Thursday, September 04, 2008


Criminal Minds Season Four Promo! Criminal Minds starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kisten Vangsness. Copying of this promo is prohibited without prior permission.

Here is Ed Bernero's note:

Hey Jill -- This is a link to our internet promo for the premeire that's going out to a bunch of outlets today. Wanted the fanatics to get it as well. Hope you guys enjoy it. - Ed


  1. Oh Wow Oh Wow oh Wow Oh Wow

    I want to see the premiere now! More then ever!

    Thats some nail biting, eye popping, nerve racking promo!

    Is it Sept 24 yet?

  2. Criminal Minds + AC/DC = Win!

    That is a great promo. Can't wait.

  3. Oh wow!! Now I can't wait for the premiere. Thanks Ed for giving us the promo! It's incredible, but now I'm really tense! I have a feeling i'm gonna be sitting on the edge of my seat the whole episode!

  4. OMG that is brilliant! Cool tunes as well!

    can't wait!

  5. Oh wow that was great!

    Thanks so much!

  6. OMG! OMG! OMG!

    Ed Bernero is trying to kill us. I am going to die waiting for this episode. The promo was f-in fantastic!

  7. Awesome!! I can't wait! I'm gonna set a daily reminder on my computer till the 24th. EAB's a heck of a guy for recognizing the fans. Does he have a blog of his own?

  8. Utter awesome!

    It looks like a blood bath.

    Can't wait!

    Krystal, he doesn't need his own blog. He rules supreme here with us!

    September 24th is tooooo long from now.

  9. OMG I wanna see that premiere now!

    Wow great promo with killer music!!! AC/DC rock, so does Criminal Minds!

    Thanks Ed for giving us the promo!!!


  10. It looks like Morgan blew up. I don't remember how to breathe. This promo rocks! Thank you Ed!

  11. OH.MY.GOD!
    Now that is what i call a promo.
    I cant wait.
    The music was perfect for it and i got goosebumps watching.

  12. Totally speechless. Don't even know what to say! Best promo we have ever had. No way we can wait another 24 days.

  13. This is torture Bernero style. He sends us this great promo and then makes us wait weeks to see the episode. Cruel. *g*

    Hotch looks really hurt and Morgan looks like he blew up. Garcia looks like she's going to have a heart attack. Paget can run. GO Girl!

  14. AAAHHH! They really know how to tease us? Who will get injured? Morgan? Hotch? I'm going crazy.

  15. Thanks Ed!

    Looks like you hit the ground running!

  16. I guess the show decided to come back in a BIG way! Good for them and good for us. Season four is going to be so great. I can't wait. The promo was great. Thanks Ed.

  17. AC/DC was the perfect choice. The entire promo left me breathless!

  18. omg!!!!! derek in a car with bomb?? IS he crazy?? I can't wait to see this episode!!!
    Thanks Ed for giving us the promo!! I know I'll stay awake to see this episode in time and not in the evening...too long to wait till evening

  19. OMG!! AWSOME!!!

    Can't wait to see it!!

  20. Thanks so much Ed - wow, what a promo!!

    Season 4 won't be shown in the UK (I live in Ireland, so UK tv is my main source for all things Criminal Minds) until '09 - I'm going crazy here, but can't wait :)

    AC/DC - really nice touch btw ;)

  21. If the season is half as good as this promo we are in for one hell of a great time. Thanks Ed!

  22. OMG! I CAN NOT WAIT! This preview has just made me even more excited and anxious for September 24! I can not wait for my favorite show to return!

  23. OMG! OMG! OMG! Is it September
    24th yet? I cannot waite for
    this show to air. I loved this
    promo, and the music from
    AC/DC totally rocks for this
    promo. Thanks Ed for the
    awesome promo, and i will be
    glued to my set the entire time
    watching just like i was for
    the season cliffhanger. I hope
    time flies by fast, because i
    can't waite much longer.

  24. Oh. My. Gosh.

    I seriously cannot wait until September 24th. I don't have the patience!!

    Why does that have to be so far from today?

    Oh, and AC/DC is total win.


    September 24!


    Thanks Ed!!

    Can we have a bit more? Kidding, kinda!

  26. Thank you so much Ed! I can not wait for the premiere. It looks like it's going to be incredible.

  27. Oh my GOD! I can not believe we're gonna have to wait until september 24th!! I am gonna watch this promo about 6,000 times until then!

    So good! So insanely good!!

