Friday, November 28, 2008


Criminal Minds: Any thoughts about the cast of Criminal Minds? PG and under please! I think this is the best cast of Criminal Minds that we have ever had. They seem to click really well. What do you think?


  1. i can't think of a better cast

  2. I was so depressed when Mandy left and I still miss him but the cast really flow this season. I think Joe and Paget have been great additions.

  3. I think they are just perfect how they interact and the chemistry is magic poor.

  4. I can picture this cast hanging out together watching football today. They really seem to get along really well. On screen they are pure magic tops with awesome.

  5. I have never seen a cast like this before. They all seem to get along so well it's almost scary. I'm sure they have had their arguements but they all work so well together on and off screen. They all have the confidence to play around with each other like with AJ at the Paley Center seminar but yet not go to far as to cause conflict. This alone has made me love Criminal Minds and love the people who put it all together. :)

  6. I think they are just great together.... I can't think of a better cast or a better group of people.

  7. This cast seems to really love and respect one another. Seeing how well they all seem to get along makes me love this show even more.

  8. There's no way of really knowing just how well they get along outside of work but they are a perfect fit on the show. I don't think the fandom has reacted very well to previous cast changes but they all seem to have worked out to help make CM an even better show than before the change.

  9. I have seen all the actors except for Kirsten in other projects and they are all incredibly talented actors.

  10. Judy, I was sad too when Mandy left, but Joe has been a great addition to the cast. I like the way his character didn't immediately fit in wih the team, that he had a learning curve and has learned to respect the team.

    I wasn't so sad when Lola left and really like Paget. She and Emily have really become one of my favorites.

    They all seem to genuinely like one another and I think that really shows through when they are on screen together.

    We are the luckiest fandom!

  11. I think this cast is the best. The addition of Paget and Joe made the show even better than it was before and it was darn good already!

  12. Mandy was great but Joe is every bit as good, in a different way - not as gentle but just as wise.

    Paget is WAY better than Lola - she fits in so well, especially lately.

    Look forward to having JJ back - she is so good in her role it's hard to imagine Meta filling those shoes but she's fine as a temp.

    In interviews, I have heard them all exclaim that they love working together and I think they sincerely mean it and our CM family is like family to each other in real life, too - they are all great and I love everyone one of them - they all seem like QUALITY people to me.

    Plus, I love that we have to search high and low for info on them - you won't see any of them on the cover of any of the tabloids while in line at the grocery store!

  13. A great group of pros on the show. I was pissy when MP left but if he wasn't happy then it is best that he left to do the things he likes. I put that mess behind me when JP started. I have always liked his work and his character is great. I think they have developed Rossi in a very interesting way and JP is really great.

  14. Kirsten just seems like someone you would really want to be friends with. Really outgoing and real.

  15. They look like one big,happy family on and off screen. :)

  16. I love the pictures taken at the Paley Center - AJ and Paget look great in both, Kirsten, Joe and Thomas look good in the first and MGG and Shemar look super in Pic #2.

    Does anyone know what that charm thing is hanging off the Gube's belt?

  17. I think this is the best cast on TV! I do miss AJ already. Her temp. replacement is a good actor, though, and I wouldn't mind if she made appearances in the future, after AJ comes back.

    I'd love to see these talented performers have opportunities to do quality projects in their off time from the show. Assuming that's what they want. I just hope there aren't any unscheduled stoppages in the offing....

  18. I'm always resistant towards cast changes on any show but CM has done a great job of tossing the old and bringing in the new. I think the writing is just so good that it all seems natural.

    Personally I didn't mind the loss of Elle. No offence to Lola Glaudini but that character always left me cold. Losing Jason Gideon was not as easy but the character was so troubled and so dark that Rossi was almost a light bulb.

    Great cast, great writing, great show.

  19. Any truth to all the rumors that Thomas Gibson is itching to leave?

  20. I can't think of a better cast!
    This is pure perfection! I love
    how this team is one big happy
    family on screen as well as off
    You can really tell how well
    they all flow together.
    To sum it up, Criminal Minds is
    Criminal Minds because of:
    Thomas; Joe; Shemar; Matthew;
    Paget; AJ; and Kirsten.
    They are what makes Criminal
    Minds along with the outstanding
    crew and writers that brings us
    this awesome show every week.
    So thank you Ed Bernero for
    bringing us Criminal Minds!

  21. I love this cast, I think they are perfect together. I was not looking forward to the change with Joe, but I realise now just how wrong I was! I like his character more and more each ep. I also had reservations about Paget at first, but I can't imagine the show without her. This cast and these characters work so well together. I hope nothing ever, ever changes that!

  22. I think that the audience can really tell when a cast of a show really does like spending time with one another. It is obvious in this show that the actors really do like spending time with one another. They all mesh well and strengthen each others' performances.

