Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "Pleasure Is My Business" written by Breen Frazier and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

***Beware! Comments will contain spoilers! ***

****Song and quote info will be posted after the episode airs on the east coast. ***


  1. Awesome! Really well written eppy. Didn't see that coming with what she did at the end.

    Reid looked so uncomfortable when he was talking to the "madam" ( or however its supposed to be spelled ) It was actually kinda of cute.

    Loved Hotch in this one. He was really great.

  2. oh. my. goodness. this one was EXCELLENT. maybe the best one so far. and could thomas gibson be any more amazing? i mean wooowww. i felt so bad for hotch throught the episode. i'll bet this one hit reaaall close to home for him. poor guy :/. even still, this one was great. great writing, great acting, and lots of hotch. the only thing missing was a lot of the team working together, but its a compromise i'll make. this is why i love wednesdays :)

  3. Awesome episode! Sad ending however :((((

    Hotch kicks butt!

    Aww man, no new ep next week?? Grrr.

  4. Goodness gracious I loved it. Awkward!Reid with the madam was good times, but mostly I love Hotch. He is seriously such a good guy. The intensity was amazing all the way through. Reid gets the weird unsub fans, and Hotch gets the girl unsub fans. Hee! Most times I don't feel bad for the unsub at all, but this time she sorta broke my heart. I was kinda hoping she'd shoot her dad, which makes me a horrible person. And as a law student, I totally cheered for the obviously young associate who gave up the penthouse address.

  5. i have a hour and a half tell it comes on it really sounds good tonight

  6. I don't know about any of you, but I found that when the episode aired, there was a lot of problems with the quality of the broadcast. Perhaps it was just my area, but I found the image continually kept being distorted/pixellated/sound would cut out for a few seconds (sometimes alongside the distortion, sometimes not). It was really bad during the first half of the show, and not so bad the second half, but I found it distracting all-round. Did anyone else have a similar problem?

    That being said, there were several scenes I enjoyed, such as flustered Reid talking to the real-estate madame, and I especially liked the focus on Hotch and his interaction with the unsub. I actually like it when episodes are focused on one team member in particular; as long as it's not overdone, or done repeatedly (as I like seeing team action too), it gives us an interesting window into the profilers' lives and personalities.

  7. While I was seriously hoping for more backstory on Hotch, I still liked the episode a great deal. Gibson does know how to do it, doesn't he? Angst, compassion, and man, when he told the "problem solver" that he'd arrest her right now, there was such steel to his righteous anger. But please, people in charge of things, a wee bit more backstory for Hotch (and Prentiss)?

  8. i loved this ep. Cute Reid awkwardness and Hotch bad-assery! when he came down on that woman "THAT is my offer". great ep!!

  9. WOW amazing. Great epi. TG was great! Loved how Hotch showed compassion for the unsub and anger at the he talked about himself...that stare he sometimes I must watch this one again. I really liked Zoe´s reprise but this one was even better..
    Thanks to Breen for a great epi with lots of Hotch and for including Hotch´s son.
    Great job CM!

  10. First, thanks to Breen and Brianna for coming to the chat. It's so great that you all do that.

    I liked the episode, mostly for the theme. I liked the opening with Hotch getting to see Jack via a video--obviously not his first choice to see his son. Then carrying that "absent father" theme through, although in Hotch's case, it wasn't by his choice like it was for the "victims". It gave Hotch a "connection" to relate to her.

    Thanks again for a solid CM ep.

  11. This was a WONDERFUL episode! It was such a treat getting to watch w/ Breen & Brianna! It was interesting to see the unsub @ first & watching the team tie the pieces together. The writing & acting was superb. Great job everyone!

  12. Well, what can I say? This was an awesome episode that provoked a few different thoughts and emotions from me.

    First, I got angry with the UnSub. It seemed liked she was just killer, killing because she could. Of course, I also felt no sympathy for the victims, so that was kind of odd.

    Then we find out her reasons behind the killings and I just want to hug her, cheer her on with her "destroy daddy" campaign.

    A couple times I wanted to strangle the lawyers, who refused to see the big picture and were instead more interested in self preservation and job preservation than getting a killer off the streets. And that one guy? the one who was shot? I wanted to strangle him for opening his mouth, and the lawyer that blabbed it all to him as well.