    Thank you Ed for giving us this, and at the same time - curse you! *LOL* I know I will go crazy before the premiere!


    (did anyone see Reid anywhere in that promo? I'm gonna have to watch it again.. and again.. and again..)

  28. Thank you so much for the promo!

  29. You kill me!!!!

    I must wait wait wait wait to see that in France.....

  30. OMG...totally awesome preview!! I can't wait for Season 4 to start.

    Thank you Ed for thinking of the Fanatics!! We are all dying here!!

    P.S. - great choice using AC/DC for the music. Nice to have them back.

  31. wow - the promo is fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing it with us! It's great especially for the fans abroad who wouldn't be able to see it cbs.
    Thanks again!!

  32. I am soooooooooo ditching my Chem lab that night. My first semester schedule sucks! The only time I could take the lab is on Wed nights and we can only ditch class three times but this is going to be one of those times!

    AC/DC was a great choice. I love their music and now it is in our new premiere. Yeah Chem is soooo not happening!

  33. MORGAN............Please tell me he got out!

    Great promo. I don't know how I am going to hold on till the 24th!

  34. Ed, OMG. Great promo. I watched it at least a dozen times and couldn't figure it all out but I know that it looks like you're giving us a fantastic premiere. I bow to ya!

  35. Am I the only person who was yellling at Morgan to run? Or screaming NO when Hotch fell to the floor? WOW doesn't cover how great this promo is!

  36. Thanks Jill!
    Thanks Ed!

    in france we see on wednesday at 08:50 pm the season 3!
    since last week!

    i wait the 4 th seasn impatiently!

    the promo is EXPLOSIVE!

    and Reid, where is REID!


  37. Thanks Jill and Ed!!!! AWESOME PROMO! AC/DC love them! Nice touch. And please, Reid does not ALWAYS have to be in the darn promos.


    Rebecca :)

  39. OMG! Suddenly I am sad that Morgan has bomb squad experience!!!! And bloody Hotch! *wibbles*

  40. I can't believe Ed said that he hoped we would like it because I can't imagine anyone not loving this promo.

    AJ looked safe! Rossi looked safe! Reid was running, Hotch hit the floor covered in blood, Garcia was panic sticken and Morgan seems to have been blown to bits. Add AC/DC to all of that and it is better than sex.

  41. Oh oh oh!!!
    My Sweet Aaron!
    Need to see.....
    *breathe, Aggie, breathe*

  42. Awesome awesome awesome! I can't stop watching it, LOL. Gah, I don't think I can survive the wait until Sept 24!!

  43. Great Promo!

    Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I would rather see it here than dished out to us by some journalist that doesn't even like the show.

    The promo is really great! Looking forward to seeing the episode.

    It does look like Mayhem!

  44. Wow, OMG!! This Promo is fantastic, i can't wait till 24th. Please aired "Mayhem" earlier!! My lovely Hotch hit the floor OMG!!!! *hug-Hotch*
    Thanks Ed for this great Vid,.... we love you! CM rocks forever!

  45. Thanks. Wow, that was exciting. Can't wait.


  46. Oh my. Hotch. YUM! I've been *so* waiting for this ;) I love h/c. Thank you, Ed!

  47. Nice nod to the Aussie fans by having AC/DC in it. Cool promo but frustrating as hell to watch!

  48. "Mayhem" looks like real Mayhem. Loved AC/DC! Really appreciated seeing the promo. Thanks.

  49. OOooooooo! I still say it's JJ and she's losing the baby.

  50. That's pretty spiffy. Thank you, Ed and Jill!

  51. Morgan is sharp. He had to have jumped before the explosion. The promo is very cool.

  52. Wowzers. That's about all I can say. I can tell I'll be biting my fingers to the knuckle all throughout the coming month, and during the episode. Thanks so much for sharing! I absolutely can't wait to see what's in store.

  53. Oh Wow!

    Where's the line forming for valium!!!!!

    You have to figure that the Hailey look a like is dead but other than JJ, Garcia and Rossi, they all look like they are in tons of danger. Morgan just had to jump. Oh he just had to have jumped.

  54. Before watching the promo I was sure that I had figured out the clues in LOFI and that it was Hotch but now I have no idea who it is and several people have said that Rossi looks safe but I am not so sure. I can't see him just standing around looking at a map. He would have gotten into the action. And it is unclear as to what Reid is doing. I think other than Garcia they could all be at risk.

    Thanks for posting the promo. I am so psyched for the episode.

