Thursday, July 10, 2008


Criminal Minds Executive Producer Ed Bernero checks in with the Criminal Minds Fanatics:

Hey Fanatics!

Ed Bernero here. Just want to tell you all how excited we are with the upcoming season. We had a great read-thru today of our fourth episode (written by Deb and Erica) and it's the last day filming our third (written by Andrew) so we are definitely off and running.

We're pretty excited about the things we're doing and I think you are all going to be excited as well. The cast is, as always, doing amazing work and the scripts just get scarier and scarier. Then there's the crew, who have always been great but this year are practically performing miracles. Seriously, there doesn't seem to be anything we ask of them that they can't do better than we hoped.

I read the reaction to the spinoff questions. Let me clarify that there are always discussions about spinoffs of shows but that there is no deal in place to make one and we don't even know yet what form a spinoff would take if we did do one. One thing we all agree on -- the show, the studios and the network -- is that we love Criminal Minds and wouldn't do anything to damage it.

I can't wait for September to roll around so we can get back on the air and you can start seeing eps again. Thanks for still talking about us and still thinking about us over the summer.

All the Best --



  1. Hib Ed
    Thanks for keeping us up to date with what's happening. Can't wait for the new season. I know it will be as good as the rest but you left us with one heck of a cliff hanger!
    Cheers from Downunder!

  2. It is good to hear that things are going so well. Sept seems like a long time to wait but I know it will be wonderful.

    We'll watch whatever new show you do. I personally was just shocked at the words spin-off and other things better not mentioned. You make it and I'll watch it.

  3. Hi Ed! Send our best wishes to the cast and crew. Looking forward to the new season.

  4. Ed, 26 episodes sounds like a winning season and it sounds like you are really happy with how everything is going and that makes me really happy.

    Thanks for the update. Reruns are driving us all batty!

  5. Hi Ed!

    Thank you so much for the update. I can't tell you how excited I am for the new season. I'm so glad to hear things are going well.

    Whether you do a spin-off or not, I'll be safely tucked in front of my tv every Wednesday to watch. And if there IS a spin-off, I'd watch that as well. Because the writers on CM are some of the best out there. Period.

    Thanks again! Please tell the cast and crew we're thankful for all their hard work.

  6. Ed,

    Thanks for the upbeat update. Criminal Minds reruns are great and this week was Revelations which totally is awesome but we are all ready for Season Four.

    Hey, at least all your cast showed up for the start of this season. That must have felt like a real step in the right direction. lol

    Spin away. You know you have our support. We are just not a fandom that initially accepts change very well.

  7. Hi Ed!!

    It's so good to hear from you on the blog. You had Luke Perry on the set this week. Did all the ladies there swoon?? I can't wait to see that episode. Big fan of his.

    Thank you for understanding our concerns about the possible spin-off. It isn't that we don't want and won't watch a second show but more that we worry about this one. We know you do too! I agree with Judy that it was a little shocking. I hope that nobody hurt your feelings with their comments. I think it was just a touch of shock.

  8. Awesome to read that everything is going so well. You sound juiced which is terrific.

    Thank you for taking some of your precious time to give us an update.

    We know so much about our actors and our writers but hardly anything about the crew. Please tell them that we appreciate all of their hard work. We think they are great.

  9. Thanks Ed for keeping us informed. So excited to hear the new eps are coming along. We are counting the days until September!!! You guys are the BEST!!! Keep up the great work and we'll see you soon!


  10. Since you obviously read our comments about the spin off then I am guessing you understand that we just like CM so much and as said before by some others it was shocking to read the news from a reporter known to dislike CM. It is no reflection on our loyalty to you or the writers.

    Thank you for the exciting CM news. I wish it was Sept already.

    My best wishes always,


  11. Thanks for the update. Really looking forward to the new season.

  12. Ed-

    Good to hear that CM remains your first love; that's always the fear with spinoffs- that the new baby will take all the attention away from the old child. Glad to know that should a spinoff occur, that won't be the case.

    In regards to the upcoming season- I can't wait. The setup from last year is so rich and I know you guys will pay it off beautifully.

    Props to the cast, crew and of course the writers. You guys rock.

  13. Thanks for the update Ed! Can't wait to see the new episodes! September can't come soon enough!

  14. Hi Ed!
    Thanks so much for your update. It's always great to hear that things are going well on the set. We're all looking forward to September because we know we'll always have something great watch on Wednesday nights!

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop and listening to us--either ranting or raving: that's what makes us CM Fanatics!


  15. Ed ~

    Thanks for the update.

    You're all doing a great job !!!

    CU sindee

  16. Ed,

    Phoenix nailed it. We do rant and rave but it is because, like you, we feel invested in the show. We also feel protective, like you do, of the show and sometimes maybe we are more vocal than we have the right to be. Whatever shows you produce in the future certainly have me as a viewer.

