Friday, November 21, 2008


Criminal Minds question of the day: You have an extra seat available at your Thanksgiving table. Which character from Criminal Minds would you invite to join your celebration? And why?


  1. I would invite Morgan. Since he is a bachelor he would probably appreciate a home cooked meal the most plus I would love to stare across the table from him!

  2. Reid, of course, not just because he's cute and we'd enjoy his company but because he needs fattening up (just a bit!) He'd get turkey and all the fixin's, complete with homemade butterhorn rolls that the guys love to gobble up and lots of pumpkin pie and fresh whipped cream (I know he has a thing for pumpkins!)

    Then we'd pack up some leftovers for him to take home - turkey sandwiches on those yummy butterhorns?

    Dinner's at 5, pass the word that he's more than welcome, OK?

    We can only wish....

  3. Garcia probably is a vegetarian like Kirsten so I would make her a special veggie dish. I think she would be loads of fun to have dinner with. She is such a fun character. I bet she would dress all thanksgivingly great. Maybe I could make a tofu turkey.

  4. Reid. He would make great company and tell all the facts about Thanksgiving!

    Then again, it would be a little late, as here in Canada, our Thanksgiving was last month!

  5. Dr. Reid, of course! For one thing, he he could use a little fattening up. And I could listen to his little jokes and factoids forever!

  6. JJ. Seeing as how she doesn't seem to have any family that we know of except for an aunt that she doesn't speak to, I would hate to see her spend it alone. Yeah, I know Will and the baby. Still, I think JJ would be a wonderful guest to have during Thanksgiving.

  7. Without a doubt, Matthew (Reid)!! Besides being absolutely adorable, I love his quirky and eccentric style/behavior. Would love to sit and hear about his life growing up.

  8. hotch for sure! being divorced and all he probably doesnt have anyone to spend it with. garcia would be a lot of fun to have over too. there would never be a dull moment with her at the table!


  10. Garcia! I think my whole family would love her. We always have a lot of fun at thanksgiving, so I think she would fit right in and join the fun.

  11. Prentiss, because then she can get out of some stuffy political thing her mother would probably arrange, along with a blind date. She could relax and enjoy a meal and gab with everyone.

  12. Hotch, of course. He needs someone who take care of him.

  13. Mmmmmmmm let le think...WHO would I invite?
    So difficult to chose...

    MUHAHAHA! I'm JOKING, of course.
    Reid, who else? And I will do my best to convince him that coffee is not the only edible food on Earth.
    Why would I invite him?
    er...If I try to explain it
    the whole page won't be enough. Because is him.

  14. Rossi because I think he would be interesting to talk to and because he doesn't have a family to have a meal with.

  15. I'd invite Emily so she wouldn't have to go eat with her cold mom. I would guess their dinner table would not be the most relaxing in the world. Plus she has a great sense of humor so she would be fun to share bird with.

  16. JJ with the baby and Will. You can always make room at a table for a baby and Will could sit on a folding chair. New mothers need to be pampered and it would be Henry's first Thanksgiving.


    After cooking for hours I would want something yummy to look at!

  18. Spence so I could find out what color socks he is wearing. *g*

  19. lol on the socks!

    Of course I am picking Hotch. He needs someone to take care of him.

    But Reid also needs to gain some weight.

    Hard choice but I am sticking with Hotch.

  20. I've totally figured this out. Since you said there is only one chair available I can put Morgan in that chair, send my kids to their grandparents house which gives me room for Garcia and Hotch. My husband can go hunting, which he would love to do, and that gives Reid a spot. I can sit on the floor which frees up a chair for David and JJ and her family can sit in the adjoining den and we can still talk and see them. Perfection!

  21. Reid, Prentiss and Garcia. All of them, I'd make room really.

  22. Emily. I'd invite her over for a relaxed dinner :)

  23. Ideally I'd invite them all, but I think Hotch would be my first pick. He's such a gentleman, he'd probably bring wine and also be gracious if the food sucked, since I've never done Thanksgiving before!
    I'd also love to have Garcia there, because I think we'd really hit it off.