  55. OH MY GOD!!!!!!

    Now I REALLY can't wait for September 24th now!!!! WOw this looks like the most exciting season premier ever....WOW!! My poor Hotch, he better be ok......and Morgan......ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...chocolate!!!!

    Thank you Ed for letting see this're the best!!!:)


  56. Great promo. Sept 24!!!!

  57. Jill & Ed,

    Thank you so much for showing the promo! Loved it. The suspense is driving me crazy. Cam't wait until Sept. 24.

    Thanks again,

  58. This is incredible! Cannot wait...I'm going to be on the edge of my seat the whole time.


  59. Action packed promo with great music. AC/DC was a terrific pick. The song really adds to the excitement of the promo. I still think that it is Hotch that is seriously injured. Morgan being injured would have been force fed to us by the promo so I think it is a smoke screen. Loved the promo. Thank you Ed!

  60. Ed, you are truly the greatest! What a promo! Now we are all going to need adjoining rooms in an asylum because we are all going to go crazy waiting for September 24th!

  61. Holy crap, I don't think I can wait a whole month for that.

    that was awesome. Thanks Ed!

  62. What about Prentess. The the person on the stretcher is white.

  63. Yes! It's here! Its's finally here. It is an amazing promo. This season is going to be wonderful, no doubt. I can't wait. Thank you, Ed for sending the promo to us.

  64. HOLY CRAP! Now I'm going to be doing the I Can't Wait Dance for almost an entire month.

    Honestly, of all the season premieres, THIS is the one I'm the most excited for.

  65. Love the promo and I think it is Prentiss that is seriously hurt. Hotch is obviously injured but he is still able to think and talk. Morgan is a ruse to throw us off the track. Man this is one great promo. Then again we didn't see much of Reid or JJ. Oh I just can't figure it out. This is more exciting than FK 1&2.

  66. Ok, I was already a nervous wreck, now I'm not sure I'm actually going to survive until the 24th, cause I feel like I'm about to explode!

    THANK YOU ED! Thank you so very much for sharing it with us. You are so good to us fans and we really, really appreciate your generosity....just wish you wouldn't torture us quite so much! LOL!!!


  67. Thanks Ed. I screamed so loud when Hotch went crashing to the floor that I woke up my boyfriend. I was screaming NO and he thought I was being attacked by an intruder. Blowing up Morgan just can't happen. My heart won't be able to take it. Great promo. Really exciting and the music was great.

  68. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    The promo was so much better than anything I was expecting. I can't wait for Sept 24th for get here so I can see the whole episode.

  69. Totally scared the crap out of me. Love the way the finished the vid with Garcia calling out for Morgan. AC/DC worked great in this vid.


  71. CM is going back with a bang but why does it have to be three weeks away..this is torture.

  72. Thank you Ed! The promo is exciting. Could you come to chat with us next week and give us some hints????? This is going to be a long and hard wait.

    I think Hotch is the one that is hurt bad.

  73. The promo rocks hard!

  74. Can we just watch it a zillion times between now and the 24th??

    Thanks Ed. It looks really great.

  75. Big thanks and big shock on all the action in the promo. The episode is going to a sit on the edge of your chair epi!

  76. Thank you so much, Ed! You made one fantastic promo! I actually screamed in excitement. Now I REALLY can't wait!

  77. Wow. Looks fantastic. It'll be something like a year before we get to see this in Australia, I think, but enjoy on September 24, you guys!

    --Cal from LJ

  78. OMG!!Thanks Mr. Brennero...
    where is our baby? *biting nails*
    I think i saw him for a nanosecond holding a gun....
    is he OK?

  79. Thank you so much!

    Oh, my God! I'm all worried now, especially for Morgan and Hotch.

  80. Aww--our show takes care of us!

  81. Awesome vid! Loved the promo! Thank you Ed!

  82. Oh!! Wouaaaaaaaaa!!!!

    *heart attack* biiiiiip...

    I can't wait to see this episode!!!

    Thanks Ed for the promo, it's a gift :D

  83. Oh boy!Oh boy!Oh boy!
    This is going to be a spectecular season I think.
    I can't wait!!!
    Awesome promo.I'm so excited!


  84. Oh wow! Such an amazing promo! Totally speechless, especially at the Hotch scene, he's usually so strong so to see him go down like that you know it must be bad. I can't wait for the season to start.

    Thanks Ed for giving us this! It would be great if far more exec. producers ere as thoughtful as you!

