Monday, February 23, 2009


February 23, 2009

So I’m at work, see... like--three, four weeks ago or something. And Andrew Wilder, the writer-- (and I am so not kissing his ass--this is just true-and I may be repeating myself here but- he is CUTE. Come to think of it, all of those writers in our office are cute. The writers assistants are all gorgeous in their our right too, I’m not kidding at all about this. Seriously, there’s a lot of cute mojo swimming around the land that is CriMi) Andrew-- he starts talking about the fans and such and I start talking about the blogging and the missing of the blogging and such and then we are both talking about the fans and the was a perfect storm. And here I am.

Hello. My name is Kirsten. May I sometimes write stuff and send it semi-regularly to y’all who moderate this sweet fan site and can you please put it up when you want to?


I was gonna start blogging on my own or something but I got distracted. Does that happen to others besides me? Where you make a plan, sometimes like a BIG plan (one of mine as of late besides the “re-start CM/KV blog” has been to make this dress involving a t-shirt and ribbons and requires me to learn how to sew better.....)and then it just, sort of stops after the planning part because it all seems too daunting and you start getting all perfectionist-y....does that happen to you? Yeah, me too. But there is hope for us all, young friends, because here I am, doing something I planned on. Ribbon-y T-Shirt dress of Wonder, here I come.

So, we are in the middle of shooting a Simon Mirren script (again, GORGE. And SUCH a writer, which makes him all the handsomer, and his ACCENT. Do not even get me started on the accent. Yummy. I love my girlfriend but DAMN.) . Jeeze, I’m so teenage flirt queen today, what is up with me? ANYWAY. We are in the middle of an episode. I get to go away from my cave and be with the gang in this, which is always super delish. I have gotten a considerable number of script pages with Garcia’s name slathered upon them since our winter break. And the other six merry men and woman in the cast are as kind and strange and beautiful as ever (there must be something in the studio water....they are all so pretty and wonderful to me. Really though, it’s just the love. All the love, it makes people pretty. And I clearly have a lot of love coursing through me as I type....and caffeine, a lot of caffeine....DC time it is not:)

I have lines to learn right now. I’m doing a benefit for a wonderful organization called 826LA tonight. It’s a wonderful non-profit that supports students ages 6-18 with their writing skills in all kinds of great ways. I get to do a sketch with Laraine Newman from SNL AND Buck Henry. So. Awesome.

And here is me (note Evil Genius Grin) and my barnacle.

I will do this again. Soon. Really. Really. Really.




  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Kirsten! We are so lucky to have you blogging here! I am so excited I just don't know what to do! "DC time it is not." LMAO! And that pic of you and MGG! What will we do with you. Thank you so much for blogging with us and keeping us updated. Can't wait to see the ep you are working on now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  2. WOW AND YEAH! We've missed you and are so excited to have you blogging here! I am so glad to read that you have lots of pages for the episode. Any episode with lots of Garcia is always a great episode!

  3. Christmas is Feb is cool with me. I love your blog posts. You are so much fun and the pic of you and MGG is beyond precious. Your positive energy radiates from your words.

    Welcome Kirsten to the CMF blog. Our safe place to have fun and share the CM love.

  4. Wow Kirsten! So great to have you on this blog blogging!!! Thanks so much! Great picture! can't wait to see that episode!


  5. love the picture! :D

  6. You are back blogging, Yay! What a cute picture!

    Welcome back!


  7. You and your mismatched sock wearing barnacle are too adorable for words. You're our sunshine and we have really missed you blogging. Welcome back Kirsten!

  8. Wow, I'd missed the blogging on the cbs site since I'm a pretty new fan to the show but this is a cool thing :D thank you for doing this Kirsten!

    Can't wait to read more and to see the episode... and glad to hear that "Garcia" will leave her desk once again :D


  9. Wow! Aren't we the lucky ones to have you blogging with us! Thanks KV! You're the best! So glad you are back blogging! YAY us!!! Great pic btw!

  10. I was so excited when I read you were blogging with us. I couldn't sign in fast enough. So glad to hear we gets lots of Garcia coming up, she(you)is like a breath of fresh air given the heavy subject matter that can sometimes be Criminal Minds!! YAY!! They are letting you out of the bat cave. Thanks for doing this for us your loyal CM Fanatics!! Can't wait to read more about your projects, too! So good of you to support our local schoolkids.


