Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Criminal Minds: Co-Executive Producer and writer Debra J. Fisher, pictured above with 1st AD Ian Woolf, has left Criminal Minds to move on to other projects. Please join me and the moderators of the Criminal Minds Fanatic website and blog in thanking Deb for her remarkable contribution to Criminal Minds these past four years and wishing her great things in the future. Criminal Minds just won't be the same without her!


  1. dear deb,

    my language skills are not good to express my feelings, so i will make it short.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the wonderfull episodes and the wonderfull chats.
    i and i guess the whole fandom will truly miss you!

    i hope you will have a good time in your new projekt and that you don't forget to come to say hello from time to time at a chat ;-)

    greetings from germany

  2. Thanks for all the awesome work you've done, for the energy and creativity you shared. Good luck on all your future projects! We'll miss you.

  3. Thank you for all your hard work. Everyone really enjoyed it. :] I hope you have good luck in all your future projects!


  4. Dear Deb,
    thank you sooo much for 4 wonderful years with soo many great episodes from you and Erica. We'll miss you desperately.
    I'm wishing you all the luck you deserve for your future and your future projects. I so hope you'll come by to say hello to us and perhaps chat with us.
    Lots of love,
    Renate from Germany

  5. Dear Deb,

    Thank you for all the amazing work you did for Criminal Minds. Thank you for amazing writing, wonderful episodes and intersting unsubs. Your episodes were always a highlight and they were always a great pleasure to watch. Thank you for all the heart and passion you put into this show. Thank you for being so close to the fans, always taking time for us. Thank you for all the great chats we've had the privilege to have with you. Thank you for all these wonderful things and many more that don't come to mind right now. It was a privilege to have you working on CM. We will miss you terribly.

    All the best wishes for your future projects. And please come back for a chat from time to time.


  6. Thanks Debra for all the great work you did! and good luck with your new project!

  7. really sad you're leaving. let us know what your next project it so we can watch it.

  8. Deb,

    It's been such a pleasure watching your episodes.
    I always looked forward to them.
    I hope that whatever you move on to next will be just as delightful (and occassionally gruesome?) as your experience with CM has been.

    Best of luck;


  9. Thanks so much for all your great episodes, for helping make CM what it is. All the best of luck for all the new exciting adventures to come!

  10. Deb, thank you for all the great entertainment you've given us on Criminal Minds. Good luck to you! I'll be sure to check you out whereever you land next!

  11. Good luck Deb!!

    You will definitely be missed!!

  12. We'll miss you - thanks for all the great episodes and for getting us under the skin of our favourite BAU agents. Hope your next projects go as well

  13. We will miss you but goodluck in everything that comes next!

  14. Dear Deb,

    Thank you for all the great Criminal Minds episodes! You've really contributed to the great show Criminal Minds is today.

    I'm sad to see you go and you'll be greatly missed. All the best and may the future bring you everything you want and so deserve.

    Greetings from Holland

  15. Dear Deb,
    thanks so very much for all your great and hard work, for my favourite show Criminal Minds.
    I'm so sad that you leave and you will be missed!!!

    All the best for your future and good luck with all your next projects!

    Greetings from Switzerland,

  16. Dear Deb, we will miss you! Thank you for everything you have done for us, for great episodes and chats! Have a good luck on whatever you will do in the future. It was a great time having you on Criminal minds.

    Best wishes
    Liska from Prague

  17. Dear Deb,

    Thank you for each hair-raising, spine-tingling, goosebump-inducing moment - of which there were many! You helped create the show we all love and it is so hard to see you go, but we wish you all the best in your new projects. You are such a talented writer -- I know we will see your work again and again. Please keep in touch. While it is true that you'll be gone from our midst, you will not be forgotten.

    Best wishes for much success and happiness.


  18. Ms.Debbie,

    Thank you so much for all that you have done with Criminal Minds and for us fans. You will be greatly missed but like they say "When One Door Closes Another Opens" I wish you the best and hope to be able to see your work again. Thanks again for everything. Wishing you the best.Take care.