  85. WOW! I can't breathe! How are we ever going to hang on until Sept. 24?

    Ed, thank you! You rock our world!

    Just think...that was only one minute of the ep - if the rest of it is that insanely good (and you know it will be), can you imagine what the other 42 are going to be like?!

    This is why I love this show...well, one of the MANY reasons!

    Hurry September 24, hurry!

  86. this is the best promo for a new season I`ve ever seen!!!!
    thank you Ed!

  87. OMG OMG OMG!!! *can't breathe*

    Hotch, Morgan, Reid - are you ok?

    Can't wait! *chews nails*

    Awesome promo - Thankyou Ed!

  88. HOLY SHITE!!!!


    Ed Bernero, you are brilliant and evil and I love you.

  89. Great promo! As intense and action packed as only a Criminal Minds episode can be... It's gonna be one damn fine hour of television, I totally can't wait to watch it!

    Thank you for sharing it with us, Ed, we truly appreciate it. Now if only it was September 24th already... ;)

  90. No matter how many times I watch it, I LOVE IT!

  91. I tried to figure the episode out by watching the various clips but we don't actually know if all the little clips are in chronilogical order. It looks like the Hotch ones are out of order so if they are then you can't be sure how hurt he is.

    Morgan is one sharp cookie. I think he realized the ambulance was going to blow and he got in and drove it off of the busy street.

    Just my thoughts. Loved it. Action galore! Thanks Ed! You are the best!

  92. I wasn't expecting the promo to be this good. It was not the normal vanilla icing promo that we get. It was terrific.

    I think Hotch is hurt really bad but Morgan gets out at the last second. Or all of this could be just a ruse by our man Ed to throw us totally off of the scent and both of them are fine and it is a whole different character that is seriously injured.

    When Hotch hit the ground my heart missed a beat. The fade to black with just Garcia calling out for Morgan was BEAUTIFUL. Loved the editing on this promo. Loved everything about it and AC/DC rocked it home!

  93. Didn't Ed say that we're not going to lose any main characters in the premiere in one of his interviews??

  94. That was the best promo I've ever seen!!

  95. I've watched it a million times now and I think I caught a clue:

    The clip of Emily plays during the line "One hurt angel." I think Prentiss gets really hurt. OMG!!

    Thanks Jill and ED for this fantastic promo. This was only one minute, how shall i survive a whole episode. LOL Can´t wait.

  97. In my head I know they would never hurt a pregnant person but did anyone else notice that JJ was only seen for a brief second.

    And don't rule out Reid. They like torturing Reid. lol.

    It was just the best promo ever! Thank you Ed.

  98. It does say, One hot Angel while we see Prentiss and then is says one cool something and you see the bomb. Holy M-F! I just started loving the character of Emily. I think they blow her up!

  99. Ed,

    You nailed it! Great promo! If this doesn't get new fans for the show than nothing will. Kudos on a job well done!

  100. I have been waiting all summer to see Criminal Minds. And now you have me on the edge of my seat to see it even more. Grrr! *g*

  101. Chilling!

    Amber (LJ)

  102. I'm worried about Emily and Rossi because the way the matched up the song to Emily running and something about Rossi looking at that grid made me think he was ready to get in the middle of the Mayhem!

    Ed, I love you, thank you but man you are killing us! We have so long to wait before the episode.

  103. It looked like JJ was driving by and seeing the explosions and carnage. Hopefully she's smart enough to get herself and her unborn away from the situation. Morgan, oh Morgan, jump from the vehicle! Hotch hitting the floor simply hurt my heart. This was an A+ promo. Congrats to whoever put it together. Great job torturing us fans. Great promo.

  104. Unreal! Wow! Is it Sept 24 yet?

    Loved it. Thanks Ed!

  105. oh wow what a great prom. can,t waite tell the 24th to see it all.this is going to be a great season 4.

  106. Criminal Minds promo is great. Now who is killed and who is hurt? Inquiring minds want to know!

  107. Can't wait! Thanks, Ed!

  108. CM & AC/DC=rockin' combo!

    Great promo--thanks for making sure we got to see it, Ed. You're the best!

  109. OMG that promo was totally cool.
    can't wait until s4 starts
    Thanks ed

  110. Loved the promo. I just keep watching it trying to figure out what happens but now I have a zillion theories running through my mind. Thanks Ed. It looks like the new season is going to be wonderful.