  11. So glad that Garcia is leaving her bat cave and joining the action. Those are the best episodes! Break a leg tonight and I think it is wonderful that you are blogging again. What an awesome treat!

  12. Omg! This is sooo awesome. I miss Kirsten's blogging!!

    And I love that picture of you and Matthew! Heheh ;)

  13. Kirsten, we love you! And not just because of the knitting. Because the knitting is great. We talk about it all the time in Ravelry.

  14. This is such great news!We have been patiently waiting for you to start blogging again...and now you are here! Can't wait to see the episode you are talking about. Sounds really exciting, and I'm glad you are getting out of your cave again! Road trip! Thanks for posting!

  15. Hi Kirsten!

    Thanks for joining in on the fun!
    Looking forward to hearing more from you, and what a great pic!

  16. Ahhh. Line-learning. Something I always wait until the VERY LAST MINUTE to do. Not good, I know, but I can't help myself. 'Procrastinator' IS my middle name, ya know.

    It's great to have you blogging here! Lord knows you're such a joy and an inspiration to watch on TV. Much love! *sends virtual kisses your way* =]

  17. You have been sooooooo missed. I was so excited when I got the email that you had posted that I squeeled. I woke up my boyfriend. This is just plain cool. Thanks Kirsten for blogging again. Don't go away for so long again. You were truly missed.

  18. Kirsten! So great to have you blogging again and on the CMF Blog no less!

    We give you a warm welcome and hope you visit us often.

    Break a leg tonight and raise a lot of money!

  19. YAAAAAYYYY!!! Kirsten is blogging with us. This is so cool.

    I love reading your blog, it is so fun and spontaneous and I can't wait to see you out in the field with the rest of the BAU.

  20. Yaaaaayyyy! KV returns to the blogosphere! We missed you. (And hey, find yourself a Sewing Buddy. Team sewing always helps me get projects finished.)

  21. I've missed your blog soooo much & it's so awesome that you're setting up shop here! Good luck @ the benefit & I can't wait to read more!


  22. You so totally rock! Welcome back KV!

    psst...if the barnacle gets too heavy to carry, one of us would be happy to help ya out. *g*. He's the cutest barnacle in the world.

  23. Kirsten, you go girl! I am so glad you are back blogging again. Loved the pic of you and your barnacle! Let us know how your dress turns out! Can't wait to see the epi where you get to go out with the rest of the team.

  24. Hugs and Kisses from Finland!

  25. Woo hoo! Kirsten is blogging with us! This is sooooooo great! I can barely contain myself, I think I may burst with excitement! This is the best news I have had in a very long time. Thanks for making my day Kirsten! And thanks for blogging with us - you're the best!


  26. You're back! Your blog was always awesome and I've missed reading it. And DC time is never fun. : P

  27. Then you must be drinking the water too because you are beautiful and totally cool. So glad we are getting another episode with you out in the field! Thank you to Simon for giving us our dose of Garcia. You're such a great actress. I wish you had a really large part.

  28. YYYEEEEEES! Thank you!!!! thank you! you're back on blogging! we missed that! Thank you so much


  29. The dress you are making will be fantastic. I hope we can see a pic of it when you finish it. T-shirt and ribbons. It totally sounds like a Kirsten/Garcia garment.

    Thanks for blogging again. It is always so much fun to read about what you are up to!

    You & your barnacle are so sweet. Great pic.

  30. Kirsten, you're pretty much the coolest person I wish I've met! I love your character on CriMi SO MUCH, and it's so incredible to have you blogging.

    <3 Thanks so much, this brightened my night!

    NiCOLE :)

  31. YAY, awesome blog post, and yeah that happens to me all the time, especially with writing, I go to start on a chapter or something and then get distracted, usually by Criminal Minds though haha.

    look forward to seeing your next one, wish the others would post too, would be awesome to read their posts. :) you rock, I love Garcia she's one of my favourite characters.

  32. it is cold and raining and windy outside, but YOU, Kirsten, just provided lots of sunshine and warmth. we fans are so lucky to have you.

    i'm super-jealous that you are surrounded by hawt writers....... :)

  33. This is sooo great. I am so glad you are bloggin again Kirsten. It is so fun to read your behind the scenes comments and I love the picture of you and your barnacle. So sweet!