    That the fancy shmancy lawyers all thought that the FBI would bow down to them just because they had money made me mad as well. Unfortunately, the big wigs tend to think like that in reality.

    I love it when I can't figure out where the episode is going, I love when the characters are made so real to me that I forget it's all fiction and start yelling at the TV, and most of all, I love that the team backed Hotch up on all his plays and didn't take crap from the skeevy lawyers.

    thank you Breen and Brianna for joining us in chat, and to everyone else there looking over our shoulders and joining in the fun. Definitely a fun night.

  13. Awesome episode! Great job on
    writing this one Breen! Even
    though this was a Hotch episode,
    which i have been patiently waiting
    for ever since i heard this was the
    first one on Hotch, i felt it was
    very team/character oriented.
    All the team had equal time, i
    felt, but you could tell that the
    whole story revolved around how
    life and events effect children
    in different ways after a parent
    leaves the home, the wife, and
    the child. But in this case, Hotch was not the one to leave the
    wife and child, Haley(his wife),
    took their son(Jack)and left him
    without so much as a note as to
    where they were going.
    The unsub could relate to him,
    thus giving her a connection to
    him and vice versa. The beginning was very mysterious when Hotch
    received the phone call, and was
    told to fly to Texas, and he
    would be briefed upon arrival as to what the case was going to be
    about. I thought to myself, i
    wonder where this is going?
    I love the fact that Hotch at
    least gets to see his son every week even though he some times
    doesn't get there every week.
    Nice having him see him on video.
    I really felt bad for Hotch this whole episode, feeling right
    along side of him the guilt
    he must be feeling for not seeing his son as much as he would
    like. You could see it on
    Hotch's face, when he saw the
    picture of the unsub, and then
    realized it was her in the
    elevator with him at the hotel.
    I loved how she googled Hotch
    on the internet. That was great. She learned quite a bit about
    him and his life when she did
    that. Thomas really can show
    his acting skills, and he does
    an excellent job at it. He had
    this nailed. He showed a lot
    of emotion, from anger to
    sympathy. The ending was sad. I thought for sure, that she was going to shoot her dad, but she did him one better, by not giving him her client list. I didn't how ever, think that she would kill herself, but at least she had some one there that she could trust and depend on to see her through to the end(Hotch). I got the feeling that Hotch didn't think she was going to kill herself either, so the sad look on his face, gave it away, before we even saw it coming. Morgan didn't really want to leave Hotch alone in the hotel room with her, fearing that she might harm him. I really love how they look out for one another, and have each others backs. All in all, a rockin episode, and i can't waite to see what the next episode holds in store for us. Keep up the great work Criminal Minds writers; cast/crew and all those that make it possible for us Criminal Minds fanatics to watch this most amazing show on tv! Thank you!

  14. Breen,

    Wow, another GREAT episode from one of our newest writers. Brianna was wonderful. Great to see another female UNSUB. Thank you so very much for inviting the committee to the studio to watch the ep with you, the CM team and Brianna. It was an experience we will always treasure. Always a joy to chat with you. Thanks for all you do! Really enjoyed the ep and can't wait to see it again!

  15. woo hoo! great epi breen! loved the hotch ep!!!! and the unsub was great. really enjoyed it and can't wait to see what you come up with next. thanks!!!!!!

  16. Wonderful episode

  17. Thanks to Breen and Briana for joining us in chat tonight. You guys were so nice to do that.

    This was another great episode and different, too. The UNSUB was sympathetic and I think we got some foreshadowing for an upcoming Hotch breakdown.

    Thanks for a great episode Breen!

  18. I thought the actress who played the episode was awesome!

  19. Question... At the end when she asked who said "You don't pay for them for sex, you pay for them to leave" What was the name that Hotch gave?

  20. Hotch was so good in his pursuit of the unsub!Really terrific episode.

  21. First of all, great episode Breen. I really liked it. The unsub was kind of sympathic and tragic, Hotch was fantastic (I really love his voice and I'm not even a Hotch Sister *wink*).

