Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "Omnivore" written by Andrew Wilder and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness (pictured above with Andrew Wilder).

*** Beware! Spoilers in the comments! ***

*** This is the original spoiler thread for the episode. Please rewatch it this evening and add whatever comments you want.***


  1. Can't wait until tomorrow. The promo was great.

  2. i can´t wait for another AW episode.

  3. While I was in L.A we all heard how great that episode is, how it is suppose to be Andrew Wilder best episode and how great Thomas Gibson was in that episode. After hearing so many good comments about it I am glad that I will FINALY see it!

    Got to see some scenes while the episode was in sound editing. One scene was with Morgan, in a house and then someone tackles him through a window! If you saw the CBS promo you know what I mean!

    We also saw a scene with a black SUV, presume it is one of the BAU and the technicien, who unfortunately I can't remember is name, explain to us how they would sometime speed up the scene.

    Another scene was Hotch coming out of a car, dress in civilian clothes, he walks to a door then knock. The technicien showed us that scene then said that they don't need to show the viewers the entire scene, if they show Hotch getting out of the car then knocking on the door we would assume that yes indeed he did walk to the door, no need to show this.
    So I assume that scene will be in the episode as the technicien said.

    He also explain to us how they make sound. For exemple when the window break, the sound isn't as forceful as they would have liked so he added diverse sound to the sound of glasses to make a better impact on the viewers.

    All I saw on that day was very interesting and it makes me wish I could se the episode now!


  4. Hey new to the site but definately not new to the show. Cannot wait until tomorrow night's episode! I adore Hotch and can't wait to see how the episode unfolds.

    Also, one question: how do I go about commenting on another post? I have questions regarding the crim-a-thon and don't know how to post a comment. Thanks!

  5. Is it tomorrow yet??
    No? Frick!

    How about now? No?


    Wait, now right????

  6. NCole: Info on the Crim-i-con will be posted on the blog in a few days.

  7. Can't wait to see this episode.
    Very happy to hear that it is centered around Hotchner. I'll definitely appreciate to learn more about what makes our Unit Chief tick.
    Thank you, AW & TG for joining us in the chatroom afterwards!

  8. Tomorrow is going to be the longest day on the planet! "breathe" Staff meeting...then students all day ...class afterward rush home to get the show and chat...omg. I am going to need a lot of coffee and sugar to survive this...

    This is very exciting!

  9. When everyone who works with Andrew Wilder tells you in person that this is going to be his best episode yet, you just have to believe them!

    Andrew promised us lot's of Hotch, which is sure to make a lot of fans very happy. Also, since Andrew loves to twist us around, we are sure to be stunned by this one.

    I am absolutely sure he won't disappoint!!!

  10. So can't wait! Decided I'm going to be good and be spoiler free here on the west coast so I can fully enjoy.

  11. So, Ed, Andrew, Jimmy, everyone basically was torturing us in LA. Telling us how great this ep is. Now I am dying to see it. The past couple of weeks have been hell waiting on the 18th to get here!

    I want to see what happens when Hotch walks up to that door. And also with Morgan. CM folks torture us as much as you do the characters!

  12. Oh you lucky, lucky people who will get to chat with Thomas Gibson. Too late for me I'm afraid (GMT being 5 hours ahead) and I won't have a chance of having seen the programme. Let the rest of us know what the chat was like - and I'll keep trying not toread the spoilers

  13. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode (is it ONLY Tuesday???)!!!!

    Everyone on the set, even the other writer's, were telling us how good this episode is going to be, so we will FINALLY be able to see it tomorrow.

    We will finally get to see what happens to Morgan after he goes through the window and we will finally get to see who Hotch goes to see when he gets out of his SUV!

    25 hours and 14 minutes to do!!!

  14. Ah, so excited! It's gonna be brilliant, Andrew Wilder, Thomas Gibson, CRIMINAL MINDS, how could it NOT be brilliant?!

    Here's hoping I don't have to wait until tomorrow to see it! :D

    And did you know, M isn't impatient? :P

  15. OMG!!!!!!!!! This is such a great episode! A true Andrew Wilder ep with all the twists and turns that always keep you guessing. Andrew, you ROCK!!!
    Thank you sooooooooooo much!


  16. March 17th? St. Patrick's Day? Who cares!! I can't wait for March
    18th and St. Hotch's Day!!

    Back to back blockbuster Criminal Minds episodes!! You treat us fans so well. Looking forward to the episode and chatting with Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder.

  17. Great episode! CM rock! Thanks to Andrew Wilder great writing and Thomas Gibson wonderful acting, CM delivered one of its best episode ever!


  18. looking forward to seeing this, especially after all the teasers Jimmy showed...

    just enough to show us it will rock all kinds of hard, but not enough so we know what's going on.


  19. i think some plans for a time machine are in the works. i can't stand this waiting! it's taking every ounce of my self-control to not go looking for the spoilers for this episode. school and track will drag on forever tomorrow i'm sure :/ i know it'll be worth the wait though!

  20. I've seen promos all week...and 3 tonight! What sweet torture! I can't wait for tomorrow night!

  21. i've never commented before, but i couldn't resist after tonight's episode.

    bravo to all...the writer...the actors, especially Thomas Gibson, oh man, what a performance!

    i hardly blinked for the entire hour.

    congrats to CM on a fantastic episode.

  22. Awww.... all these comments sound so promising!

    Have there been any Morgan/Garcia scenes in this epi?

  23. Does anyone know what the mixup was with CTV listing it and then not airing it? Why did some people get to watch it and some have to wait until tonight?

    I saw it but don't know how much to give away about it before you friends see it.

    It was shockingly awesome!

  24. The episode of the season... Hotch Hotch and more Hotch! THANK YOU Andrew Wilder!!! Cannot wait!!!

  25. CTV didn't air CM last night, but it is on an hour early then CBS tonight. Can't wait for it!

  26. The time's almost here! I've been waiting for this epi ever since seeing the teasers in LA!

  27. Two more hours to wait for us Canadians!

  28. just one more hour... ohhhh this might be the longest hour of my life!

  29. oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, awesome, spatactular, superb, stupendis! ( need i go on? )

    loved the scene between rossi and hotch ( liked the end when rossi refered to his wife, and hotch said "which one?" ) another awesome scene between hotch and morgan

    glad reid made it to the scene this time at the end! last few he hasnt!

    that ending was completely and totally unexpected! leaves it open to see him again!

  30. EXCELLENT episode!
    Just wow!
    I'm rather speechless at the moment but holy crap!
    That ending was fantastic!

    Great job to everyone involved!

  31. OMG. Never saw the ending coming. We'll get another Hotch episode since the guy got away. Great episode. Hope crap.

  32. Great open!

    Are you scared? You should be!

    Well now I am.

    You can tell this is an AW episode. Now if he could just make some decent commercials for us!!

    I am already hooked.

  33. For those of us who cant make the chat,
    any chance of a trasnscript being posted?

  34. I won't forget the 'eye of providence' anytime soon. Really great episode. The Reaper was one sick sob but the ending really bowled me over. Totally surprised me. I loved having a Hotch episode and nobody writes Hotch like A Wilder. Great job Criminal Minds. I can't wait to watch it again.

  35. The scene between Rossi and Hotch about the profile and the question mark was great. Omnivore was an interesting profile. Garcia was great in the scene when she explained that their was no record or ties for the guy. The guy had become invisible. An intense Hotch is a great Hotch. Loved the episode. Loved the ending. Shocking.

  36. Rossi throwing Gideon in Hotch's face was interesting. Hotch crying and Rossi invoking the memory of Gideon who internalized everything was so cool. And it really walked Hotch back from the edge. Interesting how that worked. It was a nice touch. I don't think we've ever seen Hotch so emotional about anything. And when Hotch asked Rossi which number wife it was I just laughed. Totally engrossing episode. Great performance by Thomas Gibson and great writing by Andrew. When he was standing over Morgan I screamed. Only AW can make me scream/vomit.

  37. ahhhh i can't wait to see it!

  38. Awesome, brilliant episode. Yay for Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson and all who are part of Criminal Minds in any way, shape or form. :P The scene with Rossi and Hotch was absolutely amazing, perfectly acted on both the part of Thomas Gibson and Joe Mantegna, and the way Rossi mentioned Gideon was perfect. So often it's easy to forget he was ever there, but he was at one time and he was a huge part of the team, so to bring him back at such a key moment was brilliant.