    Your update is really exciting. I want to see you top season three which was just awesome.

    Hugs from across the pond!

  17. Hugs, kisses and kudos to the crew for amazing you, the writers because they always amaze us and to you because without you then nothing happens.

  18. Ed, I would bet that all fandoms get nervous when there is a possible spinoff. A CM spinoff would be great imho. Thanks for the visit. Huggles to ALL!

  19. It all sounds great. Thanks Ed.

  20. Wonderful seeing your letter on the CMF blog. The new episodes sound like they are going to be great. Spinoffs are always scary for fans. It is nice to know that you are committed to CM first.

  21. hello ed!
    thank you so much for the it will be even harder to wait for september ;-)

    greetings from germany

  22. Hi Ed
    Thanks for giving us a personal update.

    I make no apologies for disliking spin-offs. I don't want the family split up. Glad to see it is a little while away.

    Waiting impatiently for the new eps.....

  23. Thanks Ed! Glad to hear things are going well. I'm very patiently waiting for the new season! (or trying to be patient at least!)

  24. Hi, Ed --

    Thanks for dropping by and giving us an update. It sounds like you're really busy, which makes the time you take for us even more special. Know that we really, really appreciate it!

    Can't wait until we all get "back together" around the TV in the fall!

  25. Hello Ed,

    Thanks so much for understanding our concern and for your reassurance about the spin-off idea. We all love CM so much that any thought of something that might damage it is upsetting.

    As for season 4, WE CAN'T WAIT!!

    Please let everyone know we are excited and eager to see their work. We appreciate their dedication - it is what makes CM the show we are all proud to be fans of!

    And lastly, thank you for being so attentive to us. You are the best!

  26. Hi Ed

    Thanks for popping in and keeping us up to date. Hope you are all still having fun at work and we're looking forward to the new season.

  27. Thanks for the update Ed - you guys rock! Thanks for the hard work and we can't wait for September either. Have a good summer!

  28. Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the update. I can't wait for the new season! Thanks to the cast, writers and crew for their wonderfull work, you guys are the best!


  29. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for the update and thanks to you and to all the team for the awesome work you're doing !
    Now we are all dying to be in septempber already :)

  30. Thanks for being so dedicated to the the fans and keeping us in the loop. I kind of figured the jack @$$ got it wrong, now I know he did. I am one of the Nielson Families this week so of course I am having my own personal CM marathon just for the occasion.:) Thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to season 4. Until then CM DVDs are fun to watch.

  31. Ed, thank you for taking the time to do an update. It's nice to be reassured that CM will not be damaged if attention would be focused elsewhere. We're such protective "Mother Hens" here. :)
    Best wishes and e-hugs to the CM team as you all are working on making season 4 super awesome!!!

  32. Thanks Ed for the exciting news. In the Law and Order franchise they call the original "the mother ship" and CM is just so unique that we couldn't imagine it being relugated to the back of the bus and replaced by something more shiny. We'll wait to hear what you have in mind and of course we will support whatever projects you endorse. Thanks again for taking some of your time to pay us a visit. We are in "rerun hell"!

  33. Hi Ed!!! Cyber hug from me too.

    S-4 sound like it is going really great. I can hardly wait until September.

    Spinoff.......I would have reacted differently if it had been told to us by a different source. You've told us to be honest in the past and so I'm just being honest now. I didn't like getting my CM fix from MA.

    Thank you for sharing your excitement over the upcoming season with us. It gives us something to talk about that is positive and exciting.

  34. Thanks for the great note Ed! You rock.

  35. Ed!! looking forward to having new episodes to watch. Like Sherlockette I make no apologies for disliking or being distrustful of spinoffs. It was a huge relief to hear that it is still just in the planning stages. We really should have known that unless we hear it directly from you then it is just fluff. Our bad for not waiting for you and jumping off the deep side of the pool.

    Best wishes, prayers and hugs from a very grateful fan!

  36. Your update was music for my eyes.

    Thank you for taking the time to personally update us.

    Please also tell Kirsten that she just rocks hard as a brick in our eyes. Her note about the flowers made me smile.

    You have such a great group of actors and writers. We love them all. Tell the crew that they rock like bricks too!

  37. Ed,

    It all sounds fantastic! Keep up the great work and sorry for venting!

  38. A big hello to ya Ed!

    Every season the show gets better than the season before it so I know that season four is going to be killer.

    Thank you for the update. This fan jumped too and I also apologize. At least this blog wasn't as bad as the other sites on the web. Ausiello always gets it wrong and we should have remembered that and just kept our fingers quiet.

    September needs to hurry up and get here soon.

