Friday, July 10, 2009


Criminal Minds blog question of the day: How would you write Dr. Spencer Reid's bum leg into the premiere of the fifth season of Criminal Minds?

Dr. Spencer Reid played by Matthew Gray Gubler!


  1. Guess we can't use skydiving, huh?

  2. Maybe he injured it during a visit to Vegas to see mom?

  3. Maybe, he wore matching socks and he tripped and fell??? Or, he could have shot himself in the knee at target practise or while cleaning his gun??? It's Reid, there could be a multitude of things!

  4. He fell off the jet steps while rattling off the statistics and probabilities of injuries people sustain while embarking and disembarking planes. :D

  5. he saw that girl from "somebody is watching" (rote anemone in german)
    and stumbeld over the curbside.

  6. I'm going to go with practical joke gone wrong at the office.

  7. I blame Morgan. Involvement of Garcia or Prentiss possible. And definite backing from Rossi.

  8. well...a humble domestic accident or a trip or fall in the workplace would certainly be very plausible!

  9. Well, since MGG's injury happened before filming starts, it can be anything! I vote for being able to see something of his apartment/home where he has an accident of some type.

  10. He was attending a vintage book fair and some crazed fanatic trying to get a rear copy of Moby Dick knocked him down causing him to dislocate his knee.

    Queen_ Speaks

  11. He tripped over the reaper while trying to save Hotch.

  12. Hotch kicked him again but this time not "like a girl" *g*

  13. Hmm. Reid tried to make a run for it, but fell hard and still got trampled by people at Comicon :p

  14. Morgan encourages Reid to get on the dance floor, to improve his 'game' and ;)

  15. In my experience the best " I broke my leg" stories start off with 'i had a few i can't really remember much but i was told i tried to jump over the .....'

  16. Theory 1:

    Still weakened from his anthrax infection and overstrained from both the Canada case and the shock of Foyet’s attack on Hotch, Reid fainted and fell down some stairs, resulting in his knee injury.

    Theory 2:

    Reid took the subway to get to work. There was a terrorist attack on that train. A big peace of metal from the wrecked subway car tore through Reid’s leg. While Reid’s treated in the hospital, the rest of the BAU investigates the case and catches those terrorists.

  17. Assuming he is not shot by the reaper, then either Morgan drags him out for a night of drinking and dancing, or he falls off of a chair reaching for the book “How to Avoid Accidents at Home” on the top shelf of his bookcase.

  18. Dr. Reid walks with a coffee in the left hand, psychologie book in the right hand with his head down. doesn't see the stage and stubles over it. Buuuuuuuuum !!

  19. I like Memoh's and Elle's ideas, LOL! In Sex, Birth, and Death, we see him running up the subways steps, maybe he was doing that again, and tripped UP the stairs?

  20. Reid decides to go mountain biking with Morgan and Prentis...enough said.

  21. I could see something like "Reid fell down the stairs at his apartment/subway station/the Bureau". Just because it's easier to explain.

  22. We all love it when they use the plane in an episode. He trips getting on the plane.

  23. I think being that it is Reid a simple fall down the stairs while rattling of statistics and not paying attention is certainly plausible.

  24. He injured it while trying to escape from leg irons and handcuffs used in a new magic trick that he was trying to learn.

  25. Reid tried to kick in a door and the door won.

  26. Maybe he injured his leg while trying to save Hotch from the Repear :)


  27. MGG said in a recent interview that he will be in a wheelchair for the first four eps....although knowing MGG, that could just be a wink and a nod to fans. If he is in a wheelchair, that opens up the scenarios---doesn't necessarily have to be a leg injury.

  28. Season Five is going to start with Reid already injured...

    Considering that, he can't go after Foyet if the team go hunting and he can't help Hotch physically...I think the easiest way to explain is telling the public that he trips on something.

  29. how about he was doing one on one self defense training with Morgan and put his knee out with a thigh kick.................

  30. He wanted Morgan to show him a couple of Judo moves and the whole thing headed south.

  31. Either it's something really heroic, like saving Hotch OR it's from something completely benign, like he tripped over his own two feet and tore up his knee...

  32. Austin (girl from "52 Pickup") is trying to teach Reid, something new for *clearing throat* the bedroom. Well Reid is Reid and well...

  33. he was running up the stairs and he trip

  34. I imagine him falling down a flight of stairs as well, for some dorky reason such as being in a hurry and tripping over his own legs, or carrying too much in his hands, etc. :)

  35. They will have to address it in the first episode which revolves around Hotchner and the Reaper so I think they'll have him fall while chasing down the Reaper.

  36. He trips over a book. That would be so like Reid!

  37. I have to rewatch the last episode of season four. I can't remember what Reid was doing the last time we saw him and that is important because the finale is a continuation of that day. I think they'll need to make it something simple and not dwell on it because they have the Hotch stuff to focus on.