    The twist, with the surviving victim being the unsub, was so surprising and well done; everyone figured the guy was significant, never occured to me how significant he would be!

    And to Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson, thank you a thousand times over for all the amazing work you've done on Criminal Minds, and also for agreeing to give the Criminal Minds Fanatic group a chat after the episode. You are appreciated so much.

    Thank you. :)

  39. I'm looking forward to this ep, it is hard not to read the comments :D
    Thank you a lot for coming to chat witk us Mr. Wilder and Mr. Gibson!

  40. Looking forward to see this episode :D

    Thank you so much for coming to chat with us Mr. Wilder and Mr. Gibson. :D

  41. Big thank you to Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for making time in their busy schedules to chat with us fans! Thanks!Thanks!Thanks!

  42. Lucky people that've seen this already! :(

    So so so excited, promo looks amazing. :D


  43. I close my eyes while scrolling down.
    I can´t wait to see the ep.
    Thank you Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for taking the time to chat with us after the episode.


  44. Wow this episode was one of the best ever! Hotch showed such emotion. I'm impressed with the job everyone did. I hope we see this character again in the future.

    Lee :)

  45. Thank you Andrew and Thomas for joining your loyal Criminal Minds fans in the chatroom. We truly appreciate the time you gave to us.

    From MLMadeen

  46. I'm so looking forward to this one! I hate waiting

  47. I'm sooo looking forward to seeing this episode!
    A huge thank you to Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for coming to chat with us! (Even if it was at 3 am in Europe ;) )


  48. Sooooo looking forward to watch it one day.

    Thanks to Andrew and Thomas for making that happen - first the epi and than the chat.

    CU sindee

  49. Fantastic! An episode that didn't let us down! TG/AW is such an incredible combination; thank you so much to you both for coming to chat, and to the entire cast and crew for such a great job!
    Loved Hotch's range of emotions and the fact that even he can have an ego at times. Still trying to absorb the epi, but it is definitely one of the best of the season.

  50. Amazing episode! Thanks Andrew, and thanks Thomas for chatting tonight.

  51. Every time I think Andrew can't do a better episode, he proves me wrong. Great ep with some really memorable scenes.

    TG and JM did an excellent job overall, but especially in the scene where Rossi "talks Hotch down" when he was blaming himself.

    Great job by all.

  52. Thank you Mr gibson and Mr wilder for giving us the pleasure of your company. ive not seen the epi yet, but I can't wait!!

  53. Cant wait until tomorrow!!!!
    Your episodes are always the best!
    Mr Gibson:
    Thank you so much for joining us in the chat!!!!


  54. Oh but that was amazing. I've never seen Hotch cry! And Morgan - poor Morgan. Who's headed for a breakdown next? That was crazy crazy intense. I love the relationship between Hotch and Rossi. It's good times when Mom and Dad have parent talks.

  55. Im impatient to follow the episode, I know in advance what is a great episode,
    Many Thanks Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson to give us tons of fun,

  56. It was awesome! I was so scared that was Morgan on the stretcher. Great job!

  57. I also closed my eyes while scrolling down because I haven't been able to watch the ep yet. I can't wait to see it!

    Thank you so much for coming to chat with us, Mr. Wilder and Mr. Gibson.


  58. OMG! I hated that ending. It was just...I don't know too much like Frank I guess. I wanted him to rot in jail. On the upside it did have major shock value. I loved the fact that Rossi finally brought up Gideon. It still felt a little like the elephant in the room. So glad he pointed it out.

    Let's see, points given for shock factor and Gideon but points taken for ending. I'm also taking half a point for too little Reid. I'd take more but that's me being opinionated.

    I give it...8.5 out of ten.

  59. Fantastic!!
    Thank you so much,Mr.Gibson and Mr.Wilder...
    I really had a wonderful time!!

  60. Andrew, your mind is a very scary place...

    This was quite the emotional rollercoaster for Hotch. I can't imagine having through picking up a case you thought was done...especially a case as brutal as this.

    the twists and turns this ep went through? I LOVED IT.

    I wonder how this is going to come back at the team...that's the second one this season that is open ended....

    ah, the makes me love this show even more.


  61. Thank you so much Mr. Gibson and Andrew Wilder for coming to the chat and answer our questions. We were very honored to have you.
    About Omnivore what can I possibly say...I loved it, it was smart, fast, scary and kept my interest all the way, and the end was totally unexpected. Great job from everybody. Very smart writing and SUPERB acting also.
    My favorite part: Hotch and Rossi talking at the alley. Amazing acting.
    Thanks again.

  62. Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to both Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for chatting with us tonight. As usual it makes me so happy and proud to be a fan of this show, which houses such amazing talent!


  63. Just finished a great chat with Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson. They both were wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing your time with us.

  64. thank you very much andrew and thomas for joining us all in the chat room, after the eppisode. it was a lot of fun, and i hope you can join us again sometime soon!

  65. I've always been a Thomas Gibson/Hotch fan from the beginning, but tonight he really blew it out of the park.
    I love Hotch centered episodes because he isn't just giving commands and being the stoic leader.
    I loved the Rossi and Hotch scene. I actually like their relationship and dynamic. I'm glad Hotch can let his guard down around Rossi.
    I was surprised that Foyet got away at the end, but it also opened up more possible drama for Hotch and Morgan.

    I think it would be interesting if Foyet came back later on.
    Poor Morgan. It must be awful to keep thinking you could be dead. I can't really see him or Hotch moving on though.

  66. Thank you Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for coming to chat with us tonight. The episode was awesome as usual and the chat was fun. Keep doing what you are doing. You are the best!!!

  67. thank you to both Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for one of the most amazing episodes this season.
    and also for the wonderful chat afterwards.
    I think Rossi is going to get the BAUs MVP award this year .. he has been there for Everyone .. what great character development for him . The scene between he and Hotch in the alley was heartwrenching .
    and .. seeing Morgan go through that plate glass window ... I know it was a serious episode .. but I had to laugh ..
    this will absolutely be in my top five for the season ..

  68. Oh my goodness! Awesome, Awesome, AWESOME EPISODE!!! I was glued to my seat!!!! Andrew you are one hell of a writer! Thomas you are one HELL OF AN ACTOR!!!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN AWESOME!!

  69. Great ep. Very dramatic and intense. Props to all involved especially Thomas and Andrew.

    The end was great; we're not done with Foyet.

    Loved Morgan being the tackled instead of the tackler.

    Loved Hotch and how true he is to himself.

    I'm not the biggest Rossi fan, but he was good here.

    Great job, folks!

  70. Many thanks to Thomas and Andrew for doing the chat tonight, it was great!

    Also, thank you to our Mods--you did a wonderful job--I know how much work it is, and I appreciate it.

    LOVED this ep. Andrew is my fave CM writer and this ep showcases why. He also writes THE best Hotch. And we even got some Hotch/Reid time, which has been in short supply this season. Thanks!

    And, as always, Thomas gave us a wonderful performance. I'm always amazed at the subtleties and brilliance he brings to Hotch and tonight was a shining example of that. The scene between Hotch and Rossi in the alleyway was amazing. As AW said in the chat tonight, Hotch IS a hero and he never lets us down.

    Again, a wonderful ep and my favourite so far this season.

  71. Thank you to Mr. Gibson and Mr. Wilder for the chat.

    Now, episode. They lost! They freaking lost! Which, on this show isn't unprecedented, but they thought they had him and he got away! *Cheers* Yes, I'm evil, but that is so powerful. And, it would completely ruin the ending if this guy came back. There were good aspects of No Way Out, but I found Frank to be pretty cheesy. I don't want Frank part 2 in this unsub. I think it's great they have the courage to have a bad (for them not the show) ending and hope they keep it up. And, I don't even mind that they lost on a Hotch episode, because they did all they could, and they got him, it's just he had ten more years with no distractions to work out his plan.

    I was also pleased that the unsub wasn't as campy as I imagined from the promo (which I should know better, because promos lie)

    Morgan gets tackled. Ha! And, the unsub gets in his head as well.

    I've never agreed with the view that Hotch is unemotional. I've never even agreed with the view that Hotch doesn't show emotion. He obviously doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve and he keeps a tight lid on things, but I've always been able to see the little glimpses peeking through. It's one of the things I find so fascinating, to see those tiny bits. But, this was much more, and when someone like Hotch comes to a point where his massive control fails, it's all so much more powerful than a more openly emotional person. And, I love that TG never overplays it. He just is Hotch.