    Can't wait for your next installlment.

  34. Hi Kirsten,

    I love your blog. It's so awesome that your here. You are welcome anytime. We all love you. Can't wait for your next blog. See you next time. Take care Oh I love your pic of you and Matthew.


  35. this is so awesome! i enjoyed your old blog so much, so i'm glad to see it'll be continued here. thank you for taking some time to bring a smile to the show's fans. i have to agree 100% with your assessment of the attractiveness of the people you work with, and you're absolutely included in that group as well. you and mgg are adorable in that photo. thanks again, and i'm eagerly looking forward to reading more!


  36. Kirsten,

    Thank you so much for blogging with us! This is so very exciting! We are so lucky to have you here...can't wait to hear more from you. Thanks for all of your hard work on the show and give everyone our best!

  37. Whoa! KV on the CMF blog! The coolest of the cool! Can't wait for more! Thanks for the update from the set!

  38. KV you are the BEST! This is great! Your blog is back and the best part is we can find it easily with all the best CM news on Jill's blog. I am thrilled that you are here! Thank you for sharing with us!

  39. Hallelujah! Kirsten is blogging again, and with the CMF Blog!!!

    Kirsten, thank you so very much for choosing the CMF Blog to continue with your blog. You are the VERY BEST!!!

  40. This is awesome!!

    Can't wait to read what Kirsten says next. :)

  41. What a handsome barnacle you have! I'm swimming in a sea of jealousy!
    How cool to read your blog. Really looking forward to more. Good luck w/ the lines...(yours are always the best)...and with Laraine and awesome is that? Totally love, love, love the old (and new) SNL! What a treat to work with them. Much love from the other side of country.....

  42. Thanks for the blog!
    I've been missing being able to sit at my desk and grin madly at my screen - your blogs bring joy!


  43. great news! can't believe you're blogging again! this is so exciting!!! hope to hear from you again soon......

  44. are a trip girl! Love ya and Garcia. Keep in touch!

  45. Glad you are blogging again Kirsten. Good luck benifit tonight!


  46. is this for real??!?! Wow so lucky to have you blogging here!! Thanks you!!!!!

    oh what a cute pic!


  47. Hey what a great addition to the blog! Missed your blog at CBS ,
    thank you Kirsten for doing this!

    Wishing you luck for tonight sketch.


  48. This is the best news! Kirsten, thanks so much for blogging on the blog, lol. I can wait to see the episode you wrote about and agree, the cast and writers, especially you, are all gorgeous!

  49. I love to read what you write in your blog Kirsten. You are so funny. Thanks for this. It was so unexpected and therefore all the sweeter for it.

  50. welcome back Kirsten!


  51. You are a breath of fresh air, Kirsten. I loved this installment and can’t wait for the next one!

  52. Love the pix of you and MGG, loved hearing about you getting to get out of your batcave, loved hearing about the dress you are making. Can’t wait to read more.

  53. Kirsten, you ROCK! Your blog is great to read, and I hope you never go to DC time, lol! You are much better fully caffeinated! Can’t wait to read your next installment.

  54. i really miss her blogs. i am so glad she put over on this page.

  55. Hey Kirsten YOU ROCK! This Blog Rock, so glad you are doing this!


  56. Wow! Oh my gosh, Kirsten! I have missed your blog so much and now you're going to do it on CMF...somebody pinch me!!

    Thank you for blogging again...and thank you for coming to blog with US! Someone's going to have to peel me off the ceiling!


  57. Freaking awesome!


  58. Great to see you back after a long blog hiatus! I'm glad to find you here.

  59. What a treat! Kirsten, thank you for coming to blog with us. You are totally your barnacle would say. ;)

  60. good for you to work with great people! Glad you and AW got to talk because here you are!!!!
    Can't wait to read you next post!


  61. Hey Kirsten:

    It's great to read your blogs! Sounds like this episode will be a great one. Can't wait to see it and/or hear more about your time on it. Any episode where you get to leave the Bat Cave is a great episode!

    Keep on blogging! We'll keep reading! :)

  62. Kirsten!!!!

    Is it true? Is it really true? I'm so happy, I feel like it's Christmas, my birthday, Valentine's Day and 4th of July all rolled into one!

    I can't wait for your next installment!

    Thank you for making my day!