  38. I liked the running up and tripped idea.

  39. He breaks it accidently running into Morgan. lol

  40. I'd like to be the hero and the one who saves Hotch. Maybe it gets broken that way. Hero Reid.

  41. OOOh i reckon they could give him a love interest out of this. Coz he has the broken leg they might have to make him do office work some some chick will have to replace him.

  42. Hotch is the *second* person the Reaper visits that night.

  43. Do you guys remember the episode when Reid failed his marksman exam and wasn't allowed to carry a firearm? Don't most special agents have to pass some type of physical evaluation too?

    Morgan is the one with the most physical training experience, right? He could be helping Reid prepare for a re-evaluation of some sort (following all of his drug therapy, meetings, etc). Imagine Morgan doing some light sparring with Reid, just to toughen him up... one thing leads to another and Morgan accidentally kicks an unsuspecting Reid in the kneecap.
    I'd love to see how the dialogue between the two characters would change if Reid's injury was Morgan's fault! (Morgan would feel so awful!)

    Funnier still... make Prentiss the one helping Reid prepare for the re-eval... then Morgan could tease him about it. I can hear it now,"You got beat up by a girl, man!"

  44. Elevator related accident. Cause you know "There are 6 elevator related deaths each year and over 10000 injuries requiring hospitalisation"

  45. Well I liked the idea of Reid being the first target before Hotch, but I can't find a reason for The Reaper to go after him before getting Hotch...
    The more simple one is a fall down the stairs while he was distracted, but being that the first episode will be centered on Hotch I don't see that as a good one either...
    I like the fact that for once Reid might be the hero and save Hotch and, in the process, get injured by The Reaper. With more thinking about how to shoot it because MGG is on crutches so can't obviously run, that's doable.
    The other option is a car accident or a metro accident, or he could injure himself during the case while he saves someone...

  46. I also hope Reid is injured while saving Hotch from Foyet. Reid has always been the one in danger, it's about time he helps somebody. Besides, it might help him to open up to Hotch again.

  47. I thought the last episode of the 4th season and the first of the 5th were filmed, or at least written, together. If so, it feels unlikely that Reid will injure himself in the the Reaper-incident. But maybe I'm wrong.

  48. Reid, while walking on stair case, sees a woman who causes him to loose his concentration.....

  49. he played fooball with morgan

  50. He stumbled over one of the pens of Garcia or over one of the wires of the computers

  51. he wanted to do a magic tric and he detroied his knee

  52. Morgan asked him to get some cake for the rest of the team one piece feld down he walked on it and bam...injury

  53. Reid gets shot while saving Hotch from Foyet.
    Foyet goes after Morgan, and Reid (being a allknowing genius) tries to protect his friend.

  54. I kinda think they'll write it in with the Hotch story. It's how the episode ended and it would look silly if they back tracked away from the black screen and shot to explain Reid's leg.

  55. LOL Physics Magic gone bad or something clever.

  56. I am laughing a gut over Laura G's comment about the matching socks. Funny. Love it.

    Reid wore matching socks and fell on a banana peel

  57. I don't think i could handle yet another Reid in danger or Reid gets hurt so soon i think it should just be something light and funny in contrast to the Hotch arc that should be going on with the Reaper!

  58. There has been more than enough Reid angst the past few seasons. I hope they just make it something simple and normal. People do just have injuries.

  59. Just by trying to walk, talk, and chew gum at the same time.
    Yeah, just by being Reid. :)

  60. He tried his best to avoid trample a mouse called Simon who almost ended up under his foot, making a bad movement ending up injuring his knee!

    Other possibility: Prentiss was poking him so hard he slammed into something with his knee..

    Morgan learned Reid how to play football

    and the list goes on and on!

  61. I had so much fun reading these!

    I actually think they should make something light of it, like a lot of you said, an every day life accident. No more Reid angst for a while,please!

  62. I think he should injure himself while at a Star Trek convention. Maybe have him trip over some part of his costume.


  63. Hahahahah!

    YES he catches a mouse in his house, names it Simon, but broke his leg in the chase.

  64. Or you could have Hotch go home and see the Reaper but Reid didn't go home but went to see the new movie THE CHIPMUNKS and when he gets paged about Hotch in trouble he falls over the seats in the movie theatre.

  65. He was hurt while chasing an unsub.

  66. Reid goes to the movies to see the new Alvin and The Chipmunk's movie, and he gets a call from Morgan saying that Hotch is in trouble. Reid gets up and runs out of the theater and trips over his own two feet cause he's wearing matching socks. That would be just like him to do that cause he sprained his ankle when he wore matching socks, so anyhting could happen

  67. I love these funny ideas! You guys are really channeling the Gube!

  68. The writers should let MGG come up with an idea. He's so creative.

  69. Due to the tough economic times the FBI budget for coffee has been slashed considerably. Reid, racing against Morgan to get the last cup of coffee from the last pot of the day, leaps over a desk only to land on a chair with casters and goes slamming into the bookcase (filecase?).