  72. Thanks so much Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for sharing your time with us and thanks for answering so clearly all the fan questions.
    It was a wonderful chat.
    I´ve not seen the ep right now, i´m so excited to see another brilliant Andrew Wilder ep.

    Walburga, Germany

  73. I am speechless, breathless, and my heart is about to jump out of my! what an episode. it was great. i've got to go watch it again. Excellent work - everyone -- but especially Andrew and Thomas Gibson.

    And, Mr. Gibson and Andrew, thank you so much for coming to the chat tonight, it was such a pleasure to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this episode. Your insights add so much to our enjoyment!

  74. I loved this ep. We have backstory info., our tormented Hotch (in tears no less), a creepy unsub, and the icing...the opening for a return of the really creepy unsub. I wonder...since he let Morgan live, if/when he rears his ugly head again, will he come after our chocolate Adonis and will Morgan (and Hotch) be kept up nights knowing that "Mr. Creepy" is still out there? Hmmm?

    Thanks for another great episode Andrew and for taking time out for another Q&A chat.

    Thank you to Thomas Gibson for also taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with us and answer questions.

    I hope you both came back soon.

  75. I was totally surprised by the unsub being one of the supposed victims which is a nice change from knowing who it is from the outset. The killer getting away in the end was totally wonderful. Now we have to wait for him to resurface. Thomas Gibson gave his best CM performance ever in this epi.

  76. Cookie alert - I loved the cookie scene with Rossi talking about Gideon being weak and Hotch not wanting to bale on the team by going over the deep end. I think only a fanatic would get the cookie but it was great. The bus scene was chilling. AW is not somebody I would ever want to piss off.

    Morgan being tackled was a first and it was scary. The whole episode was scary and wonderful.

    Emmy for Gibson!!!!!

  77. When Hotch was crying I thought he had finally lost it. Beautiful piece of writing and acting. This is my all time fav epi.

    I wonder what guilt Hotch is going to feel now with the guy escaping.

    Bravo to cast and crew. Bravo to AW for another killer hit.

  78. I didn't realize C. Thomas Howell was going to be the unsub. I only considered it might be him when they realized the numbers in the bus windows were his other addresses. I really like not knowing who the unsub is until the end but I like it even more when they do this type of episode and confuse us as to who it is going to be.

  79. I just finished watching the episode. And what an episode!
    I don’t know how you guys do it, but you do it. Every week, you’re better.
    Thank you for keeping me entertained, always.
    I just love everything about this show, the cast, the crew, the writers and everyone out there who’s smart enough to be a fan.

    And thank you Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for joining us to chat about the episode. It was an honor to have you. And what a fun chat we had. Come back soon. Keep the amazing work. Bravo!


  80. OH THOMAS. OH HOTCH. (Because as someone said last week, those are two different emotions, totally.) I didn't even mind the Rossi insertion, because OH HOTCH. The scene with Det. Shaughnessy. The fact that yet again he's alone in his office in the middle of the night. Pissing off JJ, which is really hard to do. Discussion of Baby Hotch, and the fact that he's been going back surreptitiously and working on this case ever since.
    And most of all, the fact that Hotch seemed to be collapsing in upon himself the entire episode. Starting with the Lunessa crime scene (older couple.) By the time he was talking to the Reaper on the phone, and then looking at the Bus of Horror...those dark eyes were so filled with pain, abyss-like. And the tears streaming down that stoic mug of his. Rossi may have been slightly cruel (it was his conscience talking, too, not just his ego), but he had to be, because poor Hotch was on the verge, there. (Also: GIDEON REFERENCE! And judiciously well timed, too.) Plus: god bless you, Andrew Wilder, for this exchange:
    "My wife said I had a flair for the dramatic."
    "Which one?"
    "...all of them."
    The Hotch Joke. A candle against the darkness.

    And we're back to finding a way "not to let it." Because yeah, Hotch, sure, you found a way to move on, yeah I believe you. *pah* Not after this... I think they're coming back to this, if not this season, than next. And the Hotch angst, it's not done yet.

    Truly just a wonderful CM episode. Not a bad note or misstep the entire episode. From the first second to the last one this episode kept me gripping the chair and fast forwarding through the commercials. If only all our episodes were this good.

  81. Thank you to Thomas Gibson & Andrew Wilder for joining us in the chat room tonight. It was super and really added to this already special night. Congratulations to Andrew Wilder for topping himself again. This is my new favorite Andrew Wilder episode and my favorite of the fourth season.

  82. F-in fantastic performance from Thomas Gibson! I agree with the commenter who said that this should be his EMMY submission. He is a helluva actor.

  83. We are definitely going to see this unsub again. I wonder would be gunning after Hotch only or all of them. That bus scene left my mouth wide open. Unreal!

  84. That he had a grudge to settle with Hotch and also has Morgan's badge leads me to believe that he is coming back for one of them. Plus it is going to interesting to see if either Hotch or Morgan are quick to get over him getting away.

  85. New AW List of Things NOT To Do:

    Don't trust a nurse.

    Don't eat the chilly.

    Don't trust men.

    Don't get in your car without opening your garage door first.

    Don't be a bitch to your husband when he is melting down mentally.

    Don't ride buses. EVER.

  86. Andrew Wilder never dissapoints us and he delievered yet another masterpiece with twists and turns...Thomas Gibson delievered an awesome performance...
    I especially loved the scene between Hotch and Rossi...
    Thank you Andrew and Thomas for chatting with us!You're both very talented and wonderful men...

  87. Another great episode written by Andrew Wilder. He always seems to write such fantastic Hotch episodes. Poor Hotch, nice to see how his job and the decisions he makes get to him. Love the scene between Hotch and Rossi.

    A BIG thanks to both Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for joining us in Fanatics chatroom tonight! It was wonderful having you both there. Please come back soon!!


  88. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to chat with us giddy fans, AW and TG. You guys are the BEST.

  89. Loved, Loved, Loved, absolutly loved this epidode...BIG thank u to Andrew Wilder, Thomas Gibson and the rest of the amazing and talented cast and crew of Criminal Minds (My faaavoritee show!) for this episode. All I can say is KEEP'EM COMING!!:)..This one was fantastic!

  90. First of all, I would like to thank both Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for such a great episode. It was both brilliantly written and acted. Andrew, you do write the best Hotch. And I love the fact that my husband can never figure out your eps before the end!

    Second of all, a huge thanks to both Thomas Gibson and Andrew for entertaining us tonight in the CMF chat room. It was a real pleasure to have you BOTH there! You gave us wonderful insights into Hotch's character and into "Omnivore" and the writing process.

    Can I just say I have finished watching "Omnivore" for the fourth time tonight? And I'm not even a Hotch-sister! Excellent ep all the way around. I will post more details later, when I am more awake! Thank you Andrew, Thomas and the entire CM cast and crew. Ed, you have a winning team here!

  91. Researching for years the blueprints of all the jails and prisons. Great touch. No stone unturned.

    Morgan isn't going to get over this quickly. Through back to his abuse as a teen. He can't stand feeling helpless. Very nice touch.

    Rossi has just grown on my completely this season. I love the character.

    Hotch equals love. Gibson nailed it in Omn!

  92. Wow, this was a fantastic and riveting episode!!!!
    If I was an octopus, I would give Andrew Wilder eight thumbs up if they have thumbs,that is.
    There was a WOW moment for every fan of each character.
    Wowie for Garcia fans to see her walk about freely without her personal barnacle,Kevin attached.
    Amazing for JJ fans to see that her babysitter can pinch-hit for her to be able to leave town on a moment's notice.
    Yeah for Emily fans to see that she can have a break after being put through the wringer last week.
    Wow for Reid fans to see him go on the final raid and not be left behind to mind the coffee pot at the police station.
    A huge Yippee for Morgan fans to see him shirtless and be the tacklee instead of the tackler!!
    And best of all,YAY for the Hotch fans to see him deal with all that bottled up emotions that came to light. That was an excellently written scene about dealing with the guilt when someone dies on your watch.
    YAY for Rossi fans to see him step up to the plate and say what needed to be said. It had just the right amount of pathos without being maudlin and to end it with the joke about the wives was priceless!!!
    YAY for all the fans since it looks like there should be a second act ala No Way Out!
    Thank you Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for taking the time to join in the chat with us and explaining the nuances of both the script and the performances. It gave us great insight into the research and the forethoughts that goes into creating a most excellent episode.
    Congrats on a job well done and thank you to the entire CM team for continuing to put out quality programming.