    (South Carolina)

  19. Dear Deb,

    Thank you so much for 4 wonderful seasons of Criminal Minds. We will miss you not only as one of our writers but also as one of our chat friends. Thank you for all the time you've given us.

    Best of luck to you. Please let us know what you're working on next so we can check it out.


  20. Deb, you will be very much. Thanks for your amazing contribution through four wonderful years. I wish you luck and happiness for the future.

  21. Thanks for all of you hard work. We've enjoyed it and you these last several years.


  22. Deb,

    Thank you for all the hard work you did on Criminal Minds. Thanks for your generosity, we the fans appreciate all the chats you did.
    CM will not be the same without you. CM without the gruesome twosome??? Never thought we would see that day...

    I wish you all the best of luck on your next projects. Can't wait to see what you will come up with next!


  23. Dear Deb,

    Thank you so much for all of your work on Criminal Minds, both on the episodes and your interaction with the fans.

    I wish you the best of luck in all you do. I hope I get to see your next project soon.


  24. The show will not be the same without you - we'll miss you!!

    Wishing you success and happiness in whatever lies ahead...

    Leanne in Ontario

  25. Thank you all the awesome episodes and good luck with you future projects! We will miss you!

  26. Dear Deb,

    First off I'd like to thank you for all the incredible talent you have poured into everything you have done!! I have enjoyed your writing and the way you can shock us and capture the characters so well. You are so talented and I wish you luck in everything you do!!:)Secondly I wanted to say that I thank you for bieng such an awesome person and hope that you always keep smiling that pretty smile:)

    I look forward to seeing your future projects! Good luck!!!!:)

    Xo Lisa

  27. Deb
    It's been four amazing years watching your words come to life on our televisions. This show won't be the same without you.

    Thanks for everything you've done, we love chatting with you and meeting you in person was definitely a highlight of the LA trip.

    Good luck with all your future projects, we look forward to checking them out.

    rock on

  28. Deb:

    We'll miss you! Thanks for all of your great stories and coming to chat with us. I'm keeping an eye out for your future projects--I know they'll be great!

    Good-luck and Best Wishes

  29. Dear Deb,

    I wish you the best in your future projects and I also want to express my deepest thanks for a job well done during this years helping in the making of a great show as CM.
    Wish you lots of happiness and love with those who share your life. Take care,
    Eleonor a fan from Costa Rica

  30. Dear Deb,
    Thank you very very much for writing awesome episodes of Criminal Minds. Fans will truly miss you and appreciate the hard work. Good luck in your future projects.

    Best wishes,
    CM Fanatic from Malaysia

  31. Dark Justice GirlWednesday, April 22, 2009

    Deb!! I would surely miss you. I loved all your episodes with your writing partner Erica! Please be good, and I hope to see you in your next project. :)

  32. Dear Deb,
    I will miss you greatly as one of the top writers of CM. You have been a big part of the success of the show. Thank you for sharing your incredible writing talent, your ideas, and wit with us.
    I wish you all the best and much happiness in your professional and private life.
    Please stay in touch with us.
    Much love,

  33. Deb, your CM episodes have been brilliant & I wish you the best of luck in your future projects! I can't wait to see what you'll be working on next. It's been fabulous having you in our chats & it was a pleasure meeting you in LA. Please keep in touch!

    Ann aka ImpyChick

  34. Oh Deb,
    This is such a bitter sweet moment. On one hand I wish you the best and realize you will now breathe life into other characters on other shows that I will enjoy watching. On the other hand I'm super selfish and really don't want you to leave. I'll miss you.

    Lee :)

  35. Deb, thank you very much for four wonderful years on Criminal Minds and all the great episodes you contributed to his show.
    Good luck for your next projects. We'll miss you.
    Sabine (Germany)

  36. Dear Deb,

    thank you so much for your amazing CM episodes and thanks for taking the time to chat with the fans.

    Meeting you in LA was a highlight and a great pleasure.

    We will miss you.

    Wish all the best for your future projects, good luck!!!!
    Please keep in touch.