  39. You're the best. The idea of splitting your leadership on CM with another show was just a jolt. Make as many shows as you feel inspired to make and we will jump on board with both feet and all the energy you need to get the word out to fans!

  40. Ed, Thank the crew for us. We don't acknowledge them enough and it is a shame that we don't know more about them. They are appreciated so please relay that to them. Maybe we can ask the moderators and Jill to send them a gift to show our appreciation. We could take up donations. I donated to Kim's Aids Marathon and made a donation to the Red Cross for your writers assistant. I think it is great that they are so involved with the world around them. We could do something for the crew as well.

    The new season sounds exciting. Andrew and Deb and Erica back to back is awesomeness times three.

    Thank you for remembering us and for visiting to give us an update. Your our guy and we stick with you like glue on paper.

  41. Thanks for the exciting updates. We may be pains in the asses sometimes when we complain but we are your pains in the asses! Spin if you decide to and we will spin with you. Your update was desperately needed. Wikipedia posted that a character dies this season and it has been a crazy time for fans.

  42. Thanks Ed for keeping us informed. Please tell the cast and crew we are thankful for all their hard work.
    I can not wait to see the new eps.

    Best wishes from germany.

  43. Greeting Ed from Finland. Thanks for updating us on the new CM season.

  44. All our best to you too Ed!

  45. Ed,

    It sounds like everyone on the set is really busy doing great work for us and I add my thanks to all of them.

    As a dual member of another fandom that now has three shows I can tell you that the freakish you read in our comments is very typical of how fans react to spinoff news. Criminal Minds is simply one of a kind and special.

  46. Sorry for the meltdown. We were like ice cubes in the summer sun.

    Thanks for your update!

  47. Love the show. Love you and love your update. Sounds like we are in for a great ride in Sept. Thanks!!

  48. Hi Ed!

    Thank you for the CM update. Thank everyone for us! CM Rules!

  49. Thanks for updating us, Ed! Can't wait for season four!

  50. Congrats on things going so well!

  51. Ed,

    Very nice to come to the blog this evening and see your letter. It is always great hearing from you and finding out all the newest news. It sounds like you are very pleased with season four and of course you know we are all looking forward to watching it.

    Spin-offs are tricky things. Sometimes they work and sometimes they water down the original show. Not knowing what type of spin-off you even have in mind makes it impossible for us to know whether that is going to happen but your note goes a long way towards making me feel better. Obviously from your note CM remains your first priority and that is great. We certainly would not have the quality show we are used to without your leadership.

    Thanks to all in California!

  52. WOW, things are going WELL!
    After all the disasters our show went trough last year, and seeing how, despite it all, the cast and crew, the writers and the director could do MYRACLES,
    I can't even IMAGINE wich degree of excellence our show will reach this year!

  53. Ed, thanks for the exciting and accurate update. Thank you for setting the record straight. We never should have put any stock in what that man had to say. ALL HACKS OFF THE STAGE. Unless we hear it from you then it just is sci-fi as others before me have commented! When you get ready to let us know about the possible spinoff then we will be open to anything YOU have to say. Sorry for the negativity. It was hard to see behind the byline.

  54. Sounds Wonderful!
    Thanks Ed!

  55. I've already marked the new season's premiere date in my organizer. We'll have to have a dorm party that night. CM and salsa! Yeah.

  56. Ed, Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. Spinoff or not... I'm still a fan! Please know that as I fan, I love that this is a show that makes me think, not some reality show of nothing! CM is phenomenal!!! (Jenn in TN)

  57. It wouldn't be CMF if there wasn't some kind of summer hiatus drama...

    Can't wait to see what you guys have up your sleeves for us come September. :)

  58. Thank you Ed for your message. I find it very reassuring that you take note on how we feel and think and let us know of any big news. Great to finally have a show runner that acknowledges the fans and keeps direct contact.
    Just so you know, we aren’t completely against this spin-off, we just love our show so, so much and don’t think it has to change at all, that any possibility of that happening get us worried. But luckily, you guys know better.
    I can’t wait for the new season. Love from Brazil.

  59. Ed,

    Thanks for the info. I love CM and only worry about a spinoff if it takes something away from the original. This is the best show on TV - now and for as far back as I can remember. I haven't been this addicted to a tv show since "Hill Street Blues" in the 80's - also an original. I love the intense, dark episodes - keep them coming, they don't scare me. I also love the lightness you balance them out with. I totally love TG, SM and MGG. Cast, crew, writers, everyone - You all are just brilliant!!!

  60. Thanks for the update, Ed! I'm looking forward to the start of season 3; I know you guys will continue to deliver a first class show that all of us fans will be proud of!

  61. That's great Ed. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  62. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Ed. We really appreciate everything you've done for us, and can't wait to see the new season...


  63. Cool sounds like things are going like clockwork. woohoo no more reruns
