Monday, June 01, 2009


Criminal Minds: Happy Friday everyone! I've got just a couple of reminders this morning from the Criminal Minds moderators and then a new question of the day.

1. "Memoriam" written by Dan Dworkin & Jay Beattie airs on June 3rd and will be followed by an episode chat in the Criminal Minds Fanatic chat room.
2. Ed Bernero plans on sending us some questions to answer in the next few weeks. Please be on the lookout for them and give him your input.
3. Lee, the owner of one of the Gubler groups,was voted a Top 50 Power Mom by Nielsen Ratings for her blog so if you are a mom with young children you might want to checkout her blog.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: During the chat with Thomas Gibson, Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds, many chatters had suggestions for him on which episodes from the fourth season of Criminal Minds that he should submit for Emmy consideration. What two episodes should each Criminal Minds actor/actress submit for Emmy consideration???


  1. TG: Omnivore and Mayhem

    MGG: Instincts and Conflicted

  2. Thomas Gibson : Omnivore and Mayhem, too.

  3. mayhem and omnivore, with no hesitation for TG

  4. Thomas Gibson should send Omnivore and Mayhem. Such great episodes, well written and acted.


  5. TG- Omnivore & Mayhem (he did such a great job in both!!)

    MGG- The Instincts & Aplification

  6. Paget, "Minimal Loss" and "A Shade of Gray"

    Reid, "Minimal Loss" and "Soul Mates"

    Thomas, "Omnivore" and "Normal"

    Joe, "Masterpiece" and "Mayhem"

    AJ, "The Crossing" and "A Shade of Gray"

  7. Wow, tough question.

    TG - "Omnivore" and "Pleasure is My Business"

    PB - "Minimal Loss" and "Demonology"

    MGG - "Amplification" and "Memoriam"

    AJ - "The Insticnts"

    I'm going to have to watch all of season four again to finish this. Darn!

  8. Thomas Gibson: Omnivore, To Hell and Back

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Memoriam, Minimal Loss

    Joe Mantegna: Zoe's Reprise, Masterpiece

    Paget Brewster: Minimal Loss, Demonology

    Shemar Moore: Conflicted, Catching Out

    AJ Cook: Cold Comfort, Amplification

    Kirsten Vangsness: House on Fire, Mayhem

  9. Thomas Gibson: Mayhem and Omnivore.

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Memoriam and Amplification.

    Paget Brewster: Minimal Loss and Demonology.

    Joe Mantegna: Masterpiece(!) and Cold Comfort.

    Shemar Moore: Mayhem and Brothers in Arms.

    Kirsten Vangsness: Mayhem and House on Fire.

    AJ Cook: Cold Comfort and Amplification.


  10. Thomas Gibson: "Mayhem" and "Omnivore"

  11. TG:Omnivore and Mayhem

  12. TG- Omnivore, Pleasure is My Business

    MGG- Amplification and Memoriam

    A.J.- Amplification & A Shade of Gray

    Joe: Masterpiece

    Paget: Minimal Loss, Demonology,

    Shemar- Mayhem, Brother in Arms

    Kirsten- Mayhem, House on Fire, To Hell and Back

  13. Oops! Forgot another one for Joe: Cold Comfort

  14. Without a doubt....

    Omnivore and Mayhem!!

  15. I disliked MAYHEM but it was a great showcase for all of them. It should be on all their lists and HELL yes on OMNIVORE for Thomas Gibson

  16. Thomas Gibson: Mayhem and Omnivore.

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Memoriam and Amplification.

    Paget Brewster: A Shade of Gray and Demonology.

    Joe Mantegna: Masterpiece(!) and Cold Comfort.

    Shemar Moore: Mayhem and Brothers in Arms.

    Kirsten Vangsness: Mayhem and House on Fire.

    AJ Cook: Cold Comfort and Amplification.

  17. For Thomas Gibson: Omnivore and Mayhem. Pleasure is my Business would be also a good contender.
    Good luck, Mr. Gibson! I am glad you're going for it. You certainly deserve it.

  18. For Thomas Gibson without a doubt Omnivore and Mayhem or Pleasure is my Bussiness.
    For the rest I must watch again but Joe M was also very good in Omnivore.

  19. hi!!in my opinion:Mayhem" and "Omnivore"

  20. TG: "Omnivore" and "Pleasure Is My Business" or "Mayhem"

    PB: "Minimal Loss" and "Demonology"

    JM: "Zoe's Reprise" and "Masterpiece"

    MGG: "The Instincts" and "Memoriam"

    SM: "Brother's In Arms" and "Mayhem"

    AJ: "A Shade of Grey" and "Cold Comfort"

    KV: "House On Fire" and "To Hell...and Back"

  21. Thomas Gibson



    I would like to see TG with an Emmy!!

  22. 'Omnivore' for both Thomas and Joe.