  70. Morgan brought his dog to the office and reid has been attacked by that dog....the reid effect

  71. Reid was injured by Foyet while saving Hotch's life.

  72. I have to agree with what panda5092
    I'm going to go with an
    elevator incident. We all know
    how he quoted 6 elevator deaths/
    accidents. Well, the elevator he
    was riding in, didn't stop all
    the way at the floor he was
    getting off on, and he didn't
    realize it, and when he went
    to get off, he tripped and
    fell big time, hurting his

  73. In his rush to get to the hospital after hearing about Hotch, he falls down the stairs of his apartment building.

  74. Hotch gets saved from Foyett and Reid runs over to hug him and trips on his shoe lace!


  75. He goes to see if Hotch is fine and the Ripper shoots him through the door several times, knee included. So he has to spend some time at the hospital and the rest of the episodes with Garcia. Which I can't wait for it.


  76. Since the first episode of the season carries on from the end of last season and Reid was last seen sitting at his desk, the injury will have to happen on his way home or at home. Falling down the stairs at the subway seems plausible and the easiest solution. I don't really see him trying to save Hotch because he now needs crutches to move. His fall could occur off camera. Then the team could be trying to get in touch with him and he's in the ER. The next time they see him he's on crutches and tells them he fell down the steps at the subway.

  77. Practical Joke Gone Bad: Reid discovers exactly why it's not a good idea to try to spook Hotch by showing up at his apartment dressed as the Reaper .... ;)

  78. Well it's probably been said (I'm too lazy to check) I think Reid could have been climbing up a book shelf (like up on a ladder or standing on a chair) and he fell on his leg, seems the most likely. He could have fallen down the stairs when there was a blackout (as he's afraid of the dark) or he starts sleep walking? Maybe he's practicing self defense with Morgan? He could have been standing in the jet and there was turbulence and he fell? (I dunno if that could work...). Or just maybe, someone tried to make him eat spinach!? XD I'm kidding

  79. i agree that MGG should put in an idea for what happens. he would come up with a really good idea.

    knowing Reid he would fall over or hert himself doing something basic. he could be running to try and save Hotch and fall over nothing.

  80. Why don't you have him dancing, like he really was when he was injured? Maybe Morgan could be showing him some moves so he could be a hit with a certain lady, or the ladies in general?

  81. He fell climbing down the ladder of the barn in the season finale, but didn't realize how serious it was until he returned to Quantico.

    Or he was riding his bike home and was struck by a car that the unsub (the one who shot Hotch) was driving.

  82. Reid finds out that Hotch is in trouble, so he runs to his house to help him, but when he gets there the door is locked and Morgan isn't there to kick the door open so he tries to kick the door open thinking that if Morgan can do it then he should be able to. Only when he kicks the door open he messes up his leg cause it's a lot tougher than he thinks it is.

  83. I'm going with Reid twisting his knee while on the dance floor. Morgan dragged him to a club to get his mind off the disaster that was the end of the last case...

  84. I cannot imagine Reid getting injured doing something heroic like kicking down a door like Morgan does with ease. He wouldn't even try. He's the brains, not the brawn, remember?

    No, it will be something very ordinary and probably embarrassing, because that would be more realistic and Reid-like, and yes, of course, MGG should/could come up with the most befitting of ideas for his character that only he can play so very well. He's the "Gube" and will come up with an entertaining concept that will be very "Reidistic" and we will all feel empathetic and love him even more than we do now!

    BTW, can't wait til the season 5 premiere! Love you, too, Hotch!

  85. Reid decides to join a dance competition to impress a girl, and he disloates his knee doing a crazy funky chicken move, and it was all down hill from there....

  86. He was house setting for a neighbor and feeding their cat for them and he tripped over the cat, when he went in to the house to feed him

  87. I say it's a car accident on the way to Hotch's house or why not, the hospital. Doesn't have to be anything serious, just enough to explain his wheelchair.

  88. On his (MGG's) twitter, he said he was "watching his stunt double soar through the air" so it's probably some big explosion. I imagine him getting injured on the great hunt for the reaper, but by falling through a hole or something.

  89. As much as I love Reid and can't stand seeing him hurt, the only thing I can think of would be for him to have been at Hotch's house because he'd figured out that the Boston Reaper was coming for him, and in the process of saving Hotch, he was the one who got shot. In the leg. :/

  90. i would say he was shot by a psychopathic killer... oh wait he was!

  91. i would say he was shot by a psychopathic killer... oh wait he was!

  92. I believe he was only trying to prove Newton's Law to children who tricked him into doing that.

  93. to morgen and Reid

    you guy are soooooooo hot i whish i could see you i can beat Reid at chess but i love you guy bye lol.........!"!"!"

  94. if i saw this before, i wood have said, he is at his desk and wants some coffee so he gets up and starts walking over there, he sees a wire and steps over it so he doesnt trip, then on his way back he forgets about the wire, trips and spills his coffee on prentiss, it wood be soooo interseting to see how that wood play out!!!