  93. Thanks to Thomas G. and Andrew W. on an awesome chat and episode.

    Keep them coming!

  94. thank you for comeing to the chat andrew wilder and thomas gibson! it was a really really really great chat!
    and now i am only waiting to watch that really really great ep!


  95. Awesome episode. I loved the unexpected of it. It had you guessing all the way. I loved the way it was written. Andrew Wilder created a very unusual unsub. All those twists and turns this case went through were just brilliant. And the fact that Hotch got to show some emotion and actually had tears in his eyes was just WOW. His self-doubt and questioning were so extremely human and real. But I loved how Rossi managed to pull him back from the edge. And the Gideon reference was just brilliant. I think that it was that more than anything that got to Hotch. The wives joke at the end was really funny (I'm guessing he should have had at least 3 ;o). And Thomas did a wonderful job tonight as always.
    I wouldn't have expected Morgan to be the one caught by surprise by the unsub, but I guess that's just a wonderful way to show none of them are perfect. But now I think he's on the list and that should make a very interesting future episode. The ending was so great and unexpected and it opens things up for a great part 2....Are we getting closer to the season finale I wonder? ;o)
    All in all it was a great episode and I loved it. So a big thank yu to Andrew Wilder for a great script and to Thomas Gibson and the whole team for a wonderful piece of acting. Perfect once again.


  96. I still have to watch the episode! I can't wait to see it! And I am not going trough all these posts here! Just just wanted to say that the chat rocked! Thanks everybody, the guests of course! Jill, and especially laura for her had work, all the other moderators and everyone else for their great questions and behaving :)

    Hugs to you all!

  97. Thanks Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for joining us for the Omnivore chat! It was both exciting and informative.

    Now I get to re-watch to see what nuances I missed the first time. Poor me ;)

  98. OMG! Wow! It took me over an hour to get back my speech after watching this episode! It was pure creepiness, suspension and shock. Best unsub ever, scarier than Frank. I think someone should profile Andrew Wilder, it’s alarming what this guy is capable of coming up with. The Hotch-Rossi-scene was fabulous, especially the mention of Gideon and the joke about the wives. Morgan took some serious damage this episode, and I’m not talking about the physical wounds here. In the scene with Morgan in the house I thought at first the cop was the unsub, and my heart almost stopped when I was worried it might be Morgan on the stretcher. AW was playing with my expectations very effectively there. Also a great plane scene in the end once again (always love them, always miss them when we don’t get them). The ending was a big surprise, could anybody have foreseen this? I guess this case will haunt both Hotch and Morgan for a long time.

    Despite TG's great performance the person I loved most about this episode was Justin Louis, and I have to admit to my shame that I didn’t even know him before. I was impressed with all his credits when I looked him up, but he fascinated me without knowing all that. Has anybody considered casting him for the Danny Williams role in the new version of Hawaii Five-0 yet?

    Though I couldn’t make it to the chat, I’d like to thank Andrew and Thomas for their kindness to take the time for us fans and Jill and the mods for organizing it. The whole CM team rocks, and this episode was an instant classic!

  99. The episode was so well done. Wow, nobody can't say anymore Hotchner is emotionless (not that I EVER did). That was great acting and perfect for that moment. Great scene between Hotchner and Rossi.
    Two things that to my knowledge have never done by serial killers: the mask and the deal with the police. Interesting. I liked the term omnivore. It may catch on ;) although I can't think of any other "omnivore" type killer than Zodiac ... I didn't like the ending. Yikes that bastard escaped? How could you, AW! Next time Hotch, just put a bullet between his eyes!

  100. It was a great chat!

    Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder presence made it magical. The questions were great.
    I had a question for Andrew, “Among the Criminal Minds cast, which one do you like to write for?” The complicity between Andrew and Thomas answered my question!

    Thank you to Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for taking the time to answer our questions!

    Thank you very much to all those who made this chat possible!

  101. Last nights chat was so insanely awesome i'm still hyper about it. :D

    Thankyou so much to Mr. G & Mr. W & everyone else involved.. it really was amazing!


  102. This ep was totally awesome. C. Thomas Howell was GREAT and I was so happy to see him in something new. Not only that he was REALLY creepy. And that's not even mentioning Thomas Gibson's performance. I cried when he did. He was amazing. The ep was aaaaaaawesome.

    I think Hotch has his Frank now. oohhie!

  103. I really enjoyed the episode and can't wait to watch it again.
    The scene in the alley was both moving and fun. It's so human to go from one emotion to the next so instantly!

    Maybe it was just me but it seemed like the camera was bouncing around a little too much through the first half. I have motion sickness and it kicked in. Any time shows jerk their camera around the scenes, I feel a little sick to my stomach...
    Did anyone else notice that?

  104. And the Emmy goes to.............!

    WOW! What a great ep! I am totally blown away by just about everything in this episode.

    The Hotch/Rossi scene was incredible in the writing and delivery. It looks like everyone else thinks so too. I loved the insertion of humor after such intensity. That is not easy to do and it worked perfectly! Kudos to Andrew Wilder, Thomas Gibson, and Joe Mantegna! You guys rock!

    I'm wondering if we will see an episode with the reporter getting the full access to the BAU? And where will Morgan's character go after this. Seeing him vulnerable like that was shocking and good.

    LOVED the ending. Looking forward to the follow up....finale maybe?

    Thank you so much to Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for participating in the chat last night. Obviously we were all thrilled by your presence! And thanks to all the moderators for all your hard work. You are so appreciated!

  105. Wow, this was one of the best episodes I've seen so far. And the ending! I guess this will come back to them at some point...Truly fantastic, thanks for being such a great show, CM!

  106. New level of wow after watching the episode. Wow TG did a great job. Whole new love for Hotch now.

  107. Is there anyway to read the chat from last night? Thanks!!!

  108. Andrew:

    This was another great episode! Now that we got the Unsub who got away, does this mean he'll show up again in a future episode??

    'Til then I'll just have not try to a fix a flat on 128 or even take a bus. :P Thanks a lot for letting a serial killer loose in my hometown!


  109. The show and chat was just excellent. Thanks so much. Nice twist and the slow motion scared me more then anything! OMG...what's going to happen "biting nails"! However, I see a future for a great final show of the season...issues for both Hotch and Morgan. Not that I am enjoying the thought of ending the season...just a great episode opportunity. Great guest stars...Thanks for your hard work! Had much fun!

  110. Fav part was when Rossi handed Hotch his gun and included Gideon into the mix. Powerful scene. Mom and dad having a heart to heart. Morgan on the ground...speechless. I wonder if we will see Foyet again this season or will it be next season. AW sure likes unsub's with names that begin with F.

  111. Thanks for the wonderful chat last night/this morning. Wonderful.

  112. yes I was finally able to watch the episode! I loved it very much and i LOVED the twist at the end.

    It was great to be in the chat and I will stay up all night again if there is a next chat!


  113. What a creepy ending! Great episode! Both Thomas and Joe did a wondeful job. I was missing Reid, though...

  114. OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THIS is the best episode of this season I swear.
    The Reaper was creepy,f****n creepy.The mask OMG...I almost peed in my pants no kidding.The voice was soo scary.This episode really creeped me out.

    I felt so sorry for Hotch when he cried.And YES now I really have no more doubts about Rossi.HE ROCKS!!!!

    Poor Morgan when the guy tackled him but THANK GOD nothing really bad happened to him.

    Reid's hair was good but not one of my favourite haircuts.

    I think this was the first episode without the word "UnSub".And the whole episode was serious not only one joke,not even a nickname from Garcia or Morgan.But that was one of things why it was that creepy and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED it.
    Keep on doing this absolutely amazing work.

    Thank you to Andrew Wilder and Thomas Gibson for joining the chat and anwered our question.It was great and I hope you enjoyed it as well as we did!!!


  115. I loved this episode...I found myself startled a lot and that doesnt usually happen much with this show. I have a feeling we will see this unsub again and I'm thinking he may do Morgan some real harm next time or maybe vice versa...The chat was great. Thank you Andrew and Thomas.

  116. My apologies for the delay in commenting! I just want to say, though, that CM viewers here @ work are all abuzz about last night's episode. NOBODY suspected the unsub twist or that he'd escape @ the end. Some people commented that they had to make sure they were watching Criminal Minds & not a horror flick :).