    'A Shade of Gray' for AJ and also Matthew

    'Demonology' for Joe and Paget

  23. PB: A Shade of Grey & Minimal Loss -or Demonology :)- (okay so I cheated)

  24. TG:

  25. Since this is asking about ALL cast members:

    1- Angel Maker & Minimal Loss for Thomas Gibson
    2- The Instincts & 52-Pickup for Matthew Gray Gubler
    3- The Big Wheel & Normal for Shemar Moore
    4- Amplification, The Crossing & OR Cold Comfort for A.J.Cook
    5. Masterpiece & Omnivore for Joe Mantegna
    6. Demonology,& The Instincts for Paget Brewster.
    7. To Hell..And Back & House On Fire for Kirsten Vangsness

  26. Thomas Gibson:
    -Omnivore: alley scene
    -Finale: final scene & monologue

    -House on Fire

  27. TG: Omnivore & Mayhem

    JM: Omnivore & Masterpiece

    AJC: Amplification

    PB: Minimal Loss

  28. Tough choice...

    Thomas Gibson: "Omnivore" and "Pleasure is my Business"

    Joe Mantegna: "Zoe's Reprise" and "Masterpiece"

  29. I'm going to have to think hard on this one as this has been my least favorite season yet. But the actors have done good jobs!

    I'll get back to you tonight!


  30. Thomas: Mayhem & Omnivore

    Paget: Minimal Loss & Demonology

    Kirsten: House on Fire & Mayhem

    Shemar: Mayhem & Catching Out

    Joe: Masterpiece(!!) & Zoe's Reprise

    AJ: The Crossing & The Insticts

    MGG: Memorian & Amplification

  31. Hi, and best regards from Germany! If I had the choice, I would take "Mayhem" and "Omnivore". Simply excellent! I like to come out that I am an absolute fan of Thomas Gibson/Aaron Hotchner.
    I hope for the best for Hotch and all fans of Criminal Minds...


  32. Thomas Gibson: Omnivore and Mayhem

  33. I'd suggest Omnivore and Normal for Thomas Gibson and possibly Minimal Loss.

    I'm having a difficult time picking some for Shemar. He didn't really have any shining episodes this season.

  34. Thomas Gibson: Omnivore & Mayhem

    Paget Brewster: Demonology & Minimal Loss

    AJ Cook: The Instincts & Amplification

    Kirsten Vangsness: House on Fire & Mayhem

    Joe Mantegna: Masterpiece & Zoe's Reprise

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Memoriam & Amplification

    Shemar Moore: The Big Wheel & Mayhem

    So interesting to see everybody's take on this question. And yes, AJ Cook was great in The Crossing but I don't think it can be submitted because it was from Season 3.

  35. Thomas Gibson:
    "Minimal Loss"
    "Pleasure is My Business"
    "To Hell and Back"

  36. Lots of good choices. Here are mine:

    TG: Mayhem, Pleasure is My Business (or Omnivore)
    SM: Mayhem, Normal
    KV: Mayhem, House on Fire
    AJC: Amplification, Roadkill
    PB: Minimal Loss, Demonology
    JM: Masterpiece, Zoe's Reprise
    MGG: Minimal Loss, Memoriam

  37. Paget: Minimal Loss, Demonology

    Gobson: Omnivore

    MGG: conflicted-memoriam

    aj. amplification

    j mantegna zoe's reprise

    shemar moore: brothers in arms

    KV: house on fire


  38. Pleasure Is My Business, and Omnivore. Mayhem is another possible. Keep up the great work Thomas, we love you here :)

  39. Thomas Gibson : Omnivore and Mayhem

    Paget Brewster : Minimal Loss and Demonology

    Joe Mantegna : Masterpiece and Zoe's Reprise

    A.J. Cook : Amplification and Cold Comfort

    M.G.G. : Amplification and Memoriam

    Kirsten Vangsness : House on Fire and Mayhem

    Shemar Moore : The Big Wheel and Mayhem

  40. Thomas Gibson: Omnivore, To Hell and Back

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Memoriam and Amplification.

    Joe Mantegna: Zoe's Reprise, Masterpiece

    Paget Brewster: Demonology, A Shade of Gray

    Kirsten Vangsness: Mayhem, To Hell and Back

    Shemar Moore: Mayhem, The Big Wheel

    AJ: A Shade of Gray , Amplification

  41. MGG - The Instincts and Amplification

    TG - Omnivore and Mayhem

    PB - Minimal Loss and Demonology

    AJC - The Instincts and Amplification

  42. TG - Omnivore and Mayhem

    PB - Demonology and A Shade of Gray

    MGG - Amplification and Memoriam

    SM - The Big Wheel and Soul Mates

    JM - Zoe's Reprise and Cold Comfort

    AJ - Amplification and A Shade of Gray

    KV - House on Fire and To Hell...And Back

  43. Thomas Gibson: "Omnivore" and "Mayhem" or "Pleasure Is My Business"

  44. I'm going to have to totally agree with Omnivore and Mayhem for TG. These two should definitely be submitted!

    I have to think about the others.

