-bye to her.

    One that made me laugh - When Rossi made Reid climb down into the ditch as he had new Italian boots on, and then asked Reid something, and Reid said, "You know what I don't know". Then Rossi said that was a first and walked away with Reid still in the ditch!

  29. Wow. Hard question since S5 has been so amazing. Another reason is JJ is my fave as well as Morgan and they have both had some amazing moments. Honestly the more I think on this the more scenes I remembers and more I can't choose.

    The final Hotch/haley phone conversation makes me cry everything, but as amazing as it is, it's simply not my favorite. I

    I think my fave is Risky Business, not so much the content but becuase all of them were on the plane at the end.

  30. I love the Hotch-Haley phone-call scene in 100. It had me crying and on the edge of my seat!

    Second favourite is Reid and Morgan in the classroom during Risky business. Reid is just amazing during it!

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  33. This season has been incredible. I love how we are getting to know more about Garcia and JJ. Rossi and Reid exchange in the ditch...nice human touches. The 100 episode had me on my seat with Hotch frantically trying to save his family and ending Foyet at the end. Mosely Lane episode directed by Mr. Gubler was a second runner up to 100. The creepy pants unsubs and the scene in the crematorium close to the end with the girl crawling away crying no, no, no, and the kid shooting the creepy lady and saving them. Cried my eyes out. I wanted to reach into the tv and save that girl myself as you could tell she knew creepy lady was going to throw her in the flames. Reid's comment earlier how women unsubs were the most violent...classic Reid. Keep writing amazing stuff for these amazing actors. Hope this show is around for many more years.

  34. Strauss questioning Rossi in '100'. What IS the price of gold today? He had me laughing out loud, love his personality.

  35. Gosh so many ....

    Hotch /Haley-on the fone call
    Hotch- searching the house
    Hotch- finding Jack
    Reid/Dr in the Uncanny Valley
    Scene with kidnapped Ladies n Unsub playing "tea"....
    Hotch/JJ- things will get betta with time...
    Reid/Strauss: when she is questionin...
    Morgan/Emily - when she gets admitted to hospital...

    the list goes on.......

  36. If you had asked for the most stellar/impressive/moving scene, I’d have picked a scene from 100 or the funeral from Slave of Duty as well. But these scenes are also extremely painful to watch and therefore I just can’t bring myself to call any of them a favorite of mine.

    My favorite scene so far this season is the chess scene in The Uncanny Valley - basically it’s two scenes (at the beginning and at the end of the episode), but for me they belong together as a unit. I like them for several reasons: They were light, but still gave a lot of character insight. In a way, they brought back Gideon and made up for the fact that he wasn’t there in 100 or at the funeral. The allusion to Gideon came at a time when it was extremely interesting to compare the story lines of Gideon and Hotch that are, in a way, very similar, but with completely different outcomes. In that way the chess scene was as much about Hotch as about Gideon and Reid, about the relationships between those characters and what they mean for each other. It showed a lot of character development for Reid, how he coped with losing Gideon, without being angsty or overdone. It also gave a little insight into Reid’s private life, and they way Reid used a variation of Einstein’s definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes) to describe the game of chess also said a lot about what he thinks both of his job and of Gideon.

    I really, really love this scene. What was such a light scene at first look transported so many layers of deeper meaning if watched closely.

  37. I think the goodbye scenes from 100 were the most emotionally charged thus far this semester. I'm not just talking about Haley and Hotch's phone conversation, but the team's reaction as well. There was excellent acting in the episode. I seriously believe CM and Thomas Gibson deserve an award for this performance.

    And I also loved the Hotch/Prentiss scene at the end of Haunted where she tells him he's not alone. I love the dynamic of their relationship, and that scene was great.

  38. Oh definitely the part where Hotch was talking to Haley on the phone

  39. The end scene from The Performer when the team are on the plane

    The scene between Rossi and Reid in Solitary Man when they're arguing who gets into the ditch

    Any of the Hotch/Jack scenes... They were so heartfelt

  40. thats a mad question to ask. there are way too many brilliant scenes. its very hard just pick out just best scene. they are some briliant hilarious scenes,some brilliant scenes /episodes which focuses on just 1 charatcter, etc.....