    Good team moments Reid/Prentiss going to see the madam, Morgan/Prentiss checking out the penthouse, JJ giving part of the profile, Hotch...Hotch...Hotch!!

    Secondly, a big thank you to Breen and Brianna for spending part of their evening chatting with us.

    I love Wednesdays!!

  22. I was surprised when she committed suicide.

  23. Well Breen, you did it again, another great episode. Complex unsub. The actress, Brianna Brown playing the unsub was very good.
    Thomas Gibson was also very good in that episode. Love how he can display compassion. The ending was mind blowing in its simplicity. No big gun fight but this unsub did fight back anyway, her handing Hotch the card was as devasting as a gun shot to the head.

    I have to say that I love the start with Hotch having a daddy moment.

    Cute moment with reid getting unconfortable.

    Thanks Breen for another great episode!


  24. Thanks to Breen and Brianna for joining us in chat. It was great getting their insight in the making of the episode!

    Now I really like when the unsub remains a mystery, but . . . this one was well-written and well-acted so I wasn't disappointed.

    The photography was great. Good color and interesting scenery. Good Hotch moments, loved the intensity which is Hotch.

    This is a great way to spend a Wednesday night.

  25. That epsiode rock! and so did Hotch!


  26. I liked the twist on the Unsub contacts the FBI theme. She didn't contact them because she thought she was smarter than them and wanted to pull them into a game She contacted them because she was angry on what she perceived as a corrupt agent, not doing his job and being bought off. The way I saw her, she almost admired Hotch and was disappointed when she though he was going to sweep the killings under the rug to protect the men and others like them. She didn't seem too concerned about getting caught, she almost seemed like she was afraid she wouldn't pr if she was, the reason for her arrest wouldn't ever come out. That was very different.

  27. I was intrigued by the idea of a female serial killer. The team doesn't deal with those types of cases normally so I was very excited from the git go. I loved Reid's watching Reid squirm during his interview with the Madam; it came off as very genuine. I loved the aspect of turning to the corporate lawyers for information on the unsub. I actually found Katherine's motive for murder pretty believable and I thought her connection to Aaron had a solid basis. The twist that Megan was doing all of this to get even with dear ol' dad was great. But in the end I actually felt really bad for Megan and extremely proud of Aarron for not letting her down.

  28. Great ep. The guest star was phenomenal. She nailed the part. The writing was tight and intense. A great perfomance by Thomas as well.

  29. Awesome ep! Breen you did it again.
    Loved Hotch tonight - whew!

  30. This is what I love about CM - clever plot, great acting, unexpected twists and turns.

    Loved it. Keep 'em coming.

  31. Loved this episode about a female unsub offering a different type of stimulus package to over-indulgent corporate fat cats. Lots of nice twists,abandoned children and absent father pathos,and an interesting look at female serial killers. Talk about empowerment for women!!!
    Favorite scene had to be Reid surviving a cougar attack. :)
    How adorable is it that this expert on sexual psychopathy who lectures to college students on sexual sadism in a clinical way,gets so flustered when discussing it in front of a real-life w-w-w-w-w-woman! Sooo funny!!
    Poor Hotch has it happen a second time that the unsub was right in front of him. But ya know, that ol' geeky trick of wearing a tight hair bun and glasses fools them every time! :)
    Excellent episode and a big thank you to Breen and Brianna for the chat with the assist from Andrew for the expertise on serial killer women! You guys are the best!!!!!!

  32. Breen wanted to have comments... Hopes you have time to read this one :D

    I'm not really a big fan of knowing details of an episode before I watch it

    since it kinda makes me expect something of it. As was in this case with the

    chat before I watched the episode. My expectations were higher than usual.

    But on the other hand... aint bad for giving critisism!

    To start with the bigest negative to get that over with; I've had it with

    the music style from the last few episodes. Its presence is getting on my

    nerves! Its not just guiding anymore its taken over the episode. I like it

    when I have to watch the episode again to notice it all because I went so

    along with the whole package called an episode. Not to get irritated by it

    from very early in the episode. Music does so much for an episode... When

    used wrong


    I'm critisizing so please don't forget that the case was well written imho

    and I really liked the angle, the reason why and everything even though I'm

    not a fan of the rich and famous cases as I just see those to many. There

    were also a lot of small details that I didn't caught in the episode right

    away so I watched it twice to just notice them all. I like to be challenged.