    I didn't start out liking Paget, but as I watched her performances and rewatched episodes with Lola, I realized that I just wasn't used to her and actually preferred the character of Prentiss.

    I missed Mandy for a while, but I think that Joe has filled in wonderfully and actually fits better with the show for right now.

    I do miss JJ though and can't wait for her return. I prefer her to the current fill in. ^_^

    Short answer is that I adore the cast and the crew on this show. I hope they keep up the good work and there are many seasons left to enjoy.

  23. I'd never heard of AJ before this show but now I have seen all her movies and tv appearances. I think she is extremely talented.

    I still miss Mandy and Gideon. Can't help it. No reflection on Joe/Rossi. I'd seen Mandy and Joe in other projects. They have different styles but are both great actors.

    I still miss Lola/Elle but I think Paget/Emily is actually more talented. I have taken the time to catch some of Paget's older work and she is really great.

    Matthew is Matthew. Impossible not to like the Gube. Same goes with Kirsten and Garcia rules the planet.

    Thomas is always great in all his projects. He always does a great job.

    Shemar!!! Terrific actor and a gorgeous example of heaven on earth!

  24. Criminal Minds has no weak links in the cast like so many of the shows on tv these days. In some of the CSI and Law & Order shows there are a character of two that just give weak performances and it is obvious but we really are blessed that all of our principle actors have always been top notch.

  25. Other than Joe they really don't do any work besides CM. I would love for Kirsten to do a film and it has been awhile for Shemar.

  26. We'll never know why Mandy choose to leave the show and why he did it the way that he did but looking back on it now I think Joe's joining the cast was the best thing that could have happened for me. I never bonded with Gideon. I've always been a Hotchner gal but now I find that I also like Rossi equally.

    We really scored with this cast.

  27. The best cast ever!They really seem to get along well and have amazing chemistry on screen as well as off screen. My thoughts on each of them are:

    Paget- simply amazing with a great sense of humor and seems like someone everyone would want as a friend...

    Shemar- amazing to look at but beyond that has real talent as an actor...Profiler Profiled was by far his outstanding moment

    Joe- an awesome addition and i love all the little things he brings to his character

    Matthew- reminds me of my little brother in some ways (perhaps it's the personality quirks...meant in an entirely good way)

    Thomas- an amazing actor who brings alot to the table as Hotch

    AJ- totally reminds me of everything I would want in an older sister (if I had one) and is an awesome actress

    Kirsten- makes me laugh everytime...a great sense of humor

    Lola- totally miss her but wish her the best in all she does (the same goes for Mandy)

    Meta- she's really doing an excellent job as AJ's temporary replacement (note: after AJ comes back try to find another way to use her even if its just a reoccuring guest role)

  28. Admittedly, I was a little unsure about Rossi when he first started... but he & Prentiss have fit in sooo well that i can't imagine not having them around. Writers, please keep this group happy, share the screen time, b/c the chemistry is incredible!

  29. Ah, I do think we really should mention Meta, as someone else has done. She is a very good temp. for AJ whilst she is on her leave.

  30. Kind, down to earth, funny, friendly, beautiful, talent group people.
    They seem to enjoy working together as much as I enjoy watching them do so.
    I can’t imagine not having anyone of them on the show. Paget is a joy to watch, what a great addition and Joe Mantegna has nothing but complete respect and admiration from me. I’m also so glad this show introduced me to Matthew, Kirsten and Shemar and allowed me to follow weekly Mr. Thomas Gibson. AJ, you have been missed tremendously, come back soon so we can have the best TV cast back together.

  31. There is so much to love about this cast -

    1) They are all excellent actors. They take a show about a pretty gruesome subject and create primary characters with such compassion, intellect, strength, and even humor, that you can't help but love the show despite the subject matter.

    2) They all seem to be truly good people. I am proud to say that I am a fan of each of them.

    3) I appreciate how they all care for each other. Show business is rough and these people all seem to respect, love and support each other.

    4) Although we lost two original cast members, Paget and Joe have not only stepped up to the plate, but they have created characters that have built a stronger, more cohesive team - which is essential to the dynamic of the show.

    Bottomline - there is no greater, more perfect cast on television today - or even in recent memory.

  32. We're totally blessed with talent on both sides of the camera.

  33. Ed has assembled a great cast. I would love to see Lola come back for an episode as a guest star. Mandy too but I realize that probably is a non starter.

  34. We were able to really get a sense of the friendship and unity amongst our writers through the pictures of them that Jill posted during the strike. They are obviously a unified team. I would imagine that our actors are as well. If SAG strikes it will be interesting to see if they picket together like the writers did.

  35. I appreciate them all, both past and present. Talented group of actors and actresses.

  36. I respect and like Joe Mantegna but I was very skeptical about his addition to the cast for two reasons: first, I'd miss Mandy and make comparisons, and second, it just didn't seem like Rossi would fit in with the team.

