Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Criminal Minds: There have been some very creepy unsubs on Criminal Minds over the past few years. So, the question is: Which unsub do you think is the creepiest one ever on Criminal Minds? (Please note that Stacy will be looking after the blog for the next day or so.)


  1. Between FFF representing 666, eating and feeding people to his neighbors, and the only unsub to cause my jaw to hit the ground, the winner is definitely our favorite "unlucky" and creepy unsub, Floyd Feylinn Ferell.

  2. Frank is still the creepiest unsub in my opinion. I think Carradine did such a great job of being so convincingly evil.

  3. Both Floyd and Frank are really creepy! I also think Jacob from Riding the Lightening was super creepy, too.

  4. Floyd was the only unsub that totally creeped me out. I couldn't eat meat for days...

  5. The fella from Legacy. Honestly don't remember his name since it was probably only mentioned like once. Oh man, he was on screen for maybe like 2 minutes total and he still gave me the creeps.

  6. I'm going to go with Floyd. There is nothing more creepy or disgusting than a Hannibal Lechter follower.

    Also? Human bodies aren't kosher!

    Frank was also truly evil, and came off completely calm and sane (well, as sane as he could possibly come off) which was very disturbing, but didn't make me flinch.


  7. i have to pick two first i say was floyd then i say frank.they were both very creepy

  8. The one that really freaked me out was the school director in P911, because we all want our children to be safe at school and when you see a school director behaving like that, it's just too hard to watch. There's a case in Austria at the moment about a father who held his daughter captive for 24 years, raped her and had 7 children with her. It's always so unbelievable that people you think you can trust with you children become such really scary unsubs.

  9. Frank totally creeped me out.
    Carradine is a great actor.


  10. Definately Floyd Feylinn Ferell.
    Just thinking about what he did
    eating peoples gives the creeps!


  11. FFF, Frank, and also the 'psychologist' in 'Scared to death' or the unsub in 'the Fox' (who was a family counsellor type person). The first two for quite obvious reasons. the second two because, as someone touched on, they are both the type of people that you put your trust in, and you expect them to be there to help you rather than torture and kill you. That for me is very creepy!!!

  12. OMG there where so many.
    At first Tobias Hankel.
    And than Nathan Harris I know he wasn't the UnSub but he was creepy too.
    And the little boy whith the red hair...can't remember his name.He killed the kid with the red hat.

  13. 100% frank the best yet, and in my opion one who may take a longtime to beat.runner up the guy fromrevelations name escapes me right now, 3rd place jacob

  14. 1. Frank - No way out
    2. Floyd - Lucky
    3. Tobias (Father personality + Raphael personality) - Revelations
    4. Vincent - Natural Born Killer
    5. Ted - Derailed

  15. Definately the one that stands out in my mind and give me the willies today is the guy who raped and killed the 4yo...definately the creepiest in my mind...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. FFF, the kid in boogeyman, the dude in legacy, & the dude in fisher king.

  18. FFF - Lucky
    Nathan - Sex, Birth, Death
    Psych - Scared to Death
    Red Haired Kid - Boogyman
    The Principal - P911
    the guy in Legacy

    The icky-ist to me are those that you should be able to trust.

  19. I think all are really creepy, I would never ever wanted to meet any of them (brrrrr, bad bad boys).

  20. The guy from "Scared to Death" whatever his name was. (I'm horrible with names!) Then that guy that ate people.

  21. I would have to think on this for a while but my initial reaction would be to say that the woman in the episode where the little girl gets kidnapped in the mall would be a safe bet. The reason being, she honestly knew what she was doing and didn't care. And that was FAMILY she was hurting. Usually with unsubs I believe you can find an illness in them that causes them to act the way they do, but this woman was just selfish and heartless.

  22. I'm going to say Frank is the creepiest.

  23. ok I got it to a few

    ok in season one would be from:

    "Blood Hungry" (Eddy)
    Becuase he killed people from his own home town and .... just ate them...

    season two would be from:

    "North Mammon" (Marcus Younger)
    Becuase the Guy took 3 girl and told them to kill one enother just becuase his friend got his place on the football team.

    "The Last Word" (The Mill Creek Killer)
    Becuase the Guy killed women and then ... did stuff to his body that just wasn't RIGHT!!!

    "Legacy" (Charles Holcombe)
    Becuase he made up this maze just to give his victum hope then just rips it away from his...OH and he hums when his killing them!

    "No Way Out (2): The Evilution of Frank"
    Becuase...it's Frank...he's just...creepy!

    ok and from season three would be from:

    "Lucky" (Floyd)
    Because he was WAY worse then the guy from "Blood Hungry"! he would just kill the girls then chop them up and eat them! then there was when he fed then to the cops and the people from church too! can you say creepy?

    well that what I think it would be.

  24. I have to say Jacob, from Riding the Lightning. We never saw him kill anyone, but we knew he had and something about him really creeped me out.

  25. Tobias Henkel. I'm a RRRRevelations freak!

  26. Patrick Kilpatrick who played Vincent in Natural Born Killers is one I really remember. Sick in the head crazy.

  27. The first unsub I find the creepiest would be the man in Children of the Dark I think who with the help of his son kidnaps women keeps them for three days and carves out their heart that was a bit symbolic yet really creepy the way he was just so calm and normal about the whole thing. The Unsub in Legacy was Creepy as well reminded me allot of Jigsaw a murder in the SAW movies only Jigsaw didn't use a maze and you might survive Jigsaws trap if you played his game.

  28. FFF, because..well...you know..
    and Frank, cuz he actually seemed sane...in a way...
    and the guy from L.D.S.K...

  29. A guy who really creeped me out was the gus called lee mullens
    He raped the girls with the help of his son and then forced them to leave messaged for their parents saying that they enjoyed it????