    Not really anything to tell anything about the intro. We saw the unsub and

    we see someone die.

    Then Hotch in his office; cute. Finally a very short part as how we want to

    see Hotch every now and then. His role as a dad.

    Then Hotch is in Texas and meets up with the State Attorney General here the

    first real irritating point for me because we are watching a great scene

    where lots get told. The whole difficulty with the situation,

    understandable. So nothing wrong with that... But why the music? It ruined

    the otherwise perfectly scene for me.

    Hotch checking in. But then again in the elevator and after. The music. We

    already know the unsub is behind him! Some suspense music or anyting is fine

    but why the mistery music... Are we watching "It who phones home?" or

    "Mulder who gets beamed up again"? I will not whine about the music from now

    on I hope I already made my point.

    I also wonder how often the seats change on the plane!? I like plane scenes

    though. And thank someone for repeating on of the most great Hotch scenes

    from this season. Him giving a press conference... Yeah that was the Hotch

    fan speaking.

    Then we get to see more of the unsub, she kills another one... Why so much

    of the unsub? Why not the team going there afterwards. It becomes noticable

    that we're getting more and more unsubs scenes and less and less BAU people.

    Is this a show about the unsubs or about the BAU solving cases? Maybe we can

    get decent screen time for all BAU characters. We get to see her again with

    the gentlemen that speaks his mind after he trows his glas on the floor. But

    that was a usefull unsub scene. That showed something we needed to know to

    continue watching.

    Geez I wish i could have seen the episode before the chat! Lots of questions

    cross my mind... And yeah I can type to much by time to time.

    Got a whip? :) :) :) Love those little things in an episode. And the teams

    faces when she yelled "Aaron Hotchner" through the phone. Loved the phone

    conversation! I'm a sucker in social skills and I always love scenes like

    this when they, any member of the BAU, talks to an unsub directly.

    Geez, I wonder if CSI: Miami is shot in the same city as Criminal Minds,

    must be. Miami and Texas collide. (CSI: Miami 5.14 when Horatio and Clavo

    meet at the bank & when Hotch meets the dad) Ohw wait.. wasn't the unsub a

    sorority "blonde" girl in CSI: Miami 2.18 Big Brother? Yes she was. I

    dropped CSI: Miami after finding out about CM. ;) Just a fan thingy nevermind!

    Another thing comes to mind. We used to focus a lot on finding a profile and name specific names of profiles. Especially later on in the episode because that is the way they find the unsub. They sure found the unsub but in my opinion it lacked that profile talk a bit!

    I would usually love the end scene... But I'm off myself at the moment so I couldn't really enjoy it. None the less it was a great one! But then again the music... Ohw wait I wouldn't say anything about that. And the news reports during the scene... Hope it is a one time thing!


    Its criticism, I generally like the case and the episode as I wrote at the almost top of this post. But I also really disliked the music and that had a huge impact.

    And as always; can't wait to see the next episode! And apologies for any language mistakes. I'm foreign and I didn't check it.

  33. OMG, OMG, OMG! And did I say OMG already? This will go down on my list of top fav epis EVER! I could sooo identify with this unsub and I just wished her to kill her ‘Daddy’. But in the end, like in real life, the bastard got away and she lost. He will surely buy is way out of the mud and find the pity of his peer group, the scandal will soon be forgotten without really sticking to him and she is dead - just another victim (looser) on his sick but successful way of life. What a sad but fitting and realistic ending to a killer story!

    PS: I didn’t even notice the music except from the opening scene, and there I found it very fitting.

  34. such a great ep! ngl i kinda hoped megan and hotch would make out at the end.

  35. Nice episode last night...Hotch and Reid were top notch. The whole cast, crew and writers pulled off a nice evening to a long day. Many thanks.

  36. OMG! Such and fabulous episode! Hotch was great - but when is he not? LOL

    Thanks Breen and the entire CM team for such a great show week after week. Really enjoyed it!