    Greetings from Germany

  37. Deb -

    It was an honor to meet you a couple months ago. Thank you for the warm greeting. And thank you for writing some of my absolute favorite eps. Your touch with the creepy and understanding of the characters is unparalleled. You have a fan for your career. Best wishes wherever it leads.

  38. Good luck, Deb, and thank you for so many fine stories.

    You will be much missed.

  39. Deb,

    You will be surely missed.... Good Luck with all your future endeavors.. I know you will do great.. ^_^

  40. Dear Deb,
    Thank you for entertaining us with your writing on Criminal Minds.
    I wish you every success with your future projects and hope that your creativity keeps flowing for many years to come.
    Good Luck,
    Helena Fallon

  41. Dear Deb, Thank you for entertaining us with your stories on Criminal Minds.

    I wish you every success with your future projects and may your creativity keep flowing for many years to come.

    Good Luck,
    from Helena Fallon

  42. Deb,
    Thank you so much for 4 wonderful and gruesome years of CM magic!!!
    Thank you for always being willing to chat with fans about your episodes. You've been so open and informative while being refreshingly fun about it.
    Good luck and best wishes in all your future endeavors. I'll be looking out for your future projects!

  43. Thanks Deb for everything. For writing such crazy good shows that leaves you talking and loving every moment. Thanks as well for opening yourself up to us, the fans, and giving us a glimpse into how you put together those shows we are fangeeks about so much. You've really helped me love the work behind it all, and I can't wait to support the next project you have.

  44. I feel lucky that we had a writer with your level of talent working on CM for four years. Thanks for the wonderful episodes. You will be sorely missed.

    Please let us know about your next project. I hope it brings you joy.

  45. Deb,

    So sad you are leaving CM. I hope you know that all us fans really love your episodes.

  46. Tell Broodie that we want him to give you a snuggly hug for us. Best of wishes for the bright future you deserve.

  47. Dear Deb,

    You're leaving us with great episodes to watch in reruns. The chats with you have always been so much fun. Come chat with us about your next adventure. Can we have a hint????


  48. Thank you for your work! G ood luck :*

  49. Dear Deb,

    Thank you for all the great Criminal Minds episodes!
    Good luck for your future projects. We'll miss you !

    Natural Born Killer, Scared to Death = (L)

    Greetings from France.

  50. Dear Deb

    we will miss you, thanks for this wonderful 4 years of Criminal minds.

    Gracias por todos los momentos de diversión y emoción que nos diste. Por poner tu alma en cada episodio. Este es más que un programa, también es parte de nuestra vida. De todo corazón, suerte en tus nuevos proyectos.Eres una talentosa mujer, te vamos a extrañar mucho.

    Saludos desde México.

  51. Deb,

    it’s so sad to see you leave CM, but I’m grateful for all the work and talent you put into this great show. Thanks for all the wonderful episodes you’ve given us and thank you for coming to chat with us fans. All the best wishes for your future career projects and for your personal life.


  52. Deb,

    I was saddened to learn you were leaving the Criminal Minds writing staff. The writers have played a large part in making the show what it is: one of the best written series on television. Your contribution has played a major role in that and your efforts will be greatly missed. All the best luck in your future projects!


  53. I certainly wanna say thank you for all 4 amazing seasons!!
    we will miss you <3

  54. Thank you do some really awesome episodes! You will be missed. I wish you the best of luck in your newest pursuit.

  55. Deb, I add my best wishes to those that are already posted. CM just will not be the same w/out you.

  56. Deb

    No more Gruesome Twosome. That's really bad news for all of us. I've enjoyed the stories you've told and the unsubs you've created. Congrats on your sterling work on CM and best wishes on your future works.

  57. Best Wishes and let us know where you go so we can go be with you there.

  58. Dear Deb,

    So many wonderful writers leaving at the same time is shocking. You will all be missed. Very much! Ditto to all that has been said and may I add my individual thanks for the enjoyment that your episodes have given me and my friends.

  59. Bless and keep you happy. Kirsten has said people should find their bliss and I know we all hope that you find yours. You're special and we'll miss you! Come and chat in the future. Stay a member of the CM family.

