Friday, July 25, 2008


Criminal Minds: The BAU closes a case but bad weather keeps them from flying back to Quantico. They decide to play poker. David Rossi (Joe Mantegna), Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson), Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore), Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster) and Dr. Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) are all great profilers and might seem to have an advantage over J.J. (AJ Cook) and Penelope Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness) but don't sell the gals short. They are sharp at bluffing and reading people in different ways than the profilers. So who wins? And why?


  1. I think Hotchner would be able to figure out each one's tell before they figured out his and he would win.

  2. Reid would be best at counting the cards so I think he would be the logical choice. I think Rossi probably has played a lot of poker so he might be able to best Reid. Toss up between Reid and Rossi.

  3. Hotch because he has the best poker face I've ever seen

  4. We've seen JJ bluff Morgan and Reid before. She was pretty good at reeling them into her "scary" childhood memory. I think she would be able to win. Plus the profilers would be cocky and concentrate on beating each other which would let JJ and Garcia get in under the wire. I vote for JJ winning!

  5. Garcia or JJ - to Reid's shock and embarrassment!

  6. Definately one of the women. And I agree that Reid would be mortified that he lost.

  7. My money is on Reid. I think he would blow them all away!

  8. Hotch knows all of them better than they all know each other. He is sooooo the winner!

  9. The game goes to one of the ladies. Garcia I think. She is street smart, knows the team and they wouldn't be expecting her to win. Go Garcia!

  10. Emily is SHARP. Never underestimate a smart nerd! I'm betting on her to win.

  11. Reid wins.
    He wins all the time.
    And he grew up in Las Vegas so he knows the game very well.
    And he said once Poker is only mathematic or something.
    Yes he wins.

  12. But would Reid be cocky attituded because he assumes he is going to win, Anony?

    I agree he is sharp as a tack too but I think Hotch has a better poker face.

  13. Rossi wins!

    More experience.

  14. No one does mention Morgan. He plays cards with Reid and know his style. Maybe he could win.


  15. Reid would count the cards, figure out what everyone had in their hands and blow them all away with his genius!!!!

  16. I agree that one of the girls would win. You know, this might be an instance where Garcia's flamboyancy really pays off--they are so used to her being larger than life, that her *tells* wouldn't be noticeable.

    Garcia wins!

  17. i think that Garcia would win... even though the others are really smart, she kicks butt at everything she does. and you got to admit, she has a sexy side that can throw the others of guard, especially morgan.

  18. I think the game would be very close, as JJ and Hotch are excellent players. Emily's probably no slouch at poker either. But my money's on Reid. He's got the ability to count cards and look at the game as a mathematical problem. I think he usually holds back and lets the other win, but with that many people? Spencer's gonna win. :-)

  19. Reid is the best at card games. Maybe not chess but cards.

  20. We've seen Reid play gin and I can see him being outstanding at blackjack but being good at poker is more than counting cards. It is being able to control your emotions (Hotch), read your opponent (all of them), and the luck of the cards. Garcia is our 'lucky' lady so I am going to say that she creams them.

  21. Reid, definitely. He'd cheat of course (counting cards), but he can be good at distracting people from his true intentions when he wants to (like that deleted scene from 'Fear and Loathing' where he gets Morgan all worked up over his feelings for Emily just to keep him from winning their card game). I'd see Reid winning. But Hotch and JJ probably wouldn't lose too much money.


    I think she is sharp and would be a really great bluffer. I think she could really pull it off and shake Reid's world.

    I'm so sorry that if she was a real person I would stake her!

  23. One of the women would do it. I think our guys are respectful of the women but think they are smarter. I think the guys will play against each other for awhile and then realize the women are whooping them.

    I'm leaning towards Garcia. Her childhood seems colorful and I wouldn't be surprised if poker wasn't something she learned in her youth or as a young adult.

  24. Spencer of course. Simply because he's from Vegas *rolls eyes* Easy question ;)


  25. Has to be Reid. He couldn't lose at card games.

  26. Morgan would win. They couldn't outsmart him!

  27. I am a Hotch gal but I think Reid is clearly at an advantage. It would be scrummy to see the look on his face if he lost to one of the females. *g*

  28. I vote for J.J. She knows all the team and their reaction in their private life and she's very sensitive.

  29. I'm leaning towards JJ too. I think she could best Reid!

  30. Although Hotch would have the best control & poker face, and Reid the mathematical mind, I vote for Prentiss. The guys will underestimate her and she'll swoop in for the kill. :) Would be a fun scene to watch!

  31. Reid would have a definite advantage, but I think any of them could easily throw him off his game. All they'd have to do is bring up some topic the resident genius would have to emphatically explain.