  63. Wow, this is great news!

    I loved your blog before and am so excited that you're going to do it again.

    Thank you!

  64. Hi Kirsten! Good luck with the dress and benefit.

  65. This is the best news I've heard in a long time. So freakin' awesome.

    Kirsten, you rock.

  66. So glad you are blogging again and have lots of Garcia pages. Both things are great for all of us. Have fun at the benefit tonight. Blog more soon.


    - Marina

  68. Kirsten, your lovely personality always shines through your words and I love reading your blogs. I'm glad you're doing them again.

  69. I am so happy your blog is back! We have missed you so much! Welcome, thank you, and can't wait for more!

  70. WOW!! Kristen! You're back blogging again!! I missed reading your updates!!

    and YAY! Garcia is leaving the bat cave to be with the team :D Can't wait to see the team together for the whole episode!

  71. Kirsten, I'm so happy that you're back! It's been such a long time. I loved reading your blog - it always made me smile.

    You are the best.

  72. Holy rockin' surprise, Batman!

    To say we're completely psyched about you blogging on the CMF blog would be an understatement.


    rock on

  73. No way! I didn't think you were going to be blogging anymore...
    This is great!


  74. Hey! It's great seeing you blog again. I love reading your point of view about what goes on behind the scenes and glimpses into your personal life. Keep on keepin' on!

  75. Ok, you just made my bad day amazing!(being a freshman in high school sucks!) and I'm so glad your back!
    And that picture was beyond cute.

  76. This is so cool. Kirsten YOU are so cool.

    I am looking forward to reading your next post.

  77. This is the coolest thing ever! What a great post to get us so excited. I hope you will post pics of the dress that I KNOW you will finish soon! Thanks for posting!:)

  78. Thanks for the great surprise Kirsten! You are always a treat.

  79. What a great way to start the day. Waking up to your post. We love you here. You are our fav!

  80. This is like having a surprise hot fudge sundae waiting for you when you get home – yummy and decadent. THANK YOU KIRSTEN!

  81. YAYAYAYAY! Kirsten is blogging again and on the CMF Blog. This is so very cool.

  82. Good luck with your fundraiser tonight, Kirsten. What a great cause and wow. A skit with Larraine Newman and Buck Henry. You are so gonna rock!

  83. Thank you Kirsten for blogging with us. Love the pix of you and MGG and love everything you had to say. Can’t wait to read more!

  84. Be sure to let us know how the dress turns out Kirsten! I loved everything you told us, especially how you want to gush over Simon Mirren. That Is just too funny! Thanks again, and write again soon.

  85. We shall absolutely hold you to the soon part. You're such a delight. The whole cast must just be so thankful to work with someone so fun and unique. We appreciate your upbeat attitude. Thank you for blogging for us.

  86. Kirsten, you are so cute – asking permission to post your blog, like someone at the CMF blog would say “NO”! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  87. Yes, I agree, you and the rest of the CM cast and writers are especially beautiful cos they are beautiful inside. Good luck with your skit tonight. That is such a great cause. Love the barnacle. He looks like he was really pesky to get rid of, lol!

  88. Kirsten, thank you for choosing the CMF blog to post your messages to the fans of the show. You are absolutely the best and I am looking forward to reading your next message to us.

  89. I love Simon's episode already. Sight unseen. Bravo that he is getting you out of the cave and into the light. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Let us know how the dress turns out and kiss the barnacle for us!

  90. I know exactly what you mean about getting distracted - but I'm so glad your distraction led you here.

    Write again soon.

  91. Permission! What a wonderful sense of humor you have. You are the highlight of the blog. We love getting news on what projects you are working on. I wish you would do a movie. You would be awesome.

    More Garcia. That is just great news. Simply great.

    Thanks! xoxoxo

  92. We love our writers. Nice to know they are both talents and hotties. lol.

    Keep blogging Kirsten and GO GARCIA!

  93. KV -

    I'm happy to see you blogging again! Can't wait for more!

  94. we missed your blog so much!
    whoo hoo!


  95. I agree with everyone, it's great to see you here. Keep blogging!

  96. You're a peach, Kirsten! We love you!!!!

  97. Wow, Kirsten, what an honor it is to have you blog with us.

    Thank you for coming to CMF.

  98. I bet it would be impossible for anyone to be depressed around you. You just have to keep blogging. Your blogs are so much fun. And the picture of you and the Gube is great.