  41. hmmm...okay since i'm a big jj fan, i'm gonna go with The Performer & Risky Business

  42. It is a difficult question, a moment would be in Chapter 100, when the team is listening to the call with Foyetes Hotch and Haley, it's really sad and shocking not to feel powerless to do much at that moment, their faces were really pain.

  43. Not including '100' because most of that episode made me want to cry as Thomas Gibson is awesome. I'd have to say the JJ/Hotch scene at the end of Risky business it was so touching even though it wasn't that long but I guess nearly every epsode with an interaction between AJ and Thomas has turned out to be my favourites! We need more Hotch and JJ scenes imo. Sara

  44. Good question, there are so many, season 5 is so fantastic.
    Hotch/Haley talking on the phone before she was killed.
    Reid talking with the unsub in Uncanny Valley.
    Great acting from MM, TG and MGG.


  45. All of "100" and the episodes directly before and after it...brilliant, sad, adorable. Also, the scene with Reid playing chess with the kid in the park in "Uncanny Valley". We haven't seen him play chess in a long time...

  46. Ah, hard question!

    The JJ & Hotch scene was real good... Anything in ep. 100... JJ doin' pistol whippin'...Geez, I can't choose!

  47. Only one scene from season 5… can’t do it! There are so many, it’s impossible to choose one single scene!

    • Entire “100” would be hard to go past, never seen anything like it nor would I expect to ever see anything even come close to this brilliant piece of TV
    • Hotch & Jack working the case leading into Hotch finding Jack, the emotion that passes on his face as JJ takes Jack away
    • Hotch / Haley scenes from the phone call to the final scene where Hotch holds her in his arms – heart wrenching and makes me cry each time but so absolutely brilliantly performed
    • The final scene in “100” when Hotch picks Jack up and the entire team is around him as he delivers the final quote
    • Hotch walking through their home looking for his family
    • Strauss vs the team scenes especially Strauss v Prentiss & Strauss v Rossi
    • Hotch’s eulogy in Slave of Duty – brilliant, touching, emotional so amazing
    • Jack & Hotch watching the tape of Haley in Slave of Duty & their individual reactions, touches me to the core every time I watch it
    • Hotch & Jack scene at the hospital in Nameless Faceless
    • Plane scene at the end of Risky Business from Prentiss, Reid star puzzle exchange & JJ & Hotch scene – the light and shade just brilliant
    • Hotch, Morgan scene at the end of Retaliation
    • Hotch, Prentiss scenes in the apartment in Haunted
    • Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss scene in Eyes have it after Hotch takes down the unsub
    • Plane scene at the end of The Performer
    • Reid scene with the Doctor & unsub in Uncanny Valley
    • Reid chess scenes in the Uncanny Valley – I’m with Shadow on this one amazing scenes
    • The final scene from Mosley Park & JJ delivering the ‘Hope’ quote
    • Reid, Rossi ditch scene in Solitary Man
    • The Final scene from Retaliation when the family comes together & Prentiss delivers the Washington Irving quote
    • Morgan, Prentiss hospital scenes in Retaliation

    I think I better stop … likely I have the longest list but absolutely impossible to split!

    .... Michelle

  48. I loved reading all these comments because I had forgotten several episodes this season!
    Although I loved 100, I think the most memorable scene, for me, came from Mosley Lane. I don't usually get emotional from watching the show but this scene was heart wrenching.
    It was the scene at the end where the boy tells the other parents that there son died for the little girl. The father then replied "you mean, my son was alive yesterday?"
    So much emotion in that episode. Just goes to show that sometimes moments can be both happy and sad at the same time...


  49. I had to think about it and couldn't come up with just one scene so here they are, my favorites scenes for season 5;

    All of '100' amazing episode! The scene with Hotch going from room to room, with only his harsh breathing for sound. Totally amazing and nothing like I have ever seen on TV.

    Many have mention the plane scene with JJ and Hotch. I have to agree it was great one.