  37. Hotch sisters all over the world are happy today! thanks breen!!!! we love your eps!

  38. just finished watching the episode. WOW. i didn't know what to expect from breen after "52 pickup" because that episode had its ups and downs, but this episode made me really, really, happy. the writing was great, interaction was great, and none of the scenes felt choppy like some parts of 52 pickup did. usually i get very annoyed when the episode focuses too much on the unsub, but this time, it was just the right amount. and such great use of tension!!! and there were so many different components and themes going on in the episode --- FBI, lawyers, media, callgirls, high power CEOs, and parent-child relationship--- but i did not feel overwhelemed all. everything played out the way good CM episodes have. high five!

    here are my list of things i liked/dislike:

    - i agree with BlueCurl on the choice of music in CM. lately it's been a little strange. i'd rather have more mark marcina (i'm a big fan) write dramatic scores than have music stand out from the episode (and not be integrated as part of it).
    - i noticed how JJ actually participated in the profiling in this episode. YAY! but can we stop taking JJ out from the action? she was JUST starting to do the gun and kevlar thing in season 2 and 3, and now we're back to none!
    - hotch... oh hotch. I LOVE HOTCH. his phone conversation with the unsub was excellently written. so much tension, so much emotions!!!!!!! i loved it.
    - i just NEED to mention how good brianna brown was. excellent, excellent, exellent stuff. at the end, when the father gives her a hug and then asks for the list? her expression growing stone cold gave me goosebumps. and then her confession to hotch. great stuff. the unsub reminded me a lot of ALIAS's lauren reed (played by melissa george).
    - reid's multi-pocketed vest. lol.
    - morgan: "got a whip?" oh man. priceless.

    keep up the great work breen!!!
    we expect great things from Criminal Minds, and WE GET EXACTLY THAT!

  39. Hotch heaven! Loved it... can't get enough of that character.

  40. Thanks so much Breen, Brianna, et al who participated in the chat. It was my first one and the proverbial bar was set very high!

    What a great ep! Even though I'm an ardent Reid fan, I really, REALLY liked all the Hotchness! Makes me want to rethink my loyalties....almost! Seriously, it was great to see the incredible range of Hotch from loving dad, "take no prisoners" agent, consummate professional, and sympathetic man. Thomas Gibson pulled it off incredibly!

    Reid hair was great! Loved the wardrobe, too...especially the vest w/ the chain. How Reid! Kudos to the wardrobe department.

    The Morgan/Emily scene ('Got a whip?') was priceless! (Another Kudos to wardrobe!)

    Breen, you have really provided two solid episodes. You are full of awesomeness! Thank you and all the writers, crew, and cast!

  41. It was all right. I still not sure did she poison herself at the end?

    Anyway, Hotch(I have to admit) was very good. And as far as the music I don't remember any songs with vocals but the non-vocal stuff reminded me of a movie call Motive. The movie featured on of our cast member Shemar Moore.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. wow, after the last few episodes i was beginning to feel super disappointed but this was incredible. it was super emotional and well written

  44. That was so emotional, that I don't know what to write more about this episode. Again, it didn't feel like 44 minutes, just like a short while. It's amazing what good writing and filmmamking can make of such simple story, but that's the bost on it, isn't it? Great job, thanks for this episode Mr. Frazier and thank you and Mrs. Brown and all the other writers for the chat yesterday, I wish I'd seen the episode before, not after :D Looking forward for more!

  45. Hotch a whore? I found that hilarious, but this was a great epi, very sad I kinda wanted to give the unsub a hug, haha. Everyone was great!

  46. It is a sad sad day in my little world.


  47. This was a great episode! It had me hooked from beginning to end! Hotch is such a good guy. He was wonderful in this episode.

  48. Ah, finally, a real Hotch fix. The last few weeks weren't doing it for me. Now, I will have this goofy grin on my face for a while. I agree with everything everyone else has said. TG was awesome as always.

  49. When I saw the promo for this episode, I went: MEEP! Maybe Hotch finally has his own stalker and is in peril (he only came close with Vincent in NBK, I want Hotch in peril!). I knew whatever ended up on screen would be completely different, but for a Hotch fan I was pretty happy.

    So about this episode...