    AW is a favorite of ours. I am so glad you both were on the same page about connecting with the fans. We love all the writers. One of the newbies really blew us away being ten shades of awesome a few weeks ago. And gorge too! Treats!

    I love your wardrobe style. I bet the dress turns out super.

  99. First the TG chat and now Kirsten blogging on CMF...we are such lucky fans!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  100. This made my day :D. Always great hearing from you!

  101. Great picture!!

    Totally awesome having you blog again :-)


  102. KV is BACK! Yes! Thanks for blogging with us, we are so thrilled to have you here! Can't wait for the next installment. What an awesome, awesome pic of you and your barnacle!

  103. What an awesome surprise to come home and read this. It's beyond words cool that the writers and actors appreciate us. Thank you for helping to make us feel like one big fun, but occasionally creepy family.

  104. great to have you back and blogging again. welcome!

  105. Kirsten-

    How soon is "really, really really"?

  106. Kirsten, thank you so much! And way to go Simon for getting Garcia out of her computechland and out in the field with the rest of the team. And YAY for lots of dialog pages for Garcia! WOO HOO. Can’t wait for this episode!

  107. Ribbony T-Shirt Dress of Wonder sounds way cool. I hope it turns out even better than you think it will! Thanks for posting Kirsten. You rock, and I can’t wait for more!

  108. Love the Evil Genius Grin and the Barnacle! You are the funniest, KV! Thanks for starting up your blog again and posting it here.

  109. CUTE CUTE CUTE. How can you say anything else about Kirsten Vangsness! Except for beautiful, witty, funny, dedicated, kind . . . . . . Thank you Kirsten for posting your blog. It was great.

  110. Thank you Kirsten. I missed reading your blog so this was a real treat. Good luck tonight at the charity event. Write again soon.

  111. KV is the best, the funniest, the prettiest, just the –est! Thanks for starting your blog again. I love reading it.

  112. KV POSTED ON THE BLOG!! Woo Hoo, that is the coolest thing. Thanks Kirsten, good luck with the dress and the charity skit tonight.

  113. Kirsten is a ray of sunshine and we are so lucky to have her on the show, let along posting on the CMF Blog!!! Way to go Kirsten, please post again really soon!

  114. Caffeine is a necessity in life. No DC allowed, Kirsten! Thanks for blogging with us and please show us a picture of you in your dress when you get it finished!

  115. Witty, gorgeous, and crafty, all in one! Thank you for starting up your blog again and for choosing our favorite CMF site to post it, Kirsten. Looking forward to more.

  116. Way to go Kirsten! What a treat it was to go to the blog and find your fabulous post! Like someone else said, it is Christmas in February! Thanks so much!

  117. This is so cool!

    Kirsten, you rock!

  118. Just found your blog Kirsten!! Will so be checking back. Thank you for blogging and love the picture of you and MGG. Hope to see more of you on here and on CM. I miss my Garcia scenes!! You ROCK!

  119. This is awesome! Thank you for doing this Kirsten!

  120. Seriously!! That is just the cutest picture ever! Smiles and socks. Winning combo.

    Great to have you back playing with us in the blogosphere. Sorely missed ya!

    Cheers that Garcia is being liberated from Quantico. We all love it when Garcia travels with the gang.

  121. No DC!

    Welcome back Kirsten. :)

  122. You've been sorely missed. I think your last blog was at the beginning of the WGA strike. It's really great that you are blogging here. Now I'll never miss one of your posts.

  123. It's great to see you blogging here. Thanks so much. Can't wait to see more!

  124. This totally made my day. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us Kirsten.
    And that barnacle... :) Sunshine and smiles to you both!

  125. How so cute! Thank you very much, Kirsten!

  126. Wooooooow, can´t believe it. Welcome back Kirsten. Thanks so much for blogging with us.
    Great picture.

  127. Kristen, you are at least five flavours of awesome sauce. Thanks so much for writing! I live far away in New Zealand, so blogs like this one let me feel like a part of the CM fandom, woohoo :-) I'm totally loving season four - great to know you have some good bits coming up! xx

  128. woooooho! what a great starting in the day here in snow white good old germany....that doesn't mean i don't love jills posts, but hey this is different hehe
    love the pic with mgg, seems like you all have fun! it is so great having fun at work while doing a fantastic work (that you all do...this is SURE)
    thanks for stepping by and blogging here and
    THANKS to jill!!!!!!!(cause all my infos i have are because of her sites and the wonderfull fans here/there )

  129. Awww, that SO awesome of you to drop by and blog for us! And I LOVE the pic :-) Just sent it to my sister!

    I'm just sad that the episode you are talking about will be aired over here (in Germany) like in...2 years?!?