  24. Does anyone have a recipe for turkey lo mein? I want to invite Reid and teach him how to use chopsticks.

  25. Definately Emily because she has been wound alittle bit tight lately and being with her ice queen mom might throw her over the edge.

  26. Reid of course because he'd be the most interesting one to talk to. And I could make sure he really eats something and won't concentrate on something else instead!

  27. Hotch, since Thanksgiving is a time for the family and he doesn't have his anymore.

    sheepy :)

  28. Originally I was about to pick Reid because he’s not only my favorite character but he also looks like he desperately needs something to eat. But having read all the other’s comments I came to the conviction that every one of our team members needs to be cared for. So why don’t they spend Thanksgiving together at the BAU and take care of each other? The conference room would provide a great dinner table and if there’s a case they won’t have a long drive.

    Rossi could go hunting before and shoot them a nice wild turkey and I think he would also know how to prepare a decent meal of it. Garcia and Kevin could make all the other non-meat-based dinner components, Emily surely knows how to decorate a festive dinner table, Hotch chooses the wine, Reid buys the sweets / ice cream and makes the coffee, Morgan - having grown up in a female household - probably is used to being commanded around and to help out wherever his muscles are needed, and JJ with the baby just needs some pampering. Will can clean the dishes after the meal.

    And if they have a spare seat I’d be more than willing to be their guest :D

  29. We don't celebrate thanksgiving here but IF I would celebrate it I would invite Emily.
    Don't get me wrong I'm a totally Reid fan but Emily seems so funny that would be a really nice evening,I guess.
    And I would probably say to Reid "Celebrate this day with your mom."

  30. Hummm...I would invite Reid, of course. My family loves to play games after the meal, watch movies, and chat and take long walks (no football for us!) - I think he would enjoy all those activities.

    AND, being a Georgia girl, I make the best darn pecan pie you've ever put in your mouth (it has just the right amount of sweetness, not like most that are over the top)and my sweet potato casserole is also yummy (again, with a pecan topping - not marshmellows)-- since Reid loves sweets, this would also make him happy.

  31. If i would celebrate Thanksgiving ( we don´t do this in germany)i would invite Rossi and Garcia, Rossi can shoot the food and i think it would be funny to cook with Garcia. After dinner a glas of red wine and interesting conversation. It is a family day and they have no one. Sorry Kevin.

    Morgan,Emily and Reid can visit her mothers. JJ has Will and the baby. Hotch would like to visit his son.

    Or maybe i invite Debbie too, her potato casserole sounds yummmmmmmmmy. LOL

  32. i don't know how you celebrate thanks giving, because i am from germany.

    but i would invite
    drum roll please
    of course reid! first of all i need someone to talk about my sociology and psychologie stuff from university and i just think he needs some food lol

    and perhaps also garcia, just because her lastname and her are so identic to me

    and i would like rossi to talk about how to interogate people, because he is so good in it and i really need it for work.

    then perhaps morgan because he could bring me to do some sports after the tons of food

    and jj and will because i sooooooo love babies

    and prentiss because she is simply smart

    and hotch because he need a free day

    and the new one wich name i always forget just to make the team complete!


  33. I like Shadow's of the team celebrating together. Including Will and Kevin is perfect.

  34. Hotch! Because Thomas Gibson on my table would be gige me the best day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Reid, would love to hear all his stories and facts about thanksgiving, while he shares our Thanksgiving meal. Would be a blast to play games with (if he was my partner lol).

  36. Morgan would need to go home to his mom and sisters. At least he has a loving family. Reid would go to see his mom and she needs him. That leaves Hotch and Rossi. JJ would want to celebrate with her new family and Prentiss would probably feel the need to go home to her mom and Garcia and Kevin would probably want to spend their 1st thanksgiving together. So I pick Hotch because I think the holidays are probably hard for him since he lost Jack and Hailey and I don't picture Rossi as caring about holidays.