    Rossi looks like he's played a lot of poker in his life. Garcia has that playful innocence that would enable her to fly under the radar undetected until she went in for the proverbial poker kill. Prentiss and Morgan are both contenders because they can read the team quite well. And as we all know JJ can tell string together quite a yarn of lies rather convincingly.

    However my money would be on Hotch. The guy knows his team backwards and forwards and I mean come on... that poker face is unbeatable.

  32. Reid because he cheats and counts cards. Also he's from Vegas and "the house always wins."

  33. I think that hotch will win, as he has the best poker face, and knows the team really well

  34. I can picture Rossi sitting there drinking a scotch with a smug look on his face while he rakes in the last pot of money. Rossi teaches them all a lesson.

  35. Layla, with a cigar! Yeah I see it as Rossi too!

  36. Reid would have a blast. The rest of the team would have to borrow a buck from him to buy themselves a cup of coffee.

  37. I could see them all secretly teaming up against Reid to pull a joke. Prentiss or Garcia would be the mastermind behind the prank! I think they would love to teach the "I grew up in Vegas" that they can get him.

  38. Well, depends. Is it strip poker, cause I know who I would like to Lose if it was strip poker! Just regular poker, my money's on JJ or Prentiss. I think JJ's insight into the gang gives her an advantage into their tells and her perceived innocence will have them not paying much attention to her. Prentiss' experience in a political family will give her a great poker face and I wouldn't be surprised if in some of her fancier prep schools she cleaned up !

  39. I Think Hotch would definatly win, he has the best poker face i've ever seen and he knows the team inside and out....he could spot a tell in a heartbeat!:)

    Also Emily could possibly shock everyone, there is something sneaky about her and I think she could be a fantastic bluffer and take everyone out.

    Only if Reid doesn't cheat and peek at everyone's hands of course lol!

  40. Reid!
    Probably because he cheats.
    (or at least counts cards if that counts as cheating or not)

    Tough choice after that.

    (and now I want to play poker!)

  41. Rossi. And I think he does it easily. I think he is still the more seasoned profiler and he prob has the most experience with cards.

  42. Prentiss might stand a chance against Reid's ability to count cards but I think Hotch knows how to read Reid and that is what would make him the winner.

  43. Reid could certainly count the cards and his eidectic memory would help but that expressive face of his would give him away! His face is always a reflection of his feelings whereas the others can be more non-expressive, with Hotch being the best at this. It would be very interesting to watch, though, as they all vied to win-they can all be competetive, it's the nature of the beast. I would love to be there for this game!

  44. I'd like to say one of the women, but I have to go with Hotch. Like some others said, he has that poker face.

  45. I totally agree with Annie. Nobody ever knows what Hotch is thinking or feeling. He would be able to hide his cards and what his hand is. Even though Reid is booksmart, does he know how to play poker? His thing was chess with Gideon.

  46. Reid - he learned to count card in Las Vegas

  47. I'm a Reid girl but I agree with all those who said Hotch because he knows the team so well and can hide his emotions. Although, I would love it if one of the girls won. In that case, I think it would be Prentiss. I think she is a quiet observer...look at how she pinned Reid in that scene after Gideon left and she knew Morgan liked to read Kurt Vonnegut.

  48. Hotch has the silent advantage. He watches all of them all the time and he can read all of them really well.

  49. I totally think that it would be Hotch. Reid's not really go at controlling his emotions and he can totlly read other peple like no one can. Hotch all the waY!!!!<3

  50. We've seen them playing poker, Morgan was complaining that Reid always wins, it's stitistics and profiling, he's the one who sits back and watches quietly, he's got to know everyone's tells, he's from Vegas, between the three factors, he's got a big advantage. He also knows a bit about distracting your oppponent.

    Now, if JJ were to cheat and use her feminine wiles, she could throw him off completely, but I think Hotch would be the default winner, because he knows his team so well and he's no slouch at cards either.

    I also think the whole team is gonna being watching JJ and Reid to make surethey're not dealing from the bottom of the deck becasue we all know they're both capapbler of it ;)

  51. I think JJ would win she seems to be very good at masking her emotions even though the others are profilers she managed to keep the secret that she was dating someone from them and love is not a easy emotion to mask and she seemed to be able to keep from everyone that she was pregnant. So I think JJ knows a few tricks on how to fool profilers.

  52. Reid wins. He always wins. Four Reasons: 1) He's from Vegas. If anyone knows about poker it's that kid. 2) He's a genius. Ever seen the movie 21? I'm sure he could make it work in poker. 3) He's already a hustler. He tells JJ that he hustled Morgan a couple of times 4) He has the best poker face ever. Seriously, Reid shows less emotion than Kristen Stewart, which is saying something.