  60. Hi Deb
    Thanks so very much for all the excellent work that you have shared with us through your stories. Thanks also for your time and support for the fans out here. I know you didn’t have to do any of it...but you did, and I for one am grateful.

    People who build something from the ground up know how much effort it takes but those who follow sometimes forget. Thanks for creating a great foundation for others to build on. I hope they do it justice.

    Best of luck on your next project. I’ll look forward to seeing what you get into!


  61. Deb,

    Thank you so much for all the wonderful episodes. Your work is amazing and you will be truly missed.

    We wish you nothing but the best.


  62. Deb,

    I will miss you and your wonderful work so much. I hope you get a great new gig and are incredibly successful in your new endeavor.

    Thank you so much for four wonderful seasons, creepy UNSUBS, and all our lists of what not to do or what to avoid!

    Meeting you in LA was one of the highlights of our trip, and I will remember it fondly.


  63. Hello Deb! Thank you for all your awesome episodes that you have written with Erica...
    Thank you for writing the characters like you did!
    Thank you for the awesome chats that you did! As a fan that was a really cool thing to be part of!

    Hopefully we can see some of your other projects here in the Netherlands too! I'll be looking forward to them!

    Best of luck!
    - Sonja

  64. Dear Deb

    Thank you so, so much for four wonderful years of Criminal Minds. Your work will be missed, it was such a treat to watch each and every episode you were involved in. I wish you all the best!

    Kirds (UK fan)

  65. Deb,

    I remember the first (and only) CM chat I attended, you and Andrew were there - and it was shortly before "Birthright" premiered. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget.

    I've been a fan of your writing (although I didn't realize it was you until I started watching CM) though Alias and Charmed, and I will surely miss your episodes on Criminal Minds. They were always entertaining, and thoroughly enjoyable.

    Thank you for all the time you spent bringing us fantastic episodes of CM, and I hope to catch one of your future projects.

    - Alex

  66. THE CROSSING is my very favorite episode. I loved it and rewatched it several times. Thank you for the many hours of entertainment and for your open and always fun chats. I hope the fandom for your next show know just how lucky they are and that we are all joining them. Best Wishes!

  67. Deb,

    Thankyou for all your hard work, and all the amazing episodes you have written.
    I am truly sorry to see you go.
    Good luck with your future projects.


  68. Dear Deb,

    Thank you sooo much for all of your great work. We appreciate your dedication and the quality of all of your episodes has been fabulous and will be hard to match. I wish you all the best in your future projects. Please come and chat and let us know what you're up to.

    Take care,

  69. Thank you for your awesome work! We're all going to miss you.
    Good lucky in all of your next projects!

    With love,
    Ana from Brazil

  70. Definitly CM won't be the same without you Deb! I loved the way you habe been writing CM epis

  71. Deb,
    We will truly miss you. Anyone as talented as you are will always have doors of opportunity opening for them.
    We all wish you the very best.

  72. Dear Deb,
    You are an awesome talent, and I know we will all miss you. Best of luck in the future. I'm sure your star will continue to shine.

  73. Dear Deb,

    Thank you so much for all the amazing episodes you've given us all for the past four years! I can tuely say that they are among my favorites. I have always admired your talent.

    Thank you also for all the fun chats that you have given us along with Erica.

    I wish you the best of luck with your future projects. You will be missed.


  74. I'm waiting to watch your last episode. Too weird that you won't be writing any new episodes. You will be missed.

    Thanks for everything Deb.

  75. Deb,

    Thanks for everything. Let us know what your next project is and as said we'll all be there.

  76. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You wonderful talent on this show will be missed.

  77. Dear Deb,

    Thanks a lot for writing all the great, great episodes and co-producing others.
    Hope we will soon see other projects with you and you have the same fun and success there as on CM.