    I loved the episode, myself. I may have screamed a couple times *blush*. It really kept me on the edge of my seat. And I almost cried right along w/ Hotch!!!

    I also want to thank Thomas Gibson & Andrew Wilder for joining us in chat last night. It was a complete pleasure speaking with both of you last night & I hope you'll both come back soon!


  117. Truly remarkable episode. Usually I figure out what's going to happen but this time I was shocked. The bus shooting was shocking and the voice he used whilst talking to his victims was chilling.

    Ah- Gideon mentioned by Rossi- How appropriate and frankly fun. I'm so happy we have Joe Mantegna on the show now. Better actor, imho, and a much more interesting character.

  118. I hadn't seen the show and didn't have the time. After reading the posts, I had to see "the alley scene". Just did....
    JM- just when you think he can't get sexier...
    BOOM! The man is too hot, seriously.
    TG-handsome man, great actor, but I never thought that "Hotch" had much personality (sorry, but he was very stoic, almost robotic)
    Not anymore! You just want to hug sweet!
    JM is still yummier!
    Can't wait to see the entire episode.

  119. This episode was golden, talk about CM magic!! Very interesting case, and a very twisted ending, I'm sure we'll see the Reaper again, not sure when, but I'm sure we'll see him sometime in the future. This episode gets an A+++ because of the suspense, the surprise twist at the end!! To be honest this would have been good as a season finale!! It had it all there and more, this was one of the more perfect episodes!! I'm still replaying the episode in my mind, this one will be remembered, that's all i have to say, WAY TO GO!! Keep it up CM!! Top this episode and I'll be a very happy fan. -TJ

  120. The ending would have made a great season finale. I agree with Anonymous!

    How can you top this episode??? They are going to have a really hard time trying. This episode was the best of season four and possibly of the entire last four seasons. Joe and Thomas brought their A games and Thomas Gibson does deserve an Emmy for his performance in this episode.

  121. Looking forward to seeing Morgan's credentials show up in another episode. Morgan holds grudges and they could really use his credentials to keep the guessing going as to when Foyett will show up again. I don't think this plot bunny is going to magically go away. It's coming back.

  122. Episode summary for Omnivore

    Omnivore opens as SSA Aaron Hotchner arrives at the South Boston home of retired Boston PD Detective Tom Shaunessy.

    Shaunessy, a decorated veteran, had been the officer in charge of capturing the Boston Reaper, a prolific serial killer who had “disappeared” ten years ago.
    Unsure of why Shaunessy would, on his death bed, ask to speak with an agent he had worked with only once, Shaunessy explained that he had made a “Deal with the Devil”. Shaunessy had received a letter from the Reaper offering a deal: “You quit hunting me and I’ll quit hunting them. For as long as we both shall live, until death do us part.” Shaunessy knew they weren’t close to capturing the Reaper and reluctantly accepted the “contract” in order to save lives. But now he was dying and the contract would die with him. He wanted Hotchner to know why he had ceased the investigation and that the Reaper would be back.

    Back in the office, Garcia brought Hotchner the evidence he needed to convince him the contract had been real. This unsolved case had haunted Hotchner for the ten years since he had been pulled off his first case as lead profiler. Now he knew why. With the news of Shaunessy’s death the next morning, he knew the Reaper would return.

    Massachusetts Route 128 is dark as a car pulls to a halt on the shoulder. The driver, Evan Harvey, explains to passenger Nina Hale that they have two flats but only one spare. As he begins to change the flat, a truck approaches and the driver offers to loan him another spare. He reluctantly accepts and the “Good Samaritan” returns with a tire iron, only to knock him unconscious with it.
    Now wearing a black mask, the Reaper threatens to shoot Nina Hale, but slits her throat instead. He takes her watch and returns to Evan who is now awake. Asking him if he is scared, the Reaper tells him he should be and proceeds to shoot him. He then places a pair of eye glasses on him.

    Scene opens with shot of FBI building at Quantico and Hotchner’s voice-over quote: “Fate is not satisfied with inflicting one calamity” - Roman author Publilius Syrus

    Back in the office, Jareau notifies Hotchner of new Reaper-like killings in Boston. Hotchner takes the team to Boston without having been invited. Briefing the team on the case, Hotchner explains the “deal” Shaunessy had made with the Reaper who had killed 21 people from 1995 to 1998. It had been impossible to create a profile because they were unable to identify any common victims or methods of killing.

    Hotchner, Jareau and Reid arrive at the crime scene to learn that Hale’s throat had been slit and she was stabbed 47 times, while Harvey had been shot only once. Hotchner explained that the Reaper took a souvenir from each victim and placed it on the next to identify that it was him. Harvey was wearing the glasses that were taken from the Reaper’s ninth victim, but not left on the tenth. The ninth victim, George Foyet, had survived. The team realizes that Foyet’s life may be in danger now.

    Meanwhile Hotchner meets with news reporter Ray Colson. Colson had written a book on the Reaper and knew the case well. He knew the “official story” that this was a copycat was not correct.

    An older couple, driving at night, hear the sound of a police siren. Protesting to his wife that he had not broken any traffic laws, the driver pulls over anyway.

    The “police officer”, now masked, stabs the man and tells him he is now going to kill his wife. He shoots the wife.

    When the team arrives, they find the Reaper has left Nina Hale’s watch, but taken the driver’s wedding ring. The “all seeing eye”, the Reaper’s “logo” is painted in blood on the car hood. Hotchner finds a photo of the victims with the word “fate? He tells Rossi that this is the Reaper’s way of saying that this one isn’t fate. It is their fault for not catching him in the last 10 years.

    When Rossi questions Hotchner’s interpretation, he explains that he knows the Reaper better than he had let on.

    After the case had been closed, it continued to haunt him and he quietly continued to work the case, creating his own profile of the Reaper. Rossi convinced Hotchner to share the profile with the police. He described the Reaper as an “omnivore”—someone who will kill anyone. But the real reason for his crimes is recognition and power. Highly disciplined and even ridged, he would have difficulty maintaining relationships and jobs. He tends to focus his stabbing on younger, female victims. Using the knife is symbolic for bodily penetration, the Reaper is probably a hebophile—lover of teenagers. The police focus their search on men with access to and arrested for sex crimes against teenage girls.

    Back at the BAU, Garcia is frustrated at her inability to locate the only survivor, George Foyet. He had completely disappeared “off the grid.” She explained to the team that this level of identity removal was “impressive” and he must have completely cut himself off from anything and anyone who knew him.

    Realizing that they needed to find him, Hotchner contacted the one person who might know…Ray Colson. Colson had interviewed him extensive for the book he wrote on the Reaper. Colson did not have Foyet’s phone number, but gave him one of the new identities Foyet was using. With this information, Garcia located him.

    Rossi and Hotchner found him as he approached his house. Foyet now worked as a freelance computer specialist for the city, which explains his ability to “disappear”. Foyet appeared weak and frail, coughing frequently. He described how he had planned to propose to Mandy, but instead was paralyzed with fear as he watched the Reaper stab her 67 times. They offered to put him under protection, but he refused. Foyet told them he knew the Reaper was after him which is why he had no car and maintained three different identities at three different residences. Rossi asked for those addresses so that they could contact him and promised to keep his identities secret.

    Arriving back at the police station, Ray Colson shows them a copy of Shaunessy’s “contract” with the Reaper that had been sent to him. Hotchner talks Colson out of running the story, offering him access to the BAU for a story.

    Back in his hotel room, Hotchner receives a phone call from the Reaper, offering him the same deal. Hotchner hangs up on him. The Reaper hangs up the phone and boards a city bus, shooting the driver and all passengers.

    When Rossi and Hotchner examine the carnage on the bus, the numbers 1439, 201, 1488 and the words “No Deal” are written in blood on the bus windows. After examining the scene, Hotchner leaves the bus looking more depressed than Rossi had ever seen him.