    But - I am thrilled to be wrong. Joe has worked himself in well and he and the writers brought a depth and reality to Rossi that I really like.

    Next, I never was a fan of Elle. I was curious about Prentiss. And Paget Brewster has wowed me and keeps on wowing me.

    I can't say enough good things about Thomas Gibson.

    Matthew Gray Gubler is amazing.

    Shemar Moore makes Morgan's trust issues fascinating.

    Kirsten is a fabulous diva.

    We could not be luckier with this cast. They bring these stories to life with great skill. I'm sure the writers love writing for them.

    Viva Criminal Minds!

  37. One better than the next. Love them all. CM is the greatest show on the tube.

  38. ZOMG. I am a meanybutt for leaving out AJ. Love her too.

  39. From everything I've read in articles, this cast is made up of very different people. Maybe that is why they get along so well. Talented cast.

  40. I agree with what everyone said. This cast is magic, Each replacement is better than the last( I liked Gideon though more than Elle.) My favorites are Matthew and Kirsten best. I especially love the chemistry between Matthew and Shamar. They are magic. I just hope that tptb don't ruin Reid for me like CSI ruined Nick.

  41. I still haven't had the chance to watch AJ's movie but I did catch her on Dead Like Me with Mandy which was weird to see. I've seen Thomas in Dharma and Greg and few older movies. The person who said that Joe is like the only one doing any movies is right. I would love to see AJ, Kirsten, Paget and Shemar in a movie or ten.

  42. I think this cast has finally gelled together. Their interactions on screen seem natural and casual, no indication that it's a stranger standing onstage with them.

    Casts like this are hard to come by. Usually, there is at least one or two people who are completely stiff and it seems like there is a neon sign above their head screaming "I'm acting here!"

    but here, it isn't like that. The seamless way this cast goes from one mood to the next, the teasing, the consoling, the anger, the all seems genuine and family-like.

    Yes, there has been some cast changes since the show began, but I have to say that Joe, Thomas, Paget, Kirsten, Matthew, Shemar & AJ are the best set I've seen.



  43. I really think that the cast is very great ! For the new characters it is not always easy to complete the team.. but even if Gideon was so important, each character grow without him and the new one did not replace him, but found their own place.
    Very great.

  44. I think the cast is perfect. They all mesh well together, and provide a perfect ensemble for us to watch. They all also seem to have very good off-set personalities, and they all seem very genuine (as I've never met any of them, I can't say for sure =] ).

    On the two newest cast members:

    I was a bit skeptical of Paget at first, being a fan of Lola Glaudini - but she's a brilliant actress, hilarious, down-to-earth, and is a terrific addition to the cast. Prentiss has become one of my favorite characters, and I even run a fanlisting for the character now. It's amazing what time can do.

    Joe Mantegna is also a fantastic addition to the cast. Having a great "name actor" as a cast member is just awesome in itself. But the character of Rossi just blindsided me, he fit right in (although it did admittedly take some time to warm up to). Plus, he just has this awesome "air" to him that just makes me like him.

  45. I love our current cast. I sincerly hope we are done with the changes in cast.

  46. I love this cast. It is the best show on tv. And, Hotch is my favorite character of all time. Please keep Thomas Gibson happy!!!!!

  47. I love the interpersonal interactions on criminal minds. Morgan looks out for Reid like a kid brother...loved how he helped Reid break the ice with the bartender.

  48. this is the best cast for this show. hope it stays that way

  49. I was SO disappointed when MP left. I was not looking forward to JM, at all. Now, he IS the best part of the show for me. Seriously, the man is GORGEOUS! Those eyes and that mouth...Brad Pitt who? I watched an interview with him where something fell, and the interviewer got upset with the person, and he was very kind. He seems like such a nice person.
    The rest of the cast is great...of the women, Kirsten is my favorite. She's adorable.

  50. I absolutely LOVE the current cast. They are all amazing and every single one of them adds something to the show. AJ/JJ is my favorite, but there is not one of them I don't love. In the old cast I never really liked Elle, but I was pretty sad when Gideon left. The entire cast is amazing on the show, but they also seem to be amazing people. They were HILARIOUS at the Paley Center. I just died laughing the entire time I was watching it. They seem to get along so well together and they are all incredibly funny people.

  51. I love this cast. They balance each other and you can see and feel the chemestry between them. Personally I like Paget better than Lola and Joe has been a great addition. I also like that the writers have been adding Kristen in more. I love that there isnt just the case in every episode, but the characters have lives(kinda)outside their jobs.

  52. The perfect team for a perfect show. I love everyone on the show, but I have to say Spencer is my favorite.
    I could just eat him up!!!!!

  53. It WAS perfect. This season is somehow lacking.

  54. By far the best cast !!!!!

  55. Emily is my idol! I absolutely Love Criminal Minds!

  56. Angela_the creator...

    I <3 the show i watch it almost every day Detective Reid would have to be my favorite