  37. Well here in Costa Rica we do not celebrate Thanksgiving but If one of the team was coming to our home I would learn how to do the famous stuffing for the turkey!
    I am sure I would invite Hotch because he is by himself and probably would feel lonely but mostly because Thomas Gibson is just soooo handsome...probably my husband would have a bit of a problem with that,,,,

  38. Reid. I need some eye candy. And I will laugh at his jokes, because I'm nice that way.

  39. They all have some sort of family except David Rossi. He can come to my house.

  40. Can we make finger stew for thanksgiving as a joke???

    Inviting Morgan!

  41. Emily so I can get a few drinks into her and find out her backstory.

  42. Reid, because then he could compete with the other people at the table who know everything. :)

  43. Oh, it would be Rossi or Morgan. Both are easy on the eyes, and would be fun to just chat with.

  44. Rossi really is the only one alone. I agree with those who have said that. I pick him.

  45. I would invite Hotch to my
    Thanksgiving dinner, because
    he has had one tough year, with
    going through his divorce, and
    Haley taking Jack,and the whole
    explosion with losing his friend
    Kate,he just needs to be around
    someone who could really cheer
    him up and make him feel like
    smiling and laughing more than
    he has.

  46. I would certainly invite Garcia because I really think that might be the most fun. Plus, she's my favorite character anyways. :)

  47. OT, and I'm probably the 100th person to say this, but Jane Lynch rocks in "Role Models," an R-rated, raunchy, and hilarious movie. She plays a former drug addict turned leader of a non-profit organization to help kids. Her performance is one of the funniest I've seen on either the big or small screen in a long time. If you can just imagine Reid's mom with a tattoo and a potty mouth, you just might enjoy this hysterical (but, again, very raunchy) movie.

    And, yes, I would have Reid's mom to dinner. She seems like a very interesting person who does pretty well in treatment, as many mentally ill people do.

  48. I would like to say Rossi because of all his years as a profiler, it would be fun to pick his brain. I would like to but in the end my choice would be far more selfish. I would pick Reid, because what would go better with good food then a hot guy to share it with, and his brain would be fun to pick too.

  49. Derek Morgan please.

  50. On an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond the mom Marie made a tofu turkey. So the person that commented about making that for Garcia really could do it. I would be ready to try it.

  51. Doctor Spencer Reid as I would find him such engaging company. He would be entertaining and cute at the same time. I think he needs a square meal too!!

  52. Reid, I love his jokes.

  53. Morgan...he so handsome...simple as that

  54. Reid, of course. After dinner, I would love to play Scrabble with him and challenge him if he insists that ywqfsdf is in the dictionary.
    We're suppose to use the English dictionary, Reid, not the one in Klingon!!!

  55. Well, my family is already full of nerds, so i'd probably invite reid (granted he didn't want to go see his momma). <3 We always have more than enough food, and that boy needs some meat on his bones :P

    After, we could go for a walk, with some hot coacoa, or perhaps go to the local coffee place for coffee and or wine, or jazz. -andmakeout- :D

  56. I would invite Spencer Reid, of course. I will have all of the kids home and he is the same age as they are. We would have a great home cooked meal and then play card games, probably some Wii and tell really bad stories about our work and school and laugh until our sides hurt. I think that Spencer needs to spend some time with some good looking women (my daughters, not me) who would make him feel at home, relax and have a good laugh and a good meal

  57. Rossi has nobody and is all alone plus he would be cool to talk to.

  58. Hotch, because he is HOT!!! We can dream, can't we?

  59. Ok I haven't been watching Criminal Minds for that long but I have definatly learned that GARCIA would be a grat house guest she is very smart and works fast.
    on every episode that I have seen she has had her own fitting hairstyle to, it would be cool to see what she would wear for thanksgiving day.

  60. Rossi....and not because of his intellect, experience or conversational skills!

  61. Dr. Spencer Reid for sure. He is my favorite character on the show. But I really would like to meet Matthew Gray Gubler.

  62. OMG Reid would be one he is so sexy to me, the other one is Penelope she is so smart with the computers.