    Following him, Rossi asks him what’s going on. Hotchner told him about the phone call. Rossi realizes Hotchner is blaming himself for the seven murders on the bus. Rossi pulls out his gun, offering it Hotchner. Dramatically, he tells Hotchner that he has convinced him that this is Hotchner’s fault. He should to go head and use the gun; “don’t worry about us, we’ll catch (the Reaper) without him.” He continues to push Hotchner to realize it wasn’t his fault; it is the Reaper’s fault. He killed them, not Hotchner. He warns him about ending up like Shaunessy and Gideon, blaming themselves for everything. Then he reminds him that it “isn’t about us… it’s about the bad guys. That’s why we profile them. It’s their fault. We’re just guys doing our job…” Finally, this convinces Hotchner that Rossi is right and tells him to put the gun away… it was a bit over dramatic anyway. Rossi quips, “My wife always said I had a flare for the dramatic”. Hotchner asked which wife. “All of them.”

    Hotchner meets with Colson and told him to run with the story. Colson told him that Foyet had called him and they were going to meet.

    Back at the police station, Reid cannot find the significance of the numbers written on the bus windows. Then they realize that the Reaper usually attacks in cars not buses. Foyet only used buses and this bus goes to Foyet’s home. The other numbers were the house numbers of Foyet’s three addresses. Knowing that Foyet was in danger, they split up to cover each address: Hotchner and Reid, Rossi and Prentiss, Morgan and the police detective in charge, Sgt. Michael O'Mara.

    Rossi and Prentiss and Hotchner and Reid found empty houses. O’Mara and Morgan searched the third house. In the dark, the Reaper lunges at Morgan, pushing him through the front window, landing on the ground outside the house. While Morgan lay unconscious, the Reaper takes his credentials from his pocket, points a gun at his head and says, “Wake up Derek, it’s time to die.” The scene ends.

    The next scene opens with paramedics pulling a dead body on a stretcher from the house. Rossi and Hotchner are obviously upset. Hotchner pulls back the sheet to reveal Sgt. O’Mara. Inside the house, paramedics pull glass pieces from Morgan’s back and shoulders. Morgan is upset because the Reaper took his credentials. Hotchner reminds him not to let it get to him. It’s about power and manipulation.

    Further back into the house, Reid and Hotchner examine a large pool of blood on the floor and the “all seeing eye” painted on the wall. Reid tells Hotchner that the body holds about 5 quarts of blood and there was about 3 on the floor so it was unlikely the victim could survive. While there was no body to be found, they assumed the victim was Foyet.

    Back at the office, Hotchner realizes they were missing something. Why was the Reaper so focused on Foyet? He was no threat. Foyet had told them he was going to ask Amanda Bertrand to marry him the night they were attacked. However, he had only met her 4 week earlier. As a teaching assistant for freshman classes, Foyet had access to many young girls.

    Hotchner asked Garcia to run background checks on Foyet’s three new identities: Kevin Baskin, Miles Holden and William Parker. All three worked as high school substitute teachers. However, William Parker had been dismissed due to complaints of inappropriate behavior by female students.

    Hotchner realizes that Foyet is the Reaper. He had killed the girl, then made the 911 call and returned to the scene, stabbing himself. Hotchner remembered that Colson was meeting with Foyet.

    Colson arrived at Foyet’s house. Foyet tells Colson he is angry with him for not breaking the story about the deal with Shaunessy. He says it was a gift that he gave him. Colson was still confused, so Foyet opened a drawer and threw his black mask to Colson. Colson refuses to believe Foyet is the Reaper. Foyet holds a gun on him and demands that Colson write the story letting everyone know that “he won” and he had beaten them.

    Hotchner and Rossi enter the house, guns drawn. Foyet threatens to kill Colson, but Hotchner reminds him he needs him to write the story. He reminds him that he won’t be around to see the fame he wants. Foyet puts down the gun and says he’s going to be even more famous than they realize. Morgan cuffs him and demands to know where his credentials are. Foyet refuses.

    Scene opens with the jet and Hotchner’s voice-over quote: “Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call destiny” - John Hobbes
    Hotchner sits across from Morgan and tells him they searched all three residences but could not find his credentials. He also told him the pool of blood at the house was Foyet’s blood. Morgan realized that Foyet had slowly built up a stock of his own blood to make it look like he had been killed by the Reaper. Morgan stared at the bullet casing Foyet had left him when he took his credentials. Hotchner warned Morgan to “let it go”.

    Meanwhile, Foyet is in his prison cell. He finds a sharp edge on the corner of the bunk and rubs his wrist until it bleeds. He sucks the blood on his wrist.

    Back at the BAU, JJ tells Hotchner and Rossi that Foyet had escaped. The guards found him vomiting blood and having convulsions so they took him to the prison hospital where he escaped. Prentiss and Reid enter saying the Boston field office had just identified papers found at Foyet’s house as schematics for every jail, prison and courthouse in Massachusetts. Rossi realized he had been planning all this for 10 years. Hotchner knew they would not find him. Looking upset, Morgan replied, “He said he was going to be more famous than we knew. He was right.” Fade to black.

  123. Many heartfelt thanks to Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder for joining us in chat last night. What a spectacular treat to top off a spectacular episode!

    This episode caught my attention and interest right away and kept it the entire hour.

    It was a great premise, starting with Hotch going to Boston (and not in a suit and tie) and visiting a dying police officer who confessed that he had made a deal with a serial killer 10 years before that deal was coming to an end because he was dying and the serial killer would begin to kill again, and boy did he.

    What a sneaky guy Andrew Wilder is. He threw the identity of the UNSUB in our faces and we, or at least I, dismissed it as being too obvious, and they he turned the tables on us and it was the guy I thought was too obvious. Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky!! I heart Andrew Wilder!!!

  124. Only on this show are we relieved to find out that "Omnivore" refers to someone who will kill anything that moves.

    I also figure that after this episode, there's no Karo syrup and red food coloring left in Los Angeles.

    I loved this one. I always like Hotch episodes, because he's the backbone of the show, and Gibson is a wonderful actor. It might skirt the edge of cliche to once again have a veteran investigator revisit a case that was never solved, but it's hard to mind this in a well done episode. The reason that they had never solved it was new. It wasn't that the criminal simply outsmarted everyone, it was that Shaughnessy lost his nerve and took the killer's bizarre deal, short-circuiting all the efforts by the police and FBI. It was odd that the unsub could get by for 10 years without acting out his compulsion, but he was evidently satisfied for the time being with the recognition afforded by the reporter's book and his own studious plotting of his comeback.

    This episode excelled because not only was it a tense, complicated mystery, but a vehicle to knowingly push a few of Hotch's buttons. We've seen multiple episodes where Hotch holds the line because he's the "tree that never bends", but this time holding the line costs him heavily. After the intense telephone confrontation with the unsub leads to the massacre on the bus, he has to wonder whether he could have done something more or something else. The intensity of his reaction suggests a man for whom work has become everything now that he's lost the insulating role of his family. He has a wonderful exchange with Rossi, who knows where he's coming from on every point, and we wind up knowing that both of them probably do constantly bear the guilt of every choice they've made, even while they accept it's part of the job. The reference to Gideon shows the writers are continuing to make intelligent virtue out of necessity. Rossi has about zero chemistry with JJ and decent chemistry with Prentiss, but the interactions between Hotch and Rossi are always pure gold, ever since Mantegna joined the show. They stand out because these characters are essentially peers, although Hotch is technically in charge, and they understand the leadership issues that the "kids" don't yet.

    There were both good and bad anomalies in the episode. Hotch tells everyone there was no profile from the original investigation, which is immediately hard to believe. Sure enough, he later admits to Rossi that he had come up with a profile but was never able to use it before the FBI was disinvited. This is good, because we know that Hotch would never leave this alone as long as the puzzle was unsolved. The bad anomaly was that the team wasn't more suspicious of Foyet's ability to drop out of sight and create multiple alternate identities. An average citizen wouldn't even know where to start in erasing his own identity, and although he had some help from the reporter, the one thing he never does, despite cutting all his ties, and despite its being the most accessible of maneuvers, is move.

    A final note: the Morgan thing? Hotch goes in with Reid! Prentiss goes in with Rossi! Morgan goes in with Expendable Guest Character! I wonder who's going to die? Still, the fact that this generated any tension at all is a tribute to the craft of the series. I did enjoy Morgan's sulk at being knocked on his back by an unsub, though. Action!Guy would absolutely hate that.