  130. Wow. Really pleased to see this Kirsten. I've been missing the old ones from the CBS site, so this should be fun! Just love the little snippets of what you and the rest of the cast are up to.

  131. OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Kirsten!! Thank you so so much for doing this and I have to say I love your blogging already *snickers* Can't wait to read your next reports...

  132. Yay! You've returned.

    I missed your blog. It was the only reason I visited the CBS website on a regular basis.

    You can conquer the ribbony T-shirt dress.

    I know you can.

    Lemme know if y'all need a massage therapist on the set. I get to take my boards in June, and I'm freakin' excited about getting licensed.

  133. I can honestly say I'm more than happy to be part of this awesome CM fandom, not only because of everything the fans do but also the actors and writers - wow!
    Kirsten, thanks bunches for starting to blog again, esp. in this wonderful weird and funny way lol (oh, oops, netspeak-alert *coughs*) There's so much Garcia in you! Or so much Kirsten in Garcia, er, well, whatever: thanks from Germany and I will shut up now, looking forward to your next visit ;)

  134. YAY! I have been trying to convince someone new to the show that you had blogged before on CBS, but they didn't believe me. I even went searching for a cached version of the blog, but nada. :-(

    Can't wait to hear more from you. (I agree about Simon. *sigh* )Great pic of you and the barnacle, BTW.

  135. When I saw the blog this morning, I thought I was dreaming! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to blog. I don’t know how you do it all – but I’m so glad that you do.

    Now, on to the ribbony t-shirt dress of wonder!

  136. Yesssssssssss!

    Jumping around my room
    knocking things over
    scaring my cat
    freaking my mom out…yeah, this is totally cool!

  137. OMG! What a cute pic. You guys are totally adorkable! Can’t wait for more.

  138. Great to see Garcia will be appearing more, she always brings a smile to my face.
    Kirsten you are brilliant and funny lady, always a pleasure to read what you have to say.

    Question: Where can I get me a barnacle just like that? ;)

    Cheers, looking forward to reading more.

  139. No way. No frickin’ way.
    Are you really gonna do this??
    So cool!

  140. Do you know how happy you’ve made CM fans everywhere???? You are the best, girlfriend, keep the blogs coming!

  141. I am clueless on how to write on a blog, I apologies for any mistake.I just want to stop here and THANK YOU for the wonderful posts, news, updates, pictures and now Kirsten Vangsness writing too :)
    It is all amazing!
    Laura from Italy

  142. So happy to hear you’re blogging again. Your joyful point of view can brighten even the darkest day.

  143. Lady, you are a Goddess!

    Thank you so much for coming over to blog here at CMF, and thank you to our wonderful host Jill for making all this possible.

    Have some double chocolate cookies with your coffee. You are made of awesome. And good luck with your ‘dress project’, I’m sure the outcome will be gorgeous.

  144. Wooohooo!!!
    Can't wait to read more of you Kirsten.
    And now you made me curious about this episode.;)
    YAY!More Garcia,finally.I love you all but Garcia was really a bit less in there.And I hope to hear some good nicknames of you and Shemar.;)
    PS:The pic looks really cute.But I'm jeaouls.;)
    Thanks so much for blogging.


  145. What a marvelous surprise! This is a real gift to fans, Kirsten, thank you.

  146. Hip-hip-hooray! Three cheers for Kirsten!

    Please post again soon – we’ve been missing you.

  147. Two great ‘news flashes’ in one little blog – you’re back AND there’s going to be some great Garcia screen time. Thanks for making my day!

  148. How wonderful is this woman?
    How wonderful is everyone in this show?
    How wonderful is it to have this place where fans and idols can get together?
    Really wonderful, I'd say.

    Thank you, Kirsten!


  149. YAY! hahaha! MGG can be my barnacle any day! :)

  150. thanks to bllog at work, bcause you are busy!
    i love Garcia's Character!