    Reid and Rossi at the ditch, funny scene and nice characters interaction.

    Morgan and Hotch talking after 'retaliation' and Morgan telling Hotch he knows what it is like to be raised by a single parent and how every minutes counts. Nice of Morgan to help Hotch.

    Reid talking to Samantha in uncanny valley. I like how Reid did not barge in there with a gun but did instead talk down Samantha.

    Hotch tackling a suspect in 'the Eyes have it'! Love his smirk at Prentiss after Morgan dress down.


  50. All of "100". Just all of it. If Thomas Gibson and the CM writers don't get at LEAST an Emmy nommination then we will know the Emmy are a fraud.

    Reid talking to Malcolm in "Uncanny Valley". Love when Reid take down a bad guy without firing a gun shot. Reid most powerfull weapon is his mind.

    The end of "Hopeless" with Rossi, Hotch and Prentiss walking away from the scene where the unsubs are about to commit suicide by cops. Morgan staying at the scene
    was to show us that they don't ll agree all the time. I wish we would see this more often.


  51. Any scene with Thomas Gibson. He is simply that powerful an actor.

  52. Hotch and Hayley on the phone in 100. it was a heart-wrenching scene and i always cry when i see it. also it was awesome acting by Thomas Gibson and Meredith Monroe. What a way for Meredith to leave her impression on CM! And one of my favorite TG/Hotch moments!

  53. I quickly scanned through the season 5 episodes to see what jumped out at me, and while I _thought_ before I did it that it would be the Hotch & Haley scene in 100, what actually forced me to stop skipping and watch was the scene with Reid confronting Malcolm in The Uncanny Valley.

    Gubler's acting was superb as he went through the stages of greater and greater agitation while delivering more and more complex lines. Mantegna did the same in the opposite direction, with Rossi backing off as Reid became more and more confrontational and aggressive.

    Very impressive work, and a definitive example of what Criminal Minds is all about: clever detective work + understanding psychology + detailed characterization of both continuing and single-episode characters PLUS very good and very interesting interaction between the characters.

    If I could only show someone one scene to hook them onto the show this would be it. Of course, if I had my 'druthers I'd rather show a montage of the team interacting with each other. The highlight of that would be from season 4: Prentiss poking Reid in the cheek and saying "He's so real!" But for season 5, this is it.

  54. OK, this isn't my "favorite" but it was a great scene: In Uncanny Valley, when the unsub figures out that one of her "dolls" has been moving around, she picks up a pair of scissors and I was afraid she was going to hurt the "doll". But instead, she sits down next to the "doll", puts her hand on her arm, and pleads with her to stay and not leave her. OMG. Such a sad, pathetic, pitiful plea. *tear*

  55. alisoncircus:

    You make an excellent point about the Reid/Rossi moments with Malcolm: Altho' I remembered this and I mentioned it earlier in this blog, you have made me want to go back watch it again ( esp the Rossi verbage playing off Reid's aggressive dialogue which I remember so clearly - he was so angry but assertive!) which I can do since I DVR'd it. Thanks - Sat nite is a good nite for this since there is nada on TV and I will stay home after working all day:)

    Thanks, CM buddette!

  56. This is definitely hard, because in this season we already got a lot of great, moreover, heartbreaking, wonderful moment. I think - for me - one of the most beautiful moments is when Emily finally find Hotch in a hospital in the episode Nameless Faceless. It was a big relief after the torturer 3 months long waiting.
    And for sure, how could I forget the wonderful moments in episode 100? The goodbye scene between Hotch and Haley was breathtaking, touching scene too, because both of them did a professional work in that. Especially Thomas Gibson. Wow, I was stunned! I can't imagine what kind of pain and awful feelings he had to go through to cry like that, from his whole heart! I cried for Hotch and for Thomas Gibson at the same time. :)) And he did even more in the "endgame". I mean from that moment he entered the house to the moment he finally found Jack. His peformance was fascinating, professional, like the whole episode! I still can't stand the scene where he is searching for Foyet in the house and the only thing you can hear is his breathing and the only thing you can feel his dread for his family. Maybe I'm not boo biased against Thomas Gibson if I say his talent is an incredible gift. :)
    And one more lovely scene. The conversation between Hotch and JJ on the Jet at the end of Risky Business. I love their friendship, I love how they always care about each other. It was amazing to see that Hotch wanted to support JJ a bit and finally he was the one who had been supported. It was touching. Great work of both of the actors!
    Anyway, as I said at the beginning of my message, it's a really hard question, because there already were a lot of wonderful scene in this season. A lot of wonderful interaction between the team members. A lot of great moment between Hotch and Morgan, which shows how much they respect each other. A lot of great JJ moment! I missed her in the last season very much and it's great to see her in focus again. And of course we're slowly getting back the healthy MGG, and we already got some really great Reid-moment. :) I just love this season! :))