  111. Wow and thanks Ed!

  112. We love AC/DC. It is so cool that CM got to use their newest song.

    Morgan jumped!
    Hotch is hurt!
    JJ is preggers so she is safe!
    Garcia is safe!
    Reid has been through enough last season so he is fine!

    That leaves Prentiss and Rossi.

  113. Amazing promo. Thank you so much Ed for sending it to the fanatics. You rock like AC/DC!

  114. Way to throw us into a frenzy Ed!!
    Superb promo can't wait for the season premiere.

    Hotch hurt and collapsing.. Christmas has come early!!

  115. i'm not worried about Morgan...they won'tt kill him!
    i'm worried we didn't see reid!

  116. Reid has been through enough already.

  117. Ed B. rocks! And his promo edit does too!

    The moment where Morgan gets blown is such a sendback to season 1! I can't wait for the premiere!

  118. omg thank you so much. I am so ready for sept 24th. I love the use of a AC/DC song they are one of my all time favorites.

  119. Exciting video with a great AC/DC song. I think it is too hard to really know who was seriously hurt because of the editing but it looks like a very exciting episode. Thanks so much Ed. Sept 24th!!!!

  120. Thanks Ed! The wait is a killer!

  121. Wow!

    This looks really awesome!

    A great promo, I must say. xD


    I can't wait for the season premiere!

  122. We can see everyone but we can only see Prentiss in her scenes from Season Finale!! Why??

    I'm worried about her!!

  123. Ok that was incredible... and Ed, i am holding you responsible for my 23 nights of sleeplessness! Thanks for sharing the promo, really cannot wait for the new CM season!

  124. do I love it or hate it? love because it's gonna be great, hate because I'll have to wait sooooo much longer till i finally see it!
    thanks for sharing!!!

  125. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!!!!!

  126. what a great promo. i watch it over and over again. i wish sept 24was here right now.i can hardly waite tell season 4 starts, it,s going to be the best season ever,thankyou so much for giving us such a great show.

  127. That is the most amazing promo I have ever seen. I am twice as excited as I was before.

    And to the person(s) who did the editing, WOW!!!

    Thank you, Ed, for sending us the link.
    Thank you, editor, for doing such a wonderful job.
    Thank you, Jill, for posting it for us.
    Thank you, cast and crew, for the magnificent show.
    Thank you everybody.

  128. O MY GOD O MY GOD O MY GOD MORGAN!!!!!!!!!!
    ok im calm its okay OOOOO HOTCH!!
    ok I'm calm I promise my bottom is like literaly at the edge of my seat my co-workers are like wtf?! is she ok? y r u acting like that i mean i was like WOW!!! I CANT WAIT!

  129. o god im so rhea like Morgan jumped n O MY HEART JUST MELTED FOR HOTCH

  130. I'm guessing it's probably Hotch. Morgan must've jumped. Oh god, Hotch....:D

    Thanks so much, Ed & Jill!

  131. I can't wait. I won't be able to sleep until I see the new episode. That promo is the best ever!!! CM is amazing!!!!

  132. ACDC has been going through my head like crazy! Great promo...thanks for thinking about us!

  133. I know I've said it before Ed, but thank you again. This is the only thing that has been getting us through! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


  134. Really I hope Morgan doesn't die . He and Reid make that show , to me at least ! This is an awesome promo ! I am counting down the days , actually my entire family is now ! LOL .

  135. Oh my god, the promos look so cool. Im in the U.K and have only just caught up and finshed watching season 3. So can't wait till season 4 starts!!

    I have many suggestions on what is going to happen!! My favourite character is Reid, he' so cute!



  136. hey! i'm new here at the site, so i guess i'll just jump right in. :)

    anyways, this promo leaves me wanting so much more. woooo its gonna be a great season! :)

  137. Why isn't Reid in it at all?!!?!? This worries me HARDCORE! Please oh please writers! DON'T LET my baby die! :(

  138. What about JJ's boyfriend? Nobody thought of him?

  139. Look at 0:30 sec.!!! It's Sienna Guillory's character really damaged. The team is safe!!!

  140. at least you guys are lucky coz Sept 24th is 5/6 days!

    we in Malaysia have to wait rather longer for Criminal Minds Season 4!! *crying both eyes out!*

    anyhow, Criminal Minds ROX!!!

    ... i personally *heart* Dr. Spencer Reid... *wink*

  141. The presidential address delayed the start of the premier by about 15 minutes .... so my DVR missed the last 15 minutes of the show - what happened????