  125. SHOCKING! Thats my word for this episode. S H O C K I N G ! ! ! That was just mean Criminal Minds thinking that could be Morgan. I was barely over the first shock and just when I thought the worst was over and I started breathing again, I then flatlined. Morgan ;-) with his shirt off. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It kinda made it all worth while because I got an eyefull of my favourite eye candy. Kinda - I might have nightmares about the gun at Morgans head though whilst he was unconscious... But HELLO! Shirtless. Did I say thank you to the Cast and Crew of Criminal Minds. They rock. More Shirtless Derek Morgan, but less drama about Derek Morgan I say.
    Well done everyone at CM. I will be watching that one again and again. Thats one unsub thats going to return. Next time, I hope Hotch and Morgan kick his ar*e. Morgans badge is gonna turn up sometime as well. Oh! And I felt for Hotch and Rossi, well isn't he coming into his own.... Go CM. You beat the competition hands down. Keep up the good work. This is my favourite programme (Grey's Anatomy, has been 2nd for a couple of years now).

  126. This episode was AWESOME! You did a great job Andrew!! Thomas you were truly amazing in it!

    Thanks to Andrew and Thomas for the chat last night, you guys are great!!

  127. English Lit today was great. All we talked about was this episode. Even our professor loves the show. I wish AW would write a couple more episodes before the semester ends. Best episode and best Lit class ever!

  128. Loved the episode and the chat. Last night was a great night to be a CM fan.

  129. I really enjoyed the show!

    Liked that we didn't know who the unsub was at the beginning of the show.
    Liked the idea that Hotchner was persistent and kept working on the case all those years
    Loved that Hotch held true to his ideals and hung up on the killer
    Loved the peak at Hotchner's soul after the carnage on the bus
    Like the how the team built on the profile initially developed by Hotch, many minds make better profiles
    Liked the twist at the end.

    Many thanks for Mr. Wilder and Mr. Gibson for joining us for the chat. The time that you gave to us and allowing us to pick your minds about the show is greatly appreciated.

    Wonderful writing and powerful acting! What more could a fanatic want?!

  130. "Do you know how long it takes to stab somebody 67 times?"

    I bet Andrew Wilder knows!

    I don't think Hotch will really get over having hung up on Foyett. I don't think Morgan has seen the end of him either.

    I smell return visit for the finale. Anyone else think we're going to see him come after Hotch and Morgan in the finale?

  131. I can't resist commenting again... after watching the epi 4x in 5hrs, I just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Gibson and Andrew Wilder for joining us for a chat. It truly made for a spectacular evening... just when I thought Wednesdays couldn't get any better. It is always so interesting to hear insight from both a star actor and awesome writer! You two make quite the combination and I love Hotch as a result. I hope you'll both come back for some more questions soon, and that you enjoyed yourselves.
    Thanks again, Kirst

  132. Dear Thomas Gibson and Andrew Wilder:

    Thanks again for taking the time to answer our questions. You're the best!

  133. I hadn't had the chance to
    watch "Omnivore" until today,
    and i do have to say, that
    the waite was well worth it.
    I am also sad that i had to miss
    the chat last night with Thomas
    and Andrew, but am excited to
    hear that Thomas has agreed to
    do a second chat, so hopefully
    i will be able to make that one.
    I would just like to thank Thomas
    and Andrew for agreeing to do
    this chat for us Criminal Minds
    Fanatics. We all appreciate it
    so much, that you could take
    time out from your busy
    schedules, to come and chat with us about the awesome episode
    Omnivore. Thanks again.
    I really really loved this
    episode, and could not tear
    myself away from watching it.
    Kudos to Andrew Wilder for yet
    another magnificent episode.
    Even though this was a Hotch
    episode, i felt all the
    characters(cast)had an equal
    share/time in the episode.
    I could feel right along with Hotch as he struggled with the
    guilt of not being able to
    solve this case sooner.
    I could see it, feel it, as i watched him talking to Rossi about how he blamed himself for the deaths of those people on the bus.
    Joe Mantegna shined as well, as he gave Hotch his little pep
    talk about how he was going
    to destroy himself by listening to the voices in his head.
    "Don't let it destroy you like it did Gideon. That voice is not your conscience, it's your ego".
    You don't see Thomas's
    character cry all that often, even though he didn't really cry, you could see the tears welling up in his eyes over the latest killing spree on the bus.
    I couldn't believe that the victim was the un-sub, and in the end, when he escaped, sets up for a continuation of Omnivore. Looks like this is going to haunt Hotch for some time to come.
    All in all, great job by all
    those involved in the making
    of this episode.
    Criminal Minds truly does rock!!!!
    Before i forget, just want to
    thank Ed Bernero for allowing
    us the time to chat with
    Thomas and Andrew. Ed is the
    one who made this possible for
    us. So thank you again Ed
    for this special treat.
    You Rock!!!!

  134. We do not make transcripts of chats. It is not allowed.

  135. Hello to everyone... I would like to have joined the chat with Thomas Gibson, Andrew and all of you, but was impossible. First, because here in Portugal when you started the chat, here were about 02:00a.m., Was very late and then I'm on the third and last year of university studying Cinema and Tv, so I have a lot of things to do. In fact I have 2 short films and 1 film documentary to do in 3 months. I have so much things to prepare... I'm the producer on 2 of them, so I need to contact actors, and search locals to film... and in another I'm the script supervisor - like Pam Leonte, I need to read many times the script and see if have mistakes, know the characters... Whatever... a lot of other things too... But I really love this job!!! Well, but the team of criminal minds is to be congratulated ... they are doing an excellent job. And of course, the cast is fantastic and they are to be congratulated too because they do a fabulous work. I'm a big CM fan. I still didn't have the chance to watch "Omnivore", but I promise that I'll try to get a time to see the episode on youtube. I believe that episode is AWESOME. Kisses for all of you. Catarina from Lisbon (Portugal)***

  136. I've rewatched the episode three times now and each time I watch it I love it even more. The scene with Morgan falling to the ground is just so amazing and watching Hotch walk through his emotional rollercoaster is the best thing I have ever seen on this show. The throw back to Gideon was perfect and I agree that it was the perfect cookie for us long timers.

  137. I don't know, I was a little dissapointet by this epi, maybe because I was awating too much from it and, well, it was too much. Not that it was bad, it was well written, filmed, the theme could do for a feature psychothriller, I did enjoy it, but I just couldn't believe it. There was too much of everything - I found ok, when this case did chalenge Hotch, but involving also Morgan and then not killing him just because he was unconscious, out of blue sky (had he ever done something like this before? does that mean that every single of his previous many victims stayed conscious, when he atackked them?) and this way giving the team a piece of profile, that in the end wasn't used to catch him - that just don't feel real.
    I agree, that a key to a good epi is to surprise the viewers, but that could be done in many ways, not only by creating even more terrible unsubs. Too much of everything does no good.
    On the other hannd, I like the way, how the team members are becoming human. Seeing Hotch out of his shell :-)

  138. Oh how I wish I didn't live in Israel and could join your chats! But thanks to TG and AW for doing it, I told my sister about the chats and how great everyone on CM is regarding their fans! Much better than most fandoms.

    As everyone mentioned, I LOVED the Rossi/Hotch scene in the alley, Hotch with tears in his eyes doubting himself and feeling guilty and Rossi in his "tough love" approach making him see reason. LOVED mentioning Gideon burning out and Hotch and Rossi bantering about the dramatics and the ex wives. But for me it all started with the picture with "Fate?" written on it and Hotch was analizing it and Rossi went: "Wow, you got all that from a question mark?" ROTFL! Rossi, sometimes I don't know if to love you or hate you, you have an inflated ego but I love how he supported everyone on the team this season and his sense of humor/brand of tough love. I'm also glad Hotch was there for him in Zoe's Reprise and that the two support each other, as well as the team. (and I love the first name thing they've got! I love when people call Hotch "Aaron").

    Morgan! I bet he hasn't felt this vulnerable and helpless in a long time. I loved that Prentiss was there for him after last week and that he's got some unsolved issues with this case and the talk with Hotch in the end. This isn't over for him, maybe never will be.

    Reid and JJ.... Not in it a lot, but whenever he's there he's his genius self. And you Reid fans know you'll get your due in about two episodes probably. Hee hee, I think the only reason I keep paying attention to whether Reid and Hotch are paired up or not is because of fans, lol! I knew it wasn't Morgan's body, cause they wouldn't give us an off screen death for him, he deserves more. So I knew it was the cop.