    I loved Hotch, lol. Hotch and his "offer" to the lawyer, Hotch on the phone with the Unsub (how uncomfortable for a private guy like him answering those personal questions in front of his team? Ouch) and of course staying with her in the end. I loved seeing him in the beginning of the episode watching a video of Jack (I TOLD YOU it would only be a video and not the real thing....). But can we get a scene with Jack please? I miss seeing Out-of-work Daddy Hotch. He could use a smile or two. I love how he's just such a good guy- if he weren't married to his job you know he'd be like the ideal boyfriend/husband...

    The Unsub was fantastic (as was the one last week). I really felt for her and you know Hotch did too. I was sure she was gonna shoot her dad and the ending was really sad. I loved how Morgan didn't want to leave him alone with her- he's watching Hotch's back!

    Reid with the Madam= LOL! I love awkward Reid, Morgan teasing Emily "got a whip?" And Rossi's "I'd take that offer". Speaking of Morgan- when is his next episode gonna be? I think out of all of them he's long overdue. Not enough JJ and Garcia, but that's to be expected. I do miss funny Garcia and her banter with Morgan- is there a reason for it we've yet to discover, or just a different direction in the writing?

    I agree with BlueCurl regarding the music. I couldn't understand what Hotch and the DA were saying in the beginning and I felt like I might have been missing important details.

    Anyhow, good episode and enough to satisfy this Hotch-girl for a few episodes (isn't 18 his next one? LOL).

  50. When I saw the promo for this episode, I went: MEEP! Maybe Hotch finally has his own stalker and is in peril (he only came close with Vincent in NBK, I want Hotch in peril!). I knew whatever ended up on screen would be completely different, but for a Hotch fan I was pretty happy.

    So about this episode...

    I loved Hotch, lol. Hotch and his "offer" to the lawyer, Hotch on the phone with the Unsub (how uncomfortable for a private guy like him answering those personal questions in front of his team? Ouch) and of course staying with her in the end. I loved seeing him in the beginning of the episode watching a video of Jack (I TOLD YOU it would only be a video and not the real thing....). But can we get a scene with Jack please? I miss seeing Out-of-work Daddy Hotch. He could use a smile or two. I love how he's just such a good guy- if he weren't married to his job you know he'd be like the ideal boyfriend/husband...

    The Unsub was fantastic (as was the one last week). I really felt for her and you know Hotch did too. I was sure she was gonna shoot her dad and the ending was really sad. I loved how Morgan didn't want to leave him alone with her- he's watching Hotch's back!

    Reid with the Madam= LOL! I love awkward Reid, Morgan teasing Emily "got a whip?" And Rossi's "I'd take that offer". Speaking of Morgan- when is his next episode gonna be? I think out of all of them he's long overdue. Not enough JJ and Garcia, but that's to be expected. I do miss funny Garcia and her banter with Morgan- is there a reason for it we've yet to discover, or just a different direction in the writing?

    I agree with BlueCurl regarding the music. I couldn't understand what Hotch and the DA were saying in the beginning and I felt like I might have been missing important details.

    Anyhow, good episode and enough to satisfy this Hotch-girl for a few episodes (isn't 18 his next one? LOL).

  51. Great episode! I loved it.

  52. Okay, Hotch doesn't have any normal fans either.

    Nice contrast between Hotch and the slimy, schmoozing, slippery, self-indulgent corridors of power. We've seen people try the PR road with him before. Never works, does it? He just bides his time until he can drop a ton of bricks. Wonderful scene where he makes the "offer" to the manipulative lawyer, and Rossi calmly urges her to take it.

    Gibson gave an outstanding performance -- as usual, really. His Hotchner defines bottled intensity. That kind of purity of heart in a man is incredibly hot. I just wished, like others, that we had gotten more backstory on Hotch.

    I realized the unsub's motivation pretty early on. She remained despicable to some degree, but also became pitiable once it was revealed she was the emotionally abandoned child of a self-centered creep. Yeah, give your daughter a purity ring, then ditch your wife for high-priced hookers. It made sense that the unsub would latch unrealistically on to Hotch as an example of an upstanding man that she craved in her life. It was just a cruel irony that Hotchner was as absent from his child's life as the unsub's father, albeit for different reasons.