  151. Seriously this made the week! LOVE that Kirsten is back and blogging and all that fun. And seriously, could the first one back be any better?

  152. I'm so glad your blogging for us on this site! thanks so much. You are so awesome!!

  153. 26 episodes this season and Kirsten back blogging. Wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you Kirsten. Keep blogging. You're so much fun.

  154. Thanks so much for taking the time to blog for us Kirsten. Loved it and the barnacle photo...very fun. Can't wait for the new episodes.

  155. "I will do this again. Soon. Really. Really. Really."

    Holding you to it because you blogging is pure gold. Missed ya lady!

  156. Hi Kirsten,

    great to have you on the blog - it's pure fun to read your entry.

    BTW, I always start projects and don't finish them... hate that about myself, but can't help it.

    Hugs and kisses from good ol' Germany!
    CU sindee

  157. I just want to say that i love
    to read your Blogs Kirsten!
    You just crack me up! You are
    so funny. You are such a sweet
    person too, and so lucky to work
    with such a great group of people
    every day. It's really nice to
    have a wonderfull family to come
    to every day. They may be your
    co-workers, but they are still
    your family. I love the picture
    of you and Matthew that you
    put with your blog and the
    caption of him being your
    barnacle! How funny.
    Thanks for Blogging for us, and
    i am looking forward to your
    next one!

  158. Thank you Kirsten for taking the time to impart some delightful rays of sunshine from your bubbling,joyful self!!!!! I love, love,love your blogs!!!
    Have a nice shoot and watch out for that tenacious barnacle!

  159. What a happy coincidence. I was just (as in yesterday) poking around the interwebs to see if Kirsten had ever revitalized her defunct CBS blog, or something like it, and here you are write on CM Fanatics.

    It's so many shades of awesome, I don't know what to say.


  160. Kirsten,
    Thank you so much for writing here, esp. when we know you are very busy. Thanks for the picture of you and Matthew.

    Good luck on the dress!

  161. This is wonderful! Thank you very very much for your blog I really missed it! And the pic! LOL
    Thank you thank you thank you! Welcome back!

  162. Mardi Gras & Kirsten blogging. What a freakin wonderful week!

  163. Kirsten! Awesome photo - the cast of CriMi seems to have a great time, and I love your blogging. I missed out the first time, so I'm happy I'll have a chance to read them this time - you rock!
    Any chance that you might join in on the live chat sometime? *nudgewink*

  164. So good to see you blogging here! The internet wasn't the same without your blog. I'm happy that our favorite tech kitten will be leaving her office again.

    You're one lucky lady, I would die for a barnacle like yours neither I would like to your barnacle, but I guess that makes me look as a stalker....


  165. This is so awesome. You are totally the reason I watch the show. I hope they bring in more of mister Nicholas Brendon, as you two have great chemistry on screen.

    Love the behind the scenes take on the show as well.

  166. It is so great to have a show to look forward to watching...religiously. Ahem, where did said barnacle's arm disappear off to in this photo? Mmmhmm. You are both beautiful, wonderful actors! Please keep blogging! Thanks!

  167. hi Kirsten! it's awesome to have you blogging here! And yes, I totally know what you mean. Blah perfectionism! totally brain dead right now. Zzz. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this new, Garcia-tastic episode! I'm also jealous that you get to spend your days surrounded by such lovely, wonderful people (with accents? no fair!)

    Including your barnacle there. Tell him hello for us ;D

  168. Hi Kirsten, it's so great to see you blogging again! Your dress will be absolutely fabulous, good luck with it! And congratulations on your engagement!

    Thankyou so much for your continued, brilliant portrayal of Garcia, she (and you!) is a fantastic character, a great role model, and an all-round delight to watch :)

  169. wooohooo!!!
    seriously this is awesome XD I'm loving the picture..haha
    I'm so glad ur blogging here..i couldn't find ur blog after a while :(
    btw i just have to tell you how much we love's like the BEST <3

  170. Thank you so much for blogging over here! I got very excited when I heard about your blog post! =) Can't wait to watch S4 (I'm in the UK, and we're suckishly slow over here) to get another 'Garcia-fix' (Well, and a Thomas Gibson fix, but shh! =)) Thank you again for bloggin with us, you rock!!!