    CU sindee

  78. Dear Deb,
    Thank you for your wonderful contribution to CM, and for taking time to chat with the fans. CM will definited not be the same without you, and you will be dearly missed. All the very best in your future endeavours and looking forward to see your future projects.
    Warm greetings,
    Celine from Malaysia

  79. You will be missed by all of us that love your episodes and enjoy your chats so much.

  80. Deb,

    Thanks so much for all the brilliantly written, wonderful CM episodes you've given us over the years. YOU WILL BE MISSED! The show won't be the same without you. I'm sure I'll be watching future shows with your writing credits. Good luck on your next endeavor and I wish you every success and all the happiness in the world. ☺


  81. All the best. You are a class act and I know you are going to be very hard to replace. I don't see it happening. I think we're screwed with so many of our best writers gone.

  82. Ms. Deb:

    Thank you so much for writing all those wonderful episodes and for sharing your talent and passion with us. Wishing you and your family all the best in the world!

    Looking forward to hear from you again soon! cheers!

  83. Dear Deb--Thanks for all the wonderful episodes you given us these four seasons. Best of luck to you with your future endevours.

  84. dear Deb,
    thanks you soo much for the amazing episodes! you'll be missed...
    wishing you the very best of luck on your future projects.
    God bless.

  85. Thank you so much for your outstanding writing on CM. You will be missed! Good luck in your new endeavors!!

  86. Thanks so much for writing so many great episodes. You will surely be missed. You will do great at whatever comes next.

  87. Deb,

    You have been nothing but amazing for all you've done! You will be missed!

    Best wishes on your future endeavors!!!

    Jenn in TN

  88. Good luck on any future endeavors! Everyone will miss your contribution to Criminal Minds. <3

  89. Thanks for the episodes Deb and much good luck to you in the future. Stay cool.

  90. Deb,

    Best of luck for wherever life takes you! You will sorely be missed as a wrtier on the show, you wrote some great episodes.

    I hope you enjoy whatever life brings you,

    From a sincere Canadian,

  91. Dear Deb,

    I am so upset to hear that you are leaving the show. You were great and I just want to say good luck, wherever you go, they will be very lucky to have you.


  92. Deb,
    We will all truly miss you,
    and the awesome work you have
    done for this most awesome show.
    We have come to think of you as
    family, and will continue to think
    of you as family.
    Good luck in what ever ventures
    life brings you, and know that
    we the Criminal Minds Fanatics
    will miss you deeply.
    You have written a lot of
    excellent shows.
    Thank you for all your
    wonderful work, and from the
    bottom of my heart and our
    hearts, we will miss you.
    Please don't be a stranger,
    and make sure you come by and
    chat with us some time.
    Thanks again Deb, and good

  93. Dear deb,
    Thank you for all your awesome episodes that you have written for CRINAL MINDS,thank you so much for 4 wonderful years with so many great episodes from you and Erica. I'm wishing you all the luck you deserve for your future and your future projects.
    With all due respect and appreciation

  94. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful, horrible , interesting stories with us , and giving life to the characters we love. You will be greatly missed. Best of luck to you with all your future projects . I wish you didn't have to go , but I am looking forward to seeing what new stories you have to tell us , wherever your talent takes you .
    Thank you for all the time you have taken out for the fans , and all the laughs during the chats
    Happy Trails ..


  95. Thank you for all the great work you've done and you'll be missed.

    Good luck on all future projects!

  96. Thank you for your contribution to this amazing show, good luck in all you do.....the Celt

  97. Deb,

    Thank you for spending so much time with us fans, and for 4 years of amazing stories. You will be sorely missed. Best of luck to you in everything you do!


  98. Thanks for taking the time to chat us up tonight. Man, I'm really going to miss you. Hope you move on to things that you love which will help you to continue doing great work!!!


  99. i am very sorry you are leaveing. i enjoy the storys you wrote,

  100. deb,

    I am truly devastated by this news. Criminal Minds has lost one of the best writers on the show. They are fools to let you go. This show will not be the same without you. Sad. Very sad.


  101. Deb,

    Thank you for all of the wonderful work that you have done on Criminal Minds for the last couple of years. Your creepy and terrifying and great writing will sorely be missed.


  102. Best luck, Deb. Keep us informed on what you are working on. We will support you in your future projects.

  103. Deb, you will truly be missed! I wish you nothing but the best for your furture projects. Thank you for the fabulous epis and chats! "Sniff!"

    Marissa ;{