    Greetings from Gabriella

  57. any scene with Morgan in it. I'm only still watching because I love Morgan.

  58. Season five is a mixed bag for me, it started very strong with "Nameless, Faceless" with the brilliant and disturbing scene of the "Reaper" stabbing Hotch and delivering his demented dialogue.
    The scenes in "100" with the team finally locating the "Reaper" and Hotch in the final battle against him for his son's life is electrifying and so well scripted, directed, and acted. "The Slave of Duty" funeral scene was done well, but it could have been surprising and realistic if Gideon, Elle, and what about Hotch's brother should show up there to pay their respects. In the shows after this, there are far too few scenes, like the one between Hotch and JJ in "Risky Business." There needs to be written into the scripts more of the team's personal life and struggles, so these fine actors can continue to showcase their talents, this is what enhances and puts CM above a mundane procedural crime show. After all, the real BAU team out of Quantico, have everyday dramas in their personal lives, I am sure.

  59. Easy....Hotch and Jack at Haley's casket when Jack put the rose on it and blew her a kiss. BEST. SCENE. EVER.

  60. I must say i loved when Hotch gets the unsub by himself and he looks at em and says "What!!!" way cute but then there is 100 where you see Hotch on the phone and hear the gun shots that was the breaking point for me so so sad and such good acting way to go Thomas Gibson!!!
    Oh and i just love every scene where Shemar tackles someone lol

  61. I would have to say my favorite
    scene or scenes would be in episode"100" when Hotch was talking
    to Haley on the phone just before
    she was killed by Foyet, and the
    scene where Hotch was holding
    Haley in his arms just after he
    made sure Jack was ok. Both scenes
    were very heart breaking and terrific acting by Thomas Gibson and Meredith Monroe. Not a dry
    eye the whole time.

  62. All episode 100 but mainly the goodbye scene between Hotch and Hayley and all the team listening in...Hotch holding Hayley ...great acting by Thomas Gibson. Wow!

  63. well i love all the episodes and I think that Morgan is a sexy beast. If only he couls be in more of the scenes

  64. MrsAaronHotchnerSaturday, April 17, 2010

    Agree with most of the posters; everything about '100'!!!!! Don't think I've ever been affected like that by a tv show before - TG and Meredith were beyond amazing - their last phone call and his picking her up and crying from his soul just ruin me every time - wow! I just wish they said 'I love you' before the gun shot.... TG *has* to win an Emmy...

    And also loved the Hotch/Jack moments in '100' and 'Slave of Duty' too - the perfect anad again amazing job by TG *sniff*

  65. This is tricky, I think I have two favortite scenes from Season 5. The first is from the "100th" episode where Hotch talks to his wife for the last time it was so powerful. The second is the touching scene between Hotch and JJ in the episode "Risky Business" where JJ tells him about her sister, it definately showed the connection this team shares.

  66. Im not sure this was in season 5 but my favourite scene is when foyete was in Hotch's apartment and stabbed Hotch.

  67. I love any scene with Thomas Gibson. He is an amazing actor. But if I had to choose 1. It would be when Hotch was in the hospital after he was stabbed by foyet. Only because Jack comes in and sees his dad. Jack is sooo cute. I also remember in one episode it was halloween and Jack surprised Hotch by dressing up as him. These were his exact words "I'm you daddy"