  171. Hello Kirsten,
    My name is Ghislaine and I come from Paris (France) where the show is a true hit on Wednesdays.
    I just read that you and your girlfriend were engaged, what is very cool so, CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!!! :-D
    (That's always a good thing to see people involved and assuming their sexual identity, still more when they are famous, what is must be quite rare in Hollywood!)
    Tout plein de bohneur à vous deux!!! :-D


  172. Great to see you blogging again, Kristen! Congrats to you and Melanie. You're an inspiration to so many GLBT couples. *hugs*

  173. Hi, Kirsten,
    Thanks for blogging with us -- it's always a special treat when you do! And congratulations on your engagement!


  174. Do you have time to read all these blogs? I have a hard time reading all my emails and I don't have a life.

    It's good to read you blog though.

  175. Kirsten,
    Congrats to the engagement. I'm so happy for you guys! Please keep blogging away here. You have a huge and faithful audience. We love you very much. You are a darling.
    Vali :)

  176. Kirsten

    I wish I was you in that pic

    Glomp Matthew for me


    Pretty Please

  177. vous etre simplement magnifique Kirsten,
    Merci pour tous les moment de bonheur, et de fraicheur que vous nous offrez toujours a traver votre sourire et votre belle humeur
    le Rayon de Soleil de Criminal Minds!!


  178. Kirsten, I super love your character! Obviously, your blog entry means a whole lot to people who are fans of the show. More power to you!

  179. Kirsten you are so funny!! You are the bright light on Criminal Minds. I always look forward to your witty comebacks. Thanks for the awesome blog. Love the pic of you and Matthew. Congrats to you and Melanie on your engagement!
    \m/(*_*)\m/ You rock!

  180. Kristen, Where do I begin. I am addicted to the show, and to you, sweet Queen of the cyber world. You bring that needed dose of comic relief to the otherwise serious subject matter of the show. What I would not give to have someone like you to work with, answering my calls as you with Derek. Are you accepting marriage proposals?? LOL If not , dinner is on me if you ever get to Buffalo NY. And a ride on the Harley, if you like.

  181. Bonjour Kristen,
    I became a true fan of CM last summer when one of our boadcast hs aired during 2 months (-> I still don't know if I prefer watching the show in fench - I live in France - or in english so much our dubbing version is good but for the season 4, I have no choice...anyway, though the darkness and even sadness of some stories, I like more an more this show! :-D
    And even if I'm a true fan of Emily Prentiss character aka Paget Brewster (I love ths actress!!!), your performing of Penelope Garcia is a true sunshine, funny, smart and all so, THANKS !!! :-D
    Ghislaine (from France)


  183. *Sarah Elizabeth*Wednesday, April 08, 2009

    Yea!! Thanks so much Kirsten for doing this! I love the pic of u and MGG!!! Him and those miss matched socks crack me up! Give Shemar my love! :)

  184. Kirsten,

    Thank you so much for your latest blog post. Great to hear from you again. Glad you are enjoying your pens. You were such a doll the day we were on set. It was truly a pleasure to meet you. Enjoy your time off and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


  185. Oh soo cool to find this!! Thanks Kristen (and to everyone else) for a great show!!

  186. Kirsten and Garcia rocks!!!
    MGG and Reid = awesome!!!

    hope to see more of garcia on CM! =)

  187. As someone who's only just discovered Criminal Minds - seriously that was one awesome sick day a couple of months ago - and just discovered this blog this afternoon (yes I'm at work and yes I should be doing work but anyhoo) This is just so awesome, a letter from TG, chat with the exec producer and then a blog post & photo from KV. Could this cast/crew get anymore awesome!?!

  188. roseanne enriquezWednesday, May 20, 2009

    hi penelope garcia you are an awsome actress your one of the best i love the series of criminal minds ill be the first to buy it and bdw nice choose (derek morgsan) 100% damm

  189. Love the show!
    (And I'd be more than happy to take that barnacle off your hands for you ;) )

  190. Hi, Kirsten =).
    If you want to write to any of you on the team, where can you do that? I would be glad to know. I love your blog and I keep reading it. I guess you have great fun on the set and I really wish I could see it. Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Sweden so I'll keep learning. I hope you will get us updated and let us know what's happening. I would be really glad if you could answer this in any way =).
    Keep up the really good work, you're amazing!


  191. well. you are the greatest, i love your blogs! and Matthew are so freakin adorable!
