Thursday, June 12, 2008


Criminal Minds: If you could take one of the Criminal Minds team to lunch--Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Dave Rossi, Emily Prentiss or JJ Jaureau--who would you take and why?


  1. I would have to go with Garcia, she likes to eat and is fun to be around. I would love to get to know Hotch, but I would be afraid of spilling something and seeing that impatient look on his face. Really. almost everyone on that team would be hard work to get to an easy relationship. They are all pretty guarded and hands off-ish.

  2. Hard question. I think going with Garcia would be the most fun but I like meat and I bet Kirsten plays Garcia as a vegetarian since she is one herself. I like my meat!

    I think I would pick Rossi because I know the littlest about him. I think he would be a great person to share a meal and a conversation with.

  3. JJ is preggers and spending some time with her would be fun. Unless she has pregger food adversions and in that case then I go with Reid.

  4. I would have to go with Hotch, because I love him.... he is the cutest man worldwide! :)

  5. I'd really wanna go with Reid because he's my favourite character. But maybe I'd feel a little stupid talking to him. Garcia would be really nice to have lunch with too I guess.

  6. I think I would go with Derek because he's a perfect gentlemen and it would be fun to talk to him. Or I would choose Garcia because she's so lovely and fun and I'm sure we would have a lot to talk about.

  7. i take derek. i no he show you a very good time

  8. I would go with Emily, because we're both geeky girls, and would definitely be able to come up with something to talk about.

    Though really, I'd like to go out to lunch with JJ, Prentiss and Garcia together, because they have such a great friendship, and are all so cool, but since I'm only allowed to pick one, I would go with Emily, because I identify with her the most.

  9. I'd go with JJ. I just really like her character and though she's technically not a profiler, having to pick and choose which case they take and which they don't can't be easy. I would love to pick her brain and find out how she does it and get her to relax a bit.

  10. This is a great question. I think Garcia and Prentiss would be fun choices, but I'd probably be a little intimidated by Hotch. But it would be fun to try and make him smile. For my actual choice I'd have to pick Reid though, hands down.

    I'd love to listen to him lecture about everything and anything and talk to him about books. I'd have to ask him to do some sleight of hand too. And I'd make sure to take him somewhere he didn't have to use chopsticks. :-) And I'd buy him coffee to take back to the BAU!

  11. For a fun evening it would have to be Garcia. She's modest and has the most terrific sense of humour - she wouldn't care I'm not as bright as she is.

    Alternatively I'd love to spend an evening with Rossi - although I've a feeling that at the end of the evening he'd know just about everything he wanted to about me and I'd know nothing about him.

  12. I'd definitely take Garcia. She's smart and funny - the best combi by far.

    CU sindee

  13. I'd have to go with Penelope Garcia. We could totally geek out over lunch discussing computer stuff, hacker hijinx and fark.

    Also, I'm betting Garcia would be an awesome people watching mocker. Talk about snark level, it would be fantastic.

    Bonus points because the woman is extremely attractive.

  14. I would definitely take Reid. Not only because he is my favorite, but also because I'd love to talk with him...listen to all those interesting things he knows, and maybe get to know him a would be nice :)

  15. Reid, would love to ask a few questions to get him rambling. Show interest and really hear what he is saying. It would be a nice change for him to just be him and feel respected as a person, not just a brain.

  16. I think I'd choose Reid...he's entertaining, cute as can be and looks like he could do with a good meal.

  17. Although I'd be a little intimidated by Hotch, I'd definitely pick him and see if I could get him to smile.

  18. I'd go with Hotch, just to make him drink and have him tipsy and giddy and then have my way with him, of course.
    Because I can handle alcohol far better than a man.

  19. I would also take Garcia 'cause that would certainly be the most fun. :D

  20. I'd take Reid b/c not only is he such a cutie, but I love how he can bounce from one subject to another and never slow down.

  21. I'd take Reid - because I think he needs someone to really talk to, and I'm good at putting people at ease and listening. Plus I also think I could make him laugh...which is something he needs!

  22. Do I even have to say it? *lol*

    Hotch, of course. Why? Cus he's gorgeous...and smart. And funny. I'd ask lots of questions just so he'd talk and I wouldn't care what he was talking about--I just love his voice.