  45. Thomas Gibson: Omnivore
    Joe Mantegna: Demonology
    Matthew G. Gubler: Instincts
    Minimal Loss
    Shemar Moore: Soul Mates
    The Big Wheel
    Paget Brewster: Demonology
    AJ Cook: Instincts
    Kirsten V.: Mayhem
    House on Fire
    These are the ones i think they
    should submit for the emmys.

  46. I was going to comment but it looks like I'm with the majority on everything!

  47. TG: Mayhem , Omnivore

    SM: Brothers In Arms , Soul Mates
    or Catching Out or The Big

    JM: Zoe`s Reprise , Masterpiece
    or Demonology

    MGG: Memoriam , The Instincts

    PB: Demonology , Minimal Loss

    KV: House On Fire , Mayhem

    AJC: Amplification , The Instincts

  48. Thomas Gibson:

    Omnivore and Pleasure is my Business

    Matthew Gubler: Instincts and Memoriam

    Paget Brewster: Demonology and Minimal Loss

    Joe Mantenga: Masterpiece and Zoe's Reprise

  49. Omnivore and Mayhem for TG

    Minimal Loss and Bloodline for Paget

    Zoe's Reprize and Masterpiece for JM

    Minimal Loss and Amplification for MGG

    Cold Comfort and Roadkill for A.J.

    House on Fire for Kirsten

    Brothers in Arms and Soulmates for SM

  50. there all to good to choose

  51. Thomas Gibson should submit Mayhem and Omnivore!

  52. Omnivore and Mayhem

  53. Thomas Gibson:Omnivore and To Hell and Back

    Paget Brewster:Demonology and A Shade of Gray

    AJ Cook:The Instincts and Amplification

    MGG: Conflicted and Memoriam

    Shemar Moore: Brothers in Arms and the Angel Maker

    Joe Mantegna: Zoe's Reprise and Masterpiece

    Kirsten Vangsness: House on Fire and Mayhem

  54. mayhem and onnivore

  55. Everyone did great on was an intense episode, I love it! even though Paget was the major star in this episode, Thomas also did a good job here...:) I'd also say the same thing with The Big Wheel. But, Alex O' Loughlin was so superb I forgot the main characters for a while...hehehehe!

  56. that is really hard.....
    i liked them all, but which one have been the best?
    i liked omnivore and amplification

    to hard to decide lol

  57. Thomas Gibson: "Omnivore" and "Mayhem" or "Pleasure is my Business"; or "A Shade of Gray"

    Joe Mantegna: "Masterpiece" and "Zoe's Reprise"

    Kirsten Vangsness: "House on Fire" and "Mayhem" and "To Hell and Back"

    Paget Brewster: "Minimal Loss" and "Demonology"

    Matthew Gray Gubler: "Memoriam" and "Amplification"

    AJ Cook: "Amplification" and "The Instincts"

    Shemar Moore: "Mayhem" and "The Big Wheel"

  58. Yikes a tough one. After a long mulling and trying to recall the episodes, my choice as follow:

    Thomas Gibson: Mayhem and Omnivore.

    Matthew Gray Gubler: Amplification.

    Paget Brewster: Minimal Loss Demonology.

    Joe Mantegna: Omnivore.

    Shemar Moore: Mayhem.

    Kirsten Vangsness: Mayhem.

    AJ Cook: Amplification

  59. This really is hard. I agree with everyone's choices!

    The 4th season was not as good in my opinion as the 3rd season but we still had some great ones.

    The show should send in OMNIVORE and A SHADE OF GRAY.

    TG- definately OMNIVORE

  60. Paget: Demonology (my favourite episode of Season 4. Paget was absolutley amazing!!), Minimal Loss or A Shade of Gray

    Thomas: Omnivore and Mayhem or To Hell and Back

    Shemar: The Big Wheel, Mayhem

    AJ: Amplification, The Instincts

    Kirsten: House on Fire, To Hell and Back

    MGG: Amplification, Minimal Loss

    Joe: Zoe's Reprise, Masterpiece

  61. Whole cast: Omnivore and Demonology.

    JM: Zoe's Reprise & Masterpiece
    MGG: Instincts & Conflicted
    PB: Minimal Loss & Shade of Gray
    SM: Conflicted & To Hell ... And Back
    AJ: Amplification & The Crossing
    Kirsten: Mayhem & To Hell ... And Back

  62. TG - Omnivore & Mayhem

    MGG - Memorian & The Instincts

    PB - Minimal Loss & Demonology

    JM - Zoe´s Reprise & Masterpiece

    SM - Brothers in Arms & Mayhem

    AJC - Cold Comfort & The Crossing

    KV - House on Fire & To Hell and Back

  63. TG: Mayhem, Omnivore and To hell... and back

  64. Memoriam and Amplification: Matthew Gray Gubler

    Omnivore and Mayhem: Thomas Gibson

    Minimal Loss and Demonology: Paget Brewster

    Brother in Arms and Catching Out: Shemar Moore

    Memoriam and Amplification: A.J. Cook