    I didn't see the Unsub being the victim and I liked the reporter dude (I've seen him before, I know I have....). Hotch.... Boy was he angsting over this case. 10 years to feel like you've failed is rough. I can imagine Hotch being new to profiling and not too sure of himself, just accepting when the cop told him to leave, not telling anyone about his profile... But he was dead on, even as a Rookie. I keep going back to Paradise and how they wanted the Unsub to get away, but the network didn't approve so he was run over by a truck. Hotch was doubting himself in that episode and had the Unsub gotten away... So now the Unsub did and Hotch is probably doubting himself again. I wonder if this is something the writers REALLY want to happen, regarding Hotch's storyline? Or is it just a coincidence?

    Another Frank. I like it. Not sure if I wanna see him again or not, but he was brilliant and chilling and funny. The beginning where he told the female victim "I'm not gonna shoot you..." and takes the knife out? I kinda LOL'ed and felt bad about it. I loved his taunts and playing games, he was a fun Unsub.

    Great episode all around! Wonderful work from TG and AW! One of my favorites this season.

  139. OMG!!!! what a awesome episode. Thanks soooooo much Andrew. Your eps are always a surprise and a gift to us fans. I totally love this ep. Mr. Gibson´s acting was brilliant. The scene with Hotch and Rossi perfect and the joke funny. What a creepy unsub, for me the best from all eps and the makes me speechless.

  140. Oh my where can I start? There were so many great things about this episode that I don't know where to start. First the story, great episode always have a great story. This one got me from the get go. A cop who made a deal with a serial killer to stop the killing? To see how afraid the old man was now that he was dying and the contract would be void, how he was torn knowing the killing would restart once he was death. How awful to know that and being powerless to stop it.
    Very interesting.

    I like some of the themes, guilt, guilt of making a deal with the devil, guilt of lying to your colleagues and the families of the victims, guilt of not being able to stop the killing. How despair can hit when you did all you could to stop the murders and still it wasn't/isn't enough. The old cop was feeling guilty. Another theme, Ego, when is it ego and not guilt that is making you act. The conversation between Rossi and Hotch made it clear that Hotch was confuse about which was what, but Rossi did set him straight on this. Actually, my favorite part was the alley scene with Hotch and Rossi. What a powerful scene. Rossi is a very direct guy and that is what Hotch needed, being told the truth and who else could tell him that his ego was getting the better of him than Rossi who did let his ego interfere with cases years ago (see Limelight).

    I have to say I like the atmosphere in the bus, from the moment Foyet got in to when Rossi and Hotch were there, very dark, unsettling.

    I have to give kudos to Thomas Gibson for such a great performance, what a great actor. He is so good in that role that I just cannot see anyone playing that role now. Hotch does have so many layers and Mr. Gibson is able to show us a new one with almost every episode.

    Another kudos to C. Thomas Howell who did a wonderfull job portraying Foyet. Going from reclusive man who was sick and afraid to be the next victim to be a predator that left Morgan with a bullet (with his name on it?).

    Another great thing about the episode was the tension, through the episode you could feel it, I like that, I like when there is a sense of ‘we have to do something soon or someone else will die’.The apex was reach when Foyet called Hotch to offert him the deal, would Hotch take it or not? No, he isn’t that kind of man but for one second I thought maybe, after all Hotch did sacrifice his family to save people. Another high tension moment was when Foyet had a gun in Morgan’s face! That was scary, even more was when the team showed up and we saw a body on a gurney! For one brief second I thought it was Morgan!

    Oh and no song for that episode? Wow I think that was a first for CM.

    So was there anything I didn’t like about this episode? Yes, it was too short! I wish it had been a two parts episode. I hope the BAU will have another chance to catch Foyet.

    So, Thanks to Andrew Wilder for writing another great CM episode, man you are good! To Thomas Gibson for doing such an incredible job playing a character that isn’t an easy one to play, Hotch is such a restrained man and to C. Thomas Howell for giving us one of the scariest unsub since Frank!


  141. I am so fortunate that I came across this blog! This show has reached the top level of must watch!!!!!!! I am studying bahavioral analysis to obtain a doctorate and my professors (and self) highly recommend this show to students!!!!!!!!
    I am also fortunate to be a constant nielsen ratings participant and always include Criminal Minds on my log with notes that the show is a integral venue for CBS!!!!!

  142. Can't wait to see this fabulous epi again! Andrew's writing, Thomas' acting... Could re-watch the alley scene with Hotch & Rossi indefinitely. :)

  143. Omnivore his one of those episodes where you find yourselfe siting on the edge of the sofa. Andrew's talent is great! I love the scene between Rossi and Hotch! ;o)

  144. This episode rocks! I've watched it so many times and every time I am at the edge of my seat. How the reaper walks up to the car ... shudder. He's so creepy. Love the mask in a twisted kind of way.

    Nobody writes like Andrew Wilder!!!!

  145. I've got cold chills - AGAIN!

    First - such brilliant writing. Seeing it again just reminds me of how much we are going to miss Andrew. I'm still in mourning.

    What a great episode. Maybe the best unsub of the series.

    No show effects me like CM - about midway through I almost always realize that I'm nervous/anxious, holding my breath, heart thumping hard. What a great viewing experience!

    I just saw the season 5 promo - and I can't wait!

    Once again, I just want to thank everyone associated with CM for making the best show on TV. You guys rock!

  146. No matter how many times I watch this episode I am on the edge of my seat. CM is so royally screwed with AW being gone.

  147. Me again! LOVE LOVE THE EPISODE!

  148. I love this episode and I'm so happy we got to watch it again tonight. It's the best. I could watch it again and again and never get tired. Awesome writing from Andrew and wonderful acting from Thomas and the cast. Really amazing job all around.

  149. It was a pleasure watching Omnivore again. Now I want that season premiere already :) 20 days left! I'm sure its worth the long wait!

  150. Watched "Omnivore" last nite like I was seeing it for the first time...OMG! How could I forget seeing Hotch cry? or Morgan going down? and then shirtless? Oh, Baby! Reid at his best, quoting stats as only he can do, standing in that massive pool of blood...a very gory episode, to say the least. But such good writing - so many great lines like about Rossi's wives, Garcia at her computer hunting down Foyet and Foyet himself with his dramatic performance. So very, very good. Makes me SO look forward to the new season - only 3 more weeks minus one day! Whoo-hoo!

  151. Good lord, I promised myself I wouldn't rewatch "Omnivore" until it came out on DVD, but I taped it last night while I was at work in case I could catch a preview of the season premiere. No such luck, but there I was, with "Omnivore" on tape. What was I supposed to do?! I watched it again.

    Even BETTER on the rewatching, which I didn't think was possible. Though far more painful, because watching them try to make Foyet feel better is a killer, when you know what's going to happen. AGH! I just wanted to shoot him right there and then. So many little things you don't notice on the first trip around, they stand out in sharp relief when you finally rewatch it and know what's going on. Wow. Great, great acting on the part of Thomas Gibson, C. Thomas Howell, Shemar Moore and all the rest of the cast. Which is why we love them. *Loves cast.*

    And, of course, Andrew Wilder, the God of Hotch episodes, I bow down before you. Always.

    I'm DYING for the season premiere. Is it September 23rd yet?

  152. The more I watch this ep, the more I learn! Andrew, you are simply amazing! My fave scene is the one between Rossi and Hotch after the murders on the bus. Just perfect. Such great acting and writing in this ep. Andrew, we are really going to miss your brilliance this coming season. Even though I'm not a Hotch-sister, I still can see that you write the best Hotch. Thanks for a great ep!


  153. I can't believe that we don't have Andrew anymore... he will be truly missed.
    What a great episode!

  154. Andrew,

    I cannot thank you enough for coming to chat with the fans tonight. I know you are no longer with CM, but you will always be my favourite CM writer. You are irreplaceable. You will be missed so very much. Thanks for everything you have given to the fans over the past few years. The wonderful episodes and all the time you have spent chatting with us. I know that no matter what you do, you will be successful. Thanks again and I hope you really enjoy your birthday present! Best wishes in the future!!!


  155. I want to thank you Andrew for taking the time to come and chat with us even thought it was, I'm sure, not easy for you. It was a great privilege to have you answer are questions. I want to wish you best of luck for the future and let you know that in my opinion, CM has lost a GREAT writer. You will be missed Andrew!


  156. thank you andrew for the chat!
    you will be hardly missed!
    all the best wishes for your future projects.

  157. Andrew, even though I couldn't attend due to work, I wanted to thank you so much for coming back and chatting with the CM Fanatics again. Every visit is very much appreciated, you are a truly amazing actor and your fans love you.

    Thanks again,