    I think he'd be a very fascinating dinner companion. :D

  23. I would definitely take Dr. Reid or Hotch. If I took Derek, I wouldn't be able to stop staring.
    (And if this were real life, I would definitely pick Matthew to go to lunch... followed by Thomas & Shemar, or all three ladies together!)

  24. Reid

    Why would I take anyone else??????????

  25. Prentiss, so we could talk about science fiction books.

    --Cal from LJ

  26. I bet that Emily would be really cool company. She has a good sense of humor. I would pick her to have lunch with.

  27. Emily, simply because she's my favorite. As usual, JJ's a close second. I'm not sure what I'd have to discuss with either of them, though, unless I questioned them about their jobs.

  28. I'd take JJ this time. I'd tell her my 4-hours-no-drugs-this-is-easy birth stories. And then I'd give her my phone number, so she can call me for reassurance when other women start telling her their birth horror stories.

  29. I only get to pick one. Off the top of my head Reid. Just cause he is my all time fav. and it would be fun to quiz him. But I wouldn't mind going to lunch with any of our team. They are all so great in their own unique ways. Top four would be Reid, Rossi, Hotch, and Garcia. Time for some major brain picking. If Gideon is included in this survey then he would be number 5 on my list. His first question "What is up with the 2 wedding rings?" But maybe that's just me.:D

  30. I'd definitely take Hotch cause he's my favourite, he's a gentleman, he's so gorgeous and so lonely...

  31. hmmm good question!
    i would take spencer reid of course and not only becuase of obvious reassons ;-)

    i need some help to prepare for my final semester test and could need a little bit of help with philosophy (written too complicated fo me) lol

  32. hmmm good question!
    i would take spencer reid of course and not only becuase of obvious reassons ;-)

    i need some help to prepare for my final semester test and could need a little bit of help with philosophy (written too complicated fo me) lol

  33. I would love to go with Reid, only because he is such a hoot. But these days, I'm thinking Hotch needs to go out more than anyone else. So Hotch, what do you think? My treat.

  34. Reid, definitely, and we can go for dim sum and I'll show him ways to cheat at using chopsticks!
    Hey, it works for me!!!

  35. Oh man I only get to pick one..In that case I would have to go with Derek because he's the perfect gentlemen and would interesting in conversation. A close second would be Emily as I people that know me who watch the show always say I'm a bit like her so that would be fun..

  36. I would have to take Emily, because she seems like a nice person to hang out with. Plus, we have several things in common (we're both somewhat nerdy girls, and we like Kurt Vonnegut) and could probably chat for hours.

    If she was unavailable, I'd take Garcia, because we also have things in common. We both love technology and we both are quirky.

  37. Hmmmmm....let me see....Hotch of course!!:) Why, because I know he would be the kind of guy to open your door and pull out you chair...that and he's incredibly handsome!! A gentleman all around. I think the conversation would be profound but with little breaks to crack a silly joke and see his beautiful grin, Knowing me Id say something perverted and he would probably read into that....and guess what....he'd be right lol!!

    He needs someone to cheer him up....lets all take him out haha!:)

  38. Aaron Hotchner - the perfect lunch date (in my mind anyway...)! As Lisa has already pointed out, we know Hotch would have impeccable manners, and would adopt the role of the perfect gentleman. He would choose just the right wine to complement the food (after purusing the wine list with furrowed-brow concentration)and then make light suggestions about what looks good on the menu. We would dine in a decadent French restaurant (purely gratuitous on my part - he would order in perfect French, of course, just because he probably could!); I would say the range of conversation topics Hotch could cover would be extensive, and he'd equally enjoy talking about current affairs, culture, and (aww!) family. Strikes me as one of those dark horses - he could surprise you! Plus, as Lisa has also said, the darling needs cheering up. A good hearty meal, lashings of vino, and an artery-clogging pud (just this once), would do wonders!
    Or, I would order Hotch and Emily to go for a long, lazy lunch together, on the BAU tab! :-P

  39. Aaron Hotcher, of course ^^!!!!!!!
    I love him^^!!!!

  40. Rossi, definitely. I'm a history major and you gotta love a guy who collects original Rennaissance sketches and hangs them in his office.

  41. Reid b/c not only is he my favorite, but I'm sure there would be many interesting conversations :)

  42. Definitely Reid. :]
    I think it'd be cute to watch him ramble about something interesting with such enthusiasm.
    And I could teach him to eat with chopsticks. :D

  43. JJ nuff said : )