    Interesting that they have so little understanding of female serial killers, and females' reasons for murder appear to be so different from male serial killers'. I used to know a woman who researched serial killers and was of the opinion that none of them were female, and that in cases where women killed, a man had put them up to it. I think we know now that that's not quite right, but they do seem to be rare.

    But the Camille Paglia quote? Please.

  53. The answer to the question by anonymous who asked about the quote is this: Dashiell Hammett said "You don't pay a call girl to do what she does, you pay her to leave afterwards."

    I really think that this should count as the endquote of the episode, even though it was delivered in a different format that usual.

    Great episode.

  54. Wow great episode.
    This was really something new.
    Great acting by everyone.

    Reid's hair was great.:D
    It was kinda cute how he backed up from the "house seller lady".
    HA!And of course the really personal question she asked him.LOL

    It was funny when Morgan puts the outfit on Prentiss and asked "Got a whip?"Hahahaha

    I really didn't see the ending coming.I really thought she would run away with the help of her dad.

    Great episode I really,really enjoed this one.

  55. Great ep! Showed again the depths to which someone with a bad family history might go. Hotch was great at figuring things out and trying to get to Megan before it was too late.

    Good to see Reid using his brain a little more in this ep. He's still a genius, even in the episodes that aren't about him. He would still figure things out.

  56. What a beautiful episode.
    It was touching and sad, you really feel for Megan and for Hotch.
    I like the way Hotch's family life was brought up in this episode, and I'm glad to learn that Hotch still manages to see his son, even if he doesn't see him as often as he wishes.
    The last scene was really touching, it's a good change to see the soft side of Hotch.

    I founded Reid to be fantastic also. What can I say : who doesn't love the young genius of the team? He was clearly uncomfortable discussing explicitly about sexual acts. I enjoy the fact that despite his very hard childhood, and life in general, he's still naive in some way.
    And I love the fact that his hair has gotten back to a more 'normal' style, a more natural one that suits him much better. Keep it this way please.

  57. I think I must be the only one on the planet that was not impressed with this episode. It did nothing for me. I found myself actually looking at the clock which I never do when CM is on.

    There was no mystery into the unsub. We knew who it was in the first scene.

    And what's with JJ giving the profile. She's not a profiler and she declined when Hotch suggested she take the course and become one. There's not enough profile for the five profilers to each give their input without getting JJ into the act. She needs to stick with her own job and not be doing profiles and running off to psychics. She's somewhat ticked me off since she's been back.

    Of course there was not enough Reid. I find I never enjoy the episodes as much when he only gets about two minutes.

  58. I thought it was OK. It could have been more intense, I thought the directing was too loose, maybe too slow, I don't know. The story line was good though.

  59. Did anyone else think the prostitute looked a bit like Hotch's ex-wife? Wonder if that was intentional....


  60. "Did anyone else think the prostitute looked a bit like Hotch's ex-wife? Wonder if that was intentional....


    LOL, I definitely thought "hey, if she weren't a serial killer it could work out between them. She's a blond, he likes blondes..."

  61. The best episode yet (in my all so humble opinion). But seriously I LOVED it! First episode I actually emphasized with the perpetrator. Very interesting, very different unsub. TG was absolutely the bomb in this episode. He played Hotch so believably. Thank you for this wonderful Hotch centered episode. Thank you for this great storyline. This is one episode I will watch over and over and over again.

  62. This episode was one of the worst episodes of CM. The episode last week was simply amazing with the copycat serial killer. But this one did nothing for me. i really don't understand why anyone would like this episode there was no thrill at all in this episode wich there always is in a CM episode

  63. Anonymous,

    I am sorry you didn't like this week's episode. The general rule on our blog is that if you didn't like the episode, fine, but please tell us why or what you didn't like specifically about the episode.


  64. i really like this one.i like the part with reid and the madam that was cute. hotch was great in this was great he got the story line this time.

  65. Thanks for this great storyline Breen. Good job. I really enjoyed this ep. Megan was amazing as a serial killer, Thomas Gibson amazing as Aaron Hotchner. He feels guilty, it was in his face, because of meeting Megan at the elivator and he knows nothing about her at this time. The ending was also great, never thought this way.
    Can´t wait for another great one. Please keep up the good work cast /crew.
